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Aug 30, 2015, 8:48:46 PM8/30/15
Sábado, 29 de Agosto, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés: My Ángel santo ira delante de ti para introducirte en la tierra prometida, a la tierra de los Heteos, Amorreos, Jebuseos, Ferezeos, Cananeos, y yo mismo los destruiré de sobre la faz de la tierra, que se la he dado a mi siervo Abraham y a sus hijos, para que la posean, para siempre. Puesto que, ésta es la tierra en la que nuestro Padre celestial siempre tiene sus ojos fijos sobre ella, desde el comienzo del año y hasta que termina, porque es muy especial para él, donde su Hijo Jesucristo nacería del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, y donde se glorificara eternamente el Espíritu de los Diez Mandamientos.

Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba glorificar el Espíritu Santo de sus mandamientos en Canaán, y esto es algo que solamente su Hijo Jesucristo tiene el poder y la autoridad para lograrlo oportunamente, ya que, él ha nacido para ser Rey de los Judíos eternamente, por eso, a través de él los hijos de Abraham recibirían el cuerpo glorificado, para vivir eternamente. Además, sin cumplir y glorificar el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos, por su Hijo Jesucristo en Canaán, entonces las mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza, y muerte en el infierno tormentoso no podía ser derrotada nunca, e Israel y las naciones jamás escaparían del mundo de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, para refugiarse en la luz de la vida eterna del cielo.

Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo, del vientre virgen de la hija de David, así como Isaac nació del vientre estéril de su madre Sarah, para que no solamente él introduzca su cuerpo sagrado con la vida eterna de todos, pero también vivir triunfantemente sobre Satanás, destruyendo mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza y la muerte eterna. Esto significa que, como nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació de la hija virgen de David, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, entonces todos de Israel y de las naciones nacieron también en él, y así como creerían en su nombre santo para salvación de todas las mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades y muerte de Satanás, entonces recibirían su cuerpo glorificado, para vivir todos eternamente redimidos.

Y éste es su Hijo Jesucristo, el cuerpo glorificado que no solamente viviría una vida santísima en la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial, para satisfacer todo amor, verdad y justicia en Canaán, pero también cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos, concediendo así vida eterna en abundancia hacia todos de Israel y de las naciones, que creerían en él para salvación. Esto nos dice también, que con los cuerpos rebeldes de Adán y Eva, que todos nosotros hemos recibido de ellos, cuando nacíamos del vientre de nuestras madres en el mundo, entonces ellos jamás cumplieron ni mucho menos glorificaron el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos, pero con el cuerpo glorificado de Jesucristo, ciertamente los mandamientos ya han sido eternamente cumplidos, exaltados y glorificados.

Por eso, que con nuestro Señor Jesucristo como nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre que nos limpia del pecado siempre, y su Espíritu facilitándonos vida eterna con sus bendiciones habitualmente, entonces tenemos su cuerpo glorificado, ascendiendo nuestras almas vivientes y eternamente justificados, porque el Espíritu de los mandamientos está perpetuamente glorificado en nuestros nuevos cuerpos santos, caminando al cielo. En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial tubo que enviar a su Hijo Jesucristo a nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, para que solamente él preparase nuestro cuerpo glorificado y eternamente santificado, el cual recibiremos de él cuando creemos en nuestros corazones para justicia, confesando con nuestros labios su nombre bendito para salvación.

Visto que, éste es el cuerpo glorificado, que no solamente Adán y Eva necesitaban de nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para ser recibidos por los poderes del Espíritu Santo, para que abandonen cuanto antes sus cuerpos rebeldes y pecadores a la tumba, por haber comido del fruto prohibido del árbol de la ciencia, del bien y del mal. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial le había entregado a Moisés e Israel a su Hijo Jesucristo, cuando les anunciaba: Yo no iré ni un paso más por el desierto, porque ustedes van a pecar en contra de mí, encendiendo así mi ira para destruirlos, pero enviare a mi Ángel delante de ustedes, para que los introduzca victoriosamente en la tierra prometida.

Además, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente estaba enviando a su Hijo Jesucristo a que los guié por el desierto hacia Canaán, como el sumo sacerdote y Cordero que limpia del pecado, pero también envió a su Hijo a preparar el cuerpo glorificado de cada uno directamente del pacto de su carne y sangre bendita, para salvar a Israel y a las naciones. Ya que, Satanás con sus mentiras por la serpiente del Edén, preparó un cuerpo rebelde y pecador que comió del fruto prohibido, para que nosotros jamás alcancemos el nivel espiritual de bendiciones de nuestro Padre celestial y así solamente descender hacia el infierno eternamente malditos, pero, con su Hijo, él ha preparado el cuerpo glorificado, levantándonos hacia la gloria bendita eternamente enriquecidos.

Éste es el cuerpo sagrado que nuestro Padre celestial preparó no solamente para Abraham y Sarah, pero también para cada uno de sus retoños de todas las familias de Israel y de las naciones, para que abandonen al polvo de la muerte el cuerpo rebelde de Adán y Eva, para que vivan en el cuerpo sagrado de su Hijo, perpetuamente bendecidos. Puesto que, éste es el cuerpo glorificado que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente preparó para Adán y Eva, para recibirlo a tiempo de su Hijo Jesucristo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, al ser clavados a él, desvistiéndoles así de la muerte, para vestirlos de vida eterna, y ésta es la perfecta vestidura de santidad, para todos entrar al cielo eternamente justificados.

Exactamente así nuestro Padre celestial tenia que vestir inicialmente a Abraham y a Sarah sobre su monte santo, descansando sobre el Monte Moriah, porque, como Abraham acostó a Isaac sobre el altar de oro, entonces la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita de Isaac, que había nacido de su Hijo Jesucristo cuando comieron de él, entonces instantáneamente se tornó todo eternamente santo. Por lo tanto, puntualmente así es como nuestro Padre celestial ha preparado no solamente tu cuerpo glorificado, pero también de cada uno de todos tus muy amados, incluyendo a tus vecinos y amistades, para que se desvistan de la muerte, vistiéndose así de santidad eterna, para que vivan ya su vida gloriosa en la tierra y en el cielo, para siempre felices.

Éste es el cuerpo sagrado que ama tu alma viviente, porque sale de su Hijo Jesucristo, que siempre ha vivido en el cielo no solamente amando a nuestro Padre celestial sino también a sus hijos nacidos de su imagen, listos para vivir en la semejanza de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita de su único Hijo, por el Espíritu Santo. Además, al recibir éste cuerpo glorificado e invaluable de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que ha destruido todas las mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza, y muerte en el infierno tormentoso de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, entonces, tú comenzaras a vivir el mismo amor incondicional que su Hijo Jesucristo siempre ha sentido por ti y por los tuyos, desde la fundación del mundo.

En nuestros días, tú siempre has oído que nuestro Padre celestial nos ha amado junto con todos nuestros muy amados, pero cuando tú recibas de lleno éste cuerpo glorificado que nuestro Padre celestial ha preparado para ti, en su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces ya no oirás que Dios te ama grandemente, sino que lo vivirás enteramente en carne sagrada y propia. Éste es el cuerpo glorificado de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es compatible con tu alma viviente en esta vida y en la venidera, del nuevo reino angelical, que tú vestirás tal cual como nuestro Señor Jesucristo lo ha vestido desde la eternidad, para que tú mismo vivas en eterna santidad que complace grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial, en todo tiempo.

