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Bachynsky's birthday!!

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Jun 19, 2004, 9:49:22 PM6/19/04
Today is the 62nd birthday of Nicholas Bachynsky.

Sadly (for him) he remains behind bars at the Miami Detention Center
(almost 2 months now). However, he does have an appeal hearing for his
detention set for June 22 (Tuesday) in Miami at some point in the a.m.

Let's see...what else has been going on.....oh yeah, his cohort
Laurence Dean was arrested a while back in Barbados. I believe he has
been extradited here and will have his arraignment in the next day or
two. I'm thinking Monday.

There will be a hearing for Bachynsky's release from detention on
Tuesday. There is also a deposition for someone Bachynsky treated and
used as a patient coordinator (although not Rushkiller/Rose/Roseanne
Barrett)for June 22nd.

I think this particular person coordinated his cancer patients for
treatment, while Rushkiller/Rose/Roseanne coordinated his lyme
patients. Not to say that Roseanne hasn't been mentioned in court
proceedings, because she, of course, has. She has also presented an
affidavit, which of course, we'll see what happens with. The govt is
bound to pounce on her, as they are the cancer advocate. Can't wait to
see you all in court in Miami. Along with Bachynsky's other
ne'er-do-wells (Vicini, Roy, etc.)

There is the supposition that this cancer patient & coordinator is
extremely ill and the defense wants her deposition on record in case
she isn't available, due to her extreme illness, at the time of
Bachynsky's trial. She is traveling from Aspen to Miami to be
available next week to aid Bachynsky. She will be available for his
detention hearing as well as a deposition of her own (in case she
isn't available for trial).

As the government states, if she can travel from Aspen to Miami, how
sick is she???

More to it happens....


Jun 19, 2004, 10:05:38 PM6/19/04
fry him

jill ellen

Jun 20, 2004, 3:59:58 PM6/20/04
Thanx for the update.

Why will you be there in Miami, just curious, do you want to tell us?

Who is Laurence Dean? Who is Vicini and Roy?

> As the government states, if she can travel from Aspen to Miami, how
> sick is she???

Geez, people can be very sick and still push themselves. I know this
from when I had lyme at my worst! I hope she is okay and not still
fighting some cancer recurrence or something.


Jun 20, 2004, 11:13:10 PM6/20/04
I won't be at the hearing, although it'll be interesting to say the

Dean was indicted along with Bachynsky and 2 others, but was not
arrested. Evidently he was out of the country at the time and was
arrested a few weeks ago in Barbados.

Roy is Bachynsky's long-time girlfriend who has been with him through
all of his criminal activities and incarcerations. She's even been
indicted along with him, although not in this particular case.

Vicini is another of his criminal buddies who has been attending all
of his court appearances. He is offering to help with bond, but I
don't think either the government or Bachynsky's attorney knows of his
criminal past.

I only stated "how sick could she be" because the government itself
made that statement. Apparently she is ill with cancer and Bachynsky
wants her testimony on record in case she is too ill to testify once
his trial commences.


Jun 23, 2004, 11:40:13 AM6/23/04
Thanks, Woodtick. I sure hope this guy and all those who supported him in his
nasty fraud get what they deserve.
Keep us posted.

Ann - OH

Rita Stanley

Jun 23, 2004, 11:52:50 AM6/23/04
to - Health - SEC Sues Fla. Pharmaceutical Company Over Securities

Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Richard A. Anders, Nicholas Bachynsky,
Arthur Scheinert, and Laurence Dean : Lit. Rel. No. 18..

SEC Complaint in this matter


Jun 23, 2004, 7:36:47 PM6/23/04
Very good work, Rita. I didn't know about the SEC suit.

It was filed with the same judge who is assigned to the current case
against the whole bunch. Bachynsky had a hearing yesterday appealing
his detention. The judge is to issue his ruling tomorrow on whether he
stays in or gets out.

I would imagine this would have some bearing on the judge's decision.


Jun 23, 2004, 8:06:48 PM6/23/04
to (Tbdbullseye) wrote in message news:<>...

But wasn't this guy "woodtick" one of his henchmen?

FYI Woodtick, it is deer ticks that transmit Lyme to humans NOT woodticks.


Jun 24, 2004, 2:15:51 AM6/24/04
I have done lots of searches this whole afternoon & evening and I have
found the news stories about the SEC vs. Bachynsky, et al, spans the
whole U.S. There are various news stories, in both newspaper and
television, from the Los Angeles Times to the Miami Herald with lots &
lots of newspapers & tv stations in between.

The Associated Press has picked it up and taken it from's
all over the U.S. now, thanks to them.

I was routinely doing searches on Bachynsky, but had grown weary, due
to the same stories over and over.....thank goodness Rita Stanley did
more searches, or at least the ones on June 23. Otherwise, I don't
think we'd have known of all the crap going on.

Thank you again, Rita.


Jun 24, 2004, 3:20:32 AM6/24/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...

Why don't you answer the question? Weren't you one of his henchmen?
Someone emailed me and said you were. They said you used the name
"Dick Ginsberg."

And that you acted as his "patient coordinator."

Whatever your real name is.

By the way, it is the Deer Tick that transmits Lyme Disease to human
beings NOT the Wood Tick.

So how bout it. How do you know so much about Bachynsky? Weren't you
one of his henchmen?

The people want to know.


Jun 24, 2004, 11:48:16 AM6/24/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...

Hey, it would be interesting to see those news stories, URLS, if you
actually found them and saved them.

You don't need to answer any questions about who you are, btw. Don't
take the bait.

Rita Stanley

Jun 24, 2004, 12:03:45 PM6/24/04

"oxygenbabe" <> wrote in message

> (WoodTick) wrote in message
> > I have done lots of searches this whole afternoon & evening and I have
> Hey, it would be interesting to see those news stories, URLS, if you
> actually found them and saved them.

Just google Bachynsky and SEC.



Jun 24, 2004, 1:06:23 PM6/24/04
The meaning behind my screen name has nothing to do with Lyme. It's a
mere coincidence.

I'm not and never have been one of Bachynsky's henchmen. I'm not
Richard Ginsberg who incidently WAS a henchman of Bachynsky's so
whoever emailed that information to you was wrong.

No, I am not and never have been a "patient coordinator" of
Bachynsky's either.
Even though the two that I know of have both been mentioned in
Bachynsky's court pleadings in his criminal matter.

I'm interested because I'm interested.....does it really matter to you
why? I don't think you'll find any inaccuracies in what I'm reporting
on Bachynsky.
I'll post again later after I find out the judge's ruling on whether
to allow Bachynsky out on bond.

I think people reading these postings are much more interested in
Bachynsky's shenanigans than in who WoodTick is and the meaning behind
the name.


Jun 24, 2004, 1:59:11 PM6/24/04
to (A_Weisman) wrote in message news:<>...

>The meaning behind my screen name has nothing to do with Lyme. It's a
>mere coincidence.

Pretty funny coincidence. Ha ha. :-(

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate? Or not?

>I'm not and never have been one of Bachynsky's henchmen. I'm not
>Richard Ginsberg who incidently WAS a henchman of Bachynsky's so
>whoever emailed that information to you was wrong.

If you WERE one of his henchmen, either in his recent criminal
endeavors or his past criminal endeavors, your self serving denial
would be meaningless, of course.

Just as his assertions that he had Swiss Medic Approval for the use of
DNP and that he was permitted to practice in Italy and other blatant
lies were meaningless.

I know that Dick Ginsberg if that was his real name didn't hesitate to
masquerade as someone else. I know that he called someone and told
them that he was the father of a sick Lyme patient who was a minor
child, and gave a cock and bull story and then FAXed that person
information. But the FAX header traced back to Helvetia

Many criminals aren't rocket scientists. Con men are bold but not
always that smart.

And you can't trust con men. Or their "explanations."

I'm not saying you are. I don't know. But I am pointing out that your
mere denial doesn't carry a lot of weight.

>No, I am not and never have been a "patient coordinator" of
>Bachynsky's either.
>Even though the two that I know of have both been mentioned in
>Bachynsky's court pleadings in his criminal matter.

See above.

>I'm interested because I'm interested.....does it really matter to
>why? I don't think you'll find any inaccuracies in what I'm reporting
>on Bachynsky.

Factually there haven't been any innacuracies that I know of. Your
interpretations of what is going on, on the other hand, are subject to

For example, your conclusion that the dismissal of charges in the
Texas case meant that the government was giving up were totally off.
Anyone who is familiar with the system knew that a new indictment
would be handed down.

Anyone familiar with the system would have been able to guess that
Bachynsky was a cooperating witness in that case which is why he
wasn't named in the first indictment other than as an unindicted co

What I wonder about is all the inside knowledge that you claim about
Bachynsky, his dealings in Texas, his personal relationships and
matters that only another insider could know about. Or someone
associated with law enforcement, and someone like that wouldn't post

And I don't know that all the information about his past dealings and
personal relationships was accurate or not. I know that the public
record information has been accurate, but of course, that comes from
public records and can be verified.

>I'll post again later after I find out the judge's ruling on whether
>to allow Bachynsky out on bond.

The Judge isn't going to let him out.

He's a health care terrorist and vulture. He is detainable on a number
of grounds under the Bail Reform Act.

The Judge will reiterate his earlier ruling.

I'd bet lunch on it.

>I think people reading these postings are much more interested in
>Bachynsky's shenanigans than in who WoodTick is and the meaning
>the name.

Apparently at least one person is interested in who Woodtick is and
unless you have taken a formal survey of all newsgroup participants I
don't know how you can claim to know what they are interested in.

Personally I have no problem with the information you're providing,
although the part of it that is public record is accessible to anyone
who is interested.

But I would hesitate to share in the congratulations to you about your
good work which at the same time condemns people who participated in
and/or facilitated the shameless cons of Bachynsky without knowing
that you're not involved.

So I beg to differ with Ann-OH to the extent that her post gave you
perhaps more credit than you deserve.

If I had to guess, I would guess that your intimate personal knowledge
of Bachynsky and his dealings comes from some inside role. Of course I
HATE to speculate about such things AND I would add that inside
knowledge could come from someone who was a coconspirator of his,
either in his most recent criminal enterprises or in his past criminal
enterprises, or it could come from someone who was innocently involved
with him somehow.

Either way, I applaud the information. But I too wonder about the
source and I for one think that is a very legitimate query.

But unlike you I don't claim to speak for other people here or pretend
to know their minds or interests. I think they can speak for
themselves. And it is possible that they're interested in the
information about Bachynsky AND wonder who the hell you are. The two
interests aren't mutually exclusive.


Jun 24, 2004, 7:59:34 PM6/24/04
I just know the man. I know he's a conman and a swindler and I'm
probably one of the government's biggest cheerleaders right now. His
bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,
$$MONEY$$ and how much of it be can obtain through whatever mean$ it
take$. He cares nothing at all who he leaves in his wake.

But this time he has left at least one family (although Italy says 4
people died while undergoing his treatment) grieving for the death of
a loved one. He has also left desperate people who spent their last
penny on his treatment. He has also left despondent people who
invested hard-earned money in his scam through chicanery, trickery and
out and out lies.

He is exactly where he deserves to be. He is exactly where I always
figured he'd be within 5 years of his prison release. He was released
in 1996 so I was off on the time-frame. A leopard doesn't change his
spots and Nicholas Bachynsky can't quit being a thief, a swindler and
a conman.

There are alot of things that are a matter of public record and easily
accessible to anyone. Other things may be harder to find, but still
public record nonetheless. I don't have to be an insider or
co-conspirator to know he has 4 children, that he has 7 grandchildren,
that he has a long-time girlfriend with whom he lives -- all that
information is in various court pleadings of his. Just because I post
it, doesn't mean I'm connected to him, worked for him or co-conspired
with him. It just means I know how to read.

I still don't think it matters who I am or what my connection is. If
you're interested in the information, read it; if not, scroll on to
the next thread.
I'm not interested in taking any formal polls to see who cares the
most about what.....I'm posting the information because he treated,
and caused the death of, several cancer and lyme patients. There have
been countless posts on this board regarding Bachynsky for years now.
The interest is there.

I'm not looking for your congratulations or any accolades at all.
Maybe I missed a post congratulating me for my good work while at the
same time condemning people who participated in whatever schemes he
seems to always have going on. I don't even know what you're talking

I didn't even uncover the SEC information - Rita did and I was glad to
have that information and thanked her for it.

For oxygenbabe - There is a website called that gives news
from all over the country. You can type in a city or zip code and
receive current news from that city, or you can type in a name in the
search section and any current news stories including that name will
come up. That's how I found the news stories spread all over the U.S.

I did print many of them, but did not save them so I don't have the
URLs. It was in the Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times, Longview (TX)
News-Journal and I have those in front of me right now.
Others that I saw yesterday were from tv stations in Jonesboro (AR),
Oklahoma City, Las Vegas, Mid-Michigan area, Rockford (IL) area,
Tallahassee, Racine (WI) area, Palm Beach, Tampa. Those are the ones I
can recall, but do not have them with me.

The newspapers mentioned Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, as well as all 4
defendants, but the tv stations only mentioned Helvetia. You can do
searches with any of the names.

And no, I'm not taking the bait on revealing who I am. What difference
would it make? Would it change the facts of Bachynsky's case? Not at
all. So either read and enjoy or don't. It's up to you.


Jun 24, 2004, 8:25:51 PM6/24/04
In article <mHhCc.79825$Hg2.62087@attbi_s04>, "Rita Stanley"
<> writes:


Thanks, Rita!

Everyone should read this SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) complaint.
See website above.

Bachynsky was using his son again - listing him as president of the company.
The story about the cancer victim who invested with these jackals and how they
treated her is worth several years in prison as far as I am concerned.

Ann - OH


Jun 24, 2004, 9:17:11 PM6/24/04
"Rita Stanley" <> wrote in message news:<BXCCc.101220$eu.43322@attbi_s02>...

Here is FULL TEXT of the SEC complaint:

