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Hmong Marrying White Crisis

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May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
I would like to adress the potential problem of some Hmong women
marrying white men. If you are a Hmong woman and are offended by what I
have to say then damn me for thinking about all the Hmong fellows out
there. Why don't some Hmong women just simply marry Hmong men and vice
verse? And why do our white male counterparts with millions upon
millions of eligible white females out there, insist upon marrying a
Hmong women when they know its hard enough as it is for us to find a
suitable Hmong woman?

Don't they understand the financial crisis that they could inflict upon
the Hmong male populus. Bride cost here on the West Coast is at a
steady $5,000. In the more white dominated areas such as Oregon where
Hmong women are more likely to marry white men; the bride cost is at an
alarming $7,000 according to my sources. The dwindling supply of Hmong
women along with still growing demand and steady rising inflation could
jack bride costs up to over $8,000 in areas such as Oregon next fiscal
year 99-00. Do the white men have to pay bride costs as we do? Hell
no. Some of the poorer Hmong fellows because of our white counterpart's
inconsiderate marriages, will not be able to afford a Hmong wife as they
desire and don't think we could ever marry a white women...heaven forbid
that our children should not be graced with the one of the finest
heredity on this planet. We Hmong men take great pride in our lineage
and blood line.

If you are a white male... cut us Hmong men some slack man.
Listen...come here...sit have a Bud Light man. We're all
men here...we can reach an understanding for each other. Come on... be
a pal... lets not meddle with one another's affairs like the French.
Understand your Hmong American brother's plight and work with us to make
this world a better place for the little children. Not just for us but
for society as whole. There you see... it wasn't that bad was it? Now
why don't you go out there and find that cute white lil sweet thang that
you deserve. We men must must all cooperate to help everyone out.
Thank you for your understanding. You don't know how much we appreciate
it man. When you leave your Hmong girl for our well being... we just
wanna kneel down and cry... of course even us Hmong men must show our
emotions sometimes. :)... . . . ..


And to yee who be Hmong and men, but wed OUT!!! of yee beautiful people.
I hadst heard of Hmong that were men that did by blunder most nearly
weded to girl who was kin of theirs. But what sorts of claims can yee
make by accident wed girl withst blonde hair and eyes of blue? Shame on
thee, thou hast damned yee little ones to a meek half-bred existence
that they may never share a place alongst side our ancestors on the
other side. For yee must be orphaned by communist terror so that yee
not have love for thy blood and heredity that yee wilst mixst with
outside stuff to make a strange concoction. What villianous manner of
men doth claim father of yours? Have yee any decency at all...? any alllll?

(of course that last line could also be used right back at me for
percecuting others but as you can see I have no deceny either)

Sai Thao <> a.k.a. Prattling Philosopher

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99

LORDY LORDY LORDY... this is a funnnnnnnnniest posting I have ever
read. :). Just a thought. We silliness Hmong men!

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
In article

"T.J." <> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 May 1999 wrote:
> > I would like to adress the potential problem of some Hmong women
> > marrying white men.

> LORDY LORDY LORDY... this is a funnnnnnnnniest posting I have

> read. :). Just a thought. We silliness Hmong men!

Hahaha. I'm glad I'm not the only one laughing, TJ. I'm just glad we
Hmong women have not reached the point where we stoop down to beg White
women to leave our Hmong men alone. Please, women of every ethnic and
national background, do feel free to partake of our Hmong men should
the mood strike you. Hahaha!

Mai Na


May 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/31/99
The loveliest face I have seen was that of a lovely Hmong in St. Paul.

Whether I go to the video store or the coffee shop, they might as well be
saying the "r" word but when that happens at work, where one goes to work, and
a teacher is saying things that support the criminal agenda of those who have
kept me from seeing my parents and "cleansed" one from jobs, apartments and
more, love and more, that is a problem.

But on Walsh St., I thank you always.

