Dynamic footer links cross sites SEO

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Apr 20, 2012, 11:50:13 AM4/20/12
to se...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knew if changing links in the footer are still good for SEO.

What i mean by that is, if I have a list of real estate websites and I want to randomly show 5 of them at the footer of a webpage each time the site is loaded. Is this still beneficial for SEO? Each time the site is loaded the links will change. Meaning when Google bot hits the site it will see a set of links, next time it hits it will see a different set of links, will it still hold value to these links or am I gaining no benefit from this?

The reason I want to do this is to avoid having an ever growing list of links at the footer of a given page, I'd rather only have 5 at a time.

Daniel Perri

Apr 23, 2012, 11:14:04 AM4/23/12
to se...@googlegroups.com

Overall it would be a bad idea to have a great number of links to other sites or pages from your home page. How many are you talking about?

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Aaron Buison

Apr 24, 2012, 5:05:54 AM4/24/12
to se...@googlegroups.com
For me it's not beneficial, i would suggest that put a link page in your site. All of your "friends" links are there.
I think it's not right to do what you are planning to do.. It's just my own opinion. :D I'm just an amateur. :D



May 8, 2012, 1:32:41 PM5/8/12
to Google Search Engine Optimization SEO Google - MSN - Yahoo
It depends on what you are trying to do.
Dynamic footer links will give a uniqueness to the page the footer
links are sitting (example:home page) on but will not help to pages
you are pointing to.

I would add a static link on the footer or NAV to a page with all your
properties. I would add the dynamic footer to those property pages
along with the static link.
Make sure you use good anchor keywords in the Property list page, also
include the static and dynamic footer links here.

You could divide properties into cities, then subcategories by size
and use other keywords here (words people/agents search for).


May 8, 2012, 1:39:33 PM5/8/12
to Google Search Engine Optimization SEO Google - MSN - Yahoo
footer links are always helpful , but make sure it should not increase
keyword density.


May 8, 2012, 1:55:18 PM5/8/12
to se...@googlegroups.com
dynamic footer, ok... You would want a static footer

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May 8, 2012, 3:04:06 PM5/8/12
to se...@googlegroups.com

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Daniel Perri

May 8, 2012, 3:13:24 PM5/8/12
to se...@googlegroups.com

Your email signature looks like a good footer example :)

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