Incluso, sin éste cuerpo sagrado que todos tenemos en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces nosotros fallaremos en el intento de entrar en el reino de los cielos, para estar en perfecta santidad delante de nuestro Padre celestial, porque los cuerpos rebeldes de Adán y Eva fueron rechazados, para jamás volver al paraíso, y hasta que coman del fruto del árbol de la vida. Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre se manifestó a todo Israel como el pan del cielo que da vida en abundancia, para que todo aquel que coma de él, no tendrá hambre jamás en esta vida y en la venidera del nuevo reino de los cielos, por cuanto, solamente él es el pan que da vida eterna para nuestras almas vivientes.

Por ello, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial llamar a Abraham a comer con él del pan del cielo con la copa de vida que es la sangre bendita del cuerpo sagrado de su Hijo Jesucristo, que le da vida eterna a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña al comer de la Mesa del SEÑOR, para que vivan abundantemente su vida bendita. En estos días, si tú comes de su Hijo Jesucristo el pan y vino que él sirve diariamente de la Mesa del SEÑOR, para los ángeles celestiales y para la humanidad en la tierra, entonces estarás comiendo de su carne sagrada y sangre bendita, vistiendo así tu alma viviente de la santidad perfecta que te lleva de regreso santificado al cielo.

A pesar, en donde tú vivas en éste mundo, nuestro Padre celestial está listo para darte de comer de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque, solamente él puede permitirte que comas de su cuerpo sagrado, para que puedas tener vida en abundancia, escapando así de las artimañas de Satanás que siempre vienen en contra de ti y de los tuyos, también. Puesto que, no hay nadie en éste mundo que pueda encontrar a nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para comer y beber de él, como del monte santo de Jerusalén que fue escondido de Moisés y de los sedientos israelitas en el desierto del Sinaí, y nuestro Padre celestial les dijo: Síganme, y yo les mostrare la roca que se convierte en agua viva.

Y en el desierto no había nadie que pudiese ver el monte santo de Jerusalén, excepto nuestro Padre celestial, y él fue quien le enseñó a Moisés y a los israelitas sedientos, en donde estaba localizado, para que le hablasen, honrando así su nombre santísimo, para que su Hijo se tornara en agua viva para todos los sedientos y beban hasta sus animales. Hoy, las familias de Israel y de las naciones están viviendo en medio del desierto, y ellos se están volviendo hambrientos y sedientos a veces que no importa hacia donde lleven la mirada, y ven sólo sol, arena y el calor abrazador, sin embargo, su Hijo Jesucristo está allí, muy cerca, como la roca para satisfacer la necesidad de todos instantáneamente.

Por eso, Jesucristo siempre enseñó a todos en Israel, que nadie puede jamás encontrarlo ni menos acercase a él a no ser que sea enviado por el Padre, visto que, nadie conoce donde está el Padre excepto el Hijo, y nadie conoce donde está el Hijo excepto el Padre, más el que viene a mí, no lo rechazo nunca, aseguraba el Señor. Ciertamente, hoy quizá tú no sepas en donde encontrar a su Hijo Jesucristo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, como la roca lista para derramar agua viva, para que bebas tú hasta saciarte por completo, para que comas de él y así no tener hambre jamás, pero no sabes cómo encontrarlo, y sólo hasta que el Padre te lo manifieste.

Por ende, mejor es que te acerques al monte santo de Jerusalén, porque ya está recibiendo tus llamadas al invocar el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, para que no solamente seas lavado de tus pecados, por el poder de su sangre purificadora, pero también para que renazcas del Espíritu Santo, gozando de la vida terna con tus amados y amistades. Y para encontrar al monte santo de Jerusalén, tú no necesitas ir a ningún lugar en particular, porque el monte santo del Señor lo puedes encontrar en cualquier lugar de la tierra, para que invoques su nombre santísimo, santificándolo así junto con los ángeles santos que siempre están ahí, amando, bendiciendo, y exaltando a nuestro Padre celestial y a su Cordero santísimo.

Hoy, puedes muy bien tener el monte santo de Jerusalén construido en tu corazón, y así, siempre estará contigo, al invocar su nombre santísimo, santificando grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial, entonces él estará ahí mismo, para hablar contigo palabras de bendición y de salud eterna y de poder para derrotar todas las mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades, muerte y artimañas escondidas de Satanás. Esto significa también que tú te encontraras sobre tierra santa, así como Moisés se encontró sin sandalias sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, y con Jesucristo ardiendo en el fuego del holocausto continuo del altar de oro ante nuestro Padre celestial, para ser lavado de sus pecados con la sangre bendita y finalmente recibir el cuerpo glorificado, entrando instantáneamente a la gloria celestial.

Éste es el cuerpo glorificado que nuestro Padre te entregara para poseerlo eternamente, porque éste es el pacto de la carne sagrada, que nuestro Padre celestial empezó con Abraham y Sarah, y, por medio de su vientre estéril, por el Espíritu Santo, el cuerpo santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació en Isaac, para revestirlos de santidad perpetua a ellos, para siempre. Esto es de vestir no solamente de santidad eterna a Abraham y Sarah, pero también a los retoños que nacerían de Isaac por generaciones, para establecer la nación santa de nuestro Padre celestial en la tierra, y siempre lista para hacer su voluntad, y esto es de dar a luz milagrosamente al Rey Mesías, además, conquistar a las naciones con salvación perdurable.

Abraham y Sarah recibieron el cuerpo glorificado de Jesucristo cuando abrazaron a Isaac, al nacer de ellos por el Espíritu Santo, vistiéndose así de la carne de santidad perfecta que solamente su sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre purificadora puede impartir gratuitamente a los que creen en el corazón para justicia, confesando así con sus labios su nombre milagroso para salvación. Sin embargo, solamente los hijos nacidos de Abraham vistieron la carne sagrada y la sangre purificadora de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como el Rey de los Judíos que estaba por nacer por el Espíritu Santo de la hija virgen de David, para que solamente él reine sobre cada una de todas sus familias, conquistando así eventualmente a las naciones con santidad perfecta.

Con todo, aunque cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña nacido de Isaac, por el pacto de la carne sagrada que vestiría al Rey de los Judíos en su cuerpo glorificado, para cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos al derrotar a Satanás, para que la salvación sea posible finalmente, aun así hasta entonces no eran redimidos los hijos de Abraham. Ciertamente, hasta que el Rey Mesías, y éste es el hijo de David, cumpliera eternamente con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos por su vida mesiánica, vivida en Israel, destruyendo así todo pecado, maldición, mentira, enfermedad, pobreza, y muerte sobre el monte de Dios, al derramar su sangre purificadora sobre la cruz, y hasta entonces nuestro cuerpo glorificado no estaría listo aún.

Y esto seria solamente hasta que Jesucristo haya vivido su vida mesiánica en Israel, destruyendo, cada mentira, maldición, pecado, enfermedad, conflicto y muerte de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, entonces él no estaba aún listo para derramar su sangre purificadora, clavado a la cruz de Adán y Eva, ni menos vestir a sus hijos con santidad perfecta para salvación. Además, si Jesucristo hubiese ascendido al monte santo de Jerusalén con la cruz de Adán y Eva, para ser clavado a ellos sin haber destruido las maldades de Satanás y de sus malvados, entonces él hubiese fallado en cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos y, además, hubiese fallado en preparar nuestros cuerpos glorificados, para regresar justificados a la vida eterna.

