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A Study of Imagination

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12 Jul 2010, 15:54:0412/07/2010
Bates—Allied Medical Journal—1923


A Study of Imagination
It is a truth that one can only imagine what one remembers. It is
also a truth that one can remember only what one has seen and again we
say that it is a truth that what we see is only what we imagine. Some
people have started a debate on these statements and they theorize in
various ways. One said that although he had never seen a devilfish he
could imagine a fish with a very big mouth and with blue eyes or red
eyes in spite of the fact that he had never seen any kind of a fish
which had either blue or red eyes. He might just as well have said
that he could imagine a written language composed of a series of
straight, curved or crooked black lines, a combination of which might
represent a word, a letter or a sentence. It is difficult for me to
realize how one can imagine a fish with red eyes or blue eyes without
having seen such eyes in something else than a fish, or how a man born
blind can imagine a fish with red eyes.
We know that in the case of persons born with a ripe cataract and
unable to see different colors that when, in isolated cases, these
patients have been operated upon and obtained good vision, they are
able to see blue eyes and brown eyes and can tell that there is a
difference but of course require a period of education before they can
use the words which describe the color. Such a person could not give
you a description of a devilfish which had none of the characteristics
of other animals because a blind man who has recovered his sight has
never seen these things that he tries to describe. His sense of touch
may enable him to compare the feeling of an elephant's trunk and the
feeling of a large rope. I am sure that the men who are blind who
describe an elephant that they have not seen support my contention
that you cannot imagine anything correctly unless you remember a
mental picture of it which you have seen. The old story, as most of
us may remember, was that one blind man who leaned up against the side
of the elephant, said that it was very much like a house; another
blind man who grasped the elephant's tail was very strong in his
belief than an elephant was very much like a snake; another blind man
who felt one of the legs of the elephants was very indignant with the
other blind men, being equally strong in his belief that an elephant
was very much like a column. Many new inventions are imagined but
when we come to analyze the facts I cannot recollect a single instance
where the inventor did not put into his discovery always something
that he had remembered or seen before. There are many things which we
may not have seen and which we of course can not remember and which it
is impossible for us to imagine. This is self-evident.
The imagination is capable of accomplishing results in curing
imperfect sight which no drug and no operation has ever been able to
accomplish. It is a truth that when the myopic eye regards a blank
surface where there is not much to see and makes no effort to see, the
imagination is as good as it is when the eyes are closed and, while
the imagination is good, perfect, the myopia disappears. When the
imagination is imperfect, the normal eye when it regards the distance
is always nearsighted. When a patient with glaucoma with increased
tension can imagine a letter "o" with its white center whiter than the
card on which it is printed, the eyeball becomes as soft as the normal
eye immediately. There are no exceptions. There are patients who
have absolute glaucoma, no perception of light, terrible pain, with
the eyeball as hard as a stone in which the symptoms, pain or loss or
vision were immediately benefited when the patients became able to
imagine a letter or some object perfectly. It is well known that
absolute glaucoma is incurable and the only thing that can be
recommended is enucleation when the pain is sufficiently severe.
Conical cornea is a condition which has baffled the skill of the
medical profession. It is usually progressive and goes on to total
loss of sight. There is no operation, there is no treatment, which is
of any material benefit. Those cases have all been relieved and cured
when the patients become able to imagine things perfectly. It seems
incredible but please be fair—no more incredible than the discovery of
wireless telegraphy. Before condemning this statement, give it a
trial. It is worth trying and certainly it is difficult to realize or
believe how a perfect imagination could, in any way, make things
worse. Cataract has been produced in human beings with the aid of an
imperfect imagination. It has been relieved and cured, permanently
cured, when the patient became able to imagine things perfectly. Now
cataract is more or less frequent. Many people hesitate to go through
an operation. It causes them considerable worry and anxiety so that
the non-operative cure of cataract should receive attention because of
its great importance or value. Here again it seems to me a very wrong
thing for ophthalmologists to ignore the facts. If it is a good thing
it should be of universal use; if it is not what it claims to be, the
facts should be known and the public protected.
Sympathetic ophthalmia is serious. Years ago when I knew less
about eye diseases than I do now, the very thought of sympathetic
ophthalmia gave me a cold chill. I had seen so many cases in the
clinic lost over night in spite of the most skillful treatment. My
sympathy went out to the physicians who sweated blood trying to save
an eye afflicted with sympathetic ophthalmia. Occasionally these
patients have come to me and now I welcome them with a smile. I just
love a case of sympathetic ophthalmia because all my fear of the
consequences has disappeared. Let it be published far and wide that
the cure of sympathetic ophthalmia has been discovered! And what is
the cure of sympathetic ophthalmia? The ability to imagine things
