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Why physicists conceal the evidence on God, eternal soul, another world, etc. (PDE JP)

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Dec 7, 2007, 2:22:24 AM12/7/07
The discipline of physics literally overflows from evidence for the
existence of God, another world, eternal soul, etc. With similar
evidence overflow other sciences related to physics, for example
mechanics, astronomy, astrophysics, etc. In order to give here some
idea about the massive nature and meaningfulness of this evidence,
below I am going to remind at least most vital examples of it. There
is really a lot of it. But instead of informing the society about this
evidence and about its significance, physicists conceal all cases of
such evidence which are already well known to them, and simultaneously
refuse to research these directions about which they know that further
cases of such evidence are awaiting discovery in there. So if any of
us will in the future experience these (very serious) consequences of
rejecting God described in the Bible, probably he or she should thank
physicists for the "pleasures" that he or she is going to endure.

There is several problems with this anti-God stand of
physicists and other scientists from areas related to physics. One of
these problems is of an ethical nature. It is known that NOT informing
about the truth in fact means lies. In order to be even more
unethical, this "non-informing" is carried out for the money of
taxpayers - means us who are lied to by physicists. After all, these
are us, taxpayers, who pay salaries to physicists. Another serious
ethical problem results from the fact that there are already formal
scientific proofs for the existence of God, other world, eternal soul,
etc. These formal scientific proofs can be reviewed by the reader in
posts numbers #134, #135, #136, #137 and #139 from blogs of totalizm,
the addresses of which are as follows:
The same proofs can also be reviewed in volumes 5, 4 and 11 of
monographs [1/5] (see in "text_1_5.htm" subsections marked H1.1.4,
I1.4.2, I3.3.4, I5.2.1, and N6.1), as well as on appropriate web pages
of totalizm, e.g. on the web pages having physical names:
"god.htm" (see item #B3 in there), "dipolar_gravity.htm" (see item #D3
in there), "nirvana.htm" (see item #C1.1 in there),
"evolution.htm" (see item #B6.2 in there), and also "bible.htm" (see
item #B1 in there) the addresses of which are provided below. In turn
since formal scientific proofs for the existence of God and for the
authorization of the Bible by God remain in power, this in fact means
that all these "pleasures" which the Bible promises to these people
who are to reject God and stand by atheism, are not at all just a way
of "scaring ancient savages", but these "pleasures" actually await for
all these who are to be deceived by the reassurances of physicists
that there is no such thing as God, soul, or another world. Expressing
this in other words, this stubborn refusal of physicists to inform the
society that in fact there is a massive body of evidence for the
existence of God, soul, another world, etc., causes that these
physicists have on their conscience countless people whom they
deprived the chance of e.g. getting to heaven.

Let us review now examples of evidence for the existence of
God, soul, another world, etc., about which physicists know jolly
well, but do NOT inform the society about these, nor teach these to
their students. Most vital examples of this evidence are as follows:

1. Transverse character of electromagnetic waves. As we know,
transverse waves propagate exclusively on the border between two
media. This in turn means, that electromagnetic waves have such a
transverse character only because (and also exist only because) apart
from our visible world there is another invisible world in which God
lives and our souls reside. In turn these transverse electromagnetic
waves propagate just along the border of our visible physical world,
and this another invisible "counter-world". It is why electromagnetic
waves are transverse waves, not any other type. For more information
on this subject - see the formal scientific proof for the existence of
counter-world published in item #D3 of the web page

2. Corpuscular and wave nature of light and matter. This one is
jolly well known to physicists. In turn the existence of it means,
that light and matter exist simultaneously in two separate worlds.
Namely these exist in our visible world of matter (in which light and
matter are corpuscles). Also duplicates of these simultaneously exist
in the "counter-world", which is closed to our senses, but in which
God lives while our souls land after we die. (In the counter-world
light and matter behave like waves.) For more information on this
subject - see item #D1 of the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm".

3. Ether (i.e. "counter-matter from the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity). Towards the "ether" physicists show double standards. On one
hand, they deny the existence of it, although for the counter-world in
which this "ether" (i.e. "counter-matter") prevails, the experiment of
Michelson-Morley of 1887 (which supposedly proved the non-existence of
"ether") in fact looses its validity. On the other hand physicists
keep introducing the existence of this substance under different
names, e.g. vacuum, energy, etc. This is pity, as the intelligent
ether is a kind of "liquid computer" which actually forms what the
Christian religion calls "God Father", and from what God formed the
entire physical world. For more information about "counter-
matter" (ether) see item #B1 on the web page "evolution.htm", and also
subsection I1.1 from monograph [1/5] - see the web page

4. Kirlian Photography. This one directly shows
"ghosts" ("spirits") of every physical object. For example, if one
photographs with the Kirlian camera a place where a lost finger is
missing, the whole finger is still visible in this place. This
phenomenon is known as the "ghost-leaf effect". The description of it
is provided in chapter C of treatise [7/2] - see the web page

5. Reversal of friction. The De Broglie's symmetry of the
universe states, amongst others, that "every phenomenon has its own
counter-phenomenon". But physicists stubbornly refuse to research the
counter-phenomenon for friction, means the so-called "telekinesis".
Reversely to friction causing a spontaneous absorption of motion and
generation of heat, telekinesis causes a spontaneous absorption of
heat and generation of motion. Why physicists refuse to research the
phenomenon that is a reversal of friction? Well, because it directly
confirms the existence of "spirits" (ghosts). Telekinesis depends on
causing the motion of physical objects by catching spirits (ghosts) of
these objects and moving these spirits (ghosts) - while only later
these spirits through the gravitational forces pull behind them the
physical objects to which they belong. More about the mechanism of
telekinesis is provided in item #7 of the web page telekinesis.htm.

