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Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the world

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Sep 21, 2008, 9:45:37 PM9/21/08
Satanic Ritual Abuse

Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been
reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of these
horrific crimes against children and adults.

There has also been an attempted cover up of these crimes by child
pornographers, those with pro-pedophilia philosophies and those
defending child molesters in the public or legal arena.

List of Satanic Ritual Abuse references -

What is Ritual Abuse?

" methodical abuse, often using indoctrination, aimed at breaking
the will of another human being. In a 1989 report, the Ritual Abuse
Task Force of the L.A. County Commission for Women defined ritual
abuse as: "Ritual Abuse usually involves repeated abuse over an
extended period of time. The physical abuse is severe, sometimes
including torture and killing. The sexual abuse is usually painful,
humiliating, intended as a means of gaining dominance over the victim.
The psychological abuse is devastating and involves the use of ritual
indoctrination. It includes mind control techniques which convey to
the victim a profound terror of the cult members ...most victims are
in a state of terror, mind control and dissociation" (Pg. 35-36) "Safe
Passage to Healing", by Chrystine Oksana, 1994, HarperCollins, which
is an excellent source for survivor and co-survivors on the topic,
though there is a newer edition out by (2001)

Lists of legal cases:

Believe the children (1997). "Conviction List: Ritual Child Abuse".

The Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive", by Diana Napolis, is published
on the world-wide web at: This archive contains 92 cases as of
February 12, 2008.

Web pages proving the existence of ritual abuse:

Noblitt, PhD, J. R. - An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse
Controversy (2007)

Ritual Abuse Bibliography

Ritual Abuse Statistics & Research

Searchable releases on satanic ritual abuse

Frequently Asked Questions about Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Evidence Surfaces By Daniel Ryder, CCDC, LSW

2008 Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Lacter, E (2008-02-11). "Brief Synopsis of the Literature on the
Existence of Ritualistic Abuse".

Bottoms, Shaver and Goodman in their 1993 study to evaluate ritual
abuse claims found that in 2,292 alleged ritual abuse cases, 15% of
the perpetrators in adult cases and 30% of the perpetrators in child
cases confessed to the abuse. Data from Brown, Scheflin and Hammond
(1998). ''Memory, Trauma Treatment, And the Law'' (W. W. Norton) ISBN
0-393-70254-5 (p.62) Bottoms, B. Shaver, P. & Goodman, G. (1993)
Profile of ritual abuse and religion related abuse allegations in the
United States. Updated findings provided via personal communication
from B. Bottoms. Cited in K.C. Faller (1994), Ritual Abuse; A Review
of the research. The American Professional Society on the Abuse of
Children Advisor , 7, 1, 19-27

On Page 170 (first edition), of Cult and Ritual Abuse - Noblitt and
Perskin(Praeger, 1995) states "One of the best sources of evaluative
research on ritual abuse is the article "Ritual Abuse: A Review of
Research" by Kathleen Coulborn Faller (1994) a survey of 2,709
members of the American Psychological Association, it was found that
30 percent of these professionals had seen cases of ritual or religion-
related abuse (Bottoms, Shaver & Goodman, 1991). Of those
psychologists who have seen cases of ritual abuse, 93 percent believed
that the reported harm took place and 93 percent believed that the
alleged ritualism occurred. This is a remarkable finding. Mental
health professionals are known to be divergent in their thinking and
frequently do not agree with one another regarding questions of the
diagnosis and etiology of psychiatric problems...this level of
concurrence in a large national sample of psychologists...would be
impressive....the similar research of Nancy Perry (1992) which further
supports (the previous findings)...Perry also conducted a national
survey of therapists who work with clients with dissociative disorders
and she found that 88 percent of the 1,185 respondents indicated
"belief in ritual abuse, involving mind control and programming" (p.