Plaintiff, )
v. )
Defendants. )
Plaintiff, Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") alleges
1. The Commission brings this action to enjoin Defendants from further
violating of
the antifraud and registration provisions of the federal securities
laws in offering securities issued
by Defendant Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Helvetia" or "the
Company"). From
approximately January 2001 through August 2002, Helvetia, through
self-proclaimed president
Richard A. Anders, medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, senior vice
president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial officer Laurence Dean, raised more than $3.2
million from approximately 50
investors nationwide. Helvetia claimed to treat certain types of
cancer at European clinics using
a supposedly new, unique, and proprietary therapy. None of Helvetia's
securities were registered
with the Commission as required.
2. Helvetia's offering materials failed to disclose that its drug
therapy included the
use of Dinitrophenol ("DNP"), a banned, hazardous substance that could
cause medical
complications, and even death. Helvetia's offering materials also
failed to disclose that Anders
had been convicted of securities fraud. They also did not disclose
that Bachynsky, the purported
inventor of Helvetia's cancer therapy, had been convicted of
conspiracy to defraud the Internal
Revenue Service in connection with a deceptive healthcare scheme, that
caused the State of
Texas to strip him of his medical license.
3. The Commission also seeks permanent injunctions against all
defendants, an
officer and director bar against Anders, and a penny stock bar against
Anders, Bachynsky,
Scheinert and Dean. Unless permanently enjoined, Defendants are likely
to violate the federal
securities laws in the future.
4. Defendant Helvetia is a Delaware corporation with its headquarters
in Coral
Springs, Florida. The State of Florida administratively dissolved
Helvetia's Florida registration in
September 2003 after Helvetia failed to file an annual report.
5. Defendant Anders is 49 and resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
represented himself both as Helvetia's President and as Helvetia's
"President, Investor
Relations," and was an undisclosed principal of Helvetia. Anders
presently is under arrest and in
custody at the Federal Detention Center in Miami, Florida.
6. Defendant Bachynsky is 61, and his residence is unknown. Bachynsky
Helvetia's medical director and he purportedly invented Helvetia's
cancer treatment program.
He presently is under arrest and in custody at the Federal Detention
Center in Miami, Florida.
7. Defendant Scheinert is 39 years old and resides in Hollywood,
Florida. Scheinert
was Helvetia's senior vice president.
8. Defendant Dean is 58 years old and resides in Pompano Beach,
Florida. Dean was
Helvetia's chief financial officer. He presently is under arrest and
in custody at the Federal
Detention Center in Miami, Florida.
9. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to Sections
20(b), 20(d) and
22(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act"), 15 U.S.C. §§
77t(b), 77t(d) and 77v(a);
and Sections 21(d), 21(e), and 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 ("Exchange Act"), 15
U.S.C. §§ 78u(d), 78u(e) and 78aa.
10. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendants and venue
is proper in
the Southern District of Florida because many of the Defendants' acts
and transactions
constituting violations of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act
occurred in the Southern
District of Florida. In addition, the headquarters of Defendant
Helvetia were located in the
Southern District of Florida, and Defendants Anders, Scheinert and
Dean reside in the Southern
District of Florida.
11. Defendants, directly and indirectly, have made use of the means
instrumentalities of interstate commerce, the means and instruments of
transportation and
communication in interstate commerce, and the mails, in connection
with the acts, practices, and
courses of business set forth in this Complaint.
A. Overview of Helvetia's Unregistered Offering
12. From January 2001 to August 2002, Helvetia raised approximately
$3.2 million
from more than 50 investors nationwide through the sale of stock and
promissory notes.
Defendants engaged in a general offering of Helvetia securities with
little or no investigation of the
financial background of the prospective investors they solicited.
Defendants solicited people they
met through acquaintances, simply in passing, or in at least one case,
as a patient at a cancer clinic.
Defendant Scheinert additionally received commissions for the
investors he recruited.
13. Helvetia purported to treat cancer patients at European clinics
using an
"intracellular hyperthermia therapy methodology" ("IHT") developed and
administered by an
undisclosed medical expert, who in reality was Bachynsky. Helvetia's
offering materials made
baseless forecasts that it would be profitable in 2002 with revenues
of $19 million that would rise
to $100 million by 2005. During this same time period, Helvetia,
through the Defendants and
other agents, told investors that the company was preparing to go
public, either through an initial
public offering or by merging with a publicly traded shell entity, and
that this would generate
large profits for investors.
14. According to Helvetia's offering materials, which were dated
either January 2001
or May 2001, the IHT treatment applies heat, "from the ‘inside to the
outside,'" at a sub-cellular
level to destroy cancerous cells without the health risks and
technical problems of other
treatments. Helvetia's offering materials stated it would use United
States Food and Drug
Administration protocols in administering, documenting, and analyzing
this supposedly "unique
and new" treatment, but noted that it would not seek FDA approval for
clinical trials or be
subject to that agency's rules and regulations because of the
associated costs and length of time.
15. Defendants, either themselves or through other Helvetia agents
they directed,
supplied prospective investors with Helvetia's offering materials
without disclosing that these
materials were riddled with misrepresentations and material omissions
about the identity and
background of the Defendants and Helvetia's potential or actual
corporate officers, Helvetia's
financial health and prospects, the legality and safety of the
substances and techniques Helvetia
would use in its IHT treatment, how Defendants would use investor
funds, the nature of the
Helvetia securities investors purchased, and the likelihood of
Helvetia becoming a publiclytraded
16. Helvetia's offering materials indicated the investment was limited
to accredited
investors, but Defendants nevertheless permitted non-accredited
investors to invest. Investors
executed subscription agreements that usually indicated, among other
things, the number of
Helvetia common shares purchased for $1.00 per share. Upon receipt,
Defendant Dean signed
the subscription agreements on behalf of Helvetia and also signed the
stock certificates sent to
17. During the January 2001 to August 2002 Helvetia offering,
Defendants furnished
prospective investors with Helvetia's fraudulent offering materials
and made numerous
misrepresentations and material omissions. These misrepresentations
and omissions addressed
the same subjects as Helvetia's offering materials. In addition, they
misrepresented Helvetia's
share price or investors' return on their investment when Helvetia
went public, how Helvetia
would go public, the ability of Helvetia investors to get their money
back or sell their stock
whenever they wanted, and how Helvetia's treatment and clinics
18. Defendants never filed a registration statement with the
Commission, nor was
there ever one in effect in connection with the securities offered and
sold by Helvetia.
B. Material Misrepresentations and Omissions
in Connection with Helvetia's Stock Offering
19. Defendants, through mailings, telephone calls and personal
provided fraudulent Helvetia offering materials or made other material
misrepresentations and
omissions to one or more prospective investors to convince them to
purchase Helvetia securities.
Dean was deeply involved in the daily operations and control of
Helvetia's funds. He also sent
at least one investor a letter enclosing Helvetia's business plan and
subscription agreement and
misrepresenting the Company's actions and plans for going public, in
order to entice that
investor to execute a new subscription agreement and complete his
purchase of Helvetia
20. Dean incorporated Helvetia in Delaware in February 2001, signed
foreign corporation application to transact business in Florida in
February 2001, and was aware
of the offering materials and investor solicitations. He also sent at
least one investor "revised"
offering materials and a renewed subscription agreement and helped
verbally recruit an investor
by telling him simply that Helvetia had cancer clinics and a cure for
cancer. He signed all
investor subscription agreements, stock certificates and promissory
notes on Helvetia's behalf.
Additionally, he signed all company checks, including numerous checks,
payable to companies
Dean owned or was associated with as an officer or director, while
never disclosing this to
prospective investors. At least once to get an investor to re-execute
his subscription agreement
and follow through the actual investment, Dean sent a subscription
agreement and business plan,
along with a letter misrepresenting Helvetia's plans and steps taken
to go public.
(i) Failure to Disclose Anders and Bachynsky's Backgrounds
21. Helvetia's offering materials did not refer to either Anders or
Bachynsky by
name. The Defendants failed to disclose that the person listed as
Helvetia's president was
Bachynsky's son, Ashton Bachynsky.
22. At the time Helvetia was distributing its offering materials to
investors, Anders was often presenting himself to potential investors
as Helvetia's president or as
Helvetia's "President, Investor Relations." The offering materials
stated the president of Helvetia
was directly responsible for numerous functions, including marketing,
finance, and accounting,
yet these same offering materials, as well as the Defendants, failed
to disclose to prospective
investors that in 1994 a federal court had convicted Anders of
conspiracy to commit securities
fraud, securities fraud, wire fraud, and interstate transportation of
monies taken by fraud.
Helvetia's offering materials and the Defendants additionally failed
to disclose that the federal
court sentenced Anders to fifty-one months in prison for these crimes.
The offering materials
and the Defendants also failed to disclose that the Commission
previously had barred Anders
from association with any broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer,
investment adviser, or
investment company, from participating in any offering of penny stock,
and from violating
Section 17(a) of the Securities Act and Section 10(b) of the Exchange
Act and Rule 10b-5
23. During the Helvetia offering Bachynsky often presented himself to
investors as the company's medical director and the inventor of the
IHT treatment. Neither
Helvetia's offering materials, nor the Defendants disclosed to
potential investors that in 1989, a
federal court sentenced Bachynsky to ten years in prison for
violations of racketeering laws and
conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service relating to a
massive healthcare insurance
fraud that he perpetrated. The Defendants and Helvetia's offering
materials also failed to
disclose to potential investors that Texas had revoked Bachynsky's
medical license in 1990.
(ii) Failure To Disclose the Health Risks of Helvetia's Treatment
24. Helvetia's offering materials boasted about its supposedly unique,
cancer treatment, and referred to clinical and university studies that
did not pertain to Helvetia's
actual treatment technique. These offering materials failed to
disclose that Helvetia's drug
therapy included the use of DNP, a banned, hazardous substance
commonly found in weed
killers. Helvetia's offering materials did not discuss the risks
associated with DNP or the United
States Government's prohibition of its use in treatment because of
those risks, despite reports of
patient medical complications and death. According to the United
States Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry, DNP was sold in the 1930's in diet
pills but banned in 1938
because of severe health effects, including death. Neither Helvetia's
offering materials nor the
Defendants themselves disclosed this to prospective investors.
(iii) Failure to Disclose that Helvetia Was Sued for Securities Fraud
25. Neither the Defendants nor Helvetia's offering materials disclosed
to prospective
investors that in 2002 four Helvetia shareholders sued Anders,
Scheinert and Helvetia, for
misrepresentations related to Helvetia's securities offering. In an
emergency action filed in 2002,
these Helvetia investors obtained a court order freezing Helvetia's
bank account. Helvetia
settled shortly thereafter in late June 2002, agreeing to pay
Plaintiffs approximately $400,000, or
about 12% of all the monies Defendants raised from investors.
Defendants never disclosed the
suit or the related settlement to prospective investors.
26. This settlement represented one of the most significant expenses
incurred; however the detailed pro forma expense section attached to
the company's offering
materials failed to mention it.
(iv) Exaggerated Claims of Projected Revenues and Anticipated Returns
27. The business plan Defendants distributed to prospective investors
in connection
with Helvetia's offering projected Helvetia would become profitable in
2002, when it also would
treat 240 patients and generate patient revenues of $19 million.
Helvetia's offering materials
also projected that in 2005 the company would treat 1,000 patients
resulting in revenues of $100
28. Helvetia had no basis for its projected patient numbers or its
anticipated revenues,
as Dean in particular knew, since he was the Company's Chief Financial
Officer. According to
Helvetia's financial statements, as of June 2002, the company had
realized only approximately
$17,000 in total patient revenue. Defendants therefore knew or
recklessly disregarded the fact
that Helvetia could not meet or even remotely approach the projections
outlined in its offering
materials. Defendants failed to disclose these facts to prospective
(v) False Claims of Imminent Profits from a Helvetia IPO
29. During Helvetia's January 2001 to August 2002 offering, Anders,
Bachynsky and
Scheinert falsely told prospective investors that Helvetia's stock
would shortly be publicly traded
at a significant profit. Beginning in at least February 2002, Anders,
Bachynsky and Scheinert
told investors that Helvetia's common stock soon would be publicly
traded. After a concerned
investor who had cancer contacted Dean because her reimbursement check
for calls she made to
cancer patients discussing her Helvetia treatment experience bounced,
Dean told her the
Company had "millions of dollars" in its bank account.
30. In one instance, Anders explained to investors that Helvetia was
planning a
reverse merger with a publicly traded shell entity, and that after the
merger Helvetia's
shareholders would have freely-tradable, non-restricted shares in the
successor entity. Anders
later told investors that a merger was imminent, but that an SEC
inquiry was the only thing
keeping Helvetia from going public. He told investors that he expected
the shares to trade
between $5-$6 per share initially and rise to approximately $30 per
share within one to two
31. In another instance, Anders persuaded a seriously ill cancer
victim to use $50,000
she had saved for treatment to purchase Helvetia stock as way to earn
more money for treatment.
Anders later told this same cancer victim to use her last healthcare
savings to increase her
investment in Helvetia since there was a group of sophisticated
European dealers prepared to
take Helvetia public, ultimately generating more money for her cancer
treatments once the stock
began trading publicly at higher prices. Anders promised that the IPO
would occur within
weeks, he would get her unrestricted shares, and if the IPO failed to
occur he would return her
money because there were many people waiting to participate in the
Helvetia IPO. Months later,
after the cancer victim made at least two investments in Helvetia
stock based on Anders
misrepresentations and it was clear that Helvetia was a scam, the
investor confronted Anders and
asked for her money back to continue her medical treatment. Anders
responded with an
32. Bachynsky told at least one investor that each $10,000 investment
would grow to
$60,000 once the stock began to trade. Bachynsky also guaranteed at
least one investor that
Helvetia stock would be listed and trading within six months.
33. Scheinert also used the purported "imminent public offering" to
induce investors
to purchase Helvetia stock. Scheinert told at least one investor that
Helvetia would go public
very shortly, and at that time the price of Helvetia shares would at
least double. Based on these
and Scheinert's other misrepresentations, the investor agreed to
purchase Helvetia stock.
34. Dean falsely told another investor that Helvetia had millions of
dollars in its
accounts. In April 2002, Helvetia sent at least one shareholder a
letter signed by Dean stating
that Helvetia was "taking steps towards seeking a listing on the
public markets," and had
undergone "an extensive legal and financial audit." The letter
enclosed a revised subscription
agreement containing a business plan and directing the investor to
re-execute the agreement.
35. Anders, Bachynsky and Scheinert misled several investors into
thinking they
would be able to sell Helvetia shares for a very large profit,
sometimes up to 400%-500%, once
the stock began publicly trading. These representations were lies.
Helvetia could not provide
investors with non-restricted stock, and there was never any
reasonable basis to claim that
Helvetia's share price would increase greatly through any public
offering. Helvetia never had
audited financial statements and never made any of the necessary
filings with the Commission to
go public.
(vi) Failure to Disclose True Use of Investor Proceeds
36. Helvetia's offering materials stated that the funds received from
investors would
be used to operate and expand the business worldwide. But the
Defendants used the majority of
investors' funds to pay offering expenses, effect exorbitant loans to
Helvetia insiders, and pay
purported consulting and marketing fees to Helvetia insiders and their
family members.
37. For example, Helvetia loaned $200,000 to Bachynsky and $250,000 to
two of
Dean's companies. Helvetia's financial records show all those loans
remain outstanding.
Additionally, Dean paid $130,000 of Helvetia investors' money to
another one of his companies,
Intra-Cellular Hyperthermia, Inc. ("ICH"). ICH did not provide any
products or services to
Helvetia. Significantly, Dean effected the Helvetia payment to ICH
during the last month
Helvetia received funds from investors. The Defendants never disclosed
any of these payments
to prospective investors, and Helvetia received little or no actual
services in return for these
Sale of Unregistered Securities in Violation
of Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act
(Against Helvetia, Anders, Bachynsky and Scheinert)
38. The Commission repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 37 of
this Complaint
as if fully set forth herein.
39. No registration statement was filed or in effect with the
Commission pursuant to
the Securities Act and no exemption from registration exists with
respect to the securities and
transactions described in this Complaint.
40. From at least January 2001 through August 2002, Defendants
directly and
indirectly, have: (a) made use of the means or instruments of
transportation or communication in
interstate commerce or of the mails to sell securities as described
herein, through the use or
medium of a prospectus or otherwise; (b) carried securities or causing
such securities, as
described in this Complaint, to be carried through the mails or in
interstate commerce, by any
means or instruments of transportation, for the purpose of sale or
delivery after sale; and/or (c)
made use of the means or instruments of transportation or
communication in interstate commerce
or of the mails to offer to sell or offer to buy through the use or
medium of any prospectus or
otherwise, as described in this Complaint, without a registration
statement having been filed or
being in effect with the Commission as to such securities.
41. By reason of the foregoing, Defendants, directly and indirectly,
have violated, and
unless enjoined, will continue to violate Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of
the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C.
§§ 77e(a) and 77e(c).
Fraud in Violation of Section 17(a)(1) of the Securities Act
(Against All Defendants)
42. The Commission repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 37 of
this Complaint
as if fully set forth herein.
43. From at least January 2001 through August 2002, the Defendants,
directly and
indirectly, by use of the means or instruments of transportation or
communication in interstate
commerce and by use of the mails, in the offer or sale of securities,
as described in this
Complaint, have knowingly, willfully or recklessly employed devices,
schemes or artifices to
44. By reason of the foregoing, the Defendants, directly and
indirectly, have violated
and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Section 17(a)(1) of the
Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. §
Fraud in Violation of Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities
(Against All Defendants)
45. The Commission repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 37 of
this Complaint
as if fully set forth herein.
46. From at least January 2001 through August 2002, the Defendants,
directly and
indirectly, by use of the means or instruments of transportation or
communication in interstate
commerce and by the use of the mails, in the offer or sale of
securities, as described in this
Complaint, have: (a) obtained money or property by means of untrue
statements of material facts
and omissions to state material facts necessary to make the statements
made, in the light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; and/or (b)
engaged in transactions,
practices and courses of business which are now operating and will
operate as a fraud or deceit
upon purchasers and prospective purchasers of such securities.
47. By reason of the foregoing, the Defendants, directly and
indirectly, have violated
and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Sections 17(a)(2) and
17(a)(3) of the Securities Act,
15 U.S.C. §§ 77q(a)(2) and 77q(a)(3).
Fraud in Violation of Section 10(b) of the
Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 Promulgated Thereunder
(Against All Defendants)
48. The Commission repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 37 of
this Complaint
as if fully set forth herein.
49. From at least January 2001 through August 2002, the Defendants,
directly and
indirectly, by use of the means and instrumentality of interstate
commerce, and of the mails in
connection with the purchase or sale of the securities, as described
in this Complaint, have
knowingly, willfully or recklessly: (a) employed devices, schemes or
artifices to defraud; (b)
made untrue statements of material facts and omitted to state material
facts necessary in order to
make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not
misleading; and/or (c) engaged in acts, practices and courses of
business which have operated as
a fraud upon the purchasers of such securities.
50. By reason of the foregoing, the Defendants, directly or
indirectly, have violated
and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Section 10(b) of the
Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §
78j(b), and Rule 10b-5, 17 C.F.R. § 240. 10b-5, thereunder.
Operating as Unregistered Broker-Dealer in Violation of
Section 15(a)(1) of the Exchange Act
(Solely as to Scheinert)
51. The Commission repeats and realleges Paragraphs 1 through 37 of
this Complaint
as if fully set forth herein.
52. Since a date unknown but from at least January 2001 Defendant
directly and indirectly, by use of the means and instrumentality of
interstate commerce, while
acting as a broker or dealer engaged in the business of effecting
transactions in securities for the
accounts of others, effected transactions in securities, or induced or
attempted to induce the
purchase and sale of securities, without registering as a
broker-dealer in accordance with Section
15(b) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78o(b).
53. By reason of the foregoing, Scheinert directly and indirectly, has
violated and, unless
enjoined, will continue to violate Section 15(a)(1) of the Exchange
Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78o(a)(1).
WHEREFORE, the Commission respectfully requests that the Court:
I. Declaratory Relief
Declare, determine and find that Defendants Helvetia, Anders,
Bachynsky, Scheinert and
Dean committed the violations of the federal securities laws alleged
in this Complaint.
II. Permanent Injunctive Relief
Issue a permanent injunction, restraining and enjoining:
(a) Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees,
attorneys, and all persons
in active concert or participation with them, and each of them, from
violating: (i) Sections
17(a)(1), 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. §§
77q(a)(1), 77q(a)(2) and
77q(a)(3); and (ii) Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §
78j(b), and Rule 10b-5, 17
C.F.R. § 240.10b-5, thereunder; and (iii) Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of
the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C.
§§ 77e(a) and 77e(c); and
(b) Defendant Scheinert, his officers, agents, servants, employees,
attorneys, and all
persons in active concert or participation with him, and each of them,
from violating Section
15(a)(1) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78o(a)(1).
III. Disgorgement
Issue an Order requiring Defendants Helvetia, Anders, Bachynsky,
Scheinert and Dean to
disgorge all ill-gotten profits or proceeds that they have received as
a result of the acts and/or
courses of conduct complained of herein, with prejudgment interest.
IV. Penalties
Issue an Order directing Defendants Helvetia, Anders, Bachynsky,
Scheinert and Dean to
pay civil money penalties pursuant to Section 20(d) of the Securities
Act, 15 U.S.C. § 77t(d), and
Section 21(d) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)(3).
V. Officer and Director Bar
Issue an Order pursuant to Section 20(e) of the Securities Act, 15
U.S.C. § 77t(e), and
Section 21(d)(2) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)(2), barring
Anders from serving as an
officer and director of any issuer required to file reports with the
Commission pursuant to
Sections 12(b), 12(d) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §§
781(b) and (g), and § 78o(d).
VI. Penny Stock Bar
Issue an Order pursuant to the Court's equitable jurisdiction and
Section 603 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 permanently enjoining Defendants Anders,
Bachynsky, Scheinert
and Dean from directly or indirectly participating in an offering of
penny stock, as defined by
Rule 3a51-1 under the Exchange Act, 17 C.F.R. § 240.3a51-1.
VII. Further Relief
Grant such other and further relief as may be necessary and
VIII. Retention of Jurisdiction
Further, the Commission respectfully requests that the Court retain
jurisdiction over this
action in order to implement and carry out the terms of all orders and
decrees that may hereby be
entered, or to entertain any suitable application or motion by the
Commission for additional
relief within the jurisdiction of this Court.
Respectfully submitted,
June ____, 2004 By:
Scott A. Masel
Senior Trial Counsel
Florida Bar No. 0007110
Direct Dial: (305) 982-6398
Elisha L. Anagnostis
Staff Attorney
Florida Bar No. 0049689
Direct Dial: (305) 982-6392
Attorneys for Plaintiff
801 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1800
Miami, Florida 33131
Facsimile: (305) 536-4154


Jun 24, 2004, 9:34:28 PM6/24/04
to (Tbdbullseye) wrote in message news: <>


>Thanks, Rita!

>Ann - OH

Ann I didn't see ANYTHING about him using his son, though he did it in
the past.

And I'd say that saying he deserves a "Few years in prison" would be
an understatement of epic proportions.

The President of Helvetia was a lawyer from Virginia last name Martin.
I don't know why he hasn't been indicted, the SEC complaint names the
vice president and CFO but not him.

I oppose the death penalty but there ought to be an exception for
Bachynsky who should be left to die just like the young doctor at
bachynksy's "clinic" in Italy.

The Itallian warrant for his arrest for murder details that Bachynsky
decided NOT to call an ambulance because he knew that if the young
doctor was taken to the hospital, Bachynsky would be discovered.

Those who supported him and helped him recruit patients to the clinic
in Italy should be punished too. And if not by the "justice" system,
they ought to roast in hell. Gee how appropriate--the heat therapy

That includes Jill Ellen Neimark who actually acted like a publicist
for him, Roseanne "rushkiller" Barrett who actively recruited patients
for him, L James Johnson (I prefer to call him L James Dipshit or L
James Jerkoff) who was another marketer/p.r person who went into
business with Bachynsky and who created a website filled with
misinformation and pollyanish bullshit about ICHT (later called UHT)
"therapy", Semper Fi from LymeNUT, and many other Lymenutters. And the
proprietors of the LymeNUT board who permitted ICHT solicitions in
violation of their TOS and actively DELETED nearly all attempts by
numerous people to provide accurate information about Bachynksy, his
background, his lies, his unethical, immoral, illegal behavior, his
previous convictions and criminal background, and counter the
aggressive propoganda posted by Bachynsky and his minions.

The worst thing is that while many victims of Bachynksy were innocent
dupes, all of the above knew better, were provided with all the
information and chose deliberately to ignore it and still encouraged
others to go over.

People like Rita and Ann-Oh tried valiantly to disseminate the real
lowdown on these real lowlifes despite the vicious attacks by
psychokiller roseanne barret and a nasty contingent of loonies on
LymeNUT and despite the vigorous censorship of the LymeNUT

That site oughta be shut down.

Later Jill and others tried to blame the young doctor and his family
for his death! These "people" or rather pathetic excuses for humanity,
deserve our contempt and condemnation.

As Lawyer Joseph Welch said to "commie hunter" Joseph McCarthy:

'At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?
Have you no shame?''


Jun 24, 2004, 10:37:21 PM6/24/04
>bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,

hmmmm and when I and a few others tried to tell this to the people on "lyme
net" we were ostersized for it.. Amazing how shit always floats to the top....


Jun 25, 2004, 8:17:21 AM6/25/04

"PrincessKiara70" <> wrote in message

You would float two inches above the water.


Jun 25, 2004, 8:20:43 AM6/25/04
Do you invest,in LLMD's that far overtreat,with expensive antibiotics?
What is the difference?

"Tbdbullseye" <> wrote in message

jill ellen

Jun 25, 2004, 8:45:41 AM6/25/04
A few people got significantly better or well, don't forget. Semper
Fi said he was nonfunctional and after 2 weeks of ICHT was 80% better
and stayed better; Rosanne got completely well, Kathy Boss credited it
with saving her life the first time around etc etc. All that was
posted on lymenet as well.

The story is a complex one but the idea of using heat in either
heat-sensitive bhacterial infections or in malignant tumors which have
a higher metabolic rate, is a good one and people have been trying
various versions of it for a long time, as we know from the malaria
fiasco. But that doesn't mean people should abandon the basic
biological approach, or that ICHT didn't have merit, as well as risk.

THe news on the SEC interests some of us, but really has no impact on
the lyme community as the treatment has not been available for nearly
a year anyway. (PrincessKiara70) wrote in message news:<>...


Jun 25, 2004, 9:52:20 AM6/25/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...

> I just know the man. I know he's a conman and a swindler and I'm
> probably one of the government's biggest cheerleaders right now. His
> bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,
> $$MONEY$$ and how much of it be can obtain through whatever mean$ it
> take$. He cares nothing at all who he leaves in his wake.

That much is clear from his actions.

> But this time he has left at least one family (although Italy says 4
> people died while undergoing his treatment) grieving for the death of
> a loved one. He has also left desperate people who spent their last
> penny on his treatment. He has also left despondent people who
> invested hard-earned money in his scam through chicanery, trickery and
> out and out lies.

It was more than one death. The others may be more difficult to prove
since he buried his mistakes. Literally. The young doctors family
apparently got there in time to claim his body and have an autopsy

> He is exactly where he deserves to be. He is exactly where I always
> figured he'd be within 5 years of his prison release. He was released
> in 1996 so I was off on the time-frame. A leopard doesn't change his
> spots and Nicholas Bachynsky can't quit being a thief, a swindler and
> a conman.


> There are alot of things that are a matter of public record and easily
> accessible to anyone. Other things may be harder to find, but still
> public record nonetheless. I don't have to be an insider or
> co-conspirator to know he has 4 children, that he has 7 grandchildren,
> that he has a long-time girlfriend with whom he lives -- all that
> information is in various court pleadings of his. Just because I post
> it, doesn't mean I'm connected to him, worked for him or co-conspired
> with him. It just means I know how to read.

Of course that doesn't constitute a denial that you are an insider or
co conspirator. I guess you did deny it in an earlier post though.

Which brings us to the question:


For example, and all of this is taken from posts that YOU made:

1. How did you know that HOPE4U was Bachnysky's Girlfriend?

2. How did you know that his patient load was dropping off in Italy?

3. How would you know about his interest in a German nurse?

4. How would you know that the Feds knew
his roommate in Italy, relatives, girlfriend, etc., and they have
spoken to all.

5. How did you know Roy is Bachynsky's long-time girlfriend who had

been with him through all of his criminal activities and
incarcerations. She's even been
indicted along with him, although not in this particular case.

6. How did you know that Vicini is another of his criminal buddies who

has been attending all of his court appearances. He is offering to
help with bond, but I
don't think either the government or Bachynsky's attorney knows of his
criminal past.

7. How did you know that Doc B had recently contacted an old prison
buddy of his to formulate and write a new business plan for him. This
means: (1) he is not in
jail in Italy; (2) he has something new in the works; and (3) he is
moving past the July death of the young doctor in Italy and is on to
the next project.

8. How did you know that Bachynsky posted as WERNB. and his patsy
posted as
Hope4U a couple of years ago, to initially stir up the interest in
ICHT in Switzerland. She pretended to be a patient who had actually
undergone the therapy herself.

9. How did you know that all the posters have been physically
treated by Bachynsky and not this other doctor. I doubt they have ever
seen the other guy. Bachynsky is totally hands-on, believe me.

He boasts of the magisterial prescription authority as if it was his
permission slip from the Italian government, when in actuality, it has
zero to do with a non-licensed doc treating patients.

NOTE: It was actually JILL ELLEN who came up with the outrageously
wrong notion that he had magisterial authority to use DNP, typically
misconstruing a simple concept. Magisterial authority is NOT
equivalent to the authority of physicians in the US to prescribe FDA
approved drugs for off label purposes. One, DNP is ILLEGAL everywhere
in the world. Two, magisterial authority bears no similarity to the
off label drug prescription authority. Three, Bachynksy claimed he had
this authority from SwissMedic but he didn't. Four, most important
maybe, Bachnysky just made the whole thing up!!!

Thanks Jill!

Google Search: girlfriend

From: WoodTick (
Subject: Re: Italy ICHT player update
View: Complete Thread (20 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2003-03-02 18:21:37 PST

You're right Jill, I had forgotten that nearly ALL were indicted. I
believe there were about 19 of them if my memory serves me correctly.

Surely you do not think I am the only person with access to the
judge's "penchant for fraud is a prize-winning understatement" remark.
That was classic though.

Since you mentioned you read the lymenet board, you should be
interested to know that the original poster of the new ICHT therapy
(in Swiztzerland at that time), Hope4U, is Bachynsky's girlfriend. It
was shameless & disgraceful solicitation for an experimental
money-making scheme that served them well. That's why she stopped
posting - she had completed her mission. Do you really think a mere
patient would have had that kind of information? Or would be working
with him to create his new website?

As I stated, or at least intended to, I'm not for or against the
treatment. What I'm against is a convicted criminal with his
background slithering around lying in wait for unsuspecting lyme
sufferers and then sucking $20k out of them. It's unbelievably
outrageous, yet few question it.

Google Search: girlfriend

Search Result 3
From: WoodTick (
Subject: Bachynsky is corrupt so report HIM to the DOJ
View: Complete Thread (32 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2003-05-07 06:49:06 PST

Type in his name to any search engine....nothing but a con man
fleecing people out of $$$$$. The only thing longer than his criminal
history is his ability to continually invent new money-making,
get-rich-quick schemes.

His patient load in Italy is dropping off so it's time for him to
devise Plan B, or in his case it would be more like Plan Q, R or S
because he's already had so many other schemes before he hit the this
jackpot of treating lyme with DNP.

He can always fall back on his rich, entrepreneurial background of
soliticing investors for his quackery, then absconding with the money.

Quite frankly he's more interested in the nurse he met in Germany
that he can carouse with over there while his long-time girlfriend who
has stood by him throughout his various criminal activities sits at
home manning the fort hoping something legit will pan out.

Google Search: girlfriend

From: WoodTick (
Subject: Re: Something to learn from ICHT
View: Complete Thread (54 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2004-05-14 20:55:54 PST

Believe me, Frank -- Bachynsky definitely did use DNP in his ICHT
therapy. As I've said on more than one occasion, DNP has been
Bachynsky's baby since the 80s. He has pampered and nurtured it and
would never, ever betray it by using anything but DNP in his treatment
of cancer/lyme.

It's stated clearly in the Helvetia Pharmaceuticals info sent to
potential investors. It's also echoed by the patients that returned
from Italy talking of the DNP injected into their veins. Bachynsky
would never not use DNP. It's his whole life. People knew up front
that's what they would be getting.

I'm actually a little surprised that he was that up front with people,
but evidently he was. I don't think I ever saw anyone post that they
were unsure of what they were injected with -- they all seemed to know
it was DNP.

But I'm only here to ensure everyone realizes it's Bachynsky himself
who is the fraud; not necessarily the therapy, but THE MAN. I am not
prepared to, nor am I even attempting to, argue the therapy.

Roseanne may be feeling really great, physically, post ICHT, but I can
only assume the Feds have knocked on her door (or will) -- knowing she
spoke with and scheduled the doc who died. They know. They also know
his roommate in Italy, relatives, girlfriend, etc., and they have
spoken to all.

And in fairness to all of you reading this, I concede that Bachynsky
was not indicted for his role in ICHT, (although that could come
later)and I'm not here claiming he was. He was indicted for the fraud
he perpetuated through this bogus pharmaceutical company claiming to
go public and fleecing investors out of millions which ultimately went
to personal use. It's really that simple.

It's called fraud via wires, mail and securities. I did not make any
of this up. It's in the record.

Google Search: girlfriend
From: WoodTick (
Subject: Re: Bachynsky's birthday!!
View: Complete Thread (14 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2004-06-20 20:13:11 PST

Google Search:
From: WoodTick (
Subject: Doc B is NOT in jail
View: Complete Thread (31 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2003-10-04 19:55:34 PST

Doc B has recently contacted an old prison buddy of his to formulate
and write a new business plan for him. This means: (1) he is not in
jail in Italy; (2) he has something new in the works; and (3) he is
moving past the July death of the young doctor in Italy and is on to
the next project.

Google Search:

From: WoodTick (
Subject: Re: uht-bachynsky
View: Complete Thread (48 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2003-11-24 21:53:52 PST

> He does not want to get a bad name.

Really? Bachynsky? He already HAS a bad name...and the truth is...HE
knows it! Why do you think he doesn't come on these boards and speak
up for himself?? He KNOWS!

He used to. Do a search. He posted as WERNB. His patsy posted as
Hope4U a couple of years ago, to initially stir up the interest in
ICHT in Switzerland. She pretended to be a patient who had actually
undergone the therapy herself. She had alot of stuff on LYMEnet that
has since been deleted. I do think I have it somewhere. I will post it
at a later time when I find it.

He also posted to let people know he had heard of a new, innovative
therapy in Switzerland:

#1 <<("WERNB" <> wrote in message
> A new therapy is now avaialbale for chronic or persistent Lyme disease in
> Switzerland. It is a form of in vivo pasteurization, working by heating the
> spirochetes up with a new drug given IV to the point they can`t survive.
> Results have been 99% with negative follow-up PCR DNAs.
> Contact info is Richard Diagostino at 01141795417285)>>

#2 <<Author Topic: Aeskulap Klinik
Flash Member
Posts: 19
From: Coral Springs
Registered: Sep 2001
posted 10 October 2001 11:35
Just wanted to let you know yes, this is the clinic, much info on
cancer not so
much on lyme. Me and Doc Bachynsky are working on new lyme page for
site to
inform you of more I got lots of answers to all your questions that
will be
posed. Also will have direct doctor lines so you don't get vague
answers. I got
2 more #'s to Switzerland for yous people just waiting to answer yoiur
calls so
that is whats underway.
Rachele >>


#3 <<Henriette, the person who did it last year, is doing real well
too as
is hope4u, fully cured.>>


#4 <<From: Rosanne Barrett (
Subject: Re: CFIDS Chronicle focuses on Lyme and TBDs
View: Complete Thread (77 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2002-06-07 16:37:01 PST >>

Jill, hope4u posted on Septeber 27 2001. I spoke to her on April
lst., 2002 and she is doing great.

