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Feb 15, 2015, 10:04:19 PM2/15/15
Sábado, 14 de Febrero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Recordamos, en estos días, para expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a la familia y a todas las amistades del piloto Jordano Moaz al-Kasasbeh que fue unos días atrás ejecutado cruelmente en cautiverio, como prisionero de guerra, por los enemigos del Reino Hachemi de Jordania. El Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, vino al mundo para rescatar su alma del pecado y el infierno, para que ya no viva más en tinieblas sino en la luz ardiendo en llamas del monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces de madera, porque la sangre purificadora está derramada en tierra, para santificarnos y así recibirnos eternamente. Por ello, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre decía: Nadie viene a mí a no ser que sea enviado por el Padre, porque sólo el Padre conoce el camino hacia mí; más, y el que viene a mí, yo, de ninguna manera, lo echo afuera. Porque sólo yo, decía Jesucristo a las multitudes de Israel, soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; y nadie podrá jamás ascender al cielo, para estar en la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial, sino es sólo por conocerme a mí, su único Hijo amado, para toda la eternidad venidera.


Immediately, as our heavenly Father realized that Moses had approached enough Jerusalem's holy hill that has come to rest over Mount Sinai with the three ascending trees with twigs engulfed with the fire of holiness, because it was time for God to visit Israel, then He commanded Moses to stop where he was standing since he had arrived at holy ground. Then, Moses looked up to see from where the voice was coming towards him that has commanded him to come to a full stop, at once his eyes were directed towards the middle of the burning bush, that was truly the three crosses that were on fire ascending towards heaven, and instantly he saw our Lord Jesus Christ face-to-face.

Once Moses had made eye contact with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the top of the middle wooden tall-cross, then the voice said to him again: Remove your sandals, because the ground where you are standing is holy. Moses immediately removed his sandals from his feet not only because our Lord Jesus Christ had commanded him to do so, but, because he could sense the presence of a very important being that was speaking to him from the middle of the burning bush that his entire being felt perfect love and everlasting holiness embracing with warm affection towards him.

This perfect holiness that Moses began to feel within his entire body had ascended from his feet all the way up into his heart and entire being, as well, because he started to realize that he was standing in the presence of God, because perfect love and holiness had invaded his entire being that made him felt loved as never before. On this hour, our heavenly Father had finally made contact with Abraham's children, something that, He purposely had not done in the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because, one of their children, in this case Moses, had to stand over Jerusalem's holy ground to touch with his feet His Son's atoning-blood thus reactivating and launching His miraculous-relationship with Israel into eternity.

It is here where our heavenly Father said from His tree: I am the God of Abraham, next His Son Jesus Christ from his tree said: I am the God of Isaac, and finally the Holy Spirit said from his tree: I am the God of Jacob; this was God's name manifested to Israel, for the first time, for liberating holiness-power. For this is what our heavenly Father was looking for since He first sat-down at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine with Abraham and his 318 friends from His Son Jesus Christ that serves the daily meal to the angels in heaven and to the nations on earth, loving, serving, and worshipping Him in spirit and in truth.

Our heavenly Father needed to have not only Abraham but also every man, woman and child make contact with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day to create all things in heaven with the angels and on earth within the nations, starting with Adam and Eve in paradise, because He was ready to create a new earth for eternity. However, this new earth that our heavenly Father needed to create, it will be without Satan and his fallen angels, and to do this, then He had to get rid of not only Satan and his terrible lies, curses, infirmities and death, but also, Adam and Eve's blood that had been contaminated with sin against His Son as the fruit of life.

Therefore, there was a need to change Adam and Eve's blood with that of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, so, the children will not continue to be born in the spirit of sin and rebellion against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, but, instead be born in the power of the Holy Spirit: thus to live forever blessed and in perfect lasting-holiness. For there was no other way possible to do it, and this is to stop sin and rebellion propagating not only in paradise but also on earth, and so, our heavenly Father needed to establish a covenant of life with Abraham and his friends by eating from His Son Jesus Christ the bread and wine that he alone can serve always.