perfectly. "This sounds very absurd," you say—but I did not feel
absurd when my patients recover.
Besides these very serious inflammations and diseases of the eyes
that are curable by a perfect imagination, there is a long list of
milder cases. Squint, for example, whether convergent, divergent or
vertical, is cured by a perfect imagination. Cases in which an
operation was done for convergent squint followed by divergent squint
have also been relieved by a perfect imagination. Acute
conjunctivitis has also been relieved in the same way. Pterygium is
also curable in the same way. Opacities of the cornea which have been
present since birth have disappeared when the patient practiced a
perfect imagination. Inflammations of the cornea, of the iris, of the
sclera, of the retina, of the optic nerve, of the choroid, have
responded more quickly and to a greater extent through the effect of a
perfect imagination than to any other treatment. It is remarkable
that detachment of the retina can be cured and has been cured by the
use of a perfect imagination. Again I hear a remonstrance; someone
says it is impossible. What good is it to say it is impossible? What
good is it to say it is possible? Disprove the impossibility. Test
the perfect imagination in these cases. I am sure that others will
become able to derive as much benefit from the use of a perfect
imagination as the physicians who are already using it.
When we come to inquire how many people have a perfect imagination
we find a very large proportion have an imperfect imagination or none
at all. It is very rare to find any one who is able to imagine as
well with their eyes open as they can with their eyes closed. Then
again we find patients who can remember or imagine better with their
eyes open than with them closed. As a general rule we may expect many
patients with normal vision to have a good imagination but I believe
that even with them there are at least 50% who have a very poor
Persons with imperfect sight may have a wonderful, a very unusual
imagination. It is such a comfort to meet them in my practice because
it is so easy to cure their nearsightedness, their farsightedness,
their astigmatism, their sympathetic ophthalmia, their glaucoma, or
any disease which they may have. One may ask at this point—if a
person with imperfect sight has a good imagination, why is his sight
imperfect? This may be answered by calling attention to the fact that
one needs a perfect imagination at all times and in all places to have
perfect sight. Persons with imperfect sight who have a good
imagination fail to use it; they suppress it and imagine things
imperfectly by an effort which of course lowers their vision. Some
persons have a perfect imagination with their eyes open and no
imagination at all with their eyes closed. Then we have the reverse—
patients with a perfect imagination with their eyes closed and no
imagination at all with their eyes open. I remember a girl, twenty
years old, who had no perception of light in the right eye and normal
vision in the left eye. When the good eye was covered, the patient
was unable to imagine that she saw light. By treatment she was cured
and obtained normal vision in her blind eye. Now, please do not stop
reading this important paper at this point. I know as well as others
know that the ancient ophthalmologists or the ophthalmologists of
fifty or a hundred years ago thought that an eye totally blind with no
perception of light was absolutely incurable and that anybody who
claims to cure such eyes is a quack. I used to believe it until I
learned better. In my vanity, when I could not cure these cases I did
not think anybody else could; what I didn't know, nobody else knew.
These cases of blindness were all cured by a perfect imagination.
The variableness of the human mind is wonderful. The extremes to
which the imagination may go is equally wonderful. One could write a
book on the uncertainties of the imagination. What is more important,
however, is to describe some of the methods which have been successful
in improving the imagination, especially to obtain benefit in diseases
of the eyes. One patient had normal sight and his imagination was
good with his eyes open but he did not always use his normal sight and
his normal imagination. Without any special reason he would strain,
lose his imagination and his sight would become imperfect. He
suffered for many years with terrific pain in his eyes and head.
Glasses had not helped him; general and local treatment had been
unsuccessful. The man was almost crazy with the continuous pain. He
was directed to regard the large letter "C" on the Snellen test card
at fifteen feet. He was asked if he could see the white center of the
big "C" as white as the rest of the card. With some difficulty I
convinced him that the white center of the big "C" was of the same
whiteness as the rest of the card. It was a help for him to see the
truth and he was very much surprised to find that when the black part
of the big "C" was covered by a screen with an opening which permitted
him to see the white center it became darker and of the same whiteness
as the rest of the card. He looked to me for the answer.
"The white center of that big 'C'," I told him, "is no whiter than
the rest of the card but if you think you see it whiter, you really do
not see it, you only imagine it. The halo that you see around the
outer edge of the big 'C' is also a creature of your imagination."
"Close your eyes," I said. "Can you imagine that big 'C'?"
"No," he answered.
"Well, try," I said.
"I already have the pain," he replied, "and please do not ask me
to increase the pain by trying to improve my imagination with my eyes
"Open your eyes now," said I, "Can you see the white center of the
'C' whiter than the margin of the card?"
"It is coming," he said. A moment later, "I have it now."
"How is your pain?" I asked.
"It is gone," he replied with a smile.
I was very glad to see that smile because he did not often smile.
Then I said to him, "Have you ever seen anything as white as the