6. The existence of magnetic field and electric field. If one
considers the energy flows, NO field is able to exists in the absolute
"nothing". If fields could exist in the absolute "nothing", then with
the elapse of time all the energy from our part of the universe would
flow out into the infinitive emptiness that must exist beyond the
visible part of the universe. So after some time, the universe would
loose all its energy and cease to exist. In turn if fields can only
exist in "something", then this something must also be present
wherever magnetic and electric fields interact with each other, means
also in the physical vacuum. But since this physical vacuum in the
physical world does NOT contain anything, than this means that the
"something" which is the carrier of magnetic and electric fields (this
"something" scientifically is called "counter-matter"), must exist in
a world that is separate from our physical world. Thus the existence
of magnetic field and electric field is a proof, that there is also
another world apart from our physical world. This another world is
called the "counter-world". It is it where God lives in, and where our
spirits reside. More about the mechanism of operation of magnetic
field and electrical field is explained in subsections H5.1 and H5.2
from volume 4 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm".
Serpents who supervise the development of Earth's physics know jolly
well that our learning of mechanism of operation of magnetic field and
electric field leads to the confirmation of the existence of the
counter-world in which God lives. Therefore these serpents do not
allow that human physics describes these two fields in the sense of
mechanism of their formation and interaction, but only allow that
physicists describe these two fields in the sense of consequences
which these fields cause. Therefore the present physical definitions
of these two fields in fact tell us nothing about the mechanism of the
formation of these fields.

7. The existence and dipolar character of gravity field.
Gravity field displays all attributes of a dipolar field. This dipolar
character of gravity field was already proven formally by the theory
of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. So why present
physics controlled by serpents still insists to describe the gravity
field as a monopolar field? It turns out that the reason is this
another world in which God lives. When gravity field is dipolar, then
one pole of gravity must disappear from our physical world and
reappear in a separate world, in which God lives. More about the
dipolar character of gravity field is explained in subsections H1 and
H1.1 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page
"text_1_5.htm", and also on a separate web page about the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity.

8. Telepathy. Telepathy is a kind of "speech" which propagate
through another world (i.e. through the "counter-world"). Thus the
research on telepathy directly confirms the existence of another world
in which God lives and our souls reside. Therefore physicists refuse
to research telepathy. More about telepathy and mechanism of it, is
provided on the web page "telepathy.htm".

9. Intelligence of elementary particles. Physicists with a
great reluctance admit that the behavior of elementary particles
displays intelligence. After all, intelligence supposedly is an
attribute of living creatures only, not "inanimate" nature. In turn
physicists panic completely when someone asks them about the meaning
of intelligence of elementary particles. After all, intelligent
elementary particles means that these particles are actually formed
from the intelligent substance called "counter-matter" (in past called
"ether"). In turn this another world filled up entirely with such
intelligent substance in fact constitutes God. More about intelligence
of counter-matter is explained in subsection H2 of monograph [1/5]. In
turn the formation of intelligent elementary particles from this
intelligent counter-matter, is explained in subsection I1.3 of
monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm".

10. The ability of matter to transform (e.g. the equivalence of
energy and matter). In order anything could transform into something
else, there must exist an algorithm which describes the course and
outcomes of this transformation. For example, in our computers the
transformation of a disk file into a photograph on the screen is
described by appropriate computer programs. In turn in our car the
transformation of motion of pistons in the engine into the motion of
the entire car is carried out by algorithm which is described
geometrically in the design of subsequent parts of this car. (Means,
as this would be expressed by computer scientists, it is carried out
by the algorithm which is "hardwired" into the components of the car.)
Thus the fact that in our physical world many substances, forms, and
energies, can transform in another ones (e.g. matter can transform
into energy, water can transform into ice, etc.) means, that somewhere
"alive" algorithms which define the course and outcomes of these
transformations must be written. In turn, if such algorithms are
written somewhere, this means that there can also be written another
kinds of algorithms, e.g. these ones which form the superior
intelligent being called God. More information about the storing and
execution of algorithms which control the operation of the universe is
explained in subsection I1.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see
the web page "text_1_5.htm".

11. The existence of physical laws and the superior logic of
these laws. Similarly as algorithms of transformations described in
previous item, also "alive" algorithms which define the action of
physical laws, must be written on some medium. Thus, this medium is
also able to be the medium that carries programs of the superior
intelligence of God. That in fact this medium contains the
intelligence of the superior being, such as God, is proven by an
exceptional logic and consistency of physical laws which operate in
our physical world. The logic of these laws indicates that laws of
physics were invented and programmed by some intelligent being of the
exceptionally superior ability to think logically. If laws of physics
are shaped spontaneously at random, their content would be completely
accidental, and thus in many cases they would mutually contradict each
other. More information about the God's logic in the formation of
physical world is explained in subsection I1.5 from volume 5 of
monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm".

