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Kathleen, you are kind of quiet.

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non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 01:51:4328/07/2005
Could you be in jail already?

Don't mess with the Federal Govt and Yale you insane Loon


non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 05:56:1028/07/2005
Well, all this being a terrorist
has me very preoccupied. I am going to build
nuclear weapons in my basement so that
takes up a lot of my time.

I could have Al Quaeda fly the stuff
over from Russia, I imagine, and they
can just drop the uranium I need
via parachute into my yard???

But nevertheless, getting the machine
tools to make the war heads hasn't
been easy. And the ACME Do-It-Yourself
Domestic Terrorist kits are just
too expensive, so, I am trying to design
and build the machine tools myself.

It's not easy with the Lyme neuropathy
and dementia. In addition, this house
being 145 years old, doesn't exactly
have the KW capacity to drive all these
machines at once.

And then when I am done building
the nuclear weapons, I will, you know,
have to build myself a jet that can
take off on my 140 foot runway.

So, I'll be busy for a while.

Unfortunately DCF did not leave me
any Terrorists Instructions, nor did
they give me any of their contacts.

By the way, who am I supposed to be
terrorizing? DCF never told me. And
the police haven't been here either
except for when I called them, so I don't
know what I am supposed to be doing at all, really.

Oh, I forgot. DCF says I'm a Unibomber.

Oh, and DCF says I have command
hallucinations to kill. Maybe DCF
was listening to these command hallucinations
because I sure can't remember being told
what to do.

I don't know what I am supposed to be
doing, really. This being a terrorist
is new to me. I used to have a career
being a Lyme activist and plain old regular
pharmaceutical chemist.

Actually I was just generally a chromatographer
at Pfizer.

This experience gives me few Unibomber
or Terrorism leads. Actually I don't believe
in terrorism of any kind. Actually I
believe people who commit scientific
fraud and then terrorize Lyme patients
are the real terrorists, and their accomplisses
should not be State employees, or NIH

But from the McSweegan Letter to Senator
Goldwater, it sure looks like the ALDF
was entirely Ed's idea.

I hope you realize I need titanium to
build these machine tools. Do you know
how expensive that is? Or how big an
oven I will need to pour the forms?

Do you know where I can get some titanium, Ed?
You seem to know a lot about military materiel.



non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 10:05:3228/07/2005
Real smart again kathleen! Tell everyone later all of the below is
another "joke"

Because everyone thinks that threats of terrorism are just so funny.

You're sick. Selfish too. YOUR agenda is more important than protecting
the rest of the world!

So how are you better than Karl Rove who outed a cia officer for pure







Chuck wrote:
> "CHUCK," I sent that *TO* the FBI
> before I posted it here.

Brilliant move, analytical chemist aka moron freak whackjob.

> I also sent it *to* the CIA.

Brilliant with brilliant on top!

> You see, you can't CRY WOLF,


> It is YOU who invented this TERRORIST
> CRAP, and had DCF accuse me of it, so
> it will be YOUR ASS who the FBI goes
> after, for deploying the DCF idiots.

No, I don't think so. For one thing, no one invented anything. YOU made
the bomb threat at the stonington schools. Later you said it was a

Real funny joke kathleen.

Guess what? When it comes to making terroristic threats, the law
doesn't have a sense of humor.

The case against you was proved in court. You never appealed.

Now you have called for people to jam the FBi and CIA computers.
Another joke?

Real funny. Guess what? Our country was attacked. We have every right
and need and obligation to protect ourselves. 300 million people
kathleen. Women, children, innocent people.

And YOU want people to interfere with the ability of law enforcement to
protect us?

And why?

Because you think they're interfering with your bizarre twisted
personal delusional agenda?


No one's inventing that.

And everything against you was something YOU did to yourself. YOU
posted it here like the true MORON you are. Hoist by your own petard.

> You've done that before. This scheme
> was published in the Rahn and Evans
> book. We also know Shapiro has done
> the same thing.

Are you doing that paranoid schizophrenic thing and reading "between
the lines"? Seeing that magic eye picture in a picture. Where in the
world was a "scheme" to get women with Lyme by reporting them to child
welfare published in the Rahn and Evans book?

Maybe YOU got a "special" copy?


You freaking whacko!

> We also know you have done this for
> years. Deploy the DCF weapon against
> Lyme Moms.

Yeah because the whole bunch of Lyme moms put together who couldn't tie
a pair of shoelaces are SO freaking "dangerous" to what? All of you
acting together couldn't find your way to a rally?