Because, it has always been His Son Jesus Christ's words to the angelic hosts and now to the people of the nations: whoever eats my bread then he is eating the true bread that has descended from heaven above thus never to hunger again; furthermore, whoever drinks from my blood then he is drinking from the true drink never to thirst again. Thus, by eating the bread and drinking from the cup of wine our heavenly Father with Abraham and his friends, then this meant the first bold-step was divinely born to change Adam and Eve's ill blood along with the children' to His Son's, so they will not live in sin forever but, instead in the eternal blessings of His Son's bloodline.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to strike a covenant of the Holy Spirit with Abraham's wife Sarah, because her womb was dead, therefore it was impossible for Isaac to be born--the long waited son-- and so, he could be born miraculously now to be the atoning-blood seed giving birth to Israel as a lasting nation. Meaning that, Israel was due to be born from our heavenly Father's atoning-blood seed deposited by the Holy Spirit in Sarah's barren-womb, so the children will not be born from Adam and Eve's ill blood but, instead be born blessed forever by our Father's seed, and this is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood or bloodline ready to know blessings into eternity.

Given that, once Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit through Sarah's barren-womb, because there was no other way possible that Abraham could have his son Isaac, then, through Isaac's covenant of the Holy Spirit's atoning-blood seed: Jacob could be born finally to strike an important covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day at Jerusalem's holy hill. Surely, once Isaac had been born by the Holy Spirit through Sarah his mother barren-womb then our Lord Jesus Christ's bloodline had entered into the human race, but it was not ready to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments much less save any one from sin, because the King Messiah had to be born yet through a virgin womb.

However, at this time our heavenly Father had not granted yet to the world the Holy Spirit of the two tablets of the commandment, therefore there was no way possible for Isaac to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments, because this was reserved only for Jesus Christ to do in his days living with his brothers in the land of Canaan. What's more, for this to happen, then Jacob had to be born first from his father Isaac's Holy Spirit's atoning-blood seed but also he had to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill, so he will receive not only him as his personal God and savior but also the blessings assured to Abraham by our heavenly Father.

Meaning also that not only Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit's atoning-blood seed but also later his son Jacob was born with it from our heavenly Father that His Son Jesus Christ's bloodline was part of their lives, whether they knew it or not, because His Son Jesus Christ had to be born from them, in good time. For this was our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation not only for Israel but also for every nation of the entire world, because He had said to Abraham: You will be called the father of countless nations--for in His wisdom He had miraculously introduced His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood seed abundantly into the world without ever anyone realizing it thus far.

Certainly, this is our heavenly Father's power been manifested miraculously right after He had sat with Abraham and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink from the cup of wine that only His Son serves daily to the angels in heaven and to the nations, starting with Israel, since He has great plans for a new world. Furthermore, this new earth with splendid skies that will glorify His holy name forever into eternity, because everyone living in it will be as a holy angel in His presence living in the perfect holiness that only His Son Jesus Christ has lived since eternity and until now, thus only his atoning-blood reigns supremely in all life instead of Adam's ill blood.

That is to say, that every one from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, will be living in the glorified body of our Lord Jesus Christ that has not only lived already within the promised land his divine life to destroy Satan and his lies, but also they live in his atoning-blood seed in perfect everlasting holiness with determination. Really, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham's wife Sarah started a covenant of life with the Holy Spirit for Isaac to be born with the atoning-blood seed from her barren-womb, so his son Jacob may be born to strike a lasting covenant of salvation with our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill that will never end.

And that is why that Jacob is called by our heavenly Father his firstborn, because he was born from Isaac that had been born from the Holy Spirit's power from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, moreover carry our Father's atoning-blood-seed not only implanted into Jacob but also in his children for the King Messiah eventually to be born from David's virgin daughter. Thus, every one after Isaac was born miraculously from Sarah's barren-womb then not only Jacob received our heavenly Father's atoning-blood seed that will eventually give birth to the King Messiah but also the children carry the same seed until His Son may be born through David's virgin daughter by the same Holy Spirit's powers that gave birth to Isaac.

This is the reason, that when our heavenly Father said to Abraham: In Isaac will be my covenant of life, because he carries the atoning-blood seed; but, immediately Abraham said: Lord, in Ishmael should be your covenant of life and not in Isaac, because Ishmael was born first; however, our heavenly Father insisted: My covenant of life is in Isaac, forever. Now, the reason that, our heavenly Father reasserted to Abraham that His covenant of life was not with Ishmael his firstborn, it was because he was never born by through Holy Spirit but, instead Isaac had been the one thus giving birth into the world to His atoning-blood seed that will give birth to His Son Jesus Christ from a virgin womb.

