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@@ U.S. doesn't want to disarm even though it promised to do so @@

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Jun 4, 2005, 1:46:27 PM6/4/05
June 4, 2005

Preventing Wheat Smut Attacks

Dr. James Gordon Prather
Nuclear weapons physicist
Nuclear bomb tester at Lawrence Livermore
Technical director of nuclear bomb testings at Sandia
Chief scientist of the U.S. Army
U.S. Navy veteran

Less than a year ago John Kerry declared that if elected president, his first priority
would be preventing nuclear weapons proliferation.

George Bush immediately rejoined that preventing the proliferation of "weapons of mass
destruction" was high on his priority list, too, and cited his Proliferation Security
Initiative of 2003 as proof.


Did you hear Kerry declare that his first priority as president would be preventing the
proliferation of – as "weapons of mass destruction" is defined in Bush's PSI – "chemical,
biological, or nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems" and "related materials"?

And, to be specific, preventing the proliferation of what the UN Special Commission on
Iraq referred to as "Biowarfare Agent D" – also known as "wheat smut"?

["Wheat smut" is a fungus that attacks wheat plants, reducing crop yield per acre and
imparting to the wheat a foul, fishy odor.]

Of course not! When Kerry said "nuclear weapons" he meant nukes, not "wheat smut". Or
phosphorus pentasulfide.

Yet, the year before, acting pursuant to Bush's PSI
(, Taiwanese government officials detained
the North Korean cargo vessel Be Gaehung, boarded it and confiscated 158 barrels of
phosphorus pentasulfide.


Because Bush had "slam-dunk" intelligence that phosphorus pentasulfide could be used in
the manufacture of "rocket fuel".

Now, the Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons ended last week (

In fact, it never really got started. Because Bush's representatives wouldn't allow the
Final Report of the Sixth RevCon of 2000
( to even be discussed, much less
endorsed and used as the basis for further strenghtening of the NPT's capabilities to A)
prevent nuke proliferation, (B) enhance cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy
and (C) advance nuclear disarmament (


Well, Bush doesn't want to disarm.

Nor does Bush want enhanced nuclear energy cooperation between Russia and Iran.

Furthermore, Bush wants to decide, himself, who is "proliferating".

But, among other things, the Sixth RevCon re-affirmed that the International Atomic Energy
Agency "is the competent authority responsible for verifying and assuring … compliance
with its safeguards agreements … It is the conviction of the Conference that nothing
should be done to undermine the authority of the IAEA in this regard".

You see, even before Bush became President, the IAEA had been an obstacle to
implementation of the "regime change" plans of the neo-crazies.

In particular, on the eve of the Clinton-Albright pre-emptive attack on Iraq in 1998 to
"disarm" Saddam Hussein, if there was any country on the planet that was certifiably
"nuke-free," it was Iraq. Ditto, on the eve of the Bush-Blair preemptive attack on Iraq in

And, now, on the eve of what increasingly appears to be an impending Bush-Sharon
pre-emptive attack on Iran, if there is any country on the planet that is certifiably
"nuke-free", it is Iran.

Hence, the Bush-Bolton delegates to the Seventh NPT RevCon, just concluded, repeatedly
challenged the competence of the IAEA and the credibility of IAEA verifications and
certifications. They even questioned the usefulness of a Treaty that was dependent on the
IAEA to verify compliance with its own Safeguards regime.

The Bush-Boltonites urged the NPT Conferees to write-off the NPT as being worse than
ineffective. They charged the NPT was actually counter-productive, having loopholes
whereby non-nuke signatories could acquire the capability to make nukes, all the while
claiming to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

In particular, Bush-Boltonite Rademaker told the Conferees – despite reports by the IAEA
that there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran now has, ever had, or intends to have a
nuclear weapons program – that

"For almost two decades, Iran has conducted a clandestine nuclear weapons program,
aided by the illicit network of A. Q. Khan. Britain, France, and Germany, with our
support, are seeking to reach a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear problem, a
solution that given the history of clandestine nuclear weapons work in that country, must
include permanent cessation of Iran's enrichment and reprocessing efforts, as well as
dismantlement of equipment and facilities related to such activity".

So Bush has unilaterally decided that Iran has a nuke program and must, therefore, give up
its "INALIENABLE RIGHT" under the NPT to enjoy all the benefits of nuclear energy

Bush urged all NPT parties to take "strong action" to confront the "threat of
noncompliance" with the NPT.

In other words, sign-up with the Bush-Bolton vigilantes and implement the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Wheat Smut, Rocket Fuel, and Things That Go "Bump" in the Night.

Dr. Prather's radio interviews
May 7, 2005
April 9, 2005
February 5, 2005
December 4, 2004
February 16, 2005
Part 1
Part 2

* Physicist James Gordon Prather has served as a policy implementing official for national
security-related technical matters in the Federal Energy Agency, the Energy Research and
Development Administration, the Department of Energy, the Office of the Secretary of
Defense and the Department of the Army. Dr. Prather also served as legislative assistant
for national security affairs to U.S. Sen. Henry Bellmon, R-Okla. -- ranking member of the
Senate Budget Committee and member of the Senate Energy Committee and Appropriations
Committee. Dr. Prather had earlier worked as a nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory ( in California and Sandia National
Laboratory ( in New Mexico.

Kavik Kang

Jun 4, 2005, 7:06:56 PM6/4/05
"Arash" <> wrote in message
> AntiWar

Dear Moron,

The US has reduced it's nuclear arsenal by about 50% since the end of the
Cold War. The Russians, however, have made no significant reduction in
their nuclear arsenal. There is no chance of the US reducing it's arsenal
further until the Russians begin to do so. So your issue is with them, not
us. You are free to bring this issue to the Russians, however they are
certain to look at you in a confused manner and ask what the hell business
it is of tiny little Iran. This issue is entirely between the two nuclear
superpowers and isn't any other nation's damn buisiness. However, if you
are sincerely concerned (which you are not, you merely wish to attack the US
with an issue that is entirely Russian at this point) you are free to
discuss it with Russia. Of course, they won't pay any attention too you,
since it is none of your damn business, but none-the-less you are free to
annoy them if you wish.


A person with a brain

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