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Does heavy ion collision trigger usual matter tranzition onto dark matter.

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no leída,
14 oct 2010, 2:52:2914/10/10
A week ago an article “Does dark matter trigger strange stars?” was
published at

Here is a figure from that article:

Here is my commentary o that article:

Does heavy ion collision trigger dark matter.

In a couple of weeks the LHC will start heavy ion (HI) collisions.
The probability of creation of strangelet in HI collisions is much
greater, comparatively to p-p collisions.
In p-p collisions we have a formula: p+p -> p+p+N(uds)+N(u~d~s~),
where: N(u~d~s~) is an antistrangelet, consisting of N anti lambda
hyperons, (u~d~s~).
In HI-HI collisions we have no need to create antistrangelet: Pb+Pb ->
2A(uds)+ 2ZK^+ + 2(A-Z)K^0. Here: A – mass number of a heavy ion; Z –
charge number of an ion; K^+ - positive kaon; K^0 – neutral kaon.
Creation of a microscopic strangelet can trigger a transition of our
ordinary matter into a strange matter, which can be a dark matter of
the Galaxy. Here are formulae of proton and neuron transformation into
lambda hyperon, which is a hyper-nucleon of a strange matter:
N(uds)+p ->(N+1)(uds)+K^+ -> (N+1)+e^+ + 500 MeV.
(N+1)(uds)+p ->(N+2)(uds)+K^0 -> (N+2) + 500 MeV.

In a 500-1000 days the mass of ruined matter will achieve the value
10^15 kg. The energy, released in the process, will be sufficient in
order to torn the Earth into fragments and to send them into a cosmos
with velocity of about an escape velocity.

A strangelet is not the single dangerous object, which can be created
at powerful colliders.
Here are several other candidates: neutronized strangelet,
N(udd)K(uds); 2-nd generation matter, N(css); several types of
mixtures of different types of quark triades; bosonic condensate of
magnetic hole.

In a couple of weeks we will know is it possible to explode the Earth?
What will explode the Earth: a strangelet or magnetic hole? The answer
on the last question can be received by the investigating of the
excessive neutrino flux from the Earth. If magnetic holes would be
created, then an excessive flux of electron antineutrino would be
registered. If strangelets would be created, then an excessive flux of
different types of neutrino and antineutrino would be registered. The
excessive flux of neutrino can be registered in 1-10 days after a
dangerous subnuclear condensates were created. The Earth would be torn
on peaces in 500-1000 days.


no leída,
14 oct 2010, 3:48:1014/10/10

> N(uds)+p ->(N+1)(uds)+K^+ -> (N+1)+e^+ + 500 MeV.
> (N+1)(uds)+p ->(N+2)(uds)+K^0 -> (N+2) + 500 MeV.

N(uds)+p ->(N+1)(uds)+K^+ -> (N+1)(uds)+e^+ + 500 MeV.
(N+1)(uds)+n ->(N+2)(uds)+K^0 -> (N+2)(uds) + 500 MeV.


no leída,
14 oct 2010, 9:57:4814/10/10

11/9 2010.

Sam Wormley

no leída,
14 oct 2010, 11:25:1214/10/10

Hey Magnetic--Why are you still posting. I thought you were
taken out by creations of the LHC. This is amazing you are
still able to post some spew!

Autymn D. C.

no leída,
14 oct 2010, 13:11:2914/10/10


no leída,
15 oct 2010, 4:52:0915/10/10
somebody wrote:

> The LHC is not going to create WIMPs, Ivan.

Yes, WIMPs are not dangerous, because they are very hypothetic and
have no any observational prove.
But the dark matter has a large variety of reliable observational
The mass of ordinary matter in the Galaxy is about by 5-6 times
smaller than the mass of dark matter.

