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Boracay Organized Land Grabbing

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Mar 12, 2002, 10:10:09 AM3/12/02
A Cry for HELP from BORACAY ISLAND resort owners to ALL MANILA
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS HELP! Since May 2001 on Boracay Island, the
newly elected Mayor Cawaling and Attorney Calizo have joined forces by
forming the new Adelvin Security Agency. Once an agency is established
anybody (WITHOUT PROOF of LAND OWNERSHIP like an Absolute Deed of Sale
and Tax Declaration ) can file a P500 court claim against a land owner
and hire large groups of armed security guards to take possession of
any valuable Boracay land or beach resort. Since technically, it's
involved in a civil court case this agency can claim they were hired
by the fictitious "owner", thereby ignoring due process of law,
claiming to represent one or more opposing persons, succeeding on
threatening and intimidating the LEGAL LAND OWNER'S manager or
caretaker. We have all of the proof of ownership, the Absolute Deed of
Sale, the past 10 years of taxes paid, the Tax Declaration with Sketch
plan surveyed by Geodetic Engineer Escabarte and the oppostion has

Since "possession is 90% of the law", it makes it nearly impossible
for the PNP to enforce the law unless the PNP can catch them at the
MOMENT OF INVASION. if not the PNP is restricted from getting
involved. This situation is establishing a precedent; imagine with all
Boracay resorts and businesses being open to the public and many only
employing security guards at night ANY ARMED GROUP accompanied by
anybody who has filed a P500+ court claim grievance can INVADE and
TAKE POSSESSION of an owner's property. We have promoted tourism in
the Philippines for over 20 years and have been shocked, afraid for
our lives and would warn ALL LAND OWNERS or possible investors of this
shocking situation.

Our LEGAL TENANT, a Korean National, Mr. Sung was held hostage last
October for 2 days while a group of 15 armed men took possession of
the beachfront house and restaurant portion of Ki's Bar, Restaurant
and Cottages in Angol, the the south end of the main white beach. The
mayor cleared the property for a couple of weeks also not allowing our
tenant to occupy the land my wife , Lorna Collings, the LEGAL OWNER
leased to him. The day after Mr. Sung left for Manila to PROMOTE
TOURISM his house and restaurant were invaded again and has been
involved in constant struggles since then. My wife has been
interviewed by the local BOM BOM Radio in Kalibo, Aklan, spoken with
the Mayor, the governor, the Chief of the PNP and leaders in the
Philippine Army. The elder brother of Attorney Calizo was the former
NPA Commander for Aklan so the present 14 squatters are likely former
NPA members or their family members. This fact adds to the
intimidation, extortion and threat of LIFE AND DEATH attached to these
activities. Of course both Mayor Cawaling and Attorney Calizo,
partners of the Adelvin Security Agency branch with main office in
Iloilo claim to maintain a LEGAL POLICY and no wrong doing.

Since my wife, Lorna Enriquez Collings arrived in January 2002 she has
discovered several other land owners on Boracay with similiar
situations. The more we sought help from the authorities the more we
found out how infamous Attorney Calizo was in the whole province of
Aklan for such tactics and the above scenario described is common like
his "modus operandi". Our lawyer, Attorney Popoy Ibadlit filed a
motion for Reinstatement of the Status Quo last November and the judge
has failed to give his decision and each week since then we have been
told "next week".

After promoting the Philippines to foreign investors and tourists for
over 20 years my wife and I are disgusted with this landgrabbing
event. How can we advise anyone to build a house and retire in the
Philippines? Theoretically, if ANY LAND or HOUSE OWNER goes to the
supermarket for a couple of hours and their domestic helpers allow
OWNERS FROM RETURNING. Then it's up to you, the OWNER to either PAY
THEM TO LEAVE, Take them to court or hire even more armed men yourself
and wait for the right moment to get back inside. VERY SCARY INDEED!


Mar 12, 2002, 12:37:39 PM3/12/02
im sorry to hear that. did you try tulfos tv expose show? or loren legardas


Mar 12, 2002, 10:43:15 PM3/12/02

Hire some thugs for yourself and invade your own property the same way. Pay the
mayor, forget about paying the invaders.


Mar 13, 2002, 4:30:27 AM3/13/02
are you my former neighbour from FALSE CREEK, VANCOUVER,BC ???

just wonder


RP is full gutless fucks. That's a given. Almost no one is allowed to
the 'authority'. If you're the only nail sticking up - you get pounded
It's almost a tradition whereby you're not allowed to voice out your
dissent or disatisfaction to 'authority'. Elementary students are taught to
OBEY and if they have a problem - call Jesus.
And look at the by product of that goddam society - DYSFUNCTIONAL
There's no ***common sense**** and justice in that part of the world. All
the smart
ones already left, leaving and planning to leave..

That's exactly one the reasons why the country is in such a mess.