Jun 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/2/99
Hey! What Sai Thao has to say is very important. It's quite accurate
too. For some of you Hmong guys (and girls..but they don't seem to care
that much) that haven't seen the light you may laugh at Sai's thoughts,
but there really does exist a potential problem. When we Hmong become
more assimilated (I hate that word) we will find ourselves outmarrying
at a super alarming rate. For instance, take at look at the Japanese
Americans. I think the females outmarry like 50 to 66 %. Holy cow!
That's alarming! No wonder I have harldy ever met a Japanese before! And
no wonder I don't see Japanese Americans heading any organizations.
That's pathetic. Here's another example. Take a look at our own Lao
brothers and sisters. Their culture is denigrating even faster than
ours. I know so. I used to hang out with many of them. They only
care about decorating they're faces and bodies, but really lacking
in mental strength. This is not an insult. It's meant to wake them

[Well at the moment, our Hmong culture may actually be
flourishing...then again there are many signs that it's degrading also.
Hmong converting to "Christianity" is an obvious case in point, hehehe].

This is not a laughing matter. TJ from North Carolina, you should
support Sai on this one, really. All the Hmong guys out there better
open up their eyes too. We will have to deal with this situation within
the next generation.

Lately I've been visiting Chinese and other Asian sites and I've noticed
that this dating/marriage disparity is a prevalent theme. We Hmong
better open up our eyes too if we don't want to face some of the
negatives that the other Asians are encountering. This is the reason why
I said we should promote ourselves. Hollywood and the fashion magazines
which are dominated by whites certainly aren't going to do it for us.
They're actually against us. We need to make ourselves
appealing--sexually that is. Personality wise, I think we are charming
already, hehe.

Sai Thao, good work! I'm surprised you are pretty insightful with your
observation when you're only 18! I'm being serious about this.

Tou Lynhiavu

Sent via

Sai Thao

Jun 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/2/99
>On Sat, 05 Jun 1999 14:12:03 GMT "CB" <> writes:
>On Tue, 25 May 1999 04:30:53 GMT, wrote:
>>I would like to adress the potential problem of some Hmong women
>>marrying white men. If you are a Hmong woman and are offended by
>what I
>>have to say then damn me for thinking about all the Hmong fellows out
>>there. Why don't some Hmong women just simply marry Hmong men and
>>verse? And why do our white male counterparts with millions upon
>>millions of eligible white females out there, insist upon marrying a
>>Hmong women when they know its hard enough as it is for us to find a
>>suitable Hmong woman?
>>Don't they understand the financial crisis that they could inflict
>>the Hmong male populus. Bride cost here on the West Coast is at a
>>steady $5,000. In the more white dominated areas such as Oregon
>>Hmong women are more likely to marry white men; the bride cost is at
>>alarming $7,000 according to my sources. The dwindling supply of
>>women along with still growing demand and steady rising inflation
>Think about the fact that most white men (including myself) do not
>talk about buying women like livestock. Whether or not it is a part
>of tradition, I still think it is degrading and the Hmong woman I love
>knows it (read my previous made today).

Dear Good Sir,

Of all people that I must consolidate with, it is the White men who make
up mainstream America. My previous posting below was written in the form
of humor so that in this case translated a poor message to you and
others. We don't buy them like livestock as my humor had mislead you.
Its simply a cultural function that does not literally translate by
meaning to that which you have understandably label as buying and
selling. The two individuals involved do not see their relationship
detracted by this and this view point is what is misunderstood by those
who hold mainstream thoughts on the subject. If I were to marry a White
I would not pay a bride price because culture does not apply in this case
and you do the same. I can choose between a Christian wedding and a
Hmong wedding and I choose the Hmong way becaues my boyz each will marry
the same way. I nor my future wife hopefully do not see anything
degrading about it. They only thing we would think about is each other
as partners in life. Its somethings I share with the ones most closest
to me. One of the most important things I have to make you see is that
we are not bad guys. Please understand that some Hmong men do understand
their wives and some Hmong wives do love their husbands very much and I
and other Hmong men/women of SCH are witness to this; and yes there are
always those that aren't happy, men or women. Some White women do not
love their husbands either. It all comes down to the people involved.

In the same way you want to live the way of your culture I must do the
same... we must have this understanding. I'm sorry our culture does not
fall in in your favor. But also understand that inter-racial marriages
is a very sensitive topic for some Asian men because of our culture and
feelings. I can't explain it, you just have to feel it to know it. You
and Asian women will never feel it I'm sure of it, you guys just don't
seem to have the psychologically induced receptors for this feeling. It
feels like this deep huanting feel of betrayal and of cold abandonment
close to voidness... a very heavy emotion that sometimes ties a heavy
knot in my heart so that I fell my chest tighten as I ponder this topic.
These feelings belongs to guys who feel that they are acceptable by
social standards but feel that its not their fault that they are looked
down upon because of the culture behind them. This is a useless feeling
because they actually don't have any difficulties finding a someone at
all but feel that their women have turned their backs on them and the
culture that they hold dear. Hated just because of thier culture and not
because of them as respectable individuals.