This is the reason, that our heavenly Father reasserted to Abraham that His covenant of life was never with Ishmael but with his son Isaac, because Isaac had been born from the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother's barren-womb thus introducing into the world the atoning-blood as the only eternal covenant of life possible to remove sin for everyone's salvation. That is why, that whenever our Lord Jesus Christ later sat-down with his brothers from Israel at the Lord's Table, then he took the bread, and also the cup of wine to bless it by saying to the twelve apostles: Drink with me, this is my blood, the blood of the covenant of life that started with Isaac for everyone's never-ending salvation.

Without doubt, here is when our heavenly Father assured to Abraham by saying: whoever blesses you, I will bless; and whoever curses you, I will curse, and our heavenly Father said this to Abraham and his children, because whenever anyone either blesses or curses Israel, then they are doing it to His atoning-blood salvation-covenant that is established in Israel's bloodline, perpetually. That is why, that our heavenly Father was always concerned that Israel will mingle with the nations by given their daughters to their sons, and in turn the nations give their sons to their daughters thus contaminating our heavenly Father's atoning-blood seed deposited not only in Isaac but also the children--and so, Israel was never allowed officially to marry outsiders.

Constantly, our heavenly Father was alarmed that His atoning-blood seed that started with Isaac as he was born from the Holy Spirit's power through his mother Sarah's barren-womb that it will be contaminated with other bloods from the nations that had nothing to do with his atoning-blood that was always ready to give us the King Messiah through the virgin daughter from Zion. That is why, that our heavenly Father always commanded Israel never to mingle with other nations by uniting with them in marriages, because His atoning-blood seed that was already in them may be contaminated, and, at times He will ask Israel that though they had sinned against Him this way, then, at least He wanted Judah not contaminate with other bloods.

For the reason that, our heavenly Father was the only one that knew that Judah was the tribe destined by Him to give birth not only the King David and his chosen virgin daughter to give birth through the Holy Spirit's powers to His Son Jesus Christ, but also to establish His holy name high above over Jerusalem's holy hill forever. Given that, our heavenly Father wanted to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, and the tribe that was going to do this was Judah, because they were the ones chosen not only to give birth to the King David but also the virgin daughter carrying the atoning-blood seed to give birth through the Holy Spirit to His Son Jesus Christ.

Then, our heavenly Father's atoning-blood seed that He miraculously started with Abraham's wife Sarah's barren-womb to give birth through the Holy Spirit to Isaac that will carry His atoning-blood seed to Jacob but also to the children, and then, the atoning-blood seed was always with them that our heavenly Father protected zealously it until His Son Jesus Christ was Holy Spirit born. Provided that, His Son will be the one that will live the divine-life with his brothers and sisters within Israel to destroy every lie, curse, infirmity, and threat of death on earth and in hell's torment, so he will finally ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to be nailed to the cross with our heavenly Father's holy name to be established over Jerusalem, forever.

Now, if our Lord Jesus Christ had not finished confronting and destroying every lie, curse, infirmity, and death threats on earth and in hell's torment, then he would have never been able to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to establish our heavenly Father's holy name forever over Jerusalem forever, so he may finally destroy Satan and his fallen angels. For the reason that: Only as our Lord Jesus Christ is lifted high above by Abraham's children nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill with our heavenly Father's holy name established at last forever over Jerusalem, then: Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, and threats of death on earth and in hell's torment were destroyed forever into eternity.

And this is as high as within heaven's glory and on earth that our Lord Jesus Christ could only reach with our heavenly Father's holy name nailed with him to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy at last not only everyone's sin, curse, infirmity, and death in hell's torment, but also Satan and the angel of death. Provided that, only our Lord Jesus Christ born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter with the atoning-blood seed that started with Isaac as he was born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the same Holy Spirit's powers could finally establish our heavenly Father's holy name high above in heaven and on earth to destroy Satan, forever.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to watch Israel from mingle ling with other nations in marriages, because not only His atoning-blood seed could be contaminated that started with Isaac, as he was Holy Spirit born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, but also He could fail to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy Satan. Thus, our heavenly Father's daily concern about His atoning-blood seed that He had established with Isaac as he was Holy Spirit born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, it never ceased through the Sinai's desert as Israel met from time to time with other nations that were ready to engage them in marriages, because Satan knew that he could destroy Israel this way.

