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Dec 28, 2014, 6:24:22 PM12/28/14
Sábado, 27 de Diciembre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias y las amistades de los dos policías asesinados en el cumplimiento de su deber, porque habían sido llamados a prestar sus servicios de mantener el orden y la ley del estado de Nueva York, en Brooklyn, en el lugar donde cayeron abatidos por las balas de un desconocido totalmente a ellos dos. El policía Wenjian Liu y su compañero Rafael Ramos se encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo compró la salvación eterna de sus almas vivientes con su propia sangre santísima, derramada por completo y en su día sobre los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Israel.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo 2015 a cada uno de todos ustedes y sus muy amados es nuestro deseo sobre el altar de nuestro Padre celestial, en el amor sagrado de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sean llenos de los milagros, maravillas y abundantes favores visibles e invisibles de su Espíritu Santo quien es su paz y su gloria eternamente.


Ciertamente, éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén, el cual nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo se manifestaron sobre sus cruces respectivas a Jacobo mientras el dormía por la noche, antes de llegar al pueblo de Padan-aram, donde vivían los descendientes de su padre Isaac, para escoger a su esposa de entre sus hijas. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo le empezó a hablar a Jacobo, de entre en medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo que se encontraban en sus lugares de siempre, a sus costados, para manifestarle nuestro Padre celestial que él es el Dios de su abuelo Abraham, y el Señor Jesucristo que es el Dios de su padre Isaac.

Además, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le manifiesta a Jacobo que él había sido bendecido en el Lugar Mas Santo de Dios, como en el tabernáculo de Reunión del reino angelical, desde mucho antes de la fundación del mundo, porque sus descendientes que serian como las estrellas del universo en número y que jamás se podrían contar, pronto llegarían a ser una gran nación. Por lo tanto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le manifestó a Jacobo que toda la tierra, en donde él estaba parado, había sido entregada a él y a sus descendientes que nacerían en la tierra de Canaán, después de él; por ende, él era grandemente bendecido delante la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo.

Entonces Jacobo veía como las tres cruces eran alineadas, de tal manera que ascendían hacia el cielo, para entrar en él, porque los ángeles subían de la tierra hacia el cielo y otros descendían del cielo a la tierra, para bendecir a las familias de las naciones, departe de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo. Además, Jacobo podía ver que la actividad de los ángeles era tremenda, porque cuanto más descendían del cielo con bendiciones y regalos especiales, departe de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, entonces muchos otros ascendían a la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial con oraciones, peticiones y ruegos especiales de los que los aman, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y, observando la maravilla de Dios y de sus ángeles ascendiendo y otros descendiendo sobre la escalera, las cuales eran las tres cruces ascendiendo el monte santo de Jerusalén, tocando el cielo; porque Jacobo observó como los ángeles desaparecían en el cielo al subir por las cruces, entonces exclamó, diciendo: Ésta es la casa de Dios, y yo no lo sabia. Con ésta visión, nuestro Señor Jesucristo quería manifestarle a Jacobo que él es la puerta al cielo, porque sólo por medio del monte santo de Jerusalén con él mismo en el medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre y del Espíritu los ángeles suben y bajan, y así también será para todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de las naciones.

Pero, por el momento, nadie podía subir al cielo todavía, porque primeramente sus hijos, los cuales tenían que nacer en la tierra de la esclavitud eterna de Egipto, entonces después de ser hechos libres del yugo de la esclavitud de más de cuatrocientos años, tenían que llevar el monte santo de Jerusalén y con sus cruces a la tierra prometida. Porque éste monte santo de Jerusalén, el cual Jacobo había conocido en su sueño con nuestro Señor Jesucristo que le hablaba sobre su cruz de entre las cruces, del Padre y del Espíritu Santo, tenia que ser llevado por el desierto del Sinaí a Canaán, para finalmente clavar el nombre admirable de Dios sobre la cruz de Adam y Eva, para salvación.

Y el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial tenia que ser clavado a los árboles sin vida de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para salvación de ellos y de sus descendientes también, porque cuando Adán y Eva pecaron en el paraíso al comer del fruto prohibido, entonces no podían más invocar el nombre de Dios, para salvación. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que manifestarle su nombre santo a Moisés, y éste es uno de sus hijos, para que esto sea posible al fin en Canaán y sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén; de otra manera, nadie podía jamás salvarse de sus pecados ni mucho menos ascender hacia el cielo, como los ángeles lo hacen siempre.

Aquí es cuando Jacobo le dice al Señor Jesucristo en oración: Si tú me das de comer y de beber, además me vistes y te aseguras que yo llegue sano y salvo a la tierra de la parentela de mi padre Isaac, para escoger a mi mujer de entre sus hijas, entonces tú serás mi Dios y redentor para siempre. Y en ésta oración viviente, la cual no solamente fue recibida por nuestro Señor Jesucristo que le hablaba a él de entre medio de las cruces del Padre y de su Espíritu Santo, sino que también fue recibida gozosamente por ellos mismos, para que Jacobo sea siervo no solamente de Jesucristo, sino también del Padre y de su Espíritu Santo, para siempre.

Aquí es también cuando no solamente Jacobo viene a ser oficialmente siervo eterno de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, sino que también siervo de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para que cada uno de sus hijos e hijas sean siervos por siempre del Dios Viviente, Creador del cielo y la tierra. Entonces con esta oración que Jacobo hizo al pie de la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo en sus respectivas cruces, inmediatamente el pacto de vida eterna entre Dios y el hombre fue sellado, para que no solamente Israel llegase a ser una nación de Dios, sino también todas las naciones que lo aman.

