[Seattle IF: 289] PAX planning

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Cathy Saxton

May 21, 2010, 8:03:54 PM5/21/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Are there still plans for a PAX planning meeting tomorrow at 2 at
Victrola (not changed to Vivace)? Is this open to anyone? I'd be
interested in listening in on the planning so I'll be able to help out
when I have time.


On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Adrienne Mueller <edd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess the one on 15th?
> Victrola Coffee & Art‎411 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112-4504
> http://bit.ly/9145Mo
> I think I was actually thinking of Vivace, the one near REI? But
> Victrola seems to have good reviews and a lot of space.
> On 16 May 2010 16:05, George Oliver <georgeo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/15/2010 10:03 PM, Adrienne Mueller wrote:
>>> As for PAX organisation, if George is okay with usurping the role of
>>> main organizer from Paul, I can be co-pilot. How about we meet up next
>>> weekend at a coffeeshop somewhere and brain-storm. We can do it under
>>> the guise of one of our usual 'quiet IF-workgroup' things. I propose
>>> 2pm on Saturday at Victrola.
>> OK, sounds good, and which Victrola?

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Adrienne Mueller

May 22, 2010, 12:31:37 AM5/22/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Absolutely - let's stick with Victrola. And anyone who wants to come
and chat about IF, or labor on with their WIP, or just hang out,
should definitely do so!


George Oliver

May 21, 2010, 2:32:08 AM5/21/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
On 5/21/2010 5:31 PM, Adrienne Mueller wrote:
> Absolutely - let's stick with Victrola. And anyone who wants to come
> and chat about IF, or labor on with their WIP, or just hang out,
> should definitely do so!

yes I'll be there too,

best, GO

George Oliver

May 24, 2010, 5:58:22 AM5/24/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
hey all,

I've started an IFWiki page, at
http://ifwiki.org/index.php/PAX_Prime_2010, to document things as we go.
That page links back to this list thread and the other Pax Panel
Thoughts thread; we can add new links as new threads spring up on the
list, and there's always the discussion page on the IFWiki page itself
to use too.

Currently the planning team is working out the details for the IF suite
and panel proposals, and anyone who wants to drop in to help out a
little or a lot is always welcome.

For the IF suite that means both things happening in the suite, and
things that will be there (materials like books and pamphlets,
computers, etcetera), and for the panel proposals that means panel ideas
and people who'll be on them.

best, GO

Adrienne Mueller

May 26, 2010, 5:58:37 PM5/26/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Nice work, George - thanks.

I've got some numbers room and flier-wise, but I'm still waiting to
hear back from someone before I post it.

James and I did talk to Annie Carlson about being on a panel, though.
She seemed really excited about the idea. Apparently she wanted to do
interactive storytelling before she began her career in the 'real'
game industry. Here's a link to her blog:
http://folderol.uselessopinions.com/?page_id=13 - it's got her CV on
there too, although I don't think it's fully up-to-date. She's working
at Arenanet (Guildwars) at the moment. She did scripting in her NWN 2
work, and that has some overlap with IF.

Also her SO (I think they're engaged, but can't remember) worked on
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines which, despite its flaws, had very
good dialogue and multi-solution gameplay. She suggested he'd probably
be happy to participate as well. Since googleing him (Brian Mitsoda),
I've found out that he was the lead writer (and character designer)
for Bloodlines, and he also helped develop a conversation engine for
one of Obsidian's games. So, he fits well too.

Maybe I can persuade them to come to our next meeting.

Adrienne Mueller

May 26, 2010, 6:00:35 PM5/26/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Sorry, that -was- the CV link. Here's the actual blog:

George Oliver

May 26, 2010, 1:05:07 AM5/26/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
On 5/26/2010 10:58 AM, Adrienne Mueller wrote:
> James and I did talk to Annie Carlson about being on a panel, though. [....] Also her SO (I think they're engaged, but can't remember) worked on
> Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

cool, I think 'How to do conversation' would be a fun panel,

best, GO

George Oliver

Jun 24, 2010, 7:00:46 AM6/24/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
hi all,

Just wanted to let the curious know where we currently stand with PAX.
We've submitted our panels and are waiting to hear back (the end of the
submission period is this Saturday, so I'm guessing we'll know next
month). You can see what we submitted at the organizing page on the wiki

One panel is a reprise of the PAX East panel, and with the other two
we've proposed a conversation between IF authors, adventure game
developers, and cRPG writers, which we hope will be an interesting
continuation of the conversations we've had in the IF community up to now.

As with PAX East we're planning discussions in the IF suite too. An
evolving list of panel ideas is on the wiki, so please add to it if an
idea comes to you; all other ideas and suggestions are welcome too of

With the IF suite it looks like we'll be reserving a room just a little
bigger than PAX East's (but not a 'suite' I think); we'll have more
details on that as it's finalized.

best, GO

George Oliver

Jul 15, 2010, 6:38:11 AM7/15/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
A short PAX update -- one of our panels, 'Making stories worth playing',
is on the schedule for Friday! I should note that the panelists will
change a bit, as it looks like Adam Cadre won't be able to make it. More
details on that soon.

Also we've reserved an IF suite at the Sheraton, roughly the same size
as the room in Boston I believe.

In the next month we'll be organizing things for the IF suite, and
keeping notes at http://ifwiki.org/index.php/PAX_Prime_2010 as usual.

Finally, I wanted to re-post this, from the PAX homepage:


07-14-10 We're Very Close to Selling Out of 3-Day Badges

We�ve been pretty up front that badges will sell out again this year,
and it looks like despite the convention center bumping up the number we
can sell, we�re going to hit that �no badge� milestone sooner than we
ever have. Our guess is that we�ll run out of 3-day badges in the next
2-4 days, so get them while you can!


best, GO

George Oliver

Jul 15, 2010, 6:42:34 AM7/15/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Apologies for the double post, but after checking the PAX site again --
3-day passes are now sold out! Individual days are still available.

George Oliver

Aug 14, 2010, 2:39:42 AM8/14/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
hi all,

The PAX schedule is out!


I skimmed through it to find anything that would go well with our IF
events or that I thought might have particular appeal for IF fans, and
came up with this list:

# Friday

* 10:30-11:30, keynote by Warren Spector
* 12:00-1:00, Make a scene with Telltale

# Saturday

* 1:30-2:30, Game writing

And of course our panel is at 3:30 on Friday.

Anything else I missed?

Also in the works are the IF suite events. Adrienne proposed a tentative


How does this sound? Add or remove anything, move things around?

I'll post to the list later this weekend regarding more IF suite planning.

best, GO

Cathy Saxton

Aug 15, 2010, 3:13:30 PM8/15/10
to seatt...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for staying on top of that, George. Good to finally see a
schedule from PAX!

Also of interest to me...

Friday, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM, The Basics of Good Game Design
Saturday, 8:30 PM - 1:30 AM, Saturday Night Concert (Paul & Storm, among others)


Robb Sherwin

Aug 16, 2010, 6:59:19 AM8/16/10
to Seattle IF

On Aug 13, 8:39 pm, George Oliver <georgeolive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.paxsite.com/paxprime/schedule.php
> I skimmed through it to find anything that would go well with our IF
> events or that I thought might have particular appeal for IF fans, and
> came up with this list:
> # Friday
> * 10:30-11:30, keynote by Warren Spector
> * 12:00-1:00, Make a scene with Telltale
> # Saturday
> * 1:30-2:30, Game writing
> And of course our panel is at 3:30 on Friday.

Very cool! Glad to see that they released the full list. Looks like
some fun stuff. Thanks again, can't wait.

-- Robb
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