Certainly, Satan never knew our heavenly Father's divine plans for Israel and the nations as He implanted His atoning-blood seed in Isaac as he was Holy Spirit born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb thus someday to give us the King Messiah through David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit, but he nevertheless knew that through mirages he could destroy Israel before reaching Canaan. Surely, Satan was always ready not only to fight Israel in battles that they will always fail to win standing-alone facing the enemy nations' armies through the desert unless Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill and the crosses on fire will help them miraculously, nevertheless, Satan somehow knew that through marriages with the nations then he could destroy them before entering Canaan.

That is why, that Satan was always either getting Israel ready to fight the enemy nations' armies in the desert to suffer terrible defeats that will decimate them considerably, or get them interested somehow to engage in marriages with the other nations' children, so not only our heavenly Father's atoning-blood seed may be contaminated but also worship unknown gods to anger Him further. That is why, that our heavenly Father said from time to time: For forty years I was angry with this people, because I told them time and time again what to do to please me. However, they always failed to do what I was calling them to do in their daily lives, so everything may go well with them and the children after them, for generations to come.

Surely, after all the Israelis that had escaped from Egypt's slavery were dead in the desert, because they had sinned terribly against Him and His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood seed by fashioning a golden calf that offended Him every time that He remembers it, then He was pleased again that His atoning-blood seed had made it into Canaan against all odds, as always. In other words, our heavenly Father was never pleased to see the children of the first Israelites that escaped Egypt's slavery to enter into the Promised Land to possess it forever, but, instead He was very well pleased to see that His atoning-blood seed that He had started with Isaac Holy Spirit born had finally made it into His Chosen Land.

Unquestionably, our heavenly Father was relief to see that His Son's atoning-blood seed had finally made it into Canaan not only to stay as the King Messiah for Israel but also for the nations, because He was finally defeating Satan and his fallen angels along with his lies, curses, infirmities, and death by establishing His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, forever. This was something that our heavenly Father always wanted to do, and this is to destroy Satan with His holy name established over Jerusalem's holy hill that he had tried to exalt his wicked name above His in the midst of the holy angels in heaven's glory, but only one-third believed that he could do it, the remaining angels believed otherwise.

Thus, for our heavenly Father to see the children of the Israelis that escaped Egypt's slavery to enter into Canaan not only with the Tabernacle of Reunion and the SHEKINAH conveying Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads, but also finally to see that His atoning-blood seed that started with Isaac was finally where He needed to be to destroy Satan's works, forever. For this is Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father was pointing to Moses and to Israel as well, that they needed to return to it, because they were born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to serve God forever with it, since His Son's atoning-blood is spilled to make the ground holy and everyone else holy for lasting salvation into eternity.

Given that, it was from Jerusalem's holy hill that Jacob established a covenant of life with His Son Jesus Christ as he personally said in his dream: Lord, if you feed and dress me, and you make sure that I enter into my relatives' hometown safe to meet my wife from their daughters, then you will be may God and savior, forever. Now, this was an important covenant that Jacob had started with Jesus Christ as he personally spoke to him from the middle of the three crosses that he described as a ladder ascending into heaven with angels going up-and-down from it, so he may be blessed along with his children and the land that were promised to him from Jerusalem's holy hill.

Provided that, it was from Jerusalem's holy hill that Jesus Christ spoke to him not only to grant him the land where he was standing but also the children to populate it, as well, because our Lord Jesus Christ said: I have given to you this land, and also children as numerous as the seashore sand that no one can ever count them. Moreover, Jesus Christ not only granted him the land of Canaan and the children to populate it for generations, because, our heavenly Father had granted him already the atoning-blood seed through Isaac: granting him children as numerous as the stars in heaven, but also the King Messiah's divine-life to destroy Satan's lie, sin, curses, infirmities, and the angel of death, forever.

Considering that, our heavenly Father wanted Satan dead along with his fallen angels that have brought sins, lies, curses, destruction, and death into the entire human race, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, but it had to be accomplished by the power of His atoning-blood seed that will give birth to Israel and the King Messiah to do it all finally. For it was His Son Jesus Christ that will not only defeat with his divine-life living within Israel with his brothers and sisters every lie, curse, infirmity, and death that Satan's sin and rebellion had brought initially into the entire human race, but also he had to ascend conquering over Jerusalem's holy hill to establish His holy name finally to crush Satan.