Y cuando el tiempo llegó para que nuestro Padre celestial sintiese misericordia por Israel que estaba viviendo por siglos bajo el yugo del cautiverio Egipto, entonces descendió con el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus cruces sobre el monte del Sinaí, para ser luz para Moisés y para Israel, para que al fin escapen hacia la tierra prometida, jurada a sus antepasados. Moisés atraído por el fuego de las cruces ardientes de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, entonces comenzó a caminar no hacia el monte Sinaí, sino hacia la luz que llenaba toda su vista haciendo que su corazón ardiese con el mismo fuego candente y extraordinario, pero sin quemarlo ni hacerle daño alguno, en ningún momento.

Entonces, acercándose hacia el fuego ardiente del monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Sinaí, y las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo ardiendo más y más, porque era fuego del altar de Dios que no solamente Moisés necesitaba sino también todo Israel, para que empiece a dar sus primeros pasos hacia la libertad. De pronto, Moisés oye una voz que le hablaba con mucho amor, poder y autoridad a la misma vez, y éste era nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo hablándole de entre las dos cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para decirle: Moisés, Moisés.

Y, entonces, Moisés responde diciendo: ¡Heme aquí, Señor! Entonces Moisés podía ver las cruces ardiendo fuertemente, pero sin hacerle daño a él ni a nada de lo que estaba en todo su derredor como plantas, árboles y grama, por ejemplo, y el Señor Jesucristo le vuelve a hablar, diciéndole: Moisés, quítate las sandalias de tus pies, porque el lugar en donde estás parado santo es. Y el lugar donde Moisés se encontró parado, en esos momentos, era realmente el lugar del sacrificio continuo de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, y éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén, el mismo que Jacobo vio en su sueño, camino a Padan-aram para encontrase con su esposa, para que entonces Dios le diese los hijos que formarían la nación Israelí.

Inmediatamente, una vez que Moisés se encontró parado ante la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y la del Padre y del Espíritu Santo también y en sus respectivas cruces que ardían como tocando el cielo, entonces nuestro Padre celestial tenia que manifestarle su nombre santo, porque éste nombre muy santo e infinitamente admirable no lo concia Israel para salvarse del cautiverio eterno. Aquí es cuando nuestro Padre celestial le dice a Moisés desde su cruz: Yo soy el Dios de Abraham, y su Hijo Jesucristo le dice también desde su cruz de en medio: Yo soy el Dios de Isaac, y finalmente el Espíritu Santo le dice desde su cruz: Yo soy el Dios de Jacobo, para que entonces Moisés conozca su nombre santo.

Porque era necesario que Moisés conociese el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, para que entonces en su corazón empiece arder también sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que de él emane poder, autoridad y abundante gloria, para que al fin Israel sea liberado del poder de la esclavitud eterna de Egipto. Es decir, que Moisés tenía que descender del monte Sinaí con el nombre de Dios enclavado en su corazón, para que entonces la fe que era necesaria para que comience a obrar maravillas en su vida y en la de los israelitas en cautiverio, pues esté con ellos en todo tiempo y así escapar al fin del yugo cautivador egipcio.

Por lo tanto, lo que Moisés bajo del monte Sinaí, después de haber tenido ese encuentro personal con nuestro Padre celestial sobre su cruz, nuestro Señor Jesucristo sobre su cruz, y el Espíritu Santo sobre su cruz también, fue el nombre santísimo y admirable del Dios Viviente para liberar a Israel de Egipto con poder y muchas maravillas, por todos lados. Y éste es el nombre de Dios, por el cual los israelitas tenían que recibir y aprender a amarlo todos los días de sus vidas, especialmente cuando estaban en cautiverio, para que comience a hacer grandes maravillas en sus vidas y así al fin escapar del poder malévolo de Faraón y de sus oficiales que quería terminar con ellos, para siempre.

Ciertamente que, el Faraón de Egipto quería terminar con todos los israelitas en cautiverio, porque Satanás había puesto ésta gran maldad en su corazón, para que no solamente Israel no llegase a conocer ni mucho menos servir a Dios sobre el monte Santo de Jerusalén y sus cruces, sino que también para que el Mesías no nazca entre ellos jamás. Porque nuestro Padre celestial le había dicho a Moisés: Sobre éste monte, tú con todo Israel servirán a Dios perpetuamente, para que él entonces oiga sus oraciones y así los bendiga grandemente en todas las cosas que ustedes deseen pedirle; visto que Dios está siempre listo para bendecirlos en todo lo que le pidan, para que su nombre santo sea engrandecido grandemente.

Sucesivamente, cuando nuestro Padre celestial usó su nombre santísimo en contra de Faraón y de sus oficiales, manifestando así los grandes poderes y maravillas que salen de él cada vez que es invocado por el hombre, para liberar al fin a Israel del cautiverio Egipto, entonces les ordenó hacer sacrificio y con la sangre sobre sus puertas escapar hacia el monte Sinaí. Dado que, era necesario para Israel escapar de Egipto hacia el monte Sinaí, porque los israelitas tenían un encuentro personal con nuestro Padre celestial sobre su cruz, con su Hijo Jesucristo sobre su cruz, y con el Espíritu Santo sobre su cruz, para que vean el mismo fuego ardiente que Moisés había visto, para que lo lleven en sus corazones hacia Canaán.

Por lo tanto, era necesario que Israel viese con sus propios ojos todo lo que Moisés había visto sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con las cruces ascendiendo hacia él cielo con grande fuego y poder, porque el camino que ellos estaban llamados a tomar no solamente era la conquista de Canaán, sino también La Nueva Jerusalén del cielo. Por ello, era necesario que Israel junto con Moisés vean por última vez el monte santo de Jerusalén ardiendo sobre el Sinaí, para que viaje en sus corazones hacia la tierra prometida, jurada a sus antepasados, como nuestro Padre celestial el Dios de Abraham, su Hijo Jesucristo como el Dios de Isaac, y el Espíritu Santo como el Dios de Jacobo.

