to Roland re: spoonfeeding

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Michael Krahn

Apr 9, 2007, 8:13:49 PM4/9/07
to Smashing Brickworld - Discussing Rob Bell's
Roland said...

Maybe he isn't interested in spoon feeding the masses.
Maybe Bell wants everyone to examine and rethink. Thereby doing
what your pastor said, and gaining strength in their faith.

Of course, we could just do the old tried and true method and just
feed people. Get them hooked on the system and make them subservient
to it. But Jesus pointed out that there was a better way.


Some of the masses are not even ready for spoon feeding, some still
need milk since they are new in Christ... but point taken. It is a
good challenge to those stuck in nominalism and I appreciate it for

Hey, I'll say again: I have no problem with encouraging people to
think and examine. Those tools have served me very well over the

But Rob is asking a direct question: "What if the virgin birth were
proved to be a myth?"
I am answering: "It would change a lot about the Christian faith."

My faith is not weakened in the slightest by asking the question, if
it was then it would be as Bell says: "Not that strong in the first

The problem arises when answering the question is equated with saying
the question shouldn't be asked. I'm not saying it shouldn't be
asked; I'm saying it should be answered.

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