And this was Jerusalem's holy hill that not only Jacob had seen in his dream, as he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal God and savior, but also Moses had seen it over Mount Sinai burning in holy fire as the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory that had to be finally established within Canaan by Jacob's children to shed the atoning-blood. Inasmuch as, it was important that our heavenly Father will have His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground by Jacob's children that he had received by our Lord Jesus Christ from Jerusalem's holy hill as he said to Jacob: I have given you this land, but also the children to inherit it forever.

For this is Canaan that will receive timely our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground by Jacob's children that he had received from Jesus Christ and over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to defeat sin and Satan also along with his fallen angels and the angels of death, so the entire human race may finally be liberated and live sinless, everlastingly. Definitely, this is Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father had called everyone from the twelve tribes of Israel to love, serve and exalt God forever over this mountaintop, because this is Jerusalem's holy hill from where not only Jacob opened a covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ for him to bless him and his children, but also receive lasting salvation.

Meaning that, there is no other Jerusalem's holy hill but only one that our Father has in heaven and on earth from where He loves to be loved, served, and worshipped daily by everyone from Israel and the families of the nations, because this is where His nonstop-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood is shed to the ground to make everything holy into eternity. For it is here from where our heavenly Father had called Moses to stand before His Son Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three trees ascending into heaven's glory that he made contact for the first time with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, so Israel may begin to receive Holy Spirit power to breakaway from Egypt's slavery.

For this is contact with His Son Jesus Christ's physical atoning-blood that our heavenly Father needed to establish with Moses for Israel to receive Holy Spirit power that will not only liberate them from Egypt, but also grant them power to cross the Red sea and the Sinai's desert victoriously thus to establish His name over Jerusalem's holy hill within Canaan, forever. That is why, that whenever that we may approach Jerusalem's holy hill, then we will have our heavenly Father speaking to us again just as He normally does to everyone around the world that loves Him through His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross that burns constantly for us to come to reconcile with God, at last.

Thus, as we may approach Jerusalem's holy hill, then our heavenly Father will speak to us just as He had spoken to Jacob and many more through the years thus to forgive our sins, moreover heals us from infirmities, so we may not only escape death and hell's torment, but also have a wonderful life to enjoy with our loved ones, forever. For the reason that, once we make contact with Jerusalem's holy hill then we are contacting with our Lord Jesus Christ's physical atoning-blood shed to the ground that it is always pleading before our heavenly Father for our daily well-being, so we will never miss any of our blessings that are ready to enter into our lives thus to enrich us powerfully.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father will never cease to speak to you words of blessings and of eternal life for you and for your loved ones, because all the days of your life, since the day you were born from your mother's womb into the world, Satan has continually come to you with lies thus to destroy you, forever. However, as our heavenly Father speaks to you words of blessings and of life from heaven above, then Satan's lies will cease to influence you, because the words that are descending upon your life and that of your loved ones are more powerful than Satan's lies, so you will finally find the love, peace, prosperity, and happiness that you have searched for always.

Considering, since our heavenly Father manifested Himself through His Son Jesus Christ, and always over Jerusalem's holy hill, then He has never ceased to speak to those that approach Him with faith through His established way, truth, and life, because this is the holy ground where His Son shed His atoning-blood to remove sin thus to make everyone Holy Spirit born everlastingly. For this is His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that began to liberate Israel from Egypt's slavery and the terrible darkness to live isolated from Him and the Holy Spirit, because Moses had made contact with his feet as he stepped over holy ground thus bathing himself with the perfect love, holiness, and justice that emanates daily from the atoning-blood.

For this is His Son's atoning-blood that had given birth to Isaac from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's seed amazing-powers, but also had made Moses God's legitimate child over Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai's summit, so he may do His will not only by liberating Israel from Egypt but also taking Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed Abraham's children to take Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan to establish His holy name over the cross to crush Satan's works forever, but also for Abraham's children to shed His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to the ground for Israel and the nations to become His legitimate children just as Moses had become His child at Mount Sinai.

For it is His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed that makes not only the ground holy where the crosses are erected but it also gives it life, as the sun and rainwater will give life to any tree, so the cross where His Son Jesus Christ was nailed with His holy name may have blessings and powers always for His children. Lawfully, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground makes it holy, but also the cross where he was nailed with our heavenly Father's holy name to be established over Jerusalem's holy hill forever, so Satan may be crushed in His children's life for blessing to be possible as always for all the families of the nations, starting with Israel.