What is dark matter?
I think that one of a large variety of different types of fermionic
and bosonic subnuclear condensates can be a much trustworthy candidate
on the role of dark matter. These condensates can be in the form of
microscopic droplets and also as extremely dense dark stars of
different masses. What are they: magnetic holes, strange droplets/
stars, 2-nd generation matter stars, quark stars, I do not know?

Can the ordinary matter be transformed into a dark matter?
Yes, and we can see such transformations as novae and supernovae

How the ordinary matter can be transformed into a dark matter?
1. By a collapse of usual star. 2. Transformation can be switched by
high energy cosmo-cosmo collision of protons or ions. 3.
Transformation can be switched by high energy cosmo-atmospheric
collision of protons or ions. 4. Transformation can be switched by
high energy collider collision of protons or ions.
Microscopic droplets of dark matter, created by cosmo-cosmo collisions
of protons or ions, are very rarefied and can be swept out from Solar
system by solar wind and light.
The ones, created by cosmo-atmospheric collision are decay because of
being overheated.
Microscopic droplets of dark matter, created at collider, can explode
the Earth and Sun.

The main thought is the following: the probability of creation of
microscopic droplet of dark matter in Pb-Pb collisions is much greater
than in p-p collisions, because in the first case there is no need to
create a decaying anti-droplet. Look:
Pb+Pb -> D+leptons.
p+p -> p+p+D+D~.

D – droplet of dark matter (strangelet, or 2-nd generation matter, or
neutronized strangelet, or charmlet, or other quark mixture, or
magnetic hole).
D~ – decaying anti-droplet

Do not afraid of hypothetic WIMPS, but in a couple of weeks LHC will
start HI-HI collisions, which can create one form of dark matter,
which will explode the Earth. The duration of this explosion is of the
order of 500-1000 days. The excessive flux of neutrino can be
registered in a several days after the droplets creations. So, there
is no need to wait for about 1000 days in order to know if LHC kill us
or not. We will know it in November-December this year, if:
1. HI-HI collisions would be performed;
2. Online information about neutrino flux would be available;
3. Physicists would not lie about growing Solar activity or about
Nibiru flying to us.

Autymn D. C.

no leída,
15 oct 2010, 11:32:1115/10/10
A strangelet or other microcollapsar would be shielded from Earth by
Leidenfrost effect, a strangelet by the limited range of mesòns
smaller than internuclear span in atomic matter, and a fictional
magnètic hole by spin-orbital coupling losses to background. Event
horizontes are fake.


no leída,
16 oct 2010, 4:12:4916/10/10

1. Leidenfrost effect can be applicable with some corrections to
strangelets, which were created in cosmos. As a result a cosmic
strangelet would be swept out from the planet. But the effect will not
work in the case of strangelet, created underground, in LHC.
2. The rate of the microcollapsar growth has two parts: a) powerful
moments, achieved under the destructive captures of protons by
microcollapsar, lead to subrelativistic chaotic motion of growing
microcollapsar, and ensures the high rate of collapsar’s growth; b)
heavy microcollapsar moves slowly but it emits gamma-radiation and
creates overheated bubble around microcollapsar, where particles have
subrelativistic velocities, which ensure the high rate of collapsar’s
3. Magnetic hole can be made lighter only in the case of high energy
bombardment. Bombarding protons must have kinetic energy more than 1
GeV, and every such proton can “escape” itself and can knock out one
magnetic boson out of the hole. But if you will try to ruin the
magnetic hole by underground hydrogen bomb explosion you will not have
the success, because the products of the nuclear explosion have the
energy, measured in MeV. But 1 GeV = 1000 MeV. So, magnetic hole will
eat your hydrogen bomb and after it will explode the Earth.


no leída,
3 nov 2010, 3:37:113/11/10
we can read:
[quote]Thursday 4th November Short access in the morning Switch over
to ions in the afternoon.[/quote]

