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Both, theory and evidence confirm that "the future is already pre-programmed" (JP)

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Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak

Jul 10, 2009, 10:30:15 PM7/10/09
Analyses of the future processes of learning, reveal that a given
fragment of reality remains unexplainable for people for as long as a
theory (or a "model") is created and accepted, which explains exactly
this particular fragment of reality. After all, our learning of the
surrounding reality could be illustratively compared to climbing up of
a smooth naked wall. In times when the learner confronts only this
naked reality, his situation is similar to a person that climbs up a
smooth wall without the use of any scaffold or support. But when a
theory or a model is created which describes for us the work of this
reality, then it is like just next to this naked wall a vertical
scaffold or a ladder is erected with numerous steps and handles. After
it is erected, the learner begins to have NOT only this smooth wall to
climb up, but also a ladder with which he can now support himself and
gradually lift up.

The above situation is illustrated in an excellent manner by the so-
called "Theory of Magnocraft" described in volumes 2 and 3 of two
monographs, namely [1/5] and [1/4] - available at the totaliztic web
page "text_1_5.htm". Until this "Theory of Magnocraft" was created,
people multiplied various "wild speculations" regarding what actually
are these UFO vehicles - but in reality no-one knew anything for sure
about UFOs. Only after creating the "Theory of Magnocraft", it became
possible to develop a formal scientific proof which documented that
"UFOs are already operational Magnocrafts". This formal proof is
discussed more comprehensively on the web page "ufo_proof.htm", while
UFO photographs that illustrate it are interpreted from the point of
view of this "Theory of Magnocraft" on the totaliztic web page
"explain.htm", and also in the Polish treatise [4c] - available at the
totaliztic web page "tekst_4c.htm" (see the illustrated version of
[4c] in PDF).

A similar situation as the one with explaining what are UFOs, exists
also with explaining "what is time" and "how time works". As it turns
out, until the scientific theory of everything called the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity explained to us exactly "what time is" and "how time
works", people multiplied various wild speculations about time and
about work of time. A best illustration for these speculations are
numerous paradoxes of time travel, which in real life do NOT exist,
but which were multiplied for us by writers of "science fiction"
books. Some amongst these paradoxes are discussed in item #C3 of the
totaliztic web page "timevehicle.htm" (for example see in there the
"grandparent paradox", "multiple existences", or "parallel
realities"). Only the precise explanation "what time is" and "how time
works" by this Concept of Dipolar Gravity, revealed to us numerous
truths about time, about travelling in time, etc. One amongst these
truths is the shocking fact that "the entire future is already pre-
programmed, and thus NONE our action is able to change drastically
what is to happen". (Such a future pre-programmed in advance is
popularly called "fate" or "destiny".) A good example of
unavoidability of the fate is a castle constructed far from the sea
shore near the Turkish city "Tarsus" (located near the island of
Cyprus). This castle was constructed by the king who learned from
"astrologers" that his much loved daughter was to die from bites of a
venomous snake. So the king build for his much loved daughter a castle
surrounded by sea water - to which snakes would have no access. Yet
still a venomous snake was accidentally brought to her when it hide in
a basket with fruits. So in spite that the king tried to prevent her
fate, she still has died.

Numerous theoretical premises which postulate and confirm the shocking
truth that "the future is already pre-programmed" are discussed in
item #J4 from the web page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm". These include
e.g. the discovery that "time passes in short jumps" or the discovery
that "time can be reversed" (i.e. that time can be shifted back - for
which we have also numerous empirical evidence listed, amongst others,
in item #J6 of the same web page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm"). After all,
in order time could be shifted back and could pass in short jumps, it
must be a software entity (i.e. time must be a movement of execution
control through subsequent commands of our natural "program of life
and fate" - as this is explained to us on totaliztic web pages
"immortality.htm" or "soul_proof.htm"). In turn for time to be a
software entity (means for time to be a program), our physical world
must be constructed in the form of a special software "landscape"
called the "timespace". (This software "timespace" is described in
more details in item #B2.1 from the totaliztic web page
"timevehicle.htm".) So if there is such thing as this software
"timespace", then "the future must be pre-programmed in advance" - as
this was postulated by theoretical premises from item #J4 of the web
page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm".

