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Mar 23, 2015, 8:24:57 AM3/23/15
Sábado, 21 de Marzo, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

ORAMOS POR YEMEN Y SUS VÍCTIMAS del TERRORISMO CRUEL: Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a las familias de las ciento cuarenta y dos víctimas del terrorismo en Yemen. Ellos se encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo pagó el precio salvador con su sangre santísima, para que vivan por siempre felices en el amor santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nuevo reino de los cielos.

También recordamos el avión argentino que se estrelló en Uruguay recientemente, en donde todos sus tripulantes y pasajeros fallecieron. Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones siempre estarán con ellos, para que se den cuenta de que nuestro Padre celestial tiene control de sus nuevas vidas en su nuevo reino angelical, y que muy pronto no solo los volverán a ver sino que igualmente vivirán con ellos toda una eternidad llena de amor, de paz y de felicidad sin fin.


Nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abram a abandonar la tierra de sus padres para ir a vivir a una nueva tierra que él mismo ha había escogido, para no solamente hacerlo a él una gran nación, sino que todas las naciones serian benditas por medio de él, para siempre. Porque todo aquel que lo bendiga será bendito más todo aquel que lo maldiga entonces será maldito por Dios mismo, ya que nuestro Padre celestial será siempre el fundamento de su vida, es decir, de la nueva vida que él mismo va a levantar para que sea una gran nación en la tierra, para gloria de su nombre bendito.

Abram inmediatamente aceptó el llamado de nuestro Padre celestial, para abandonar a su familia y a todos sus amigos, para ir a vivir una vida nueva con nuestro Padre celestial, para no solamente venir a ser padre de una gran nación, sino que por medio de él todas las naciones serian benditas, para siempre. Porque entonces Abram tomó a su esposa Sarai y a toda su gente que había vivido con él por muchos años y abandonó así Harán con todas sus pertenencias, para establecerse en la tierra de Canaán, para cumplir así con el llamado de nuestro Padre celestial.

Y caminando por la tierra de Canaán, entonces llegaron a un lugar llamado Shechem, en donde acamparon, y Dios se le manifestó una vez más allí, para decirle que toda ésta tierra de Canaán se la había dado a él y a toda su descendencia que nacería después de él. Aquí, Abram levantó un altar para conmemorar la visita de Dios y por todas las bendiciones que no solamente había depositado en su vida sino también en la de sus hijos e hijas que vendrían pronto a él, para poseer la tierra de Canaán, para siempre.

Después de éste lugar, Abram continuó su caminata por la tierra de Canaán hacia el sur y así entró en Egipto con su esposa Sarai y toda su gente que iba con él, porque había hambre por toda la región, entonces decidió en pasar el mal tiempo de hambre en Egipto con todos los suyos. Y estando en Egipto los egipcios se dieron cuenta de que su esposa Sarai era muy hermosa, entonces se la llevaron al Faraón, quien la aceptó en su palacio con el fin de hacerla suya, ya que era una mujer muy hermosa y cualquier otro se la podía llevar.

Y porque la mujer de Abram era muy hermosa y admirable, creyendo el Faraón que era su hermana, entonces le dio toda clase de regalos como ovejas, vacas y hasta siervos esclavos y siervas esclavas para él, para que le sirvan a él y a los suyos, por siempre. Y el Faraón creyó que Sarai era hermana de Abram y no su esposa, porque él mismo le había dicho a Sarai, antes de entrar en Egipto, que diga que es su hermana a todos los egipcios, para que no lo maten a él, quitándole a ella así de su lado; ya que esta era la costumbre en toda esta región.

Y como el Faraón había tomado a Sarai, por lo hermosa que era, para que entre en su palacio y esté con él y los suyos, entonces nuestro Padre celestial cerró todos los vientres de las mujeres egipcias, que ninguna podía tener hijos. Y en sueño se le apareció Dios mismo para decirle que él había cerrado el vientre de todas las mujeres de su pueblo para que no tengan hijos más, porque él había tomado la mujer de su siervo Abram; algo que nadie debió haber hecho jamás.

Entonces Faraón le dice a Dios: Yo no sabia que ésta mujer era la esposa de Abram, pues, él mismo nos había dicho que era su hermana, y por eso la acepté en mi casa y estuve a punto de tomarla como mi esposa, más todo lo hice inocentemente y sin saber que ella era mujer de Abram. Y Dios le dice a Faraón: Yo también sé que todo lo has hecho inocentemente y sin saber la verdad de que Sarai es esposa de Abram, por eso no te quite la vida hasta el día de hoy, pero si no devuelves a Sarai a Abram entonces no vivirás más y todo éste pueblo tuyo yo lo destruiré.

E inmediatamente Faraón, después de despertar del sueño, entonces llamó a Abram y le dijo todo lo que Dios le había manifestado, y que él mismo estaba listo para no solamente matarlo a él sino a todo su pueblo, si no regresaba a Sarai a su legitimo esposo, a ti, Abram. ¿Por qué nos has hecho éste mal? ¿Por qué nos dijiste que ella era tu hermana, cuando la verdad es que es tu esposa? Ahora, toma a Sarai tu esposa con todos los tuyos y sal de Egipto para que Dios no siga enojado contra nosotros y así no terminemos muertos, por culpa del mal que nos has hecho al mentirnos.

Abram tomó a Sarai su esposa con todos los suyos y hasta con todas las cosas que ya Faraón le había regalado por lo hermosa que su mujer Sarai era, entonces se fue de Egipto escoltado por los soldados egipcios hasta que salieron del territorio de Egipto por completo y sin mirar atrás. Luego, Abram continuó su camino por el Negev con todos los suyos y su nieto Lot, quien tenía muchas riquezas acumuladas también, que al poco tiempo de estar juntos, entonces los pastores de Lot comenzaron a discutir con los pastores de Abram, porque las riquezas de ambos eran grandes y además no había suficiente pastos para todos los animales mantenerlos alimentados.

Aquí es cuando Abram le dice a su nieto Lot: No es bueno que nuestros pastores se enojen entre sí, porque la tierra es demasiada pequeña para poder abastecer de pastos para todos nuestros animales, entonces lo mejor que debemos hacer es simplemente separarnos. Si tú te quieres ir a vivir a la tierra de allá del frente, entonces yo me quedare aquí, y si tú quieres quedarte aquí, entonces yo me iré a la tierra de enfrente, para mantener nuestros animales y pastores alejados del uno al otro y así ya no tendremos más problemas.

Ambos coincidieron en separarse por razones de las grandes riquezas que poseían, para que ya no surjan más conflictos entre el uno y el otro y así vivir en paz al fin, porque nuestro Padre celestial simplemente los iba a seguir bendiciendo grandemente, porque la obra que había de llevarse acabo era grande y sin fin alguno. Y cuando se separaron, entonces Lot tomó posesión de la tierra que es el Valle del Jordán como hacia Sodoma y Gomorra, pero Abram se alejo más de su nieto Lot quedándose en la tierra de Canaán.

Aquí, nuestro Padre celestial se le volvió a aparecer a Abram para asegurarle que él había tomado la mejor decisión al quedare en la tierra en donde se encontraba con todos los suyos, porque se la había entregado a todos sus descendientes después de él, que serian tan numerosos como el polvo que no se podrá contar jamás. De pronto, como Lot se separó muy lejos de Abram, tomando la tierra en donde habitaban gente violenta y que desagradaba a Dios siempre con sus costumbres ridiculas, entonces los reyes de la región lo atacaron para robarle no solamente todo lo que poseía sino también a sus mujeres e hijos y siervos y siervas hasta dejarlo sin nada.

