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Putin WANTS to destroy Russia (and the rest of the world) - {HRI 20080919-V2.2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 22, 2012, 7:54:20 PM2/22/12
Putin WANTS to destroy Russia (and the rest of the world)

19 September 2008
{HRI 20080919-V2.2.1}

(Version 2.2.1
on 20 Sept 2008)


How about getting others to read the Human Rights Issues,

I'd prefer to do other things than constantly babysitting
you regarding your very actions, or rather, the lack of

So I will explain it once more, till it penetrates

the blocking Energy deposits in (and in front of)
your face:



Putin WANTS to destroy Russia (and the rest of the world)

- and he has already largely put things in place to do so,

which you should be willing to admit, and

which Putin himself now has demonstrated to the whole
world (even visible to the very un-intelligent) -

and, while he WANTS to destroy Russia, etc.,

at the same time, Putin WANTS to make the Russian people and the
international press accept and believe, that

"he wants to make Russia great, etc.."



And Condoleezza Rice and Bush childishly continue to play HIS,
Putin's evil game, by telling him:

"You better don't do this and that, because if you do, it will be
bad for Russia..."

...but he WANTS 'bad for Russia!'

He WANTS and DOES make nothing BUT trouble,
because that is HIS nature.

He wanted NOT to join NATO, he WANTED to get
rid of Khodorkovsky, he WANTED to murder
Russian citizens, he WANTED to destroy
Chechnya, and put a Criminal in charge, he
WANTED to invade Georgia as soon as Georgia
started to defend its citizens from Moscow
induced harassment,

he WANTS Iran to make an atom bomb, and he
went to North Korea recently to tell them,
that they should start up their reactor and
resume making Plutonium,

and that you do NOT state these things openly,
can only be a sign of

your utter Insanity:

Nobody is going to murder you, for
saying the truth, now, is it.

You don't live in Chechnya, do you...
nor in North Korea.


But THAT is what you do not get, do not grasp:

You are CONDITIONED, to deny and ignore, and to never mention,
that Putin WANTS TO DESTROY RUSSIA, and the rest of the world.

The conditioning BY Criminal Minds, is, "to not see
Criminal Minds," "to not mention Criminal Minds,"

For that, you have been given "Big Bangs" (see
below), which "explain life," without that you
ever have to face life.

So I will say it again, to penetrate 'the filaments of your
thoughts' and 'to connect to your perceptions:' {definition}


Putin WANTS to destroy Russia, which he can only do, by shouting,
that "he wants to make Russia great," and "that he only wants peace,"
and "that he will never attack the West,"

while a week earlier he promised to attack Poland if Poland
installed defenses against (Russian or any) Atom bombs,

and he is shouting all the time,

that "Russia is attacked," and that "Russia has enemies."

Which the Associated Press, Reuters, AFP and the
like, STILL "nicely" report as if "THOSE are Putin's
opinions," and as if

"those are his motivations for his hostile acts and


The only one I have found to exceed the
stupidity and well-hidden malice of THE
common journalist,

(genus: Journalisticus parroticus)

is THE "medical" journalist, or also THE
"scientific" journalist,

(genus: Journalisticus parroticus scians)

who spreads even more lies, and

who hides even more highly
relevant data,

than the simple 'parroticus' does,

who commonly exhibits an I.Q. near minus
273 (as in 'zero degrees Kelvin'),

and who gets paid for that.

(see 'Do you make a good journalist?'
Multiple choice aptitude test - (Humor)'
{HRI 20070212})


So these "journalists" are a very easy prey,
for types like Putin, and even for Chavez,

and such bestow (Ubuntu, South-African)
prizes of "political SANITY" - would you
believe it, on

...the most intensely Criminal Mind and
demonic creature that is alive in the
Western Hemisphere, and who has wreaked
untold destruction on "his" country, and
who STILL continues to do so:

Fidel Castro, of Cuba.


You have been made and are kept THAT intensely,
inconceivably Insane and destructive to life on

No wonder, that others are selling you

- "evolution" of matter

(from "a new start - a 'Big Bang' in the

- "evolution" of bodies

(from "a new start - a 'Big Bang' in your
Darwinian sea or 'protein soup'")

- "evolution" of spirits

(from "a new start - a 'Big Bang' in your
soul, while it is wiped empty"),

and "suffering is necessary and God-given."