Here's a post where one of you missed her plane LOL and YOU kathleen
were up till 4 AM posting your screeds here and missed the bus from CT

Yeah all of you are a real big threat. After all, when a few dozen of
you assemble together, and you get that disgusting trolllike rhinoceros
misstick dressed up in her tick outfit, sitting there on the sidewalk
infusing through your PICC lines, yeah, carrying signs about bum steere
and other things no one understands or cares about, someone might just
die laughing!!! A real big threat. A threat big enough that it is
necessary for dozens of scientists and government officials to conspire
together to "get you."

Sure thing.

Whacko with delusions of grandeur.

> Kathleen



Featured in Court & Police

Kathleen Dickson
Published on 5/8/2004

Kathleen Dickson, 46, of 23 Garden St., Pawcatuck, was charged Thursday

with being a fugitive from justice.

© The Day Publishing Co., 2004

Featured in Court & Police

Kathleen Dickson

Published on 5/9/2004

Kathleen Dickson, 45, of 23 Garden St., Pawcatuck, was charged Friday
with second-degree harassment and threatening.

© The Day Publishing Co., 2004


Let's see how you like it kathleen EVERY time you post, I will change
the title of the thread and I will post these questions until you
answer them one by one and answering them means NOT talking about
mcsweegan or former governor rowland and all Your typical diversionary
crap anyway.

PLUS you are cross posting ONCE AGAIN TOTALLY OFF TOPIC and you're
selfish to do this to one newsgroups CRIMINAL to do it to multiple
newsgroups--yes here is your "crime": You are preventing people who
need help from getting help for your selfish personal reasons that you
are so completely egocentric along with delusional paranoid
schizophrenic with psychotic features that you just can't see past your
own twisted delusional psychotic personal agenda--which ought to be
about getting your kids back and solving your own enormous problems in
life instead of trying to solve anyone else's. By preventing people
from getting help you are responsible for the consequences. Surely
people are dying as a result so you are a murderer (trying out a little
kathleen "logic" here. So you are now being reported to the DOJ FBI and
CIA and WHO and UN and DCF and the federal and state courts and
homeland insanity department and all over the planet as a murderer.

How do you like them apples?

Now answer the questions. And stop the off topic cross posting. Answer
the questions TRUTHFULLY for a change. Focus on the question. If
there's a question yOU don't understand which is hard to believe given
your self declared genius IQ, let us know and we'll rephrase it.

Don't LIE as you do and don't try your diversionary tactics. Ignore
this and I will keep reposting it kathleen. Not only that but your
silence will be construed as admissions to all OF the facts listed as

PS: This is NOT "taunting" You have put your credibility at issue. You
have repeatedly said that you NEVER lie. We deserve the answers to
these questions. Straight answers.


Nope we're talking about YOU. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS

And come back and tell us when Steere or McSweegan or anyone else is
actually charged with your "Lyme Crymes" instead of telling us what
you, in all your infinite wisdom, think will happen.

Now let's talk not about who WILL be convicted but WHO already has

Here's the question list. One by one give us some answers. Your post is
just like the Bush White House trying to DIVERT attention from what
Karl Rove did to Joe Wilson--by attacking him AGAIN.

Nope answer the questions kathleen. Stop trying to change the subject.

I know you're delusional but try to focus. Here is a list of questions
for YOU. We've already heard your ramblings about 100,000 times. Now
dish some TRUTH for a change--I'm going to leave space between the
questions for your answers:

Was your case appealed and was your conviction overturned?

And what isn't true? Everything can be backed up with your own posts
kathleen. Not a big secret how people know since you posted it all

Were you charged with and convicted of threatening and harassing
Jessica Gauvin?

Did you flee to Canada?

Did you tell everyone that your case was a custody case against DCF
when the truth was that it was a criminal case against you and your
kids had been taken away many months earlier and you didn't even appeal

Did you threaten to bomb the stonington schools, joke or not?

Did you show up at your kid's safe house with a bag full of drugs
whether you meant to give them to your lawyer or not?

Come on specifically what isn't true?

You were charged tried and convicted in a court of law. Right or wrong,
admit or deny?

Now you say you've proven you're innocent.

In what court were your convictions overturned?

In fact, tell us what the charges were. Give some detail. What exactly
were you convicted of doing or threatening to do to Jessica Gauvin?

Tell us what your diagnosis was in the mental institution?

You admit or deny that your kids were taken away by child services in

Admit or deny you were charged with crimes?

Admit or deny you feld to canada?

Admit or deny you were convicted?

Admit or deny you were institutionalized in a mental ward locked wing?

Admit or deny that your convictions were never reversed, in fact you
never filed an appeal did you?

So who's lying about what?

Yeah sure, you say everyone lied about the charges. But that's not what
the court thought was it?