Por esta razón, fue importante para nuestro Señor Jesucristo de destruir cada pecado, maldición, enfermedad, problema, conflicto, pobreza y muerte de Satanás con milagros y poderes que emanan de nuestro Padre celestial y de su nombre santísimo, así como sucedió en Egipto, liberando a Israel del cautiverio, para que él pueda eventualmente preparar nuestros cuerpos glorificados, ascendiendo todos al cielo eternamente justificados. En estos días, nosotros estamos recibiendo nuestros cuerpos glorificados de Jesucristo, que ha destruido completamente a Satanás en respecto al pecado y el infierno tormentoso, para que él no tenga más poder en contra de nuestras vidas en la tierra y en el paraíso, y postreramente nosotros viviremos sin sus palabras malvadas e influencias que nos han afligido hasta nuestros días.

Éste es el cuerpo glorificado de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que siempre nos ama, al nosotros renacer del Espíritu Santo, para vivir en la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial y en la perfecta semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo en ésta vida y en la venidera del nuevo reino celestial, en donde el Espíritu Santo siempre nos bendecirá, por toda la eternidad. Ciertamente, éste no es el cuerpo glorificado de esta vida sino del reino angelical únicamente, el cual nosotros vestiremos, comenzando ahora mismo, porque nuestra nueva vida eterna llena de bendiciones de cada día ha comenzando ya, para nosotros ascender hacia la gloria celestial por la escalera de Jacobo, entrando así a la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, para seguirlo amando infinitamente.

Dado que, éste es el verdadero cuerpo celestial de su Hijo Jesucristo, confiado a cada uno de nosotros, remplazando el cuerpo pecador de Adán y Eva en la tierra, porque éste es el cuerpo celestial que ama grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial en los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para nosotros sólo vivir satisfaciendo toda verdad y justicia hacia la eternidad. Además, éste es un cuerpo glorificado que nosotros podemos empezar a gozar, porque es la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial que nosotros no los pongamos ya con su perfecta santidad, para que nosotros empecemos a gozar de la vida santísima que él nos entregó, al nacer de su imagen, para vivir conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo amado, para siempre.

Por cuanto, solamente en éste cuerpo glorificado que todos nosotros ya hemos heredado legalmente de su Hijo Jesucristo, que no solamente creceremos cada día al nivel espiritual de nuestro Padre celestial, conociéndole a él como ningún ángel jamás le ha conocido, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, pero también él nos vendrá a conocer poderosamente como sus hijos legítimos, para siempre. Y esto es algo que jamás fue posible con el cuerpo rebelde de Adán y Eva, después de haber comido del fruto prohibido, porque el cuerpo humano renació en el espíritu de error que lucha en contra del Espíritu Santo de amor, más por el cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, instantáneamente somos restituidos a la vida eterna y con sus riquezas.

Por eso, una vez que somos restituidos a la vida eterna, porque hemos comido del fruto de la vida, el cual es el cuerpo sagrado y la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, al participar del pan y vino con nuestro Padre celestial, entonces, somos renacidos del Espíritu Santo, regresando instantáneamente a la gloria celestial y eternamente redimidos. Dado que, somos renacidos del poder del Espíritu Santo, regresando así a la vida eterna en el reino de los cielos, para continuar gozando de la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces, comenzaremos a experimentar grandes cambios en nuestros corazones, almas, mentes, cuerpos y espíritu humano, porque habremos regresado a nuestro hogar celestial, para vivir eternamente.

Esto significa que como somos restaurados espiritualmente a la vida eterna del reino de los cielos, porque, nosotros habremos renacido del Espíritu Santo, entonces, el calor del Espíritu Santo comenzara a arder en nuestros corazones, almas, mentes, cuerpos y espíritu humano, así como fue en el comienzo ante nuestro Padre celestial, para continuar amándolo como antes hacia toda la eternidad venidera. Y esto será una nueva experiencia que vivirá dentro de todo tu ser, porque no solamente eres renacido del poder asombroso del Espíritu Santo en nuestro Padre celestial, cuando creas en tu corazón por justicia, confesando con tus labios el nombre santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo para salvación, que el Espíritu Santo se moverá amablemente ya dentro de ti y por siempre.

Esto será una experiencia incomparable a ninguna otra cosa en la tierra y en el cielo, porque éste es el movimiento asombroso del Espíritu Santo que nunca cesara en tu corazón, alma, mente, cuerpo y espíritu humano, que causara que tú crezcas en el reino espiritual de nuestro Padre celestial, complaciendo así continuamente toda verdad y justicia con muchas alegrías interminables. Además, éstas son bendiciones maravillosas que fallaras siempre en encontrarlas, a pesar de cuan duro las busques, porque solamente existen dentro de nuestro Padre celestial por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, y por eso él te ha llamado, para que renazcas del Espíritu Santo, entrando así ya a su nuevo reino de amor y de felicidad inagotable.

Éste es el reino espiritual de nuestro Padre celestial en el que naciste inicialmente, por el Espíritu Santo, para vivir eternamente bendecido en su imagen y de acuerdo a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, su (tu) cuerpo glorificado, para que te goces de su vida eterna llena de asombrosas glorias, enriqueciéndote con tus muy amados en nuestros días y para siempre. Por ello, a nuestro Padre celestial le gustaría verte ya de regreso a ésta vida santísima, que te ha regalado por su gracia, para que la tengas como tuya eternamente, porque inicialmente nacimos en ella en el cielo, por el Espíritu Santo, para que vivas la vida que lo ama a él y a ti también con todos los tuyos, perpetuamente.

Por eso, la vida rebelde en la que tú naciste, y en la que vives aún, ha fallado en amarle por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, porque Adán y Eva comieron del fruto prohibido que le desagrada siempre, por ello, tú necesitas regresar a su vida eterna inmediatamente, a la que te ama tanto y desde siempre. De otro modo, nunca conocerás a nuestro Padre celestial como deberías (conocerlo), y esto es por medio de su Espíritu de vida eterna asombrosa, en la que inicialmente recibiste de él, por inicio, cuando nacías milagrosamente en su imagen, para vivir conforme a semejanza del cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, tu cuerpo inmortal y glorificado poderosamente por el Espíritu Santo.

Ciertamente, para ser renacido del Espíritu Santo como hijo de Dios, emergiendo de su imagen para vivir conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, es tan fácil hoy, que lo único que harías, seria invocar su nombre santísimo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén como sus antiguos siervos lo hicieron en sus días, y las huestes angelicales hasta nuestros días. Por esta razón, cuando tú comiences a invocar el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces, serás saturado inmediatamente con la sangre purificadora de su Hijo Jesucristo, para no solamente lavarte de tus pecados, pero también para vestirte con su carne sagrada y vida prístina que conforta grandemente el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial.

Infaliblemente, tú serás transformado en una nueva persona con un corazón noble, latiendo la sangre purificadora de su Hijo Jesucristo por todo tu cuerpo, para que no solamente seas su hijo, pero también tu corazón sea diferente, ya que ahora sabrás como amarlo a él y a su nombre bendito, por el poder del Espíritu Santo que siempre conquista todas tus metas. Y esto será cuando nada sea difícil para ti, para conquistarlo en esta vida y en la venidera, porque tú serás el hijo de nuestro Padre celestial nacido del poder del Espíritu Santo, siempre listo para seguir sus instrucciones para cada día de tu vida, conquistando así glorias asombrosas que nunca han sido vistas ni conquistadas por los ángeles hasta hoy.

Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre le enseñó a todo Israel, asegurándole, que si su fe fuese como el de un grano de mostaza, entonces nada le seria imposible en esta vida y en la venidera del nuevo reino angelical, porque estaría conquistando nuevas glorias con su cuerpo glorificado, glorias que eran imposibles de conquistarlas con el cuerpo pecador de Adán. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha llamado a todos ha renacer del Espíritu Santo, en un momento de fe y de oración, para recibir el cuerpo glorificado, el cual cada uno ya lo tiene preparado y listo de su Hijo Jesucristo, para vestirlo con su santidad perfecta, porque con éste cuerpo glorificado e inmortal siempre tú serás victorioso en la vida.

Ésta es la razón porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre enseñó en Israel, que si ellos creyesen en él, por el Espíritu Santo de fe, que realmente es la palabra y el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, invocado sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén para salvación y poder, reinando sobre sus vidas progresivamente, entonces podrían hacer todas las cosas que él hizo. Esto significa que ellos no solamente podrán hacer todas las cosas que él hizo ante los ojos de millares, por el poder del Espíritu Santo de la palabra y el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, invocado sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén para ministrar grandes poderes, y así también harán mayores obras aún, porque él regresó ya al Padre en el cielo.

Esto nos dice también que nosotros tenemos los mismos poderes y autoridades que nuestro Padre celestial le delegó a su Hijo Jesucristo, para que llevara acabo su gran obra salvadora, para que grandes cosas se hagan por donde sea que vaya, como reprendiendo demonios, enfermedades y hasta levantar a los muertos, y estos milagros nosotros también podemos hacer hoy en día. Ciertamente, nosotros también podemos hacer todas las cosas que nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo con todas las gentes de Israel, y con los gentiles igual, porque él también los sanó cuando se acercaban, entonces nosotros podemos hacer todas las cosas que él hizo y aún mayores, no solamente porque él regresó al Padre, sino porque vivimos desde ya en su cuerpo glorificado.

Y éste es el secreto de los hijos de nuestro Padre celestial que han renacido del poder asombroso del Espíritu Santo, al ascender al monte santo de Jerusalén, invocando su nombre santísimo, no solamente para ser lavados de sus pecados por la sangre purificadora, pero también para recibir el cuerpo glorificado para realizar maravillas, liberando así a las multitudes de sus males. Visto que, necesitamos poderes no solamente para vivir en éste mundo que ha sido invadido por Satanás y sus ángeles caídos, para transformarlo en un reino de tinieblas eternas, ya que, las gentes se mienten unos a otros y sin control, pero podemos aún transformar responsablemente las vidas de muchos con el cuerpo glorificado que hemos recibido de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Por esto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo declaró a sus discípulos, diciéndoles, que él ya les ha otorgado poderes sobre toda serpiente, escorpión y poderes de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, que están en la tierra acechando a la humanidad entera, para que nos liberemos a nosotros mismos y a otros de estos males que nos guían, perdidos, hacia el fuego del infierno. Definitivamente, Jesucristo nos ha entregado a nosotros poderes celestiales, porque no solamente hemos creído en nuestros corazones para justicia, para confesar con nuestros labios su nombre salvador, pero también porque hemos recibido su cuerpo glorificado, para nosotros llevar acabo estos grandes poderes en contra de Satanás y de sus mentiras, para que todos escapen del infierno, renaciendo instantáneamente en la luz salvadora.

Realmente, ha sido con éste cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo que nuestro Padre celestial se ha complacido de entregártelo hoy, con tan solo haber renacido del Espíritu Santo, para que no solamente escapes de Satanás y de su mundo de tinieblas, pero también para que vivas infinitamente poderoso, ayudando a los demás a encontrar el camino de la salvación bendita. De otra manera, tú siempre fallaras en ayudarte a ti mismo en contra de Satanás y de sus mentiras escondidas, maldiciones, enfermedades, problemas y muerte en el infierno tormentoso, además, tú siempre fallaras en vivir en el cuerpo glorificado, que realmente te ama cada paso hacia la vida eterna del cielo, enriqueciendo tu vida con los tuyos hoy y por siempre.

Por ello, es mejor que asciendas al monte santo de Jerusalén, invocando el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, para que no solamente lo santifiques, glorificándolo hacia la eternidad, pero también que recibas el cuerpo glorificado que nuestro Padre celestial ha preparado para ti, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que tu fe siga obrando hacia la perfección eterna, siempre. Porque es solamente por medio de éste cuerpo glorificado que nuestro Padre celestial ha preparado para ti y para los tuyos en su Hijo Jesucristo, por su Espíritu Santo, que pondrá a tu fe a trabajar, haciendo maravillas en tu vida y en la de otros, puesto que, éste es el cuerpo glorificado que ha triunfado sobre las mentiras de Satanás, perpetuamente.

Además, nuestro Padre celestial ciertamente jamás ha asignado una lengua mentirosa para que te engañe en estos días y engañarte hasta que desaparezcas en las llamas tormentosas del infierno, pero fue siempre Satanás con la serpiente antigua que te mentía, para que mueras antes que asciendas al monte santo de Jerusalén, invocando el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, para salvación. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha querido que huyas de la lengua mentirosa, que te engaña despiadadamente, de parte de Satanás, para que creas a la mentira, que no solamente te destruirá, pero también a tus muy amados, para que así jamás conozcas la lengua que siempre está lista para hablarte de grandes bendiciones, para enriquecer tu vida cada día.

Y ésta es la lengua de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que siempre te está hablando desde su cuerpo glorificado, que nació de la hija virgen de David, por el Espíritu Santo, y con el cuerpo glorificado de todos, que trae a tu alma viviente no solamente vida, llena de salvación eterna, pero también bendiciones inagotables, para que vivas en el cielo eternamente bendecido. En estos días, nuestro Señor Jesucristo necesita hablarte a ti palabras de grandes bendiciones, que ciertamente te llevaran hacia la vida eterna, aunque todavía vivas tu vida normal en la tierra, no obstante, él necesita hablar sus palabras en tu corazón, alma, mente, cuerpo y espíritu humano, para que creas en ellas que te llevan a conquistar tus metas, conquistando horizontes siempre.

Pues, nuestro Señor Jesucristo ha preparado tu cuerpo glorificado en el suyo, no solamente al nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, para traerte vida eterna, llena de bendiciones diariamente, pero también, él ha conquistado el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos, muriendo tu muerte sobre la cruz, para resucitar victorioso del infierno hacia tu gloria celestial. Además, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo ha preparado tu cuerpo glorificado en el suyo, para que lo recibas con amor por nuestro Padre celestial, invocando su nombre santísimo sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces, tú nunca tendrás que vivir sin bendición, menos sufrir la muerte en el infierno, por cuanto, él ya lo hizo todo por ti, resucitando en el tercer día.

En otras palabras, nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya vivió tu vida santísima en Israel, y entre los hijos de Abraham que tienen, las bendiciones de nuestro Padre celestial, selladas en ellos, para que él cumpla y glorifique eternamente el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos que te han condenado ya, porque has fallado en honrarlos, para perdón, sanidad, bendición, paz, prosperidad y salvación eterna. Por tanto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo ha conquistado completamente el deseo de nuestro Padre celestial más meticuloso de su corazón santísimo, concerniendo el Espíritu Santo de sus mandamientos eternos, entonces, tú puedes tomar desde ya el cuerpo glorificado que él ya te lo ha entregado por su gracia, para que vivas eternamente justificado con las huestes angelicales en el nuevo reino angelical.