This, you let yourself be told as the
highest available "science"

- of matter,

- of bodies,

- of spirits, of your soul (in case you
belong to those "highly aware and
evolved beings, who know they are
a soul and not a body"), and

- of life on Earth. {definition}

You are being so unimaginably, nauseatingly



But you know it all, already, it is precisely the same
scenario as for World War Two, exactly the same lies:

"Poland is attacking Germany, and Germany had to
shoot back, and retaliate, and occupy Poland, 'to
safeguard German natives, and to protect Germany',"


And the truth was PRECISELY the opposite - JUST
like Putin NOW also tells and persists in telling
the PRECISE opposite of what happened, of what he
actually did and of his actual intentions.


The Criminal Minds, Putin, or Hitler

- or l. ron hubbard for that matter, the
tyrant of tyrants, and mentor of such
Black souls - (you did not know that,
did you)

all tyrants, all are thinking alike:


Humanity is a threat to them, and


That is the Criminal Mind's "definition"
of 'power,' {definition}

which you largely have taken over, as
being "the definition of power."


And the Associated Press and Reuters and AFP, and others
of the genus 'Journalisticus parroticus,'

NOW print exactly THE SAME LIES, but about Russia and its
neighboring Georgia...



Why is it then, that the very highly educated Condoleezza Rice,
and the very noble and caring George "Washington" Bush, DO NOT

why are you rather looking up 'Britney Spears' than
'Human Rights Issues,' on the Internet?

The answer is NOT "Blowing In The Wind" but is very, very
easily understood in Fine Particle Physics.

Back to the subject:



Putin WANTS to destroy Russia (and the rest of the world), and so you
have to TELL people that,

"We know, that Putin wants to destroy Russia, and the rest of the
world, that he has been working on it since ten or more years,


And you can give a long list of all his Crimes against the
Russian people, against Russia, and against the world,

and you can list all the Crimes that he CONTINUES to
commit all the time,

and you can continue, by listing all the Crimes that he INTENDS
to commit,

on Russians, on Russia, on the world.


NOT doing so, is being in grave non-compliance with the enclosed
Human Rights Issue:

'You can not even DEFINE 'Enemy,' and 'War' (First and
Second Definition of 'War'), {HRI 20080901-V2.5}




Now 'what is so difficult' about that:

You have to exert some very minimal intelligence, just slightly
more above Absolute Zero, than that of THE journalist,

in figuring out the definition of Crime.

Because you don't call it a Crime, in politics, but
"sovereignty," "legal," "internal affairs," "commerce,"
"balance of power," etc.,

all lies, (truth being absolute, and not 'what a Criminal
Mind makes of it') but, which you ignore to call, you
ignore to point these out, and so you are


and in grave violation of all Human Rights Issues,

in particular in violation of The Second Law
of Human Rights, which tells you:

'Do NOT think what Criminal Minds want you to



I have explained it ENDLESSLY and in the simplest of terms,

yet, and still, they do comply with the HIDDEN wishes of the
Criminal Mind

- of Putin in this case, meaning that you are complying with the
wishes of foreign Criminal Minds,

on 'how you should think, and how you should approach them,'

but equally of domestic Criminal Minds, like Henry Kissinger,
on 'how you should think about Criminal Minds, and how you
should approach them.'


Condoleezza Rice, and George "Washington" Bush, etc., appear to simply
lack the intelligence to embrace the reality of Insanity - of Putin's
Insanity, in the present case.


Some time ago, "highly educated" state medical
professionals were asked, to examine the Sanity
of someone who had just robbed his ex-girlfriend
and murdered her in the process

- actually, they should just determine,
whether he could be held responsible
for his acts.

Robbing and murdering someone, by themselves
are acts and proof of the utmost Insanity, of

The conclusion of these Medical Doctors was however,
that "they could not establish any insanity in the
subject they were asked by a judge to examine,"

which shows you that the Medical Profession
is destructively Insane in the very core of
its doctrines,

and so this Criminal was released after four years,
and then he simply committed another murder.

Any form of malice, robbing someone, and even
much more so, murdering someone, IS INSANITY,

no matter how smoothly and how
logically someone, like Putin,
lies about it.



The occasion of my writing this HRI, however, is a speech
planned and released by Condoleezza, with the press
quoting from that, where she is

NOT EVEN MENTIONING the source of Evil, Putin,

she will say something to Russia, like

"You better don't do this and that, else it will be
bad for Russia..."