Google Search:

From: WoodTick (
Subject: Re: Bachynsky is corrupt so report HIM to the DOJ
View: Complete Thread (32 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2003-05-20 14:55:16 PST

Rita, I forgot to answer your question concerning how he can do all
this without a medical license. He pays a real medical doctor a fee to
be the treating physician of record, while he has the title of

The problem with this is that all the posters have been physically
treated by Bachynsky and not this other doctor. I doubt they have ever
seen the other guy. Bachynsky is totally hands-on, believe me.

He boasts of the magisterial prescription authority as if it was his
permission slip from the Italian government, when in actuality, it has
zero to do with a non-licensed doc treating patients. My understanding
of it, and please someone correct me if I'm wrong, is that it
authorizes use of medications, etc. that are intended for one purpose
to be used for another.

> I still don't think it matters who I am or what my connection is.

Well OBVIOUSLY you had inside knowledge of his operations and of his
life. You OBVIOUSLY were an insider woodtick. There is just no other
way that you could have known any of the things above.

And I note your attempts to mislead and divert people's attention from
that FACT with the glib response that what you post about was a matter
of public record and that you can read. That is EXACTLY how Bachynsky
would have answered the question posed or any other con man.

And your knowledge of him obviously goes back to his original criminal
enterprise in the 1980s.

Of course, you are right in part that it doesn't affect the accuracy
of the information you have provided especially the public records

In fact, to the extent that you were obviously a Bachynsky insider and
co hort and most like a fellow co conspirator, it means that your
information may be VERY accurate.

Of course it also means that you have an agenda, and some bias. And
those things are always relevant in considering the credibility of a
witness. I accept the public records information since I can verify
it. I even accept the inside information seems it seems to track.

But I have to say that you are probably of the same ilk as Bachynsky
or at least that is a pretty fair inference here Woodtick.

So what happened? Did he cut you out of your percentage?

Did you go to work recruiting for the "other ICHT clinic" run by

I myself always wondered about the public split between the two and
the immediate attempts to compete for desperate and gullible patients,
whether that was real or whether the two were still splitting the $$$
behind the scenes.

It was one of the many brazen things that occurred. L James Dipshit
described it as a "corporate breakup" What a moron he is. Suddenly
each was criticizing the other.

By the way, wondering why they haven't gotten Shantha YET? He was at
one time "medical director" of the Itallian clinic. He was using DNP
along with other questionable therapies at his clinic, in Georgia and
in Mexico.

So perhaps there are more shoes to drop?

Maybe the lawyer last name Martin who was President of Helvetia and
who engineered the reverse mergers using the shell companies of Delta
etc and was previously invovled with Anders is another shoe to drop?

My guess is that he's a cooperating witness.

Maybe Shantha is too?

I know both of them, along with Dick Ginsberg and others couldn't have
escaped the attention of authorities.

So, Woodtick, are you a cooperating witness? That wouldn't surpise me.

And you know what that would prove? Along with your having been a
Bachynsky insider and having turned on him and deciding to try to
expose him? It doesn't prove to me that you're a good guy intent on
informing the public. It suggests to me that you're operating for your
own reasons whatever they are.

And it proves that there is no honor amongst thieves.

And while it doesn't affect the verifiable public records information
it does mean something.

> you're interested in the information, read it; if not, scroll on to
> the next thread.

I'm interested. I am also interested in who you are.

And I don't accept your blithe denials that you're not DICK Ginsberg
or some other Bachynsky insider, co conspirator, henchman. Or woman.

> I'm not interested in taking any formal polls to see who cares the
> most about what.....

I was responding to your statement about what other people here are
interested in and demonstrating the baseless nature of that statement.

>I'm posting the information because he treated,
> and caused the death of, several cancer and lyme patients. There have
> been countless posts on this board regarding Bachynsky for years now.
> The interest is there.

Many of the posts were yours. In fact ALL Of your posts on usenet as
woodtick have been about Bachynsky with the exception of two where you
went to alt flame psychiatry and the child support board to call
kathloon nuts.

And I'll say this. I don't accept for a nanosecond that your interest
is altruistic and that your motivation bas anything to do with your
pure and sincere interest in informing people because Bachynsky caused
the deaths of several cancer patients and at least one Lyme patient.

Just so you know that there is at least one person who doesn't buy it

I think it is important for con men to know that they can't always get
away with it.

> I'm not looking for your congratulations or any accolades at all.

See above. You're not getting them from me.

> Maybe I missed a post congratulating me for my good work while at the
> same time condemning people who participated in whatever schemes he
> seems to always have going on. I don't even know what you're talking
> about.

LOL Sure. It is on this thread. From Ann-oh. And I doubt that you
missed it or have no idea what I'm talking about.

But I'm not sure it was aimed at you entirely. Some of it was a more
general condemnation of ANYONE involved with the criminal Bachynsky.

> I didn't even uncover the SEC information - Rita did and I was glad to
> have that information and thanked her for it.

Yes. Thanks Rita. Rita and Ann Oh and a few others deserve real credit
for exposing this matter and publicly condemning it. And their motives
WERE pure and altruistic.

> For oxygenbabe - There is a website called that gives news
> from all over the country. You can type in a city or zip code and
> receive current news from that city, or you can type in a name in the
> search section and any current news stories including that name will
> come up. That's how I found the news stories spread all over the U.S.

And there is a google news site. I'm going to post the results for a
search for "bachynsky" the other day.

Google has an excellent news site. You can go there and type in a
keyword, in this case bachynsky and get news stories including stories
from more obscure news outlets.

> I did print many of them, but did not save them so I don't have the
> URLs. It was in the Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times, Longview (TX)
> News-Journal and I have those in front of me right now.
> Others that I saw yesterday were from tv stations in Jonesboro (AR),
> Oklahoma City, Las Vegas, Mid-Michigan area, Rockford (IL) area,
> Tallahassee, Racine (WI) area, Palm Beach, Tampa. Those are the ones I
> can recall, but do not have them with me.

You certainly do have an obsession or intense interest in all things

> The newspapers mentioned Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, as well as all 4
> defendants, but the tv stations only mentioned Helvetia. You can do
> searches with any of the names.
> And no, I'm not taking the bait on revealing who I am. What difference
> would it make? Would it change the facts of Bachynsky's case? Not at
> all. So either read and enjoy or don't. It's up to you.

Well I'll make an analogy. Frequently in cases involving alleged
mobsters aka the mafia aka la cosa nostra, the US Attorney uses
"rats." Often times the testimony of those rats is rejected by juries
because they invariably have received some favorable treatment from
the government (famously Sammy the bull Gravano got basically a walk
despite his admitted involvement in multiple murders and serious
racketeering offenses for his testimony against John Gotti).

The bias motive or interest of a witness is ALWAYS grounds for cross
examination and invariably affects their credibility.

Now the typical response of the Government is that you can't choose
your witnesses and that the insiders are not going to be choir boys
themselves, so you have to take your witnesses where you find them.

The fair response of defense counsel invariably is something like,
when you lie down with dogs you awake with fleas.

And the government has to take their witnesses where they find them,
but in these cases they reward them, often with money, with witness
protection and new lives and jobs and with favorable treatment and
leniency for even the most heinous of crimes.

Woodtick I accept your verifiable public records information. I take
anything you say that isn't verifiable with a grain of salt. Or a
shaker of salt.

But I just wanted you to know that we know who you are. Maybe not by
name, but where you're coming from. (And I'm pretty sure exactly who
you are too).

The gutter.

If you had some innocent involvment with Bachynsky spanning more than
twenty years then you might want to say so.

But remember, it is difficult to accept your uncorroborated


Jun 25, 2004, 9:53:53 AM6/25/04
to (oxygenbabe) wrote in message news:<>...

> Hey, it would be interesting to see those news stories, URLS, if you
> actually found them and saved them.
> You don't need to answer any questions about who you are, btw. Don't
> take the bait.

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:39:00 -0700
From:  Add to Address Book

Subject: Re: Bachynsky's birthday!!

From: (RealityCheck)

Subject: Re: Bachynsky's birthday!!

References: <>
Message-ID: <> (oxygenbabe) wrote in message


Google has an excellent news site. You can go there and type in a
keyword, in this case bachynsky and get news stories including stories
from more obscure news outlets.

The AP did a story and the identical story was picked up widely.

Here is what yesterday's google of bachynksy picked up. I printed the
story but all the others are reprints of the same AP story.


SEC sues cancer treatment firm - 2004-06-23 - South Florida Business

12:01 PM EDT Wednesday

SEC sues cancer treatment firm

The Securities and Exchange Commission said it has filed a complaint
against a Coral Springs-based company and four people for allegedly
raising more than $3 million in a fraudulent, unregistered securities

The SEC said it filed the complaint against Helvetia Pharmaceuticals
June 21. The complaint also named as defendants Richard A. Anders,
Nicholas Bachynsky, Arthur Scheinert and Laurence Dean.

The complaint alleges the defendants raised money by making fraudulent
statements to investors that the money would be used to operate cancer
treatment clinics.

According to the SEC's complaint, Helvetia purported to treat cancer
patients using a unique, patented therapy using heat to destroy cancer

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida has
indicted the four defendants for their role in the scheme, the SEC

Helvetia, the SEC said, through Anders, Bachynsky, Scheinert and Dean,
raised more than $3 million from about 50 investors from about January
2001 through at least August 2002. The SEC said the company raised the
money by selling unregistered Helvetia stock and promissory notes.

Anders said he was Helvetia's president, the SEC said, with Bachynsky
as medical director, Scheinert as vice president and Dean as chief
financial officer.

Among other things, the SEC complaint alleges the defendants failed to
tell investors:

Anders was convicted of securities fraud and Bachynsky was convicted
of defrauding the IRS and his medical license was revoked
Helvetia's drug therapy included use of Dinitrophenol (DNP), which the
SEC said is a banned, hazardous substance commonly found in weed
Four Helvetia investors sued Helvetia, Anders and Scheinert for

misrepresentations related to Helvetia's securities offering

Instead of using investor money to fund treatment clinics, Helvetia
insiders used it for personal reasons The SEC's complaint also alleges
that the defendants made exaggerated claims about Helvetia's
anticipated returns and made false claims of an imminent public

© 2004 American City Business Journals Inc.



Feds sue drug company
Last Update: 6/23/2004 12:38:41 PM(Miami-AP) -- A South Florida
pharmaceutical company that claimed to have a breakthrough cancer
treatment is now being sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The feds say Helvetia Pharmaceuticals of Coral Springs raised more
than three (m) million dollars in a fraudulent, unregistered
securities offering. They say the company misled investors about a
planned initial public offering, how much the stock would be worth and
how the money would be used.

Investigators say Helvetia claimed to be treating patients with a new
therapy that used heat to destroy cancer cells. The suit also claims
the company did NOT tell investors the drug therapy included the use
of a banned hazardous substance commonly found in weed killers.

Also named in the suit are company president Richard Anders, medical
director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert and chief
financial officer Laurence Dean.   ©2004 Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or


SEC sues cancer treatment firm - 14 hours ago
... 21. The complaint also named as defendants Richard A. Anders,
Nicholas Bachynsky, Arthur Scheinert and Laurence Dean. The complaint

Feds sue drug company
WTEV, FL - 13 hours ago
... Also named in the suit are company president Richard Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial officer ...

SEC sues 'cancer treatment' firm
South Florida Business Journal, FL - 15 hours ago
... 21. The complaint also named as defendants Richard A. Anders,
Nicholas Bachynsky, Arthur Scheinert and Laurence Dean. The complaint

SEC Sues Fla. Pharmaceutical Company Over Securities Offer, FL - 20 hours ago
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues cancer treatment company Associated Press Last update: ...
Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL - 22 hours ago
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs pharmaceutical company
Miami Herald (subscription), FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Forbes - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Miami Herald (subscription), FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
San Jose Mercury News (subscription), CA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Florida pharmaceutical company over securities offer, MI - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Atlanta Journal Constitution (subscription), GA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Helvetia over securities offer
Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Florida pharmaceutical company over securities offer, MI - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Forbes - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Los Angeles Times (subscription), CA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Kansas City Star (subscription), MO - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Fort Worth Star Telegram (subscription), TX - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Bradenton Herald, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs pharmaceutical company
Bradenton Herald, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer, KY - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Ocala Star-Banner, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Worcester Telegram (Subscription), MA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Grand Forks Herald, ND - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Times Daily, AL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Akron Beacon Journal (subscription), OH - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs pharmaceutical company
The Ledger, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
The Ledger, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs pharmaceutical company, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

Coral Springs pharmaceutical company sued by SEC
Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs firm over IPO claims
Bradenton Herald, FL - Jun 23, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC sues Coral Springs pharmaceutical company
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer, KS - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
Philadelphia Inquirer (subscription), PA - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
WTOP, D.C. - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

SEC Sues Helvetia Over Securities Offer
The State, SC - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

Coral Springs pharmaceutical company sued by SEC
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, FL - Jun 22, 2004
... Also named in the suit were company president Richard A. Anders,
medical director Nicholas Bachynsky, vice president Arthur Scheinert
and chief financial ...

Rita Stanley

Jun 25, 2004, 10:28:56 AM6/25/04

"PrincessKiara70" <> wrote in message

Being ostrasized by these people is to be commended. Being accepted by them
is when you start to worry.

Yes, when factual information about Bachynsky and DNP was posted on Lymenet,
it was repeatedly deleted often within hours. Apparently the folks who were
(and still are) proponents for this person convinced Lymenet to delete
factual information and intelligent discussion using the common "it's
disruptive" argument . What was presented was cheerleading that easily could
rope people in.

Misleading information like the following resulted from such "discussions":


In light of what we've learned:

While some have stated that Nicholas Bachynsky is practicing medicine
without a license, the fact is that in both Switzerland and Italy, licensed
physicians were the ones supervising the ICHT protocol to patients, with Mr.
Bachynsky acting only in a consulting capacity. Another Internet based rumor
accused him of using DNP illegally. This simply is not the case. The Villa
Preziosa Clinic has permission from the Italian Ministry of Health to use
DNP (which confirms that they do acknowledge the use of DNP by way of
magistral prescription). Dr. Ben Pfeifer had a magistral prescription
authorized by Swissmedic which allowed him to use DNP in the ICHT protocol.

Based on what we have learned about the Villa Preziosa Clinic, Dr. Golonia
and Nicholas Bachynsky, we feel that there's now enough evidence to show
that this clinic is operating legally, and that a number of the rumors being
circulated about it as well as Mr. Bachynsky are false. Please keep in mind
that we are aware of past problems that he has had with the law, but feel
that there is no evidence to suggest that he's presently involved in any
impropriety. He has several documents which will substantiate the
aforementioned claims, and can be contacted at the following E-mail address:

Pat and Jim (Coeditors Lyme Matters)

Rita Stanley

Jun 25, 2004, 11:32:51 AM6/25/04

"jill ellen" <> wrote in message

> THe news on the SEC interests some of us, but really has no impact on
> the lyme community as the treatment has not been available for nearly
> a year anyway.

The news interests "us" because it shows how people in the Lyme community
can be scammed and enabled by their own - a lesson that could be learned,
but will it? It shows how desperate people were roped in by an obvious scam
artist who was enabled by people insisting there was merit and legitimacy to
what he was doing. It shows what happens when facts are censored by
recruiters and apologists for a scammer. It shows what happens when
reasonable people are drowned out - or even worse - remain silent for fear
of being ostracized or verbally attacked. How pathetic.

BTW it wasn't a treatment, it was a scam using an illegal chemical, and the
only reason more people weren't conned into this was because it ended when a
doctor was killed and Bachynsky fled. AND he was caught.

This one should have been easy to have stopped early on; this scam should
have been obvious from the git go, but it was pushed and enabled by a
contingent of shameless promoters using brutish and hack methods. If the
correct information and discussion would not have been deleted on Lymenet,
if the Lyme Alliance would not have been conned into publishing Johnson's
article, if intelligent discussions would have occurred, then this could
have been kicked out on it's ass practically from the start. But, no, the
enablers and marketers dominated, and those in opposition were silenced and

So what you learn is that this can happen again. If a tried and true con
artist can be embraced by a faction of Lymeland and any opposition thwarted,
then anyone who is pushing his wares with no criminal past has it a lot
easier - has it made really. You do realize that these types see how easy
it is to rope in Lyme patients? How easy it is to use the consored message
boards? Similar promotions of harmful and useless "cures", absurd
theories, weird diagnostics, happen all the time anywhere the sick and
desperate congregate. And as long as the bullies and apologists dominate and
drown out reason, you get patients who are harmed. What else is new?



Jun 25, 2004, 12:38:40 PM6/25/04
>A few people got significantly better or well, don't forget. Semper
>Fi said he was nonfunctional and after 2 weeks of ICHT was 80% better
>and stayed better

So they say. I havea hard time believing this considering wasn't this the same
person who also posted a few times on Lyme Net how he found this treatment and
that treatment to be his savior and then ofcourse it was ICHT that did it? I
could be wrong, thought it was him.
I don't know who Rosanne and Kathy are. This is what these people "SAY".
Anyone can say anything.. This Doctor B is a perfect example of that.
I would like to see some real medical proof that this ICHT is what cured
them all.


Jun 25, 2004, 12:41:29 PM6/25/04
>Being ostrasized by these people is to be commended. Being accepted by them
>is when you start to worry.

Well look, far be it from me to belittle anyone's complaints but there are
things on that board I don't understand. I have had Lyme and Co infection
since 1990 allthough not properly DX'd until 1994 and 1998 or so I'm told but
what boggles my mind is some people seem to think EVERY symptom and EVERY ache
and pain is Lyme Disease. It almost seems impossible to people there that any
other disease in the world exsists and personally I think thats just insane.
Ofcourse the minute you don't agree with people on that board well then you
just don't fit in... Hmmmmm


Jun 25, 2004, 3:49:59 PM6/25/04
"Rita Stanley" <> wrote in message news:<HEWCc.108730$eu.82547@attbi_s02>...

> "PrincessKiara70" <> wrote in message
> > >His
> > >bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,
> > >$$MONEY$$
> >
> > hmmmm and when I and a few others tried to tell this to the people on
> "lyme
> > net" we were ostersized for it.. Amazing how shit always floats to the
> top....
> Being ostrasized by these people is to be commended. Being accepted by them
> is when you start to worry.

LOL Yeah this is DEFINITELY a "club" that no one with a conscience
would wish to belong to.

Which is why good people like Rita and Robyn are ostracized for having
called a spade a spade.

Truth telling isn't appreciated in Lymeland. Cause too often the truth

> Yes, when factual information about Bachynsky and DNP was posted on Lymenet,
> it was repeatedly deleted often within hours.

Sometimes within minutes.

Very fair to say that the TRUTH no matter how presented was
consistently suppressed by the LymeNUT censors.

God knows why? The only thing I could figure is that they didn't want
to offend a certain "clique" and their "standards" weren't content
based, they were personality based. For example. PSYCHOkiller Barrett
was permitted to flame people mercilessly (it was her "style") and so
were others. But FACTS presented even in an even and balanced way were
deleted because they were "offensive" to the ICHTists. God forbid.
Sometimes the truth hurts.

Of course the entire theme of LymeNUT is huggy huggy blind support and
a repulsion for information that doesn't suit the views of a vocal
group. Which inevitably results in the dumbing down of the board, the
catering to a small group of the most sensitive, most delicate, self
righteous nincompoops.

God, their hero was a purveyor of the worst hillbilly "wisdom" filled
with inaccuracies and extremism.

God forbid anyone told them anything they didn't want to hear.

It is perhaps the worst health site on the internet. At least the
FLASH board is. There's still a bit of decent content in the articles
section. And the newsletter at one time had some valuable information.
Some of the articles they used to post in the news section were good
too. The support group listings were valuable too. And the abstracts
were great. Unfortunately all of this has fallen by the wayside with
the total emphasis on the FLASH board, which has earned the site the
name LymeNUT. Intellectual trailer park. Anti intellectualism runs
rampant there and hillbilly wisdom prevails along with people
advocating every nutty "alternative" approach under the sun. Very
often unbelievably aggressively, and in violation of the stated Terms
of Service of message board.

Funny thing. Though they say that "flaming" isn't permitted, the truth
is that it IS permitted so long as you are part of the clique. And the
worst offenders are the most self righteous "holier than thou" types,
who purport to be "nice and helpful." Yeah so long as you agree with

>Apparently the folks who were
> (and still are) proponents for this person convinced Lymenet to delete
> factual information and intelligent discussion using the common "it's
> disruptive" argument . What was presented was cheerleading that easily could
> rope people in.

It was more than cheerleading. The proprietors permitted blatant
commercial solicitations for a "product" known to be illegal,
dangerous and being purveyed by a known convicted felon and con man,
the health care terrorist Bachynsky.

And some like L James Moron and Jill Ellen Neimark and PSYCHO Killer
barret (and the "killer" part of her chosen name is so apropos seeing
the role she played in aggressively promoting this deadly "treatment")
were acting as PR/marketing flacks for Bachynsky. L James Moron became
a paid "consultant," PSYCHO killer Barret became some kind of patient
coordinator though I don't know whether she was paid or received any
form of compensation such as discounted "treatment" and Jill Ellen
Neimark perhaps the most despicable of all, because she didn't get the
treatment but sat by and watched others though my opinion is that she
did so because she was interested in it but wanted others to be her
guinea pigs, and she acted as a flack for Bachynsky hoping that one
day she might receive discounted or free treatment herself as she did
in other cases. I don't know for sure what her motivations were but
that's my opinion and my guess. She also just likes to hold herself
out as a know it all, though clearly she doesn't know much at all
about the things she claims expertise in. She's a great purveyor of
pseudoscience, a true hack pseudojournalist if there ever was one.

And a despicable pathetic excuse for a human being.

Just my opinion. :-)

God only knows why this was permitted by the LymeNUT proprietors? But
they bear their share of moral responsibility even if they can't be
held legally responsible, though I wish someone would try.

The most appalling thing about the above is that these two well
meaning people were duped by Bachynsky. When they say that they were
able to learn about the "clinic" and they refer to "evidence" they
simply accepted the word of Bachynsksy along with obviously forged

Bachynsky NEVER had Swiss Medic approval. This was verified with Swiss
Medic. Nor could Swiss Medic approval have permitted Bachynksy to
operate in Italy!!! In fact, it was known that he closed down his
Swiss clinic and fled to Italy, so if he had Swiss Medic approval, why
would he do that?

The "clinic" may (or may not) have had a license to operate. But
Bachynsky didn't. He had NO medical license valid anywhere on the
planet earth. And even if there were doctors who were licensed and the
clinic was licensed (though that has never been verified), that
licensure didn't permit the use of ILLEGAL treatments, nor did it
permit Bachynsky to operate as a Doctor. The doctors there allowed him
to use their licenses but they didn't supervise or restrict Bachynksy.
So that was all illegal. Just as illegal as it would be for a doctor
in the US to allow Bachynsky to practice medicine at their office.
Bachynsky didn't have authority to operate as a doctor.

And from the patient stories it is very clear that is exactly what he
was doing.

Jim and Pat were asked what they had done to actually verify the
"information" and "documentation" and refused to respond and since
none of it was real, it is obvious that they simply accepted the word
of this known con man and fraud, convicted felon, health care
terrorist and vulture who without regard for the consequences preyed
on vulnerable and gullible people with the active aid and assistance
of the ICHTists mentioned above.

And they were warned and asked to print responses and refused.

Notably their letter disbanded shortly after this appalling promotion
of ICHT, which, by the way, included a "report" from Bachynsky
himself. Notably too, the good people at Lyme Alliance disbanded that
group shortly after they published L James Jerkoffs babbling nonsense.

Now it is true that at one time before he lost his medical license
more than fifteen years ago, Bachynsky was a doctor and he did have
medical training. But that doesn't mean that he is qualified to be a
doctor today. He lost his license for doing illegal things and
subjecting human beings to illegal, dangerous treatments and acting
unethically in many fundamental ways.

Another issue is that there is a very legitimate reason that medical
continuing education is required. Doctors are REQUIRED to keep up with
advances in knowledge and techniques and apply them in their practices
(if only they did that, and if only there were more "advances"). And
obviously Bachynsky wasn't doing that.

Jill may say he was a "genius" blah blah blah, but consider the source
of that opinion. She's a pseudoscience groupie know it all who knows
little or nothing.

Just my opinion. :-)


Jun 25, 2004, 5:14:59 PM6/25/04
1. Hope4U had a posted email address of
Physicians Power is a Nevada company with Woodie Roy and Alexis
Anders as the directors. Public information

2. The internet postings told me that the patient load was dropping
off. Some months had as many as 10, but some had as few as 2. Public

3. The German nurse story came through the grapevine from former
Bachynsky partners who had posted it somewhere, although I can't
remember where.