Cuando Abram supo que su nieto Lot había sido asaltado por el rey Quedarlaomer y tomado con él y todas sus posesiones, entonces se armo con todos los suyos de su casa y fue en busca de su nieto Lot, para redimirlo de la mano de sus enemigos en una gran batalla y con la ayuda fiel del cielo. Abram derrotó a Quedarlaomer y todo su gran ejercito que había derrotado a todos los reyes de la región con sus ejércitos, porque nuestro Padre celestial y sus ángeles santos estaban con él, para redimir a su nieto Lot de todos sus males que le habían sobrevenido por haberse ido a vivir cerca de Sodoma y de Gomorra, tierra hostil y violenta.

Regresando Abram con su nieto Lot y con todas sus pertenencias que había perdido, entonces el Rey de Salem, Melquisedec, se le acercó en el valle de Savé, el que es el valle del Rey, para bendecirlo por tan grande victoria en contra de un rey poderoso como Quedarlaomer que había destruido a muchos reyes de la región en grandes batallas, también. Y como el Rey Melquisedec es sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, entonces sacó pan y vino para poner la Mesa del Señor exactamente sobre el lugar en donde él mismo, como el Gran Rey Mesías de Israel, iba entregar su vida sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para derramar su sangre santísima sobre la cruz de Dios para ponerle fin al pecado.

En éste día, el Rey Melquisedec como el sumo sacerdote del Altísimo y Perfecta Santidad en el cielo para con los ángeles y en la tierra para con el hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las naciones, entonces bendijo, diciendo: Bendito Abram del Dios Altísimo, creador del cielo y de la tierra. Bendito sea el Dios Altísimo que entregó a tus enemigos en tus manos, por los poderes de sus grandes ejércitos de huestes angelicales que tiene en el reino de los cielos, para defenderte a ti y a los tuyos, para siempre.

Concluida ésta oración, entonces Abram le entregó los diezmos de todo lo que había ganado en aquellos días--de lo cual eran grandes fortunas. Inmediatamente, el rey de Sodoma le salió al encuentro a Abram y le dijo: Dame solamente a todos los míos que has rescatado de la mano del enemigo con gran esfuerzo, y podrás quedarte con todas las cosas que has recuperado. Y Abram le respondió, asegurándole: No tomare nada de lo que es tuyo, salvo lo que mis jóvenes han comido, para que no digas después que tú me enriqueciste.

Al rechazar las riquezas que el rey de Sodoma brindaba a Abram, entonces estaba realmente recibiendo las riquezas que nuestro Padre celestial le había prometido dar cuando abandonó la tierra de sus padres y amistades, para irse a vivir con los suyos a la tierra que él mismo divinamente había escogido para llevar acabo su gran obra redentora para la humanidad entera. Dado que, luego de este encuentro con el rey de Sodoma, entonces nuestro Padre celestial invita a Abram y a los suyos que se sienten con él a comer del pan y vino que sólo su Hijo Jesucristo sirve en el cielo para los ángeles y en la tierra para los que le aman a él, en espíritu y en verdad.

Y nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba sentarse con Abram y los suyos a comer y a beber del pan y vino que su Hijo Jesucristo sirve a los ángeles en el cielo y al hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de la tierra, porque necesitaba empezar su nuevo reino sempiterno, cuanto antes mejor. Pero éste no seria un reino como el que empezó con Adán y Eva, sino que seria un nuevo reino que empezaría con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo y con su carne santísima también, para que el pecado de Adán y Eva ya no siga existiendo, sino solamente la vida santísima y obediente de su Hijo Jesucristo, para la eternidad.

Por eso, era necesario que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente sacase a Abram de la tierra de sus padres, sino que también se lo llevase a una tierra nueva, escogida especialmente para llevar acabo su gran obra salvadora, la cual empezaría con el pan y vino de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que el hombre ya no viva más como Adán rebelde. Por lo tanto, cuando nuestro Padre celestial compartió con Abram y sus hombres de la Mesa del SEÑOR, para comer del pan y vino de la mano de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces comieron de la carne santa y bebieron de la sangre salvadora, para escapar de la sangre enferma y de la carne pecadora de Adán y Eva, para siempre.

Visto que, éste es el nuevo reino celestial que nuestro Padre celestial deseó siempre empezar no solamente con Adán y Eva en el paraíso, cuando los invitó, así como invitó a Abram y sus hombres, a comer y a beber de la Mesa del SEÑOR del pan y vino de la vida eterna que su Hijo Jesucristo sólo puede servir progresivamente. Porque todas las huestes angelicales siempre comen y beben del pan y vino de la Mesa del SEÑOR con nuestro Padre celestial, para que jamás dejen no solamente de ser santos, sino que también tengan por siempre el amor y el poder de amar, servir y exaltar a nuestro Padre celestial y a su nombre bendito e infinitamente santísimo.

Dado que, el sueño de nuestro Padre celestial es de establecer un nuevo reino sempiterno que por siempre adore y exalte su nombre santísimo, ya que con Lucifer como el arcángel mayor no lo pudo lograr jamás, porque Lucifer se encontró envuelto en una gloria que jamás fue para él, pero la quiso hacer de él, tratando de exaltar su nombre inicuo. Aquí es cuando Lucifer se volvió enemigo de Dios y de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque quiso exaltar su nombre más alto que el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, lo cual es algo imposible y jamás se podrá lograr en el cielo con los ángeles ni menos en la tierra con las naciones, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya lo venció para siempre.

Habiendo Lucifer pues con sus ángeles en el cielo y Adán con su mujer Eva en el paraíso fallado de ser el fundamento de un nuevo reino angelical infinitamente glorioso y lleno del Espíritu Santo de amor de nuestro Padre celestial hacia su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces busco a Abram para empezar su nuevo reino sempiterno. Aquí es cuando nuestro Padre celestial hace un pacto de vida con Abram y su esposa Sarai, para que ella, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, entonces dé a luz a su hijo Isaac, quien nacería con todos los atributos de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que por medio de su sangre santa y su carne bendita entonces nazca una gran nación.

Ciertamente, Isaac nació igual que nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo de pies a cabeza, es decir, que Isaac nació con el color de los ojos, pelo, cara y piel de nuestro Señor Jesucristo; por lo tanto, cualquiera que veía a Isaac entonces estaba viendo a Jesucristo; y la única diferencia entre los dos es que Isaac es hombre y Jesucristo es Dios. Como en el día que nuestro Padre celestial le dio vida a Adán, en el reino de los cielos, por ejemplo, porque cada vez que los ángeles veían a Adán entonces estaban viendo a Dios mismo de pies a cabeza, y la única diferencia entre Dios y Adán es que Adán es hombre y Dios es Dios.

Y esto es precisamente lo que sucedió con Isaac el día que él nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, por los poderes del Espíritu Santo, porque su vientre estaba totalmente muerto dada su avanzada edad, por lo tanto Isaac no podía nacer por voluntad del hombre, sino de Dios únicamente; por ello, Jesucristo es el principio de Israel. Puesto que, ésta es su gran obra santísima la cual jamás pudo empezar con Lucifer en el cielo ni con Adán y Eva en el paraíso, porque rehusaron sentarse a la Mesa del SEÑOR para compartir con él del pan y vino de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que el cuerpo santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo se multiplique en su nuevo reino angelical.

