A little challenge.

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Peter Luschny

Mar 3, 2012, 4:14:55 PM3/3/12
to seqcomp
What is the general law of this rectangular array?

[1, 2, 4, ...]
[1, 3, 10, 41, 196, 1057, 6322, 41393, 293608]
[1, 4, 20, 127, 967, 8549, 85829, 962308, 11895252]
[1, 5, 33, 280, 2883, 34817, 481477, 7489454, 129259662]
[1, 6, 49, 518, 6689, 101841, 1783170, 35250562, 775700824]
[1, 7, 68, 859, 13310,243946, 5155512,123294103,3288775809]
[1, 8, 90,1321, 23851,510502,12622252,353704058,11070101343]

Tell us how you approache such a problem.

Alois Heinz

Mar 4, 2012, 6:00:25 PM3/4/12
to seqcomp

A(n,k)=exponential transform applied n times to identity function
evaluated at k:

# Maple code
proc (p) local g;
g:= proc(n) option remember;
p(n) +add (binomial (n-1, k-1) *p(k) *g(n-k), k=1..n-1)
A:= n-> (exptr@@n)(i->i):
seq(lprint(seq(A(n)(k), k=1..11)), n=0..11);

On Mar 3, 10:14 pm, Peter Luschny <peter.lusc...@googlemail.com>

Peter Luschny

Mar 5, 2012, 2:21:28 AM3/5/12
to seqcomp

/> Alois Heinz wrote:
/> A(n,k)=exponential transform applied n times to identity function
/> evaluated at k:

Thanks Alois. Yes, this is precisely how I defined the problem.

Now my question is: How did you approach the problem? What hints did
you see? Did you look first at the rows or at the columns? Did you
apply transformations to some individual rows or columns? Or do you
have a general heuristic when approaching a problem of this kind?

In other words, please tell us more about your professional
secrets ;-)

Cheers, Peter

Peter Luschny

Mar 5, 2012, 3:52:09 AM3/5/12
to seqcomp
/>Alois Heinz wrote:
/> # Maple code
/> exptr:=
/> proc (p) local g;
/> g:= proc(n) option remember;
/> p(n) +add (binomial (n-1, k-1) *p(k) *g(n-k), k=1..n-1)
/> end:
/> end:
/> A:= n-> (exptr@@n)(i->i):

Here is the Sage code which I used to formulate the problem
(apart from the case for row 0, which I added later).

def h(x) :
def b(n) :
if x == 0 : return n
if n == 0 : return 1
return add(binomial(n-1,k-1)*x(k)*b(n-k) for k in (1..n))
return b

B = 9
print [h(0)(i) for i in (1..B)]
print [h(x)(i) for i in (1..B)]
print [h(h(x))(i) for i in (1..B)]
print [h(h(h(x)))(i) for i in (1..B)]
print [h(h(h(h(x))))(i) for i in (1..B)]
print [h(h(h(h(h(x)))))(i) for i in (1..B)]

It seems that Python/Sage does not offer iterated functional
composition as an operation like for example Maple does,
see "exptr@@n" in Alois' code. Any idea how to accomplish

Alois Heinz

Mar 5, 2012, 8:42:52 AM3/5/12
to seqcomp

These are many questions, Peter. I will try to give correct answers.

I looked at columns and rows simultaneously. I remembered that
I had seen them before. One row is "Number of forests with n nodes
and height at most 1". Next row is "Natural numbers exponentiated
I have written code for this in 2008. The rest was easy and it took
only a few minutes.

When trying to solve a problem like this, I think that I apply
similar to those described by George Pólya in his book "How to Solve
So the secret is a mixture of experience (a good data base like OEIS
a set of different approaches, trial and error, and patience (if the
problem is important enough or some reward is waiting), ...

Best regards, Alois

Peter Luschny

Mar 5, 2012, 2:16:25 PM3/5/12
to seqcomp
Thank you for your insights, Alois.

> One row is "Number of forests with n nodes and height at most 1".
> Next row is "Natural numbers exponentiated twice".

