Sapphire becoming SilverStripe Framework

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Hamish Friedlander

Sep 4, 2011, 10:40:55 PM9/4/11
Hi All,

Just a heads up before the blog post goes live:

I'm sure most people here on the list are aware we're splitting Sapphire out in SilverStripe 3.0 to be a separate product, useable on it's own.

Driven by this, and as part of an effort to improve the SilverStripe brand, we're going to be renaming Sapphire to SilverStripe Framework.

What this means from a technical point of view hasn't quite been decided yet. There's unlikely to be any API changes on the 2.x line, but we'll probably look at finding anywhere sapphire is referenced in 3.0 and deprecating those interfaces, replacing them with the equivalent but with 'framework' instead of 'sapphire'.

The project on github will likely also be copied to silverstripe-framework, with some sort of planned deprecation and freeze of the sapphire repository to come.

We'll keep this list informed of any decisions that might affect existing projects, and as with all 3.0 API changes there'll be 2.x to 3.0 specific documentation released when 3.0 goes final.

Keep an eye out on the blog for more information and some details on the reasons for the rename soon.


Hamish Friedlander | CTO

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