Did you register a website claiming on it you were working for Pfizer
at the time when you had "retired" years before?

Was Lymeraft which solicited funds for YOU, ever a proper legally
registered charity?

kathleen you're the liar here.

Do you really expect everyone to believe that the rest of the world is
crazy, not you?

And that the rest if the world has conspired to frame you? Because of
your lyme activism which you have even admitted amounts to more posting
on the internet than any real accomplishments?

Come on kathleen. What isn't true specifically issue by issue above.

Tell us specifically which items you say aren't true. We can go back
and find the posts where you admitted stuff and show what a liar YOU

> Chuck wrote:
> > Kathleen will soon be in jail after this terror stunt against FBI
> > servers.
> >
> > She made a big mistake posting that and the FBI "has" been informed.


non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 10:49:1728/07/2005
See the original posts. Look closely
at the links. As you can see McSweegan
and his friends do not want to go to
jail for life, and neither do his friends.

I wonder if it had anything to do
with David Weld conveniently kicking
the bucket, and Pataki not seeking
a fourth term, and the Saudi Bush Bank
Riggs bank FRAUD boy leaving the US.

And I wonder what all of this had to
do with the OPMC finally caving on the
LLMD harassment, 2 days after I sent
and DICK?

As well as the DOJ and the FBI??


ALDF if *TOAST* and so is McSweegan and
so is YALE-- a la USDOJ Special Prosecutor.

JAIL, Boyo, you and Arthur Weinstein
the Master Validator, and Lenny the Weasel,..
the MAster Debator, and BIG AL,
Marky Boy O'Primers Roullette and
Davey Persing.


JAIL FOR LIFE, for genocide.


Le message a été supprimé

non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 11:38:5528/07/2005

Chuck wrote:
> And I wonder what all of this had to
> do with the OPMC finally caving on the
> LLMD harassment, 2 days after I sent
> and DICK?

The OPMC did NOT "cave" on LLMD "harassment", you idiot.

That internal memo has absolutely NO legal signifigance whatever, and
is just another miserable example of so-called "Lyme activists" caught
LYING to their "constituencies"(victims).

It is a violation of the Google "terms of service" to which you agreed,
to impersonate another individual on this board.


non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 11:59:1928/07/2005
à wrote:
> Chuck wrote:
> >
> > And I wonder what all of this had to
> > do with the OPMC finally caving on the
> > LLMD harassment, 2 days after I sent
> > and DICK?
> >
> The OPMC did NOT "cave" on LLMD "harassment", you idiot.
> That internal memo has absolutely NO legal signifigance whatever, and
> is just another miserable example of so-called "Lyme activists" caught
> LYING to their "constituencies"(victims).

Not only that der, but it was ANOTHER LIE by Ellen Lubarsk and FAIM.

It reflected NO CHANGE in NYS law which had always said that doctors
could NOT be prosecuted over a difference of medical opinion. That was
already well settled in case law. So this is a non victory victory but
if ellen wants to land on an aircraft carrier and declare victory,
well, maybe she'll be smart enough to do so and go home? (LOL Ellen
smart? LOL)

Excerpt: "Ansel Marks of the OPMC also stated, "As defined by law, a
difference of medical opinion, in and of itself, is not medical

entire post:

> It is a violation of the Google "terms of service" to which you agreed,
> to impersonate another individual on this board.

LOL Dritte, you're talking about someone who can't obey the most basic
laws of society. You seriously think she cares about google's TOS?

I mean given her history as a convicted felon, convicted of threatening
and harassing government officials, as well as having made bomb threats
at the stonington ct schools and showing up at her children's safe
houwe with a bag filled with drugs, and all the rest that she's done,
who now advocates openly jamming fbi and cia computers so that they
can't protect us against terrorists--which looks like a co conspirator
with terrorists, along with conspiring to obstruct legitimate
governmental operations and investigations, well violating google

Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/15/2005 | Prison for Phillies fan in e-mail
spam attacks

Posted on Fri, Jul. 15, 2005

Prison for Phillies fan in e-mail spam attacks

By John Shiffman

Inquirer Staff Writer

A South Jersey native and Phillies fan who broke federal laws by
jamming the Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News computer systems with
thousands of e-mails complaining about his favorite ball club was
sentenced to four years in prison yesterday.

In January, a federal jury in Philadelphia convicted Allan E. Carlson,
42, of Glendale, Calif., of identity theft, fraud, and computer
hacking-related offenses for hijacking the e-mail addresses of area

The 26 e-mail attacks against the two Philadelphia newspapers in 2001
and 2002 cost their parent company $25,000 in time spent repairing
e-mail servers and sifting through anti-Phillies tirades to locate
legitimate e-mail, according to federal prosecutors.