Recent worldwide survey of ritual abuse

The Extreme Abuse Survey final results are online with findings,
questionnaires and presentations for download as pdf-files. More than
750 pages of documentation

MEDIA PACKET - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control
Experimentation on Children - Documentation that torture-based,
government-sponsored mind control (GMC) experimentation was conducted
on children during the Cold War. Data from two international surveys
that give voice, visibility, and validation to survivors of these
crimes against humanity….SURVEYS - EAS: Extreme Abuse Survey for Adult
Survivors (An International Online Survey for Adult Survivors of
Extreme Abuse) January 1 - March 30, 2007 with 1471 respondents from
31 named countries. P-EAS: Professional - Extreme Abuse Survey (An
International Online Survey for Therapists, Counselors, Clergy, and
Other Persons Who Have Worked Professionally with at Least One Adult
Survivor of Extreme Abuse) April 1 - June 30 2007 with 451 respondents
from 20 named countries. Contact: Wanda Karriker, PhD

Rutz, C. Becker, T., Overkamp, B. & Karriker, W. (2008). Exploring
Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse:
Preliminary Empirical Findings. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first
Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations,
J.R. Noblitt & P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 31- 84. Brandon, Oregon:
Robert D. Reed Publishers.

Becker, T., Karriker, W., Overkamp, B. Rutz, C. (2008). The Extreme
Abuse Survey: preliminary findings regarding dissociative identity
disorder. In A. Sachs & G. Galton (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of
Dissociative Identity Disorder, pp. 32-49. London: Karnac.

Karriker, Wanda (November, 2007). "Helpful healing methods: As rated
by approximately 900 respondents to the "International Survey for
Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse (EAS).",%202007.pdf

Other organizations with data proving the worldwide existence of
satanic ritual abuse

A Nation Betrayed - The Chilling True Story of Secret Cold War
Experiments Performed on our Children and Other Innocent People by
Carol Rutz

Books on Ritual Abuse

Karriker, Wanda (2003). Morning, Come Quickly. Catawba, NC: Sandime,
LTD. ISBN 0-9717171-0-9.

Noblitt, J.R.; Perskin, P. S. (eds) (2008). Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-
first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political
Considerations. Bandor, OR: Robert Reed, 552. ISBN 1-934759-12-0.

Noblitt, JR; Perskin PS (2000). Cult and ritual abuse: its history,
anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America. New York:
Praeger. ISBN 0-275-96665-8.

Rutz, Carol (2001). A Nation Betrayed. Grass Lake, MI: Fidelity
Publishing. ISBN 0-9710102-0-X.

Ryder, Daniel. (1992). Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse:
Recognizing and Recovering - CompCare Pub.

Oksana, Chrystine (2001). Safe Passage to Healing - A Guide for
Survivors of Ritual Abuse. Lincoln, NE: ISBN
0-595-201000-8. 1994 pub. HarperPerennial.

Raschke, Carl A. (1990). Painted Black. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN

Smith, Margaret. (1993). Ritual Abuse: What it Is, why it Happens, and
how to Help by Margaret - HarperCollins

Sinason, V (1994). Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse. New York:
Routledge. ISBN 0-415-10543-9.

Scott, S. (2001). The politics and experience of ritual abuse: beyond
disbelief. Open University Press. ISBN 0335204198.

Secret Weapons - Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and
Sabotage by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha with Dale Griffis, Ph D. and Ted
Schwartz. New Horizon Press, P O Box 669 Far Hills, NJ 07931 - ISBN
0-88282-196-2 Is a well-documented, verifiable account of not one, but
two childrens' long untold stories of being CHILD subjects of Project
MKUltra. Quotes from the book: "By the time Cheryl Hersha came to the
facility, knowledge of multiple personality was so complete that
doctors understood how the mind separated into distinct ego states,
each unaware of the other. First, the person traumatized had to be
both extremely intelligent and under the age of seven, two conditions
not yet understood though remaining consistent as factors. The trauma
was almost always of a sexual nature..." p. 52 "The government
researchers, aware of the information in the professional journals,
decided to reverse the process (of healing from hysteric
dissociation). They decided to use selective trauma on healthy
children to create personalities capable of committing acts desired
for national security and defense." p. 53 - 54 The book also contains
a variety of documents on mk-ultra and different projects as well as
reports to the Presidential Committee on Radiation and Mind Control,
including information on the five Canadians' lawsuit against the U.S.