"We know, that Putin wants to destroy Russia, and the rest of the
world, as soon as he thinks he can, and he has been working on
that since ten or more years,


And then you can add a long list of Putin's Crimes, if you
like to,

and - in particular - if you DON'T LIKE TO...



So I will fall back to the easiest and best-known, most obvious

Hitler wanted to destroy Germany, the German population and the
rest of the world.

That is the absolute truth, of the matter.

Now I will try to get you to see that, that THAT is the
reality of life, of past life, in history.

That it was NOT "Germany exerting its sovereignty and
minding its internal affairs and following the laws that
were enacted by parliament...,"

but, that it WAS:

Hitler wanted to destroy Germany, and the German people,
and Europe, and he proceeded to do so, and he succeeded in
doing so.

And Putin, his soul being of the same nature, does
want and is working very hard to do the same, but
then from Russia.


I will say it again: Truth is absolute.

Hitler DID want to destroy the German population, and the
country of Germany, and as many populations and countries as he
managed either to occupy, or that had to engage in preventing
occupation and destruction by 'the Bohemian Corporal' - as
Hitler, "the greatest strategist of all time," was called.

I will say it again: Truth is absolute.

Hitler DID restore the economy of Germany, and ended poverty
and unemployment, and restored pride and a hope of future to
the German people, and - as with Putin - 'you probably do not
want to know how he did.'

Hitler DID shout how much he wants to make Germany great and
prosperous, AND HE DID.

I will say it again: Truth is absolute.

Truth is DEFINED as 'what happened, AND who caused it, AND
with what intention.'



So now we come to the INTENTION part of the absolute truth:

Hitler DID make Germany great and prosperous, IN ORDER TO BE
ABLE TO DESTROY as many people as possible and as many countries
as possible, AND HE DID.

Do you get it now? Or still not...


All the intelligence required to understand that, is to be willing to
see and admit, that

Hitler shouted all the time the very opposite

of what he did in and for real life, and that

he shouted nothing but evil, hateful lies about the most decent
people, and that


Hitler wanted to destroy Germany, the German population and the
rest of the world,

for which he had to PRETEND to do the opposite.

Again: Hitler wanted to destroy Germany, the German population and the
rest of the world, and he claimed the opposite, IN ORDER TO BE ABLE


Now in MY opinion, this is not hard to understand, EVEN IF you have
been forced to be stupid for years, such as "being highly educated
about Russia and about politics."


As I wrote before, and quote here:

Non-compliance will have very serious consequences - and not only for
you - I am warning you.

The primary execution is extremely simple:

All, that George "Washington" Bush, and his second,
Cheney, and McCain and his second, Palin, and Condoleezza
and Robert Gates,

and a few of their colleagues from other civilized
countries, have to do, is

to open their mouths.


YEARS, HAVE DONE in compliance with the Criminal Minds, with Putin,

in the past, they have made it a point to HIDE the crimes of

out of some perversion in, and reversal of, the concept of

- "if you give me some money, I will lie to everyone
about how you got it, and I will oppose those
who investigate your crimes" -

which is: 'Living at the expense and suffering of others,'
and that indeed is also

wholly and severely in contravention of ALL HRI's.


Quoted from:

You can not even DEFINE 'Enemy,' and 'War' (First and Second
Definition of 'War')

1 September 2008
{HRI 20080901-V2.5}

(Version 2.5
3 Sept 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


You can not even DEFINE 'Enemy,' nor 'War...'


Very practically, now,

it follows from the Definitions of War (given
again below, quoted from earlier HRI's, for your
convenience), that you

continuously on all channels and all media,

all the crimes that Russia's Putin has committed on the Russian
people, and all his perversions and all proof of his hate of

And you demand, by that - obviously - that he must leave:
He can not be trusted by the Russians.


At the same time, you can promote the facts about Khodorkovsky,
and that he is - indeed - someone whom the Russians would love,
because he loves people, Russian people, and would care for the

- as opposed to Putin, who hates and intends to destroy
Russia, and who hates and has destroyed many Russians.

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, so THEY
demand that good people who are head of state, are
gotten rid of, and

ARE REPLACED by Criminal Minds, to be the "leader,"
of the country.