Both sequences are from the 'Urgestein', (formerly M2857 and M3568),
which is a promising start for a generalization. So we might look for
a combinatorial interpretation in terms of set partitions.

Peter Luschny

Mar 5, 2012, 2:18:10 PM3/5/12
to seqcomp
Just for the records: The columns of the array are nontrivial

def s0(n) : return 1/factorial(0)
def s1(n) : return (n + 2)/factorial(1)
def s2(n) : return (3*n^2 + 11*n + 6)/factorial(2)
def s3(n) : return (18*n^3 + 93*n^2 + 111*n + 24)/factorial(3)
def s4(n) : return (180*n^4 + 1180*n^3 + 2160*n^2 + 1064*n + 120)/
def s5(n) : return (2700*n^5 + 21225*n^4 + 51850*n^3 + 41835*n^2 +
8510*n + 720)/factorial(5)
def s6(n) : return (56700*n^6 + 515970*n^5 + 1563450*n^4 + 1770930*n^3
594930*n^2 + 44820*n + 5040)/factorial(6)
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Arie Groeneveld

Mar 8, 2012, 7:59:33 AM3/8/12
to seq...@googlegroups.com
After understanding how things work (exponential transform and the recursive Maple and Sage programs) here's an iterative program in Haskell:

import Data.List
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad

zippWith = zipWith. zipWith
pascalTriangle = iterate (ap (zipWith (+). (0:)) (++[0])) [1]
seqGen n =
  iterate (tail. foldl (\cs xs -> cs ++[sum $ zipWith (*) cs (reverse xs)] ) [1]
           . zippWith (*) pascalTriangle. tail. inits) [1..n]

Some output executed in the GHC interpreter GHCi:

*Main> mapM_ print $ take 11 $ seqGen 9

Peter Luschny

Mar 8, 2012, 10:04:59 AM3/8/12
to seqcomp
Welcome Arie! Very neat!

Some day I will have to dip deeper into Haskell.

Arie Groeneveld

Mar 8, 2012, 12:41:28 PM3/8/12
to seq...@googlegroups.com
Perhaps the following finds are of some interest too.

The sum of the coefficients of the column polynomials gives you the second row.

Looking at the numerators of the coefficients of the polynomials I noticed that

the coefficients of the highest  exponents can be find in A006472

1 1 3 18 180 2700 56700 1587600 57153600

the numerators of the coefficients of the lowest exponents are factorial (n+1)

1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880

Paul D. Hanna

Mar 9, 2012, 7:34:19 PM3/9/12
to seqcomp
As you knowm, when trying to determine the general law behind an
one of the most common transforms to attempt first is the inverse
binomial transform.
When we apply that transform on the first row, and find something


The inverse binomial transform of row 1 yields
A138911 = [1, 2, 5, 19, 81, 401, 2233, 13721, 91969, ...].

We notice that the e.g.f. of A138911, A(x), satisfies:
[x^n/n!] A(x)*exp(-n*x) = 1 for n>=0.

A138911 gives us a hunch to investigate: generate a table
of coefficients in R(n,x)*exp(-n*x) for each row e.g.f. R(n,x)
and analyze the terms found along the main diagonal.

ROW 1.
ROW=[1, 3, 10, 41, 196, 1057, 6322, 41393, 293608]

[1, 2, 5, 19, 81, 401, 2233, 13721, 91969]
[1, 1, 2, 9, 28, 145, 726, 4249, 27000]
[1, 0, 1, 5, 1, 79, 121, 1511, 6721]
[1, -1, 2, 1, -12, 113, -422, 2441, -6584]
[1, -2, 5, -9, 1, 157, -1263, 8173, -45087]
[1, -3, 10, -31, 76, 1, -1922, 19841, -153896]
[1, -4, 17, -71, 273, -805, 1, 29339, -359135]
[1, -5, 26, -135, 676, -3071, 10626, 1, -525144]
[1, -6, 37, -229, 1393, -8087, 42313, -167839, 1]

Diagonal: All 1's - E.g.f.: exp(x)-1.