Puesto que, éste es el cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, entregado a ti por su gracia, porque ésta es su voluntad santísima para tu alma viviente en la tierra y por siempre en el cielo, caminando por las calles de oro que te llevan a mansiones de gloria en La Nueva Jerusalén celestial, sólo a conocer amor y gloria, eternamente. Y lo único que tú tienes que hacer, para obtener éste cuerpo glorificado e inmortal, preparado por nuestro Padre celestial y por el Espíritu Santo en su Hijo Jesucristo, como su sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre purificadora, quitando el pecado de ti y de los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades, es de invocar su nombre bendito sobre su monte santo.

Eso es todo lo que probablemente tendrás que hacer inicialmente sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, y esto es de santificar su nombre santísimo como los ángeles lo han hecho desde su creación por nuestro Padre celestial, por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, conquistando así glorias poderosas hacia la eternidad, bendiciéndote en estos días junto con los tuyos. Nuestro Padre celestial espera que asciendas al monte santo de Jerusalén en estos días, santificando su nombre santísimo, porque él es el Dios de amor, verdad y justicia para Israel y para todas las familias de las naciones, para que él finalmente empiece hacer nuevamente sus maravillas que comenzó con Abraham, Isaac, Jacobo y sus retoños, alcanzando aún mayores glorias para él.

Y éstas son glorias conquistadas para su nombre santo que nuestro Padre celestial perfectamente podía usar naciones de ángeles, arcángeles, serafines, querubines y demás seres santos del reino angelical, pero prefiere usar a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel de las naciones, visto que, él goza más el amor, servicio y alabanza de sus hijos e hijas que de ángeles. Puesto que, los ángeles fueron creados individualmente y de acuerdo a la necesidad de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo, y de su Espíritu Santo--es decir--nunca nacidos de la imagen divina ni a semejanza del Hijo Jesucristo así como el hombre lo es infinitamente en su familia, para amarlo, servirle y exaltarlo en la tierra y en el cielo.

Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial le dio vida al hombre en su imagen santísima, para que viva conforme a la semejanza del cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, y esto es en la carne sagrada, sangre purificadora, huesos inquebrantables y vida prístina, que nos da por su gracia divina su cuerpo santísimo, conquistando grandes glorias más que los ángeles hacia la eternidad. Nuestro Padre celestial saborea nuestro trabajo en lo profundo de su corazón y alma viviente, porque nosotros salimos de él por medio del Espíritu Santo, para renacer del mismo Espíritu nuevamente, en un momento de fe y de oración, en la semejanza del cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, retornando a la vida eterna, y conquistando así nuevas glorias al instante.

Por ello, esto es porque, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés: He aquí, les doy a mi Ángel, queriendo decir su Hijo Jesucristo, todos tienen que oírle, porque él no perdonara sus pecados ni sus rebeliones, ya que lleva mi nombre santo en su sangre purificadora, transportándolos seguros por el desierto del Sinaí hacia Canaán, y hacia su salvación perfecta. Presentemente, nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado a su Hijo Jesucristo así como lo hizo con Abraham y Sarah al nacer Isaac milagrosamente de ellos, por el Espíritu Santo, para que se vistan de su cuerpo glorificado, abrazándolo, y ascendiendo hacia el cielo angelical, justificados grandemente, y lo mismo es verdad con todos ustedes, para que vivan una vida libre y feliz infinitamente. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father said to Moses: My Holy Angel will go ahead of you to introduce you into the promised land, the land of the Hittites, Amorites, Jebusites, Perizzites, Canaanites, and I will wipe them out from the land that I have given to Abraham and his children to possess forever. For this the land that our heavenly Father has always kept His eyes opened from the beginning of the year to the end, because it is especially chosen by Him not only for His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) to be born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, but also where His Ten Commandments are eternally glorified.

For our heavenly Father needed to glorify the Holy Spirit of His eternal commandments within Canaan, because this was something that only His Son Jesus Christ had the power and authority to do it timely, since he was born to be King of the Jews forever, thus through him Abraham's children will inherit the glorified-body to live eternally blessed in heaven. Furthermore, without the Holy Spirit of the commandments being fulfilled and glorified properly by His Son Jesus Christ within the land of Canaan, then Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, and death in hell's torment could never be defeated, so Israel and the nations will always fail to escape darkness to live in the light of eternal life from heaven above.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ needed to be born from David's virgin-womb by the Holy Spirit just as Isaac was born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the same powers, so he may not only introduce his sacred-body filled with everyone's eternal life but also live triumphantly over Satan, by destroying his lies, curses, infirmities, and even death, forever. Meaning that, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born from David's virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, then, everyone from Israel and the families of the nations was also born with him, and so, as they may believe in his holy name for salvation from Satan's lies, curses, infirmities and death, then they will receive his glorified-body to live forever saved.

For this is His Son Jesus Christ's glorified-body that will not only live a blessed-life in our heavenly Father's sight thus to please Him in love, truth and justice within Canaan but also fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the commandments, granting eternal life and abundant blessings unto everyone from Israel and the nations that will believe in him for salvation. That is to say, also that with Adam and Eve's rebellious bodies that we have all inherited from them as we were born into the world from our mother's womb, then, these bodies have never fulfilled much less glorified the Holy Spirit of the commandments, but with our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body then the commandments are eternally fulfilled, exalted and glorified.

That is why, that with our Lord Jesus Christ as our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood removing our sins always, and his Spirit granting us eternal life filled with daily blessing, then we have his sacred-body ascending our living-souls forever justified, because the Holy Spirit of the commandments is fulfilled and glorified in our new bodies heavenly bound, forever. In other words, our heavenly Father had to send His Son Jesus Christ to be born within Israel through David's virgin daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit, so he may prepare our sanctified and glorified-body for everyone to receive from him instantly as we may believe within our hearts for justice, by confessing with our lips his holy name.

For this is the glorified-body that not only Adam and Eve needed from our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ to be received by them from the Holy Spirit's power, so they may abandon immediately the sinful and rebellious bodies to the grave that had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Thus our heavenly Father had granted to Moses and Israel His Son Jesus Christ as He personally said: I will not go with you one step more through the desert because you will sin against me again to cause me to destroy you, but I will send my Holy Angel ahead of you to introduce you into the promised land.

Moreover, our heavenly Father was not only sending His Son Jesus Christ to lead Israel through the desert into Canaan as a high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood removing sin always from Israel, but also, He was sending His Son to prepare everyone's sacred-body from his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood thus to save everyone everlastingly within Israel and the nations. For Satan with his lies through the serpent from the Garden of Eden had prepared a sinful and rebellious body that had eaten from the forbidden fruit, so we may never level up to our heavenly Father's blessings but only descend into hell's torment forever cursed, however, with His Son, He has prepared the sacred-body lifting us into heaven's glory forever justified.

This is the sacred-body that our heavenly Father prepared not only for Abraham and Sarah his wife but also for every one of his children from all the families of Israel and of the nations, so they may abandon to the dust of death the body that they had received from Adam thus to live in His Son's sacred-body forever blessed into everlasting. For this is the sacred-body that our heavenly Father had not only prepared for Adam and Eve to be received timely from His Son over Jerusalem's holy hill as he was nailed to them, thus to undress from the attire of death, by dressing them with the attire of eternal life, and this is the perfect Righteousness to enter heaven's glory forever justified.

