menu display facility in terminal mode

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Mar 14, 2008, 2:54:46 AM3/14/08
to smart-snippet
Hi folks,

I really enjoy yasnippet mode. Since I usually use emacs in terminal
mode, I cannot choose from a few candidates where there are multiple
expansions for a single name.

Here's my solution for it:

(defun yas/popup-for-template (templates)
(cdr (nth (dropdown-list (mapcar (lambda (i) (yas/template-name
(cdr i))) templates)) templates))))

and the dropdown-list goes like this:

;;; dropdown-list.el --- dropdown menu interface

;; Copyright (C) 2008 Jaeyoun Chung

;; Author: jay at kldp DOT org
;; Keywords: convenience
;; overlay code stolen from company-mode.el

;;; Code:
(defface dropdown-list-face
'((t :inherit default
:background "lightyellow"
:foreground "black"))
:group 'dropdown-list)

(defface dropdown-list-selection-face
'((t :inherit dropdown-list
:background "purple"))
:group 'dropdown-list)

(defvar dropdown-list-overlays nil)

(defun dropdown-list-hide ()
(while dropdown-list-overlays
(delete-overlay (pop dropdown-list-overlays))))

(defun dropdown-list-put-overlay (beg end &optional prop value prop2
(let ((ov (make-overlay beg end)))
(overlay-put ov 'window t)
(when prop
(overlay-put ov prop value)
(when prop2
(overlay-put ov prop2 value2)))

(defun dropdown-list-line (start replacement &optional no-insert)
;; start might be in the middle of a tab, which means we need to
hide the
;; tab and add spaces
(let ((end (+ start (length replacement)))
beg-point end-point
before-string after-string)
(goto-char (point-at-eol))
(if (< (current-column) start)
(progn (setq before-string
(make-string (- start (current-column)) ? ))
(setq beg-point (point)))
(goto-char (point-at-bol)) ;; Emacs bug, move-to-column is wrong
(move-to-column start)
(setq beg-point (point))
(when (> (current-column) start)
(goto-char (1- (point)))
(setq beg-point (point))
(setq before-string (make-string (- start (current-
column)) ? ))))
(move-to-column end)
(setq end-point (point))
(let ((end-offset (- (current-column) end)))
(when (> end-offset 0)
(setq after-string (make-string end-offset ?b))))
(when no-insert
;; prevent inheriting of faces
(setq before-string (when before-string
(propertize before-string 'face
(setq after-string (when after-string
(propertize after-string 'face 'default))))
(let ((string (concat before-string
(if no-insert
(push (dropdown-list-put-overlay beg-point end-point
'invisible t
'after-string string)

(defun dropdown-list-start-column (display-width)
(let ((column (mod (current-column) (window-width)))
(width (window-width)))
(cond ((<= (+ column display-width) width)
((> column display-width)
(- column display-width))
((>= width display-width)
(- width display-width))

(defun dropdown-list-move-to-start-line (candidate-count)
(decf candidate-count)
(let ((above-line-count (save-excursion (- (vertical-motion (-
(below-line-count (save-excursion (vertical-motion candidate-
(cond ((= below-line-count candidate-count)
((= above-line-count candidate-count)
(vertical-motion (- candidate-count))
((>= (+ below-line-count above-line-count) candidate-count)
(vertical-motion (- (- candidate-count below-line-count)))

(defun dropdown-list-at-point (candidates &optional selidx)
(let* ((lengths (mapcar #'length candidates))
(max-length (apply #'max lengths))
(start (dropdown-list-start-column (+ max-length 3)))
(i -1)
(candidates (mapcar* (lambda (candidate length)
(let ((diff (- max-length length)))
(concat (if (> diff 0)
(concat candidate (make-string diff ? ))
(substring candidate 0 max-length))
(format "%3d" (+ 2 i)))
'face (if (eql (incf i) selidx)
candidates lengths)))
(and start
(dropdown-list-move-to-start-line (length candidates))
(loop initially (vertical-motion 0)
for candidate in candidates
do (dropdown-list-line (+ (current-column) start) candidate)
while (/= (vertical-motion 1) 0)
finally return t)))))