4. I'd prefer not to reveal how I know this information just yet, but
I did find it out through public information.

5. Court pleadings in Bachynsky's current case mention Bachynsky's
long-time girlfriend (it may have even said fiance), Woodie Roy. Court
pleadings, as well as newspaper articles from his 1980s case state she
was indicted along with him and several others. Public information

6. Vicini's name is also mentioned in court pleadings in the current
case. He is named as a friend who is willing to help with bond. A
search on PACER, by me, shows Vicini has a criminal past in the
Southern District of New York.

7. The business plan information was from his former partners in this

8. WERNB are the initials of Bachynsky and Roy. A corporate public
information search reveals a company by the name of WERNB Medical
Interests with Woodie E. Roy and Nicholas Bachynsky as directors.
Public information

9. The posts themselves from various bulletin boards all reveal that
Bachynsky is the treating physician, just as posting of the patient in
the next room to the young man who died stated Bachynsky was in the
room, did chest compressions, etc. and only after he died did any
other physicians come into the room to pronounce him dead. Public


Jun 25, 2004, 5:38:59 PM6/25/04
> It was more than one death. The others may be more difficult to prove
> since he buried his mistakes. Literally. The young doctors family
> apparently got there in time to claim his body and have an autopsy
> done.
Yes there was more than one death. According to the Italian arrest
warrant, (public information) there were 4 deaths. However, in 3 of
the cases, he didn't bury his mistakes, he made sure they were
cremated. He did try, but was unsuccessful in the last one due to the
family and Italian authorities. See the notes of Dr. Carlo Goi,
professor of forensic pathology at the University of Milan who
performed the autopsy. This is public information.

> Of course that doesn't constitute a denial that you are an insider or
> co conspirator. I guess you did deny it in an earlier post though.

I'm going on the record one last time to state I am not an insider
and certainly not a co-conspirator or associated with Bachynsky in any

Benny Jet

Jun 25, 2004, 5:43:31 PM6/25/04
Rita...I remember you being given a fair hearing on Lymenet, however, your
posts, and few others, were pulled when you broke the site rules and became
personal instead of simply dealing with the issue.

You were given fair warning on a moderated site. When you broke the rules by
attacking people on a personal level your threads were removed. It seems you
are used to making the rules and don't like it when you get busted, fair and

As thinks you protest too much.

It continues to be surreal that you still can't recognize the fact that some
people were significantly helped by Bachynsky. Denying reality won't change
the fact that some people have their lives back. Shifting focus to financial
impropriety also won't change the fact that some people have their lives

What's behind this inability to admit that life is not just black and white,
but that there is grey where not everything is totally good or totally bad.

Take your posts for example, which tell some of the truth, but not all.

Meanwhile, I'll let you two continue to play off each other as if your
reality was the only one.

Rita Stanley

Jun 25, 2004, 5:56:59 PM6/25/04

"Benny Jet" <> wrote in message

> Rita...I remember you being given a fair hearing on Lymenet, however, your
> posts, and few others, were pulled when you broke the site rules and
> personal instead of simply dealing with the issue.

I have never nor will I ever post on Lymenet. Prove otherwise.

> You were given fair warning on a moderated site.

Never posted on the site. Prove otherwise. Those who did post accurate
information, however, were yanked off. Sorry it wasn't me.

When you broke the rules by
> attacking people on a personal level your threads were removed. It seems
> are used to making the rules and don't like it when you get busted, fair
> square.

And so, you are falling back on simple brutish lying tactics. And, of
course, that is to try and discredit me.

> As thinks you protest too much.

MEthinks that you need to provide PROOF of your statements.

> It continues to be surreal that you still can't recognize the fact that
> people were significantly helped by Bachynsky. Denying reality won't
> the fact that some people have their lives back. Shifting focus to
> impropriety also won't change the fact that some people have their lives
> back.

Hey, Bennyjet, were you a promoter? Why not reveal yourself and have the
balls to lie to my face.

> What's behind this inability to admit that life is not just black and
> but that there is grey where not everything is totally good or totally
> Take your posts for example, which tell some of the truth, but not all.

And I am supposed to believe you?

> Meanwhile, I'll let you two continue to play off each other as if your
> reality was the only one.

You will allow me or anyone else for that matter?



Jun 25, 2004, 6:48:03 PM6/25/04
>Kathy Boss credited it with saving her life the first time around etc
etc. >All that was posted on lymenet as well.

Kathy Boss was in Florida on the 22nd. She filed an affidavit with the
court in support of Bachynsky, stating he was only a consultant in
Italy and she received her treatment from other physicians, not


Jun 25, 2004, 7:31:48 PM6/25/04
to (jill ellen) wrote in message news:<>...

> A few people got significantly better or well, don't forget. Semper
> Fi said he was nonfunctional and after 2 weeks of ICHT was 80% better
> and stayed better; Rosanne got completely well, Kathy Boss credited it
> with saving her life the first time around etc etc. All that was
> posted on lymenet as well.

One, these "reports" don't even rise to the level of "anecdotal

There is no way to know that any of these people had Lyme in the first
place. Remember misdiagnosis is rampant in Lymeland. And that means
misdiagnosis both positive and negative.

Unfortunately too many of the "llmds" diagnose EVERYONE who comes to
them with Lyme, too often based on dubious testing such as the
laughable Bowen "test." And other dubious bases for diagnosis.

Two, there is no way to gauge their "improvement." Each one posted
about "improvement" but later admitted continuing symptoms. Even
Psychokiller Roseanne claimed a total cure but then went for
retreatment. WHY would someone who was cured get further treatment?

Three, Kathy Boss reported a serious adverse event following her
"treatment." So did others. Though their posts were quickly deleted.

And you can't ignore the strong desire that each would naturally have
to believe that they were better after paying that much money and
going so far out on a limb announcing their cures, each one

And ALL of them perhaps with the exception of PYCHOkiller Roseanne
remain ill to one degree or another today. And though it was
emminently clear that she was a psychotic with a borderline
personality disorder, who knows if she had Lyme or not?

The pronouncements of their "cures" were invariably premature. And
just like the headline appearing on page one, the corrections either
were buried deeper in the paper or not printed at all.

Lyme disease is known to wax and wane. And the tendency is to improve
over time anyway. Hard to attribute anything to ICHT except the deaths
we know occurred, especially the death of the young doctor that was
CLEARLY from the ICHT.

Also: like most charlatans at foreign miracle cure clinics, Bachynksy
used multiple modalies simultaneously. Some of them invariably provide
a feeling of improvement (Vitamin IVs, HBOT) but are temporary salves.
In fact, patients are convinced that they need more of the "cure"
because they felt some improvement which then goes away, ignoring the
fact that the "cure" was not a cure at all. It is a part of the scam.

To the extent that anyone had improvement, no one knows whether it
came from ICHT or vitamin IVs or HBOT or what.

More important, it is totally laughable (except it really isn't funny)
that people like Kathy Boss and L James Moron and others claim that
ICHT "cured them of Lyme" but their ongoing symptoms are attributable
to something else.

L James Asshole says that he can "tell the difference" and now his
problems are candida. Proving what a total moron he is, he says that
what he "learned" from this whole scandalous episode is that Lyme
patients may be suffering from other problems.

I think he has as much credibility as George W Bush when it comes to

Or Ahmad Chalabi.

NONE of these people is a reliable reporter. NONE of them provides any
independent objective corroborative evidence to support their claims.
Several of them had their own reasons to support Bachynsky, L James
Scumbag became a business partner of Bachynksys. So did PSYCHOKiller.
You, Jill, obviously hoped to get treatment for free at some time
after you watched other people act as guinea pigs, as you've done in
the past.

None of this is reliable. Or even close.

Gimme a break.

> The story is a complex one

The story is a simple one and an old one. As Rita said.

Desperate people will try desperate things. Often heedless of the
consequences. And there are and always have been people willing to
prey on the desperation of chronically ill patients so long as they
have enough cash to pay $$$

There are many foreign clinics that thrive by doing exactly this.

There have been snake oil salesmen for hundreds of years.

And people gullible and desperate enough to buy their "cures."

>but the idea of using heat in either
> heat-sensitive bhacterial infections or in malignant tumors which have
> a higher metabolic rate, is a good one and people have been trying
> various versions of it for a long time, as we know from the malaria
> fiasco. But that doesn't mean people should abandon the basic
> biological approach, or that ICHT didn't have merit, as well as risk.

There was discussion of at least one other death that occurred while
Lyme patients were at the "clinic." Apparently that patient was a
cancer patient. The Lyme patients who were present IMMEDIATELY bought
into (and disseminated) Bachynksy's claims (aka cover story) that the
person died of a heart attack. Despite having no previous cardiac
problems. Despite the fact that the patients were ALLEGEDLY screened
for cardiac problems that would be a contraindication to "therapy."
Despite the fact that there was no autopsy of way to know what the
cause of that patient's death. (LOL The only contraindication to
Bachynsky was the patient not being able to pay $$$. NOTE: The same
exact "therapy" for Lyme was given to cancer patients but cost twice
as much, $40,000 instead of $20,000--the "therapy" was priced
according to the desperation of the patients.)

Another obviously ridiculous claim that Lyme patients bought into and
passed along was "that patient had cancer and was going to die. But
they ignored the fact that the patient didn't die from their cancer!
Another ridiculous bogus claim that Lyme patients passed along was
that Bachynsky was running a "study" They ignored the fact that there
was no "study" there was no data safety monitoring board. There was no
data collection consistent with a real medical study. There could, of
course, be no "Study" of an illegal drug. And there is NO "study"
where patients are charged to participate and take an "experimental"
(aka ILLEGAL) "treatment." And medical "studies" require FULL
DISCLOSURE of known risks. They require established protocols. As a
matter of fact the Nuremburg principles REQUIRE FULL DISCLOSURE as a
matter of universally accepted medical ethics. When I say universally
accepted I mean in Iraq and Syria and the Sudan and in Stalin's
russia--UNIVERSAL. Bachynksy on the other hand disclosed as little as
possible. And yet what did we hear from these patients? "Oh people die
all the time." And "There is corruption in university based medical
studies." And ridiculous excuses like that. NOTE: When even a single
patient in a REAL medical study suffers a serious adverse event,
especially a DEATH, the study is IMMEDIATELY HALTED and a FULL
INVESTIGATION into the death occurs and the study is only resumed when
the cause of death is known and understood and any necessary
adjustments in the study protocol are made to guard against further
deaths. NOTE ALSO: The rate of deaths and serious adverse events in
the ICHT treatments was astoundingly high given the relatively small
group of people who underwent the "therapy.

Jill, typically you ignore basic principles in your ongoing efforts to
pretend that you have a clue.

A basic principle is that "treatments" always have to be weighed in a
risk benefit anaylsis. And sometimes the risks just don't justify the
benefits. And in this case the risks are clear, well documented and
well established. And there are no proven benefits at all.

The garbage that you offer to defend ICHT is meaningless.

Anecdotal reporting though not valued as highly as other types of
medical reports and not constituting "studies" still has some basic
requirements, none of which are met in the case of the patient
testimonials that you offer.

There's a difference between patient testimonials (ALWAYS used by con
men to sell their wares) are unsubstantiated uncorroborated and
completely subjective reports from laypeople.

Anecdotal reporting comes from trained observors in the field. A
diagnosis has been established with as much certainty as a diagnosis
can be established. Objective measures are used to gauge a patient's
condition and response, along with subjective measures reported by the
health professional.

What you offer is an embarassment to anecdotal reporting. Again,
there's a difference between anecdotal reports and the crap you cite.

The main difference is that there is some reliability to anecdotal
reports. The valid criticism of them is that they typically stand
alone. There is no control group. There is no patient cohort. And
because diseases can spontaneously remit, these reports tend to be
given less weight than a controlled study of a group of patients.

Patient testimonials are useless in scientific terms. Worse than
useless, they are often and invariably used to hawk products of
dubious efficacy and often questionable safety.

> THe news on the SEC interests some of us, but really has no impact on
> the lyme community as the treatment has not been available for nearly
> a year anyway.

It shouldn't be "news" since you were provided with the information
about the underlying pump n dump penny stock scam at the time.

And you continue to call this a "treatment." It isn't and never was
and never will be.

You continue to say it should be studied. But it never will be. The
reason is that it is too dangerous for use in humans. No ETHICAL
researcher would try to use it in humans.

You know IF this was a viable "treatment" it wouldn't have made ANY
sense to go about using it in a foreign clinic for $20 or $40000 a
pop. Even though Bachynsky made millions between the "treatment" and
the stock fraud, think about how much he could have made IF it were
really a viable treatment.

Look at Erbitux from Imclone. Or any other viable cancer drug. The way
to go about developing a drug isn't to start using it on humans
illegally in foreign clinics for whatever the market can bear. And the
way to make money isn't that way either. The thing to do is to start a
biotech company. Do some development work. Partner up with a big
pharmaceutical company. At this point you'll already have made lots of
$$$. Get an IND from the FDA and begin phase 1 studies (which DO NOT
USE HUMANS FIRST). You may already have become a multi millionaire
from your stock at this point. Now as the drug development continues
your stock will usually continue to rise. As you move through from
Phase 1 to Phases 2, 3 and ultimately 4 and then finally seek FDA
approval, your stock will continue to rise. And you have a partner
ready to help pour money into development and ultimately manufacture
and marketing.

If you're succesful you may become a very rich person, worth tens of
millions. Mabye even more.

But you Jill, bring absolutely no common sense to your scrutiny of
such things. No real knowledge either though we all know what a know
it all you think you are. Listen Jill, hanging around with scientists
doesn't make you one. Being married to a doctor doesn't confer any
medical knowledge to you.

When it comes down to it you're just another knave, a fool. Worse you
actively have led others down a garden path. To the garden of not good
but evil.

And I sincerely hope that you will roast in hell for your role in
promoting this "heat therapy". So appropriate for ICHT apologists and
proponents to roast in hell.

The smartest thing you ever said about ICHT was when you told
PSYCHOkiller Roseanne that you had your won heat therapy cure and
suggested that she set her house on fire and stay in it. That would be
effective heat therapy. It would kill the spirochetes and probably
have ta similar side effect profile as ICHT.

Maybe the most contemptible thing about your role in this whole
disgusting scandal is the fact that you remain an apologist for it and
won't even condemn it today. It is obvious that you lack any moral
compass. (PrincessKiara70) wrote in message news:<>...
> >His
> >bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,
> >$$MONEY$$
> hmmmm and when I and a few others tried to tell this to the people on "lyme
> net" we were ostersized for it.. Amazing how shit always floats to the top....

Last but not least as to your assertion that this is all "Joel shadow
boxing with himself" that is just a reflection of your inability to
believe that MANY people condemn this scandalous episode, not just

I recall that at some point you even suggested that Rita Stanley Ph.D
was "under the influence" of Joel. A condescending and ridiculous
suggestion and insult to Dr Stanley, one woman who is obviously able
to think for herself. And, who I might add, has an unerring moral
compass, unlike you Jill.

And, I recall, that you yourself attributed your own bitter exchanges
with Roseanne PSYCHOkiller Barrett to the "evil influence of Joel."
Now that makes more sense since you obviously are unable to think
clearly for yourself. It is also consistent with your own distinct
inability to take responsibility for your own actions, a consistent
lack of character trait that you display. Other examples? Glad you
asked. You blame your "friend" for inviting you to her home and the
fact that you think you got Lyme disease there. Which may or may not
be true since it is possible that hypochondriacs such as yourself can
also get Lyme disease although it would be helpful if you could try to
work out your psychological problems and then see if you have any
physical symptoms left. Another example? Let's see. One moment you
support kathLOON dickINSANE and the next you condemn her. You buddy up
to bryanspacecadetrosner mr cure of the day and then you condemn him.
Are you schizophrenic on top of everything else?

I don't know. I do know that it would be a good step for you to start
taking responsibility for your own actions and grow up Jill.

You sure are obsessed with Joel though. I guess that since you have
ongoing problems with men in your life, that may shed some light on
this ongoing obsession. From what I know Joel is yet another person
who generously and patiently offered you help and who you turned on
viciously, another lack of character trait that you display. And you
have the gall to post a sycophantic praise of Roseanne PSYCHOKiller
Barrett as someone who has generously "helped" Lyme patients, but
continue your efforts to defame the good name of "Joel" ? Just more of
your misguided amoral commonsenseless behavior.

Roseanne PSYCHOKiller Barrett "helped" Bachynsky prey on desperate
vulnerable people. So did you.

Someday you'll experience external hyperthermia burning in hell
together along with the other contemptible pathetic excuses for
humanity who participated in this scandal. And then you'll know as the
characters in Sartre's "No Exit" learn that hell is other people like
you. You all deserve eternity together in hell and if there is a God,
that's where you'll end up Jill. The sooner the better as far as I'm

Have a nice day. :-)


Jun 25, 2004, 7:49:29 PM6/25/04
"Rita Stanley" <> wrote in message news:<HEWCc.108730$eu.82547@attbi_s02>...
> "PrincessKiara70" <> wrote in message
> > >His
> > >bottom line is and always has been, even back in the early 80s,
> > >$$MONEY$$
> >
> > hmmmm and when I and a few others tried to tell this to the people on
> "lyme
> > net" we were ostersized for it.. Amazing how shit always floats to the
> top....
> Being ostrasized by these people is to be commended. Being accepted by them
> is when you start to worry.

LOL Yeah this is DEFINITELY a "club" that no one with a conscience

would wish to belong to.

Which is why good people like Rita and Robyn are ostracized for having
called a spade a spade.

Truth telling isn't appreciated in Lymeland. Cause too often the truth

> Yes, when factual information about Bachynsky and DNP was posted on Lymenet,

> it was repeatedly deleted often within hours.

Sometimes within minutes.

>Apparently the folks who were

> (and still are) proponents for this person convinced Lymenet to delete
> factual information and intelligent discussion using the common "it's
> disruptive" argument . What was presented was cheerleading that easily could
> rope people in.

It was more than cheerleading. The proprietors permitted blatant

Just my opinion. :-)

> Misleading information like the following resulted from such "discussions":

The most appalling thing about the above is that these two well

little or nothing. If she only had a clue. In fact she's so clueless
that, imagine this, she could have a million dollars in ones and go to
a dollar store selling only clues and she couldn't end up with one in
her cart. That's how clueless she is.

Just my opinion. :-)


Jun 25, 2004, 7:54:04 PM6/25/04
RealityCheck it sounds like you have an obsession with WoodTick!! You
have posted more about me in this one thread than I have posted the
last year on Bachynsky.

Your late arrival to the party, as well as your constant talk of
"insiders and co-conspirators" suggests to me that I have somehow
touched a nerve with you.

Are you worried that I may expose you? Or that I already have?

You have no idea who I am or where I am coming from. But your deep,
exploratory interest in how I know what I know warrants attention.
What if my whole story if total bullshit? Why would you possibly care?
Why must you insist on knowing exactly how I know what I know if you
weren't somehow involved in this Bachynsky charade.

I think you have opened yourself up in all of this now. For all I know
you, RealityCheck, could be the slut girlfriend who has nothing but
idle time on her hands now and is worried how someone knows all this

Where else in this world can a "medical terrorist" solicit patients
from the internet, kill them, cremate them, put millions of dollars in
his pocket, land in jail (again), get sued by the SEC (no small feat),
solicit patients to write affidavits in support of him -- I mean, who
wouldn't be interested??

However, I'm not a government witness. So you can rest.


Jun 25, 2004, 8:05:16 PM6/25/04
I've done a search on your posts as well, RealityCheck. You have
posted only on 4 threads, ALL of which have to do with Bachynsky. You
only showed up May 19.

Let's change roles for a minute here --- why don't you reveal who YOU
are and why you are suddenly obsessed with Bachynsky and how/what
WoodTick knows about him, his cronies, his past, his incarceration,
his anything....

Where do you fit in? (are you his banker?)

What are you afraid of?


Jun 25, 2004, 8:34:47 PM6/25/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<<>>...

From: (WoodTick)
Subject: Re: Bachynsky's birthday!!

Date: 25 Jun 2004 16:54:04 -0700

>RealityCheck it sounds like you have an obsession with WoodTick!! You
>have posted more about me in this one thread than I have posted the
>last year on Bachynsky.

Response by Reality Check/Truth In Lyme:

LOL Well that is demonstrably untrue. Anyone who reads this newsgroup
through google can click on your name in the title and get all of your
posts which is 99 under the name "woodtick" and there aren't 99 posts
on this thread much less by me.

But it is a typical con man trick to try to divert attention from the
subject matter.


>Your late arrival to the party, as well as your constant talk of
>"insiders and co-conspirators" suggests to me that I have somehow
>touched a nerve with you.


Response by Reality Check/ Truth In Lyme:

Plain and simple I find you despicable and untrustworthy.

>Are you worried that I may expose you? Or that I already have?


Response by Reality Check/ Truth In Lyme:

LOL Yeah sure. Expose me for what? Keep trying to divert attention
from you.


>You have no idea who I am or where I am coming from. But your deep,
>exploratory interest in how I know what I know warrants attention.
>What if my whole story if total bullshit? Why would you possibly
>Why must you insist on knowing exactly how I know what I know if you
>weren't somehow involved in this Bachynsky charade.


Response by Reality Check/ Truth In Lyme:

Well you could clear it up if you told us where you're coming from
even if you don't say exactly who you are. You COULD describe in
general terms the basis for your inside and apparently thorough inside
knowledge of him and your obsessive interest? But apparently you
choose not to.

I want to make it clear that at least one person isn't buying your act
woodtick. And that at least one person knows that your motives aren't

If there is an innocent exlplanation for your long term obsession with
Bachynsky, then why not provide it? I'm not even asking WHO you are if
you notice. But how you would know all that you claim to know.

As to me being involved in the Bachynsky fiasco, if you're reading
what I'm writing and you have any reading comprehension, then it would
be plain that I find Bachynsky and his minions the most despicable
lowlifes on the planet earth. Or whatever planet they're from. In the
entire solar system. In the entire universe.

I also made it plain that I believe the verifiable public records
information that you have posted. And, in fact, I tend to believe the
information that you obviously know from your long term invovlement
with Bachynsky.

Again, if there were some innocent explanation for your obvious long
standing obsession with him, why wouldn't you post it?

Like, for example, you were an employee of his who was innocently
involved in his operations?

Or, maybe you were a victim of his back in the 1980's in his health
care scam? Or maybe one of the creditors who sued him and was unable
to collect? Or you had a close friend or relative who was a victim of
his? God knows this man has spent much of his life destroying the
lives of other people in ways large and small.

But you haven't offered any innocent explanations. You've responded
with glib and facile bullshit. Transparent bullshit.

And maybe you'll respond with some innocent explanation now? Not that
it would be believable at this point.

But trying to turn the tables and suggest that I'm involved with
Bachynksy is pretty pathetic and obviously not the case. Show me where
I've had a single positive thing to say about him, unless you count
the positive statements about what a friggin scumbag he is.

>I think you have opened yourself up in all of this now. For all I
>you, RealityCheck, could be the slut girlfriend who has nothing but
>idle time on her hands now and is worried how someone knows all this

Sure. That makes a lot of sense. I sound like someone who'd be
Bachynsky's girlfriend. Because I have nothing but nice things to say
about him. And I'm so vigorously defending him and writing apologias a
la Jill Ellen Neimark. Anyone can see that. *rolling eyes*


>Where else in this world can a "medical terrorist" solicit patients
>from the internet, kill them, cremate them, put millions of dollars
>his pocket, land in jail (again), get sued by the SEC (no small
>solicit patients to write affidavits in support of him -- I mean, who
>wouldn't be interested??


Response by Reality Check/ Truth In Lyme:

I didn't say I'm not interested. I didn't dispute any of the
information you posted. I said clearly that much of it is from public
records. And who could question that?

I differed only with a few of your interpretations of what is going on
in the legal process since they're naive and off base.

I even said I believe much of your inside information which is
definitively NOT from public records or from unknown message boards.
Show us a message board where information about his german girlfriend
was posted? Give us links to Houston Chronicle articles in the past
that you claim some of the other information came from. Show us the
post where you'd gain knowledge about a former cohort of his writing a
new business plan for him. I showed the sources for all of the posts
that I came up with your inside information. Give URLs like I did.

I've read the information on PACER woodtick. And some of what you
claim is there, isn't there. Some of it is, but much of it isn't.

I'm not trying to stop you from posting the information. God knows I
am interested. This is important information.

My motive in exposing you? Simply as I said. Sometimes con men need to
know that they're not getting away with it. People are watching. Not
everyone in Lymeland is so easily led down garden paths. We're not all
Jill Ellen or L James Moron or PSYCHOKiller roseanne barrett or wife
beaters like semper fi or gullible people like Kathy Boss or L'il
Dreamer etc.


>However, I'm not a government witness. So you can rest.


Response by Reality Check/ Truth In Lyme:

Not everyone who supplies information to the government in connection
with an investigation is a government witness. Maybe they haven't
tracked you down yet? Maybe you did your time already. Maybe you have
some innocent explanation, who knows?

But I have a really good idea exactly who and what you are Woodtick.
And you're not fooling me. And you're not fooling certain others. Not
everyone in Lymeland is a passenger on Gullible's Travels.