PARI CODE: to get row 1 from diagonal:
DIAG=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
{a(n)=DIAG[n+1] + sum(k=0, n-1, binomial(n, k) * (n+1)*(k+1)^(n-
k-1)*DIAG[k+1] )}

ROW 2.
ROW=[1, 4, 20, 127, 967, 8549, 85829, 962308, 11895252]

[1, 3, 13, 78, 564, 4803, 46777, 511241, 6182363]
[1, 2, 8, 47, 319, 2647, 25037, 267402, 3168676]
[1, 1, 5, 28, 172, 1451, 13109, 138055, 1602171]
[1, 0, 4, 15, 87, 825, 6493, 71624, 794132]
[1, -1, 5, 2, 52, 499, 2609, 40893, 362107]
[1, -2, 8, -17, 79, 203, 437, 31246, 83748]
[1, -3, 13, -48, 204, -453, 877, 28907, -158629]
[1, -4, 20, -97, 487, -2099, 7829, 4140, -322604]
[1, -5, 29, -170, 1012, -5725, 29993, -115631, 21147]

Diagonal: A000110 - E.g.f.: exp(exp(x)-1)-1.
Bell or exponential numbers
[1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, 21147, ...]

PARI CODE: to get row 2 from diagonal:
DIAG=[1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, 21147]
{a(n)=DIAG[n+1] + sum(k=0, n-1, binomial(n, k) * (n+1)*(k+1)^(n-
k-1)*DIAG[k+1] )}

ROW 3.
ROW=[1, 5, 33, 280, 2883, 34817, 481477, 7489454, 129259662]

[1, 4, 24, 195, 1942, 22896, 310686, 4758508, 81062649]
[1, 3, 17, 134, 1291, 14915, 198877, 3002900, 50537278]
[1, 2, 12, 91, 846, 9644, 126310, 1883144, 31330713]
[1, 1, 9, 60, 547, 6213, 79485, 1174834, 19316622]
[1, 0, 8, 35, 358, 3992, 49342, 731684, 11830777]
[1, -1, 9, 10, 267, 2471, 30181, 458648, 7158654]
[1, -2, 12, -21, 286, 1140, 19302, 290080, 4214553]
[1, -3, 17, -64, 451, -631, 17365, 167894, 2392078]
[1, -4, 24, -125, 822, -3712, 29470, 14684, 1606137]

Diagonal: A000258 - E.g.f.: exp(exp(exp(x)-1)-1)-1.
[1, 3, 12, 60, 358, 2471, 19302, 167894, 1606137, ...]

PARI CODE: to get row 3 from diagonal:
DIAG=[1, 3, 12, 60, 358, 2471, 19302, 167894, 1606137]
{a(n)=DIAG[n+1] + sum(k=0, n-1, binomial(n, k) * (n+1)*(k+1)^(n-
k-1)*DIAG[k+1] )}

ROW 4.
ROW=[1, 6, 49, 518, 6689, 101841, 1783170, 35250562, 775700824]

[1, 5, 38, 388, 4888, 73115, 1262799, 24690060, 538362539]
[1, 4, 29, 288, 3545, 52199, 890210, 17227618, 372427448]
[1, 3, 22, 212, 2552, 37083, 624843, 11977750, 256842043]
[1, 2, 17, 154, 1825, 26237, 436698, 8300250, 176606360]
[1, 1, 14, 108, 1304, 18491, 303815, 5735512, 121082219]
[1, 0, 13, 68, 953, 12915, 210474, 3954970, 82755064]
[1, -1, 14, 28, 760, 8699, 146115, 2721618, 56348603]
[1, -2, 17, -18, 737, 5033, 104978, 1855570, 38231768]
[1, -3, 22, -76, 920, 987, 86463, 1199620, 26097835]

Diagonal: A000307 - E.g.f.: exp(exp(exp(exp(x)-1)-1)-1)-1.
[1, 4, 22, 154, 1304, 12915, 146115, 1855570, 26097835, ...]