To summarise the role which the scientific theory of everything called
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (see the description of this theory at
the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") performs in our understanding of
the operation of time and in the discovery that "the future is already
pre-programmed", this role could be compared to an illustrative
scaffold or ladder placed by a naked wall of learning which the
humanity must climb one day. Through explaining what is time and how
time works, this theory allows us now to accumulate gradually the
detailed knowledge about time and about the best use of our knowledge
on the work of time. This in turn allows us to plan much better and to
implement more effectively our everyday living, as well as it allows
to undertake the construction of time vehicles which are to open for
people the access to infinitively long lives (see the description of
these vehicles on the totaliztic web page "immortality.htm").

Amongst all new findings which results from the theory of everything
called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (see the description of this
theory at the totaliztic web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"), the most
powerful intellectual resistance induces in human minds the finding
that "the future is pre-programmed in advance". After all, this
finding suggests that decisions and actions are unable to change
"what" is to happen, but are only able to change "how" this something
is unveiling. Therefore, in order to make available explanations which
allow to break through this inertial resistance of the mind, herewith
I decided to present at least several examples of empirical evidence
which confirms that in reality the future is crystallised already now
and pre-programmed in advance. Here are these examples:

1. Prophecies which got fulfilled. A best example of empirical
evidence that the future is pre-programmed in advance, are all
examples of someone's descriptions of the future, which later really
come true. In turn such examples are provided by practically all
"prophecies" - including into this number famous prophecies of
Nostradamus, as well as a number of various other prophecies which
also fulfilled themselves (examples of such other prophecies are
described, amongst others, on the totaliztic web page

2. Evidence for the existence of "time vehicles". Another kind of
evidence that the future is pre-programmed in advance, is the
existence and operation of the time vehicles. If one analyses
principles of operation of the time vehicles, then it turns out that
they would NOT be able to exist and to work, if the software
"timespace" does NOT exist, means if the past, present, and future are
NOT pre-programmed permanently into the form of a software "landscape"
called the "timespace". In turn that time vehicles really do exist, we
know for sure from numerous evidence. For example, such evidence
includes: (1) abductions of people to past (or to future) carried out
by these time vehicles, (2) explosions of time vehicles (one of which
occurred in 1178 AD near the town of Tapanui in New Zealand - as
described on the totaliztic web page "tapanui.htm"), (3) abductions of
people to UFOs which last several days but which sometimes finish at
earlier date then they started (their examples are described in the
Polish treatise [3b] - available at the totaliztic web page
"tekst_3b.htm", and also in chapter T of monograph [1/4] - available
at the totaliztic web page "text_1_4.htm"), (4) abductions to UFOs in
which abductees do NOT experience the return trip (i.e. which instead
of returning trip from the abductions simply shift the abductee back
in time), or e.g. (5) photographs of time vehicles (examples of time
vehicles captured in action are shown, amongst others, on the
totaliztic web page "immortality.htm", and also in Figure N1 from
volume 11 of illustrated version of monograph [1/5] in PDF - available
at the totaliztic web page "text_1_5.htm").