Para que por fin todos sean llenos por igual del Espíritu Santo de la sangre santa y de la carne bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo que siempre le ha agradado a su corazón santísimo en toda verdad y justicia, para no solamente amar, servir y exaltar su nombre bendito por siempre, sino de alcanzar nuevas glorias nunca antes conquistadas. Y porque nuestro Padre celestial desea empezar un nuevo reino angelical no como Lucifer y sus grandes ángeles gloriosos ni con Adán y Eva y con sus millares de hijos e hijas que jamás podrían escapar de la sangre enferma ni de su carne pecadora, sino que tuvo que empezar su nuevo reino celestial con su Hijo Jesucristo.

Porque cuando nuestro Padre celestial se sentó con Abram y sus compañeros a comer del pan y beber del vino que nuestro Señor Jesucristo sirve cada día en el cielo a los ángeles y así también en la tierra a los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de buena fe y de buena voluntad, entonces fue para que de Sarai nazca Isaac. E Isaac es el pacto de vida eterna que nuestro Padre celestial siempre busco con los ángeles en el cielo y con Adán y Eva en el paraíso, y al fin lo encontró con Abram y Sarai su esposa, aunque Sarai tenia su vientre muerto e imposible de darle vida a Isaac, más el Espíritu Santo hizo su gran obra eternal.

Por cuanto, fue por el Espíritu Santo que entró en el vientre muerto de Sarai para darle vida a Isaac, para que Isaac no nazca por la voluntad del hombre, sino por la de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, para que la sangre santa y la carne bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo fluya como agua en la humanidad entera. Comprobado que, ésta es la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial no solamente en el cielo para con las huestes angelicales sino también para con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, por ello la sangre santísima y la carne bendita de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo tenia que nacer en el mundo primero.

Por esta razón, es que cuando Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, entonces fue por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para que la sangre santa comience a latir vida en la carne bendita de la cual es y será por siempre la del Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, ¡nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo! Por lo tanto, cuando Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, entonces nació la sangre santa y la carne bendita del Cordero de Dios, para que no solamente viviese por cuatrocientos años en Egipto como servidor, sino que también cruce el Mar Rojo en seco para beber del agua de vida de la roca herida, al pie del Monte Sinaí.

Y una vez que ésta sangre santa y carne bendita del Cordero de Dios bebió de la roca herida, el monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre vertida al suelo de las tres cruces de Dios y de su Hijo el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, entonces también comió cada día del maná del cielo para santidad. Puesto que, era sumamente importante que cada día camino a Canaán que coma del maná del cielo y beba del agua de vida que descienden del monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre del pacto vertida a tierra de las tres cruces de Dios y de su Hijo el Cordero Escogido que quita el pecado del mundo, para que permanezcan todos santos.

En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que tener cada día camino a Canaán el monte santo de Jerusalén sobre los hebreos, para que sigan comiendo del pan y vino que Abram con sus aliados comieron sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR de la mano de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para mantener santo el pacto que le dio vida a Isaac. Visto que, éste pacto de vida que nuestro Padre celestial había empezado con Abram y sus aliados para que su hijo Isaac naciese del vientre muerto de su esposa Sarai, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, entonces tenia que tener la sangre santa y la carne bendita nutrida de perfecta bendición creciente del pan y vino del monte santo de Jerusalén.

Por esta razón, cada familia hebrea a través del desierto del Sinaí tenia que recoger cada mañana del maná que descendía del monte santo de Jerusalén que siempre estuvo sobre sus cabezas escondió dentro de la SHEKINAH (gloria de Dios), para que jamás le falte santidad perfecta a la sangre santa y el cuerpo bendito que llevaban sus cuerpos hacia Canaán. Y nuestro Padre celestial pudo muy bien haber llevado a los hebreos por barcos, si así lo quería a conquistar la tierra prometida, pero jamás lo quiso hacer así, porque la sangre del pacto junto con la carne bendita tenía que atravesar el desierto del Sinaí, en donde no hay frutos de la tierra ni menos agua para beber.

Para que entonces solamente coman cada día por el desierto del Sinaí el pan del cielo, el cual es el maná, y la sangre del Cordero de Dios vertida a tierra desde la fundación del mundo, convertida en agua de vida, para que la santidad sea perfecta de la sangre que corre por las venas de los cuerpos de los hebreos. Por esta razón, cada vez que los hebreos se quejaban de que estaban comiendo ya demasiado del maná que recogían cada mañana al descender del cielo, entonces nuestro Padre celestial se enojaba grandemente en contra de ellos hasta el punto de que los quería abandonar a la maldad de sus enemigos, porque ellos no sabían lo que estaban despreciando.

Desde que, solamente el pan y vino que descienden cada día del monte santo de Jerusalén es lo que realmente mantiene en perfecta santidad la sangre santa y la carne bendita de sus cuerpos, ya que ellos son descendientes directos no solamente de Abram sino de Isaac que nació del pacto de vida del Espíritu Santo, para darnos al fin al Mesías. Y cuando Jacobo nació como hijo de Isaac, entonces nació con la sangre santa y con la carne bendita del Cordero de Dios para ser llamado por Dios mismo desde el cielo como su primogénito, para que cuando esté listo para tener su familia entonces primero tenia que hacer un pacto con el Espíritu Santo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Por ello, cuando iba camino a la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac, porque su padre no quería que escogiese a una de las hijas como su esposa de la tierra en donde vivían, sino que quería que fuese a la tierra de Padan-aram, para escoger de entre su parentela a la que seria su esposa. Entonces camino a Padan-aram se encontró demasiado cansado que solo quería dormir y descansar por la noche en un pueblo pequeño llamado Luz, estando en este lugar agarró una de las rocas y recostó su cabeza sobre ella, para luego seguir su camino al despertar por la mañana.

Estando ya dormido, comenzó a soñar con el monte santo de Jerusalén, y esto era que nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo se le estaba presentando, porque necesitaba él hacer un pacto de vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo, para no solamente recibir de Dios la tierra de Canaán si no también a todos sus hijos, para que la habiten por siempre. Y observando el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces ve ángeles subir al cielo de una escalera y a otros descender a la tierra con regalos en sus manos para las familias de las naciones que lo aman, en espíritu y en verdad, para que ya no vivan más en tinieblas sino en la luz gloriosa y resplandeciente del monte santo de Jerusalén.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial siempre quiso que el monte santo de Jerusalén con su fuego del Espíritu Santo que ardía grandemente, y que Moisés lo podía ver desde grandes distancias que no quemaba ni hacia daño a nada en todo su derredor, entonces sea la luz de cada día y el calor que abriga sus noches, y más no el Sol. Además, la escalera que Jacobo veía, eran las tres cruces de Dios y de su Cordero que quita el pecado con su sangre santísima vertida a tierra por sus heridas en su cabeza de la corona de espinas y por las heridas de sus manos y pies clavado a la cruz que redimió a Israel de Egipto y de todos sus males.

Aquí, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le empezó a hablar a Jacobo de entre las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para decirle que la tierra en donde está parado se la ha dado a él y a sus descendientes que serán tan numerosos como la arena del mar que jamás podrá ser contada por lo numerosa que es. Y éste es un pacto de vida eterna que nuestro Señor Jesucristo empezó a hablar con Jacobo, para que aceptase no solamente la tierra de Canaán para él y su familia que nacería después de que él se alejara de aquel lugar, sino también para que hiciese un pacto de vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo al renacer de nuevo.