If I were you - give away 10-20 percent shares to the BIG BOYS. That way
no one can fuck with you. I'm sorry to say but you have no choice. You have
to spend your way out
of trouble. Don't try to solve it yourself...Not a good idea.


"Bill" <> wrote in message


Mar 13, 2002, 9:42:55 AM3/13/02
You have made some very good points regardless of how dismal they
sound; the truth often hurts. My optimism about the future of the
Philippines disappeared almost 7 years ago but we have accepted the
fact that we have grown roots and will remain there. I LOVE THE
PHILIPPINES for many reasons and try my best to NOT focus on the many
negatives. It's like I've chosen to wear sunglasses which screen out
the negatives.

Although painfully slow and possibly corrupted the legal process is
our first choice and the cheapest solution. Since my wife already
managed to take back the area behind the restaurant they're currently
in control of 350sqm beachfront portion of our 1914sqm property. The
urgency is fading for two reasons, one it's one of the worst tourist
seasons in the last 10 years and it's over by June and second our
Korean tenant whose incompetent management of the resort and
cancelation of his day time security guards made it easy for the
invaders has fled taking away our financial incentive.

Rather than signing over 10 to 20 % of the property to some Manila
"heavies" or military leaders the P300,000 extortion offer would be
much more of a bargain. The best way for us to look at it presently is
we're feeding less people then our opponents are so their expenses
supporting 14 occupants will accumulate to a point where they will
have to decide how to cut their losses. The only way for them to win
is to find another VICTIM like their one Korean, Mr. Lim ( not ours
)who has already become fed up with the expenses and being arrested by
immigration and left. Eventually someone has to operate a tourist
business to make a profit and during this year with the LOWEST TOURIST
ARRIVALS that will not be easy.

"kurakot" <> wrote in message news:<T_Ej8.282492$>...


Mar 13, 2002, 4:26:09 PM3/13/02

"Bill" <> wrote in message
The best way for us to look at it presently is
> we're feeding less people then our opponents are so their expenses
> supporting 14 occupants will accumulate to a point where they will
> have to decide how to cut their losses.

You really sounded like a friend of mine. He doesn't care if he was
abducted by the communists,
ABUS or military hoodlums. He loves Filipino foods so much he'll eat their

Mr. Ma Yabang

Mar 14, 2002, 2:13:28 AM3/14/02
a dangerous option but how 'bout you do the same on the mayor's property?
yeah i know. easy for me to say since i'm not in that situation.
best of luck to you!

-MY (Bill) wrote in message news:<>...


Mar 17, 2002, 3:50:01 PM3/17/02
I have been EXTRA-CAUTIOUS of causing any type of negative friction
with any Mayor since the American in Moal Boal, Cebu Island was shot
dead at point blank range by the local mayor's security guard after
several months of arguements and disagreements between them. Granted
the American was an overly aggressive small business resort owner in
Moal Boal who paid more commission than anyone else to get tourists
brought to him and this caused constant friction with the mayor and
locals over a couple of years but he paid the ultimate price for it.

So your suggestion could not be acted upon nor even mentioned lightly
without it developing into a life and death situation. Local mayors
have the power over life and death but on the whole are not so greedy
or violent as they are somewhat innocently manipulated by their
"cronies" around them. (Mr. Ma Yabang) wrote in message news:<>...


Mar 26, 2002, 4:47:20 PM3/26/02
We have GREAT NEWS about the front portion of our Boracay beachfront
property; our patience and perserverance has been rewarded yesterday
when my wife and several dozen friends entered at 5AM and the
remaining 8 squatters vacated the property with some forceful
encouragement. So we are back in possession of our property as a whole
and our Korean lessee is on his way to renegotiate his new contract.
Maybe this time he we show extreme caution when choosing friends,
managers and business associates but we will take away his right to

As advised "off the record" by the PNP, leaders in the Philippine
Army, both security agencies, the local barangay captain, our lawyer,
and others more experienced land owners we took possession at 5AM with
a large group of people the SAME WAY the squatters entered last
October 27, 2001. Slowly but surely we made it impossible for the
land grabbing invaders and squatters to victimize a new foreign
businessman by offering him a fraudelent contract or operate a tourist
business themselves. So the cost of feeding and paying the salaries
of 14 squatters finally made the invaders behind the land grabbing
reduce their numbers to between 5 and 8 persons, a more manageable
number enabling my wife and her friends to chase them away.

Now we are crossing our fingers as we clean up the total mess and
damage that the squatters left behind that our new contract with
either the Ati-Atihan or JVC security agencies will protect our
property from the evil forces behind the new ADELVIN SECURITY AGENCY
providing the manpower behind the Boracay organized land grabbing.

We would stil welcome any news, radio or TV journalists to research
and report such illegal activities in Aklan and Boracay. We hope to
live happily on Boracay and continue promoting tourism and investment
to Boracay Island and the beautiful province of Aklan for the next 25
years as will our daughter after us.

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