3. Trips to the past. Another group of evidence for the existence of
the future pre-programmed in advance, are abductions of people to the
past. As it turns out, relatively many people is being taken to the
past - frequently changing various events that already have happen. In
turn, as it was correctly deduced by authors of "science fiction"
books and films, if the future is NOT pre-programmed in advance, then
every, even the smallest change in past would cause a cumulative
changes in our present time. (After all, for the past, our present
time represents the future.) However, in spite of continuous changes
in past, our present time does NOT change noticeably. This in turn
means, that in the past our present time was pre-programmed in
advance. The truth of these trips to past, combined with the
unintended introduction of changes to the past, is certified by quite
a significant documentation - e.g. see the book [8V5.3] by Rodney
Davies "Nadprzyrodzone znikniêcia" (the original title "Supernatural
Disappearances"), Dom Wydawniczy Limbus (85-959 Bygoszcz, skr. poczt.
21, tel./fax 28-79-74), 1995, ISBN 83-85475--80-X, 255 pages, pb.
(Several cases of such trips to past described in this book, are
interpreted, amongst others, in subsection V5.3 from volume 16 of
monograph [1/4] - available at the totaliztic web page
"text_1_4.htm".) What even more interesting, if one reviews
descriptions of these cases, then evidence for their occurrence was
commonly accessible and various researchers checked the validity of
this evidence. But in spite that people were (and still are) taken to
past, and that sometimes they change various events in this past, our
present time remains static and unchanged - means it does NOT change
noticeably. On the other hand, if the future still would need to
clarify, then every change in past would cause an immediate cumulative
changes in our present time - this is why authors of "science fiction"
books and films invented the paradox of "parallel realities" to
somehow explain the premises that every change in the past must fruit
in a complete different course of everything that happens after it.

4. Changes of past. Another kind of evidence, that the future is pre-
programmed in advance, are frequent discoveries that someone changed
significantly the past, but the present time was NOT changed
noticeably. Some such changes of past are described in items #D6 and
#D6.1 from the totaliztic web page "timevehicle.htm". In turn, if such
changes are analysed thoroughly, then if the future always would need
to clarify yet, each such change of the past should cause a cumulative
change of the entire present time - as this is explained already in
the previous item. However, changes of the past are carried out on the
Earth almost continually, while our present time still remains static
and generally unchanged.

5. Repetitions of the passages of time ("deja vu"). As it turns out,
there is a number of cases when someone's natural passage of time is
repeated i.e. the same events occur more than once in the life of a
given person). Unfortunately, our soul was so programmed that if a
given passage through time begins to repeat, then in our memory all
the recalls of the previous passage of time are automatically deleted
- for details see item #C1.1 from the web page "timevehicle.htm".
Therefore the only thing that sometimes we notice if we are confronted
with something unique that already once happened to us in the previous
passage of time, is a special kind of feeling typically called "deja
vu" (also written as "dejavous"). Several cases of evidence on this
phenomenon, are described in subsection V5.3 from volume 16 of
monograph [1/4] - available at the totaliztic web page

6. The knowledge of future by some animals and by small children. A
number of behaviours were noted amongst some animals, and also amongst
small children, which behaviours confirm that various animals, and
also small children, sense somehow what is to happen in the
approaching future. A most excellent example of such behaviours is the
commonly known fact that "rats escape from the ship which is to
sunk" (they do this in the last port which this ship is visiting). If
we analyse this behaviour, then there is NO other explanation for it,
except acknowledging that rats know what is to happen in a near
future. This their knowledge in turn provides another evidence, that
the future must be pre-programmed in advance. Of course, the knowledge
of future by rats is also confirmed by other their behaviour. Namely,
shortly before a mine is to erupt in flames, or a mine is to be
flooded by water, all rats also massively run out of this mine.
Amongst old miners a folklore wisdom was circulated in past, that "if
you see rats running out of the mine, then immediately run together
with them". Of course, apart from rats, the knowledge of future
display also various other animals. For example, it is commonly known
that storks never make their nest on a roof of a building which is to
be stricken by a lightning. This guarantee provided by storks caused
that if in old Poland storks refused to build a nest in spite of
getting an encouragement (i.e. in spite of building a special "goat-
trestle" on the roof), then the owner of the building sometimes left
it and constructed for himself another house elsewhere. Another
example are domesticated animals which always know when they are to
die and they cry a day earlier. In subsection I8.1 from volume 5 of
monograph [1/5] and [8/2] (disseminated free of charge from the web
page "text_8_2.htm") is described a famous cat (investigated even by
scientists) which always knew who is to die soon and used to came to
comfort the dying person. In old Poland also people watched behaviours
of moles - as when a mole dug under foundations of a house, then this
meant that soon someone is to die in this house (exactly this happened
with my grandmother).