Pero, desdichadamente, cuando Moisés se encontraba con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Hijo Jesucristo sobre el monte del Sinaí recibiendo no solamente las dos Tablas de los Diez Mandamientos, sino también todo el conocimiento del tabernáculo de Reunión, entonces Israel fundió todo el oro que sacó de Egipto en un becerro para llamarlo sus Dioses libertadores del cautiverio. Esto enfureció grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial que lo único que pensaba hacer con ellos era eliminarlos por completo de sobre la faz de la tierra, porque habían pecado en contra de su sacrificio continuo, el cual es su Hijo Jesucristo ensangrentado desde el día de la Creación, para libertarlos del fuego del cautiverio y del infierno, para finalmente entregarles una tierra eterna.

Y nuestro Padre celestial no veía con buenos ojos a los israelitas, porque, después de haber él hecho tanto por ellos, como descender sobre el monte Sinaí con su monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el cielo, para entrar a la tierra prometida de La Nueva Jerusalén celestial, entonces ofenden a su sacrificio continuo para deshonrarlo grandemente. Por lo tanto, no había solución inmediata para resolver éste problema terrible que estaba constantemente delante de los ojos de nuestro Padre celestial, porque con éste pecado vivo en cada uno de ellos, sin contar con Moisés y otros pocos más, entonces Él no les podía permitir llevar el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus cruces por el desierto, para introducirlo en Canaán.

Pero como nuestro Padre celestial ya no podía usarlos para que lleven el monte santo de Jerusalén y con sus tres cruces sobre sus cabezas, porque iba escondido de sus ojos en la SHEKINAH (gloria de Dios), entonces tuvo que esperar como cuarenta años para que sus hijos naciesen sin su pecado, y así introducir finalmente su monte santo a Canaán. Una vez que los israelitas introdujeron el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces sobre sus cabezas en la tierra prometida, entonces nuestro Padre celestial les quitó el tabernáculo de Reunión y se lo llevó al cielo, para que regrese a su lugar santo y original, para que siga produciendo santidad para los ángeles y así también para las naciones.

Y, luego, cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació del vientre virgen de la hija de David, entonces nació sin relación alguno al pecado, para entregarnos ese cuerpo santo y sangre bendita llena de vida eterna, para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, porque ésta salvación única es de los hebreos, para la eternidad. Por cuanto, ellos son los hijos de Abraham, de Isaac y de Jacobo, por ende, de ellos es ésta gran salvación del alma viviente, que no solamente nos limpia de todo pecado, sino que también nos sana de todos los males del enemigo mentiroso e inhumano, para no solamente llenarnos de bendiciones cada día, sino también entregarnos desde ya la vida eterna.

Por eso, era necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo naciese del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, como de los poderes asombrosos que revivieron el vientre muerto de Sarai esposa de Abram, para que naciese su hijo Isaac, para llevar la semilla de la salvación a Jacobo su hijo y a los hijos de sus hijos, para siempre. Porque era necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo naciese del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, para cumplir con el pacto de vida, el cual nuestro Padre celestial empezó con Abram al comer del pan y vino de la mesa del SEÑOR, servida diariamente por su Hijo Jesucristo, para que entonces todos coman y beban de su cuerpo santo.

Porque después de haber cumplido con todos los mandamientos de la Ley de Dios y de Moisés en todo Israel, entonces comenzó a anunciar su gran verdad salvadora, asegurándoles a todos, de que era necesario que todos coman del pan del cielo, para que ya no vuelvan a tener hambre ni sed jamás, en ésta vida y en la venidera. Visto que, sólo él es el pan que ha descendido del cielo, para ser el alimento que perdona, sana, salva y llena de paz y alegría el corazón y el alma viviente de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel y de las naciones, para que ya no vivan más para el pecado, sino para la vida eterna.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo tenia que ser levantado sobre las cruz del monte santo de Jerusalén, para derramar su sangre santísima al pie de la cruz, estableciendo así el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo sobre todo lo alto de Jerusalén, para siempre. Porque éste era el deseo de nuestro Padre celestial, de que su nombre santo sea clavado sobre la obra de sus manos, y esto es los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para establecer su nombre admirable para siempre sobre su cruz, para perdón, sanidad, bendición, prosperidad, poder y la alegría de la salvación eterna.

Así, pues, para esto nuestro Padre celestial había liberado a Israel no solamente para escapar del yugo de la cortina de hierro de Egipto, para pararse al pie del monte Sinaí y beber de la sangre del Señor Jesucristo convertida en agua viva, para calmar la sed de los israelíes y de sus animales, sino también de todas las naciones. Dado que, no solamente era necesario para Israel beber y comer diariamente del monte santo de Jerusalén que siempre viajó con ellos sobre la SHEKINAH que iba sobre sus cabezas camino a Canaán, sino que tenían que verter la sangre del Rey Mesías al pie de la cruz del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que todo el mundo beba de él también.

Visto que, éste es de el servicio que nuestro Padre celestial le estaba hablando a Moisés, cuando le dijo: tú con todo Israel regresaran a éste monte, el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus cruces, para servir a Dios, perpetuamente; y el servicio a Dios consistía de que tenían que verter la sangre del Gran Rey Mesías al pie de la cruz. Porque era necesario que no solamente nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo doblase sus rodillas ante nuestro Padre celestial y su Espíritu Santo sobre sus respectivas cruces, sino que su misma sangre tenia que ser derramada al pie de las cruces, para que <<su sangre bendita quede postrada delante del nombre santo de Dios y de su Espíritu Santo>>, para siempre.