Another much maligned case is the McMartin Preschool Case - Child
pornographers, those with pro-pedophilia philosophies and those
defending child molesters in the pubic or legal arena have attempted
to cover up the crimes against these children.

The McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the Cover-up

verification of the accuracy of the book "Michelle Remembers"by
Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder, MD

from the book "A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER" pages xi - xiii"

"Dr. Pazder's credentials are impressive. He obtained his M.D. from
the University of Alberta in 1961; his diploma in tropical medicine
from the University Liverpool in 1962; and in 1968, his specialist
certificate in psychiatry and his diploma in psychological medicine
from McGill University. In 1971, he was made a fellow of Canada's
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is a member of three
Canadian professional associations and of the American Psychiatric
Association as well. He practiced medicine in West Africa and has
participated in medical task forces and health organizations. He has
been chairman of the Mental Health Committee of the Health Planning
Council for British Columbia. A member of the staff of two hospitals
in Victoria, British Columbia-the Royal Jubilee and the Victoria
General-he is in private practice with a group of five psychiatrists.
His professional papers include a study of the long-term effects of
stress upon concentration-camp victims.

Two experienced interviewers journeyed to Victoria and talked to Dr.
Pazder's colleagues, to the priests and the bishop who became involved
in the case, to doctors who treated Michelle Smith when she was a
child, to relatives and friends. From local newspaper, clergy, and
police sources they learned that reports of Satanism in Victoria are
not infrequent and that Satanism has apparently existed there for many
years. Satanism in Western Canada flourished in many areas with
activities far more ominous than some of the innocuous groups now
found in parts of the United States who claim some connection with

The source material was scrutinized. The many thousands of pages of
transcript of the tape recordings that Dr. Pazder and Michelle Smith
made of their psychiatric sessions were read and digested; they became
the basis of this book. The tapes themselves were listened to in good
measure, and the videotapes made of some of his sessions were viewed.
Both the audio and video are powerfully convincing. It is nearly
unthinkable that the protracted agony they record could have been

Thomas B. Congdon, Jr New York April 22, 1980

Fells Acres - Amirault Case

Letters to the Editor: The Real Darkness Is Child Abuse WALL STREET
JOURNAL (J) 02/24/95


As the chief prosecutor of both of the Amirault cases I am writing to
prevent the public from being misled into believing that an injustice
occurred as Dorothy Rabinowitz alleges in her Jan. 30 editorial-page
piece "A Darkness in Massachusetts."

Her suggestion that the convictions were based on "some of the most
fantastic claims ever presented" presumptuously ignores the reality of
the cases. The three Amiraults -- Gerald, Violet and Cheryl - were
convicted after two trials before different judges and juries almost
one year apart. They were represented by able and well-known defense
counsel. The convictions were upheld after review by state and federal
appellate courts. The McMartin case in California was the result of a
botched legal system and Kelly Michaels's conviction was overturned
because of legal errors. Contrary to Ms. Rabinowitz's implication, the
Amirault convictions were neither of these.

Studies show, as did testimony from a nationally recognized pediatric
gynecologist, that most sexually molested young children have
absolutely normal physical examinations. However, in Amirault, the
majority of the female children who testified had some relevant
physical findings, as did several female children involved in the
investigation who did not participate in the trial. The findings
included labial adhesions and hymenal scarring of the sort present in
a very small percentage of non-sexually abused children.