For this is exactly how our heavenly Father had to dress Abraham and Sarah over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, because, as Abraham lied down his only son Isaac over the Golden Altar, then Isaac's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that had emerged from His Son as he gave them to eat from him, suddenly they became miraculously holy, everlastingly. Well, this is exactly how our heavenly Father has prepared not only your sacred-body but also everyone from your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends, thus to undress from the attire of death to dress instantly with the attire of eternal Righteousness, so you may live his glorious life in this world and in the next one from heaven above.

For this is the true sacred-body that really loves your living soul, because it comes directly from His Son Jesus Christ that has always lived in heaven's glory not only loving our heavenly Father but also the children of His image ready to live in the likeness of His Son's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, by the wonderful powers of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, as you may receive this glorious overvalued sacred-body that has defeated all of Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, and death in hell's torment, then, you will begin to live the same feeling of unfailing love that our Lord Jesus Christ has always felt for you and for your loved ones, since even before the foundation of the world.

In this side of life, you have always heard from people that our heavenly Father has always loved you along with your loved ones, too, but as you may receive this wonderful glorified-body that He has prepared for you in His Son Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, then you will no longer hear about it, but you will live it entirely. This is the glorified-body from our Lord Jesus Christ that is compatible with your living soul, in this life and in this the next one to come in heaven's glory that you will be able to dress just as our Lord had dress it since early eternity, so you may live forever blessed in eternal righteousness that pleases our heavenly Father.

Besides, without this sacred-body that we all have in our Lord Jesus Christ, then we will fail to enter into heaven's glory to stand in perfect holiness before our heavenly Father, because Adam and Eve's sinful bodies were initially rejected from paradise never to return again unless they eat from the fruit of life, and this is His Son's bread of life. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ always manifested himself to Israel as the bread of life that has descended from heaven above, so every one that may eat from him then that one will never hunger again in this life and in the next one to come, because he alone is the true bread that gives eternal life to our living-soul.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to call Abraham to eat with Him the bread of life along with the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood from His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body that gives eternal life to every man, woman and child that eats from him over the Lord's Table, so they may live abundantly his blessed life. These days, if you eat from our Lord Jesus Christ the bread and wine that he serves daily from the Lord's Table for the angels in heaven's glory and for humankind on earth, then, you will be eating his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that dresses you living souls with the perfect Righteousness that will take you into heaven's glory forever saved.

Then, regardless as where you may live in this world, our heavenly Father is ready to give you to eat from His Son Jesus Christ, because, He alone is the One that can allow you to eat from His Son's sacred-body, so you may have life in abundance thus to escape Satan's wilds that are coming against you and your loved ones. For there is no one else in this world that can find our Lord Jesus Christ so we may eat and drink from him as from Jerusalem's holy hill that was hidden from Moses and the thirsty Israelis in the Sinai's desert, and our heavenly Father said to Moses: Follow me, and I will show you the rock that turns into living-water.

In the Sinai's desert no one could see Jerusalem's holy hill, but our heavenly Father could, and He was the only One that showed Moses and the thirsty Israelis exactly where it was, so they may speak to it thus to honor His holy name, for His Son Jesus Christ to burst into living-water for the Israelis and the livestock to drink. These days, everyone from all the families of Israel and the nations are living in the midst of the deserts, and they are becoming hungry and thirsty at times that no matter where they may look, they can only see is sun, sand and a scorching heat, nevertheless His Son is there as the living-rock ready to satisfy everyone's need instantly.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to everyone within Israel that no one can come to him unless he is sent by the Father, because no one knows where is the Father except the Son, and the no one knows where is the Son except the Father, however anyone coming to me willingly in nowise I will reject. Therefore, nowadays you may fail to know where our Lord Jesus Christ may be as Jerusalem's holy rock, ready to burst into living-water, so you may drink from him to the full, and so you may eat from him never to hunger again, but you fail to see him, because unless the Father leads you, you will fail to find him.

That is why, that it is important for you to approach Jerusalem's holy hill, because it is always ready to receive your calls as you may begin to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, so you may not only become clean from sin by the atoning-blood but also Holy Spirit reborn to enjoy eternal life with your loved ones and friends. And to find Jerusalem's holy hill, you do not need to go anywhere in particular, because God's holy mountaintop may be found anywhere you may be on earth, so you may invoke His holy name thus to sanctify it along with the angelic hosts that are always over the mountaintop loving, blessing and exalting our heavenly Father and His Chosen Lamb.

Today, you may have Jerusalem's holy hill built within your heart, and so, it will always be there with you, as you may invoke it thus to sanctify our heavenly Father's holy name, then He will be there to speak to you words of blessings and of powers to defeat any of Satan's terrible lies, curses, infirmities, and treats of death. That is to say, also that as you may find yourself standing in holy ground, just as Moses found himself standing over Jerusalem's holy hill with our Lord Jesus Christ burning over the golden altar before our heavenly Father, then, this means that you are been washed clean from sin to receive the glorified-body that you will dress forever in heaven's glory.

For this is glorified-body that our Lord Jesus Christ will grant you to possess forever, because this is the pact of the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father stared with Abraham and Sarah his wife, and so, through her barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body would be born with Isaac, so he may dress them with eternal Righteousness, everlastingly. Meaning that, to dress not only with eternal Righteousness Abraham and Sarah but also the children that were to be born from Isaac through the generations, thus to establish our heavenly Father's holy nation on earth always ready to do His will, and this is astonishingly to give birth to the King Messiah, moreover to conquer the nations with this lasting salvation.

That is to say, also that when Isaac was born in midst of Abraham's family, composed mainly of gentiles that he had bought with money from foreigners that were selling them, because they were people that they had saved from conflicts, wars and disasters, then they were dressed with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that blesses the human soul, everlastingly. Abraham and Sarah received Jesus Christ's sacred-body through Isaac, as he was miraculously born from them by the Holy Spirit, so they may dress the sacred-flesh of perfect holiness that only our heavenly Father's high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood can grant instantly to anyone that believes in his heart for justice, confessing with his lips His Son for salvation.

However, only the children born from Isaac where dressed with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the King of the Jews that was to be born through the Holy Spirit in due time from David's virgin daughter, so he alone may rule over them thus to conquer the families of the nations with perfect salvation holiness. Nevertheless, even though every man, woman and child born from Isaac with the pact of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will dress the King of the Jews with the perfect glorified-body thus to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments by defeating Satan, forever, so eternal life may be possible for anyone at last, then they were not saved yet.

For the reason that, until the King Messiah, and this is David's son, fulfills and glorifies eternally the Holy Spirit of the commandments through his entire messianic life, lived within Israel, by destroying every sin, curse, lie, infirmity, poverty, and death over Jerusalem's holy hill as he sheds his atoning-blood at the cross, then our glorified-body heavenly bound was not ready yet. Meaning that, only after our Lord Jesus Christ had lived his entire messianic life within Israel by destroying every sin, curse, lie, infirmity, conflict and death from Satan and his fallen angels, then he was not ready to shed his atoning-blood on the cross nailed to Adam and Eve, much less dress them and the children with perfect holiness for salvation.