Para que entonces todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, comenzando con Israel, siempre tengan la sangre santísima y necesaria al pie de la cruz, para servir a Dios con todo su amor, con todas sus fuerzas, con toda su mente, con todo su corazón y con toda su alma, para siempre. Por ello, cada uno de nosotros tiene la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo vertida ya al pie de la cruz, de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para que postrada ante Dios, porque fue obra expiatoria de los hebreos y de los gentiles, entonces podamos tener ésta sangre tan santa y necesaria para acceder a Dios, en cualquier momento, para bendición.

Y ésta sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo intercede por cada uno de nosotros, con mayor fuerza que la de Abel, cada vez que nos acercamos al monte santo de Jerusalén, para postrarnos ante la cruz de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para que nos limpie de todo pecado y así nos sane de todas nuestras dolencias. Por esta razón, cada vez que te acercas al monte santo de Jerusalén, ya sea en tus sueños o sobre todo lo alto del monte, como el monte Sinaí, por ejemplo, entonces la sangre santísima de tu sumo sacerdote Jesucristo recibirá todos tus problemas, dificultades, enfermedades, estudios, trabajos, obras, para resolverlos ya, porque para nuestro Dios no hay nada imposible.

Ciertamente que, hoy en día, éste es un lugar muy santo para nuestro Padre celestial y para su Hijo Jesucristo, porque el Espíritu Santo siempre te ayudara a llevarlo en tu corazón como tu altar y sacrificio continuo con la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya derramada abundantemente a tierra, para hacer expiación por todos tus pecados y dificultades. ¡Amén!


Moses was tending his father-in-law flocks as usual then he began to wander away towards Mount Sinai, because he could see a fire from the distance that had been burning for three days already but it was not moving at all, which was very strange for him to see. The more Moses continued to stroll towards it, the stranger it became to his eyes that he failed to make heads and tails from it that he needed to get even closer, to see why it was not consuming its surroundings, as a normal fire would but it remained in the same place as refusing to go, refusing to spread anywhere else.

Little did Moses know that he was beholding our heavenly Father's nonstop sacrifice of His Son, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), shed atoning-blood since Creation day, so all things could be created in heaven and on earth as well, because our Father will never venture out to create anything without His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground, for perfect holiness. However, for Moses the closer he came to the strange fire that could be seen from great distances then the greater became his astonishment that he failed to make heads and tails from it, so his heart burned even greater than ever, but, he continued nonetheless to experience peace, to the degree that he enjoyed watching the fire flaring mightily towards everywhere.

Then, our Lord Jesus Christ realized that he had conquered Moses' attention, because he could see how the Holy Spirit was leading him closer and closer to stand at the foot of the cross where he was as God's Lamb that he could call Moses by his name, as if he had met him before. And the Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses from the middle of the three crosses still burning in its glorious fire that began to burn since even before the start of eternity in heaven's glory: Moses, Moses! --The Lord exclaimed with great joy in his heart for him and for Israel to listen, for new things were about to happen on earth.

Immediately, Moses stopped still where he heard our Lord Jesus Christ calling him by his name, from the middle of the crosses on fire that he said: Here I am Lord. Then the Lord said: Remove your sandals because the ground where you are standing is holy ground. Moses immediately obeyed to our Lord's lawful command that he began to remove his sandals without saying a word, because he held within his heart that he was really standing in holy ground, a ground that is none other compared to any place on earth in those days and thus far.

In truth, Moses was standing at the foot of Jerusalem's holy hill that had descended over Mount Sinai to call him, because it was important that our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit will speak to him about the terrible situation that Israel was going through within Egypt for four-hundred years already and without relief from anywhere. Unquestionably, this was the time for our Lord Jesus Christ to begin to speak to Moses as he had never spoken to anyone else before on earth, because he needed to spark up his faith to believe in his name that is admirable, so he will have the power and authority to liberate Israel with power from Egypt's captivity.

It is here, after Moses had removed his sandals from his feet that our heavenly Father said to Moses: I am the God of Abraham, then the Lord Jesus Christ from the middle of the crosses on fire said: I am the God of Isaac, and finally the Holy Spirit from the other cross said: I am the God of Jacob. Moses, immediately, was struck with deep fear, a fear that he had never felt before, because he felt perfect holiness emanating from our heavenly Father, from His Son Jesus Christ and from the Holy Spirit as each one declared to him that they were the Eternal Gods of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Israel).

Furthermore, our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit from their respective crosses they had to manifest individually to Moses as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, for perfect Righteousness to begin to inundate abundantly his life and that of Israel, thus to break away from Egypt's inhuman captivity immediately. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit had to establish the holy and admirable name within Moses' heart, so the perfect Righteousness that can only come from God and from the tabernacle's Most Holy Place may rest in him finally to be vested with the power and authority needed to execute his deliverance-ministry.

And this is that Moses needed to descend from the presence of our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit with the holy name established within his heart for powerful-faith to develop within him, so he will not only be able to testify to Israel but also to Pharaoh for what he had seen at Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai. For it was important for our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit as well that Moses may descend from Mount Sinai with the holy name established in his heart to enter Israel victoriously, after hearing from them and on their respective crosses the testimony that they are the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

In other words, our heavenly Father with His Son and the Holy Spirit had to have had established the holy name within Moses' heart and that of Israel as well, so our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit may begin to develop powerful miracles to liberate Israel from the eternal darkness in Egypt that was decimating them inhumanely. This was a very powerful prerequisite to be established within Moses' heart, and this is that he had personally heard from our Father declared that He is the God of Abraham, and His Son is the God of Isaac and the Holy Spirit is the God of Jacob, for Israel finally to believe in their soon coming deliverance from Egypt's captivity.