I repeat:

It follows from the Definitions of War (given again below, quoted from
earlier HRI's, for your convenience), that you

continuously on all channels and all media,

all the crimes that Russia's Putin has committed on the Russian
people, and all his perversions and all proof of his hate of

And you demand, by that - obviously - that he must leave:

He can not be trusted by the Russians (nor by anyone).


This is very much the opposite, of inviting him, Putin,
for a lobster dinner, (in Kennebunkport)

and him being celebrated as "a friend" by very responsible
and caring people:

It is NOT possible to be friends with a Criminal
Mind, no matter how much of your good Energies you
wrap around them, and bestow on them.

And I think the current President of America,
George "Washington," has learned his lesson, that
also I had to learn the hard way, and then taught

But George did not feel like being taught by me,
this time, not by reading my infinite wisdom in
the HRI's.

In which he would have read about Criminal Minds,
and also, that

ALL Criminal Minds do, and in particular
MOST TREACHEROUS ways towards you and others,
towards anyone, towards the global community

- not unlike Putin's 'idol,' the
Russian dictator and mass murderer
of Russians, Joseph Stalin did.

Now you know, why - strangely enough -
they did not topple the statue of
Stalin, in the Georgian town of Gori,




I repeat: It follows from the Definition of War, very practically,
that you

channels and all media, and not just by fringe media, and

all the crimes that Russia's Putin has committed on the Russian
people, and all his perversions and all proof of his hate of

And that includes all the crimes of Putin, that the CIA
and other Intelligence Agencies

- if they are doing their job at all, of predicting
evil to occur, and in those cases recommending
the prevention of that evil -

thus what these agencies

have come to know about him (about Putin and his "friends"
like Patrushev etc. etc. who are also Criminal Minds and
who are mentioned by me elsewhere)

very much so including their crimes AGAINST RUSSIANS.

has started already since years.

And you demand

- obviously, from the crimes he committed against
Russians, and, that he has prepared to commit in future,
it is obvious -

that he must leave:

He can not be trusted by the Russians, nor by the global



It is a MILITARY objective, as you can see from the definition
of War.

Of course various government ministries will be involved
in it and spending some of their money on it.


Non-compliance will have very serious consequences - and not only for
you - I am warning you.

The primary execution is extremely simple:

All, that George "Washington" Bush, and his second,
Cheney, and McCain and his second, Palin, and Condoleezza
and Robert Gates,

and a few of their colleagues from other civilized
countries, have to do, is

to open their mouths.

YEARS, HAVE DONE in compliance with the Criminal Minds, with Putin,

in the past, they have made it a point to HIDE the crimes of

out of some perversion in, and reversal of, the concept of

- "if you give me some money, I will lie to everyone
about how you got it, and I will oppose those
who investigate your crimes" -

which is: 'Living at the expense and suffering of others,'
and that indeed is also

wholly and severely in contravention of ALL HRI's.


NOW, the leaders of the civilized part of Earth, have to
tell the truth, PUBLICLY,

and what they NOW say about Putin, and about Russia,
the main press WILL print and WILL show and WILL

(even when it is the truth:)

with the aim of removing Putin by exposing him, his
deeds and intentions and his nature, to the Russian
population, and globally.

THAT is respecting Putin, and respecting the
people of Russia, and being a friend to them,

as you can see from the correct (HRI)
definition of Respect,

meaning 'looking very precisely at
someone, at his soul - and of course
you then can and do behave accordingly
towards him, and about him to others,'

which is the CORRECT definition of

and which also underlies the correct (HRI)
definition of Friendship.




You can not even DEFINE 'enemy,' or 'friend'...

The UN's "leader," Ban Ki-Moon, is sitting, once again,
motionless for weeks, crying like a Geisha,

"because he must not have a viewpoint on good and

Send food to the oppressed, yes; demanding
that oppressors stop oppressing people, no.
Etc., etc., etc..

The Criminal Mind's "definition" of

'impartial' is (and demands) 'To have NO
viewpoint on who and what is evil and good,'

which follows from the actuality,
that Criminal Minds have everything in

If a Criminal Mind shows a "view-
point on who is good and who is
evil," then the good person "is
seen as evil," really...

Like: "it is evil to remind
a Criminal Mind of his evil
nature and of past(-life)
deeds, to accuse him (or
her)" - really, because

pointing out his evil deeds
and desires, "does upset the
Criminal Mind, does upset
his evil designs and hinders
his treachery; and that is
hindering his life and his
pursuit of happiness" in
freely being as Criminal as
he (or she) enjoys to be.