12. The so-called "unexplained phenomena", i.e. ghosts, UFOs,
shifting of people to different times, miracles, etc. The true reason
for which physicists decisively refuse to research these phenomena, is
that after solid investigations of these, it always turns out that
each one of them in fact does exist. Also each one of them leads to
the confirmation of either the existence of UFOs, or the existence of
God. Serpents-UFOnauts do know about this, thus they make it
impossible for people to research such phenomena. Instead of
researching these, UFOnauts order people to believe that such
phenomena are imaginations of drunks, balloons, mesmerizing, etc. In
other words, they order to tell to all people experiencing these
phenomena, that such people are liars. In turn physicists thoroughly
obey this order.

Very interesting are fates of research and discoveries of each
of the above items of evidence. These fates are full of persecution,
sabotages, discrimination, prejudices, scoffing, intentional
silencing, etc. As this is clearly visible, the dark force which
enslaves the Earth, makes everything in its power to prevent the
dissemination of knowledge about the above evidence amongst people.

So why physicists conceal from people the existence of this
wealth of evidence about God, soul, another world, etc. After all,
they themselves also loose a lot because of it. It turns out that the
reason is very simple. Fear. They are afraid to write and to talk
about it. As it turns out, our planet is secretly occupied by evil
creatures, which the Bible calls "serpents", "dragons", "devils",
etc., while present people call them "UFOnauts". These creatures looks
almost identical to people - after all they are close relatives of
humans. So these creatures take all key positions in the human society
- including positions of decision making in science. Extensive
descriptions of these diabolic creatures, and also photographs showing
these their sparse anatomic features which are slightly different from
human features, are provided on the totaliztic web page called
"evil.htm". These creatures are also operational on this discussion
group - I already wrote about them in the thread
. Well, these evil creatures have a bad habit to persistently
persecute, torment, scoff, slander, defame, etc., every scientists who
tries to point the attention of society at evidence for the existence
of God, soul, another world, etc. How such a slander, etc., looks
like, readers can check in the Internet. For example in relation to
myself examples of it are contained at addresses of the google
discussion group sci.physics or another google group
Thus when any scientist tries to present something that is a truth, he
is immediately pounced at by these "serpents-UFOnauts" and viciously
destroyed. Very rarely anyone has a courage to stand up again in
public with the same topic. And if he stands up again, he is again
attacked, slandered, defamed, scoffed at, accused of lies, tormented,
persecuted, sabotaged, etc.

The concealing from the society the information about evidence
for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., causes enormous
social mischief and harm. One kind of this harm results from the
depriving people of the chance for taking an "informed decision" in
matters of God, means from practically pushing people into atheism.
How dangerous and harmful is such pushing people into atheism I know
from my own fate. As a young boy I used to believe in claims of
physicists, that there is absolutely no evidence for the existence of
God, soul, another world, etc. Thus, until 39-th year of my own age, I
was an atheist myself. Only in 1985 I discovered myself, that
everything that my teachers and lecturers told me on this subject is
an absolute lie. If I would not discover this lie myself, probably I
would die as an atheist. I am horrified to even think what would
happen then. After all, God emphasizes at almost every page of the
Bible which He authorizes, that every person is solely responsible for
finding and embracing God, and that every person is severely judged
for fulfilling this responsibility. Thus, this first kind of social
harm resulting from the collaboration of physicists with serpents-
UFOnauts, depends on the fact, that similarly to myself, millions of
other people on Earth are misled and lied to by their teachers and
lecturers of physics. It is scary to think what happens to these
people if they persevere in these lies and do not find their own path
to God. Another kind of social harm, results from the social
immorality which always goes together with atheism. People who do not
believe in God typically have no motivations nor inclinations to act
morally in their lives. In this way present society goes increasingly
deeper into the spiral of immorality from which there may not be exit.
Thus, the fact that e.g. in present times almost each one of us is
scared to go to streets at night, is one amongst numerous consequences
of concealing by physicists the information about availability of vast
evidence on God.

Is there any defense against these malicious "serpents-
UFOnauts" who force scientists to conceal the truth. Yes, it is. These
serpents needs to be exposed, and the knowledge about their actual
existence, appearance, features, methods of acting, etc., should be
disseminated amongst people. As the final goal we also need to assume
the removal of these evil creatures from our planet into the
bottomless pit of the cosmic space from which they crawled secretly to
the Earth.

Even more extensive information about the presented above eveidence
for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., which is
concealing by physicists, is provided in item#F1 of the web page
"bible.htm", update from 1/12/07, or later. The web page "bible.htm"
should be available from following addresses:

It is also worth to know that under each address indicated above all
the web pages of totalizm should be available. Thus, if someone wishes
to view descriptions from any other web pages of totalizm, e.g. from
web pages listed in this message, then in the above addresses the name
"bible.htm" is just enough to exchange for the name of the web page
that he or she wishes to view, e.g. the web page "evolution.htm",
"god.htm", "text_1_5.htm", "dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm",
"evil.htm", etc.

With totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

P.S. I should repeat here the motto from item #F2 of the web page
"bible.htm": "If you do not believe in God, or do NOT wish to learn
truth about God, it is just your private matter. But if you make
impossible for others to learn the truth about God, then you act
immorally and commit extreme meanness."

Autymn D. C.

Dec 7, 2007, 3:08:38 PM12/7/07
On Dec 6, 11:22 pm, wrote:
> The discipline of physics literally overflows from evidence for the
> existence of God, another world, eternal soul, etc. With similar

I will save you some time. (I don't read blogs.) God != elsewhere !=
heaven != ghost != spirit/breath != soul

eternal/forever != infinite; = indeterminate

I read over your website, however, and must say you're one of two or
three most extraordinary and præternatural professors I'v seen. One
other is the author of topological geometrodynamics. But take this
under advisement:

But to deal with your many pages, Gods, the holy books, and the holy
persons were and are the biggest, fattest sham and lige in the world:

You are mistakene as you believe Man and God are bound in a moral,
historic obligational relationship. God was the first liar in the
Garden; God was/is the greatest lawbreaker, those which It gave Man It
often wilfully broke upon Itself and Man; and God was/is the greatest
murderer and slavener. It's not Satan--unless Fiend and God are the
same person, which they are--or Man, which can only do as a mortal
divers animal can. It takes God for good men to do "evil" deeds.

(Someone must mass slauhter Americans for their mispronunciation of
Pat Sajak, and other such names. Proof of no God is Its not tellan
anyone about their corruptions and trespasses, those which span whole
cultures and nations. Thas my mind could grasp so much greater than
it was taughd shows I am smarter and greater than anyone's God.)

>        Let us review now examples of evidence for the existence of
> God, soul, another world, etc., about which physicists know jolly
> well, but do NOT inform the society about these, nor teach these to
> their students. Most vital examples of this evidence are as follows:
>        1. Transverse character of electromagnetic waves. As we know,
> transverse waves propagate exclusively on the border between two
> media. This in turn means, that electromagnetic waves have such a
> transverse character only because (and also exist only because) apart
> from our visible world there is another invisible world in which God
> lives and our souls reside. In turn these transverse electromagnetic
> waves propagate just along the border of our visible physical world,
> and this another invisible "counter-world". It is why electromagnetic
> waves are transverse waves, not any other type. For more information
> on this subject - see the formal scientific proof for the existence of
> counter-world published in item #D3 of the web page
> "dipolar_gravity.htm".

Radiation can be any of these polarisations: vertical y; hòrizetic x;
circular y,x; oval (elliptic) ay,bx; longitudinal z; and linear
yx,zy,xz. One should note thas polarisation axes are pseudovectors,
so the longitudinal fotòn ferries no power, yet the extended
structures of the others are proof of classic orbital trajectories.
(For a listing of the three fotòns, three gravitòns, and exposition of
dark matter and contragravital drift, see my other post on's Dark energy.. articul.) Thus the z-fotòn or gamma/
0 in coherent radiation can be usede for invisibility at narrow

Transverse propagation at interfaces--what are those, evanescent
waves? which aren't even signals--catch all of the wave in its
dimensions. Proof of interface is only proof of interface, not proof
of medium as interface.

>        2. Corpuscular and wave nature of light and matter. This one is
> jolly well known to physicists. In turn the existence of it means,
> that light and matter exist simultaneously in two separate worlds.
> Namely these exist in our visible world of matter (in which light and
> matter are corpuscles). Also duplicates of these simultaneously exist
> in the "counter-world", which is closed to our senses, but in which
> God lives while our souls land after we die. (In the counter-world
> light and matter behave like waves.) For more information on this
> subject - see item #D1 of the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm".

This is rubbish. Matter is always corpuscular, and energy is always
undular. Thas "physicists", who aren't fusicists, mung the two
doesn't mean there's another world. Liht is not a thing, but a hap.

>        3. Ether (i.e. "counter-matter from the Concept of Dipolar
> Gravity). Towards the "ether" physicists show double standards. On one
> hand, they deny the existence of it, although for the counter-world in
> which this "ether" (i.e. "counter-matter") prevails, the experiment of
> Michelson-Morley of 1887 (which supposedly proved the non-existence of
> "ether") in fact looses its validity. On the other hand physicists

loses, retard

> keep introducing the existence of this substance under different
> names, e.g. vacuum, energy, etc. This is pity, as the intelligent
> ether is a kind of "liquid computer" which actually forms what the
> Christian religion calls "God Father", and from what God formed the
> entire physical world. For more information about "counter-
> matter" (ether) see item #B1 on the web page "evolution.htm", and also
> subsection I1.1 from monograph [1/5] - see the web page
> "text_1_5.htm".

aither = field
But is God the Father a theity, a deity, a pantheity, or a

>        4. Kirlian Photography. This one directly shows
> "ghosts" ("spirits") of every physical object. For example, if one

They are not breaths! They're breezes (aurai).

> photographs with the Kirlian camera a place where a lost finger is
> missing, the whole finger is still visible in this place. This
> phenomenon is known as the "ghost-leaf effect". The description of it
> is provided in chapter C of treatise [7/2] - see the web page
> "text_7_2.htm".