I'm very sorry for the difficult circumstances of your life as you've
described for us in your other posting. If you want a Hmong woman and
she wants you too then I hope the both of you find the happiness that all
men and women are entitled to. But understand that depending on her
husband, he may feel destroyed or nothing at all. But don't presume he
is an emotionless monster. Ask her about the heart of her husband and if
she see's nothing then there is no reason why she should not be with
someone she does love. If she finds in his heart a husband that she can
live with then its still her decision. If you do love her then please
think about her and him before your own love for her. Though maybe not
with her current husband I know positively that there is Hmong man that
can and would of made her happy if chance had blessed them. If that man
instead happens to be White then it still does the same thing for her.
But how it happened for her is common and is something I do not like as
you do. But if you two should decide to do what your 'hearts' feel...
please agree that their son's full custody must be given to him. He is a
son of the Hmong people and a member of his father's clan. The little
boy's mother because she is Hmong should understand this. He belongs to
a collection of families bound by a culture and a grand ancestry, and it
takes entire clan to raise a Hmong boy. Even if it should come out that
way in which he may not have his mother, all a Hmong boy needs is a
family and a group of boys from his clan to run with. That'll get him
through life.

But I also understand the persuit of happiness, which is also important
to me. I'm just asking that you understand that we are not the monster
impressions that American-society stereotypically views Asian/Hmong men
as. Culture is something I hold dear because its what my Hmong brothers
and our fathers shared with me when I was a little boy until I grew up to
be a man. I think of my boyz (brothers) and the people of my life that I
love and grew up with, when I think of the culture that we shared. "Good"
or "bad", I love them and I love the culture that came along with them.
But we are not all bad really. Because this culture is something I
shared with my family and those closest to my heart I feel I must attack
those who turned their backs on this culture. Hmong women have no reason
to feel this way about their culture and so they even learn to hate their
families. I expect people with these feelings to turn their backs on
their culture and family.

To even understand what I see in my culture you have to try and
understand. Me and my boyz use to share the mainstream-American
impression that our culture was useless and stupid. But when one of us
was made best man at a Hmong wedding and the entire group got into the
culture and the feel of it we were all drawn together even closer than we
had ever been. We sat with other Hmong boyz and talked in the language
and cultural slang of our kind and we felt an attachment which gave us a
unified identity. We communicated at an equal level to the old men that
we use to have prejudice against. We found a usefulness and a grand
feeling of respect for the customs and traditions of our culture because
we shared it and participated like young men who have come to the age.
These other boyz we did not know of from a different clan welcomed us
like family and we felt a bond to our people and our culture that made us
whole. Though most but not all of these other Hmong boyz may share your
view of women I cannot ask them to change, and the character and
attitudes of the young Hmong girls around them only reflect this view
that the boyz have. It can't change without both the men and the women.
To some men, coming around to be more understanding is difficult because
its a way of thinking that they grew up with. They feel, "why should I
yield my culture that I grew up with to another culture I could careless

Most importantly please understand that we have feelings and emotions
also. And not all of us are so poor in character. Please try to see
this. All men have noble hearts and this is what allows us to see other
men on a level of understanding. When you see an Asian man desperately
lash out as you may find somethimes, I ask you to let it by and
understand on the level of one man to another; this feeling that weighs
our hearts down that we can't express except with racial bickering. I
don't know how to express it any other way, I'm sorry... Thinking about
this subject after reading a novel by David Guterson call "Snow Falling
on Cedars," about a relationship between a White guy and a Japanese
girl, I've finally come to accept this ever present feeling of being the
center of hate because I won't let go of whats in my heart. Because we
do not express our hearts the same way you may do doesn't mean we are

If you can honestly feel and understand what I'm trying to get through
then I feel better about myself and my culture which apperantly is hated
by so many outside and within the culture. But I see many Hmong men
changing that part of them which may not be acceptable to their women...
really. I don't like the way my father treats my mother but I would not
have them apart. These are psycological impressions on the minds of men
as a result of an old but honorable culture. I pray you peace.

