Forum Trunk API Changes

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Will Rossiter

Feb 13, 2010, 7:45:32 PM2/13/10
to SilverStripe Development

Just commited a rather large refactoring of the forum module - This work covers the
major changes required for a couple of tickets (#4944 #4024).

The major changes are:
* Posts now have a parent 'Thread' object rather than pointing to the
head post. This has the benefit of tidying up the datamodel and
removing some of the thread data (like views) from individual posts
and into a much nicer structure.

* Forum no longer uses its strange CheckForumPermissions() function
and instead follows the SilverStripe conventional canView(),
canEdit(), canCreate() etc etc to handle permissions within the forum
which makes the permissions system much more portable.

Because of the changes required in the templates for both of these
changes your customized forum themes will not work with trunk
currently. If you've been running on forum trunk (for getting it to
work on 2.4) then you can switch safely to branches/0.3 for forum.
I've got a couple bugfixes for branches/0.3 then we'll release an
official 0.3 release for 2.4. You can download branches/0.3 from

If you have any other projects just starting out or still using the
default forum templates then I would love for you to download trunk
rather than 0.3 and have a play around with these changes. There is a
data migration script for posts, threads and subscriptions which you
can run so your data can be upgraded without too much hassle. Its just
the templates which are a pain!. Migrating the ssorg forum to the new
format took roughly 4mins for the 9000 threads I ran it on so give the
migration script a bit of room to run.

The full upgrade notes are available in the forum download in the /
docs/ folder. I'm still tweaking little bits and pieces and once a 0.3
release is out the door with the final bugfixs for 2.4 development
effort will move back to tidying up these changes!.

Would love to hear your thoughts / questions / comments.


Nicolaas Thiemen Francken - Sunny Side Up

Feb 14, 2010, 1:49:25 PM2/14/10
thank you for all the hard work :-)
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