7. Empirically experienced changes of the speed of the elapse of time.
Their examples include, amongst others, slower elapse of time in young
age, and much faster elapse of time in old age, or slow elapse of time
when we are bored or when we await for something, and much faster
elapse of time when we spend time pleasantly. An excellent evidence
for actual changes in speed of the elapse of time, are sensations
endured by people during so-called "near-death experiences" -
especially the experience of reliving the entire life during a very
short time when the dying person is just e.g. falling from the roof
(these experiences are described, amongst others, in item #F3 of the
totaliztic web page "soul_proof.htm"). After all, if speed of the
elapse of time remains unchanged, then it would be impossible to
relive the entire previous life in the brief duration of just a few
seconds that takes to fall from roof to the ground. In an objective
manner (i.e. indicated on watches) changes in speed of the elapse of
time are registered relatively frequent on watches of people abducted
to UFOs. Their examples are described in subsection T3 (see in there
item "Ad. #2") from volume 14 of monograph [1/4].

8. Cancellation of outcomes of accidents. I know in person three
people (while I met occasionally also a fourth), who were hit by
trucks at some stage of their lives, but outcomes of these accidents
were then cancelled. (As I believe, their time probably was shifted
back, while in a new passage of time these accidents were not
happening.) Descriptions of accidents of these people are provided in
subsection I4.1.1 (see in there item #4d) from volume 4 of monograph
[1/4]. Such cancellation of outcomes of accidents confirms in several
ways that the future must be pre-programmed in advance. For example,
it indicates that these people were pre-programmed to do in the future
something so important, that without it the pre-programmed future
could NOT be implemented.

9. Jumping elapse of time. Still another example of empirical evidence
that the future is pre-programmed in advance, is the jumping elapse of
time. In order time could elapse in small jumps, it must be exactly
what the scientific theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity describes it to be, i.e. time must be a kind of program
executed sequentially command-by-command. In turn that time really is
a jumping execution of a program, and thus it elapses in small jumps,
proves amongst others a simple experiment which can be completed by
almost every reader, and which is described in item #D1 of the
totaliztic web page "immortality.htm".

All items of evidence listed above had a direct character. It means
they directly confirmed that the future is pre-programmed in advance.
However, independently from them, there are also items of evidence
which indirectly confirm the same fact. An excellent example of these

10. The lack of evidence that the future can be changed. A vital
example of an empirical evidence, that the future is pre-programmed in
advance, is the fact that there is a wealth of empirical evidence
which confirms that the future CANNOT be drastically changed (e.g. the
entire empirical evidence from this item confirms just this), but no-
one was ever able to present even a shred of evidence that the future
can be changed drastically. Although in the "science fiction"
literature aimed at sensations and at spread of confusions, supposed
items of "evidence" are described which imply that the future was
changed, but if one considers carefully these items of "evidence" then
it turns out that they are either "locked" by some "special services"
- and thus unavailable to researchers and to people, or appeared in a
manner which induces a suspicion that they were fabricated by some
jokers. An excellent example of such supposed "locked" evidence that
the future was changed, is a story about a Russian named "Pokrowski",
published in the article "Wrzucony w inny czas?" from the Polish
magazine "Nieznany Swiat", no 12/2004. On the other hand empirical
evidence which confirms the impossibility of changing the future
everyone can check - and actually many people already verified it (as
this is mentioned in item 3 above).