Ms. Rabinowitz's article is a superficial, one-sided look at a case
handled extensively and carefully by the legal system. The victims and
their families in these cases have been irrevocably harmed by what was
done to them by the Amiraults. Every argument raised by Ms. Rabinowitz
was ably presented by the defense at the trials. The juries, by their
verdicts, rejected these arguments. Justice was done.

see for actual case evidence

"All nine children testified in a broadly consistent way...The
children testified to numerous instances of sexual abuse. Some of the
children testified that they were photographed during this abuse,
describing a big camera with wires, a red button, and pictures which
came out of the camera. The children testified that the defendant
threatened them and told them that their families would be harmed if
they told anyone about the abuse....The Commonwealth also presented a
pediatric gynecologist and pediatrician who examined five of the girls
who testified...She made findings consistent with abuse in four of the

Amirault's accusers reveal their faces, and their pain Boston Herald -
Boston, Mass. - Peter Gelzinis - Aug 7, 2001

Mass. Victims Fight Commutation Plea By Leslie Miller, Associated
Press Writer


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - Victims in the Fells Acres child abuse case
broke down Thursday as they described their pain publicly for the
first time in hopes of keeping the last person convicted in the case
behind bars. Victims urged her to keep Amirault in prison. ``During
counseling meetings as a child, I would speak of a tall man touching
me and taking pictures of me,'' Phaedra Hopkins, 20, said at an
emotional news conference. ``So many times, Mr. Amirault hovered over
me, touched me and hurt me and committed many disgusting acts of
abuse.'' Those children, now adults, stood by their testimony

``This family raped me, molested me and totally ruined my life,'' said
Jennifer Bennett, who was 31/2 years old when she started at Fells
Acres. ``We weren't coaxed. We weren't lying. We're telling the truth
and we always will,'' said Bennett, 22. ``I was there. None of you
were there. We weren't coaxed, nor were we ever ever ever
brainwashed.'' Brian Martinello, 21, said he was sexually abused by
Amirault. His mother, Barbara Standke, claims her son came home from
the day care with sores on his genitals and other people's underwear.
``I think it's an absolute disgrace to let anyone out of prison for
such a disgusting crime,'' Martinello said.

Paul Ingram - Thurston County Washington Case

Seattle Post-Intelligencer - June 8, 1996 - News, Pg. B1 - Son of
Deputy Says He Was Sexually Abused ; Dramatic Report in Testimony to
Clemency Panel -: Rachel Zimmerman P-I Capitol Bureau - Olympia


The son of Paul Ingram, a former Thurston County deputy sheriff who
confessed to raping his daughters during nightmarish satanic rituals
but later recanted, said for the first time yesterday that he was
physically and sexually abused by his father for eight years. Chad
Ingram, 27, told the state Pardons and Clemency Board that his father,
who is serving 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to six counts
of third-degree rape - crimes he now says never happened - said he was
abused by his father from ages 4 to 12. "He would put himself on top
of me and I would perform oral sex on him," Chad Ingram said.

Thurston County Sheriff Gary Edwards, though the case never went to
trial, it was subject to intense judicial scrutiny, "all the way up to
the Ninth Circuit." Edwards added, "This case was not perfect but it
had complete judicial review. "Paul Ingram did commit these crimes; he
plead guilty to these crimes. I have no problem shaving in the
morning . I can look myself in the mirror."

The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard
Ofshe's Analysis of the Paul Ingram Case" by Karen Olio and William
Cornell. APA's journal "Psychology, Public Policy, and Law," (1998,
Vol. 4, No. 4, 1182-1197) "The case of Paul Ingram, a man who pleaded
guilty to sexually abusing his daughters, has received widespread
media attention. Richard Ofshe (1992, 1994) set forth a narrative of
the case which included his account of an experiment to test the
veracity of Ingram's confessions and concluded that the inadvertent
use of hypnosis during Ingram's interrogation resulted in the creation
of pseudomemories that convinced Ingram of his guilt. On the basis of
an examination of the original source documents, the authors discusses
the errors of fact, methodological flaws, and confounding factors in
Ofshe's rendering of this case of alleged child abuse. They also cite
examples of the extent to which Ofshe's imperfect narrative of this
case and pseudoscientific conclusions have been uncritically accepted
and repeated in the literature..."