In the e-mails, Carlson, who formerly lived in Vineland and
Merchantville, complained that Phillies management was unwilling to
spend enough money to field a winning team.

U.S. District Judge Berle M. Schiller said he sentenced Carlson to a
term higher than the advisory guidelines because the case represented a
"severe misuse" of computers.

Schiller also cited Carlson's "emotional problems and inability to
control his anger... . I don't know if this sentence will deter you,
but maybe it will deter others."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Levy said Carlson has a history of
obnoxious criminal behavior. The e-mails he sent - often masquerading
as a Philadelphia sportswriter - were angry, crude and sometimes
racist, Levy said.

"These e-mails were designed to cause emotional harm to the writers
whose addresses were spoofed," the prosecutor said in a filing. "As a
number of them testified at trial, they depend upon their reputations."

Carlson told the judge that he meant no harm by his e-mails and did not
realize how much trouble he had caused.

Afterward, he told reporters that "this was a political prosecution."

"I'm completely devastated by this," he said. "It's unbelievable... . I
don't understand how this can happen in this country."

His lawyer, Thomas Ivory, said, "It goes to show you: Don't pick a
fight with someone who prints ink by the barrel."

In response, Inquirer editor Amanda Bennett said, "It goes to show that
spam isn't a joke, and that frivolously disrupting people's jobs and
lives won't be tolerated."

Schiller ordered Carlson to undergo psychiatric treatment for anger
management in prison and barred him from using the Internet for three
years after his release without probation department approval, which
could include recording every keystroke.

He must also pay restitution of $9,275 to The Inquirer, $2,694 to the
Daily News and $1,000 to Knight Ridder Inc., which owns the newspapers.

The judge gave Carlson until Aug. 12 to report to prison.

Contact staff writer John Shiffman at 215-854-2658 or

Phillies fan 'spoofing' leads to prison
Phillies fan 'spoofing' leads to prison
Thursday July 14, 5:01 pm ET

Allan Eric Carlson, a disgruntled Philadelphia Phillies fan who was
convicted of 79 counts of computer fraud and identity fraud, was
sentenced to four years in prison Thursday.

According to court records, Carlson, of Glendale, Calif., hacked into
computers belonging to many individuals and from them launched hundreds
of thousands of spam e-mails complaining about the Phillies. When he
launched these e-mails, he faked, or "spoofed," the "from" line of the
e-mail, using the e-mail addresses of writers at the Philadelphia Daily
News and the Philadelphia Inquirer. He also used e-mail addresses
belonging to the Philadelphia Phillies and writers at The Sporting
News, Fox Sports, ESPN, and officials at Knight Ridder, the parent
company of the Inquirer and Daily News. This made it appear as if the
e-mails had come from these writers.

The testimony at the trial showed that many of the e-mail addresses
that Carlson sent his messages to were no longer valid. That meant tens
of thousands of e-mails were "returned" to the e-mail boxes of the
persons whose addresses were spoofed.

"These were electronic attacks with serious consequences," said U.S.
Attorney Patrick L. Meehan, who created a separate Computer Crime
section in his office in 2001. "By flooding the victim computer systems
with spam e-mails, those systems and the businesses they support were
severely affected."

Published July 14, 2005 by the Philadelphia Business Journal

Hacker faces 471 years jail, US$117.25m fines - Security - News - ZDNet

News > Security > Article

Hacker faces 471 years jail, US$117.25m fines
By Staff,
Thursday , October 09 2003 05:28 PM

Many sports fans whose team fails to achieve are in the habit of airing
critical opinions of management and media. But one baseball fan is now
looking at a possible 471 years in prison, and a whopping US$117.25 in
fines for expressing his discontent online.

Allan Eric Carlson, 39, did not murder anyone to invite such
punishment. Instead, the Philadelphia Phillies follower launched spam
attacks. One email's subject line read "Corrupt Philly Media Keeps
Phils in Cellar."

Carlson faked the return addresses on his spam, using those of sports
reporters at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News.

Many of his messages bounced to the reporters' mailboxes, crippling the
servers where they were stored, Reuters reported.

FBI agents arrested Carlson at his home in a Los Angeles suburb on
Tuesday. He is being charged with hacking, spoofing return addresses,
launching spam attacks, and identity theft.

non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 12:56:2028/07/2005

lisasawitch wrote:
> Not only that der, but it was ANOTHER LIE by Ellen Lubarsk and FAIM.
> It reflected NO CHANGE in NYS law which had always said that doctors
> could NOT be prosecuted over a difference of medical opinion. That was
> already well settled in case law. So this is a non victory victory but
> if ellen wants to land on an aircraft carrier and declare victory,
> well, maybe she'll be smart enough to do so and go home? (LOL Ellen
> smart? LOL)

This one was REALLY unbelievable. Literally. One for the record books.
And, of course, they lapped it up over at the LymeNUT. Kudos and
"bravos" and platitudes and bouquets of roses.