center of that big 'C'?"
"Yes," he answered, "the snow-capped mountains near my house.
When the sun is shining the tops of those mountains are whiter than
that big 'C'."
At this point I was very jubilant because I knew now how I could
cure him so that he could have mental pictures or an imagination of
mental pictures with his eyes closed as well as with his eyes open.
Then I said to him, "Can you see one mountain at a time whiter
than the white center of the big 'C'?"
"Yes," he said.
"Can you look from one mountain to another and see one at a time
"Yes," he answered, "I can do that."
Then I asked him this very important question,
"Can you see two at once?"
The smile left his lips; a look of pain came into his eyes.
"I have the most terrific pain when I do that," he cried out with
agony, "I cannot stand it! I have lost the big 'C' and everything is
"Don't think of the mountains," I said to him. "Forget them if
you can and look at the big 'C'. If you look to the right of it, the
'C' is to your left; if you look to the left, the 'C' is to your
right. Every time your eyes move to the right, the 'C' moves to the
left; every time your eyes move to the left, the 'C' moves to the
right. Do you see it move?"
"Yes," he answered, "and my pain is gone and my sight is now all
Several things were accomplished:
1. The imagination of halos and the white center of the "C".
2. The perfect imagination of the white center of the "C" enabled
him to imagine perfectly the snow-capped mountains.
3. He could remember or imagine the mountain tops one at a time.
That was easy; but to imagine two at the same time was impossible and
trying to do the impossible was a strain which made his imagination
4. With imperfect imagination he demonstrated that his sight was
5. The imagination of the swing helped his sight, helped his
imagination and relieved his pain.
6. With some encouragement he became able to imagine his body
swinging about one-quarter of an inch from side to side. With the
body swing he imagined the red floor was swinging. When looking
straight at the card he saw the red floor indistinctly below his line
of vision swinging with his body swing. The body swing helped him to
hold the imagination of the red floor much redder than it really was.
He could shift from a small area of the red floor that he could see
best, to the imagination of a small area of the floor that he could
imagine he saw best. Before long the patient became able to carry an
imagination or memory of the red floor with him day and night. All
the while that he was awake he had that red floor in his
consciousness. With the red floor as a starter he became able to
imagine other objects, one part best and always swinging. If he did
not see one part best of the red floor he could not imagine the
swing. One day after carrying the imagination of the red floor in his
consciousness for part of a week, he said to me,
"Doctor, I am getting tired of that red floor. At first I could
not imagine it at all but now it is like the old man of the sea. I
can't get rid of it."
I asked him the question:
"Can you remember one corner of the red floor best?"
"Can you remember two corners at the same time?"
"No, and I have lost my red floor."
7. This patient had a great deal of difficulty in remembering a
mental picture of the American flag. He finally accomplished it by
subdividing the flag, the moving flag, into parts and remembering each
part best and in this way he improved. If he could remember the upper
right-hand corner best swinging, he had a mental picture of it which
was swinging. A slow, short swing when the mental picture was good,
but when the mental picture was lost the swing was stopped or it might
be lengthened. The imagination of the flag being placed on a pole and
being raised from the ground one part at a time was a great help in
obtaining a mental picture of the flag. The great difficulty this
patient had was that he desired to remember too much at once or he
desired to imagine more than two things at once. It always spoils the
mental pictures when one tries to remember too much at once. This
patient became completely cured of a functional discomfort when he
became able to use his imagination perfectly. His mental pictures
became as vivid as though he saw them with his actual eyes. In fact
he devoted most of his waking hours to thinking of mental pictures
with his eyes open alternating with his eyes closed. He was so happy
because the terrible headaches had disappeared and he felt that he had
some control over his eyes and could now manage them better. His
sight was always 20-10 even when the light was not very good. I
received encouraging letters from time to time in which he stated that
the imagination of perfect sight had given him complete relief.
Mrs. M., aged 50, had very bad eyes. With the strongest glasses
her vision was very poor. She could only see the large letter "C" at
one foot with each eye. She was asked to remember the big "C" or
imagine it better than she saw it, the best she was able to do, and
then by looking at the big "C" alternately she became able to imagine
it very much better than she saw it. The card was placed further away
and she became able after a considerable time to imagine the big "C"
at ten feet as well as she could at one foot, by alternately resting
her eyes and flashing. This patient obtained the best results by
closing her eyes and imagining the big "C" perfectly black with the
white center perfectly white. Then she would flash the letter with
improved vision. When we got her coaxed, however, to remember the big
"C" perfectly at ten feet she refused to improve any further by this
method. It is a truth, which I have discussed in many articles, that
when one imagines one thing perfectly one cannot imagine something
else imperfectly. She was asked to imagine the left-hand side of the
big "C" to be a curved line at fifteen feet. This she could do at
twelve feet or nearer but she could also imagine the left-hand side to