Otherwise, it was totally impossible for Israel to begin to experience the power and authority that our heavenly Father's testimony along with His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit's as well directly from their crosses burning, confessing divinely: that they are the God of their ancestors, thus they are the living-name to believe to escape Egypt's captivity at last. Therefore, this is the burning bush that Moses saw over Mount Sinai, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses ascending into heaven, as Jacob's ladder burning in the nonstop holocaust fire where angels were ascending to heaven with prayers and others descending to earth with blessings for those that love God through His Son Jesus Christ's Righteous sacrificed-life.

And whether this is Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses ascending into heaven in Jacob's dream at the small city of Luz, on his way to Padan-aram to find a wife from his father Isaac's relatives or over Mount Sinai with Moses, our Lord Jesus Christ is always speaking to you with love from the middle of the blazing crosses. Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ will speak to you words of forgiveness along with words of life and blessings, because he needs to have you clean from sin, moreover heal you from Satan's wild attacks against you and your loved ones, too, because you need to be filled with words of power and authority to live your honorable-life in this world.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ will call you first just as he called Jacob in his dream or Moses over Mount Sinai to stand at Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may be washed clean from sin at the foot of the cross where his atoning-blood was shed since Creation day to bless you, as you have never been blessed before. Besides, as our Lord Jesus Christ speaks words of forgiveness, kindness and of everlasting love, then our heavenly Father will speak to you as well along with the Holy Spirit, because your living-soul needs to hear from them, so only blessings will flow into your life until you will become so blessed that you will never be the same as before again.

This will be a wonderful-life that you will live immediately, with your living-soul blessed, because Satan with his fallen angels will fail to speak lies and terrible curses that have afflicted not only Adam and Eve in paradise but also their children from all the families of the nations, so you will be liberated finally only to know blessings flowing through you. This is, certainly, a wonderful life to live every day on earth and in heaven's glory liberated at last from Satan's lies and terrible curses that not only caused you problems, difficulties, infirmities and even threats of death in your life and that of your loved ones, but also they were taking you hastily into hell's torment forever cursed.

Surely, you will be living the blessed life that you ought to live these days on earth and that Satan with his fallen angels have done everything that was possible, so you will never enjoy it, because since the day you were born from your mother's womb then he has only tried to kill you with his usual lies and hidden curses. Meaning that, whenever that you may run into terrible problems, difficulties, infirmities and threats of death, then it will be because Satan with his fallen angels have already spoken evil words against you or they are doing it right now, but, nonetheless, as you may stand at the foot of the cross, then our Lord Jesus Christ will liberate you with his blessings.

Our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to liberate you because he has done everything that he needed to do on the cross, so you will feel his words of blessing every day on earth, since they are liberating you already from Satan and his terrible fallen angels' lies and curses, thus you will only live his blessings to enrich you powerfully always. Indeed, this is a wonderful life for you and your loved ones to come to know these days, because it is a miracle-life where Satan and his fallen angels' lies and curses will no longer affect you in your every day life on earth, because now our Lord Jesus Christ will be the one speaking words of blessings always into you.

Undoubtedly, this is what you need these days to live your life liberated from Satan's every day lies by standing at the foot of the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so our Lord Jesus Christ along with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit will begin to speak words of blessings into you thus to liberate you from what is afflicting you. Definitely, you will be blessed powerfully as you may stand at the foot of the cross where our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to liberate you from sin, moreover grant you his perfect Righteousness to live eternal life even before you may ascend into heaven's glory, because he will fill you with his love that is still there over the mountaintop.

Inasmuch as, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill then he did it because he loved you so much that he paid the price of your salvation with his own life, since there was no other way possible to do it, so the price for your salvation is still where he shed it abundantly. All the love that our Lord Jesus Christ poured abundantly on the cross for you and for your loved ones, so by the power of his atoning-blood paid to erase your sins from our heavenly Father's book in heaven's glory, then it is still at the same place where he shed it, waiting for you to touch it with your presence.

All his tears, suffering and prayers are still at the same place where he shed them for you and for your loved ones, so they may touch your life powerfully and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because everything that he gave for you it was to the full, and they will never die. It is here where our heavenly Father will not only manifest with his Son and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill to begin to speak into your life His powerful liberating words to help you escape Satan's terrible sinful life that has afflicted you until now, pushing you into hell's torment, but also, make you His legitimate child instantly, for eternity.

For that is the power that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has left over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to touch your life to the point to turn it from darkness into light, so He will begin to speak into your life powerful words of blessing just as He did with the ancients. In other words, the same thing that our heavenly Father did with His Son and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill and over the crosses on fire and ascending into heaven's glory for Jacob while he was dreaming and for Moses over Mount Sinai, He will certainly do it for you and for your loved ones these days.

Given that, for our heavenly Father with His Son along with the Holy Spirit on their respective crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill will perform the same blessings, and, perhaps, even greater ones than before, because, the power and authority to do them are still there for you and for anyone else willing to receive His amazing daily-portion-of-love, healing, and abundantly blessing. That is to say, also that for our heavenly Father with His Son and the Holy Spirit living on their respective crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses are still the same through time until now, because time for Him and for His Son and His Spirit do not change anything at all, ever.