Surely, that only after our heavenly Father had been satisfied by His Son Jesus Christ, as he personally destroyed every wickedness from Satan and his cronies, then He allowed His Son to the mountaintop with Adam and Eve's cross to be nailed to it thus to dress them with the perfect Righteousness that not only dressed Abraham but also the children, everlastingly. Otherwise, if our Lord Jesus Christ had ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill with Adam and Eve's cross to be nailed to them without first having destroyed every wickedness from Satan and his fallen angels, then he had not only failed to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments but also failed to prepared our sacred-bodies to return to eternal life forever justified.

That is why, that it was important for our Lord Jesus Christ to destroy every sin, curse, infirmity, problem, conflict, poverty and death from Satan with miracles and powers that emanated from our heavenly Father's holy name just as it did within Egypt to liberate Israel from captivity, so he may finally prepare our glorified-body to reenter heaven's glory forever justified. Therefore, nowadays we are receiving our glorified-body from our Lord Jesus Christ that has entirely defeated Satan in every respect from sin and hell's torment, so he may fail to have power against our lives here on earth and within The New Celestial Jerusalem thus we may finally live without his wicked words and influences that have afflicted us until now.

This is the glorified-body from our Lord Jesus Christ that truly love us as we are Holy Spirit born to live in the image of our heavenly Father and in the perfect likeness of His Son Jesus Christ in this life and in the next one to come from heaven above, where the Holy Spirit will always bless us into infinity. Certainly, this is our glorified-body that it is not from this life but from heaven above that we will dress, starting right now, because our eternal life filled with amazing every day blessing had begun already, so we may ascend into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder over Jerusalem's holy hill, entering eternal life with the resolve to love our Father, everlastingly.

Given that, this is the true celestial-body from His Son Jesus Christ granted to each one of us thus to replace Adam and Eve's sinful-body on earth today, because this is celestial-body that loves our heavenly Father in the amazing power of the Holy Spirit, so we may live our daily lives only to please all truth and justice into eternity. Moreover, this is a glorified-body that we can enjoy these days, because it is our heavenly Father's will that we may dress it with its perfect holiness, so we may enjoy the wonderful life that we have received already from Him as we were born from His image by the Holy Spirit to live according to His Son's likeness into everlasting.

For it is only in this glorified-body that we all have already inherited from His Son Jesus Christ that we may not only grow into the spiritual level of our heavenly Father only to know Him as no other holy angel has ever known Him, by the Holy Spirit's powers, but also He will come to know us as His legitimate children eternally. This is something that was never possible with Adam and Eve's sinful-body, after they had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because the human body was born into the spirit of error that conflicts constantly against the Holy Spirit of love, so through His Son's sacred-body then we are instantly restored unto life, forever.

That is why, that once we are restored into eternal life, because we have eaten from the tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body over the Lord's Table as we may part take from the bread and wine with our heavenly Father, then, we are Holy Spirit reborn, returning instantly into heaven's glory forever saved into eternity. Granted that, we are reborn from the Holy Spirit's power, returning like this unto eternal life in heaven's glory only to continue to enjoy the wonderful presence of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Christ, then, we will begin to experience great changes within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and entire human spirit, because we are back into heaven, forever.

Meaning that, as we are spiritually restored into heaven's glory, because, we have been reborn by the Holy Spirit, then, the wonderful Holy Spirit warms of love begins to fill our heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit just as it was in the beginning before our heavenly Father in heaven thus to continue to love Him as before into eternity. And this is certainly a wonderful experience that you will experience immediately within your inner beings, because you are not only Holy Spirit born into our heavenly Father, as you may have believed within your heart for justice thus to confess with your lips His Son's mighty name for salvation that the Holy Spirit will move gently with love within you.

This is a wonderful experience unmatchable with any other on earth and in heaven above, because this wonderful movement of the Holy Spirit will never cease to be within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit that will cause you to grow in the spiritual realm of our heavenly Father that pleases all truth and justice always with lasting happiness. Besides, these are wonderful blessings that you failed to find anywhere on earth, regardless of how hard you may search, because they only exist within our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is why that He has called you to become Holy Spirit born again to enter into His realm of love and lasting blessings.

This is the realm of our heavenly Father that you were born initially by the Holy Spirit to live forever blessed in His image and accordingly in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness in heaven's glory, so you may enjoy abundantly His blessed eternal life filled with amazing glory that will only enrich you constantly with your loved ones nowadays, and into eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father will love to see you back into this wonderful life that He has granted you to possess forever already, because you were initially born into it in heaven, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so you may live the life that really loves Him and you as well along with your loved ones.

For the reason that, the rebellious life that you are born into, and that you have been living until now, it has failed always to love Him through His Son by the Holy Spirit's power, because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that displeases Him always, and so, you need to return to His eternal life immediately that loves Him. Otherwise, you will never know our heavenly Father as you ought to know Him, and this is through the wonderful Holy Spirit of eternal life that you have initially received from Him by default as you were born in His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his glorified-body, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Certainly, to be Holy Spirit born as God's child, emerging from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, is so easy these days, that the only thing you need to do, it will be to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill as His ancient servants did in their days, and heaven's angelic host until now. For the reason that, as you may begin to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, you will be saturated immediately in His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood thus not only to wash you clean from sin, but also to dress you in his sacred-flesh and pristine life that pleases our heavenly Father's holy heart, instantly.

You will be certainly transformed into a new person with a novel heart, beating His Son's atoning-blood throughout your body, so you will not only become His child, but also your heart will be different, since now you will know how to love our Father and His holy name by the power of the Holy Spirit always conquering your new goals. And this is when nothing will be too hard for you to conquer in this life and in the next one to come, because you will be our heavenly Father's child born in the power of the Holy Spirit always ready to follow His instructions to conquer amazing glories that have never been conquered by the angels until now.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach to everyone within Israel by assuring that if their faith was as a muster seed, then nothing will be impossible for them in this life and in heaven above, because you will be conquering amazing glories with his glorified-body in you that were impossible for you with Adam and Eve's rebellious-body. Therefore, this is why that our heavenly Father has always asked every one to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may inherit the glorified-body that each one of them have already prepared to dress with perfect holiness from His Son Jesus Christ, because with this glorious-body that will never die, you will be successful in life always.

This is why that our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach within Israel that if they believe in him, by the Holy Spirit of faith that is our heavenly Father word and His holy name invoked over Jerusalem's holy hill, for salvation power, to reign within their lives, then they will be able to do all the things that he has done. Meaning that, they will not only be able to do all the things that he has done before their eyes, by the wonder-working power of our heavenly Father's word and His holy name, invoked over Jerusalem's holy hill for power, but also they will do greater things that he has done already, because he is returning unto the Father in heaven.

That is to say, also that we have the same powers and authorities, delegated initially to our Lord Jesus Christ from our heavenly Father on earth, so he may do wonderful things for the people, wherever he may go, as casting out devils, infirmities and even raising people from the dead, and these are the things that we can also do these days. Surely, we may be able to do all the things that he has done with all the peoples of Israel, and the gentiles as well, because he did heal them, then we will be able to do the same as he did, because not only he is back with the Father in heaven, but also, because we have received his glorified-body.

