Fwd: internet censorship: in the Senate today

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Elias Bizannes

Nov 10, 2008, 9:08:59 PM11/10/08
to silicon-bea...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ludlam, Scott (Senator) <Senator...@aph.gov.au>
Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:05 PM
Subject: internet censorship: in the Senate today
To: undisclosed-recipients


Thanks for getting in touch with the Greens regarding the internet censorship issue – I'm just letting you know that I'm going to be raising the issue in the Senate today, and you can watch the broadcast live online here:


In the Senate question time at about 2:30PM eastern summer time today I plan on asking Communications Minister Stephen Conroy about his project for mandatory internet censorship, the so-called 'clean feed' which you've written to me about.

If you miss the broadcast I'll have the transcript and a video clip here as soon as possible: http://scott-ludlam.org.au/

Depending on the Minister's answer, you might like to give him a call on (02) 6277 7480 or email him on  senator...@aph.gov.au

This proposal has raised major concerns in the online community – thanks for taking the time to add your voice to this debate.


Senator Scott Ludlam

Communications spokesperson for the Australian Greens

Question time broadcast (approximate):

2:30pm Eastern Summer(NSW, ACT, VIC)

12:30pm Western (WA)

2pm Central (NT, SA)

1.30pm (Queensland)


PERTH: Tel 08 9225 5799 | Fax: 08 9225 5599
GPO Box B58, Perth WA 6838

CANBERRA: Tel: 02 6277 3467 | Fax: 03 6277 5821
S1.36, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600


Elias Bizannes

Elias Bizannes

Nov 10, 2008, 9:35:59 PM11/10/08
to Silicon Beach Australia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ludlam, Scott (Senator) <Senator...@aph.gov.au>
Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:34 PM
Subject: FW: resending web link for internet censorship
To: undisclosed-recipients

Hi again

Just to let you know – the link to the senate question time broadcast
was broken in the email I just sent you:


Just click on ‘Senate’ and choose your preferred bandwidth.

You’ll also be able to access the transcript and broadcast after it
happens from here:



> ***http://webcast.aph.gov.au/livebroadcasting/eventdetailsSenate.aspx?ev...
> *<http://webcast.aph.gov.au/livebroadcasting/eventdetailsSenate.aspx?ev...>
> In the Senate question time at about 2:30PM eastern summer time today I plan
> on asking Communications Minister Stephen Conroy about his project for
> mandatory internet censorship, the so-called 'clean feed' which you've
> written to me about.
> If you miss the broadcast I'll have the transcript and a video clip here as
> soon as possible: ***http://scott-ludlam.org.au/*<http://scott-ludlam.org.au/>
> Depending on the Minister's answer, you might like to give him a call on (02)
> 6277 7480 or email him on
> ***senator.con...@aph.gov.au*<senator.con...@aph.gov.au>
> This proposal has raised major concerns in the online community – thanks for
> taking the time to add your voice to this debate.
> Cheers,
> Senator Scott Ludlam
> Communications spokesperson for the Australian Greens
> ***Question time broadcast (approximate):*
> 2:30pm Eastern Summer(NSW, ACT, VIC)
> 12:30pm Western (WA)
> 2pm Central (NT, SA)
> 1.30pm (Queensland)
> *********PERTH:* Tel 08 9225 5799 | Fax: 08 9225 5599
> GPO Box B58, Perth WA 6838
> *********CANBERRA:* Tel: 02 6277 3467 | Fax: 03 6277 5821
> S1.36, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
> *********
> **********www.scottludlam.org.au*<http://www.scottludlam.org.au>
> --
> Elias Bizanneshttp://liako.biz

Ash Angell

Nov 10, 2008, 10:59:07 PM11/10/08
to silicon-bea...@googlegroups.com
crap! is it over? - I forgot about daylight savings.


Pat Allan

Nov 10, 2008, 11:05:20 PM11/10/08
to silicon-bea...@googlegroups.com
It didn't go for long, and it was just Conroy being his usual pompous
self again.


Andrew Barnett

Nov 11, 2008, 8:58:00 AM11/11/08
to silicon-bea...@googlegroups.com
It looks as though Senator Ludlam's questions, and Conroy's comments have made Wed's SMH (http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/biztech/net-censorship-plan-backlash/2008/11/11/1226318639085.html) or (http://tinyurl.com/3nqwxv)

Sounds like our protests are becoming more mainstream.


2008/11/11 Pat Allan <p...@freelancing-gods.com>
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