Porque Jacobo, cuando estaba parado enfrente del monte santo de Jerusalén y hablando con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces no solamente le hablaba como el hijo de Isaac sino también como el primogénito de nuestro Padre celestial y en la talla del primer Adán del paraíso que tenia que aun comer del fruto de vida, para renacer del Espíritu Santo. En otras palabras, cuando Jacobo estaba parado enfrente del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces hablaba con nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es el Cordero de Dios y también el primogénito del Dios Altísimo en el cielo, y él (Jacobo) como hijo de Isaac y primogénito del Dios Altísimo también, pero en la tierra, para aceptar el Espíritu Santo como su Dios.

Por lo tanto, éste pacto de vida eterna que nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Jacobo a establecer con el Espíritu Santo y con nuestro Señor Jesucristo como el intermediario y testigo fiel junto con él (nuestro Padre celestial), entonces es valido eternamente, porque fue hecho entre primogénitos del Dios Altísimo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el cielo y Jacobo en la tierra. No solamente Jacobo es el primogénito del Dios Altísimo en la tierra sino que también lleva en su cuerpo humano la sangre santa y la carne bendita del Cordero de Dios, y éste es nuestro Señor Jesucristo como el primogénito de Dios Altísimo en el cielo y así también lleva por siempre la misma sangre redentora y la carne bendita.

Por ello, éste pacto de vida eterna que nuestro Padre celestial llevó a Jacobo a llevar acabo con su Hijo Jesucristo que le hablaba de entre medio de las cruces, para que aceptase al Espíritu Santo como su Dios y proveedor de todos sus bienes para con él y para con cada uno de sus hijos e hijas, entonces es eternamente valido. Por esta razón, muchas veces nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que decirles a las gentes que venían a él para que los curase de sus enfermedades o librase de las ataduras de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos: Ésta salvación es de los Judíos, por lo tanto, yo no puedo darle del pan y vino de la Mesa del SEÑOR a los extraños.

Y las gentes le decían al Señor Jesucristo, lo que dices es muy cierto, pero también es cierto que de lo que sobra de la Mesa del SEÑOR también los demás pueden comer y beber, y nuestro Padre celestial desea que todos coman de su pan y vino para que nada se pierda jamás. Entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo les decía a las gentes, ciertamente grande es la fe de sus corazones, vayan y regresen a sus casas en paz, porque todo lo que me han pedido les ha sido concedido, porque sus enfermos son sanados, sus muertos son resucitados y el mal ya no tocara más sus moradas.

Y en aquellos días, como en nuestros días también, por ejemplo, muchas personas enfermas eran curadas de sus más terribles males, para escapar del poder de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos que siempre los han tenido atados a sus males para destruir sus vidas, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue sirviendo el pan y vino, para que renazcamos todos del Espíritu Santo. Entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo les decía a las multitudes: A los que mi Padre celestial envíe a mí de entre todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, vendrán a mí sin cesar; sin embargo, los que no son enviados por el Padre, más si vienen a mí, yo no los hecho a fuera jamás.

Porque todo aquel que viene a mí, aunque no haya sido enviado por mi Padre celestial, entonces yo mismo lo recibiré como si hubiese sido enviado por él, y yo lo recibiré con todas las bendiciones dadas a los que son enviados por el Padre cada día, para que yo mismo los resucite en el día de la resurrección para vida eterna. (Esto nos dice, que no importa cuan grande sea tu pecado o cuantos pecados hayas cometido hasta hoy en día, aunque nuestro Padre celestial no te envíe, por el Espíritu Santo, porque aun está enojado contigo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no se negara jamás a ti, para que tengas tu perdón, bendición, salud y salvación eterna, hoy y en el día la resurrección.)

Muchas veces los apóstoles y discípulos le decían a nuestro Señor Jesucristo, por ejemplo, si es así como tú nos enseñas Señor, entonces nadie podrá ser salvo, ya que tú nos enseñas que es más fácil pasar un camello por el ojo de una aguja antes que un vil pecador pase por la puerta del reino de los cielos. Más nuestro Señor Jesucristo les respondia, después de observarlos por algún tiempo: A la verdad, para el hombre pecador y para la mujer pecadora es totalmente imposible ser redimido, pero para nuestro Padre celestial no existe nada que sea imposible para él, ya que él no solamente es el Dios Altísimo, sino que también sólo él posee los poderes para lograrlo.

Por ello, no es la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial que nadie muera en sus pecados, porque su Hijo Jesucristo tiene todos los poderes en el cielo y en la tierra, para no solamente perdonar, sino también para volverte a dar vida en abundancia al renacer del Espíritu Santo, para vivir por siempre libre del pecado y del castigo eterno del infierno. Porque todo aquel que renace del poder del Espíritu Santo, entonces renace para Dios y para su nuevo reino angelical en donde vivirá por siempre en el nuevo cuerpo glorificado de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que por primera vez se manifestó entre los hombres de toda la tierra cuando Isaac nació con la sangre y con la carne de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y esto tenia que ser así, desde el comienzo de las cosas, porque nuestro Padre celestial no podía jamás confiar en la sangre ni en la carne de nadie, sino solamente en la de su Hijo Jesucristo y en su vida santísima e infinitamente gloriosa que siempre le complace en toda verdad y justicia desde la eternidad y hasta la eternidad. En el principio, la obra de nuestro Padre celestial fue su mayor arcángel Lucifer, el cual no podía crearlo más perfecto y sabio, puesto que en él nuestro Padre celestial había depositado la gran obra de sus ángeles, pero Lucifer resultó ser egoísta y rebelde, porque no solamente quiso exaltar su nombre, sino que también quiso quedarse con todo el reino angelical.

Y lo que sucedió con Adán y Eva en el paraíso también, nuestro Padre celestial los invitó a sentarse con él a comer y beber de la mano de su Hijo Jesucristo el fruto de vida eterna, el cual es su carne como el pan del cielo y su sangre santa como la copa de vida y salud eterna. Pero en vez de comer y beber del fruto del árbol de la vida, del monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre santísima vertida por tierra, de las tres cruces de Dios y de su Cordero Santísimo, envuelto en el fuego abrazador del Espíritu Santo, entonces optaron de comer del fruto prohibido del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal.

Y es aquí cuando el plan de nuestro Padre celestial de empezar un nuevo reino angelical entonces murió, porque después de Adán y Eva haber comido del fruto prohibido, inmediatamente comenzaron a morir, por lo cual el paraíso no puede jamás recibir cadáveres, y tuvieron que ser vomitados a la tierra, para volver a nacer del Espíritu Santo, para vida eterna. Hoy en día, tú también puedes volver a nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo para abandonar para siempre de la sangre enferma de Adán y Eva y así también dejando bajo tierra el cuerpo pecador, para recibir la sangre bendita del pacto de vida eterna, para vivir en la carne bendita que jamás morirá en el paraíso, para siempre.