(defun dropdown-list (candidates)
(let ((selection) (temp-buffer))
(let ((candidate-count (length candidates))
done key selidx)
(while (not done)
(unless (dropdown-list-at-point candidates selidx)
(switch-to-buffer (setq temp-buffer (get-buffer-create "
*selection*")) 'norecord)
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
(insert (make-string (length candidates) ?\n))
(goto-char (point-min))
(dropdown-list-at-point candidates selidx))
(setq key (read-key-sequence ""))
(cond ((and (stringp key) (>= (aref key 0) ?1) (<= (aref key 0)
(+ ?0 (min 9 candidate-count))))
(setq selection (- (aref key 0) ?1)
done t))
((member key '(" " [up]))
(setq selidx (mod (+ candidate-count (1- (or selidx 0)))
((member key '(" " [down]))
(setq selidx (mod (1+ (or selidx -1)) candidate-count)))
((member key '(" ")))
((member key '("
" [return]))
(setq selection selidx
done t))
(setq done t)))))
(and temp-buffer (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
;; (when selection
;; (message "your selection => %d: %s" selection (nth
selection candidates))
;; (sit-for 1))

(provide 'dropdown-list)
;;; dropdown-list.el ends here

Chiyuan Zhang

Mar 15, 2008, 9:25:35 PM3/15/08
Hi! Nice job! I'm going to add support for this in yasnippet.

I noticed the author of dropdown-list.el is also Jay.
Maybe it's your work! So I would let user use this if
they downloaded the dropdown-list.el. I'm not goint to
included the source of dropdown-list.el as a part of
yasnippet because I think you will maintain and update
it constantly. :)

I searched through Google but seems no official address
to download this .el. And the code you paste here has
some problems (due to line-break of the email, maybe
paste as attachment will be better. :) ). However, you
might upload it to emacswiki ( So
that I can give a link on the Tips page of yasnippet to
let users download this file.

BTW: maybe my personal taste: would it better to popup
another window below (like C-x 2) than to replace the
current window entirely?

2008/3/14, jay <>:

Chiyuan Zhang

Mar 15, 2008, 11:31:36 PM3/15/08
Oh! Awesome! I misunderstood dropdown-list.el. It is really cool!
Cooler than popup another buffer window! :D

2008/3/16, Chiyuan Zhang <>:


Mar 17, 2008, 11:12:20 AM3/17/08
to smart-snippet
Actually, I've stolen most of the code from company-mode. Only I've
fixed up a few stuffs:

1. use temporary buffer if current buffer does not have enough space
for it.
2. a few shortcuts like C-n/C-p and simple number to make it more or
less look like textmate UI.

On 3월16일, 오후12시31분, "Chiyuan Zhang" <> wrote:
> Oh! Awesome! I misunderstood dropdown-list.el. It is really cool!
> Cooler than popup another buffer window! :D
> 2008/3/16, Chiyuan Zhang <>:
> > Hi! Nice job! I'm going to add support for this in yasnippet.
> > I noticed the author of dropdown-list.el is also Jay.
> > Maybe it's your work! So I would let user use this if
> > they downloaded the dropdown-list.el. I'm not goint to
> > included the source of dropdown-list.el as a part of
> > yasnippet because I think you will maintain and update
> > it constantly. :)
> > I searched through Google but seems no official address
> > to download this .el. And the code you paste here has
> > some problems (due to line-break of the email, maybe
> > paste as attachment will be better. :) ). However, you
> > might upload it to emacswiki ( So
> > that I can give a link on the Tips page of yasnippet to
> > let users download this file.
> > BTW: maybe my personal taste: would it better to popup
> > another window below (like C-x 2) than to replace the
> > current window entirely?
> > 2008/3/14, jay <>:
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