Eventually, someone did ask whether the memo could be
"enforced"(LOL)...and Lube-arse-ki replied "no"...but we will be ready
to protest. LOL. So why would you have to "protest" if you've achieved
such a great victory?

Gawd help us from those who want to help us, huh?

Le message a été supprimé
Le message a été supprimé

non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 17:50:2328/07/2005

Chuck wrote:
> JAIL FOR LIFE, for genocide.
> Kathleen


>From Encarta:

gen·o·cide [ jénnə sd ]


murder of entire ethnic group: the systematic killing of all the people
from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this

[Mid-20th century. < Greek genos "race"]

gen·o·cid·al [ jènnə sd'l ]adj
gen·o·cid·al·ly [ jènnə sd'lee ]adv


I don't think that overweight over-middle aged Oprah-watching white
women wearing gaudy green shirts and dressed up in tick costumes really
constitutes an "ethnic" group.


non lue,
28 juil. 2005, 18:43:5028/07/2005
à wrote:
> lisasawitch wrote:
> >
> > Not only that der, but it was ANOTHER LIE by Ellen Lubarsk and FAIM.
> >
> > It reflected NO CHANGE in NYS law which had always said that doctors
> > could NOT be prosecuted over a difference of medical opinion. That was
> > already well settled in case law. So this is a non victory victory but
> > if ellen wants to land on an aircraft carrier and declare victory,
> > well, maybe she'll be smart enough to do so and go home? (LOL Ellen
> > smart? LOL)
> This one was REALLY unbelievable. Literally. One for the record books.
> And, of course, they lapped it up over at the LymeNUT. Kudos and
> "bravos" and platitudes and bouquets of roses.

I thought the best Ellen Lubarsky DELIBERATE LIE was about the Senator
Specter hearings.

She announced that Senator Specter was planing on holding hearings
about Lyme and insurance denials. The truth was that people who called
and asked for Congressional hearings (*after all the 1993 hearings did
sooo much good *rolling eyes*) were told something like "IF there is
enough interest he might consider holding hearings and/or looking into
it." Which is the same thing they would say if people called up and
asked what he was doing about the outbreak of alien abductions.

So Ellen spun that into "he's HOLDING hearings" and everyone had to
IMMEDIATELY write their story and send it to him.

When she was asked to confirm her information she refused. When someone
else found out it was wrong she spun it into "IF there is enough
interest" and now everyone had to redouble their efforts to harass his
office with their "story" and medical records.

Later when the LDF LIED and said that that little hortatory thing in
the budget bill was a "LAW" signed by George W Bush and was
enforceable, someone had occasion to call and have an LA confirm
(legislative aide) that that was language in a senate committe report
which was not adopted by the House or the conference, was NOT binding
and was not a "LAW" (LDF still insisted it was and refused to correct
the inforation) but upon speaking with the aide she remarked that
people with Lyme were NUTS and everyone was calling their office about
hearings that didn't exist and sending voluminous materials that they
had no idea what to do with or about.

Really amazing what goes on.

And then of course there is the annual NYS "Lyme bill to reform the
OPMC" which has NOTHING to do with Lyme, and which FAIM and ellen
Lubarsky repeatedly make entirely false and inflated claims about. For
example they say things like (paraphrasing) "the current system
provides NO due process for doctors" -- now anyone with any sense knows
that administrative licensing hearings in ALL states are REQUIRED to
provide at least a minimum of due process protections though perhaps
not the full panoply of due process protections afforded (at least
theoretically) to criminal defendants. And rather than protecting "our
doctors" what the bill always has done is to protect doctors at the
expense of patients.

The problem GENERALLY is that the system is TOO LAX and bad doctors get
away with repeated gross malpractice and doctors don't police
themselves enough. Yes they have been overzealous and persecutorial in
going after llmds BUT that isn't because the system doesn't ostensibly
provide adequate due process protections. The bill always strikes the
wrong balance and tries to fix the wrong problem.

More importatn what the bill actually says and does has nothing to do
with what ellen and FAIM say it does.

So they LIE to advance their own agenda--and the FAIM agenda is NOT the
Lyme agenda.

And it goes on and on and on.

What a bunch of friggin nincompoops.