In other words, as you may approach our heavenly Father and His Son with the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill to speak blessing to you from their respective crosses, then they will do it just as in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, so you will be touched by the same love, grace, mercy and powers these days. For our heavenly Father and His Son with the Holy Spirit the time from the past to the present days and the future to come will never change anything, but everything that they did to the ancients and people from all the families of the nations through time remain the same for you, for your loved ones, and friends from everywhere, too.

Now, if you have said, for example, that if you have been with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses in their days in the presence of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you would have done the same they did to kneel at Jerusalem's holy hill--well, your day is today--do it, to be blessed. Because, time for our heavenly Father and His Son along with His Spirit mean nothing, meaning that nothing is ever changed, the days from yesteryear are the same as these days and into the future to come, so you may have the same opportunity as the ancients did to love, serve and worship our Father at Jerusalem's holy hill for power.

These days, Jerusalem's holy hill may be anywhere in heaven's glory for the angels, because they also need to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit, so, the same is true on earth for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to love, serve and worship God on this mountain forever. It is here where our heavenly Father has been waiting for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and millions more through the years until they met them in person just they have always been since the early days of eternity and until now--well, the same is true for you these days--because they have so many amazing things to say to you.

Graciously, these are words that no man, woman and child have ever said much less experienced that will inundate your life with love, grace, mercy, favors and the power of the Holy Spirit to become born again into God's legitimate child, so you will abandon darkness to live in the light that enriches you on earth these days heavenly bound into everlasting. For it is here where our heavenly Father will meet you with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at the gate into heaven's glory where the angels are going up into heaven with everyone's prayers and other angels descending with answers and gifts for the people of the nations, so you will ascend at once into heaven's glory, too.

It is here where the door is still open for you to pray, serve and worship our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may enter to stay, and then leave, as you may please always doing His perfect will within your life and that of your loved ones, because He wants others to enjoy His peace and glory. These days, Jerusalem's holy hill is the only genuine way, truth and life to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit, so you may enter through the door that opens for Jacob's ladder taking you into heaven's glory forever justified, so you may live the eternal life that was robbed from you with Satan's lies in paradise.

For there is no other way, truth and life possible to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit except over Jerusalem's holy hill right now, for you to find your way to escape this world that has a burning hell in its heart with an eternal place waiting for you to descend into it anyday now. Many have searched for our heavenly Father and His Son through other ways but they always failed to find them, because only through Jerusalem's holy hill our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve to establish His holy name over Jerusalem forever, for forgiveness, healing, prosperity, happiness, and lasting salvation.

Now, if there was any other way possible where our heavenly Father will have His nonstop celestial sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood shed over the cross and to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, then He would have told or shown us already, but there is none to be the door to ascend into heaven forever saved, except through His Son. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to show to Jacob not only His Son speaking to him from over the line-up crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill as touching heaven, but also, He had angels ascending from earth to heaven and others descending from heaven to earth, because this is the only door open to eternal life.

That is why, also that any other way that people may have found to ascend into heaven's glory, besides Jerusalem's holy hill, where our Lord Jesus Christ is on his cross in the middle between the Holy Spirit and our heavenly Father, then they have been deceived by Satan, and the way that they have found will lead to hell's torment. For this reason, our Lord Jesus Christ always said to the people of Israel: I am the way, the truth and the life back to heaven's glory; and there is no other way possible to ascend into heaven's glory to see our heavenly Father, because no one knows the way to the Father except me.

In due time, as our heavenly Father bestowed Moses with the faith needed of His holy and admirable name living in his heart, so he may receive abundantly the perfect holiness needed to undertake his ministry to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity, then He said: You with Israel will return to this mountain, in good time, to serve God. Now, when our heavenly Father said to Moses: You with Israel will return to this mountain to serve God, and then He was talking about the burning bush of the three lineup-crosses that were on fire that Moses testified about to Israel, and that our Lord Jesus Christ, as God's Angel, talked to him from the middle of the three burning crosses.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Moses from between the crosses of our heavenly Father and of the Holy Spirit, just as he had initially spoken to Jacob in his dream, to let him know that he had been blessed and that the land where he was standing had been given to his children yet to be born. From the middle of the three crosses between our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ declared to Jacob that he had been blessed and that he will have children as numerous as the stars from heaven above that no one can count and that they will be born in future generations, to possess the land of Canaan forever.

What's more, from the same place our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Moses openly over Jerusalem's holy hill that had descended from heaven above to rest over Mount Sinai as the burning three lineup-trees, or burning bush, to let him know also that he was blessed along with Israel to become liberated from Egypt's captivity, to possess the promised land at last. Furthermore, it is from this place, from the middle of the burning bush or three lineup-crosses, that our Lord Jesus Christ continues to tell to Israel these days along with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit that they are the Gods of their ancestors, so they may receive the powers of the holy name that blesses every living-soul of humankind.

It is from Jerusalem's holy hill that our Father says to Israel: I am the God of Abraham, along with His Son in the middle cross that says: I am the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit on his cross that says: I am the God of Jacob (Israel) to be blessed as in day one to become God's dreamed-nation, finally. And this is the reason that our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill to show to Moses and Israel the importance of His nonstop sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood since Creation day, but also to liberate them with the power of His holy name thus to become Gods and priests heavenly bound into eternity.

Surely, Israel with Moses had to cross the Red sea in dried ground to stand at Mount Sinai's foot to behold Jerusalem's holy hill with the three lineup-crosses as the burning bush that Moses described, so they may see our Father on His cross, His Son in the middle cross and the Holy Spirit on his cross burning as the liberating nonstop-holocaust. However, before they were to see our heavenly Father on His cross along with His Son and the Holy Spirit on their respective crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, they had to quench their thirst, because they were as thirsty as the lost souls in hell's torment, so they needed to drink from the rock that our heavenly Father will show.