In the above post I indicated evidence that "our future is pre-
programmed in advance". This post is an adaptation of items #J5 and
#J6 from the totaliztic web page named "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm",
update of 8 July 2009, or later. The latest update of the web page
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm" was already uploaded on several frequently
viewed totaliztic web sites. Because of someone’s stubborn sabotage of
the totaliztic web pages, the web page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm" is
also planned to be uploaded in future to several further totaliztic
web sites. Interested readers already can seek the web page
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm" at following addresses:
It is also worth to notice that practically all totaliztic web pages
are available at each web site of totalizm. Therefore, independently
from the web page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", each address (web site)
indicated above also offers all other web pages of totalizm - unless
some of these web pages just were sabotaged, or are so new that I had
no time yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a
case when for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given
address, still at this address a MENU should be available which has
links to all other totaliztic addresses (servers), on which a given
web page should already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to
view descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web
page listed in this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in
the above addresses the name "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm" is just enough
to exchange for a name of the web page that he or she wishes to view,
e.g. for the name of web page "prophecies.htm",
"bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm", "healing.htm", "oscillatory_chamber.htm",
"eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm", "fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm",
"telekinetics.htm", "dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm",
"totalizm.htm", "evil.htm", "god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm",
"evolution.htm", "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm",
"memorial.htm", "newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm",
"fruit.htm", "text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm",
"ufo_proof.htm", "katrina.htm", etc., etc.

If the above text needed to be cut down here to fit into the memory
that is available, or it is difficult to read, or links from it refuse
to work, then it is worth to know that this post is repeated on
several blogs of totalizm - where it carries the number #170E. These
blogs of totalizm can be accessed through following internet
While viewing any of these blogs, it is worth to know that they
contain an array of other posts with related subject area, for example
see the the post number 169E.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. This post relates directly to my personal experience during
visiting the future - as discussed on the forum


Jul 11, 2009, 4:10:53 AM7/11/09
Jump from a running Train.

Burn your House

And see if you are safe or not. As future is already written. The same
thing will happen whether you plan or not?

Do you agree with it?


Play Chess at:

[I am worlds most intelligent man if I can beat the Master Level at
GetClub Chess.]

Uncle Al

Jul 11, 2009, 11:10:55 AM7/11/09
"Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak" wrote:
> Analyses of the future processes of learning, reveal that a given
> fragment of reality remains unexplainable for people for as long as a
> theory (or a "model") is created and accepted, which explains exactly
> this particular fragment of reality.

1) Free will.
2) No surprise.
3) snip 367 lines of crap overall

> P.S. This post relates directly to my personal experience during
> visiting the future

Win a state lottery.


Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)


Jul 12, 2009, 7:00:12 AM7/12/09
On Jul 10, 10:30 pm, "Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak" <>
> Disappearances"), Dom Wydawniczy Limbus (85-959 Bygoszcz, ...
> read more »

yeah, it's pretty much a done deal.

Free will is your option, do what you must, what you can, whatever the
hell you want. Back at it's origination, there were no "models",
UFO's, web pages available for reference. "his situation is similar

to a person that climbs up a

> smooth wall without the use of any scaffold or support" Why would anyone? And yet you yammer, and present an alternative wall....and off you go. You. all over the place, how easy.

Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak

Jul 14, 2009, 10:53:21 PM7/14/09

I am talking about the future being pre-programmed in advance, while
you are talking about the so-called "free will". These two are
completely different matters. For example, my "theory of everything"
called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" is clearly stating, that you
still have a "free will" in spite that the future is pre-programmed (a
description of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" you can find on the
totaliztic web page "dipolar_gravity.htm" the addresses of which you
can find in the after typing the key words Concept of
Dipolar Gravity). After all, the "free will" allows you to choose
"how", while the "program of your life and fate" is defining "what" -
for details see PS to this post.