> Eventually, someone did ask whether the memo could be
> "enforced"(LOL)...and Lube-arse-ki replied "no"...but we will be ready
> to protest. LOL. So why would you have to "protest" if you've achieved
> such a great victory?

LOL Is that ellen's LEGAL opinion about the enforceability of the memo?

I love their saying "We will not go away."

Yeah neither does herpes but it can be effectively suppressed.

> Gawd help us from those who want to help us, huh?

Absolutely. Between michele p our newest savior and all the old ones,
well they're alwayws proving that we are our own worst enemies.


non lue,
29 juil. 2005, 07:24:3829/07/2005


non lue,
29 juil. 2005, 08:48:3329/07/2005
You were accused tried and convicted did not appeal and never have had
anyone but you declare yourself innocent or the charges false.

Shut up already. And answer the questions below.



Featured in Court & Police

Kathleen Dickson
Published on 5/8/2004

Kathleen Dickson, 46, of 23 Garden St., Pawcatuck, was charged Thursday

with being a fugitive from justice.

© The Day Publishing Co., 2004

Featured in Court & Police

Kathleen Dickson

Published on 5/9/2004

Kathleen Dickson, 45, of 23 Garden St., Pawcatuck, was charged Friday
with second-degree harassment and threatening.

© The Day Publishing Co., 2004


Let's see how you like it kathleen EVERY time you post, I will change
the title of the thread and I will post these questions until you
answer them one by one and answering them means NOT talking about

mcsweegan or former governor rowland and all your typical diversionary
crap anyway.


Come on kathleen. What isn't true specifically issue by issue above.

Tell us specifically which items you say aren't true. We can go back
and find the posts where you admitted stuff and show what a liar YOU

And see kathleen's post advocating cyberterrorism:


non lue,
30 juil. 2005, 20:34:3530/07/2005
à means just that. The constant x postings are not
simply annoying. They can also result in "overwhelming" an autistic
person to the point that they can no longer cope with reading at the
group which thereby deprives them of support.

Kathleen has been blamed for the flood of x postings but as I have said
before, it is the responsibility of the individual to check their
posting. ASA is now at a point where the x postings far exceed the
normal appropriate postings at that group. Non of these x postings has
the least relevance to autism and non of the asa members are the least
interested in what occurs at the groups from which the posts derive.

Please endeavour to remove any x isn't *that* hard to do
and a little bit of consideration can help provide support for those who
need it.

Thank you.

non lue,
30 juil. 2005, 23:53:4530/07/2005

While I appreciate your fact based request...and it is that...I'm
curious why folks interested in this subject don't either start a yahoo
group, or take the group to the status of "moderated."

Either would completely negate the problem.

You can be sure that there will be two "offenders."

Those who forget to check the addy field (I confess my own failure in
that area) and those that are in some way dysfunctionaly and most
deliberately cross post for the "effect."

Sorry to offend, wish I could be more diligent in xposting, but there
you have it.

Thanks for reading.


non lue,
14 août 2005, 09:29:0114/08/2005
The federal government, I don't believe, would be
intentionally loaded with criminals, Chuck.

If they are criminals, they are not the government.

Where in the Constitution does it say it is okay
for the president and his cronies to be fixing
the facts around the policy?

This presidency was purchased by his relatives
who also are in cahoots with the profiteers
at and around Yale, the Bush Banks, the Weld
Banks, the Zuckermans, the Kissingers, and the
Kristols, Yale - who happen to be the same people
- which is why the 9/11 Commission will have to meet
again, only this time without *Levin* at least.

We can find out what they did to look the other
way as regards the flying bombs. If the people
knew they were listening to the gore of 9/11
as a means to deflect their attention away from
who needed this to happen:

Wolfowitz and NeoCon 101: "All we need is a new
Pearl Harbor" they will *run* and not walk to Crawford
Texas and join the protest.

All those families who lost relatives in 9/11.

All the fireman, all the cops, all the volunteers,
all the mothers and fathers and children and grandparents...

It's not like you haven't been paying attention
Ed, since you were involved in this crime since
Day One, with that 1986 letter to Senator Goldwater,
in which you made FOOLS out of the Department of
Defense in order to set up the

You're a traitor and you sold out your own people
AND government AND the military.

And THAT is the reason for your maliciousness.

You and your friends, don't want, literally, to hang.

You *expletive* *fool*, Iran makes no idle taunt.

They have Russia, China, India, Brazil, and
Venezuela all standing behind him, not to mention
the economic crisis we deny we are in.

You want to know what these NeoCons did? They put
FOOLS like you, in the appropriate positions.

Men whose masculinity is threatened in some way.