Ghosts beat God anyday. God can't even shift furniture or send email.

>        5. Reversal of friction. The De Broglie's symmetry of the
> universe states, amongst others, that "every phenomenon has its own
> counter-phenomenon". But physicists stubbornly refuse to research the
> counter-phenomenon for friction, means the so-called "telekinesis".
> Reversely to friction causing a spontaneous absorption of motion and
> generation of heat, telekinesis causes a spontaneous absorption of

proof of maths, not of God

>        6. The existence of magnetic field and electric field. If one
> considers the energy flows, NO field is able to exists in the absolute
> "nothing". If fields could exist in the absolute "nothing", then with
> the elapse of time all the energy from our part of the universe would
> flow out into the infinitive emptiness that must exist beyond the
> visible part of the universe. So after some time, the universe would
> loose all its energy and cease to exist. In turn if fields can only

lose, retard

> exist in "something", then this something must also be present
> wherever magnetic and electric fields interact with each other, means
> also in the physical vacuum. But since this physical vacuum in the
> physical world does NOT contain anything, than this means that the
> "something" which is the carrier of magnetic and electric fields (this

It holds whatever it carries.

> "something" scientifically is called "counter-matter"), must exist in

No it's not.

> a world that is separate from our physical world. Thus the existence
> of magnetic field and electric field is a proof, that there is also
> another world apart from our physical world. This another world is
> called the "counter-world". It is it where God lives in, and where our
> spirits reside. More about the mechanism of operation of magnetic
> field and electrical field is explained in subsections H5.1 and H5.2
> from volume 4 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm".

As God makes the laws, rather than is under them, and potentials are
in the same world as fields, the other world must make arbitrarily-
custom and -intelligent dropbys in spite of the potentials.

> Serpents who supervise the development of Earth's physics know jolly
> well that our learning of mechanism of operation of magnetic field and
> electric field leads to the confirmation of the existence of the
> counter-world in which God lives. Therefore these serpents do not
> allow that human physics describes these two fields in the sense of
> mechanism of their formation and interaction, but only allow that
> physicists describe these two fields in the sense of consequences
> which these fields cause. Therefore the present physical definitions
> of these two fields in fact tell us nothing about the mechanism of the
> formation of these fields.

Neither do you.

>        7. The existence and dipolar character of gravity field.
> Gravity field displays all attributes of a dipolar field. This dipolar
> character of gravity field was already proven formally by the theory
> of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. So why present
> physics controlled by serpents still insists to describe the gravity
> field as a monopolar field? It turns out that the reason is this
> another world in which God lives. When gravity field is dipolar, then
> one pole of gravity must disappear from our physical world and
> reappear in a separate world, in which God lives. More about the

Both pols are in the same world. There are no event hòrizòns between
them other than the big bang. The other world is under wrays (rules)
if not laws, as well, which isn't good enouh for God.

>        8. Telepathy. Telepathy is a kind of "speech" which propagate
> through another world (i.e. through the "counter-world"). Thus the
> research on telepathy directly confirms the existence of another world
> in which God lives and our souls reside. Therefore physicists refuse
> to research telepathy. More about telepathy and mechanism of it, is
> provided on the web page "telepathy.htm".

nothing to do with God

>        9. Intelligence of elementary particles. Physicists with a
> great reluctance admit that the behavior of elementary particles
> displays intelligence. After all, intelligence supposedly is an
> attribute of living creatures only, not "inanimate" nature. In turn
> physicists panic completely when someone asks them about the meaning
> of intelligence of elementary particles. After all, intelligent
> elementary particles means that these particles are actually formed
> from the intelligent substance called "counter-matter" (in past called

You don't mean entanglement, do you. That's not intelligent. For
every up there's a down. Can a mote ask its fellow motes to sacrifice
themselvs to save itself from some attractor-of-doom? Or do they bang
among no better than they already know?

>        10. The ability of matter to transform (e.g. the equivalence of
> energy and matter). In order anything could transform into something
> else, there must exist an algorithm which describes the course and
> outcomes of this transformation. For example, in our computers the
> transformation of a disk file into a photograph on the screen is
> described by appropriate computer programs. In turn in our car the
> transformation of motion of pistons in the engine into the motion of
> the entire car is carried out by algorithm which is described
> geometrically in the design of subsequent parts of this car. (Means,
> as this would be expressed by computer scientists, it is carried out
> by the algorithm which is "hardwired" into the components of the car.)
> Thus the fact that in our physical world many substances, forms, and
> energies, can transform in another ones (e.g. matter can transform
> into energy, water can transform into ice, etc.) means, that somewhere
> "alive" algorithms which define the course and outcomes of these
> transformations must be written. In turn, if such algorithms are
> written somewhere, this means that there can also be written another
> kinds of algorithms, e.g. these ones which form the superior
> intelligent being called God. More information about the storing and
> execution of algorithms which control the operation of the universe is

There are no steps between matter and energy because energy is not a
thing but a property. They do not transform; both are there all
along. In lame pop speech, one says a elèctròn and positròn become
two gamma rays and elsewise. But this set of four belong in the
former set of two; the rays are only a mathematic trace of a set of
waves which still belong of the motes. Yester the annihilation, the
motes still send out waves of lesser energy; the motes keep +.5 and -.
5, and the waves keep +1 and -1. Neither are 0, 1, and Arithmetic
proof of God.