I think that the most probable candidates to torn the Earth into
pieces are not strangelets, but growing microscopic magnetic holes.
In this case the excessive flux of antineutrino can be registered in a
couple of days of the first ion-ion collisions.
If mMHs will not go deeply to the center of the Earth and will grow
not so deeply, then the citizens of Geneva will be able to see
picturesque auroras every night, brighter and brighter.
Next year will be very hot because of induced radioactivity of
surrounding matter.
Earth will be torn into pieces in 500-1000 days.


no leída,
3 nov 2010, 23:04:163/11/10
On Nov 3, 9:37 am, Magnetic <> wrote:
> At

> we can read:
> [quote]Thursday 4th November Short access in the morning Switch over
> to ions in the afternoon.[/quote]
> I think that the most probable candidates to torn the Earth into
> pieces are not strangelets, but growing microscopic magnetic holes.
> In this case the excessive flux of antineutrino can be registered in a
> couple of days of the first ion-ion collisions.
> If mMHs will not go deeply to the center of the Earth and will grow
> not so deeply, then the citizens of Geneva will be able to see
> picturesque auroras every night, brighter and brighter.
> Next year will be very hot because of induced radioactivity of
> surrounding matter.
> Earth will be torn into pieces in 500-1000 days.

Today I had received a e-mail. I’ll translate it for you: “Ivan,
indeed, the growth of rate of count of elementary particles was
registered at one of neutrino stations at the end of October. But, it
is probably, there is a technological error there. With kind regards,

So, if there is no error there, then we can diminish the number of
remaining days, for example, by 10 days. Then the last my sentence
must be changed by this one: “Earth will be torn into pieces in
490-990 days”.


no leída,
5 nov 2010, 10:39:175/11/10
Magnetic Holes and Golden Section.

According to Ion Commissioning Plan
[color=#BF0000]the first collisions (random) are appointed on November
6, the “first collisions + physics” are appointed on November 7.[/

Will they create microscopic magnetic holes, and will we all fly into
cosmos, we will know in a nearest days. The first harbinger of a
growing global catastrophe is the growing flux of neutrino from the
microscopic dangerous condensates (magnetic holes, strangelets,
mixtures of strange nucleons with neutrons and/or other possible hyper

These days I had investigated the properties of magnetic holes, was
looking for extrema. I found them and was deeply surprised because
they were numerically equal to the famous Golden Section.

Do mathematicians know about such equations? Or magnetic holes give as
new equations?
1. sh(arth(a))= cos(arcsin(a));
2. ch(arth(a))=1/cos(arcsin(a));
3. a=(cos(arcsin(a)))^2.

The solution of these equations is a number a=0,6180339887498948482…
It’s main properties:
and so on.

Let’s return to magnetic holes and see at some new results.
Now we can say that the center of every elementary particle looks like
a black hole, or to be more precise, - if we rake the imaginable shell
of a particle in a single point and let it free at the classical
radius of the particle, then the center of the particle will look as
an Event Horizon. This raked pointlike shell will start to perform
relativistic harmonic oscillations.

These harmonic oscillations can be visible from K inertial reference
system, connected with the center of the particle, as a periodic
movement along the x-axis from -r_{cl} to +r{cl} and vice verse. In a
space-time scan the world line of this oscillating pointlike shell
will look as a sinusoid directed in the future.

If we look at these oscillations from the successive systems of
references K1, K2, K3…, were the pointlike shell is in the state of
rest, we’ll receive two pseudo circumferences, - right/left and top/

Top/bottom circumference has two extrema. These extrma are situated at
points x=+/-ar_{cl}, where a – Golden Section, r_{cl} – classical
radius of a particle.

This motion looks as if particles weave the space at right and left
sides; untwist it in the bottom of the figure, i.e. in the past; and
bind the semi-spaces together, being itself as a singularity in the

In my deduction I used two modified Rindler’s wedges. My modified
Rindler’s wedges move along the time axes synchronically to time flow.
The original Rindler’s wedge valid only at x>0 and connected to the
point t=0 always.
This point is an Event Horizon for a special hyperbolic motion inside
the wedge.

