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The Sociopaths teach also the CIA, and at Universities, "how to think" about Life - {HRI Note 20120815-1-A-V1.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 18, 2012, 6:04:50 AM8/18/12
The Sociopaths teach also the CIA, and at Universities, "how to think"
about Life

18 August 2012
{HRI Note 20120815-1-A-V1.0}

(Addition on
18 Aug 2012
to HRI Note 20120815-1
'Classifying Sociopaths ...')

(for summary,
skip indented text)


Sciences that are largely taken over by the Sociopaths:

Biology ("Life Energy does not exist")

Cognitive Science with the extremely LIFE-DESTROYING message
of The Sociopath:

"YOUR thinking is done by the body's brain" and
"ONLY the body's organs provide Perception")

(described here, in this Addition to
HRI Note 20120815-1 'Classifying Sociopaths ...')
(see under References below)

Neuroscience (see the two above)

Modern Theoretical Physics ("photons determine space and time")

Cosmology ("molecules create planets, suns and galaxies")

Medical "research" ("molecules create and steer life")




Introduction to the subject title:

'The Sociopaths TEACH (also) the CIA and Universities in USA -
"how to think"'

Looking at the daunting task the Israelis face in
defending us from Iran's Anti-Life, Islamic Regime

Violent Sociopaths in charge of and "governing"
78 million people within Iran's borders,

and of course it is THE REGIME's WELL-KNOWN
Scoiopaths, that must be removed

if necessary, and long overdue it is, by
force but anyway, looking at Israel's task,

I checked the CIA's famous 'Factbook on the World.'

Me being a writer about real life and real people,

being a writer who thus basically deals with the
analysis of intelligently chosen data,

their rejection or inclusion and their
integration and extrapolation

in short, their analysis,

which is done WITH LIFE ENERGY;

you utter idiots!

thinking is a process of Life Energy
combination and creation and sensing,

which then results in the emergence of a
Human Rights Philosophy

that outlines the intended future as it
progresses from the past,

and that is apparent from intelligently chosen

and which I then communicate to you in writing, by
means of

the Human Rights Issues,

(Introduction to) Fine Particle Physics,

the Natural Declaration of Human Rights,

and various series that bundle some of the above on one
particular subject or activity of Life, or as a summary;

I am thus of course particularly interested in 'people who do
intelligently analyze data about Life,' in their work, that is

but after studying their work, this most disappointingly,
turns always into them being 'people who CLAIM, intelligently
to analyze data about Life.'

So my recent conclusion and statement, that my knowledge does
extend very, very far above any institute of knowledge and very,
very far above anyone person (including any guru, prophet,
clairvoyants and the like),

my conclusion remains most unfortunately unchallenged.



Most disappointingly, I had to find, that also in the USA's CIA, there
appears no method of thinking or intelligent data analysis, at all,

but to the contrary, I found that field wholly occupied by Sociopaths
"teaching" others "how thinking works,"

which, since a century, is amply supported by various publishing
houses of books and magazines, and by universities and various
"scientific institutes advisory to government,"

not only in the United States of America of course, but all over
the world.



Sociopaths have NO PLACE in teaching, nor in research, nor
in science in general:

By their very nature, THEY REVERSE teaching, they REVERSE
research, and they REVERSE science in general.

So we have a daunting task ahead of us, to clean all these
institutions from at least their major Sociopaths.

And I have already done the biggest part of the work, by making
it obvious to anyone, and by making the task easy for you to

So I re-phrase:

YOU have a daunting task ahead of you,

by detecting and removing or de-throning from any position,
all their major Sociopaths,

to clean up all institutions of research, of learning, and of
advising and of teaching.

Nobody is doing it FOR YOU:

You will have to do it yourself, and I demand of you, to do so.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


[CSTC]'Classifying Sociopaths by some easily recognized, typical
compulsions of theirs'
{HRI Note 20120815-1-V2.1} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 2.1 on 17 Aug 2012)



About the Enclosure

The intelligent data offered to you for analysis:


The following is, what I found on the mentioned website, the severest
of Sociopaths "teaching" people responsible for our well-being,
"teaching" them, "how thinking works:"

CIA Home > Library > Center for the Study of Intelligence
Center for the Study of Intelligence

Latest CSI (Center for the Study of Intelligence)

'Thinking and Writing: Cognitive Science and Intelligence Analysis'
[PDF 739.7KB*]


They do provide a thin disclaimer, but after all, THEY are the ones
choosing and promoting it, published on their website:

'All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in
'Studies in Intelligence' and 'CSI Publications,' are
those of the Authors. They do not necessarily reflect
official positions or views of the Central Intelligence
Agency or any other US government entity, past or present.
Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting
or implying US government endorsement of an article's
factual statements and interpretations.'