Provided that, it is from Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father had not only given birth to Israel and the children, but also called them to drink from it His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water thus to quench their thirst, so finally they may introduce it into Canaan to shed His Son's atoning-blood eventually for the nations to drink salvation, forever. Surely, just as our heavenly Father had made a covenant of the Holy Spirit with Sarah to give birth to Isaac from her barren-womb, so not only Jacob may convey His Son's Holy Spirit amazing-seed of the atoning-blood but also the children, so now: He needs the nations everywhere to drink daily from His Son's atoning-blood to establish His new angelic Kingdom.

Considering, our heavenly Father needs to abolish the old heaven with the earth by creating a new one with wonderful skies above by His Son's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill that not only Israel had drunk from it to quench their Sinai's desert thirst, but also He needs the nations to do the same for His new angelic Kingdom to exist. For the new heavens with the new earth will only be inhabited by men, women and children from all the nations, beginning with Israel, that had drunk to the full from Jerusalem's holy hill His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so only His Son's atoning-blood will run through their bodies into eternity for His new angelic Kingdom to exist eternally.

Otherwise, our heavenly Father does not want to have a world as the one we have filled with Adam's ill blood that has brought darkness that Satan will bring into existence every time someone believes a lie against Him and His Son's nonstop sacrificial atoning-blood shed, since Creation day in heaven and over Jerusalem's holy hill in Canaan to remove sin forever. Today, our heavenly Father wants a world filled with the families of the nations that have been to Jerusalem's holy hill just as Jacob through his dream and Moses at Mount Sinai to stand in holy ground saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood seed that not only empowers constantly the holy cross but also blesses the living-soul of that one that believes.

This is the world that our heavenly Father needs immediately that He sat with Abraham and his friends to eat the bread and drink the wine that His Son serves daily to heaven's angels, so His bloodline may be Holy Spirit born as Sarah's barren-womb gave birth to Isaac, for Jacob to receive Jesus Christ as his God and savior, forever. Inasmuch as, once Jacob received Jesus Christ as his personal God and savior, then Israel was going to become a nation in a land that had been chosen by our heavenly Father, and divinely granted to them to possess it, thus to introduce into it Jerusalem's holy hill that will facilitate to everyone abundantly the shed atoning-blood to become saved from sin, forever.

For the reason that, our heavenly Father was never willing to lose any one of His children that He had given birth in His image to live according to His likeness forever in heaven's glory, so He needed to remove Adam's ill blood from every man, woman and child by replacing it with His Son's atoning-blood seed that liberates instantly from sin, forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father needs still to replace everyone's ill blood received from Adam and Eve, as he was born from his mother's womb on earth, by standing in holy ground saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood seed that removes sin forever, furthermore grants you miracles and wonders every day, so that one may conquer his goals in life successfully.

That is why, that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will continue to speak into everyone's life that has believed within his heart for justice in Jerusalem's holy hill, as the unique nonstop sacrificial God's Lamb with the atoning-blood shed to the ground to bless those that believe with love, grace, mercy, and endless powers. Furthermore, our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit will speak words of life that will not only destroy Satan's lies that have brought into your life so much darkness of problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even death, but you will begin to heal from all these evils instead, because God's word is alive thus to change your life, forever.

These days, you will feel blessings descending into your life one after another, because these words of blessings and life are descending from Jerusalem's holy hill, given that not only our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit are speaking to you but also the atoning-blood cries out from the ground for your well-being, and that of your loved ones from everywhere. Surely, there will be powerful things taking place within your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because Satan's lies have been removed at last from you to be replaced with our Father's, His Son's and the Holy Spirit's words of blessings and of eternal life, so you may know only goodness, powers, and happiness, always.

Certainly, you will begin to feel incredible blessings and endless happiness within your heart and entire soul, because not only Satan has abandoned you with his lies and terrible problems, difficulties, infirmities and death, but also because now our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood seed shed to the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill is running through your heart and veins, enjoying pristine-life always. And this is a wonderful life that you will begin to enjoy around the clock, because Satan with the lies that caused Adam and Eve to sin in paradise are not longer part of you, but now you have been Holy Spirit born escaping Satan's lies to be awakened in the arms of your Maker and everlasting savior, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Now, you will no longer be living in the ill blood that you have received from your father as you were born from your mother's womb, but now, because of your faith on Jerusalem's holy hill, then His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground to make it holy, it has made you holy instantly only to know love, goodness, richness, and lasting-happiness. Therefore, your every day's problem on earth as it was in paradise for Adam and Eve, it was the blood contaminated with Satan's lies, curses, and threats of death, because they were deceived by the serpent from Eden only to know darkness until death, but, with Jesus Chris's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill, then you are liberated to know goodness, everlastingly.