Those, who do not believe me about the Event Horizon in the Rindler’s
wedge, can read a correspondent article in the Wikipedia.

The presence of Event Horizon says us about a “hole” or a
“singularity” in a space-time. Now received “hole” is not the
“gravitational black hole”, but a “chromomagnetic hole” or a “hole,
made by nuclear forces”. This hole continues to be a “chromomagnetic
hole” till the rotation it the (x, ict) plane exists. But if the
particle is forced to turn in space-time by some external forces from
(x, ict) to (y, z), it can eject a lepton and become a pure “magnetic
hole”, or to become a constituent part of some bigger magnetic hole,
rotating in a space-space plane, for example in (y, z) plane. This
constituent element of magnetic hole is a pair of a charge and
anticharge. It looks like a medicine pill in a tin of magnetic hole.

Rotation in commoving reference systems you can see in my small VB-

On the following figures you can see the space-time scans.
For the “pull” case:
For the “push” case:
Extrema correspond to the x values, where the green lines are
In these points x=+/-ar; v=+/-ac.

In the “pull” case: red quasi-hyperbolae begin in the bottom and
finish at the top; green quasi-hyperbolae begin in the left side and
finish at the right side.
In the “push” case – vice verse.
Blue line is the world line of a charge, performing harmonic
oscillations along the x-axis.
Red lines are the world lines of the same charge, rotating along the
right/left pseudo circumference.
Green lines are the world lines of the same charge, rotating along the
top/bottom pseudo circumference.
If there is a charge, rotating in the plane (yz) with the same
frequency, its world line can coincide with the blue line or to be in
opposite phase.

In the bottom wedge lines are crossed. That means that there is no
field there. Literary speaking, the charge draws the lines in the
future regions and spends paint; the charge gathers the old paint from
the past region by crossing its old lines.

Chromomagnetic field of nucleon:
After a turn from (x, ict) rotations to (y, z) rotations and after the
lost of lepton, the nucleon transforms from microscopic chromomagnetic
hole into magnetic hole (boson):
which is a constituent part of a bigger magnetic hole (ferromagnetic
vacuum of Savidy):
As a result a Solar system can be transformed into something like this
(remnants of supernova SN 1987A):

Earlier, one can deny my early claims according Magnetic Holes.
But now I added a solidly grounded new argument: Center of a particle,
connected by electromagnetic forces, is an Event Horizon for its
charged shell. Such notions as “Event Horizon” and “Hole” are greatly
connected. So, the term “magnetic hole” itself and my early
conclusions, had received one more solid prove about their

So, what we’ll have evaporating microscopic black holes or growing
magnetic holes, we’ll see in the nearest days. Today they work with
one bunch of ions per beam without collisions; tomorrow they plan to
work with two bunches per beam with collisions. If the “process” will
not be switched tomorrow, in a several days they will raise the energy
and luminosity and will switch it. I’ll be greatly surprised if the
Earth would not be exploded in the result of this criminal experiment.

Sam Wormley

no leída,
5 nov 2010, 11:12:365/11/10
On 11/5/10 9:39 AM, Magnetic wrote:
> I�ll be greatly surprised if the

> Earth would not be exploded in the result of this criminal experiment.

How will you deal with being wrong again?


no leída,
5 nov 2010, 12:23:505/11/10
On Nov 5, 9:12 am, Sam Wormley <> wrote:
> On 11/5/10 9:39 AM, Magnetic wrote:
> > I ll be greatly surprised if the

> > Earth would not be exploded in the result of this criminal experiment.
>    How will you deal with being wrong again?

How will u deal with
finding out there are no gravitational
collapse phenomena, there are
no movements that don't require
energy (both light and
electrons expend it), there is
no DM, energy phenomena continue below the
*plonk!* scale, other worlds contain not only
intelligent life, but humans, etc, etc,.............
gonna be a shocker, Sam


Sam Wormley

no leída,
5 nov 2010, 13:53:175/11/10

Looks like I'm safe, John. Whew!