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo te está hablando a tu corazón y a toda tu vida, desde en medio de las tres cruces de Dios y de su Hijo como el Cordero Escogido que quita el pecado del mundo, para limpiarte de todo pecado y así llenarte de grandes milagros y maravillas que jamás dejaran de ser en ti y en los tuyos, también. Puesto que, cada una de las bendiciones que nuestro Padre celestial tiene para ti, entonces te las entregara una a una de entre medio de las tres cruces, en donde su Hijo Jesucristo se encuentra listo para hablarle a tu vida palabras de grandes bendiciones que enriquecerán tu vida grandemente, para que vivas cada día feliz con los tuyos, para siempre. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father was successful finally to inject his atoning-blood and His sacred body within the entire human race on earth, as He personally sat down with Abram and his 318 men to eat the bread from heaven and drink from the cup of wine that is The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's (His Son Jesus Christ) atoning-blood filled with His eternal life's holiness. This is the meal that His Son Jesus Christ has always served Him and His angelic hosts in heaven's glory, so everyone will always continue to live in the perfect holiness that pleases His amazing heart that not only created heaven and earth with all the glory that fills them into everlasting but also every man, woman and child.

For the day that our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his friends, then they ate with Him the bread from heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body and drank from the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood that gives eternal life filled with endless blessings to the sacred-body that will never die on earth much less in heaven. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink from the cup of wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily always to his angels in heaven's glory, so His Son Jesus Christ may begin to take shape in his amazing-life within humankind.

For the reason that, it was very important that He will have His Son Jesus Christ living on earth with every man, woman and child, so he will not only be His high priest and His perfect Righteousness but also the one that will save them from the power of sin, death and hell by destroying Satan and the angel of death. Therefore, as our heavenly Father began to eat the bread and wine from the Lord's Table with Abram and everyone else that loves Him through His Son Jesus Christ as Abram did through the years, then His Son began to play a very important role on earth, for he was giving his atoning-blood and his sacred-body entirely also to the believers.

Now, once our heavenly Father had established this very important covenant of life with Abram by eating with his allies the bread and wine from the Lord's Table that is served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to the angels in heaven for holiness, then He could now establish a new covenant with the Holy Spirit with Abram's wife, Sarai. This covenant with Sarai was very important, because she had a barren-womb that it was impossible to give birth to the child that Abram had waited for so many years already, but with the Holy Spirit's power this child was going to be born with the seed of the atoning-blood and the sacred-body for the King Messiah manifestation in the world.

This was our heavenly Father's covenant that started with Abram and his wife Sari, as He sat down at the Lord's Table to eat the bread from heaven and drink from the cup of wine that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body and atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy with the three crosses of God and of His salvation-Lamb. Meaning that, as Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit's power from Sarai his mother's barren-womb, then our heavenly Father not only had the atoning-blood running through the sacred-body that will ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to shed to the ground with much love to end sin and Satan's kingdom of lies, deception, and darkness, but also "Israel was to be born."

Therefore, on this day that Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarai's barren-womb, then, officially, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) was born, because he was born with the atoning-blood that will remove sin with the sacred-body that will fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments over Jerusalem's holy hill, forever. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ was technically born in the world as Isaac was Holy Spirit born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb, because Isaac had the atoning-blood of the pact of life along with the sacred-body that will eventually ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill, so Isaac looked exactly from head to foot as our Lord Jesus Christ is everlastingly in heaven.

That is to say, also that whoever may see Isaac, in those days, then they will see our Lord Jesus Christ from head to foot, because he not only had the atoning-blood along with the sacred-body but also his personal features as his face, eyes, nose, mouth, hair color etc., but Isaac was Isaac and not our Lord Jesus Christ in person. Isaac was Isaac born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb to bring into the world our Lord Jesus Christ just as he is in heaven's glory with the atoning-blood and the sacred-body that will not only fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to destroy every lie, sin, cure, infirmity and death in hell, but also save us for heaven's glory, forever.

Unquestionably, this was something that our heavenly Father had to do with Abram and his wife Sarai's barren-womb, because He had started a covenant of life to bring into the world not only the atoning-blood with the sacred-body of His Son to end sin, but also to give birth to a nation of Gods, priests, and kings for His holy name's glory. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to start a new life on earth with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood and with his sacred-body installed first in Isaac, so, not only Jacob could be born as His firstborn but also every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel, because He always dreamed of a holy eternal nation.

Certainly, this is Israel that our heavenly Father needed to establish on earth with the sacred-bread from heaven above and with the atoning-blood from His Son Jesus Christ, so not only Isaac may be born by the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarai's barren-womb but also every one of his brothers and sisters through the generations to come. That is why, that our heavenly Father became very happy to see Isaac been born from the Holy Spirit, because now He not only had His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood established with humankind on earth but also the sacred-flesh that will finally fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to destroy Satan at last from the face of the earth, forever.

Clearly, by Isaac been born from the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarai's barren-womb then Jacob His firstborn was on the way to establish a new covenant of life as His firstborn on earth before Him at Jerusalem's holy hill as it will appear in his dream, so Israel may have a land filled with His legitimate children. For these children will be direct descendants of a covenant of life that started with Abram and his allies from everywhere that sat down with Him at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ the bread from heaven and drink from the cup of wine that is the blood of the living covenant for everyone's personal salvation on earth.

However, for this to take place then our heavenly Father had to take Abraham with his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah, because our heavenly Father wanted to see if he was willing to sacrifice his only son in a burn offering for Him thus to destroy sin at last from the entire earth moreover begin immediately His new angelic Kingdom. Surely, Abraham was more than willing to receive our heavenly Father's call to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah, so he may sacrifice him over His altar, so sin may be destroyed at last on earth, immediately Abraham took two of his servants with Isaac his son to Mount Moriah thus to carry out our heavenly Father's will to perfection.

At Mount Moriah, Abraham told his two servants to stay where they had arrived, and just wait there until he will come back with the lad, and Abraham with his son started on ascending to the mountaintop as the Holy Spirit was guiding him to ascend step-by-step before our heavenly Father and the eyes of every angel in heaven's glory. While ascending Mount Moriah with a very heavy heart, Isaac noticed that they had brought everything for the sacrifice, except the lamb, and so, he asked his father Abraham by saying: Father, we have brought everything for the sacrifice, but where is the lamb--I do not see it anywhere--where is it?

Immediately, Abraham said to Isaac, our heavenly Father will provide himself the lamb that He has been searching for, for hundreds of years to conduct His ultimate atoning-blood sacrifice to put an end to sin, forever, so there will be peace on earth at last for His brand new angelic Kingdom to be born for all eternity to come. And while Abraham had prepared the sacrifice place and ready to set it up on fire to place his only son over it thus to fulfill our heavenly Father's will over Mount Moriah, then as Abraham was ready to cut his son Isaac into pieces, literately, then a voice filled with love, compassion, and authority was heard from heaven.