Our Father said to Moses: Gather the leadership and follow me faithfully to the place that I will show you, and from the rock that I will see, then you will speak to it, so it will burst into abundant living-water for Israel and the animals to drink to the full--and do it now, before they drop dead without salvation. Moreover, it is here where Moses with Israel drank from the rock of Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood shed to the ground by our Lord Jesus Christ's burning cross that turned into living-water for Israel to drink along with the nations as well, because the rock continued to gush out living water into great quantities into the distant horizon.

Miraculously, there was water everywhere because Jerusalem's holy hill continued to dispense water in great quantities that caused a river of living-water to be formed through the desert that reached to the nations beyond the horizon, so they may drink also from His holy name and living-word--and this is the preaching-and-teaching worldwide of His Gospel of Eternal Salvation these days. However, Israel with Moses had to drink from the injured-rock first, Jerusalem's holy hill, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water for Israel and the nations as well to drink daily, because they were going to pass on Jerusalem's holy hill to the Promised Land, for the nations finally to see it as they have seen it over Mount Sinai.

Divinely, this is something that no other nation could ever do it, except Israel, because our heavenly Father had established a pact of life with Abraham by eating the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hand at the lord's Table, so the Holy Spirit will give birth to Isaac, and Jesus Christ's atoning-blood may seal a pact with Jacob, finally. Then, because Jacob sealed a pact of life with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood at Jerusalem's holy hill while he dreamed at the little town name Luz, on his way to find a wife at his father Isaac's relatives, then, his children had a right to drink from the atoning-blood first and to introduce Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan for the nations.

Furthermore, once they saw our heavenly Father on His cross with His Son Jesus Christ in the middle cross along with the Holy Spirit on his cross, as eternal witness for the things taking place over Mount Sinai and for every word said at Jerusalem's holy hill, for Israel to become liberated from Egypt's captivity, then they could get underway to Canaan. On their way to the Promised Land then the SHEKINAH cloud (God's glory) descended upon Israel above to guide them through the way they should walk through the Sinai's desert conveying Jerusalem's holy hill with the lineup-crosses that Jacob had seen in his dream and Moses over Mount Sinai as the burning bush or three lineup-trees ascending into heaven's glory.

Thus, every morning the manna rained abundantly from Jerusalem's holy hill over the Israeli camp to eat from the bread, and this is the sacred-flesh from His Son Jesus Christ and the atoning-blood turned into living-water for daily drinking, so the Israelis never went hungry through the Sinai's desert much less thirsty, because they had their daily rations on time always. In view of that, it was always our Lord Jesus Christ in the middle cross between our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit on their respective crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill above the Israelis' heads that they continued to receive without failing ever their daily portions of the manna to eat and the living-water to drink to the full.

Now, our heavenly Father did not allow the Israelites that left Egypt to carry Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads hidden in the SHEKINAH cloud through the Sinai's desert to introduce it into the Promised Land, because they rebelled against His Son Jesus Christ by fashioning a golden calf that they called their gods that liberated them from captivity. Because of this terrible sin to call a golden calf the gods that liberated them from Egypt, then our heavenly Father could not use them anymore, because the sin of rebellion was all over them, and He will never allow rebellious people to carry His Jerusalem's holy hill over their head hidden within the SHEKINAH cloud to introduce at last into Canaan.

However, because Moses interceded for them at Mount Sinai, so our heavenly Father will not destroy them in the sin of rebellion that was ready to contaminate His nonstop celestial sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill in Creation day, then He waited for forty-years for their children to be born. Passively, our heavenly Father waited for the first Israelites that left Egypt to give birth to their children in great numbers, because they will be born in the Sinai's desert, without the sin of rebellion against His Son that caused Him to become so angry at Israel that He was ready to destroy them right there and then at Mount Sinai.

Therefore, it was the children born in the Sinai's desert that our heavenly Father saw them fit to convey Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads through the wilderness finally to introduce it into the Promised Land, so He may be able to execute His much needed sacrifice at Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ to remove sin forever. Our heavenly Father had finally to conduct His nonstop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill not only to remove sin forever but also He needed the families of the nations to have an official living-testimony of His nonstop atoning-blood sacrifice, because this is the continuous sacrifice that Israel was pulled from Egypt to execute timely in Canaan.

For this is Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father had shown to Moses and Israel over Mount Sinai, pointing out at them that this is the holy mountain from where they will love, serve and glorify Him every day of their entire lives on earth, so He may bless them and the nations as well with forgiveness, healing and salvation. Meaning that, every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations will have their day to love, serve and glorify Him at Jerusalem's holy hill before the threes lineup-crosses ascending into heavens glory, and these are people into the millions already from the nations that they have learned to love, serve and glorify His holy name.

For the reason that the holy name that our heavenly Father had manifested to Moses, it was the holy name that belongs to the Father, to His Son and to the Holy Spirit that no one can truly ever understand it much less bear it unless they have been reborn from the Holy Spirit to become as Jesus Christ is everlastingly. For Jesus Christ is God's holy Angel that He personally told Moses in the Sinai's desert by saying: I will not go with you through the desert to the Promised Land because you will must likely sin against me again just as you did at Mount Sinai with the golden idol, and then I will need to destroy you in a minute.

However, my holy Angel will go with you, and this is The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, for he will guide you through the desert into the Promised Land, but, be careful to obey his word, for he will not forgive your sins much less your rebellions; he bears my name in him, remember, so do as he may command you to do anything. Because, if you obey whatever he may tell you then you will be obeying and honoring my holy name that he bears in him in perfect holiness, but, if you chose to disobey his word and rebel against him, then you will be sinning and rebelling against my holy name that is in him--and judgment will come against you swiftly.