Everybody knows jolly well why you are NOT going to "Jump from a
running Train" or "Burn your House" to prove that the future is NOT
pre-programmed. After all, if you do any of these actions it would
only prove that you had this action pre-programmed in the "program of
life and fate" contained in your "soul" (for details as to what is
contained in natural programs from your "soul" see the totaliztic web
page "soul_proof.htm" e.g. at the
- which you also can find the same way as the web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm"). So, as you see, you completely missed the
point in your argumentation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

PS: Here is how point (3) in item #J4 from the web pages or can illustrate the
difference between "free will" and the "pre-programmed future":
(3) The software "landscape" called the "timespace" allows that the
entire future is pre-programmed since the beginning of time, while
simultaneously people maintained their "free will". Many researchers
who carry out the philosophical analysis, CANNOT understand how it is
possible that the future is already pre-programmed since the beginning
of time, but simultaneously people have their so-called "free will".
These researchers believe that, for example, if the mother of Hitler
exercised her "free will" and fell in love with someone completely
different, then Hitler would NOT be born while the Second World War
would never take place. From this lack of understanding for the
software mechanism of work of time, claims of various people
originate, that only past is clear, while the future still needs to
clarify. However, the reality is such, that a software entity does
exist called the "timespace", in which since the beginning of time are
embedded software structures of everything that ever existed or will
exist in the entire universe. Each one amongst these components of the
"timespace" is pre-programmed as an independent unit (or "object"),
which can be shifted to various areas of the "timespace". (I.e. the
pre-programming of each such unit is accomplished in the manner which
in Software Engineering is called OOP - i.e. the "Object-Oriented
Programming".) In turn the human so-called "free will" boils down to
shifting such individual units ("objects") to different areas of the
"timespace". Thus everything that is to happen in the future for sure
is to happen - only that it can obtain different names and various
backgrounds. In other words, if the mother of Hitler fell in love with
someone different, or had no a child at all, Hitler still would be
born - only that to a different family of e.g. "Histers". So also the
Second World War still would happen, only that instead of Hitler, it
would be caused by someone else, whom Nostradamus called "Hister", but
who in fact would have the soul and fate of Hitler - only that would
be born and brought up in a different family. This portability and
independence of individual components ("objects") of the "timespace"
allows that exist already all times of the universe pre-programmed
since the beginnings of time (means allows that both, past and future,
were, are, and will be always clear), but simultaneously that people
still have their free will and still could shape their own lives as
they only wish.


Jul 14, 2009, 11:40:55 PM7/14/09
On Jul 14, 6:53 pm, "Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak" <>

> On Jul 11, 8:10 pm, Sanny <> wrote:
> > Jump from a running Train.
> > Burn your House
> > And see if you are safe or not. As future is already written. The same
> > thing will happen whether you plan or not?
> > Do you agree with it?
> > Bye
> > Sanny
> > Play Chess at:
> > [I am worlds most intelligent man if I can beat the Master Level at
> > GetClub Chess.]
> I am talking about the future being pre-programmed in advance, while
> you are talking about the so-called "free will". These two are
> completely different matters. For example, my "theory of everything"
> called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" is clearly stating, that you
> still have a "free will" in spite that the future is pre-programmed (a
> description of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" you can find on the
> totaliztic web page "dipolar_gravity.htm" the addresses of which you
> can find in typing the key words Concept of

> Dipolar Gravity). After all, the "free will" allows you to choose
> "how", while the "program of your life and fate" is defining "what" -
> for details see PS to this post.
> Everybody knows jolly well why you are NOT going to "Jump from a
> running Train" or "Burn your House" to prove that the future is NOT
> pre-programmed. After all, if you do any of these actions it would
> only prove that you had this action pre-programmed in the "program of
> life and fate" contained in your "soul" (for details as to what is
> contained in natural programs from your "soul" see the totaliztic web
> page "soul_proof.htm" e.g. at the

> - which you also can find the same way as the web page
> "dipolar_gravity.htm"). So, as you see, you completely missed the
> point in your argumentation.
> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak
> PS: Here is how point (3) in item #J4 from the web pages illustrate the
> they only wish.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Einstein talked about predeterminism in order. Everything is already

Mitch Raemsch


Jul 15, 2009, 12:22:43 AM7/15/09
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 19:53:21 -0700, Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak wrote:

<snip usual insane crapola>

I see you still have up the photos of the Disney
feature at Epcot Center called the "Tree of Life,"
which you are claiming grows naturally and is proof
of God!

What a shaggy dog!

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