Sai Thao <>

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Jun 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/3/99
In article <7j3uto$qtt$>,
Are we begging the white not to steal our women here?? hehehee...that's
funny! Us women are very generous, we wish that the white women will
come take our Hmong men but since our men are not as appealing as the
white, we are stuck with them.

hahaha....yeah, you guys definately need to make yourself more
attractive, sexually that is. Charming? well....I have to admit that
about 10% of you are quite charming and the rest needs to catch up
before the Hmong women are totally sold out to the whites/black/mexican.
You wouldn't want that to happen, would you? Get to work, so you won't
have to beg.

Jun 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/3/99
Dear Pachia,

You don't Hmong man are good enough? Hm.m.m.
Personally, I dated others too, but I will still come back any pay 10K
for the Hmong wife. Gezze... pachia, Please feel free to go on if
Hmong men are not good enough for you. If ever, I will / plan to marry
this blond. I have to think twice about it.. If she has the quality
that meet my needs. It is not that I dont like them, because of she was
born white, (that is already a disadvantage). I have to think twice
about it. Pachia, remember once you GO... you go.. but if someday
you come back to the Hmong community, you will NOT be worth as much.. U
know... U know what I am saying... So becareful on your decision...


In article <7j5uii$ess$>,

Yang, Porge (BNR:GRWAY:X271)

Jun 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/3/99
to wrote:

> Are we begging the white not to steal our women here?? hehehee...that's
> funny! Us women are very generous, we wish that the white women will
> come take our Hmong men but since our men are not as appealing as the
> white, we are stuck with them.
> hahaha....yeah, you guys definately need to make yourself more
> attractive, sexually that is. Charming? well....I have to admit that
> about 10% of you are quite charming and the rest needs to catch up
> before the Hmong women are totally sold out to the whites/black/mexican.
> You wouldn't want that to happen, would you? Get to work, so you won't
> have to beg.

Pachia, I'm way ahead of you... Well, maybe not but I'm next to you about
what you're saying above. **hehehe**


Jun 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/5/99
On Tue, 25 May 1999 04:30:53 GMT, wrote:

>I would like to adress the potential problem of some Hmong women
>marrying white men. If you are a Hmong woman and are offended by what I
>have to say then damn me for thinking about all the Hmong fellows out
>there. Why don't some Hmong women just simply marry Hmong men and vice
>verse? And why do our white male counterparts with millions upon
>millions of eligible white females out there, insist upon marrying a
>Hmong women when they know its hard enough as it is for us to find a
>suitable Hmong woman?
>Don't they understand the financial crisis that they could inflict upon
>the Hmong male populus. Bride cost here on the West Coast is at a
>steady $5,000. In the more white dominated areas such as Oregon where
>Hmong women are more likely to marry white men; the bride cost is at an
>alarming $7,000 according to my sources. The dwindling supply of Hmong
>women along with still growing demand and steady rising inflation could

Think about the fact that most white men (including myself) do not
talk about buying women like livestock. Whether or not it is a part
of tradition, I still think it is degrading and the Hmong woman I love
knows it (read my previous made today).

>--== Sent via ==--
>---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

Jun 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/7/99
In article <7j66sh$hvh$>, wrote:
> Dear Pachia,
> You don't Hmong man are good enough? Hm.m.m.
> Personally, I dated others too, but I will still come back any pay 10K
> for the Hmong wife. Gezze... pachia, Please feel free to go on if
> Hmong men are not good enough for you. If ever, I will / plan to
> this blond. I have to think twice about it.. If she has the quality
> that meet my needs. It is not that I dont like them, because of she
> born white, (that is already a disadvantage). I have to think twice
> about it. Pachia, remember once you GO... you go.. but if someday
> you come back to the Hmong community, you will NOT be worth as much..
> know... U know what I am saying... So becareful on your decision...
> VamMeej.

Excuse me, but am I the "topic" here? This is exactly what Dr. Pao is
trying to refrain us from doing and that is personally attacking each
other just b/c you disagree. PLEASE STICK TO THE SUBJECT!

About your comment above, I DON"T CARE if I"m less worthy in the Hmong
community. Unlike you, I am not going to let them live my life for
If I happens to come back, I wouldn't want to settle for a Hmong guy
anyway. I mean why settle for less????? hehehe....And let me ask you
this, if you have to think twice about marrying a blond or other asian
for that matter, why go out with them in the first place? What can they
offer you that the Hmong girls can't, huh? If Hmong is the only race
you'll married then why not only get to know them instead wasting/using
these people just to satisfy your "urges". No one deserves to be used
this way.

