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Mind v. Soul

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RH Nigl / GH Diel

Nov 10, 2007, 5:48:17 PM11/10/07
Could it be that memory precedes reality?

If the mind collects illusion, then, perhaps the soul translates illusion
into reality. Ordinary wisdom, our intellectual perceptions, suggests the
contrary is the truth. If, however, 'mind' is natural and 'soul'
supernatural, I might hypothesize the opposite regarding the observation and
experience, the sensory experience, of our world reality.

A metal shelf against the wall in my studio, laden with various items,
tools, boxes, themselves full of myriad items, books, what have you, to my
sensory experience remains constant minute-to-minute, day-to-day, yet
according to our laws of physics, I am told this is not strictly true, on a
grander scale called 'quantum' the reality is an illusion. All is in motion.
In the time it takes for us to observed the phenomena, it has changed many
times over, if not in gross structure, certainly at the atomic level. The
shelf will be there tomorrow if memory serves me well, even though the
macro/cosmic 'state's' motion is a quantum whirlwind. The Earth, the stars,
the moon, all have progressed in their orbits this very nano-second. Our
'perception' is reliant on mere memory, so enters the 'soul'.

Those aspects of 'soul-ness', happiness, fear, faith, those aspects of
'being' which we feel, are not easily defined as 'intellectual' states.
Again, we rely on experiential memory--does it feel 'right' or 'wrong', will
I proceed with choices based on intellectual resolutions? Say, I am hungry
for a baked potato with butter and sour cream. I 'remember' enjoying this
food in the past, and that 'memory', that sensation 'recall', is what I use
to select my dinner, not an intellectual evaluation at all ... you do not
take an algorithm to the market--or to choose your next meal.

Is this to suggest memory is a priori to reality? Could be. At the least,
'memory', is a nuanced prior, and 'now' it is an essentially identical
incrementally advance experience beyond our senses, but of the so-called
'present- once more--this is all that we observe, and it is only 'memory'.
Replace 'memory' with 'faith'--that what was 'there', in the past, will be
there again in the 'now' in the present. Or, returning to the soul, what is
hoped for will 'be''.


RH Nigl / GH Diel

Nov 10, 2007, 5:54:10 PM11/10/07

"RH Nigl / GH Diel" <> wrote in message

> Could it be that memory precedes reality?
> If the mind collects illusion, then, perhaps the soul translates illusion
> into reality.

Exchange the terms 'soul' and 'memory' in any part of the above sketch,
if you wish. I rewrite and update, ongoing, at my blog as I review these




Nov 10, 2007, 6:52:08 PM11/10/07
On Nov 10, 5:48 pm, "RH Nigl / GH Diel" <> wrote:
> Could it be that memory precedes reality?
> If the mind collects illusion, then, perhaps the soul translates illusion
> into reality.

"Memory", "reality", "illusion", "soul" are all terms which will
require clear, unambiguous definitions which all agree upon at the
beginning in order for any further discussion to be productive.

Otherwise the discussion will degenerate into an argument resulting
from equivocations. Each participant will have a separate and
distinct understanding of each term which they neglect to share with
the others, and as a result they will be (metaphorically) comparing
apples and oranges.

As an example of the traps of equivocation, I found that the entire
mass of 20th Century Epistemology was exactly that kind of debate.
When one teased out from the essays of each philosopher the
individual's understandings of the noun "knowledge" and the verb "to
know", it became apparent that they were all discussing different
concepts under the same name.

It was noteworthy that the Germans participating in the discussion had
no difficulty with each other as the German language has a variety of
different words that attach to different concepts. Unfortunately,
those words all translate into English as the same word - hence the

Start this thread off with a set of definitions and you will make more
progress than if you don't.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA

RH Nigl / GH Diel

Nov 10, 2007, 7:01:50 PM11/10/07

"tadchem" <> wrote in message

Thanks, Tom, for the practical advice, it's not as poetic, but I will try to
conform. ;-)
Although, sometimes I am merely placing an interesting reply
But I am always happy to discuss language useage, though sometimes in short
required by a NG post, I don't take the time. Come to think of it, nor do
The ambiguity of philosophers and scientists are legendary. Shame on them,
eh? :-)

Here's an interesting link at least from my level of interest that might
answer some of
your concerns,



Nov 10, 2007, 10:36:03 PM11/10/07
"RH Nigl / GH Diel" <> wrote in message
>Tom Davidson "tadchem" <> wrote in message

>> "RH Nigl / GH Diel" <> wrote:
>> > Could it be that memory precedes reality?
>> > If the mind collects illusion, then, .... translates
>>> illusion into reality.