>        11. The existence of physical laws and the superior logic of
> these laws. Similarly as algorithms of transformations described in
> previous item, also "alive" algorithms which define the action of
> physical laws, must be written on some medium. Thus, this medium is
> also able to be the medium that carries programs of the superior
> intelligence of God. That in fact this medium contains the
> intelligence of the superior being, such as God, is proven by an
> exceptional logic and consistency of physical laws which operate in

Intelligentia is action in spite of and against saide overall laws. A
computer program is not intelligent. Man is your fake God, however.

> our physical world. The logic of these laws indicates that laws of
> physics were invented and programmed by some intelligent being of the
> exceptionally superior ability to think logically. If laws of physics
> are shaped spontaneously at random, their content would be completely
> accidental, and thus in many cases they would mutually contradict each
> other. More information about the God's logic in the formation of

Superposition is contradiction, as are kaòtic or multivalued sustems.
I also bewray a bunch of thermòkemic anòmalies in my treatise
"Refutation of Thermodynamic Laws".

>        12. The so-called "unexplained phenomena", i.e. ghosts, UFOs,

; i.e.,

> shifting of people to different times, miracles, etc. The true reason
> for which physicists decisively refuse to research these phenomena, is
> that after solid investigations of these, it always turns out that
> each one of them in fact does exist. Also each one of them leads to
> the confirmation of either the existence of UFOs, or the existence of
> God. Serpents-UFOnauts do know about this, thus they make it
> impossible for people to research such phenomena. Instead of
> researching these, UFOnauts order people to believe that such
> phenomena are imaginations of drunks, balloons, mesmerizing, etc. In
> other words, they order to tell to all people experiencing these
> phenomena, that such people are liars. In turn physicists thoroughly
> obey this order.

They should know how God looks and works, and talk to and be God. So
why doesn't God take requests?

>        So why physicists conceal from people the existence of this
> wealth of evidence about God, soul, another world, etc. After all,
> they themselves also loose a lot because of it. It turns out that the

lose, retard

> reason is very simple. Fear. They are afraid to write and to talk
> about it. As it turns out, our planet is secretly occupied by evil
> creatures, which the Bible calls "serpents", "dragons", "devils",
> etc., while present people call them "UFOnauts". These creatures looks
> almost identical to people - after all they are close relatives of
> humans. So these creatures take all key positions in the human society
> - including positions of decision making in science. Extensive
> descriptions of these diabolic creatures, and also photographs showing
> these their sparse anatomic features which are slightly different from
> human features, are provided on the totaliztic web page called

>B. Anatomy - the key for initial selecting candidates for more careful checking. First indications as to whom we should subject to a thorough observation provides their anatomy. In spite that UFOnauts are our close relatives who originate from the same ancestors from the planet Terra as we do (see caption under “Fig. #1″ on the web page “evil.htm”), their civilization developped in separation from ours for almost 40 000 years. So in connection with their tendencies to “enhance” themselves genetically, this causes that their anatomy already starts to be slightly different from the human anatomy. Most vital out of these anatomical differences of UFOnauts that occupy us, include amongst others:(1) hair that grows upward on their heads (not downward like in the majority of people) and showing the tendency to curl, (2) prolonged chin, frequently having two bulging buttock-like protrusions, (3) quite a different nose which either is sharp like a carrot and has a vertical small groove at the sharp tip, or is crocked like a hook, (4) pear-shaped head, (5) large ears that stick out, (6) long palm hands with very long fingers the length of which almost exceeds 1.5 width of their palm hands (e.g. see fingers in Buddha, or in Osama Bin Laden), and several other attributes.<

> "evil.htm". These creatures are also operational on this discussion

> group - I already wrote about them in the thread

> . Well, these evil creatures have a bad habit to persistently
> persecute, torment, scoff, slander, defame, etc., every scientists who

If 1 in 50 has these odd features, which "aren't human", then one
should hav more than looks to back your alien claim up, such as
foreign DNA. One story in UFOfiles had a man who met two Mongoloid
women in his bedroom one niht, who had magic powers, and then did
him. The other day some of their hairs were found, he had them
checked at a lab, and the results were some Mongoloid DNA and some

Why do you believe these traits are alien? Do you know how diverse
and pollòmòrfic dogs hav gotten over millennia of breeding and
inbreeding? The latter and the keeping of demepools is all thas's
needed for the expression and growth of genetic variants and mutants,
all on Earth. There are lik 15 species between and beside primates
and humans; Neanderthals had the bigger skulls and brains you bewray
of UFOnauts. Their size was why I think they died out; they couldn't
fit throuh the pelvis, and either they or their mothers died.

I can't find anything about triangular ires or eyes on Google other
than your site. Who are all these persons on TV with alien eyes?