The following is the most horrifying claim, of "how you think," and of
"what you are,"

that the Sociopaths DO want us to believe about ourselves AND about

In short:

"You do not really exist, only your body does," and

"Life does not really exist, other than molecules and photons,"

"You do not Perceive nor Remember, ONLY YOUR BODY DOES."




Here we go, quoting the horror-fiction story - the BELIEF, that the
Sociopaths want YOU to accept and to call "science:"

(they themselves KNOW very well, that it IS fiction, they write,
and that they ARE lying to the whole world - but it is "for
their survival" as Sociopaths, that they write)


[Cognitive Science]

'cognitive science. The term embraces several disciplines,
notably computer science, linguistics, and neurophysiology
as well as psychology.

Very broadly there are three main areas of inquiry:

how the various parts of the brain (and the nervous system
as a whole) interact, in both a neurological and a
functional sense;
how the human capacity for language is turned into
specific linguistic skill;
and how people analyze and solve problems, both simple and
complex. '

'The pages that follow describe some of the powerful
metaphors about the workings of our minds that have
developed over the past two decades, and attempt to apply
those metaphors to the work of CIA’s Directorate of
Intelligence [the 'DI']. (a) I believe the DI can thereby
gain insights into such issues as the following:

What is the best way to reconcile the bureaucratic
imperatives of accountability, centralization, and
structure with the fact that analytic work is essentially
an individual effort?

Can the directorate do a better job of pitching its
analysis to catch the attention of its audience without
sacrificing essential analytic detail?

I am not claiming that cognitive science offers de-
finitive answers to such questions, but I do think it
has something important to contribute to our under-

The term “cognitive science” embraces several
disciplines, notably computer science, linguistics,
and neurophysiology, as well as psychology.

A cognitive scientist seeks to understand what the mind
does when it searches for patterns, when it makes a value
judgment, when it must choose between pattern-finding
and judgment-making, when it engages in the myriad other
activities that occupy it. Some fragmentary answers to
questions such as this have become possible in the last 20

'To pick a starting point, we might say the field began to
open up in 1959, when the linguist, and all-round radi-
cal thinker, Noam Chomsky published a scathing review of a
book by B.F. Skinner, whose behavioral science approach
had dominated research into the workings of the mind up to
that point. '

'to know what the mind does when it searches for patterns,
when it makes a value judgment, when it is forced to
choose between pattern-finding and judgment-making, when
it engages in the myriad other activities that occupy it.
And the amazing thing— amazing given the physical
complexity of the brain, where the neocortex alone
contains something like 10 billion nerve cells, each
capable of firing several times a second—is that some
fragmentary answers are possible. '

'We also are surprisingly comfortable with imprecision.
Douglas Hofstadter, in his brilliant and infuriatingly
self-indulgent book, Gödel, Escher, Bach, states the
situation well:

"The amazing thing about language is how imprecisely we
use it and still manage to get away with it. SHRDLU [an
artificial-intelligence computer program] uses words in a
“metallic” way, while people use them in a “spongy” or
“rubbery” or even “Nutty-Puttyish” way. If words were nuts
and bolts, people could make any bolt fit into any nut;
they’d just squish the one into the other, as in some
surrealistic painting where everything goes soft. Lan-
guage, in human hands, becomes almost like a fluid,
despite the coarse grain of its components. (a)"

(a). Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal
Golden Braid (New York: Vintage Books, 1980), 674–75.'

'Moreover, our minds are conservative in the way they
select information for processing by working memory. The
capacity of working memory is tiny: It can only deal with
about seven items of information at once. Yet the mind
must sort through a welter of sensory data (held in very
short-term buffers and all clamoring for attention) and
must also make effective use of the information in
long-term memory.'

'The below diagram is typical of the way cognitive
scientists represent the mind’s operations.(a)

We all have a system of buffers that enables us to
organize incoming stimuli, a long-term memory of
essentially infinite capacity, and a short-term or working
memory that does our conscious mental work. At the level
of generality at which we are operating, the roles of the
buffers and long-term memory are fairly obvious. It is
working memory that needs further discussion.

(a) This particular diagram is taken from Morton Hunt,
'The Universe Within'
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982), p l03.


[What the Psychopaths want everyone to BELIEVE, is the]

"Flow Chart of Human Memory System"
(text is given in a diagram) Page 10

Outside Stimuli
Visual Aural Tactile Gustatory Olfactory
[meaning: "Perception is ONLY by the body's senses"!]
Short term Memory

Elaborative Processes and Retrieval (of "Outside Stimuli")
Long term Memory
Permanently Lost (memory)
(also gives)
Permanently Lost (memory)
Lost or unavailable but possibly recoverable although
perhaps much altered (memory)'


(all of the above Enclosure, is quoted from)

file: Thinking and Writing: Cognitive Science and Intelligence
Analysis Bob Sinclair Central Intelligence Agency Thinking-and-
... csi-publications/books-and-monographs/thinking-and-writing.html
... index.html

[end of Enclosure]


Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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