be a straight line. However, she could not do this as well as she
could imagine it curved. She could imagine the top and bottom better
curved than she could straight or open, but the right-hand side she
could imagine better open than she could imagine it straight or
curved. She could imagine it was the big "C." She could also imagine
it a "G", a "Q" or an "O" but she could imagine it more perfectly to
be a "C" than any other letter. The patient was not familiar with the
card at her first visit and did not know whether the first spot on the
line below the big "C" was a letter or a figure. It was the letter
"R." I asked the patient if she could imagine the left-hand side to
be straight.
"Yes," she answered.
"Can you imagine the left-hand side to be curved?"
"Can you imagine the left-hand side to be open?"
"Yes," said she.
My next question was,
"Which is best? Which is the easiest to imagine; straight, curved
or open?"
"Straight," she answered.
"Straight is correct, I said. "Now, can you imagine the top
straight, curved or open?"
"Yes," she answered.
"Which can you imagine is the blackest or the easiest?"
"Straight," she cried.
"Now, try the bottom. Can you imagine it straight? Can you
imagine it curved? Can you imagine it open? Which is it?"
"Open," she replied.
"How is the right side? Can you imagine it straight?"
"Yes," she answered, "but I do not like it straight. I prefer it
curved. It feels better."
"Now go over it again until you have the same imagination," I
answered. "Is the top straight? left-hand straight? bottom open?
right side curved?"
"Yes," she said.
"What letter is it? It might be the letter "R." Could it be
anything else?"
She answered, "No."
"That is quite correct," I replied.
This patient got down as far as the figure "4" on the forty line
by this method of improving the imagination. But here she rested and
it became a problem of how to improve her imagination so that she
could imagine more perfectly. She was directed to look at the figure
"3" which she was unable to imagine that she saw. I said to her,
"Can you imagine the figure is moving about its own width from
side to side?"
She answered, "Yes."
"Now if you look at the left-hand side of the figure and imagine
it straight, what happens to your swing?"
"The swing is too wide."
"If you imagine the left-hand side is open, how is the swing?"
"It is all right."
"Just as well as you can imagine with your eyes closed?"
"Just as well," she answered.
The progress of the patient was somewhat slow at times. One
method which seemed to help her a great deal was to remember the first
letter of the ten line, the letter "F" at about six inches where she
was able to see it best.
"Now close your eyes. Can you remember it as well as you saw
"No, I cannot," she answered.
"Now look at it. Can you imagine it is moving?"
"Yes," she replied, "about one quarter of an inch from side to
"With your eyes closed, can you imagine it moving about one
quarter of an inch from side to side?"
She answered that she could.
"Now open your eyes and look at the "F" on the bottom line of the
Snellen test card and imagine you see it."
At first her results were quite imperfect but after awhile her
ability to imagine improved until she became able to imagine the "F"
at fifteen feet as well as she could imagine it at six inches.
Through her ability to imagine the letter "F" of the ten line at
fifteen feet, she became able to see other letters on the bottom line
of which she was ignorant. In other words, the perfect imagination of
the letter "F" improved her vision of the other letters until she
obtained normal sight.
These cases of imperfect sight could be multiplied, but the main
thing to do in all of them is to improve the imagination. I have
written a book on the subject "The Cure of Imperfect Sight without
Glasses" and there are quite a number of pages devoted to the
imagination. Since the book was printed many articles have appeared
in the magazine "Better Eyesight." Any improvements in treatment have
been published from time to time.
A very interesting case was a woman aged 60 whom I treated several
years ago. She came to my office and had great difficulty in finding
her way. She ran into the furniture and had to feel her way like a
blind man, with her arms outstretched. Her glasses gave her only
10-200 vision. Off to one side it amounted to very little. She could
see but a small area of the objects which she looked at and what she
did see was usually seen best when she did look at it. She was very
blind at night. Her ability to read and write, even with glasses, was
very imperfect. She had atrophy of the optic nerve, chorioretinitis
pigmentosa, cataract. It was very interesting to observe the benefit
this patient obtained by the use of her imagination. She took as the
foundation of her imagination the memory of the letter "o" of diamond
type with a white center as white as snow and the letter moving from
side to side a short distance, not more than its own width.
I said to her,
"How far apart can you see two of the Snellen test cards at
She said that they would have to be two feet apart when placed on
a wall at fifteen feet.
"When I look at one Snellen test card I can see over to one side
the other at two feet but everything else is a blank, a dark or light
gray or a black."
"When you look straight ahead of you, can you see the light from
the window shining in your eyes?"
"No," she said.
"Can you see the floor?"
"Can you see the rug?"
"Can you see the door over to the right of you?"
"No, I can see none of those things."
"If you imagine that you see the light of the window to your left,
can you at the same time imagine your small letter "o" with its slow,
short easy swing?"
"Yes," she answered.
"Now, just imagine there is no window to your left, how is your
imagination of the letter "o" with its short swing?"
"Gone," she replied. "When I imagine the truth I am able to
imagine the diamond type letter "o" quite perfectly. If I imagine an
error, that the window is not there when it is, that is an imperfect
imagination, which is registered by the imagination of the "o" with