> tries to point the attention of society at evidence for the existence
> of God, soul, another world, etc. How such a slander, etc., looks
> like, readers can check in the Internet. For example in relation to
> myself examples of it are contained at addresses of the google
> discussion group sci.physics or another google group
> Thus when any scientist tries to present something that is a truth, he
> is immediately pounced at by these "serpents-UFOnauts" and viciously
> destroyed. Very rarely anyone has a courage to stand up again in
> public with the same topic. And if he stands up again, he is again
> attacked, slandered, defamed, scoffed at, accused of lies, tormented,
> persecuted, sabotaged, etc.

I lookd at your evil.htm. All of your pages are very repetitive and
redundant; it's a pain to look at a bunch. You know what--there is no
evil. There are all kinds, bad kinds, dull kinds, in all animals; and
there must be such diversity for one to survive, believe im or not.
The world cannot susten billions of a kind at a upper class, nor a mid
class. There must be selfishness and strife so thas the better, more-
important ones can spread. Those who are wrong on either side should
be whittled away in social selection. Are wildcats or wilddogs who
get borede and hunt down humans or babies evil? They're social
animals; they can tell between wriht and wrong, and harmth and
gladth. Or if they like torture their prey, are they even then? (By
the way, you should look at my link where I shew how God was evil.)
They do only as wihts can do. Onely a fictionally-capabil being such
as a god could be evil, as it could do anything yet chooses wrong harm
for its own gain.

>        The concealing from the society the information about evidence
> for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., causes enormous
> social mischief and harm. One kind of this harm results from the
> depriving people of the chance for taking an "informed decision" in
> matters of God, means from practically pushing people into atheism.
> How dangerous and harmful is such pushing people into atheism I know
> from my own fate. As a young boy I used to believe in claims of
> physicists, that there is absolutely no evidence for the existence of
> God, soul, another world, etc. Thus, until 39-th year of my own age, I
> was an atheist myself. Only in 1985 I discovered myself, that
> everything that my teachers and lecturers told me on this subject is
> an absolute lie. If I would not discover this lie myself, probably I

lie on what? ground? bed?

> would die as an atheist. I am horrified to even think what would
> happen then. After all, God emphasizes at almost every page of the
> Bible which He authorizes, that every person is solely responsible for
> finding and embracing God, and that every person is severely judged
> for fulfilling this responsibility. Thus, this first kind of social

The goal of a believer is to convert others intom belief out of self-
preservation, no matter with disinformation or half-truthes; when
there is belief, halfwits, dolts, and wacks will fall the most. You
had no fast atheist and antitheist wisdom to back your mind, which
needs no belief: If only
you knew how wrong God and Man are.

> harm resulting from the collaboration of physicists with serpents-
> UFOnauts, depends on the fact, that similarly to myself, millions of
> other people on Earth are misled and lied to by their teachers and
> lecturers of physics. It is scary to think what happens to these
> people if they persevere in these lies and do not find their own path
> to God. Another kind of social harm, results from the social
> immorality which always goes together with atheism. People who do not
> believe in God typically have no motivations nor inclinations to act
> morally in their lives. In this way present society goes increasingly

They do, morally or ethicly. Ever hearred of humanism or

> deeper into the spiral of immorality from which there may not be exit.
> Thus, the fact that e.g. in present times almost each one of us is
> scared to go to streets at night, is one amongst numerous consequences
> of concealing by physicists the information about availability of vast
> evidence on God.
>        Is there any defense against these malicious "serpents-
> UFOnauts" who force scientists to conceal the truth. Yes, it is. These
> serpents needs to be exposed, and the knowledge about their actual
> existence, appearance, features, methods of acting, etc., should be
> disseminated amongst people. As the final goal we also need to assume
> the removal of these evil creatures from our planet into the
> bottomless pit of the cosmic space from which they crawled secretly to
> the Earth.

One of your pages says "you", or everyone is abducted by aliens at
least every three months, and everyone has a legscar or shin-implant.
Another page says everyone in your village has the scar or has been
implanted. Do you mean your village, or the world? Your dimpl
doesn't look lik any scar; and it would be trivial to scan or dig out
any implant in anyone's bone. I can't tell where it is on your
legshot; can you pick out the spot on a sceletòn?

Your antiferromagnetic oscillatory chamber is almost as good as my
ferrodiamagnetic [Lenz] inductor:"beginner's-flying-saucer".
But your chamber looks no better than any other elèctròstatic plasma
ring; its walls will need to take the brunt, and at your currents will
blow up, or else your gas take the brunt, by which it'll burn up your

Here's another round-square craft which shouldn't work:


Dec 8, 2007, 2:41:06 AM12/8/07
On Dec 7, 12:08 pm, "Autymn D. C." <> wrote:
... (see above)

Well, I will paraphrase Voltaire and say "I do not agree with what you
have to say, but I'll defend your right to say it." However, the
problem is that in your criticism you try to rewrite textbooks of
physics, by claiming all these preposterous things, as that there is
NO wave particle duality of matter, that electromagnetic waves are NOT
transverse, etc. - all these aligned with atheistic suppression of
truth about God, soul, another world, etc. You also seem to have a
strong personal opinion about myself, and love repeating the word NO
without any justification - I believe in all cases when you do NOT
have an argument to contrary. As long as all these products of your
private views and imagination remain just as your private ones, that
is OK. However, when you use these views in order to prevent other
people from having access to information about the wealth of evidence
on God, eternal soul, another world, etc., then it becomes very
immoral and bad. And you actually do this in your writing above - i.e.
you actively try to prevent other people from learning about this
evidence by claiming in the name of physics a lot of preposterous
things that actually are untrue and that textbooks of physics do not
claim at all. So in your above post you actively try to mislead the
readers into false beliefs and into atheism. Your writing is an
excellent example how far one can go against the duty to present in
Internet a balanced information and truth, not just twisted
disinformation which runs against the known accomplishments of present
human sciences.