Have a nice day. Keep the information coming. :-)


Jun 26, 2004, 2:37:26 AM6/26/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...

> 1. Hope4U had a posted email address of
> Physicians Power is a Nevada company with Woodie Roy and Alexis
> Anders as the directors. Public information

Just because it is public information doesn't mean that you know it
through public sources now does it?

There is a lot of public information. Some is easily accessible. Some
is not. Some of it you have to invest time and money to discover.

Why are you doing that?

I am NOT asking you to say who you are. I am asking you to disclose
the basis for your knowledge. The two are very different things.

Maybe you were an HLVP investor who got ripped off? Although if so, it
would have benefitted you to utilize your research skills BEFORE
investing instead of AFTER being ripped off.

> 2. The internet postings told me that the patient load was dropping
> off. Some months had as many as 10, but some had as few as 2. Public
> information

That is pretty dubious. Your post indicates much more specific
information than the inference drawn from the quantity of monthly
postings woodtick or should I call you woody? ;-)

> 3. The German nurse story came through the grapevine from former
> Bachynsky partners who had posted it somewhere, although I can't
> remember where.

Gee your memory for every Bachynsky detail is so precise except for
this. Sort of suspicious. Show us the post. You seem to keep pretty
obsessively detailed Bachynsky records. So where was this post,

> 4. I'd prefer not to reveal how I know this information just yet, but
> I did find it out through public information.

Oh I guess we should take your word for it?

> 5. Court pleadings in Bachynsky's current case mention Bachynsky's
> long-time girlfriend (it may have even said fiance), Woodie Roy. Court
> pleadings, as well as newspaper articles from his 1980s case state she
> was indicted along with him and several others. Public information

Well pray tell. Did you access newspaper articles from the 1980s
online? If so, where? Give us some links. Show us papers that have
archives online going back that far. Or did you go to the library in
Texas and look through microfilm or microfiche or what?

> 6. Vicini's name is also mentioned in court pleadings in the current
> case. He is named as a friend who is willing to help with bond. A
> search on PACER, by me, shows Vicini has a criminal past in the
> Southern District of New York.

First, there is no Vicini with a criminal past from the SDNY. What is
his first name? The only Vicini who comes up at all on PACER has a
minor criminal record for tax evasion. In the Eastern District of New
York. Small detail but suggests that maybe you didn't know it from
looking at a document but from your own personal inside knowledge.
Next, I have reviewed the online documents on PACER in the Bachynsky
case. I admit that Woodie Roy is mentioned in the transcript of the
detention hearing. But I see no mention of anyone named Vicini. I'm
not saying it isn't there. It is a lengthy document amongst many. So
be specific. Where is it? Give the document number and name of the
pleading or document and the page number.

For example, the government's response to Bachynsky's motion appealing
his detention order is #48. It is a 129 page document.

Be specific so we can verify your claim that you know this from public

> 7. The business plan information was from his former partners in this
> scheme.

And how do you know them? And by knowing his former partners, doesn't
that make you an insider? Or do you mean innocent investors? Again, be
specific. Do you mean Shantha? Or Martin? Who?

> 8. WERNB are the initials of Bachynsky and Roy. A corporate public
> information search reveals a company by the name of WERNB Medical
> Interests with Woodie E. Roy and Nicholas Bachynsky as directors.
> Public information

A corporate public information search where? This is pretty obscure to
have put some algorythyms together to come up with this one Woodtick.

By the way you never explained the "coincidence" of your screenname?
Remember, coincidences can inherently be suspicious.

> 9. The posts themselves from various bulletin boards all reveal that
> Bachynsky is the treating physician, just as posting of the patient in
> the next room to the young man who died stated Bachynsky was in the
> room, did chest compressions, etc. and only after he died did any
> other physicians come into the room to pronounce him dead. Public
> information

That much might be true. Again, even if this was posted that doesn't
mean that is how you know it. And, if I recall, this didn't refer to
the death of the young doctor but referred to the death of the cancer
patient prior to that.

I don't know woodtick. I'm way far from convinced. I'd say that people
from Texas are known for telling tall tales. Look at the boy who cried
weapons of mass destruction? He's from Texas by way of Kennebunk and
Yale (Yale should be ashamed of ever having admitted that nitwit, of
course they should be ashamed of their Lyme brigade too, but that's
another story).

Go on. Tell us again it doesn't matter who you are. Then try to
deflect the attention from you to me. Make some more laughable
suggestions that I'm Bachynsky's girlfriend. LOL Talk about desperate.
I'd sooner have sex with a pile of vomit. Or something really
disgusting like Jill. Come on, you can do better than this.

Have a nice day :-)


Jun 26, 2004, 11:19:35 AM6/26/04
Look RC - It is obvious that you hate all things Bachynsky. The line
about you being the girlfriend was just a joke. Lighten up. I don't
think that's who you are. I don't CARE who you are.

I'm weary of this back and forth bullshit about verification of
information. If you want to try to verify it, get to work on your own
and do it.

Vicini is listed in two of Bachynsky's pleadings. You have one of the
documents - find it yourself.

While you're nosing through all my previous posts, you'll find the
Houston Chronicle links somewhere. I posted them, URLs and all. And
yes, they are from the 80s. Go to their archives. It's really not that

Also - Try it.

jill ellen

Jun 26, 2004, 11:47:24 AM6/26/04
Wow. You have a really active imagination. Too many inventions and
exaggerations in your recent posts to address. Like woodtick says,
lighten up.

Read some poetry (my latest favorite discovery is Tomas Transtomer),
try to get back in touch with beauty wherever you can find it. I am
sincere in trying to help people. From an email that came in at 9:47
this morning:

"I believe I corresponded with you last year regarding mild hbo. I
have 2 daughters with lyme, one being very late stage. We did buy a
mild unit this past November, it was the medium sized one, and I was
wondering if we could share some treatment stories.

My younger daughter has responded wonderfully to the mild chamber.
She dealt w/ depression and headaches alot, both of which are
substantially better since the mild chamber... She feels she is now
about 80% better since adding the mild hbo when w/ just antibiotics,
she was only about 50 better than before getting lyme."

She went on to say that her other daughter is still struggling and she
wondered if that daughter should use it every day and asked why I only
use it twice a week. I use it that little now because that's enough
to work. I don't know if it will help both daughters, but this kind of
email gives me joy because there is some 18 year old girl out there
who is at 80% instead of 50%, and I did my part in helping by giving
information I believed in about a treatment that did the same for me.

When I investigated ICHT and reported on what I found out, I did so in
the same spirit. I hoped it would work. I still think the theory is
valid. I didn't do the treatment, just like I'm not doing benicar,
and I didn't do longterm antibiotics, and I didn't do arthemos
etc--lots of things I investigated that others said helped them, and
may have helped some...but I have researched and written about all
these things.

My life is good these days, so much of your invented cyber-person
doesn't track with who I am and how I feel and what goes in my life.
I just am not going to belabor it here.

I'm outta here--a deadline looms and then desert light and mesas. So
you can relax, I won't post for a good long while. (RealityCheck) wrote in message news:<>...


Jun 26, 2004, 7:31:55 PM6/26/04
The reference to Bachynsky's son is on page 7 of the SEC complaint.
Ashton Bachynsky is listed as the president of Helvetia
Pharmaceuticals. On page 1 it states Anders is the self-proclaimed

Ashton Bachynsky is a lawyer in the Houston, TX area. No idea of
anything about a lawyer named Martin.


Jun 26, 2004, 7:33:58 PM6/26/04
The reference to Bachynsky's son, Ashton Bachynsky, is on page 7 of
the SEC complaint. On page 1 it states Anders was the "self-proclaimed

I've seen no reference at all to a lawyer named Martin. Ashton
Bachynsky, however, is a lawyer in the Houston, TX area.


Jun 27, 2004, 8:42:33 AM6/27/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...
> Look RC - It is obvious that you hate all things Bachynsky.

Anyone with a conscience would find him and anyone who facilitated
conspired with aided and abetted or otherwise enabled him to prey on
despereate and vulnerable victims despicable beyond comprehension.

>The line
> about you being the girlfriend was just a joke. Lighten up. I don't
> think that's who you are.

Didn't sound like a joke? Sounded quite defensive. And hostile. As if
I had touched some raw nerve.

And I don't CARE who you are. I don't think I ever asked WHO you are.

I asked HOW you know what you know. I asked you to explain the basis
for your inside information.

>So reading your several posts, maybe YOU should "lighten up."

I don't really find this whole matter funny or amusing. Sorry.

Tell me a joke about something funny. I've got a pretty good sense of
humor. But, no, not about this debacle.

> I'm weary of this back and forth bullshit about verification of
> information. If you want to try to verify it, get to work on your own
> and do it.

LOL I can't verify your discussions with Bachynsky's unnamed former
business partners whatever that means. I can't verify the german
girlfriend posting on some unnamed board.

If you are taking the fifth amendment, then fine. Just say you're not
going to answer for fear of incriminating yourself.

Since this isn't a criminal proceeding against you (not on this board
on the internet at least) we can permissibly draw an adverse
inference, that anything you say would damage your credibility.

So that's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to assume that you ARE a Bachynsky insider, co conspirator,
cohort, partner in crime. There are still sealed indictments pending.
Maybe one is against you?

Or maybe you were immunized in exchange for information you provided.
Not every source of information in an investigation ends up being
prosecuted or even having to testify.

Maybe that is you.

I think it is pretty clear that none of the possible innocent
explanations apply.

> Vicini is listed in two of Bachynsky's pleadings. You have one of the
> documents - find it yourself.

No I have access to ALL the documents. So does anyone who wants to go
on PACER and create an account (and pay the .07 a page for acccess). I
don't recall coming across his name anywhere. Why not just be specific
as I was in the example I mentioned? It would be easy enough?

But you didn't answer even the simple "What is his first name." Nor
explain the contradiction between eastern and southern district of NY.

Seemingly a small point but perhaps a very significant one in terms of
whether you're referring to publicly available records or your own
knowledge which is much more likely to be inaccurate on details like

I see that you provided the page references on bachynsky's son and his
daughter. I didn't ask about them (I did ask Ann-Oh about a reference
to his son in the SEC indictment which I didn't see. I did see his son
mentioned in the AUSA's motion opposing Bachynsky's release. And that
his daughter was mentioned as being a lawyer with whom the AUSA had
been in contact.

What I didn't see was a reference to anyone named Vicini. And when I
looked up the name, the ONLY one on PACER at all was a minor criminal
record related to tax from the EASTERN District of NY. NOT the
Southern District.

I also said I DID see the references, by name, to Woodie Roy.

Woodie. Huh. Woodtick. Woodie. No explanation for the "coincidence" of
your name and your appearance in Lymeland. Woodie. Woodtick.

Maybe YOU'RE his girlfriend? ;-)

> While you're nosing through all my previous posts,

Nosing? That implies some kind of invasion of your privacy. By posting
something publicly on the usenet I don't think the implications of
that word are applicable. Nosing? LOL

>you'll find the
> Houston Chronicle links somewhere. I posted them, URLs and all. And
> yes, they are from the 80s. Go to their archives. It's really not that
> hard.

Again, why not just provide it to us and help establish your bona

Why not find the links yourself and provide them?

But, yeah sure. I'll do some more "nosing."

You can count on it.

> Also - Try it.

Always love new search engine links. Thanks for that much. I don't
know of any that are superior in most ways to Google, but some are
good at specialized things and anyone who knows, knows that Google can
miss a lot even though it is overall one of the best ever.


Jun 27, 2004, 10:17:27 AM6/27/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...
> The meaning behind my screen name has nothing to do with Lyme. It's a
> mere coincidence.

So your screenname on AOL "WoodtickBb" has NOTHING to do with Lyme?

Nothing at all?

It is a "mere coincidence."


So you appear in Lymeland using the name woodtick. Not only Woodtick
but woodtickBb. Bb is the abbreviation used for Borrelia Burgdorferi.
With the first B capitalized and the second one in lower case.

That, I'm guessing, is a "mere coincidence" too?

The coincidences keep piling up.

Or the inconsistences in your story.

Again, the information that does come from "public record" sources is

I have found nothing to contradict some of the information that
appears to come from places OTHER than public sources, though I've
also found no way to verify it either. (the german girlfriend for
example; the post about your knowledge that a previous criminal
contact of his was working on a new "business" plan with him, etc.).

But I have no reason to disbelieve any of that stuff either. In fact,
as I said in an earlier post, it may well be completely accurate. It
rings true.

But it also rings true as if it comes from insider knowledge.

And I see that you answered some questions and not others.

And some of the questions that you answered, the answers didn't pan
out from "public records sources" that you referenced.

I did look for any links to the Houston Chronicle stories you claim to
have posted. If you posted them, they're not here.

On the other hand, I did look at the Houston Chronicle archives and
they DO back to 1985 online so it is possible that some of the
information you claim is available there, is available there. For a
charge, unless you're a subscriber.

"About Archives
• What is included?
The text of news articles from Chronicle writers and major wire
services appearing in The Chronicle starting in 1985. Our ThisWeek
database includes content from October 1997 through February 2000;
ThisWeek content starting March 1, 2000 is included in The Houston
Chronicle database.

• What is not included?
Archives does not include photographs, classifieds ads, paid death
notices, or opinion essays from the Outlook section of the newspaper.
The Houston Post archives are no longer available online."
Instructions for access are described below:
FREE for Houston Chronicle subscribers. If you are a subscriber,
please visit our online Registration Page and register with your
Subscriber Account number.

Purchase an Archive pass.
Using the links below, purchase an archive pass from our authorized

Month Pass -- $19.95
Allows access for 30 days from the time of purchase.
Week Pass -- $9.95
Allows access for 7 days from the time of purchase.
Day Pass -- $4.95
Allows access for 24 hours from the time of purchase.


And you're a Texan yourself aren't you Woodtick?

So maybe you are a subscriber. I'm not.

But, again, the fact that SOME of the information MAY be available
from public sources, doesn't mean that is where YOU got it.

And what I find curious still is the information that you're more
evasive about. The german girlfriend on some unknown board. The
information that you don't want to say how you know. The business plan
stuff. A page and document reference to Vicini. That kind of stuff.
The BASIS of your information that seems to come from the inside and
go way back. Now WHO you are. But HOW you know.

As to Kenneth Martin Esquire I'll tell you who he is. And ALL of this
comes from public information which I got from doing some research
into HLVP and tracing its history. This research was done in
October/November of 2002 around the time that all the ICHT nonsense
started appearing in Lymeland.

For the record: I do not know whether Martin was simply a lawyer doing
legal work for various entities or whether he was knowingly involved
in the illegalities of HLVP.

For the record: I also do not know whether any of the other listed
directors of HLVP mentioned below (Sailor and Chung) were knowingly
involved in the illegalities of HLVP.

That is a matter for the U.S. Attorney's office and the SEC.

Martin WAS listed as PR/CEO/DIR of HLVP. Martin had been involved with
a series of penny stock shell stock companies and a series of "reverse
mergers" eventually leading up to HLVP. My research worked backwards
from HLVP.

Martin appears to have done the legal work as well as been financially
involved in several of these shell stocks.

First a tiny bit of background. "Reverse mergers" were used to take
private companies public (see this link for an explanation of "reverse
mergers":,4621,300886,00.html ).
Basically a reverse merger is where a private company buys a publicly
traded company to skip the expense and complexity and time involved in
offering an IPO. Stock of companies that exist but have no real assets
are called "shell companies" and are perfect candidates for reverse
mergers. A small fee is paid to assume the assets of the shell
company, the primary asset of which is that it exists as a publicly
traded company which has failed but can be taken over for its status
as a publicly traded entity.

I recommend reading the article above and do a "Google search" if you
want more details on what a "reverse merger" is. I'll post full text
of that article at the end of this post.

So Kenneth Martin had a shell company named Delta Mutual (DLTM). He
also owned one named KELCON. A company called Enterprise Systems Inc
(ESI) was a shell that DLTM acquired ESI. Martin had done some work
for ESI and ESI had been subject to an SEC invetigation resulting in a
large fine for securities fraud in the SDNY. Eventually Martin's
company Kelcon bought ESI. Kelcon seems to be an entity that Martin
used to hold his stock in ESI and DLTM. DLTM was used as the shell
that eventually merged with HLVP allowing HLVP to trade publicly. DLTM
was the shell company that Helvetia planned to do a reverse merger
with. Once the assets of the shell are acquired, a name change
frequently follows. So DLTM was listed as acquiring HLVP, though the
real owner was HLVP. The two principles of ESI, Herbert Cannon and
John A. Solomon were the subjects of the SEC investigation and fine
and lifetime bans.

I know that is all pretty convoluted, but at the time that HLVP
started trading publicly, Martin was listed as PR/CEO/DIR. Other
directors of DLTM were Phillip Chung, Esquire and Sailor H. Mohler.

And HLVP's business of engaging in cancer therapies in Europe was

So to recap, ESI was a company that committed securities fraud by
failing to disclose material information in their offering documents
about the past of its principals Cannon and Solomon. Both Cannon and
Solomon has been conviced and fined for failing to disclose the fact
that Cannon's role in ESI was hidden (from investors AND regulators)
because of his extensive history of past SEC violations including
three prior criminal convictions, two SEX permanent injunctions and a
lifetime bar from the securities industry. Cannon was using a couple
of companies in Gibraltar to conceal his ownership role in ESI. He
also used Solomon to conceal his active role in managing ESI.
Misleading statements concerning the actual business and business
prospects of ESI were made to investors (and regulators)

ESI had originally been a company that was involved in computer
security services though one of the SEC violations involved
overstating their "suite of products" in registration statements,
press releases and on their website.

DLTM was originally incorporated to provide mortgage services to the
sub prime market through the internet.

What seems to have happened was that Martin bought DLTM which reverse
merged with ESI so that it could trade publicly. Martin used Kelcon as
a holding company for his interest in DLTM. I don't know anything else
about Kelcon but I don't believe it was ever a publicly traded
company, and prior to the reverse merger I don't believe that Delta
was publicly traded either. Helvetia which was not publicly traded
prior to the reverse merger with Delta was identified as a company in
the business of treating cancer and other diseases in Europe using

ESI then became DLTM through a reverse merger. DLTM became HLVP.
Kelcon was Martin's company in which he was sole shareholder and owned
a substantial and controlling portion of DLTM (80.8%).

Pretty convoluted huh? There's an old saying. Oh what a tangled web we
weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Again, for the record, I don't know what, if any, knowledge or
involvement any of the above people had in terms of the criminality
which was the essence of Helvetia operations through the clinic(s) in
Europe. Some of this looks pretty suspicious. And if people involved
didn't know, they may still have had an obligation as fiduciaries to
know. To be knowledgable about the products, operations and employess
of the working entity.

But those aren't questions for me to answer. Up to the U.S. Attorney
and SEC. And I assume they know all of this.

The sources I used to obtain this information were EDGAR Online (SEC
filings), and YAHOO Finance, GOnow financial network, SEC press
releases (involving ESI) and shellstock

I haven't tried to update any of this research or follow up on Martin,
Kelcon etc and I honestly don't even know if some of the online
sources are still in existence or if the information avaiable online
18 months ago is still online.

Due to computer problems I no longer have the links easily accessible
though I do have them on hard copies of the information I printed out
and am using to compose this posting.

Hope you find this interesting woodtick and others.

Oh yes, what a tangled web.

Reverse Merger,4621,300886,00.html

Take your private company public the easy way by purchasing a dormant,
public company.
June 14, 2002

What It Is: In a reverse merger, a privately held company buys a
publicly traded, but usually dormant, company. By doing so, the
private company becomes public.

Appropriate for: Reverse mergers are appropriate for companies that do
not need capital quickly and that will experience enough growth to
reach a size and scale at which they can succeed as a public entity.
Minimum sales and earnings to reach this plateau are $20 million and
$2 million, respectively.

Best Use: Reverse mergers can be used to finance anything from product
development to working capital needs. However, they work best for
companies that do not need capital quickly. Not that reverse mergers
take long to consummate, but the initial transaction is usually just
the halfway point. Once public, a company generally must still find
capital. Also, this financing technique works better for companies
that will experience substantial enough growth to develop into a
"real" public company.

Cost and Funds Typically Available: Expensive. Compared with a
conventional initial public offering (IPO), fees and expenses are not
that high for a reverse merger. Deals can be completed for $50,000 to
$100,000, which might be 25 percent of the out-of-pocket costs that
come with a full-blown IPO. In the process of making the deal,
however, the acquiring company might give up 10 percent to 20 percent
of its equity. This is very expensive. After all, it means a company
is surrendering ownership just for the privilege of being public. More
equity will probably disappear when the company actually raises money.
Funds typically available are $500,000 and greater.

Ease of Acquisition: Difficult but not as difficult as a conventional
initial public offering. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of a
reverse merger is trying to create a real trading market for the
company's shares once the deal is done.

First Steps
If a reverse merger sounds like a good idea to you, here are the steps
you need to take:
Find a shell company. You can find one by contacting the usual
suspects. As a first stop, ask an attorney. Every metropolitan area
has a law firm with a securities practice. Often, these firms have a
dormant public company sitting on one of the partners' bookshelves.

Another alternative is an accountant. People who control shell
companies tend to keep the financial statements, such as they are, up
to date. This brings accountants into the loop. Like attorneys, they
know where the bodies are.

Another source is financing consultants. In fact, many actually have a
couple of shell corporations and, upon request, can manufacture a
clean public shell. A made-to-order shell without the baggage of a
business failure in its background can sometimes be the way to go.

But there's often a cost involved. That is, you will most likely end
up with the financing consultants as minority shareholders in the new
company, holding between 2 percent and 5 percent. However, in almost
any reverse merger transaction, the principals of the shell company
keep a small equity position in the company going forward. Therefore,
this surrender of equity is simply a cost of doing business.

Devise your financing strategy. A reverse merger is an indirect route
to raising capital. Entrepreneurs must first consider how additional
capital will be raised after the deal is done.

A public company can issue and exercise warrants. Some public shell
companies already have warrants issued and outstanding; some have
previously registered the underlying common stock shares with the
Securities and Exchange Commission—which is a significant benefit.
This is much easier and much more valuable to a company that wants to
raise capital with warrants. If the newly public company must create
and issue warrants, the road to getting them exercised will be
trickier but still possible. In short, exercising warrants where the
underlying common shares are not registered requires the assistance of
a brokerage firm and must occur in a state where there is no
registration requirement for issuance of shares of up to $1 million.

If you are going the private-offering route (i.e., an offering sold to
select individuals rather than through a sale directly to the public
at large), the deal must be carefully structured. Specifically, the
amount of stock owned by investors that the new owners do not know and
cannot influence must be diminished so that a stable quote can be
established. Usually, this is done by reducing the percentage of the
total number of shares these investors own. By doing so, as an added
incentive, the private investors can be offered stock at a discount to
the market price.

Clean up your act. Unfortunately, there's a stigma attached to reverse
mergers. LVA-Vision, a company that owns free-standing centers
offering laser refractive eye surgery, founder Jerry Stephens, who
used the technique to brilliant effect, said that although it worked
for his company, "there's definitely another side to these deals. If
it wasn't for my long-standing reputation in the medical community,
our deal might have been perceived differently." Largely, the bad rap
stems from the fact that reverse mergers are not understood, Stephens

Entrepreneurs contemplating such a transaction can and should take
steps to elevate the profile of their "new" company. Specifically:

1. Hire a national accounting firm. One of the reasons the Big Five
fees are high is because they inspire a lot of comfort among
investors, traders, and regulators. If you saved a lot on fees at the
front end, this might be worth investing in on the back end.

2. Hire a prestigious law firm. It's almost a certainty that the
attorney who initially helps you with your reverse merger transaction,
if he or she is an expert in these kinds of deals, will not be with a
prestigious downtown law firm. However, after the offering is
completed, you should consider retaining one of these firms. Why? When
deciding whether to get involved in your offering, many investors and
brokers will judge your firm by the company it keeps. An unknown law
firm makes a neutral to negative impression. But a well-known and
powerful law firm sends an unmistakable message.

Start with a clean shell. As was mentioned, many shells are created
for the express purpose of merging with a private company. These
shells have no predecessor entities and, as a result, little baggage
in the way of a business failure or other skeletons in the closets.

Check your greed. The great rallying cry of the 1980s, popularized by
the Hollywood oily takeover artist Gordon Gekko, "Greed is good,"
doesn't apply with a reverse merger. It's possible to structure a
reverse merger so that at the end of the day, the public owns 2
percent of the company and the remaining 98 percent is controlled by
the owners of the private company that acquired the shell.
Unfortunately, there's almost no incentive for any other investors to
become involved if the only people who truly benefit are the insiders.
The lesson is, if you plan to involve the public with the intention of
engaging in a truly symbiotic relationship, you simply must leave some
value on the table.

Related Articles:
Initial Public Offering
Institutional Venture Capital
Resource Centers:
Springboard 2000
Viridian Capital
Also see these topics:
IPOs, DPOs & Reverse Mergers
How To: Raise Money
MasterCard BusinessCard® for Small Businesses
Keep business expenses separate from personal expenses.
Click here for details.