Men who are in love with their own alleged genius:

"As a graduate student twenty years ago, I had a departmental
recruiting poster tacked up on the wall next to my desk. It read, in
part, "If you are curious, patient, and awfully damned intelligent,
consider a Ph.D. in microbiology." In 1984 a degree in microbiology
seemed like a good idea. "

You are neither curious nor patient nor intelligent.

You just wannabee. Classic compensating. Classic
moral failure. Classic everything failure.

Ed, how about YOU don't mess with the federal government?

You did so, when you convinced the Department of the
Navy to hand over vector borne diseases vaccines
development to SmithKline, New York Medical College
Kaiser, and Yale in 1986, with your INSULT O GRAM
to Senator Goldwater.

You copied in 20 other Senators and Congressman, humiliating
the Department of the Navy, and holding them over a barrel,
until they gave you what you wanted.



non lue,
14 août 2005, 14:52:4814/08/2005

<> wrote in message

> The federal government, I don't believe, would be
> intentionally loaded with criminals, Chuck.

Were you born Yesterday????

I see you have no posting history!

I have no idea who Kathleen is.

Remainer deleted!

Ilena Rose

non lue,
14 août 2005, 15:11:3214/08/2005
Kathleen is a Lyme Disease Awareness Activist ... who has a Smear
Campaign by the quackers similar to the one against you and me ...
though even more aggressive and detrimental I believe.

No surprise quackwatch.$$$.com publishes an absurd piece on Lyme
Disease ... mixing a few truths in with the whoppers.

Here's something I post about her:


Similar to the aggressive Smear Campaign Quackwatch has run against me
since they lost their SLAPP suit to me was lost in 2001 in the
Superior Court of California ...

I see them waging an equally visicous if not worse attack on Kathleen
Dickson ...

Bravo Kathleen for not letting them silence you ... I can only imagine
all you have lost because of your experiences.

God bless you.

This is excerpted from:

DATE: February 24, 1999

Kathleen Dickson.

MS. DICKSON: Hi. I first would
like to thank Tom and Karen Forschner for the
sacrifices that they have made and that have been
put upon them in their efforts to help other
people with this disease and towards its
prevention, and we are grateful for this
opportunity to explain the problems we have been
having getting accurate diagnosis and treatment.

In my opinion -- this is my
opinion of where we are with this disease and
where we should go.

The nature of the problem,
it generally starts like flu, there is no better
or more accurate description, only this flu never

Lyme disease leaves us sick for weeks
and months and years. Only fellow sufferers of
Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome
understand what this means.

People who have not
been sick for longer than a few days with the flu
have difficulty understanding this concept.

People who have Lyme disease are
often misdiagnosed. The average number of
doctors a patient sees before diagnosis is five.

Without treatment, encephalopathy can become so
severe that the symptoms mimic Alzheimer's
disease. We forget why we are in the car driving
and not know what road we're on.

Extremely frequent checkbook
errors, kitchen fires, lost articles of every
kind, loss of the ability to speak fluently,
sudden loss of emotional stability, inability to
remember from one second to the next what we were
doing and what we had done, it is a genuine
mental disability and in no way subtle.
The extent of inflammation of the
brain and nervous system is well documented in
autopsy studies and in studies in which Rhesus
monkeys were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi.
The longer one goes undiagnosed, the longer it
takes to improve and the less likely one will
recover fully.

My personal Lyme story is I got a
Lyme rash, it was symptomless. I took a picture
of it because it was weird to have a rash that
didn't itch or yield any discomfort. It was warm
and red and radiated. I forgot about the
picture. I got a summer flu, but it never went
away completely.

I kept working and working out and
riding centuries [phonetic] and training for a
triathalon, but I just got sicker and sicker. I
thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome. I
explained this to my family doctor in Milford and listed my symptoms.
He told me that there was
nothing wrong with me, to please leave his

I went to UConn Health Center and
saw Dr. Peter Minew [phonetic] Who, despite my
presenting with fever and swollen glands and my
insistence that I was not depressed, concluded
that I was depressed. Endurance athletes are
generally not depressed.

He never ran any tests, and there
was a journal on his desk, psychosomatic
diseases, in which he published his conclusion
about SEFITS [phonetic]. His subjects were
female UConn students, and based on survey
interviews, he concluded that SEFITS [phonetic]
was depression, and anybody that asked college
students if they are tired and feeling
overwhelmed is, in my opinion, no genius.

I did not stay with Dr. Minew [phonetic].
I called the SEFITS [phonetic]
people to ask their recommendation about having a
baby. They told me there was no data but
anecdotal. It appeared to be okay. I had two
kids, which is brutal when you have the flu all
the time, but I didn't regret it. It was a
question of do I want to be sick the rest of my
life with or without kids, since there is no cure
for SEFITS [phonetic].