For me highly puzzling is why you present all this disinformation.
After all, to develop your own physics which is contradictive to
physics we know of, just in order to conceal again the evidence
regarding God, soul, another world, etc., you must have an important
reason for it. Are you actually one of these serpents-UFOnauts about
which I wrote in the thread

There is a web page which I wrote. It argues practically with almost
all matters that you raised in your writing. I prepared this web page
because serpents-UFOnauts keep repeating like a faulty records always
the same arguments - which also are present in your writing. So I will
not argue here again the same matters, but let you have a look at the
web page " dipolar_gravity.htm ", which you can find at following
internet addresses:

I should also repeat that each address indicated above has all the web
pages of totalizm. Thus, if someone wishes to view descriptions from

any other web pages of totalizm, e.g. from web pages listed in this

message, then in the above addresses the name "dipolar_gravity.htm" is

just enough to exchange for the name of the web page that he or she

wishes to view, e.g. the web page "evolution.htm", "god.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", "bible.htm", "nirvana.htm", "evil.htm", etc.

Autymn D. C.

Dec 21, 2007, 5:17:22 AM12/21/07
On Dec 7, 11:41 pm, wrote:

> On Dec 7, 12:08 pm, "AutymnD. C." <> wrote:
> ... (see above)
> Well, I will paraphrase Voltaire and say "I do not agree with what you
> have to say, but I'll defend your right to say it." However, the

You are delusional and mentally ill. You ignore my arguments and
proofs and questions, which you don't bother to answer.

> problem is that in your criticism you try to rewrite textbooks of
> physics, by claiming all these preposterous things, as that there is
> NO wave particle duality of matter, that electromagnetic waves are NOT
> transverse, etc. - all these aligned with atheistic suppression of

Interpretation is not as important as aitiòlògy. The wave-mote
duality does not hinder fusics:
And I never said EM were "NOT transverse"; I said they were not onely

> truth about God, soul, another world, etc. You also seem to have a

Antitheists do the suppressing. I am a spiritualist but also
antitheist and atheist, a very rare breed.

> strong personal opinion about myself, and love repeating the word NO
> without any justification - I believe in all cases when you do NOT

NO is a acrònum, not a word, and my words are truthes and not opinions/
trows; the reasons are there if you could read them.

> have an argument to contrary. As long as all these products of your

My arguments are in Google's arkivs. I link to them often as much of
my work is done already.

> private views and imagination remain just as your private ones, that
> is OK. However, when you use these views in order to prevent other
> people from having access to information about the wealth of evidence
> on God, eternal soul, another world, etc., then it becomes very
> immoral and bad. And you actually do this in your writing above - i.e.
> you actively try to prevent other people from learning about this
> evidence by claiming in the name of physics a lot of preposterous

This bullshit is already in your signature; I don't prevent others
information; I flood them with information against their beliefs. And
I said nothing against a soul, eternity, or other world, but
everything against your confusion of them.

> things that actually are untrue and that textbooks of physics do not
> claim at all. So in your above post you actively try to mislead the
> readers into false beliefs and into atheism. Your writing is an


> excellent example how far one can go against the duty to present in
> Internet a balanced information and truth, not just twisted
> disinformation which runs against the known accomplishments of present
> human sciences.

If you cannot prove my proof-of-you-wrong wrong, then you stay wrong.
This goes for everyone else I'v provene wrong:èctrets|permanent|perpetual

If you don't bother to follow my trail of links, and links of links,
and read and con every one of my posts they hold, and realise how they
pertain tom your subjects and beliefs, then you may not bother me,
Usenet, or the internet with more of your inane babbling.

> For me highly puzzling is why you present all this disinformation.
> After all, to develop your own physics which is contradictive to
> physics we know of, just in order to conceal again the evidence
> regarding God, soul, another world, etc., you must have an important
> reason for it. Are you actually one of these serpents-UFOnauts about

> which I wrote in the thread

> ?
> There is a web page which I wrote. It argues practically with almost
> all matters that you raised in your writing. I prepared this web page
> because serpents-UFOnauts keep repeating like a faulty records always
> the same arguments - which also are present in your writing. So I will

No, this is how /you/ argu, with repetitions:
I already rad your material; don't tell me what I already know and
know better than. Unless you quote and deal with each of my points in
my original posts, you shall shut up and rot. It does /not/ take
shorter than a day to read all of my citations.

You should also know thas there are huge threads on Topix and JREF
forums, over 10,000 and 500 posts each, which cover every aspect of
theòlògy, theism, and the holy books, and which utterly dash every
Kristian belief, claim, and argument. Your work is cut out for you.


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