snowballz 9.5.1 trouble

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Jun 18, 2008, 8:12:03 PM6/18/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
When I start, the game is fine for a little bit then
after about 30 seconds of playing, the game just suddenly ends, the
window disappears, and I'm back to the desktop. Anybody know how to
fix this?


Jun 18, 2008, 8:30:43 PM6/18/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
I got some help from "zratchet" in the IRC channel and he helped me
find out the error message that pops up.

This is the error I get when the game crashes, ""TypeError: Cannot
convert float to rabbyt.anims.Anim"

Thanks for your help!

Joey Marshall

Jun 19, 2008, 12:12:10 AM6/19/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
Hmm... sounds like rabbyt has had some incompatible changes.

You can try installing an older version:

Could you get me a full traceback of the error?

Matthew Marshall

Jun 19, 2008, 2:19:28 PM6/19/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
Hey navr91,

Could you give me the full traceback? (Including everything printed
out before "TypeError: ...")



On Jun 18, 3:30 pm, navr91 <> wrote:


Jun 19, 2008, 5:03:31 PM6/19/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
the older version of rabbyt worked! My game works flawlessly now

Thanks so much, guys

Michael Lubker

Jun 20, 2008, 5:59:16 PM6/20/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
Glad it works, if you can still get the error message (install the
newer Rabbyt again) it would be helpful for backwards compatibility.



Aug 14, 2008, 7:47:09 PM8/14/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
this is also the topic of debian bug
any plans to update to work with the new rabbyt?

Joey Marshall

Aug 14, 2008, 8:38:02 PM8/14/08
to Snowballz Fan and Support Group
I am currently working on merging the old gameplay with a better
codebase. You can check out the progress (that would be a nice little
pun if it was SVN instead of hg :) at
(requires pyglet, rabbyt, PIL, numpy and iniparse to run)

My goal here is to get the game to a point where it is easy for others
to contribute graphics, maps, AIs etc.

There is already a new map format that supports a custom scripting
language designed for snowballz maps. Also a map editor that allows
you to place static and dynamic map objects, paths and buildings.

The AI has been immensely improved to the point where it will be easy
for others to extend and improve.
For now I have removed networking as that takes a lot of time and
energy better spent on making it a good single play.

There is still a lot of work to be done before a beta is ready but I
intend to start opening it up to contributions soon.

Until it's ready I created a linux binary of the old code that
includes most of it's dependancies (find it at All
it requires to be installed and run is, as far as I know, python 2.5
and pygame.

Note that this version I'm working on is unrelated to the "next"
version of snowballz which will be in 3D and much different game-play.
What I'm working on here is completing the old gameplay that was in
the 0.9.x versions and making it so others can easily extend it.


On Aug 14, 2:47 pm, Justy <> wrote:
> this is also the topic of debian bug
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