Gravitational collapse:
o old trees
o mines
o stars
o gas clouds


no leída,
7 nov 2010, 0:26:347/11/10
The first collisions of heavy ions with energy 3.5 Z TeV were
performed the 6-th of November.
Was “the collaptical explosion of the Earth” switched on or not, we’ll
be able to know, observing the intensity of neutrino flux from the
If the growth of the flux will not be registered till this New Year,
then all is OK and you can live calmly.

Autymn D. C.

no leída,
7 nov 2010, 10:03:557/11/10
On Oct 16, 12:12 am, Magnetic <> wrote:
> On Oct 15, 6:32 pm, "Autymn D. C." <> wrote:
> > A strangelet or other microcollapsar would be shielded from Earth by
> > Leidenfrost effect, a strangelet by the limited range of mesòns
> > smaller than internuclear span in atomic matter, and a fictional
> > magnètic hole by spin-orbital coupling losses to background.  Event
> > horizontes are fake.
> 1. Leidenfrost effect can be applicable with some corrections to
> strangelets, which were created in cosmos. As a result a cosmic
> strangelet would be swept out from the planet. But the effect will not
> work in the case of strangelet, created underground, in LHC.

How can a collider cool a strangelet or collapsar to under meVs so it
stays underground and not leave Earth in a flash?

> 2. The rate of the microcollapsar growth has two parts: a) powerful
> moments, achieved under the destructive captures of protons by
> microcollapsar, lead to subrelativistic chaotic motion of growing
> microcollapsar, and ensures the high rate of collapsar’s growth; b)
> heavy microcollapsar moves slowly but it emits gamma-radiation and
> creates overheated bubble around microcollapsar, where particles have
> subrelativistic velocities, which ensure the high rate of collapsar’s
> growth.

A black hole's field is gravic, which for scales smaller than
superclusters is onefold-attractive; there are no other poles to damp
heaviness at the EH or collapsar's surface. But for elèctric fields
there are shell rules (Pauli, Fermi, Dirac, Hund) to damp magnètism.
The sheer hotness of a collision will scatter poles so they couldn't
make a big magnèt--which is normal for crýoghenic temperatures only.
Even at coldness, anything to disturb the poles would blow them up,
not down.

> 3. Magnetic hole can be made lighter only in the case of high energy
> bombardment. Bombarding protons must have kinetic energy more than 1
> GeV, and every such proton can “escape” itself and can knock out one
> magnetic boson out of the hole. But if you will try to ruin the
> magnetic hole by underground hydrogen bomb explosion you will not have
> the success, because the products of the nuclear explosion have the
> energy, measured in MeV. But 1 GeV = 1000 MeV.  So, magnetic hole will
> eat your hydrogen bomb and after it will explode the Earth.

And such a microcollapsar could only grow under GeV or TeV media, such
as a neutròn star--which the Earth isn't. Collapsars are gravity
powered where there's a huge field store already, and there is none
after the motes leave the beam. It takes work to make a hole; they
don't maghicly make themselves. (And under relativity, such work must
be infinite, in infinite time.) This is how black holes and white
holes whether gravity or elèctrèty are fake:



no leída,
10 nov 2010, 5:02:4410/11/10
Those, who understand Russian, can hear me at BBC (Russian Service).
there is my dispute with Nurgaliev.
It’s pity, but the second part of my talk was not included in the

Helmut Wabnig

no leída,
10 nov 2010, 7:34:2910/11/10

Thanks Gawd.



no leída,
10 nov 2010, 17:07:4910/11/10
On Nov 10, 9:02 pm, Magnetic <> wrote:
> Those, who understand Russian, can hear me at BBC (Russian Service).
> Here

> there is my dispute with Nurgaliev.
> It’s pity, but the second part of my talk was not included in the
> radio-program.

There goes any respect I had for the BBC .. putting lunatic crackpots
on the air.

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