Timely the voice said: Now I know Abraham that you will obey our heavenly Father in everything that He will command you to do, and so, do not hurt the boy, because now I know that you will command your children for generations to come to follow the way of the Lord always into everlasting, pleasing truth and justice, forever. On this day, Abraham was ready to kill his only son Isaac over the altar thus to please our heavenly Father's will on earth to finish with sin once for all, but what Abraham failed to understand was that our Father was laying his only son over the altar, because He really needed to see his children lying there as well.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father wanted to see every man, woman and child that will ever be born from the twelve tribes of Israel lying over Mount Moriah's atoning-blood sacrifice altar, because this is the place where His only begotten Son Jesus Christ was going to lay down his life to save not only them but also the families of the nations. Furthermore, over Mount Moriah' altar while Isaac lay there ready to be slain by his father, Abraham, because this was the call that he heard from our heavenly Father to be executed without delay, then our Father beheld for a long while everyone that was going to be born from the twelve tribes of Israel, including His only Son Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, while beholding every one from the twelve tribes of Israel that were lying there, because He could see each one of them through the atoning-blood and the sacred-body born with Isaac into the world, then He blessed them with all the love that He had always felt within His very holy heart, so they may do well in life, forever. Then, having our heavenly Father blessed every one of them, beginning with Isaac and until the last man and woman to be born from the twelve tribes of Israel, immediately Abraham heard a lamb struggling to free itself from the middle of the trees where its horns had been caught, and so, he approached the lamb and released it from the trap.

Abraham took the lamb to place it over the altar in the place of Isaac, so he may finally conduct the atoning-blood sacrifice that he was to execute over Mount Moriah before our Father in heaven, so Isaac may finally descend as a new 8 year old man ready to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father until the end of time. Meaning that, not only Isaac had been over Mount Moriah's altar to be executed for an atoning-blood burn offering before our Father in heaven but also every one of his brothers and sisters, because He needed to see them there in the same place of Isaac for a moment's time that later will be the place for His Son Jesus Christ.

And since then on, our heavenly Father has always waited patiently to see everyone of Isaac's children not only to return to Mount Moriah's altar where He personally saw them lying there to be sacrificed thus to end sin forever in their lives, but also to see them descend the mountaintop with Isaac to someday ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to be saved. Because, it is our heavenly Father's will for every one from the twelve tribes of Israel to return to the mountaintop not only of Mount Moriah where once they lay to be sacrificed with Isaac in a big atoning-blood burn offering for our Father in heaven, but mainly to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill thus to become Holy Spirit born ascending into heaven's glory.

For this is our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation that He personally not only started with Abram and his allies, as they ate from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that gives us the sacred-body with the atoning-blood to start anew in a pristine-life but also ushers us into heaven's glory as God's legitimate children forever saved, into all eternity. Thus, it was with Jacob that our heavenly Father finally established a covenant of life giving birth not only to Israel but also to the nations, because now they will have the power to be born from the Holy Spirit, so they will all abandon the old self for the new self that is His Son Jesus Christ in us, everlastingly.

That is why, that as Jacob was on his way to Padan-aram to meet his wife from his father Isaac's relatives, then our heavenly Father was waiting for Him to meet him in person at Jerusalem's holy hill, because he needed to start a new covenant of life with Him before having his family, as he had planned to do already. Then, while walking to meet his wife in Padan-aram, he immediately felt tired that he wanted to rest for the night at a little town called Luz, he picked a nearby rock and rested his head over it, all the sudden he was in a dream standing before our heavenly Father and His ancient Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses.

Jacob noticed that the three crosses were not only ascending over the hill into heaven's glory but also he could see angels descending to earth while others were ascending into heaven, because they were doing our heavenly Father's every day will within the nations, since Israel was not only going to be born but also the King Messiah soon after. Jacob found himself standing before our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ as he continued to observe the events of Jerusalem's holy hill and how it works constantly thus to execute our heavenly Father's will on earth, and he heard a voice filled with love, compassion and grace coming directly towards him from the middle of the three crosses.

Surely, here is when our heavenly Father said to Jacob: I am the God of Abram, immediately His Son said I am the God of Isaac, and the land where you are standing I have given it to your children to populate it forever, because they will be numerous as the seashore sand that no one can ever count them. (Here, the Holy Spirit could not say yet: I am the God of Jacob, because only our heavenly Father had made a covenant with Abram and later Jesus Christ had made a covenant with Sarai, so through her barren-womb and by the Holy Spirit's amazing powers, then Isaac could be born with the atoning-blood and the sacred-body of the King Messiah.)

However, as the conversation between our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continued then Jacob said, after having received the land of Canaan with the children that will inhabit it, forever: Lord, you will be my God if you feed and dress me to make sure that I make it safe into my father Isaac's relatives hometown to meet my wife. It is here, with this simple prayer at Jerusalem's holy hill, and before our heavenly Father and His Son as eternal witnesses that Jacob received the Holy Spirit as his God and that of his children as well, because he had established a covenant of life between him and our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven's glory, for Israel to be born.

Certainly, this covenant of life between our Lord Jesus Christ and Jacob to receive the Holy Spirit as his God and that of his children for generations to come is valid not only because our heavenly Father and His Son are the faithful witness, but because Jacob is His firstborn on earth and Jesus Christ is His firstborn in heaven's glory. Thus, this is a covenant of life filled with the Holy Spirit that only Jacob as God's firstborn from Isaac his father could stand before our heavenly Father's firstborn from heaven above our Lord Jesus Christ, so Israel may become the dream nation that our heavenly Father wanted to have filled with His legitimate children Holy Spirit born to enter heaven's glory.

Therefore, it is from this day on that the Holy Spirit became the God of Jacob that not only gave birth to Isaac through his mother Sarai's barren-womb but also to him (Jacob) as His firstborn or first-offspring, so the covenant between God and him at Jerusalem's holy hill may be valid for Israel to become a nation, forever. For this is a lasting nation that is born by Holy Spirit's seed-power that gave life not only to Isaac but also to everyone of his brothers and sisters, so they may become Holy Spirit born as well to go up and down from Jacob's ladder, as the angels did continually telling Jacob: You must be Holy Spirit born to enter heaven.

(Now, if our heavenly Father along with His Son at Jerusalem's holy hill had not established this covenant of life between Jacob and the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit would have never been able to give birth to the rest of the children of Jacob much less say at Mount Sinai to Moses: I am the God of Jacob. Then, it was very important that Jacob as our heavenly Father's firstborn or first-offspring on earth established a covenant of life between him and the Holy Spirit at Jerusalem's holy hill, so not only every man, woman and child from Israel may be born legally on earth through the Holy Spirit's covenant powers but also the nations that will believe for salvation.)

On this day also, Jacob after having acknowledged our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill by receiving the Holy Spirit as his personal God and provider of his children for generations to come, then he became born from the power of the Holy Spirit through faith, because our heavenly Father began to bless him powerfully. Provided that, everyone that stands these days at Jerusalem's holy hill through dreams or prayers before our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ with the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory, then that one will become born instantly by the same powers of the Holy Spirit that not only gave birth to Isaac but also to Jacob and later to Israel.

Thus, this covenant that our heavenly Father not only started with Abram and his allies but also with Isaac to be born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb with the atoning-blood and the sacred-body thus to give birth to Jacob timely to establish a lasting-covenant with the Holy Spirit, it is of the Holy Spirit power in progress for anyone's rebirth these days. For the reason that, for anyone to ascend into heaven's glory, just as the angels were ascending into heaven while others were descending with gifts from God for the nations, then they were telling Jacob and his children to be born into future generations that you must be born from the Holy Spirit to ascend into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder.

This is exactly what happened to Moses at Mount Sinai as he stood at Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses a blaze in the Holy Spirit's fire, because he not only needed to make contact with the atoning-blood but also needed to be born from the Holy Spirit as God's leader for Israel's deliverance. That is why, that after Moses had heard from our heavenly Father that He is the God of Abraham, and His Son that he is the God of Isaac, and finally that the Holy Spirit is the God of Jacob, then Moses descended Jerusalem's holy hill and Mount Sinai as a new man, because he had been Holy Spirit reborn instantly.