Then, it has always been the blood that is in you, contaminated with Satan's lies pronounced to Adam and Eve in paradise that have been your every day's darkness, but with our Lord Jesus Christ living in you then his atoning-blood will replace instantly your ill blood, so you may know only light, love, richness, prosperity, peace, and lasting blessings, forever. For it was always Adam's ill blood cursed by Satan with his lies that have caused darkness in the world that it is turning it even darker progressively, that is, if people continually fail to acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood in their hearts, so they may escape darkness and poverty to the light giving us life and richness always from above.

Historically, Satan is always advocating evil not just against Israel as always, so they may never see the light from the burning bush as Jacob saw it first in his dream and later Moses over Mount Sinai, thus they may continue into deeper darkness, but, our Lord Jesus Christ fights progressively, in spite of time lost, for Israel to see God's blazing-light. Provided that, Jesus Christ was not only the one that served the meal for our heavenly Father and Abraham with his friends at the Lord's Table, but also, he has continued to be the high priest and the Lamb with the atoning-blood proving not only the bread and wine but also prayers and intercessions for Israel to please God at last.

Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ has remained faithful to Israel from where Jacob saw him first in his dream and later Moses over Mount Sinai at Jerusalem' holy hill, because he needs progressively to speak not only to Israel, as he personally spoke to Jacob and Moses, but also to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations. Moreover, Jesus Christ needs to speak to Israel and to every one else everywhere, because he is the only high priest that we have in heaven's glory presently that is always standing before our Father's altar as our Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, so we may escape Satan and his lies, by receiving his words of every day blessing.

And if you come close to Jerusalem's holy hill any time during the day, then you will be standing on holy ground before our Lord Jesus Christ's tall-cross that has received forever our heavenly Father's holy name, so he will begin to speak into our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit word of blessing, healing, prosperity, and eternal happiness. Our Lord Jesus Christ will speak to us constantly thus to undo and destroy forever Satan's lies, curses, problems, infirmities, and threats of death in hell's torment, and so, as his holy words of blessing and life begin to pour within us, then darkness will disappear to inundate our entire beings with the light that Moses saw to enrich us perpetually.

Moreover, whenever our Lord Jesus Christ will speak to us from the middle of the burning bush or ascending three trees that Jacob saw, then Satan's ill blood that he had placed in us as he lied to Adam and Eve, immediately it will become powerless, because the atoning-blood seed will be running through our entire bodies with blessings, powers, and healing, forever. But, for this to be possible not only for you but also for your loved ones, despite in the situation that they may be in these days, only a word of blessing, life, and healing from our Lord Jesus Christ, then Satan's wicked words will abandon you and your loved ones instantly, for blessing and healing to begin to work powerfully.

Given that, the life of blessing and constant peace, and prosperity for you and for your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, may only be found these days with our Lord Jesus Christ always standing in the middle of the burning bush, because this is a celestial nonstop-sacrifice over Jerusalem's holy hill, that needs to become part of you, forever. Surely, here is where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood has already been shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill not only to create all things in heaven with the angels and on earth with the nations, but also to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity, moreover bless them daily with bread and wine from heaven above for the atoning-blood seed to thrive constantly.

For the life of Israel just as it was with Adam and Eve in paradise, it is certainly our prime life today, because as our heavenly Father established the Holy Spirit's covenant with Sarah to give birth to Isaac to convey His atoning-blood seed to Jacob and progressively to the children, then, Israel is the life emerging from the atoning-blood, forever. Moreover, this wonderful life that our heavenly Father has granted us, manifested primarily within Israel, because of the covenant of life with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, so we may eat the bread and drink the wine with Him at the Lord's Table, so His Son Jesus Christ may become our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that enriches us powerfully, always.

Then, it will be Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that is shed over Jerusalem's holy hill at the foot of the cross that not only enriches it constantly but also every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, so we may have sins remove, moreover receive heavenly blessings of healing, peace, and lasting happiness that the atoning-blood grant us, graciously. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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