Jun 27, 2004, 11:04:18 AM6/27/04
to (jill ellen) wrote in message news:<>...
> Wow. You have a really active imagination. Too many inventions and
> exaggerations in your recent posts to address. Like woodtick says,
> lighten up.

Well Jill you despicable lowlife pathetic excuse for humanity waste of
life (would you like to know how I REALLY feel about you?), I don't
find the Bachynsky scandal funny. I don't find the death of the young
doctor funny. I don't find those who prey on desperate and vulnerable
victims, funny. Nor those who enable, assist, aid and abet or conspire
with them, funny. I don't think it is funny when people are ripped for
for large amounts of money, put at substantial risk of injury or
death, and given false hope, funny.

I don't share your moral relativism or complete amorality.

As to exagerrations, inventions or active imagination, there are none.
Everything stated are based on facts, events and reasonable opinions
based upon those facts and events.

You can blithely dismiss them rather than respond to them. Better that
than more apologias for Bachynsky or sycophantic postings detailing
your admiration for those involved.

People have caught your who act from beginning to end and know exactly
what you did.

> Read some poetry (my latest favorite discovery is Tomas Transtomer),
> try to get back in touch with beauty wherever you can find it. I am
> sincere in trying to help people. From an email that came in at 9:47
> this morning:

LOL An invented patient testimonial?

Or a real one. Doesn't matter. You seem to think that you and Roseanne
are doing good. I guess it is possible you have tried to sincerely
help some people.

And I guess Adolph Hitler had his good moments too. And Charles

Does that make them good people? Does it make up for what they did?

I guess in your world of amorality, maybe so.

<snipped self serving and possibly made up nonsense>

> When I investigated ICHT and reported on what I found out, I did so in
> the same spirit. I hoped it would work. I still think the theory is
> valid.

It is possibly as valid as the theory that if you set your house on
fire and sit in it while it burns down that you're likely to kill the
spirochetal infection that causes Lyme Disease.

But neither approach is a "treatment." Nor is either one safe.

Assuming the people involved even have Lyme. Well the house fire will
pretty much cure anything if you burn up and die. Including
hypochondria. You might want to try it? It might cure eating disorders
too? And problems with men in your life.

I suspect that burning yourself up in a house fire is more effective
than ICHT since clearly there are many ICHT treatment failures.

>I didn't do the treatment, just like I'm not doing benicar,
> and I didn't do longterm antibiotics, and I didn't do arthemos
> etc--lots of things I investigated that others said helped them, and
> may have helped some...but I have researched and written about all
> these things.

LOL Your "research" LOL

We ALL HOPE that whatever people try works for them. We ALL hope that
people aren't going to die or be injured or ripped off.

Some of us CARE too. And take care in NOT endorsing, recommending,
disseminating information about something like ICHT, a dangerous,
illegal, INSANE scam being offered by someone you knew was a con man,
fraud, felon, and didn't have a medical license.

It is one thing to recommend things like HBOT, artemesia, or RIFE.

But things like "heparin therapy" (without proper monitoring, or any
known efficacy and without proper consent) are dangerous.

Things like "benicar 'therapy'" are pretty out there too, especially
when the whole thing is essentially being prescribed by a Ph.D NOT a

But ICHT was beyond over the line. Over the line of common sense. Over
the line of morality. Over the line of sanity.

Your efforts to compare it to the use of SSRIs or the things above are
laughable and desperate.

Again, maybe you'll want to try the external hyperthermia house fire

And if there is any cosmic justice, you'll get to experience the
external hyperthermia treatment roasting in the fires of hell. Stuck
there with your cohorts, PSYCHOkiller, L James Shithead, Semper Wife
Beater Fi, and of course the "good doc" Bachynsky.

> My life is good these days,

Isn't that special? Don't make the mistake of thinking that I give a
flying fart.

>so much of your invented cyber-person
> doesn't track with who I am and how I feel and what goes in my life.
> I just am not going to belabor it here.

Good. I guarantee you that I don't care. I couldn't possibly care

I've already posted about what you deserve.

See above. See previous posts on burning in hell.

> I'm outta here--a deadline looms and then desert light and mesas. So
> you can relax, I won't post for a good long while.

You've promised that many places, many times before.

And I AM relaxed. Just not amused.


Jun 27, 2004, 5:53:31 PM6/27/04
I looked it up and Vicini is mentioned in the document #53 of the
docket, page 3, line 7, Motion for Review of Detention Order and for
Evidentiary Hearing.

For the record, you are right, it wasn't in the Southern District of
New York. Bachynsky's first fiasco was in the Southern District of
Texas and I got the two confused. It was the Eastern District of New
York and it wasn't a minor tax evasion case. It was a massive offshore
fraud case. Vicini's part was $15 million (public information).

The two statements I have made referring to the German girlfriend and
the new business plan don't amount to a hill of beans so why are you
worried about verifying those? The fact that he took her from
Switzerland to Italy with him when he changed locations pretty much
shows he was banging her. Common sense. What difference does it make
to you?

I did subscribe to the Houston Chronicle with a one week pass in order
to obtain those articles. Simple.


Jun 27, 2004, 6:26:46 PM6/27/04
Lets not treat any illness,someone here will bitch about it.

If the lord came dpwn and healed someone right in front of all your eyes.

Tomorrow,you would all be on here,bitching about what he did wrong.


Jun 27, 2004, 6:20:57 PM6/27/04
> Anyone with a conscience would find him and anyone who facilitated
> conspired with aided and abetted or otherwise enabled him to prey on
> despereate and vulnerable victims despicable beyond comprehension.
Would it surprise you to learn our FDA knew what Bachynsky was doing
in Europe? You can find this in Document #53, footnote 10 on page 7. I
wonder how the family of the doctor who died in Italy would feel
knowing that.

Mark Vicini's name is mentioned on page 3, line 7 of Document #54.
His name is also on line 11 (not 7 as I posted earlier) in Document
#53. Sorry.


Jun 29, 2004, 7:36:17 PM6/29/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> > Anyone with a conscience would find him and anyone who facilitated
> > conspired with aided and abetted or otherwise enabled him to prey on
> > despereate and vulnerable victims despicable beyond comprehension.
> >
> Would it surprise you to learn our FDA knew what Bachynsky was doing
> in Europe? You can find this in Document #53, footnote 10 on page 7. I
> wonder how the family of the doctor who died in Italy would feel
> knowing that.


Jun 29, 2004, 7:36:17 PM6/29/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> > Anyone with a conscience would find him and anyone who facilitated
> > conspired with aided and abetted or otherwise enabled him to prey on
> > despereate and vulnerable victims despicable beyond comprehension.
> >
> Would it surprise you to learn our FDA knew what Bachynsky was doing
> in Europe? You can find this in Document #53, footnote 10 on page 7. I
> wonder how the family of the doctor who died in Italy would feel
> knowing that.


Jun 29, 2004, 7:48:59 PM6/29/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> > Anyone with a conscience would find him and anyone who facilitated
> > conspired with aided and abetted or otherwise enabled him to prey on
> > despereate and vulnerable victims despicable beyond comprehension.
> >
> Would it surprise you to learn our FDA knew what Bachynsky was doing
> in Europe? You can find this in Document #53, footnote 10 on page 7. I
> wonder how the family of the doctor who died in Italy would feel
> knowing that.

It looks like your Assistant U.S. Attorney buddy(Reality Check) got
tired of your answers or you hit a real sore spot with him. Where did
he come from and where did he go?.
Jill Ellen got me kicked off of Lyme flash 2 years ago because I tried
to warn people about this charitan.
If your story rings true about the Government knowing all about
Bachynsky and what he was doing-becareful they will find you and try
to get you in trouble.


Jun 30, 2004, 5:06:38 PM6/30/04
to (WoodTick) wrote in message:
Jill Ellen got me kicked off of Lyme flash 2 years ago because I
to warn people about this charitan.
If your story rings true about the Government knowing all about
Bachynsky and what he was doing-becareful they will find you and try
to get you in trouble.


So, Woodtick, are you finally admitting that you are the deranged Joel
Shkmuler, former criminal attorney from PA (105 Chess Wold Court,
Wayne, PA, 610-647-2058)(how's Ari BoBrow?); whose life and career has
been ruined by lyme disease. It's no secret who you are to those who
have been participating on this lyme newsgroup for years.
Woodtick/Joel, you have been harassing many in "lymeland" with your
unsolicited emails, particularly the posters who have either received
ICHT therapy or had an open ear regarding it. Your posts on this group
and others are always meant to flame.

You are poison to the lyme community, creating arguments and
dissension where ever you go. It‘s well known that you, Joel
Shkmuler, have it in for Jill; since she woke up and decided that her
association with you was wrong. At least she had the courage and
decency to split, once she figured out what you were really about.
That doesn't say much about Stanley's ethics.

Who else would have the time and know how to access public legal
documents but a deranged out of work lawyer, with nothing better to
It's a shame you don't have the balls to post under your real name and
be upfront about who you are and your real motives, as you did in the
past(, before you alienated yourself from everyone in
the lyme community, except your two buddies Rita Stanley and Ann-OH;
your personal cheerleaders. Interesting, that Woodtick's last
unsolicited email actually included Rita Stanley and Joel's personal
email in the list of addressees. That was a first.

Joel, how many screen names have you assumed during the last two years
in your attempt to harass posters and create dissension in the lyme
community, both here and on lymenet? Interesting, how you always
posted in the wee hours of the morning to help ensure your post
wouldn't be deleted until morning and how you posted from several
different computers to avoid being traced. You have violated every
rule on lymenet, including assuming the personality of a New York City
police officer (LYMENYPD). You did it to yourself, with all your
disruptive postings. You got yourself thrown off. The moderators, got
hip to you with help from other posters and banned you because you
were there only to make trouble. You acted solely as a troll, a known
trouble maker who continually assumed new screen names.

As a member of the bar association, you should be disbarred for the
behavior you have demonstrated, if you have not already . It is
clear you are mentally unsound. You have, thru your destructive
tactics, been responsible for the demise of this newsgroup. You are
the biggest troll on the internet. You have largely been responsible
for the new guidelines on lymenet. You allude to the fact the many
posts were deleted, when it was you under the guise of different fake
screen names, purposely violating the rules of the group and
continuing to bait posters, causing the posts to become ugly,
inflammatory and outside of the rules of the forum.

And then your cohort, PH.D Rita Stanley, who pretends not to know
that she is in cahoots with the biggest troll in the lyme community,
(a troll whose sole purpose is to harass anyone who doesn't agree with
him), damages her professional credibility by her secret association
with Joel, the most destructive, evil person in "lymeland".

Your tactics are quite interesting, as well as the many monikers you
have assumed. Lately, since no one is really listening to you except
Rita and Ann-OH, you have had to create several new personalities who
speak back and forth to each other to arouse interest. Sci Med was
meant to discuss the issues relating to lyme disease, not your insane
obsession with the personal lives of others.

Do you take pleasure in the fact that you have ruined sci med, a once
very active and informative newsgroup, perhaps one of the best on the
net? Looking forward to watching how many more sicko personalities
you can continue to create, how many more lymies you will continue to
harass on this group and via your unsolicited emails and also looking
forward to Miss PH.D Stanley's continued efforts to work behind the
scenes with you.

Rita, if you think it is not obvious that you are working in tandem
with the biggest troll in "LYMELAND", think again. Any fool could
see what you two are doing. If you think your planned joint posts are
constructive, think about how many posters have left the group, due to
Joel and his antics. Have you considered where all these new off the
wall posters have come from of late?

Rita Stanley

Jun 30, 2004, 6:47:03 PM6/30/04

"WoodTickExposed" <> wrote in message

> (WoodTick) wrote in message:
> Jill Ellen got me kicked off of Lyme flash 2 years ago because I
> tried
> to warn people about this charitan.
> If your story rings true about the Government knowing all about
> Bachynsky and what he was doing-becareful they will find you and try
> to get you in trouble.
> So, Woodtick, are you finally admitting that you are the deranged Joel
> Shkmuler, former criminal attorney from PA (

If you have proof you had better get it out here because defaming him is not
what you want to do.

And, Jill, it's not Miss, it's Dr.


Jul 1, 2004, 2:23:00 AM7/1/04
"Rita Stanley" <> wrote in message news:<HpHEc.7540$%_6.6035@attbi_s01>...
jill ellen
how many lives have been taken away by your buddy Bachynsky with your
help. I know who woodtick is and believe me you are as evil as the
rest of Bachynsky's clones. You remember me I warned you three years
ago about Your buddy Bachynsky and I told you then he was a sociopathe
who would pry on the sick and helpless and all you did is get Lou
Bachmann to kick me off his web site so I couldn't warn people. you
are dispicable and you belong right next to that scumbag in the cell
next to him.
Rita & Woodtick keep up the good work-don't let this vulgar slut
affect either of you.


Jul 1, 2004, 6:13:00 AM7/1/04
to (WoodTickExposed) wrote in message news:<>...

> (WoodTick) wrote in message:
> Jill Ellen got me kicked off of Lyme flash 2 years ago because I
> tried
> to warn people about this charitan.
> If your story rings true about the Government knowing all about
> Bachynsky and what he was doing-becareful they will find you and try
> to get you in trouble.
> So, Woodtick, are you finally admitting that you are the deranged Joel
> Shkmuler, former criminal attorney from PA (105 Chess Wold Court,
> Wayne, PA, 610-647-2058)(how's Ari BoBrow?); whose life and career has
> been ruined by lyme disease.

Hi roseanne! Please tell Nick Bachynsky that all his friends said hi.
We're glad to see him where he finally belongs and he'll be there for
the rest of his miserable excuse for a life. And then he'll be
roasting in hell along with you and Jill Ellen Neimark of New York
City New York.

How is your condo at: Rosanne Barrett, 1201 Eagle Bay Dr, Ossining,
NY 914 762 5717

I guess you're back from Italy and back from Miami visiting Nick at
the Detention Center there.

I wonder where he'll end up serving? Hope it isn't too far for you to
travel. A shame that Sing Sing isn't a federal facility since it is
pretty close to your hovel.

I see that the rumors of your recovery are false since you are
obviously as psychotic as ever. And back to posting using multiple
names. Remember, you were caught dead to rights before.

Speaking of dead, have you no shame or remorse for your role in the
death of the young doctor Michael Aqualina and others at Bachynksy's
hands? After all you helped solicit people to go there. You bullied
people. You knew who and what Bachynsky was. Just amazing that you and
L James Jerkoff weren't indicted along with Bachynsky.

Maybe it isn't too late. Do you think? Maybe the US attorney's office
needs to take a good long look at what you did. Luckily they're
already on the case.

Anyone interested in who this psychotic maniac is do a search for
"rushkiller" "roseanne barrett"

She also posted as:

mdsquire aka
lymegreen aka

Yeah she and Jill Ellen used to be enemies!

Her der dritte mann, you thought that Lisa was the most psychotic
ever? Well rushkiller gives her a run for her money.

Why is it that kathloon and lisa are finally gone (even though the
lisa impersonator pops up everyone now and then) and the hick finally
leaves but then this psycho comes back?

Anyway please tell Nick that we hope he makes some nice new friends in
prison. Some real close friends. He must love being some guy's bitch
or why would he have made sure that he'd end up back there for the
rest of his life? Pathological. So are you roseanne.

Keep the posts coming. We're on to you.

Have a nice day roseanne.

Jul 1, 2004, 10:50:08 AM7/1/04
Whoever you are(AUSA,FBI,Government Investigator,or Attorney) why
would you post the name of the young dead Dr. on a public forum. I
don't think the family would appreciate it or any of his relatives.
Please be more discreet.

Jul 1, 2004, 12:59:29 PM7/1/04
This is the Affidavit of Rosanne P. Barrett From Bachynsky's detention
hearing on June 22, 2004; part of document #54:

Declaration of Roseanne P. Barrett

1. My name is Roseanne P. Barrett. I submit this declaration under
oath and penalties of perjury for the bond release of Nicholas
2. I live out of town and am unable to travel to Miami on short
notice.Consequently, I request the court to consider my affidavit.
3. I have known Nicholas Bachynsky for some time. I suffered from
the dreaded late-stage neurological Lyme Disease, and credit Dr.
Bachynsky with saving and extending my life. I have received DNP
treatment two times, under the care and treatment of licensed and
qualified Italian doctors and medical staff, with oversight
supervision by Dr. Bachynsky. Today, I am 100% symptom free, after
suffering from Lyme disease for 19 years. I am fully aware of the
experimental nature of DNP, but sought out the treatment because of
its promise and the failure of traditional medicines and procedures to
help sufferers like me.
4. I am aware of other Lyme disease sufferers, several of whom
have sought DNP treatment, and who have been helped significantly by
Dr. Bachynsky. To the best of my knowledge, not a single person was
misled as to the experimental nature of the treatment. I and others
are hopeful the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will see the medical
value of DNP for cancer treatment and other therapies, and will
authorize its study and use.
5. I am and have been aware of Dr. Bachynsky's prior federal
conviction and prison sentence, as well as his loss of his medical
license. I am aware he is a degreed M.D. and Ph.D. He did not treat me
as a doctor, but assisted the Italian physicians. I was informed by
the Italian doctors that the DNP treatment was authorized in Italy as
an experimental program, and I was well treated by the Italian doctors
and staff.
6. I know Dr. Bachynsky has dedicated much of his life to
researching and studying DNP, and I am glad for it. While he was
affiliated with Helvetia, he did not raise investor funds or seek
investment money. Instead, he concentrated on the scientific and
medical use of DNP for treatment.
7. I am confident Dr. Bachynsky will fully comply with all bail
conditions, and will appear in court whenever required.
8. I am familiar with (patient's name left out in consideration
of the family's feelings, but was stated in her affidavit) and was in
Italy during the time he was being treated. He was treated with DNP
for Lyme disease, in the same manner as the 9 other patients that were
there at the time. He was familiar with the experimental nature of
DNP, and consented to the treatment under the care of Italian
physicians. His death, in my lauman's opinion, was probably the result
of poor health due to having a degenerative disease, and not the DNP
treatment. I hold this opinion, due the fact that no other Lyme
patient died as a result of DNP treatment and also having taken DNP
treatment myself on two separate occasions. I never felt at any time,
while undergoing DNP treatment, that my life was in danger.

Executed under oath and under penalty of perjury.

Rosanne P. Barrett
(signature and date of


Jul 1, 2004, 2:29:45 PM7/1/04
to wrote in message news:<>...

Why do you say they wouldn't appreciate it? I didn't say anything
disrespectful about him. His name appears many times in the public
filings and testimony thus far in the criminal case against Bachynsky.

I didn't know this was some kind of secret. And his name is in public
records now not just the usenet.

Are you a family spokesperson?

I don't have any information about the family or their desires. Do

Certainly if THEY made such a request, I would refrain. And if your
request is from them, I would refrain.

But not knowing it was some sort of state secret (except in public
record filings accessible by anyone who cares) my use of his name
wasn't "indiscreet."

Thanks for posting Roseanne PSYCHO Barrett's affidavit though. She
certainly has no regard for the penalty of perjury relevant to her
affidavit. There are a number of examples of false statements made in
her affidavit things she says now that are contradicted by things she
knew and said earlier. And things she purports to know that she
couldn't know.

What a psycho. I think her recent rant posted her under yet another
alias shows that her mental state remains psychotic and her borderline
personality disorder remains a problem. She's also delusional.

And a nasty witch.

Anyhow, I certainly meant no indiscretion. You can see from the PACER
filings that you've obviously been able to access, that his name
appears several times. If the request not to use his name comes from
the family, I will honor it. But please note I did not say anything
negative about him. Unlike some people like Jill Ellen and other
Bachynsky enablers, aiders and abettors and co conspirators, I don't
blame the young doctor for his death or his family for his death. I
blame Bachynsky, and Roseanne PSYCHOKiller Barrett and Jill Ellen
Neimark and L James Shithead and Semper Wife Beater Fi and others.


Jul 1, 2004, 7:33:53 PM7/1/04
Rushkiller you are making such a fool of yourself. You have not
exposed WoodTick, but you have exposed yourself to PERJURY!! I read
your affidavit, as well as Kathy Boss'. Man you two have got some kind
of balls, swearing out statements like that, to a federal judge, after
the posts you two have made.

You both are full of crap and have lied out your asses. You both, as
well as all the ICHT patients, know full well that Bachynsky was most
definitely the treating physician and the ONLY one ever in charge.

Those Italian doctors were just there to drape a veil around
Bachynsky's goings-on, then look the other way. Italian authorities
actually infiltrated the clinic during a health inspection. Bachynsky
didn't like that. I bet you were there at the time too -- were you
able to recognize what was going on? Or were you busy counting up your

If the Italian doctors were the ones in charge and Bachynsky was
merely a consultant (which no one believes for a second, but you
ICHTers all seem intent on promoting that ludicrous, in
hindsight), why weren't they in the young doctor's room as he
struggled for his life? Why wasn't Bachynsky at his villa sleeping?
Because it's all a bunch of bogus bullshit - everyone knows Bachynsky
was the ONLY person treating patients with DNP at Villa Preziosa. He's
not a physician, remember - he has no license to practice medicine.

You should be careful Rushkiller. You really should have had a lawyer
help you draw up that affidavit and not just followed along with what
Bachynsky wanted you to say. You know you will be called as a witness
at the scumbag's trial. Many, many people on these bulletin boards
have seen your numerous posts solicitating patients for ICHT, not to
mention your countless posts about the treatment itself firsthand.
Some might even have copies of those posts. I bet the government can't
wait to get a hold of you.

Incidently, I never saw a single post from any of you ICHTers even so
much as mentioning Italian physicians being there. Never. How odd is

Jul 1, 2004, 11:33:21 PM7/1/04
Thank You.
Anyone with information that disproves the affidavit of Roseanne
Barrett should post it here-i.e. old posts saved etc. I personally
think Bachynsky brain washed her. He is a total scumbag who now
includes this idiot among his soon to fallen victims. Federal
authorities don't subborn perjury unless they are doing it. I bet they
indict Roseanne Barrett and I bet Bachynsky would never come to her
aid or help with an attorney. Bachynsky and Anders made all the $ and
Dean and Sherbert had to get court appointed attorney's according to
the records

I am trying to find out from Dr. Coti( Italian Forensic Pathologist)at
the University of Milan, if the two Italian Physicians and the Swiss
Pharmacist are in jail awaiting their mentor Bachynsky's return.

In the SEC suit count # 32, Bachynsky etal. conned a cancer victim out
of her treatment money $50,000. so she would invest in Helvetia, when
she asked for the money back so she could get treated they cussed her.
Nice guys!!
Rita I know you have the juice on Barrett share it with us please!

The Judge has not ruled about freeing Bachynsky, but common sense says
that if he was going to let him out he would have already done it.


Jul 1, 2004, 11:48:36 PM7/1/04
Jill Ellen is the ultimate fence-straddler. In the beginning, when
ICHT was first promoted on the boards she was against it. Then once a
few people underwent it and posted positively, suddenly she had done
alot of "research" and was then for it. She eased over onto the other
side of the fence for a while.

She remained for ICHT and posted deep lengthy discussions, from which
she kept impeccable notes, that she had personally with Bachynsky. She
seemed to gloat that Bachynsky not only took her phone calls, but
talked at length with her about his therapy, his theories, his
knowledge, his background, etc. (i.e. his spiel). It was almost as if
she wanted to say "he enjoyed talking to me coz I'm real smart and
know pretty much everything about everything" but she stopped short of
actually saying so.

Then a few naysayers came onto the board, not so happy with the
therapy or with Bachynsky either. His past was fast catching up with
him. To get into a little trouble and pay a debt to society is one
thing, but the blastings of out and out fraud continued to follow him
and he couldn't shake loose from it. She got back on the fence.

Then someone died. She remained on the fence, but leaned way over
occasionally to post not only of the promise of the idea behind the
therapy, but also of the brilliance of the scumbag that had just
allowed someone to die. Then she'd lean back the other way and post
just enough negative about it to keep everyone off her ass.

She could have probably stayed below the radar had she not publicly
blamed the already devastated family of the young man who died. Not
once did she ever say maybe Bachynsky did the wrong thing (not getting
him to a hospital) or that Roseanne didn't do the right thing (calling
an ambulance) - she felt totally comfortable saying it was the
family's fault.

And that one statement has put her on the permanent low-life list of
unconscienable scoundrels, right along with her hero, Bachynsky.


Jul 2, 2004, 12:26:04 AM7/2/04
I challenge anyone to disprove any of the statements in Roseanne's
affidavit. (Shouldn't be hard.) DD if you can, I sure wish you'd post
Kathy Boss' too. It's full of the same type of bullshit.

RC, when you say there are things she couldn't possibly have known,
that she swore to under oath, I would assume you meant her statement
that when Bachynsky "was associated with Helvetia he did not solicit
funds," but only worked the medical research side of it, blah, blah,
blah. That one cracked me up. He's a master at soliciting anything he

There's absolutely no way she could ever, ever know what that
scoundrel is up to when she's not right in front of him. There are at
least 3 people listed in his indictment who says he DID solicit funds
from them. Her testimony in that respect is worthless. Why she even
bothered to include it in her affidavit shows her stupidity.