That is why, that Moses could see the Holy Spirit's fire blazing the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory as the Door to Heaven into God's House, because this is the fire of the Holy Spirit that baptized him as he established contact with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and God's three crosses and of His Lamb. These days, you must be Holy Spirit born instantly just as Jacob did in his dream by accepting the Holy Spirit as his personal God and provider for him and his children, and as Moses that ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai, so you may become the new man that this covenant of life grants you by faith, forever.

For Isaac was Holy Spirit born through his mother Sarai's barren-womb and later Jacob as he stood over Jerusalem's holy hill with our Lord Jesus Christ, so he may receive the Holy Spirit as his personal God and provider of his children for many generations, because Israel was going to be born as the nation to give us the King Messiah. Moreover, the King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, so he may not only grant us the eternal life that we have been searching through the years but also the glorified body that will fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to glorify them forever within our human spirit.

Consequently, we may be Holy Spirit born anytime now not only because Isaac was Holy Spirit born and later Jacob by standing at Jerusalem's holy hill to hear from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, so he may establish a covenant of life with the Holy Spirit for Israel to be born, but also the nations into eternity. For this salvation of everyone's living soul belong to the Jews, our Lord Jesus Christ used to say to everyone within Israel, whether they were Hebrew or Gentile, nonetheless he had to let them know immediately, because he had been born into the world to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments moreover to tell the truth of our heavenly Father's will.

And what is our heavenly Father's will, you may ask these days. And the answer is that you may believe in His Son Jesus Christ, because by believing in His Son within your heart, then you are eating with Him the bread from heaven above and drinking with Him as well the cup of wine that is His Son's atoning-blood that removes sin to grant you eternal life instantly, for all eternity to come. That is why, that our heavenly Father had the Hebrew stand at Mount Sinai with Moses as the leader to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill, the injured-rock, His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses and of His Son as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin from the world, so they may live forever blessed.

Moreover, our heavenly Father through the Sinai's desert on the way to conquer the Promised Land He gave them to eat from the manna from heaven above, and this bread was descending into the Israelis' camp every day and without fail, so they may not only drink from His Son but also eat his bread for power and lasting salvation. Our heavenly Father had the Hebrew carry His tabernacle of reunion along with His Jerusalem's holy hill with God's three crosses and of His Lamb over their heads hidden within the SHEKINAH (God's glory) that was really the fire of the Holy Spirit that Moses saw first over Mount Sinai's summit, so they may eat and drink from it every day.

For this was the food of the covenant that our heavenly Father had first eaten with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table served as usual by His Son Jesus Christ, because the bread from heaven is his sacred-body and the cup of wine is his atoning-blood turned into living water or wine, so the Israelis may be His children always. Really, our heavenly Father never stopped giving to eat the bread and to drink from the cup of wine to every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel that He first started to eat and drink with Abraham and his allies at the Lord's Table served by His Son faithfully, for this is the food of an eternal covenant.

Thus, the Israelis were eating and drinking every day the food of the covenant of life that our heavenly Father first started with Abraham and his allies at the Lord's Table served daily by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory to the angels, so they may continue to live in perfect holiness for His holy name's new lasting-glory. For this is the food of the covenant of life between Abraham and his allies, at the Lord's Table served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to angels that not only granted us the atoning-blood into the world for the first time but also the sacred-body to maintain life for every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations.

Therefore, it was essential for our heavenly Father to live by the covenant of life that started with Abraham and his friends at the Supper Table served daily by His Son Jesus Christ, so He had to continue to rain bread with the living-water to nourish the atoning-blood and the sacred-body that the Israelis had been born initially into it with Isaac. Certainly, our heavenly Father had ensured to keep the atoning-blood and the sacred-flesh of the King Messiah well nourished, because His Son was going to be born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, so he may not only grant us eternal life on earth but also the sacred-body to defeat sin, curses, infirmities, death, Satan, and the angel of death.

For there is nothing more that can truly keep perfect holiness alive in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind but only His Son Jesus Christ, then, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his friends to eat from His Son the bread and wine that he can only give for anyone's lasting-holiness. And to preserve this perfect holiness through time within Israel, because right after Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit's power, then Jacob was also Holy Spirit born at Jerusalem's holy hill to receive the Holy Spirit as his God and provider of his children, so He had to continue feeding them daily the bread and wine to keep perfect holiness alive.

That is why, that it was necessary for Israel to receive Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai by drinking from it the atoning-blood turned into living-water but also to carry it through the desert into Canaan, so they may eat daily bread and drink from it thus to preserve the perfect holiness of the atoning-blood and of the sacred-body to defeat Satan. And those that died prostrated in the desert then they died because they sinned against His Son Jesus Christ by throwing into the furnace the jewelry received from the Egyptians to worship a Golden Calf thus calling it the gods that had liberated them from Egypt's captivity, and because they believed this terrible lie, then they never made it into Canaan.

They all died always around and near the place where they fashioned the Golden Calf that caused them to sin against God and of His Son Jesus Christ just as if they had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; surely, their blood and flesh had become contaminated as Adam and Eve initially in paradise. That is why, that they all failed to make it into the Promised Land, because their blood that was holy from the beginning had become corrupted and so the sacred-flesh that they had been born into it, and because their blood and bodies were completely corrupted, then our heavenly Father rejected them, so they failed to part take of the coming blessings.

Moses tried all he could to have our heavenly Father forgive them for this sin, but he failed to the point that our heavenly Father could only let them live until their old age, and then let them die, because there was nothing possible that He could do for them, since their blood and sacred-flesh had been contaminated with rebellion and wickedness. However, the children born from them then they could continue to have a personal relationship with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit was always flowing freely through their bodies, since their blood and sacred-flesh had been born in the perfect holiness needed to serve God thus they were able to enter victoriously into the Promised Land.

That is to say, also that as our heavenly Father allowed Israel to enter into Canaan then they did it with the tabernacle of reunion, because they needed to keep the perfect holiness alive all the way through with Jerusalem's holy hill over head, so the atoning-blood and the sacred-flesh were perfectly holy and ready for the ultimate sacrifice coming-event. This was a wonderful day for our heavenly Father that He had to celebrate it in heaven's glory with His angelic hosts, because, finally, and after so many struggles with Israel and the enemy nations through the desert, the atoning-blood with the sacred-flesh that started with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had finally arrived at its final destination to destroy sin, forever.

This was a powerful victory for our heavenly Father finally to come true, because now His Son Jesus Christ will be born by the Holy Spirit's amazing powers that initially gave birth to Isaac through his mother Sarai's barren-womb, but this time our King Messiah will be born from David's virgin daughter thus to grant us the much needed victory against Satan. Certainly, Satan was finally defeated with all his lies, curses, infirmities and death from the angel of death and hell's torment, because now with our Lord Jesus Christ living within Israel and in the midst of his brothers, then he could surely defeat Satan with all this lies, curses, infirmities, problems, and death as he has never been defeated before, forever.

Meaning that, every man, woman and child from Israel will finally be able to live a life without his terrible presence of lies, curses, infirmities, problems, difficulties, and threats of death into hell's torment, because now our Lord Jesus Christ will have the atoning-blood and the sacred-flesh to defeat him everlastingly until he disappears from the face of the earth, forever. For these are the amazing powers and authorities that our heavenly Father has granted lawfully to His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood and sacred-flesh to destroy every lie, curse, infirmity, problem, and threat of death from Satan's world of darkness, by just believing within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips his holy name for salvation into heaven's new glory.

