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@@ West does not seek the elimination of nukes, but rather the establishment of nuclear monopoly @@

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Sep 28, 2005, 10:42:30 PM9/28/05
Information Clearing House (ICH)
September 28, 2005

Iran's Challenge to Nuclear Apartheid:

"The West does not seek the elimination of nuclear weapons, but rather the
establishment of nuclear monopoly..."

By Firoz Osman

Contrary to the impression created by Javier Solana
(, EU foreign policy chief, and Joschka
Fischer (, Philippe Douste-Blazy
( and Jack Straw
(, the foreign ministers of
Germany, France and the UK, respectively (EU/E3), the crisis between the IAEA
(International Atomic Energy Agency) and Iran is not due entirely to Tehran’s
defiance and non-cooperation.

The IAEA’s hard line, claim Solana et al, is because “For nearly two decades Iran hid
enrichment-related and reprocessing activities which, if successful, would enable it
to produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon”.

The fact is that Tehran does not possess nuclear weapons, but has a nuclear energy
program that it insists is for civilian purposes.

Iran counters that its "inalienable right" to acquire nuclear technology has been
subjected to an extensive and intensive campaign of denial, obstruction, intervention
and misinformation, mostly by or at the behest of the United States and Israel.

Dr. James Gordon Prather, a nuclear weapons physicist based in California, confirms
that valid and binding contracts to build nuclear power plants were unilaterally
abrogated; and nuclear material rightfully purchased and owned by Iran was illegally

Further, unjustified and coercive interventions were routinely made in order to
undermine, impede and delay the implementation of Iran's nuclear agreements with
third parties. Thus, Iran justifiably began keeping secret the details of its
nuclear-related programs.

It is this selective targeting of Iran, with fanatical fervor, which brings up the
question of Western hypocrisy and double standards.

Countries that do not possess nuclear know-how must be denied its use because it is
alleged that this would lead to their making nuclear weapons. Those that have
mastered the techniques must be prevented from advancing further if they are Muslims
because they might challenge the West’s hegemony.

Whilst Washington, the EU/E3 and the IAEA has been insisting Iran abandon any future
plans they might have for acquiring nuclear weapons, it has not said a word against
Israel's nuclear arsenal. On the contrary, since 1952 these very countries have,
clandestinely, aided and abetted Tel Aviv in developing its nuclear muscle.

It was on October 5, 1986, the Sunday Times of London sensationally reported that
Israel was a nuclear power. A disaffected Israeli nuclear technician, Mordechai
Vanunu (, who worked at Dimona for ten
years, gave compelling and incontrovertible evidence that Israel had “at least 100
and as many as 200 nuclear weapons”.

This, however, was not news to the CIA or Western leaders, as they were complicit in
the development of Israel’s nuclear industry. Israel, instead, drew Washington into
its strategic web and warned the United States of America of Iran’s potential threat
and urged it to contain this by adopting a tougher policy.

Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, identified Iran as a "centre of world terror"
and “advocated a military strike against the country as soon as the U.S. and Britain
had completed their proposed attack on Iraq". ("Straw rejects Israeli call for attack
on Iran", Guardian November 5, 2002:,11538,834074,00.html). AIPAC, a
Zionist lobby group, was mobilized to trumpet this cause.

Why Ariel Sharon is so keen on action against Iran is not difficult to fathom. He
believes – whatever the facts on the ground – that it is Iran’s alleged sponsorship
of the Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic movements that enables them to offer such
spirited resistance to Israel’s hegemonic designs in the Middle East.

Pressure on Iran remains part of the neocon Zionist plan to subjugate Muslim nations
and force them to submit them to their political agenda; most importantly to
acquiesce in the Zionist occupation of Palestine.

Muslim nations pursuing the policy of non-proliferation of nuclear technology would
only increase the relative power of the U.S., Israel and its allies, whilst weakening
their own position even further.

The EU/E3 claim that Iranian President Ahmadinejad “gave no hint of flexibility,
talking of a ‘nuclear apartheid’ and insisting that Iran would exercise its right to
develop fuel cycle technology, regardless of the concerns of the international
community”, is disingenuous.

The IAEA cannot be trusted. Its inspection teams, in 1992/3, sought instructions
from, and reported back to, the U.S. administration rather than the United Nations.
Thus, Tehran justifiably believes that the IAEA is thoroughly influenced, and so
dependent upon the U.S., that it should raise serious doubts about its integrity.

South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil and other Non-Aligned Movement, NAM
( countries support for Iran is to
be commended.

There is a perception that the UN, as currently constituted, is totally incapable of
achieving genuine, comprehensive global nuclear disarmament for the simple reason
that the U.S., Israel and EU/E3 do not want a nuclear-free world.

The West does not seek the elimination of nuclear weapons, but rather the
establishment of nuclear monopoly, or as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says, “Nuclear

Only the West and its selected allies should own, control and develop the nuclear
arsenals of the world. This is an obvious travesty of justice that can never lead to
a peaceful world.

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