Harvard Society for Law & Public Policy, Inc. Harvard Journal of Law &
Public Policy - Spring, 1999 - 22 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 523 The
Guilty and the "Innocent": an Examination of Alleged Cases of Wrongful
Conviction from False Confessions by Paul G. Cassell - "According to
the authors(Leo and Ofsche), in twenty-nine of these cases the false
confession resulted in the wrongful conviction of an innocent person."
"examines nine of these twenty-nine cases in detail. Based on review
of original trial court records and other similar sources, the part
concludes that each of these nine persons were, in all likelihood,
entirely guilty of the crimes charged against them." "Leo and Ofshe
rely in large measure on secondary sources for the descriptions of the
evidence against the defendants in their collection....For many cases,
court records are available only in the local courthouses where the
trial took place, while media accounts are often readily accessible in
computerized databases. Relying on secondary sources, however, poses
the risk of inaccurate recounting of the evidence. Examining primary
sources for the cases in Leo and Ofshe's collection reveals that this
is a very real problem." "The problems with the subjective
determination of "innocence" in the Leo-Ofshe collection, like similar
problems elsewhere, suggests that reliance on second-hand sources
combined with understandable enthusiasm for the enterprise of
discovering miscarriages may produce more such cases than really
exist." "Only a relative handful of Leo and Ofshe's cases would
satisfy the criterion of undisputed wrongful conviction."

Wenatchee, Washington Case

information from articles :

At the trial, one girl showed "definite medical signs of sexual abuse"
while "it could not be ruled out for two others.

In 1996, a consultant, retired Bellevue Police Chief D.P. Van
Blaricom, hired by a city insurer who looked into how the Wenatchee
police ran the child abuse investigations stated that the cases were
handled properly. A U.S. Department of Justice investigation also
found that there was no evidence of civil rights violations.

Cops Win Wash. State Sex Ring Case - June 29, 1998 - Aviva L. Brandt
AP Online - Seattle "A jury on Monday rejected claims of police
misconduct brought by four people who say they were falsely accused of
child rape and molestation. After deliberating for more than five
days, the King County Superior Court panel decided that the central
Washington town of Wenatchee, the town's police officials and three
members of the Douglas County sheriff's department did not violate the
civil rights of the four, who said they were falsely accused in
1994-95. Douglas County Sheriff Dan LaRoche said the verdict allows
police to keep investigating sex abuse and molestation cases without
fear of lawsuits.

Debate Rages Over Wenatchee Sex-Ring Allegations - November 6, 1995 -
Aviva L. Brandt, Associated Press Writer - Wenatchee, Wash.


A line divides this town. On one side are those who believe dozens of
children were raped and molested over seven years by adults in two
loosely organized sex rings. On the other are those who assert a rogue
cop and obsessed social workers created a whirlpool of sexual hysteria
- coaxing children into accusations and bullying bewildered, poorly
educated adults into confessions. Gov. Mike Lowry, petitioned by
critics who believe the case is a witch hunt, has asked for a Justice
Department review and is awaiting a decision from U.S. Attorney
General Janet Reno. Authorities say as many as 50 children were forced
to have sex with adults since 1988 - sometimes alone, sometimes in
groups. In the last year, 28 adults have been charged with child rape
and sexual abuse. Five have been convicted, 10 have pleaded guilty.

"Every female victim had physical evidence of sexual abuse and the
majority of the males did," Smith said. "Clearly it's pretty good
evidence to show that this is occurring."

Douglas County Prosecutor Steve Clem sounded frustrated when asked
about allegations that his office hasn't bothered to look for the
truth. "The defense attorneys are using what I'm sure ... some day in
the future will be called the O.J. defense, where they sling mud, make
wild accusations and see conspiracies all around them," he said.
"There's physical evidence consistent with the stories they (the
children) tell. There's more than one person talking about the very
same things going on," said Tim Abbey, a regional supervisor with the
state Child Protective Services. "And there are a lot of confessions,
and many times they're confessing to more than the kids said

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