its white center, its slow, short, easy swing, becoming imperfect."
In the same way she could tell that when she imagined the floor
was red, the reaction was normal, but when she imagined the floor was
not red, green or some other color, the patient could not maintain the
normal reaction with the letter "o." The next step was to ask her the
"Can you see the red floor that you imagine you see?"
"Yes," she answered, "I can."
"Can you see the window to one side, the window that you imagine
you see?"
"Yes," she answered, "and I want to tell you that I have to
imagine the truth because if I fail to imagine the truth the reaction
of that letter "o" becomes imperfect, a strain and I suffer more pain
and discomfort and nervousness which makes me very unhappy. I don't
like to be unhappy so I imagine the truth as well as I am able to and
then every thing seems to be all right and I can find my way about in
the dark without even holding my hands out like a blind man."
Memory, the imagination of perfect sight, cured this woman's night
blindness, her contracted field, and improved her vision materially.
For many years she had not been able to use her eyes at the near point
with any success. She could not sew or knit or do fancy work or read
the newspaper. With the practice of the imagination of perfect sight,
her symptoms of imperfect sight disappeared. I know this case was a
very bad one and I realize it does not sound very clear but one can
demonstrate or prove the facts claimed.
Retinitis Pigmentosa with its complications is very much benefited
by the imagination treatment. The foundation test is usually very
variable. One lady told me that the whitest thing that she could
imagine was white sand and that when she imagined the letter "o" with
its white center as white as the sand the letter always moved from
side to side a short distance, not greater than the width of the
letter. Now when she regarded a letter with which she was unfamiliar
but which she could not see because of the blurred outline, she was
able to remember each of the four sides either straight, curved or
open. When she imagined each side correctly the reaction of the "o"
as white as the white sand was normal. When her imagination, however,
of one or more sides was wrong or imperfect, the memory or imagination
of the letter "o" and the white sand was modified.
Some patients require a different foundation test from others.
Rarely do I find many people who use the same foundation test. In
some cases the imagination cure is more efficient when the patient
regards the foundation of his imagination rather than when he
remembers or imagines it.
Some people can see the letter "o" of diamond type with a white
center and imagine the white center as white as snow while they
imagine the letter as swinging from side to side, not any more than
its own width. The patient looks at the card at twenty feet, imagines
one side of the letter and while doing so regards the card with the
foundation at a distance at which he sees it best. If the patient has
imagined one side of the letter correctly he will see that the
reaction of the foundation is normal; or, in other words, he has
imagined one side of the unknown letter at twenty feet correctly. In
a similar manner the patient imagines the other three sides in turn,
checking his imagination for one side of the letter at twenty feet
with his imagination of the foundation at a near point where he sees
it best. When all four sides are imagined correctly it helps the
patient to tell or imagine what the letter is, which is confirmed by
the reaction of the foundation at a near point. In some cases, what a
patient imagines of the four sides of the unknown letter at twenty
feet, might be the same for two or more letters. The letter "B" has
four sides which resemble the four sides of the letter "D". If he
imagines it to be a letter "B" correctly the foundation reaction will
be more perfect than if he imagines it to be a letter "D" which is
incorrect. Some times all four sides are open as is the case with the
letters A, I, V, W, X, Y. When the letter is imagined correctly the
reaction of the foundation is always best.
By this and other methods, patients become able with the aid of a
perfect imagination to accomplish unusual results. In one case a page
of diamond type was held for forty seconds ten feet in front of a
patient's eyes. At this distance the patient was not consciously able
to read anything on the page. Simultaneously retinoscopy demonstrated
that while the patient was regarding the fine print, that there were
moments of longer or shorter duration when the eyes were focussed
properly or accurately on the fine print, indicating that that it was
possible for the patient to see perfectly for short periods of time,
and with perfect sight it was possible for the patient to remember all
the letters on the card perfectly although the vision, the memory and
imagination were unconsciously seeing, remembering and imagining by
the subconscious mind. This patient was able, with the eyes closed
and covered with the palms of the hands, to imagine correctly in the
manner described above, the third letter on the sixteenth line, the
fifth letter of the eighth word on the twelfth line, the last letter
and the last word of the bottom line and many others. It was very
remarkable that not only could the patient pick out any letter
indicated but she was able to tell what the word was and a number of
words, a sentence or more, for several lines coming after the letter
indicated. With somewhat larger print this patient could read a
larger amount of a paragraph by just imagining consciously the first
letter of a sentence. She had been trained for six weeks; she was
eight years old. Other patients, 20 years old, 30 years old, 60 years
old, have done almost as well.
POLYOPIA. When a patient sees one or more letters of a line
double or multiple or partially double, arranged horizontally or
vertically or obliquely, he does not see the images multiple, he only