Sent via

Yang, Porge (BNR:GRWAY:X271)

Jun 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/7/99
C'mon people!!! I'm about to marry a white girl so don't scare me like that


Jun 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/8/99
>What can they
>offer you that the Hmong girls can't,

>If Hmong is the only race

>you'll married then why not only get to know them instead wasting/using
>these people just to satisfy your "urges". No one deserves to be used

It is not Hmong woman can or can not offer. This is just the matter of love is
and hope you Hmong woman out there don't think we are using others as a love of
slave. I know there are many fine Hmong women out there and some how and too
bad that we just don't have a chance to meet them. I did post why other Asians
are better looking and it is true. Just can not stand why our Hmong women like
to walk behind men too. Hmong is still pretty in heart and for every heart
some time we just feel different....

Jun 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/8/99
In article <>, (Brushoff2) wrote:
Just can not stand why our Hmong women like
> to walk behind men too.

I can't stand that to.

But I differ to say that I can't stand guys (I assume you are a guy) or any
other Hmong too when they think that Hmong women like to walk behind Hmong
men and feel justicfied by blaming Hmong women for something that Hmong men
have imposed on Hmong women.

Pakuda Ly ©
"Life breaks all of us but some are strong in the
broken place--hemmingway

Sai Thao

Jun 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/9/99

I'm sorry Porge... wasn't trying to terrorize you man. I meant it to be
humourous. TJ thought it was funny.

Hey I can understand it when an old gal/guy's on his last limb and he/she
wants to date/marry a white. But hey... just to show a little bit of
Hmong pride, don't make it sound like Hmongs are second choices. Just
say... I can't find a nice Hmong man/woman because I'm too old now (much
nicer). Don't set such high standards for yourselves because you'll
never be happy... call it "happiness suicide." Thats probably why we
have so much negative men/women on SCH denouncing Hmongs. They obivously
have something against Hmongs but you never really hear them out. Hey if
you're a Hmong woman and your standards are too high for Hmong men, I'd
like to hear where you're coming from? I've posted a few times defending
the men's point of view but I never really hear from the women much on
the subject except for a few remarks on general topics. Don't give me
that entire physique thing because if you're over 22 then your breasts
and your butt is sagging and your thighs are fat, and you're just not
shaped like when you were 18. Unless you're skinny then there's really
not much to show anyways. But that ain't to bad, why everybody gotta set
such high standards? Yeah Porge, why you gotta set such high standards
for yourself. You said it yourself that you were Hmong and not very
attractive because of that. Why can't you just shoot for Hmong women at
the "lower" standard. But again I don't blame you cause I don't think
even the women on SCH would give a Hmong fella a second look pending they
gave a first look.

But don't say that Hmongs are you're second/third choice because the
truth is they won't even look at you... talkin bout them being lower and
all. They wouldn't even look at you; you won't even register as half
good enough for them. But kick back and be kew about it. Just say, "hey
I'm kewl with Hmongs but you know, 7 inchers and or D-cups in what ever
color/flavor works for me aite." People who aren't proud of themselves
tend to look at other races that don't look like them. But its
understandable where they're coming from.

Sai Thao <>

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Sai Thao

Jun 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/9/99

This tutorial on Hmong men is for anyone (esp Hmong females over the age
of 22) who have the common misperception of Hmong culture and their
misunderstood men. First off; you know those funny looking 26yrs+ Hmong
suitors that you meet all the time? Well you shouldn't think of the rest
of us Hmongsters that way. Although I could conclude this tutorial with
just that, there is still a misunderstanding. I will try to explain
where the Hmong man is coming from. I hope to change a few negative
opinions with this post.

First off, when I refer to Hmong men I will say 'Hmong men.' When I
refer to Hmong women I will say 'women' because all women are the same,
and labeling them Hmong or White really doesn't change their identities.
Its the men that are the heart, soul, thought, spirit, and core of any
culture. Women are but receptors that abobsorb the culture around them
and go with what ever men happens to identify with that culture. Lets
identify a problem. All men must follow the straight line of their
culture as best they can. Why?: because it is their identity, their
character, and thier duty. Women do not see the culture in the same way
for understandable reasons. Because they understand that Hmong men
cannot betray their identity, the Hmong women who cannot cope with the
culture comes up with the solution: "Well then I'll just see men outside
of this culture." A very practical problem solving approach. This is
reasonably acceptable, however there is an important problem that still
exists. The woman resents the man and the culture without a fair
understanding of why.