Her goose was pretty much cooked when Lymex3 posted on LymeNet of the
involvement of the "patient coordinator" at the time of the young
man's struggle, who, of course, we all know to be Rosanne. She even
allowed them to run a phone line into her home so she could suck all
those desperately ill Lyme sufferers in by boasting of her "cure" --
the young man who died, being one of them. Didn't she and L. James
Johnson even send a joint post that they were now (then) working
for/with Bachynsky??? I'm sure I saw that. Of course, once the death
of the American occured, Johnson quickly jumped off that sinking ship.
Rosanne's still seemingly hanging on.

Rosanne, for you to get on this board, on this thread no less, under a
pseudonym no less, and blast ANYONE but your freaking SELF and that
lowlife, scum-sucking Bachynsky is beyond apprehension. Go get a
lawyer -- you're gonna need one.


Jul 2, 2004, 12:41:29 AM7/2/04
I challenge anyone to disprove any of the statements in Roseanne's
affidavit. (Shouldn't be hard.) DD if you can, I sure wish you'd post
Kathy Boss' too. It's full of the same type of bullshit.

RC, when you say there are things she couldn't possibly have known,
that she swore to under oath, I would assume you meant her statement
that when Bachynsky "was associated with Helvetia he did not solicit
funds," but only worked the medical research side of it, blah, blah,
blah. That one cracked me up. He's a master at soliciting anything he

There's absolutely no way she could ever, ever know what that
scoundrel is up to when she's not right in front of him. There are at
least 3 people listed in his indictment who says he DID solicit funds
from them. Her testimony in that respect is worthless. Why she even
bothered to include it in her affidavit shows her stupidity.

Her goose was pretty much cooked when Lymex3 posted on LymeNet of the
involvement of the "patient coordinator" at the time of the young
man's struggle, who, of course, we all know to be Rosanne. She even
allowed them to run a phone line into her home so she could suck all

these desperately ill Lyme sufferers in by boasting of her "cure" --

the young man who died, being one of them. Didn't she and L. James

Johnson even send a joint post that they were now working for/with

Bachynsky??? I'm sure I saw that.

Rosanne, for you to get on this board, on this thread no less, under a


Jul 2, 2004, 9:12:15 AM7/2/04
> RC
> Thank You.
> Anyone with information that disproves the affidavit of Roseanne
> Barrett should post it here-i.e. old posts saved etc.

Anyone with such information should send it to the United State's
Attorneys handling the Bachynksy case:

Office of the United
States Attorney, 99 NE 4th Street, Miami, FL 33132.

U. S. Attorneys:

Richard Hong

Jeffrey Lee Cox

United States Attorney's Office
99 NE 4th Street
Miami, FL 33132

>I personally think Bachynsky brain washed her.

Bachynksy is a con man. But Roseanne needs to be held responsible for
her own actions.

>He is a total scumbag who now includes this idiot among his soon to
fallen >victims. Federal authorities don't subborn perjury unless they
are doing it.


>I bet they indict Roseanne Barrett and I bet Bachynsky would never
come to her
> aid or help with an attorney.

I wouldn't bet one way or another. I would HOPE she was indicted for
her role. At the very least the information might be helpful in
rebutting her affidavit.

It says something that she didn't bother to appear personally.

> Bachynsky and Anders made all the $ and
> Dean and Sherbert had to get court appointed attorney's according to
> the records

Maybe their money is less accessible. I imagine they made some $$$
too. If not maybe they'll roll on Bachynsky. There is no honor amongst
thieves. Particularly this bunch.

Bachynsky is alreay cooperating as a witness against the scumbags in
the East Texas cliic.

> I am trying to find out from Dr. Coti( Italian Forensic Pathologist)at
> the University of Milan, if the two Italian Physicians and the Swiss
> Pharmacist are in jail awaiting their mentor Bachynsky's return.

Swiss pharmacist? Is that what Bachynsky meant when he said he had
Swiss Medic approval? He had a swiss pharmacist cooking up the illegal

Do tell.

> In the SEC suit count # 32, Bachynsky etal. conned a cancer victim out
> of her treatment money $50,000. so she would invest in Helvetia, when
> she asked for the money back so she could get treated they cussed her.
> Nice guys!!

Does Dickhead Cheney work with them?

> Rita I know you have the juice on Barrett share it with us please!

> The Judge has not ruled about freeing Bachynsky, but common sense says
> that if he was going to let him out he would have already done it.

I don't agree that a delay in issuing the decision should be read one
way or another as "common sense." However, Bachynsky is detainable for
about fifty reasons and I sincerely doubt he'll be let out on any
condition or combination of conditions.


Jul 2, 2004, 10:17:20 AM7/2/04
> This is the Affidavit of Rosanne P. Barrett From Bachynsky's detention
> hearing on June 22, 2004; part of document #54:
> Declaration of Roseanne P. Barrett
> 1. My name is Roseanne P. Barrett. I submit this declaration under
> oath and penalties of perjury for the bond release of Nicholas
> Bachynsky.

She wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in her psychotic ass.

Bachynksy presents a risk to the community and a strong risk of
flight. He has inadequate ties to the community and substantial
foreign contacts making it easy for him to flee. He has shown that he
will not obey court orders by continuing to engage in activities
involving DNP that he was specifically forbidden to engage in. He has
shown no remorse nor any rehabilitation following a jail term of
nearly a decade. Pretty much the minute that his period of supervised
release following his release from jail he resumed his criminal
career. It is likely that he had planned to do so for a long time
before that.

> 2. I live out of town and am unable to travel to Miami on short
> notice.Consequently, I request the court to consider my affidavit.

The US Attorney should consider it for perjury and should consider her
role in the ICHT solicitations very carefully.

3. I have known Nicholas Bachynsky for some time. I suffered from
> the dreaded late-stage neurological Lyme Disease, and credit Dr.
> Bachynsky with saving and extending my life. I have received DNP
> treatment two times, under the care and treatment of licensed and
> qualified Italian doctors and medical staff, with oversight
> supervision by Dr. Bachynsky. Today, I am 100% symptom free, after
> suffering from Lyme disease for 19 years. I am fully aware of the
> experimental nature of DNP, but sought out the treatment because of
> its promise and the failure of traditional medicines and procedures to
> help sufferers like me.

"dreaded late stage neurological lyme disease" Well I guess. If she
even had Lyme it obviously had eaten away her brain. She always seemed
utterly psychotic and suffering from borderline personality disorder
to me. Maybe that came from Lyme. Maybe she was already like that.

> 4. I am aware of other Lyme disease sufferers, several of whom
> have sought DNP treatment, and who have been helped significantly by
> Dr. Bachynsky. To the best of my knowledge, not a single person was
> misled as to the experimental nature of the treatment. I and others
> are hopeful the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will see the medical
> value of DNP for cancer treatment and other therapies, and will
> authorize its study and use.

Aware of? How bout, bullied many into going. Did everything possible
to prevent them from having access to information about Bachynsky, his
past, and from accurate balanced information about the risks of ICHT
and the unethical manner in which this whole thing occurred. NO
informed consent (violates the Nuremberg principles), no medical
license, no authority to be practicing, specifically forbidden to use
DNP, lies about this being a medical "study" or "experimental
'treatment'" etc).

Helped "significantly"? NOt one of them was helped. Several sufferd
serious side effects and adverse events which she tried to cover up.
Each one remained ill and became increasingly ill as time went by
(though they consistently now attribute it to something else, but NOT
the side effects of DNP? LOL).

Hopeful about the FDA? LOL WELL they COULD have tried to do an FDA
study, obtained an IND set up a study etc. In fact IF this was a valid
"treatment" that is EXACTLY what they would have done because IF it
was, it would have been worth BILLIONS AND BILLIONS not whatever they
could rip off desperate and vulnerable and gullible people.

> 5. I am and have been aware of Dr. Bachynsky's prior federal
> conviction and prison sentence, as well as his loss of his medical
> license. I am aware he is a degreed M.D. and Ph.D. He did not treat me
> as a doctor, but assisted the Italian physicians. I was informed by
> the Italian doctors that the DNP treatment was authorized in Italy as
> an experimental program, and I was well treated by the Italian doctors
> and staff.

He earned an MD (god knows he probably cheated his way through medical
school). But he has no continuing medical education for more than 15
years between the loss of his license and his prison term.

This is the BIG LIE. He DID treat everyone as the doctor at the clinic
though he had no right to do so. EVERYONE knows that. EVERYONE posted
about that at the time trying to tell people what a good caring
"doctor" he was and how good he was at "hands on" stuff.

Woodtick is right. NO ONE EVER mentioned any other doctor "treating"


Totally a huge lie roseanne.

And it was NOT an "Experimental program." It is UNETHICAL to charge
patients to paricipate in a study. And not provide informed consent.
And not have the approval of the FDA or relevant authority and a data
safety monitoring board. HAD it been an "experiment" or "study" it
would have been HALTED IMMEDIATELY following the first deaths of
cancer patients and those deaths would have been investigated rather
than the mistakes buried (cremated I hear).

6. I know Dr. Bachynsky has dedicated much of his life to
> researching and studying DNP, and I am glad for it. While he was
> affiliated with Helvetia, he did not raise investor funds or seek
> investment money. Instead, he concentrated on the scientific and
> medical use of DNP for treatment.

How does she know what he has "dedicated much of his life to" doing?
She knew him a few months, mabye a year or a little more.

How does she know that he didn't raise investor funds? So what? Ever
hear of CONSPIRACY rushkiller? (she rushed people into doing ICHT and
she helped kill them, what an apt name she chose for herself).

Doesn't this mean that if he wasn't raising investor funds he WAS
practicing hands on medicine?

What a liar!

7. I am confident Dr. Bachynsky will fully comply with all bail
> conditions, and will appear in court whenever required.

LOL Who cares what she thinks!

> 8. I am familiar with (patient's name left out in consideration
> of the family's feelings, but was stated in her affidavit) and was in
> Italy during the time he was being treated. He was treated with DNP
> for Lyme disease, in the same manner as the 9 other patients that were
> there at the time. He was familiar with the experimental nature of
> DNP, and consented to the treatment under the care of Italian
> physicians. His death, in my lauman's opinion, was probably the result
> of poor health due to having a degenerative disease, and not the DNP
> treatment. I hold this opinion, due the fact that no other Lyme
> patient died as a result of DNP treatment and also having taken DNP
> treatment myself on two separate occasions. I never felt at any time,
> while undergoing DNP treatment, that my life was in danger.

This is just galling. Her opinion about the cause of his death is
worse than meaningless.

How does she know what he consented to and what he didn't? Bachynsky
used no consent forms. At first he wasn't even telling people what he
was using.

What a stupid basis for her opinion--she didn't die and neither did
some others! Oh my god what a fucking idiot.

> Executed under oath and under penalty of perjury.
> Rosanne P. Barrett
> (signature and date of
> 4/06/04)

We can only hope about the penalties of perjury. And conspiracy.

Rita Stanley

Jul 2, 2004, 10:30:35 AM7/2/04

"RealityCheck" <> wrote in message

> wrote in message
> > This is the Affidavit of Rosanne P. Barrett From Bachynsky's detention
> > hearing on June 22, 2004; part of document #54:
> > 5. I am and have been aware of Dr. Bachynsky's prior federal
> > conviction and prison sentence, as well as his loss of his medical
> > license. I am aware he is a degreed M.D. and Ph.D.

He has a Ph.D.?

If so, in what area and from what University?

Where did he obtain his MD?



Jul 2, 2004, 11:48:29 AM7/2/04

An affidavit, by definition, is a sworn statement testifying to
FACTS...not opinions or conclusions as appears throughout this

In addition, the statements are supposed to be form the affiant's
personal knowledge...and not from an outside third party source.

Whether, someone was "helped", for instance, by a particular an issue for ajudication and cannot be properly addressed
in an affidavit. It is an opinion...a conclusion.

It is most likely the case, however, that a person submitting an
affidavit similar to the one above would NOT be subject to perjury
charges...but simply have the objectionable matter stricken...or the
entire affidavit.

I would suggest that the only material which is appropriate and
relevant here here is the following:

1. My name is Roseanne P. Barrett

2. I live in Miami.

3. I have known Nicholas Bachynsky for some time. I received DNP
treatment two times.

That's it.


Jul 2, 2004, 2:26:35 PM7/2/04
He received his Ph.D. from Baylor University in 1969; then got his
M.D. from the University of Tennessee in 1971. This comes from the
transcript of his detention hearing.

Jul 2, 2004, 4:43:40 PM7/2/04
"Rita Stanley" <> wrote in message news:<fkeFc.13897$Oq2.2634@attbi_s52>...

>> > > 5. I am and have been aware of Dr. Bachynsky's prior federal
> > > conviction and prison sentence, as well as his loss of his medical
> > > license. I am aware he is a degreed M.D. and Ph.D.
> He has a Ph.D.?
> If so, in what area and from what University?
> Where did he obtain his MD?
> Rita

Bachnysky recieved his Phd. in biochemistry from Baylor University.
He recieved his M.D. from University of Tennessee.


Jul 2, 2004, 7:05:38 PM7/2/04
to (derdrittemann) wrote in message news:<>...

> "I would suggest that the only material which is appropriate and
> relevant here here is the following:
> 1. My name is Roseanne P. Barrett
> 2. I live in Miami.
> 3. I have known Nicholas Bachynsky for some time. I received DNP
> treatment two times.
> That's it".


Obviously...#2 should read "I DON'T live in Miami".

Jul 3, 2004, 11:39:54 AM7/3/04
Affidavit of Kathy Boss for detention hearing of the Scumbag

1. My name is Kathy Boss.
2. I reside in El Centro California.
3. I am employed as a district Sales Manager for Advantage Rent-a-Car.
4. I became a patient of doctors in Italy because I was not happy with
the 13 doctors I had seen before. Dr. Bachynsky acted as a consultant
to the doctors in Italy
5. Due to Dr. Bachynsky's knowledge and the other Italian doctors and
their staff my trip to Italy saved my life and my eyesight.
6. My first treatment was for five days in Italy.
7. On my fifth day, I was out of my wheelchair and could actually walk
for the first time in five days.
8. If it had not been for Dr. Bachynsky who encouraged me and try to
finish I would have quite by my fourth day.
9. Most persons try numerous amounts of antibiotics, sometimes in
triple doses, three or more times a day which cause other health
complications. I am one of the lucky who only had antibiotics for
seven weeks before I met Dr. Bachynsky.
10. I was never solicited or coxed in any way into this treatment.
11. I knew that I was spending my money on from the very beginning and
12. I never felt that I was swindled or that I did not receive the
treatment I expected in Italy.
13. If not for the treatment of Dr. Bachynsky I would be blind and
bedridden in a hospital if not dead by now. I had two doctors in the
U. S. tell me my blood was clotting 11 times over normal rate they put
me through DNA testing($4000.00) test and put me on double blood
thinners. A shot of "FRAGMIN" in my stomach daily and an oral blood
thinner "PLAVIX" daily. I could have bleed to death at any moment from
a single cut.
14. I am blessed to be one of the few patients that received his
treatment twice.
15. Upon the second treatment he discussed with me the use of blood
thinners, the complications and that we were looking at something
other than Lyme disease at this point. He did not believe based on my
testing that clotting was even happening. He advised me to check with
a doctor in the U.S.about the possibility of Candidia. I did that had
the blood test and that was my major problem. I was taken off the
blood thinners that day (just as Dr. Bachynsky had suspected) and the
Candida is under control.
16. I will always be thankful to Dr. Bachynsky for his encouragement
and wisdom.
17. I was contacted by the FBI. I informed them that I, as well as
other former patients, would be willing to testify on behalf of Dr.
Bachynsky. I gave them copies of my blood tests from when I was
diagnosed with Lyme and then my test from after being treated in Italy
where the Lyme band had disappeared.
18. At the request of the FBI. I gave all my laboratory test results
to the FBI and they forwarded all my results to Washington,D.C. to
show that I was no longer infected by this disease (i.e., that Dr.
Bachynsky cured me), but was never contacted by phone again. They told
me that they did not need me. The FBI asked if I wanted my test
results be used in Dr. Bachynsky's defense and I said yes. I was told
I probably would not be used as a witness because I was not a patient
at the time of the death. I replied it was just as important to use me
that ICHT worked.
19. I explained to them that, if they were going to present evidence
about the man that died, they should also present stories like mine
about successful treatments.
20. We all knew this was a risky treatment with side effects and we
also knew about Dr. Bachynsky's past, but we decided to proceed
21. My husband, my children,my parents, my Co-workers are the biggest
supporters of my treatment I decided to take and the results it
produced. Ask any of them of how I could not get out of a chair and
walk a few short steps without running into a wall, the garbled up
sentences I would speck that no one could understand, the planning of
my funeral and the goodbyes I gave to my co-workers as I left. If I
did not die from the disease I knew within weeks I would be disabled
and out of a job.
22. I beg the court on behalf of the life I now get to enjoy, that Dr.
Bachynsky receives the same chance at life that he gave me.
23. Dr. Bachynsky deserves a bond. All he ever tried to do in Italy
was help people.

Kathy Boss
Signed and dated 6-22-04
Notorized in the State of

Jul 3, 2004, 8:30:15 PM7/3/04
I just want to inform all Dr. Bachynsky's fans that the Federal Judge
Adalberto Jordon signed an order on July 1st keeping that medical
terrorist in jail. Document #89
Happy 4th of July.

Kathy Boss

Jul 5, 2004, 4:35:23 PM7/5/04

Computer Crime

In 2001, legislatures enacted a variety of measures to clarify
existing laws, create new laws and strengthen penalties for crimes
committed using the Internet and electronic technology. Legislatures
addressed electronic harassment and stalking; electronic surveillance;
theft of personal identifying information; disabling computer data,
software and hardware; solicitation or luring of children through the
Internet; and other crimes perpetrated using a computer.

PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION; you have now exposed to the world
where I live and work. I have contacted this boards moderators, the
FBI and seeking advice from an attorney about internet law.

I do not care what the world thinks about my statement or the
treatment I took. It saved my life. You however have no right
posting where I live and work.

I will go to whatever lenghts I need to....To sue you and anyone else
that endagers my household and work place. This is harassment and I
will not tolerate it.


Jul 5, 2004, 6:10:16 PM7/5/04
>theft of personal identifying information;

Is this the same thing as just posting someone's personal information? Or does
this mean stealing ones identity and using it? Just looking for some
clarification here.

>I have contacted this boards moderators, the
>FBI and seeking advice from an attorney about internet law.

Come back and tell us what happens I'd be interested in knowing may help us all
out at some point.

Jul 5, 2004, 11:30:31 PM7/5/04
You must be joking lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You want to tell me why you think your being harrassed or endangered
by anyone.
You are just another one of Bachynsky's stooges.
Why is it when you lived in Tx. your post was listed as
Kathy Boss
ElPaso, Tx.USA
You certainly weren't afraid of posting your whereabouts on
Your affidavit is on pacer in PUBLIC FORMAT and that is where I got it
from.By the way Pacer is a federal docket summary for all federal
courts in the USA and they are all POSTED ON THE INTERNET.
You had no trouble soliciting patients to go to that maniac by using
the internet, and I have all your posts.
Don't make public statements if you don't want to see them again and
this isn't the Lou Bachmann-Bachynsky show where you, Jill Ellen and
Roseann Barrett can get people knocked off because they talked about
your savior(Bachynsky).
You don't scare me and do whatever you want, Your affidavit should
come back to the courts attention as this case goes to trial.
Im just real curious about two things-Who put you up to that affidavit
and why do you feel you are endangered.
One more thing- if Bachynsky "CURED" you what heck are you still on
the Lyme boards for. If I was cured the last place Id want to be would
be someplace where it reminded me of all the pain!!!
Post the FBI response as well as the Moderators and your attorney's.
You are making a bigger fool of yourself now, worse than your lying


Jul 6, 2004, 2:24:34 AM7/6/04
to (Kathy Boss) wrote in message news:<>...

> wrote in message news:<>...
> > I just want to inform all Dr. Bachynsky's fans that the Federal Judge
> > Adalberto Jordon signed an order on July 1st keeping that medical
> > terrorist in jail. Document #89
> > Happy 4th of July.
> Computer Crime
> In 2001, legislatures enacted a variety of measures to clarify
> existing laws, create new laws and strengthen penalties for crimes
> committed using the Internet and electronic technology.

Yes and exactly NONE of them prohibit someone from reposting your
affidavit which you filed in court and which then became PART OF THE
PUBLIC RECORD (with the possible exception of copyright laws which YOU
have no ability to enforce).

> addressed electronic harassment and stalking; electronic surveillance;
> theft of personal identifying information; disabling computer data,
> software and hardware; solicitation or luring of children through the
> Internet; and other crimes perpetrated using a computer.

And NONE of this applies to this situation.

> PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION; you have now exposed to the world
> where I live and work. I have contacted this boards moderators, the
> FBI and seeking advice from an attorney about internet law.

There are NO "board moderators" LOL Unless you mean chuck p adams and
he is in Iraq.

The FBI surely thinks you are an idiot and this will only make them
even more sure.

I bet they stood around talking about you after they contacted you
investigating the lying scumbag Bachynksy and you wanted to help
defend him?

> I do not care what the world thinks about my statement or the
> treatment I took.

The world surely thinks you're one of the biggest idiots ever.

>It saved my life.

You're lucky it didn't kill you. I rememember the serious side effects
you suffered on your return.

> You however have no right posting where I live and work.

LOL YOU are the one who posted it sherlock. YOU filed the affidavit.
It then became a matter of public record accessible via the internet.

> I will go to whatever lenghts I need to....

LOL You can go all the way to hell honey.

>To sue you and anyone else that endagers my household and work place.
This is >harassment and I will not tolerate it.

Except that this is NOT harassment or anything else actionable.

Dear Kathy: Are you stupid? I guess the answer is YES since

a) you went to Bachynsky's "clinic";
b) after being "cured" YOU WENT AGAIN;
c) you then filed an AFFIDAVIT in support of that murdering scumbag
con man;
d) Now you're complaining that someone reposted the affidavit?

Did you have any clue that when you filed the affidavit that it became
a matter of PUBLIC RECORD?

Do you have any idea that none of what you're complaining about
constitutes a violation of any law whatsoever?

Also see numbered paragraphs 1-23 below if anyone wonders how stupid a
human being can be.

By the way your friend rushkiller is all about posting people's names
and addresses and employers. She once did it to her new friend Jill
Ellen Neimark and did it again recently to someone else using an alias

Thanks to ddc for posting this!


Jul 6, 2004, 2:28:03 AM7/6/04
to (PrincessKiara70) wrote in message news:<>...

> >theft of personal identifying information;
> Is this the same thing as just posting someone's personal information?

NO. It doesn't. DD Colluci did nothing wrong (except maybe violate
copyright, but I don't think even that applies).

>Or does this mean stealing ones identity and using it?

YES that is what that means and that didn't happen.

>Just looking for some clarification here.

You won't get any clarification from the ICHT bullies and thugs.

> >I have contacted this boards moderators, the
> >FBI and seeking advice from an attorney about internet law.
> Come back and tell us what happens I'd be interested in knowing may help us >all out at some point.

Kathy can't help you with anything. She's one pretty f*&^&ed up excuse
for a person.


Jul 6, 2004, 2:40:12 AM7/6/04
> Affidavit of Kathy Boss for detention hearing of the Scumbag
> Bachynsky:
> 1. My name is Kathy Boss.

That much is probably true.

> 2. I reside in El Centro California.

Who cares?

> 3. I am employed as a district Sales Manager for Advantage Rent-a-Car.

Advantage? What's your motto? We REALLY try harder?

> 4. I became a patient of doctors in Italy because I was not happy with
> the 13 doctors I had seen before. Dr. Bachynsky acted as a consultant
> to the doctors in Italy

Bachynsky was NOT a doctor as you kept insisting. He didn't act as
"consultant" but was "treating" people (mistreating really).

> 5. Due to Dr. Bachynsky's knowledge and the other Italian doctors and
> their staff my trip to Italy saved my life and my eyesight.

People don't die or lose their eyesight from hypochondria but are
often cured of it.

> 6. My first treatment was for five days in Italy.

LOL And you were "cured" but needed a second dose?

> 7. On my fifth day, I was out of my wheelchair and could actually walk
> for the first time in five days.

See. People can be cured of hypochondria.

> 8. If it had not been for Dr. Bachynsky who encouraged me and try to
> finish I would have quite by my fourth day.

That would have been the smartest thing you ever did. But the con man
insisted that you continue? I thought he was just consulting with the

> 9. Most persons try numerous amounts of antibiotics, sometimes in
> triple doses, three or more times a day which cause other health
> complications. I am one of the lucky who only had antibiotics for
> seven weeks before I met Dr. Bachynsky.

Oh my god. You're as bad as Jill Ellen. You only had seven weeks of
antibiotics and gave up that treatment for this deadly crap? What a

> 10. I was never solicited or coxed in any way into this treatment.