>> "Memory", "reality", "illusion", "soul" are all terms which will
>> require clear, unambiguous definitions ....

>> Otherwise the discussion will degenerate into an argument resulting
>> from equivocations [& the] result will be (metaphorically) comparing
>> apples and oranges.
>> As an example ... 20th Century Epistemology was exactly that kind
>> of debate [in the use of] the verb "to know", it became apparent that

>> they were all discussing different concepts under the same name.
>> ... the Germans participating in the discussion had no difficulty with

>> each other as the German language has a variety of different words
>> that attach to different concepts. Unfortunately, those words all
>> translate into English as the same word - hence the equivocation.
> Thanks, Tom, .... Here's an interesting link at least from my level of

> interest that might answer some of your concerns,
ahahaha... AHAHAHA... Tom, Nigl just gave you a new example
of equivocation... of the second kind... ahahaha... AHAHAHA...
BTW, don't give the Germans THAT much credit. They might have
it easier since their language is phonetic but still there is plenty
of "Eindeutig Zweideutig" situations from the same word(stock).
If you read the German issue of Kant's "Kritik der Transzendentalen
Vernunft" you'll find out that there is more fucking pontification about
pontifications (equivocations of the first kind) in it then the Vatican
issued in their tripes over a century... ahahaha... No wonder Immanuel
visited and did Emanuelle... and unequivocally caught sy-Phyllis...
Nigl, is your link referring to that legendary Lyndon LaRouge, the
jail-bird (tax evasion), who was buying air time on Nat. TV, on the
eve of presidential elections, to preach political brimstone, hail
and doom for one full 1 hour? -- He was the only decent entertain-
ment in the dreary political crap that the Networks fed to us peasants.
Lyndon was always cause for a great party to ROTFL... ahahaha...
Great fun, Lyndon was!... Whatever happen to him?... and what was
it that so impressed you about LaRouge that you posted that link?
... ahahahaha... Thanks for the laughs, guys.... ahahaha...

RH Nigl / GH Diel

Nov 10, 2007, 11:34:07 PM11/10/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message
You're welcome. ;-)

RH Nigl / GH Diel

Nov 10, 2007, 11:51:42 PM11/10/07

"tadchem" <> wrote in message

Ahh, the quantitative soul, the accounted memory, the traps of equivocation.
... no ambiguity there, my friends.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 11, 2007, 12:22:47 AM11/11/07
On Nov 10, 10:51 pm, "RH Nigl / GH Diel" <> wrote:
> "tadchem" <> wrote in message

Mind and soul are the same.

The soul/mind is the body in operation. The body is the hardware.

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Nov 12, 2007, 2:08:09 PM11/12/07
Reality is our minds create a hocus pocus "soul" especially if ones mind
has been brain washed. Those that think otherwise,are "Are ass Souls"

Uncle Al

Nov 12, 2007, 3:01:35 PM11/12/07
RH Nigl / GH Diel wrote:
> Could it be that memory precedes reality?

1) Causality; space-like vs. time-like events; phase vs. group
2) What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed
without evidence.

> If the mind collects illusion, then, perhaps the soul translates illusion
> into reality.

[snip remaining crap]

"Az di bobe vot gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeyde."
Do you have three grandfathers?


If thought had any eldritch effect upon physical reality Bill Gates
would explode into flames a million times/day. There is no Windows
user who does not want Bill Gates annihalated in the most painful and
expedicious way possible.

Uncle Al especially enjoys earthquakes that collapse churches filled
with worshippers. Test of faith!
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

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