On the other hand, when not
you, but a fellow Criminal
Mind reminds him of his (or
her) nature, THEN, they are
reminding each other of the

and they help each other,
like Putin, Lavrov and
Churkin, and Patrushev and
Ivanov and some others, and
their buddy Medvedev,

to cover each other up, and
to bring about, for them,
without being stopped,

including the smashing
of, and the telling of
horrible lies about,
the very best, about
the most caring of


All of the above, is very
clearly demonstrated, now by
Putin and his gang of goons.

And it has been elaborated,
for other cases as well, in
previous HRI's,

recognize and defend against
and to predict the actions
and lies of Criminal Minds.



Definition of Enemy:

An enemy, is someone who intends to dominate or destroy life,

no matter how 'friendly' and 'supportive' and 'aligned in
purposes,' he or his group may seem, or appears to act
towards you. {definition}

This requires some vague or rudimentary
intelligence on your part, because you will have to
face Criminal Minds

(currently those who try to destroy Russia,
for which they HAVE to use the pretense of
doing so 'in the name of "making Russia great

you will have to stand up to what lies these throw
at you, and what atrocities these commit,

also the lies these throw forcefully and scathingly
at you about your very good intentions:

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse,
so, FOR THEM, your preventing their Crimes,
is "dominating them,"

your letting them be Criminal and
your hiding their Crimes, is "being
a friend," to them;

stemming from the same idea, they claim,
that people "need" a "balance of power,"

in which good people are not assisted,
but fought by Criminal Minds who claim
the sovereign right to do so unhindered,

and as if "that is a vital
condition to maintain, for world

really now, "let's release
all serial murderers and
hardened thieves and other
severely Criminal Minds, and
put half of our provinces in
charge of Criminal Minds,"

"because then you have a
balance of power,"

indeed a fiercely
demanded objective of
Criminal Minds is,
"to be considered
normal as others,"

translating as "ALL
people are Criminal
Minds," and thus "ALL
people have to be

and Criminal Minds "sell" THAT
as "democracy,"

meaning, that free countries "must be"
OPPOSED by dictatorial "governments,"

and that is "democratic," because
it lets Criminals pursue THEIR

Criminal Minds intensely ENJOY
to be Criminal to others, and in
particular to Dominate very good

with lies, and with the use of force,
to, well, ah, to enforce those lies, of

So you get "Re-education through
Labor," in China, which is a 'non-
lethal' translation of the German
'Arbeit Macht Frei' ("If you work
hard enough, you will become free"
is what the words mean, but it
meant "We hate people and we will
exterminate you and all your
friends and family here, without
that anyone can help you").

This gives a balance of truth and
lies, a balance of good and evil,

and you know, or can find out - regarding
international affairs - what terms Criminal
Minds (Putin, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Hu Jintao)
do use,

in order to prevent their Crimes on their own
people, from being stopped by other countries,

which I have told you frequently about
in the Human Rights Issues (HRI's).


SECOND Definition of War:

War is basically the handling of Insane
people, primarily the individuals who are
the source of the Insanity, and, it is handling
those people (often a large part of a nation) who
have been made to want - or are forced - to
be, think and act Insanely. {definition}


FIRST Definition of War:

' ... you are basically fighting enemies who
are Criminal Minds, or people who are
COMPELLED by Criminal Minds into being
enemies too. {I-01}

In other words: The only ones in a war,
who are actually enemies, are those who
are Criminal Minds, PLUS those who are
COMPELLED by these (by a dictator, for
instance) to ALSO "be enemies" for a
while. {I-01-A}

And so it has always been, and so it always
will be, but none of the books on warfare
mention it at all... {I-02}

Yet that is THE strategy by which you have
to fight any war, because THAT IS the nature
of war.' {I-03} (*)


Definition of Truth:

Truth is DEFINED as

'what happened (PLUS) WHO
CAUSED IT (PLUS) with what
INTENTIONS.' {definition}



Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'


(as indicated)


' 'Hitler wants to make the German people "strong, proud and
prosperous" again' - Putin is the New Hitler ...but you are
"fighting Bush" '
{HRI 20070822-V3.2.1} (changed from {HRI 20070725-V3.3-Q1-V3.1})
(22 August 2007 - Version 3.2.1 on 27 Aug 2007)

(further as applicable)


Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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