imagines that he does and it can be demonstrated that this imagination
is imperfect, for he sees under a strain and that it requires
considerable effort and hard work to see two or more images. Some
people have seen the head lines of a newspaper multiplied ten times or
more. I have known quite a number of people who could see nine moons
where there was only one, a very imperfect imagination. It is curious
that some people will see every other line double, while the letters
of the other lines are single. This is strong evidence that polyopia
is nervousness due to an imperfect imagination. It is a very
remarkable truth that cases of polyopia, which are supposed to be due
to organic changes in the retina or to diseases of parts of the brain
or to paralysis of some of the ocular muscles, are all due to an
imperfect imagination and can be cured with a perfect imagination and
without relieving necessarily a paralysis of the muscles or improving
the changes in the retina or elsewhere. I believe that all cases of
polyopia are caused by an imperfect imagination and that all cases can
be cured by teaching the patient how to imagine things perfectly.
NYSTAGMUS. When the eyes move more or less rapidly from side to
side or in other directions it is called nystagmus. Usually it is
associated with a serious disease of the interior of the eye,
chorioretinitis pigmentosa and has been considered to be incurable. I
have seen it controlled almost immediately by the imagination of
perfect sight or by a perfect imagination of any object. I shall
always remember some cases in school children which were produced
voluntarily because it caused a disturbance in the class room. These
cases are so evident that all I had to do to cure them, was to tell
them to stop doing it and it has always been a great surprise to me to
see them do it at once. When I asked them to start it up again they
had no trouble in doing it. When they had the nystagmus their sight
was always imperfect and the patients demonstrated the fact. When the
patient voluntarily stopped the nystagmus the vision was improved to
the normal.
PHOTOPHOBIA. So many doctors consider photophobia a very serious
symptom. On the contrary it is only the manifestation of an imperfect
imagination. Persons who have a perfect imagination with its slow,
short, continuous, regular swing can look at the sun, imagine that it
is moving a very short distance, slowly, and do it without any
evidence of annoyance. They can at the same time read a Snellen test
card while the light of the sun is shining directly into one or both
eyes and they can look at the sun five minutes, ten minutes, or longer
without being blinded. Young children, four years old or upward, can
look straight at the sun when they have normal sight, or a perfect
imagination. Persons with photophobia are benefited by the use of a
burning glass, described in my book, which focuses a very strong light
on the sclera while the patient is looking down and the the operator
lifts the upper lid and focuses the light on the eyeball. Patients
who were blinded by strong light flashed into their eyes from the
violet end of the spectrum obtained from a very strong arc light, have
been cured quite promptly by focussing the strong light of the sun,
which I believe is stronger than most arc lights, into their eyes.
SQUINT. When the eyes turn in, it is possible by an effort to
increase the squint with the eyes open by the use of prisms or in
other ways. It is usually best to teach the patient how to see double
when he has any kind of a squint and the greater the squint the more
widely separated are the double images. These double images are
imagined always, one more perfectly than the other. With the eyes
open it is possible to imagine the images about three feet apart but
with the eyes closed it is possible to imagine the images 40, 50, 1000
or more feet apart. There is no limit to the separation of the images
by a strain of the imagination. This strain can be demonstrated, felt
or realized by the patient to a greater extent with the eyes closed
than open. In other words one can strain the eyes consciously a great
deal more with them shut than with them open. When the eyes turn out
the diplopia which is produced is crossed; that is, the image seen by
the left eye is to the right while the image seen by the right eye is
to the left. With the eyes closed the patient can separate the images
a great deal more than with his eyes open. With the eyes open the
patient may be able to imagine the crossed images five feet apart when
the eyes are turned out. With the eyes closed one can imagine the
crossed images forty, fifty or more feet apart and with the fingers
lightly touching the eyeball one can feel them turn out. When the
images are separated voluntarily by the imagination, a patient with
convergent squint was able to imagine with his eyes open the two
images three feet apart and on the same side as the eye which sees
them. With the eyes closed one can imagine a greater separation of
the images and feel the eyes turn in more than before. By imagining
the images crossed with the eyes closed, one can feel the eyes which
were originally turned in, turn out. When the patient imagines the
crossed images widely separated with the eyes closed and then opens
the eyes for a second or a flash, at the first moment when the eyes
are opened, they are much less turned in or are straighter or they may
be turned out to a greater or less degree. By practicing one becomes
able to cure these cases of squint without glasses, without an
operation, with nothing more than the use of the perfect imagination.
In this incomplete paper I have described the possibilities of
what the imagination can do in the cure of imperfect sight by
treatment without glasses. All persons who are ill have an imperfect
imagination. All persons who are normal and well do not have an
imperfect imagination. When this truth is universally known and
accepted it suggests a line of treatment the possibilities of which
are infinite.


Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
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Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

13 Jul 2010, 19:51:3113/07/2010

"MS" <> wrote in message
> bump

Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa


14 Jul 2010, 10:42:5614/07/2010
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa


14 Jul 2010, 13:18:2214/07/2010
On Jul 14, 3:51 pm, "" <> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 9:42 am, MS <> wrote:
> Yep, spamfest continues.  Good news is though you are getting lost in
> the sea of spam inundating this group, so your bumping is ineffective
> at best.  But YOU ARE CLUELESS.

Complaint made to your ISP for inappropriate conduct in a public

Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

14 Jul 2010, 17:54:4414/07/2010

"MS" <> wrote

> Complaint made to your ISP for inappropriate conduct
> in a public forum.


Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

14 Jul 2010, 18:16:3514/07/2010

"MS" <> wrote


Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Neil Brooks

18 Jul 2010, 10:06:4718/07/2010
On Jul 18, 1:33 am, MS <> wrote:
> bump

You're an idiot.

Ujumbe umefutwa

Neil Brooks

18 Jul 2010, 18:36:2018/07/2010
On Jul 18, 8:11 am, MS <> wrote:
> X-No-Archive:
> bump

And ... a few days from now ... when your post disappears (because of
the "no archive" code you included) ... you'll STILL be an idiot.

Fascinating, huh ?


19 Jul 2010, 05:16:4719/07/2010
On 12 July, 20:54, MS <> wrote:
> Bates—Allied Medical Journal—1923
> [...]
>     These cases of imperfect sight could be multiplied, but the main
> thing to do in all of them is to improve the imagination.  I have
> written a book on the subject "The Cure of Imperfect Sight without
> Glasses" and there are quite a number of pages devoted to the
> imagination.  Since the book was printed many articles have appeared
> in the magazine "Better Eyesight."  Any improvements in treatment have
> been published from time to time.