It is here when our heavenly Father revealed to Moses that His Son Jesus Christ will be with them through the Sinai's desert traveling with him above their heads with His holy name ready to be nailed to the cross, in due time, because His desire was that His holy name may be finally nailed to the cross at Jerusalem's holy hill. And this is something that not only Israel had to do for the glory of His name but also Adam and Eve's children that will be present at Jerusalem's holy hill to nail His Son Jesus Christ to the cross at last to remove sin from the world, so they may be saved from eternal death along with their children forever.

On this day, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill before the Israelis and the Gentiles that were occupying the Promised Land with their armies that His holy name was finally nailed to the cross thus fulfilling His personal desire to have His holy name established forever over Jerusalem for everyone's lasting salvation. Because, once our heavenly Father's holy name is nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill then the door to ascend from earth into heaven's glory was opened to every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, so they may go up and down at will just as the angels did vividly in Jacob's dream.

Meaning that, if our heavenly Father had failed to nail His holy name through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body and atoning-blood shed at the cross and to the ground, then, no one could ever have the power and authority to enter into heaven's glory through Jerusalem's holy hill, because, His holy name will not be there to save anyone ever. However, since our heavenly Father's name was finally nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill thus fulfilling the Scriptures and His personal word manifested to King David and his sons then the door was wide opened not only for Israel to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified but also every one else from all the nations until now.

Thus, it was important for our heavenly Father to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity to take them across the Red sea in dried ground to walk through the desert with the thirst to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may have power to enter Canaan with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads. Provided that, our heavenly Father's holy name had to be nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve by the Israelis and the Gentiles living in Israel, so once His holy name is nailed to the cross and the atoning-blood shed to the ground, then the door is opened for anyone willing to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified into eternity.

Moreover, once our heavenly Father's holy name was nailed with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to the cross of Adam and Eve then they were able to ascend immediately into heaven's glory, but also their children that had already died, but they had failed nonetheless to ascend into eternal life since our Father's name had not been nailed to the cross yet. Meaning also that Jerusalem's holy hill and gate to heaven was closed to everyone except for angels until Israel will liberate from Egypt's captivity to drink from the rock His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may carry Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads through the desert to nail His holy name to the cross finally for the salvation-door to open.

Appropriately, it was because of our Father's holy name manifested as He said: I am the God of Abraham, then His Son said: I am the God of Isaac, and finally His Spirit said: I am the God of Jacob (Israel), then God's holy name was revealed to Moses to liberate Israel from Egypt to nail it to the cross in Canaan. This is something that had to be done by the Israelis and the Gentiles at Jerusalem's holy hill and before the nations worldwide, so it will not only become everyone's altar where our Father is on His cross, His Son in the middle one and His Spirit on his, too, for words of salvation blessings to shower upon those that believe.

However, more important, because of our heavenly Father's holy name nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve then the door will be opened to everyone to ascend from earth into heaven's glory forever justified, moreover descend from heaven to earth at will thus to execute our heavenly Father's will upon the hearts, souls, minds, human spirit and bodies of humankind. Given that, it is our Father's will to reach everyone from all the families of the nations with His Son Jesus Christ's extended love that he manifested and shed at Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may finally become filled with his eternal love thus to live a wonderful life on earth heavenly bound to His lasting richness of peace and glory.

Provided that, it is this glorious love emanating into the angels in heaven's glory and to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations that our heavenly Father wants to love and live with forever within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, so we will all live with the holy angels as one big loving-and-happy family into infinity. Therefore, our heavenly Father has made it a personal responsibility that everyone most visit Jerusalem's holy hill, the sooner the better, because this is His home-sweet-home in heaven's glory for the angels and for the families of the nations, so they may receive forgiveness, healing, blessing, power, prosperity and the lasting assurance that they have a wonderful mansion to live forever saved.

This is our heavenly Father altar that He not only presented to Jacob while he was dreaming to have a wife any day now or Moses over Mount Sinai where he personally stood over Jerusalem's holy hill that our Lord Jesus Christ had to say to him: remove your sandals, Moses, for the land where you are standing is holy ground. However, our heavenly Father wants to place Jerusalem's holy hill not only in your dreams as He did with Jacob or over Mount Sinai for Moses and Israel, but within your heart, so it will go with you everywhere every day, for love, healing, blessing, prosperity, happiness, and amazing powers to be possible always for you and for your loved ones.

Moreover, our heavenly Father wants to make your heart His altar of Jerusalem's holy hill always burning with the live-fire that burned our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross the day he died for your sins to resurrect on the third day victorious with your blessings and eternal life, because you need power to live a happy life on earth and in eternity. You truly need His blessing and protection, you need His Son Jesus Christ every day care and lasting love, and you need the Holy Spirit every day miracles, favors and peace that will transfer you from your daily darkness on earth into your daily light up day, in heaven's glory, so you will eventually know life as you ought to everlastingly.

Our heavenly Father's Jerusalem's holy hill is your source of blessing that you need to carry not only in your dreams as in Jacob or Moses over Mount Sinai's holocaust fire, but within your heart, because your heart is the source of life, and with Jerusalem's holy hill established within it, then you have abundant divine-power always blessing abundantly your every day. Amen!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 is our wish for you and your loved ones before our heavenly Father's holy altar in heaven's glory, so He may always bless and protect you, by the grace, kindness and extended love of His Son Jesus Christ through the amazing progressive favors of the Holy Spirit that is your peace and glory everlastingly.

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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