And that is the secret of our heavenly Father's legitimate children that have been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, as they have ascend over Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke His holy name not only to be washed clean from sin by his atoning-blood, but also to receive the glorified-body to work wonders on earth for people's deliverance. For we need powers not only to live in this world that has been invaded by Satan and his fallen angels thus to turn it into a kingdom of darkness, because people are lying without control to one another, but also because we need to transform responsibly everyone's life through the glorified-body received from His Son Jesus Christ as ours, forever.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ declared unto his disciples by saying that he has granted them powers against all serpents, scorpions and unto all the power of darkness from Satan and his fallen angels that are here and now on earth with humankind, so we may liberate ourselves and others from these leading powers of destruction in hell's torment. Definitely, our Lord Jesus Christ has granted each one of us powers from heaven above, because we have not only believed within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation his name, but also because we have received his glorified-body thus to perform these wonderful powers against Satan's wicked works for people to walk away from darkness into salvation.

Therefore, it is with this glorified-body from His Son Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father has been pleased to grant you these days, by just being born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, so you may not only escape Satan and his world of eternal darkness, but also to live forever powerful thus to help others find their way unto salvation. Otherwise, you will fail to help yourself against Satan and his hidden lies, curses, infirmities, problems and death in hell's torment, moreover you will also always fail to live in the glorified-body from heaven above that really loves you every step of the way into eternal life in heaven's glory that will enrich you with your loved ones nowadays into eternity.

That is why, that it is better for you to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking our heavenly Father's holy name, so you may not only sanctify it thus to glorify it into infinity, but also receive the glorified-body that our heavenly Father has prepared for you through His Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, for your faith to work to perfection always. For it is only within this glorified-body that our heavenly Father has prepared for you and for your loved ones in His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's powers that you will put your faith to work thus to do wonders in your life and that of others, because this is the glorified-body that has triumphed over Satan's lying-tongue, forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father certainly has not assigned a lying-tongue to deceive you these days and deceive you until you disappear into the eternal flames from hell's torment, but it was Satan constantly along with the old serpent from the Garden of Eden, so you may die soon before ascending over God's holy mountaintop to sanctify His holy name for salvation. That is why, that our heavenly Father is expecting you to flee from a lying-tongue that it is been used by Satan, so you may believe a lie that will not only destroy you but also your loved ones, so you may fail as always until now to know the tongue that it is forever ready to speak to you blessings.

And this is our Lord Jesus Christ's tongue that it is speaking to you from his glorified-body that was born from David's virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit's power with everyone's glorified-body that brings into your living-soul not only eternal life, filled with lasting salvation, but also never-ending blessings, so you may continue to live your life in heaven's glory forever blessed. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ needs to speak living-words of blessings that will certainly lead you into eternal life, although you are still living your normal life on earth, nevertheless he needs to speak his words into your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, so you may live by his daily living-word to meet your goals, conquering your horizons, forever.

For our Lord Jesus Christ has prepared your glorified-body within his, by not only been Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter thus to bring unto you eternal life, filled with daily blessing, but also, he has conquered for you the Holy Spirit of the commandments, by dying in your place on the cross, resurrecting victorious from hell into heaven's glory. Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ has prepared a glorified-body for you in his, so you may receive it with love for our heavenly Father as you may invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, you will never have to live unblessed, much less suffer death in hell's torment, because he did it for you already, by resurrecting heavenly bound.

In other words, our Lord Jesus Christ already lived your very holy life within Israel, and in the midst of Abraham's children that have our heavenly Father's blessings, so he may fulfill to glorify everlastingly the Holy Spirit of the commandments that had condemned you already, because you failed to honor them, forever, for forgiveness, healing, blessing, peace, prosperity and salvation. Thus, our Lord Jesus Christ that has conquered wholly our heavenly Father's most meticulous desire of His very holy heart as far as the Holy Spirit of the commandments is concerned, then, you may take on of his glorified-body that he has granted on to you by grace, so you may live blamelessly in heaven's glory with His angelic hosts, forever justified.

For this is the only glorified-body from our Lord Jesus Christ granted on to you by grace, because this is our heavenly Father's holy will for your living-soul these days on earth and forever in heaven's glory, so you may finally walk the street of gold leading into you eternal mansion in The New Celestial Jerusalem, only to know love-and-glory everlastingly. And the only thing that you must do, for you to attain this wonderful glorified-body, prepared by our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit within His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, removing sin from you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, it is to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is all, that you may have to do over Jerusalem's holy hill, and this to sanctify His holy name as the angelic hosts have been doing since they were created by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may conquer powerful glories into eternity thus to bless you these days along with your loved ones. Our heavenly Father is expecting you to ascend Jerusalem's holy rock these days to sanctify His holy name, because He is a God of love, truth and justice for Israel and for all the families of the nations, so He may finally begin to do what He started with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the children that will bring more glory unto Him.

And these are glories conquered for His holy name that our heavenly Father could very well use nations of holy angels, as archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other very holy creatures, but He will rather use every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, because He enjoys more their love, service and worship than the angelic hosts. For the reason that, the angelic hosts were created individually and according to the need of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit--meaning that--they were not born from His image to live in the likeness of His Son as mankind is, for they emerged from His inner being as His heart and living-soul to become family.

That is why, that our heavenly Father began to give birth to mankind in His image thus to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, and this is the likeness of his sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, and the atoning-blood that grants to each one of us the glorified-body to conquer greater glories than the angelic hosts into eternity in heaven above. Thus, our heavenly Father really savors our work into the deepest part of His very holy heart and living-soul, because we emerged from Him through the Holy Spirit so to become reborn from the Holy Spirit again, in a moment of faith and prayer, in His Son's likes of his glorified-body to return to heaven's eternal life, conquering new glories instantly.

Indeed, these are the glories that our heavenly Father is expecting to conquer with you these days on earth and in heaven forever, because they are glories unto His holy name that we have emerged from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's glorified-body, bringing into His pristine life everlasting happiness that no one has ever enjoyed yet. That is why, that our heavenly Father is calling you, and not the angels, but you along with your loved ones, to become part of His eternal family over Jerusalem's holy hill and in heaven above forever, because you emerged from Him to conquer new glories unto His holy name always heavenly bound unto eternal life, filled abundantly with endless happiness.

That is why, that you are important for Him these days so you may ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill, where He is waiting to embrace you as never before thus to fill you with the Holy Spirit of unfailing love that will enrich you to execute His will within your life always prepare to conquer endless glories for His holy name. It is here where you will be enriched powerfully, because you will no longer dress the attires of poverty, illness, defeat and death but you will, instead, be dressed again, and this time forever, in the attire of the glorified-body that our heavenly Father has prepared for you and your loved ones within His Son Jesus Christ's victorious life over Satan.

And this is a wonderful glorified-body to be dressed every day of your entire life on earth and well into all eternity to come, because our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit will be living within you just as they have always lived within His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory, since the start of eternity until now, touching you today. For this is the glorified-body from our heavenly Father's blessed Son Jesus Christ that he personally conquered for you and for your loved ones within the promised land, so you may dress it these days in perfect holiness over Jerusalem's holy hill, as you may invoke His holy name thus to enter anytime into heaven's glory forever justified into everlasting.

Thus, this is why, that our heavenly Father said to Moses: Here, I am giving you my Holy Angel, meaning His Son Jesus Christ, you must listen to him, for he will not overlook your sins much less forgive your rebellions, for he bears my holy name in his atoning-blood's righteousness, leading you through the desert into Canaan and final salvation. These days, our heavenly Father has granted you His Son Jesus Christ just as He did initially to Abraham and Sarah as Isaac was born from them by the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may dress his glorified-body to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified, and the same is true with you, so you may live a very happy life. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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