Tip: Hit "View Profile" above for both these publications and more.

Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Shinigami Eyes

19 Jul 2010, 09:44:5519/07/2010
On 19 July, 14:35, "" <> wrote:

> On Jul 19, 7:34 am, MS <> wrote:
> > X-No-Archive:
> > bump
> Oh how cool.  Bumping SPAM and trying to make your bump post
> dissapear.
> Not cool since I just quoted you to prove you only a spammer AND it
> permanently archives.
> Below is the original headers if you don't believe me so others can
> send complaints to your ISP for posting copyrighted material..

No copyrighted material has been posted at all. Please ignore this

Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Neil Brooks

19 Jul 2010, 16:56:4619/07/2010
On Jul 19, 8:10 am, MS <> wrote:
> X-No-Archive:

X-You're an idiot.

Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

19 Jul 2010, 19:44:1019/07/2010
I don't understand the purpose of these "bump" messages but I use a regular
newsreader so I don't see what he sees.

I guess he doesn't realize what it looks like outside of google - someone
with nothing to say, yet saying it over and over.

After all, google and nntp are the same thing, right?


"Neil Brooks" <> wrote in message

Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa
Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

27 Jul 2010, 07:49:3827/07/2010

"MS" <> wrote

nothing, really

Ujumbe umefutwa


7 Ago 2010, 12:33:4207/08/2010

Medical and PREVENTVE second-opinion.

On Aug 7, 11:32 am, MS <> wrote:
> x-no-archive:


7 Ago 2010, 12:41:1707/08/2010

Optometrist with the VISION suport threshold preventoin

But the choice must be by the educated parent and child.

> > x-no-archive:- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


7 Ago 2010, 12:45:2707/08/2010

A world-class VISION SCIENTIST supports Steve Leung in his preventive

> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


7 Ago 2010, 12:53:1307/08/2010

A highly qualified optometrist argues that threshold plus-prevention
is both wise and NECESSARY.

The choice, however is your to make.

Neil Brooks

7 Ago 2010, 14:43:1707/08/2010

Mike Tyner

7 Ago 2010, 15:12:4807/08/2010

"MS" <> wrote

Nothing they teach in college today...


7 Ago 2010, 16:04:3507/08/2010

Deaer Mike Tyner,

Thanks for your majority-opinion that the "minus" is "perfect" and has
no effect on the natural eye.

But SCIENCE of the NATURAL eye can provide a PREVENTIVE solution -- by
reasoning, by logic, by accepting the idea that the GLOBAL eye is
dynamic. Here indeed is the second-opoinion stated by Dr. Bates.

"You cannot by reasoning correct a man of an ill opinion
which by reasoning he never acquired. We can also say that
neither by reasoning, nor by actual demonstration of the facts,
can you convince some people that an opinion which they have
accepted on authority is wrong."

William Bates

I may not agree with some of Dr. Bates statements, but he does state
the idea correctly. But others have said the same thing about
"entrenched" status-quo.

"I know that most men ... can seldom accept even the
simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them
to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in
explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to
others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the very
fabric of their lives."

Leo Tolstoy

It does take a "new" perspective to understand the natural eye as
dynamic. This does not grow out of people with "staus quo" minds, but
from people who ARE NOT IN THE FIELD.

Imagination is more important that knowledge...knowledge is
limited but imagination circles the world. To see with one's own
eyes, to feel and judge without succumbing to the suggestive power
of the fashion of the day, to be able to express what one has seen
and felt in a trim sentence or even a cunningly wrought
that not glorious? When I examine myself and my methods of
thought, I come close to the conclusion that the gift of
imagination has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing
absolute knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Mike Tyner, you do what you must do in your office. No insult

On Aug 7, 3:12 pm, "Mike Tyner" <> wrote:
> "MS" <> wrote

Ujumbe umefutwa

Mike Tyner

7 Ago 2010, 18:34:5007/08/2010
The nice thing about newsgroups is you can quote where I said "minus" is

If you cannot, we have to conclude you made up words to put in my mouth.


Ujumbe umefutwa


7 Ago 2010, 20:28:2207/08/2010

On Aug 7, 6:47 pm, "" <> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 5:16 pm, "Mike Tyner" <> wrote:
> outdoor fountains : Latest News. outdoor garden fountains wall,outdoor
> bronze staues and fountains,modern outdoor water fountains,outdoor
> fountains az,small outdoor fountains

Ujumbe 0 mpya