LOL Well that's a matter of public record how rushkiller and other
ICHTists bulled people and how bachynsky and his sock puppets
pretended to be patients who were "cured."

> 11. I knew that I was spending my money on from the very beginning and
> why.

I have some swampland in FLA and a bridge I'd like to sell you.

> 12. I never felt that I was swindled or that I did not receive the
> treatment I expected in Italy.

Because you're too dumb to even realize when you've been ripped off
and nearly killed.

> 13. If not for the treatment of Dr. Bachynsky I would be blind and
> bedridden in a hospital if not dead by now. I had two doctors in the
> U. S. tell me my blood was clotting 11 times over normal rate they put
> me through DNA testing($4000.00) test and put me on double blood
> thinners. A shot of "FRAGMIN" in my stomach daily and an oral blood
> thinner "PLAVIX" daily. I could have bleed to death at any moment from
> a single cut.

But all of this blood thinner crap happened AFTER you returned from
Italy the first time, didn't it? And was thought to be a side effect
from the "treatment"?

Yeah whoever put you on that crap is a lunatic too (is that the famous
dr c in MO?).

> 14. I am blessed to be one of the few patients that received his
> treatment twice.

Blessed? Reminds me of a frat initiation when you get beaten by a
paddle and say "thank you sir, may I have another?"

> 15. Upon the second treatment he discussed with me the use of blood
> thinners, the complications and that we were looking at something
> other than Lyme disease at this point. He did not believe based on my
> testing that clotting was even happening. He advised me to check with
> a doctor in the U.S.about the possibility of Candidia. I did that had
> the blood test and that was my major problem. I was taken off the
> blood thinners that day (just as Dr. Bachynsky had suspected) and the
> Candida is under control.

YOur major problem is that you're too stupid to be alive and making
decisions for yourself.

> 16. I will always be thankful to Dr. Bachynsky for his encouragement
> and wisdom.

Oh my god.

> 17. I was contacted by the FBI. I informed them that I, as well as
> other former patients, would be willing to testify on behalf of Dr.
> Bachynsky. I gave them copies of my blood tests from when I was
> diagnosed with Lyme and then my test from after being treated in Italy
> where the Lyme band had disappeared.

And a dissapearing Lyme band proves what? (NOTHING).

> 18. At the request of the FBI. I gave all my laboratory test results
> to the FBI and they forwarded all my results to Washington,D.C. to
> show that I was no longer infected by this disease (i.e., that Dr.
> Bachynsky cured me), but was never contacted by phone again. They told
> me that they did not need me. The FBI asked if I wanted my test
> results be used in Dr. Bachynsky's defense and I said yes. I was told
> I probably would not be used as a witness because I was not a patient
> at the time of the death. I replied it was just as important to use me
> that ICHT worked.

LOL You probably aren't competent to be a witness because you are too
stupid and insane to understand the oath.

> 19. I explained to them that, if they were going to present evidence
> about the man that died, they should also present stories like mine
> about successful treatments.

I'm sure they appreciated your explanation. *rolling eyes*

> 20. We all knew this was a risky treatment with side effects and we
> also knew about Dr. Bachynsky's past, but we decided to proceed
> anyway.

Incredible but true. Truly incredibly stupid.

> 21. My husband, my children,my parents, my Co-workers are the biggest
> supporters of my treatment I decided to take and the results it
> produced. Ask any of them of how I could not get out of a chair and
> walk a few short steps without running into a wall, the garbled up
> sentences I would speck that no one could understand, the planning of
> my funeral and the goodbyes I gave to my co-workers as I left. If I
> did not die from the disease I knew within weeks I would be disabled
> and out of a job.

Yes hypochondria can be disabling.

> 22. I beg the court on behalf of the life I now get to enjoy, that Dr.
> Bachynsky receives the same chance at life that he gave me.

He will have the same chance at life in prison.

> 23. Dr. Bachynsky deserves a bond. All he ever tried to do in Italy
> was help people.

Bachynsky deserves the chair. Actually that would be far too humane.


Jul 6, 2004, 10:25:56 AM7/6/04
None of the newly enacted computer laws relate to the posting of your
affidavit on this board, KB. You're worried about where you live and
work being made public, yet, as DDC said, when you were on LymeNet
every post you sent showed "Kathy Boss, El Paso, TX."

No one's stalking or harrassing you or planning on paying you a visit.
No one here gives a shit. We're just all amazed at how incredibly
stupid you are to involve yourself this deeply with Bachynsky and what
you surely know to be his criminality.

You should be alot more worried about the statements you swore to
which you and all the other ICHTers know to not be true. You have to
realize you will be put on the witness stand at some point and asked
questions, under oath, about your treatment and who treated you.

All you ICHTers are NUTS to post all the statements you made in the
last few years about ICHT, Bachynsky, Italy, etc., never even ONCE
mentioning any other physicians there, and now suddenly you are all
rushing to offer up affidavits to let the scum out of the joint.

Your affidavits are all now a matter of public record and you can
squeal and whine all you want, but you dove into the deep end of the
(empty) pool when you stupidly allowed Bachynsky cronies to talk you
into swearing under oath to statements which everyone knows to be
untrue. That affidavit will come back to bite you in the ass, as
Rosanne's will.

Also, KB, don't forget there were other "patients" there at the same
time as you who beg to differ on who administered their
treatment.Those people will be called up too so you, Rosanne, Ron
Ball, Tami, Ernie, Curly, etc. cannot band together and perpetuate the
lie that Bachynsky is an innocent bystander in all of this.

Kathy Boss

Jul 6, 2004, 12:48:01 PM7/6/04
to (RealityCheck) wrote in message news:<>...

Everyone thinks you are a male. I think you are a female. The way
you seperate sentences and then add "pissy" statements like "who
cares" sounds like a little teenage girl standing in the high school
hallway stomping her foot because no one hears her or listens to her.

That or you are a gay guy and you are such a good Bitch.........

You have to create characters to hold conversation wih yourself. You
guy's in your psycho wards are let out of therapy at what time to use
the computers? All those charaters that you talk to your psychiatrist
about you bring with you to the computer huh? Then you get to have
real fun! All those noise's in your head now get to come out and

Pee Wee Herman, and what if I am what are you? what if I am what are

Yeah, your schizophrenia goes pretty deep too. At least in a
hospital setting you have patients just like you, that you can play
patty cake with when you are not on the computer.

Maybe you were out to Sea to long Eleanor? "eye's rolling"


Jul 6, 2004, 4:23:12 PM7/6/04
Well I didn't know you from a hole in the wall until you started posting and
now I see after this post you just made where on a scale from one too ten your
credibility falls. -0 and now I see why you would support a known criminal who
seems to take advantage of the the unluckiest people in the world. The
unhealthy. You just proved to the rest of us who have been lurking that what
has been said about you here is true.. Nice Job.......You're cured? Hmm Doesn't
look it......


Jul 6, 2004, 10:14:32 PM7/6/04
"Dr. Bachynsky acted as a consultant to the doctors in Italy

Due to Dr. Bachynsky's knowledge...

If it had not been for Dr. Bachynsky who encouraged me and try to


...before I met Dr. Bachynsky.

If not for the treatment of Dr. Bachynsky...

I am blessed to be one of the few patients that received his


Upon the second treatment he discussed with me... He did not
believe... He advised me to...

I will always be thankful to Dr. Bachynsky...

We all knew this was a risky treatment with side effects and we

also knew about Dr. Bachynsky's past...

...that Dr.Bachynsky receives the same chance at life that he gave me.

All he ever tried to do in Italy was help people."


"The FBI asked if I wanted my test
results be used in Dr. Bachynsky's defense and I said yes."


Jul 7, 2004, 6:58:50 AM7/7/04
My apologies for the length of this but it is informative

United States
Nicholas Bachynsky

Pretrial Detention Order

Pursuant to 18U.S.C. 3145, Nicholas Bachnsky seeks review of
pretrial detention order entered by magistrate judge. After conducting
a de novo review of the record-including the transcript of the hearing
before the magistrate judge-as required by U.S. v. Hurtado, 779 F.2d
1467, 1480(11th Cir. 1985), and conducting an evidentiary hearing, I
uphold the detention order. Mr. Bachynsky is ordered to be held
pending trial. Although I agree with the magistrate judge that the
government has not proved danger to the community by clear and
convincing evidence, there are no conditions, or combination of
conditions, that would reasonably assure Mr. Bachynsky's presence at


Based on evidence presented by the parties, iI make the
following preliminary findings of fact.
THE CHARGES: Mr. Bachynsky is charged with various offenses,
including mail fraud(13counts), wire fraud(11 counts) and securities
fraud(15 counts),and well as conspiracy to commit mail, wire, and
securities fraud. The mail fraud and wire fraud charges each have 20
year maximum sentences, the securities fraud charges each have 10 year
maximum sentences, and the comspiracy charge has a 5 year maximum
sentence. It is safe to say that, if convicted, Mr Bachynsky is facing
a substantial term of imprisonment ( particularly in light of his
prior criminal history, which is discussed below).
The charges arise out of the offer and sale of securities of
Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. According to the indictment, Helvetia,
a Delaware corporation with its principle place of business in Coral
Springs, Fla., was in the business of treating individuals suffering
from cancer in Europe with a purportedly novel,proprietary, and
successful cancer treatment therapy. The indictment alleges that Mr.
Bachynsky and others, including co-defendant Richard Anders, raised
about $3.5 million dollars from the sale of stock and notes by means
of false representations and material omissions, including(1)
representing that an IPO was imminent, (2) representing that return on
the investment in stock would be 400%-600%, (3) representing that the
return on the investment in notes would be 8%-12% (4) representing
that Helvetia had exclusive rights to a proprietary therapy (5)
representing that the therapy was effective (6) falling to disclose
that the therapy included a chemical DNP, which was banned for human
consumptionin the U.S.(7) Failing to disclose that some patients had
suffered harmful side effects from the therapy and that one had died;
(8) Failing to disclose the prior federal convictions of Mssrs.
Bachynsky (Racketeering) and Anders(Fraud).
MR. BACHYNSKY: Mr. Bachynsky is 62 years old and a naturalized
American citizen since 1956. He lives with his common law wife, Woodie
Roy, in Parkland, Florida, at Ms. Roy's residence, which has
$450,000-$500,000. in equity. Mr Bachynsky's grown children live in
other states. Mr. Bachynsky doesn't own any property, but other family
members and friends have offered to put up their property if necessary
for a bond. For example, Mark Viciny, a family friend, said he was
willing to secure a bond with the $1 million in equity in his
residence in Stuart, Florida.(Foot Note#1) the indictment in U.S. v.
Naples et al.,#5:04-Cr-04, pending in the Eastern District of Texas
and discussed below, alleges that the individual named Mark Viciny was
a defendant in a Federal criminal case in 1997 in the Eastern District
of New York.
Mr. Bachynsky has known about the ionvestigation in this case for
about a year and has not fled during this period of time.
CRIMINAL HISTORY: Insofar as criminal history is concerned,
Mr. Bachynsky-who was formally a M.D.-has two prior federal
convictions. In 1974 he was convicted of transferring a stolen vehicle
in interstate commerce, and was sentenced to probation In 1989, he was
convicted of racketeering activity(Medicare and/or insurance fraud)
and conspiracy to defraud the IRS, and was sentenced to 121 months in
prison. (Foot Note #2) According to the government, Ms Roy was a
co-defendant in this case and pleaded quity to some charges. Earlier
this year Mr. Bachynsky was namedas anunindicted co-conspirtor in a
broad ranging federal indictment in the southern district of Texas.
The indictment, U.S. v.Naples et al, #5;04-Cr-04, containing charges
of racketeering, obstruction of Justice,mail and wire fraud, and
Medicare fraud. The indictment alleges in relevant part that Mr.
Bachynsky took part in an unlicensed, unapproved, and illegal
experimental treatment with DNP for cancer patient.
State Board of Medical Examiners revoked Mr. Bachynsky's medical
license in 1987, due in large part to Mr. Bachynsky's adminstration of
DNP to patients. Mr. Bachynsky gave up his medical license following
his federal racketeering conviction.
In the late 1980s, Mr. Bachynsky was fined $50,000 in the
late 1980s by a Texas state court for violation of a permanant
injunction prohibiting, among other things, the solicitation of
patients with the promise of distributing DNP. See Texas v. Bachynsky,
770 S.W.2d 563(Tex. 1989).
ITALIAN ARREST WARRANT: In one case,a patient named(left out
intentionally) died in Italy after being administered DNP therapy. As
a result of his death, the Italian authorities issued an arrest
warrant for Mr. Bachynsky in March of this year. No formal charges
have yet been lodged against Mr. Bachynsky in Italy, however, and no
formal request for extradition has been submitted.
MISCELLANEOUS: At the time of his arrest, Mr Bachynsky was
carrying a business card from a Swiss bank that said "Close in
December," as well as business cards of real estate companies selling
property in Honduras and Mexico. He was also carrying a business card
for a company called Life Sciences Laboratory, but with the last name
spelled "Berczynski" followed by the notation " M.d. Ph.d." according
to the FBI, only one person in the U.S. has this particular surname.
THE PATIENT AFFIDAVITS: Mr. Bachynsky submitted the letters,
declarations, and affidavits of former patients who received DNP
treatment ( or their relatives). These individuals state that they(or
their relatives) knew about the experimental nature of DNP but went
ahead with treatment, which cured them or at least helped them. One of
the patients says that Mr.(patient that died in Italy)-was aware of
the experimental nature of DNP and consented to treatment by Italian


Based on the evidence in the record, I find by a
preponderance of the evidence, see U.S. v. Medina, 775F.2d 1498, 1302
(11th cir. 1985), that Mr. Bachynsky is a risk of flight under 18
U.S.C. 31422(e), and that no condition or combination of conditions
can reasonably assure his appearance at trial. See 18 U.S.C.
1342(g)(factors to be considered in analizing risk of flight include
the nature and circumstances of the offense, the weight of the
evidence against the person, and the history and characteristics of
the person). First, the offenses are very serious ones, and the
statutory maximum sentences on the substantive charges are lengthy.
Second, I conclude that Mr. Bachynsky will try to flee if released on
bond because (1) his criminal history and continued involvement with
DNP (as demonstrated, in part, by the allegations in the Naples
indictment, show that he does not have much respect for the law; (2)
in light of the possible extradition request from Italy, he has added
incentive to flee to a country that will not extradict him to Italy;
(3) He does not have property in the district; (4) some of the
individuals who are willing to post property for a bond-e.g., Ms. Roy
and Mr. Vicini-have criminal pasts of their own; and (5) at the time
of his arrest he had a business card with a misspelled last name and
with the title "M.d."- a possible false representation (or at least a
misleading one) given that his medical license was revoked more than a
decade ago-as well as business cards for companies selling real estate
abroad. To put it simply, I do not have any confidence that Mr.
Bachynsky will appear at trial even if a sizable corporate surety bond
combined with other types of bonds or restrictive conditions.


Mr. Bachynsky is ordered detained without bond in a facility
separate, to the extent practible, from persons awaiting sentence or
serving sentences or being held in custody pending appeal. Mr.
Bachynsky must be afforded a reasonable opportunity for private
consultation with counsel, and upon an order of the U.S. court or
request of an attorney for the government, the person in charge of the
facility in which Mr. Bachynsky is confined must deliver Mr. Bachynsky
to the U.S. Marshall for the purpose of appearance in connection with
a court proceeding.
Done and ordered in chambers at Miami, Florida, this 1st day of
July, 2004. Adalberto Jordon
United States District


Jul 7, 2004, 6:20:52 PM7/7/04
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of shit.


Jul 12, 2004, 10:00:50 AM7/12/04
Bachynsky and his codefendant, Anders, both failed at their detention
appeals and will remain in the Miami Detention Center until trial,
which is set to begin in early September.

Anders, who was denied bond by the Magistrate, still has a shot with
his appeal to the District Judge. Bachynsky had already appealed to
the District Judge, who felt he was a flight risk, despite the
appearance at his hearing of two of his sons, girlfriend and several
other supporters, including Rosanne Barrett and Gaylon Waldren. Gaylon
Waldren is the cancer side equivalent of Rosanne Barrett (lyme). She
was the patient coordinator for cancer patients wishing to undergo the
therapy in Italy.

The Government chose not to cross-examine either of those two
witnesses because they feel their statements relate to the efficacy of
DNP only and the case at hand is a securities fraud case, not a DNP
case. They were uninterested in those affidavits.

In this case, four arrests were made and it appears one of the four
will plead guilty and is cooperating with the government.

Bachynsky is looking at a minimum of 17 years in prison in the United
States and that is before the Italians get him.

On another note, Richard Ginsberg, was sued by the SEC a few years ago
in connection with another securities scam, which also involved Anders
and his cohorts.

Message has been deleted

Out Of Office

Jul 12, 2004, 12:12:41 PM7/12/04
Yes and lets hope the $2500.00 first visit lyme doctors are locked up just
as long.

Some Lyme patients can't afford that first time fee.

It doesn't need too be that high,it is highway robbery.

"Susan " <suf...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message
> x-no-archive: yes

> >
> >Bachynsky is looking at a minimum of 17 years in prison in the United
> >States and that is before the Italians get him.

> Let's hope he's convicted and imprisoned long enough to keep him from ever
> getting his hands wrapped around another sick person's wallet.
> Susan

Message has been deleted


Jul 12, 2004, 6:53:17 PM7/12/04
>From: "Out Of Office"
>Date: 7/12/2004 12:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time

>Yes and lets hope the $2500.00 first visit lyme doctors are locked up just
>as long.
>Some Lyme patients can't afford that first time fee.

LLMD's are a thing of the past. They are either in jail or getting run out of
town like massage parlors.


Jul 12, 2004, 11:46:44 PM7/12/04
If only it were that simple.

$2500 is alot of money to lose; $20,000 is a whole lot more; a life,
however, is too much.

Just ask one family in the northeast who is still certainly devastated
at their loss from last summer, and who would have surely given up
$2500 over and over to still have their loved one here with them. I
would have. In a heartbeat.

In a few days it will be one year since that young man died, July 16.
I wonder if Bachynsky will be thinking of him this coming
Friday....doubtful. He probably doesn't even realize the significance
of the date. Typical.

It's one thing that this young man died at Bachynsky's hands, but the
fact that Bachynsky tried to cover up the whole thing is incredible.
He told other patients, who were there at the same time, that this
young man had a brain disorder of some sort. He also told the patients
next door that the family didn't want an autopsy (incredulous &
unbelievable, at best; shitty & still unbelievable, at worst). Did he
not think these people would ever talk???

The sister contradicted this when she posted on LymeNet that she
wondered why it was so hard to get an autopsy over there. It turns out
the family wanted one, actually insisted on it, while Bachynsky told
the other ICHTers, that the family did not want one.

Thankfully, this family insisted on moving their loved one OUT of
Villa Preziosa and to an independent autopsy facility, the University
of Milan. That turned out to be their saving grace, because, according
to the Italian arrest warrant, the previous 3 deaths attributed to
Bachynsky and his ICHT, were cremated, leaving no trace of evidence.

However, this young man's family now has evidence......they can put
their minds at rest. They are NOT to blame, even tho dipshits like
Jill Ellen want to lay blame on them. I really hope they are strong
enough to ignore her posts and know in their hearts they did nothing

The sister's post told of the family's love of that young doctor and
anyone who wishes to bash that is heartless and stupid.

My God bless that family and all they have been through in the past

Out Of Office

Jul 13, 2004, 1:28:50 AM7/13/04

"WoodTick" <> wrote in message

> If only it were that simple.
> $2500 is alot of money to lose; $20,000 is a whole lot more; a life,
> however, is too much.

The whole point is that it is,ten times or more the amount of a first visit
to any type doctor.

All doctors put there job on the line every day.

Too,many people end up with chronic lyme,because they wait too long for
there first visit,to these highly overpaid pill pushers.

What else can they do besides throw oral antibiotics at a patient.

They are not standing in on a operation or anything of the sort.

I believe in Lyme Disease,and I also believe in being taken to the bank.

Lyme doctors would not be harassed,if there prices were not,out of this

Face it, for the service,they performe,it is way to expensive for some.

I would not mind seing a good lyme doctor,do you have the $2500.00, or more
you could give me for the first visit.I do not seem to have it since I have
lost,my job,family,and friends since getting Lyme Disease.


Jul 13, 2004, 3:47:38 AM7/13/04
Would you spend $2,500 to have your car repaired? Are you more valuable than
your car?

BTW I know of no Lyme MD who charges that much unless lab tests, x-rays , MRIs
etc. are included.That is not the point anyway. Lyme ignorant MDs charge just
as much as LLMDs to diagnose ABL (anything but Lyme).

Martha A.

Out Of Office

Jul 13, 2004, 8:24:20 AM7/13/04
Martha,i feel you are wrong on this issue.

First,it takes a few months to get to see any of these doctors.

I would think the bacteria would be in the nervous system by then,does that
make sense.They fight to say it only takes days for BB, to reach the nervous
system,then they say they cant see you for two months.

A friend had got bitten with a deer tick,two monmths ago,called a lyme
doctor in eastern Pennsylvania,there first opening was in three months.
The local hospital gave him ten,days of Doxy,he seems to be doing
well.Should he have waited??

Second,there is never a cancellation,which means,they have a full schedule
every day.Is it money for some?

LLMD's,have there own offices,they can diagnose lyme disease,University
hospitals cant,due to the CDC guidline,which lyme lobbiests,should push to
get changed before anything.

Most are not,lyme ignorant,they have to go by the book,because of were they
are working out of.

It is just the rules,one can not treat a person for cancer if all the
tests,show the patient does not have cancer.

We need to push for a test that proves it is BB.

Is the lyme still active after sufficient antibiotic treatment?

Antibiotics ALSO,act as an anti-inflamatory,is there a inflamatory property
causing these symptoms?

That is why there NEEDS to be a standard test for lyme.

"RMAgricola" <> wrote in message

Jul 13, 2004, 12:39:22 PM7/13/04
Subject: Re: Bachynsky's birthday!!
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Why does it cost so much for a 1st visit to the Doctor. Is it Lab
work? or a ripe off or a little of both


Jul 13, 2004, 2:42:20 PM7/13/04
to (RMAgricola) wrote in message news:<>...

See this is part of an attitude that I find troubling. It is the "LLMD
right or wrong" attitude.

No, Martha, what you call Lyme ignorant MDs do NOT charge just as much
as many (not all) of the 'llmds.'

The biggest experts in their respective fields do NOT charge as much
as llmds.

Call Dr DeBakey's office and ask how much he charges. Not as much as
llmds some of whom charge upwards of $750 for an initial visit.

And that doesn't include the testing, some of which is unecessary or
bogus (Bowen for example).

And that fact is inexcusable.

Whatever the "rationale" for these EXORBITANT charges this has the
APPEARANCE of taking advantage of desperate people.

And many/most of them don't accept insurance, some won't even take
Medicare. I know they have their "rationale" for that too. But it
really stinks.

Not only that but THEN they turn around and ask their patients to pay
their legal defense costs? AND to pay for the ILADS "guidelines"

I don't see them tithing anything to ILADS other than the membership
fee or to Lyme orgs and support groups who feed them patients.

How you can defend this and analogize it to a car, I don't get. By the
way many people might NOT spend $2500 to have their car repaired.


Jul 14, 2004, 1:44:48 PM7/14/04
All of the docs on the Cape who treat beyond CDC guidelines accept
Medicare and MassHealth. They aren't screwing anybody, and they seem
to be smarter and more caring than the Rheumatologists, the Steere Connection, here.


Jul 14, 2004, 5:03:41 PM7/14/04
Not that this is a discussion about who takes Medicare. Doctors in the state
of MA must accept Medicare.

Martha A.

Out Of Office

Jul 15, 2004, 1:57:11 AM7/15/04

> In a few days it will be one year since that young man died, July 16.
> I wonder if Bachynsky will be thinking of him this coming
> Friday....doubtful. He probably doesn't even realize the significance
> of the date. Typical.
> It's one thing that this young man died at Bachynsky's hands, but the
> fact that Bachynsky tried to cover up the whole thing is incredible.
> He told other patients, who were there at the same time, that this
> young man had a brain disorder of some sort. He also told the patients
> next door that the family didn't want an autopsy (incredulous &
> unbelievable, at best; shitty & still unbelievable, at worst). Did he
> not think these people would ever talk???

If this protocal worked,WHAT,would the lyme world be like today?

This man would be a HERO,but now he is a murderer.

People die,frequently,from from reactions to newly approved FDA,medicines.
Our neighbor went to the ER,with a bad case of the flu,in 1998,she recived a
newly approved flu med,and died of an instant heart attack.
She was in perfect health.Otherwise.

Why would someone with such intelligence as a doctor ,go to this man in the
first place?He was looking for a cure.

How many Lyme Doctors,have ruined heart valves with high doses of
antibiotics? Are they not crooks also?

Do they get put on the stand when a lymie dies?The answere is NO.Most LLMD's
wont even fax over records when a patient comes into a hospital,with Lyme
disease complications,and is lost.

But it is alll we have.

Some of us here are living a life,worse than a dead person.

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