Given that, the moment that we may believe within our heart for justice to confess with our lips his name for salvation, then we will be standing at the foot of the cross as where Moses stood, for example, making contact with the atoning-blood to wash us clean from sin, so Satan will no longer have the power to influence us. For the reason that, as we make contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill ground of God's three crosses and of His Son as The Lamb wounded by nails and bathed with the atoning-blood thus burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit, then, we are Holy Spirit born from darkness into light to know life, everlastingly.

Provided that, this is the ever presence of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill of God's three crosses and of His Son as The Lamb with the atoning-blood that not only liberated Israel from Egypt's captivity but also it will liberate her from all her eternal problems to become saved, forever. For the reason that, once we make contact with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and God's three crosses and of His Son Jesus Christ engulfed in the Holy Spirit's fire, then we will be living in the world from heaven above where Satan fails to exist, because it is a holy world thriving with love everlastingly.

For this is the holy world where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood and sacred-flesh with the unbroken bones will thrive into everlasting as the glorified body of every man, woman and child that has ever believed within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his holy name that has defeated Satan and the angel of death into eternity. It is here where we will have a perfect communion with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because we will be reborn not only from the Holy Spirit's amazing powers of eternal life but also we will be filled with the glories that the atoning-blood along with the sacred-flesh have conquered over the years for our Father's holy name.

This is going to be a wonderful life that we will enjoy with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ throughout the new ages to come well into all eternity in heaven's glory, because we will live only to love, serve and glorify the Holy Spirit of the eternal commandments and of the holy name, for new glories to be conquered. And we will dress our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ gallantly with new glories that we will conquer individually through eternity with the perfect guidance of the Holy Spirit just as our heavenly Father has blessed us through His Son's amazing love, grace and never-ending holiness, so we may be as perfect as He has always been since eternity.

For the atoning-blood and the glorified body that we will dress through eternity, then we will be part of our new found eternal life into perpetuity not only to be as perfect and holy as our Lord Jesus Christ will ever be but also to continue to conquer amazing glories and perfect divine sanctities for our heavenly Father and His blessed name. In eternity, we will be at last the person that our heavenly Father gave birth by the power of the Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His likeness in heaven's glory only to know never-ending goodness, as we have never known it before, so we may love our Father as He truly is in His Son Jesus Christ, everlastingly.

This is the new world of your real you as the person born from the power of the Holy Spirit in our heavenly Father's image only to know His lasting goodness every day of your new life in heaven's glory as you may live in His likeness thus to conquer glories and divine-sanctities that have never been conquered yet until now. Here is where you will be the happiest person in heaven's glory before the angels, because you will know love as you should have known it entirely already as you lived your life with your loved ones and friends; lastly you will know love as what truly means to you, since you were born from our heavenly Father's love to live everlastingly happy.

Today, our heavenly Father wants you to live in this wonderful world from heaven above that only knows the goodness of love every day, and the door to enter into it, it is Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses and of His Son as The Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, forever. Moreover, there is no other way possible that will open to this wonderful door that leads you into heaven's glory and to our heavenly Father's holy presence right now, so you may become washed clean from sin thus to enter into eternal life's amazing every day's joy that will never end in your life and that of your loved ones, as well.

That is why, that our heavenly Father wanted you to become born again in the beginning just as Isaac had to be born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb, so you may abandon Adam and Eve's ill blood and sinful body to receive the atoning-blood that saves you and the sacred-body that will help you live into eternity in perfect holiness, everlastingly. For this is the only atoning-blood with the glorified-body that you will ever receive from our heavenly Father and from His Son by the Holy Spirit's power, as you are born again through faith instantly, so when you are ready to leave this world then you will ascend into the world from heaven above with the perfect attire to live on justified.

These days, our heavenly Father needs you to be born from His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood by the miracle powers of the Holy Spirit, so you may abandon at last Adam and Eve's ill blood and wicked flesh, because you have a wonderful life to live in heaven already only to know and enjoy goodness into everlasting. Moreover, once you are born again from the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit into our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood, then you will have abandoned forever the world of darkness to know only the world of light where Satan's sinful influence fails constantly, so only our heavenly Father's blessing upon His Son will touch you each day.

Our heavenly Father needs you to be born again from the power of the Holy Spirit in a moment's prayer, because there is no way possible that you will ever not only receive any blessing from Him but also you will fail to enter into eternal life in heaven's glory, because Adam and Eve's sinful flesh is reject from paradise, forever. However, if you become Holy Spirit born as you may stand in prayer before Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood was shed initially to create all things in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind, then you will be Holy Spirit born only to know a world of light and endless blessings into everlasting.

Our heavenly Father will be able to embrace you just as He embraces continually His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory and before His angelic hosts, because his flesh is sacred and his atoning-blood is filled with the eternal life that pleases all truth and justice forever into eternity, so you will only find love as you may do His will. As you are Holy Spirit born again, because it is our heavenly Father who is commanding you to do so, then you will only lose all your sins, problems, infirmities and death in hell's torment to gain all the wonderful blessings that our heavenly Father pours daily upon His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood and sacred-flesh that is in you now, forever.

Meaning that, whenever that our heavenly Father speaks to our Lord Jesus Christ then He is speaking to you, whether you know it or not, His words will descend upon you with power, authority and love, because you are now living in the atoning-blood and the sacred-flesh that gave birth not only to Israel but also to His new angelic Kingdom. It is here where you need to be with Jesus Christ, and not ready to die and descending into hell's torment with Satan filled with sins that you may have committed against our Father and His Son through life, so you may at last live the amazing and abundant joys from heaven above that the Holy Spirit grants you with everlasting peace.

Thus, every man, woman and child from all the nations' families that our heavenly Father has given unto me already, then they will come to me willingly; and all others that come to me on their own, I will in no wise reject them but they will stay with me, so I may resurrect them in the last day, Jesus said. And our Lord Jesus Christ said these words, because he has descended from heaven above not to condemn any one because of sin, but because he has the atoning-blood, the unbroken bones, and the atoning-blood to grant them a brand new glorified body to return to eternal life in heaven's glory only to know love, goodness, and lasting happiness into everlastingly.

Today, you may come to our Lord Jesus Christ because he is ready to forgive your sins, and those sins that you may think that he will never forgive you, but he will amazingly, because he loves you since he died nailed to the cross for you over Jerusalem's holy hill to shed the atoning-blood that removes specifically your sins, forever. You must come close to our Lord Jesus Christ this minute, and begin to feel the wonderful feeling as his atoning-blood washes you clean from all your sins, rebellions and wickedness, since that is the power of his atoning-blood and sacred-body that was crucified over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may live eternally blessed these days on earth and in heaven, forever.

There is nothing in this earth, under the earth, and in heaven above that might be impossible for our Lord Jesus Christ to do for you, so you may get rid of your sins, problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even threats of death thus to enjoy the wonderful life that righteously he has conquered for you to enjoy right now and into eternity. All things are possible with our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart, and he is always ready to take on any challenge that it might be too hard for you to endure, so you may see and feel his wonderful powers displaying every day before you, so you may believe in him thus to grant him glory and honor, everlastingly. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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