Women complain about these Hmong men not having enough understanding for
them but in actuality it is the Hmong man that is misunderstood. Don't
fall into the trap of judging and measuring one man's culture with the
standards of another man's culture because I swear to you, it won't add
up. To begin to understand the Hmong man lets dissect their thought and
character. A common argument of women is that thier hubby's don't give
them enough freedom. Well...its true, however, one must understand that
it is not just them but the culture that they were raised with. Culture
would detract from them as men and it is considered demeaning to the man
when a wife does what she wants to do. Because he as a Hmong man cannot
bend in that way to give his wife her 'freedom,' the man expects his wife
to give and sacrafice so that they can both save face. Most women do not
give a damn about thier man but want, want, want, me, me, me, my, my,
mines. They think that their man is there to better thier own lives,
when in actuality marriage is a bilateral relationship. If he is a good
man he will bend where his culture permits him to do so. But you have
two choices in the case above: either she does something to contribute to
the relationship, to show her commitment and save face for both of them
or she can choose the say, "screw your honor, your face, and your lousy
culture. I want freedom like the mainstream-American woman." She
typically shows no respect for her own culture and the men that are bound
to it by identity. She judges men's souls and character by the
American-man's cultural standards and norms. All men must learn to
accept this from women.

Then there is the problem where the Hmong woman simply prefers the
affection and the attention that they find exists in mainstream-American
males. I'm sorry, that just isn't the way it is with older (26yrs+)
Hmong/Asian males. Little white boys as depicted by traditional American
media and entertainment: hug their mothers everyday before they're off to
school; they always remember mothers day; their family and friends
celebrate each and everyone of their birthdays up until they're too old
to remeber how old they are; they are taught to hold hands with their
girl friends; kiss when ever they get the chance; and Elizabethian
(Shakespearian) ideals of WOMEN WORSHIP is a plus. Yes they are taught
to always express their hearts (feminism).

The eastern man usually gets birthday parties until they are 8-10 years
old if any at all; they typically don't care much for American
commercialist (capitalist) holidays such as mother's day; they get the
bamboo from their mothers when they get a 'B+' in math; they learn about
courtship from their favorite kung-fu movie-character who hardly ever
shows emotional affection for his girl friend but cries when his father
is killed; He is taught that a woman loves a man for the shape of his
soul, his strong and honorable character (image), and his ability to
provide for a family. Yes the Hmong/Asian man is taught to be reserve
towards their women. Is this bad? Yes it is apperantly because some
women (Pachia) would reject them for this, calling them uncaring
heartless monsters. What is it with women and American men's emotional
affection? Don't they watch Jet Li movies... come on?

The Contemporary Hmong/Asian Male:

The future Hmong men are today's Hmong boyz who can be found typically in
the age group under 21 and reside predominantly on the West Coast but can
also be found in the mid-west. This generation of Hmong males follow a
culture that is a fusion of their traditional Hmong and Hmong-American
pop-culture upbringings. Most are more affectionate and expressive than
the older generation. They run with the desires of their hearts, race
Japanese import cars, eat out at MacDonalds, sing kareokee, sport youth
pop-culture fashion and designer clothes, operate in groups more
affectionately refered to as the 'krews', and follow the parties all
across the state until it hurts. They resent the law enforcement
agencies, know all the Hmong girls in every city in the state, live the
American generation-X philosophy, "I don't care," and they most certainly
don't even give a second thought to white girls because "white b*tch*es
can't hang. If none of this sounds familiar with you then you are either
an old Hmong guy\gal, live isolated away from the Hmong world, or you're
not Asian at all.

Yang, Porge (BNR:GRWAY:X271)

Jun 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/11/99
Sai Thao wrote:

> Sai Thao <>

What is 7 inches and D cup has to do with love? Just be yourself!

Jun 17, 2016, 10:23:43 PM6/17/16
Am I too late for this conversation? However, today we free to choose who we want to love and live with. Even some hmong men are resorting to white women, and white men are starting to lean towards hmong traditional ways of a wedding... the world is changing. Advice... just accept it. :D

Mar 20, 2019, 5:42:18 AM3/20/19
This is the most backwards thing I've ever read. Racist, ignorant, and insulting all at once!
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