Maybe this is a clue (the definition of mayhem):
mayhem definition may·hem (ma'hem, ma'?m)
1.Law the offense of maiming a person; specif.,
a.the intentional mutilation of another's body
b.injury inflicted on another so as to cause loss of a bodily part or
function necessary for self-defense
2.any deliberate destruction or violence
Etymology: see maim
Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley
Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Alternate definitions:
mayhem definition - legal
mayhem Synonyms
maiming, mutilating, dismembering, dismemberment, injury, great bodily
injury, disfiguring, crippling, immedicable vulnus (Latin), deforming,
deformation, violence, destruction; see also crime 2.