The SEFITS [phonetic] people told
me about a doctor in Glastonbury who treated
SEFITS [phonetic] people as if they were
seronegative Lyme disease. I made an appointment
as soon as possible, because the prospect of
having a treatable illness was much more
desirable than being sick the rest of my life.

When I saw this doctor, I had my
first western blot and the result was positive.

I had my children tested. I had had lingering
concerns about their health. One definitely
tended to be a sickly baby, the two-year old had
more positive bands by western blot than I did,
and the eight-month-old had a questionable
result. Later SPECT scan studies showed
anomalies that correlated with her cognitive and
speech problems.

I am still uncertain. They see
Dr. Jones. A few months later, still sick but
being treated with Zithromax, I became pregnant
again, and yes, I know how this happens. And in
a panic I made an appointment with the Yale Lyme
clinic, my doctor in Glastonbury wanted me to
start taking amoxycillin because it was safe in
pregnancy. I did not tell him I was going to
Yale. I was afraid I would infect a third baby,
I thought surely Yale physicians would know what
to do.

The Yale rheumatology experience
is very similar to everybody else's. I saw
Dr. Robert Schoen. During the exam, Dr. Schoen
acted like he believed and understood everything
I said. He seemed to ask all the right questions
and when he was done with the exam he left the
room and came back and said, so you've come here
as an advocate for your child. And I said yes,
and he said, I don't think you have Lyme
disease. I don't know what you have.

I was shocked but at that point
remembered that everybody told me not to go to
Yale for Lyme disease, and now I understood why I
had been warned. Dr. Schoen deflected all my
protestations but sent me down the hall to the
lab for a western blot. It was the only negative
Lyme test result I ever got.

The phlebotomist was a pleasant
woman who asked me what test I was having, as she
was looking at the order, and she said, Oh,
Dr. Schoen. I should have known it was going to
be a western blot.

And I just sat there feeling
really stupid, and I said, He says I don't have
Lyme disease. And she said, Mmm, he tells that
to all his patients. They come down here crying
and saying if I don't have Lyme disease, what do
I have?

I went back to my doctor in
Glastonbury and he convinced me to take part in
the LDF's Lyme and pregnancy study, and I took
amoxycillin throughout the pregnancy and my son
was negative by their criteria and testing and
he's my healthiest child.
Three years after I saw Dr. Schoen
I finally got better, improved significantly. I
don't feel sick -- I don't feel sick every minute
of my life like I did for the first nine years.

I am not the person I was intellectually and
energy-wise, and I have bad days, but I can talk
now. I can drive and I can plant things.
I am totally amazed to be this
much better, and I have never -- and I'll never
be able to describe how grateful I am to the
three doctors that helped me to get this much

The immediate solution, assure
that insurance companies no longer attempt to
limit or restrict medical treatment or practice
medicine without a license. Insist that experts
practice in their realm of expertise; that is,
rheumatologists only perform independent medical
evaluations for rhematilogical diseases and not
infectious diseases.

We know that the insurance
companies send patients to Yale because Yale is
going to tell everybody it's not Lyme.
The long-term solution, since
there is no cure for Lyme disease, I'd like to
_ recommend a long-term solution for people with
this, our State disease, and that would be a
genuine Lyme disease clinic.

These clinics should be staffed by
infectious disease specialists or doctors that
have been specially trained in the education to
treat Lyme disease patients. They should include
management of visiting nurse services, financial
advisors for assisting patients with filing for
disability, and handling the financial fall,
because people with Lyme disease do not do
accounting things very well.
Phlebotomists, nutritional
counseling, psychiatric counseling, which would
include group, individual, family and family
group to help prevent families from
disintegrating because one or more of the members
have this burden.
Meals on wheels, visiting,
cleaning services and grocery shopping. This is
just the tip of the iceberg. Many, many people
just would not have the strength to have come
3 today. And for people who finally have the
infection under control, cognitive remediation
and physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation,

would be necessary for some patients who have
permanent neurological damage and just can't
learn things or rather to work with what they
have left.

The State should pay for a portion
of these services, and where people have become
eligible for Social Security disability.


Thank you very much, Ms. Dickson. I just want to
mention, as I said earlier in the afternoon, I
have a legislative hearing which I'll be
attending now on our budget, and then onto
another meeting, but Mary Ellen Roe, who's life
and health, and deals directly with the appeal
process, and also the life and health issues with
you, and will capture the information.
And I appreciate very much your
participation and your input and your patience as
well, and I think it's certainly important to
hear what everyone has to say, so I thank you.


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