PARI CODE: to get row 4 from diagonal:
DIAG=[1, 4, 22, 154, 1304, 12915, 146115, 1855570, 26097835]
{a(n)=DIAG[n+1] + sum(k=0, n-1, binomial(n, k) * (n+1)*(k+1)^(n-
k-1)*DIAG[k+1] )}


From the above results, we formulate the general law for all the

Let us denote T as the table to be defined.

Given R(n,x) is the e.g.f. of row n of table T, we find that:
[x^k/k!] R(n,x)*exp(-k*x) = [x^k/k!] {n-th iteration of exp(x)-1}
which forms a diagonal in the array of coefficients in the
iterated inverse binomial transforms of row n of table T.

We now have the following

Let E^n(k) denote the coefficient of x^k/k! in the n-th iteration of

T(n,k) = E^n(k+1) + Sum_{j=0..k-1} binomial(k,j)*(k+1)*(j+1)^(k-j-1) *


E^n(k) = [x^k/k!] R(n,x)*exp(-k*x) and

R(n,x) = Sum_{k>=0} T(n,k)*x^k/k! is the e.g.f. of the n-th row of T.

/* Coefficient of x^k/k! in the n-th Iteration of exp(x)-1: */

/* Coefficient of x^k/k! in the e.g.f. of the n-th row: */
{T(n,k)=EXPIT(n,k+1) + sum(j=0, k-1, binomial(k, j) * (k+1)*(j+1)^(k-
j-1)*EXPIT(n,j+1) )}

/* Print the table: */
for(n=0,8,for(k=0,8,print1(T(n,k),", "));print(""))

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
1, 3, 10, 41, 196, 1057, 6322, 41393, 293608,
1, 4, 20, 127, 967, 8549, 85829, 962308, 11895252,
1, 5, 33, 280, 2883, 34817, 481477, 7489454, 129259662,
1, 6, 49, 518, 6689, 101841, 1783170, 35250562, 775700824,
1, 7, 68, 859, 13310, 243946, 5155512, 123294103, 3288775809,
1, 8, 90, 1321, 23851, 510502, 12622252, 353704058, 11070101343,
1, 9, 115, 1922, 39597, 968624, 27407429, 879897348, 31581220687,
1, 10, 143, 2680, 62013, 1705872, 54333217, 1965191524, 79524291987,

Paul D. Hanna

Peter Luschny

Mar 10, 2012, 3:17:50 PM3/10/12
to seqcomp
Thanks for the very nice explanation of your method Paul.

(Just for the record: Paul send me his solution by pm only a few
hours after I had posted this challenge on the seqfan list.)

Let me sum up a little bit.

Our problem is very similar to a famous problem once
investigated by E. T. Bell (The Iterated Exponential Integers,
Annals of Mathematics, 39 (1938), 539-557).

Indeed, if we start from Alois' elegant solution

exptr := proc(p) local g;
g := proc(n) option remember; local k;
if n = 0 then 1 else
add(binomial (n-1, k-1)*p(k)*g(n-k), k=1..n) fi


B := n-> (exptr@@n)(i->1):
seq(lprint(seq(B(n)(k), k=0..6)), n=0..6);

leads to Alois' A144150 (rows and cols interchanged) wheras

A := n -> (exptr@@n)(i->i):
seq(lprint(seq(A(n)(k), k=0..6)), n=0..6);

gives the solution to our problem.

Thus it is exactly the same procedure, once applied to the
sequence i->1 (Bell) and next to the sequence i->i (our case).

Therefore, does it make sense to introduce a 'Bell-transformation'
which maps an arbitrary sequence s to (exptr@@n)(s)?

In any case, the problem of a nice combinatorial interpretation
for our case seems to be still open. Any suggestions?


P.S. Note that the square array which I will finally submit to OEIS
will start at k=0 and thus will have an additional first column.

Peter Luschny

Mar 11, 2012, 5:51:33 AM3/11/12
to seqcomp
Thanks to all which took up this little challenge.

The sequence number is A209631. Please add your formulas and programs
to the draft. (Note that the case k=0 might require adjustments.)

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