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Re: Kirstie Alley: 'Yes, I Gained 83 Pounds'

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May 8, 2009, 3:10:22 PM5/8/09
Alley is doomed to continuing failure as long as she gets crappy advice,
believes exercise is a predominant effort in her weight loss and refuses
to eat under 2 pounds per day.

Too bad. I had liked to think she would have learned from Oprah and had
a few working brain cells.


On 7 May 2009 10:33:12 -0000, Maureen wrote:

> Kirstie Alley: 'Yes, I Gained 83 Pounds'
> By Elizabeth Leonard
> Originally posted Wednesday May 06, 2009 06:00 AM EDT
> When Kirstie Alley stepped on the scale for the first time in 15 months, it
> wasn't pretty. "I started screaming," recalls Alley, sipping homemade
> fruit-infused water in her Hollywood kitchen. "It said 228 lbs., which is
> my highest weight ever. I was so much more disgusting than I thought!"
> But looking back, Alley, 58, is hardly shocked. During her three-year stint
> as a Jenny Craig spokeswoman, she famously trimmed down to 145 lbs. after
> losing and keeping off 75 lbs. But since parting ways with the company in
> 2007, she had not worked out and banished her gym equipment to the garage.
> As for her diet, her small, low-calorie portions gave way to Chinese
> takeout and pasta drenched with butter. "I fell off the horse," says the
> 5'8" star.
> Today, Alley says she is primed to hire a trainer, toss the butter and sign
> up for a triathlon in order to whittle her "schlumpy" figure back down to a
> bikini-ready 140 lbs. "I'm going to have to work harder than last time,"
> she says, but "I'm way excited." In a candid interview, Alley sat down with
> PEOPLE's Elizabeth Leonard to talk about how she piled on the pounds � and
> how she plans to get her body, confidence and � yes! � even her groove
> back.
> Okay, how did this happen?
> It started with New Year's [2008], right after leaving Jenny Craig. When
> you're a spokesperson for Jenny Craig, there's responsibility. You have a
> person every week standing over you when you get on the scale, and I did it
> naked because those panties could weigh 30 lbs.! It was amazingly
> successful. But the first nail in the coffin was that I didn't have to
> weigh in. I just sort of went wild.
> Did you go right back to indulging in cakes and pies the way you did the
> first time you let yourself go?
> It wasn't the exact same M.O. My food demons are Chinese food, sugar,
> butter. A lot of butter. If I'm at the movies, usually I eat popcorn
> without butter, but I'd say, "I'm at the movies, so who cares?" And toast
> with butter. Or let's say I had two cups of pasta and six tablespoons of
> butter on it. There was a lot of butter going on.
> What else would you eat?
> For seven months I was a vegetarian, and I can't tell you how much weight I
> gained being a vegetarian! A vegetarian would probably be eating
> vegetables. But to me being a vegetarian meant I'm going to eat enchiladas
> with no meat, and I'm going to eat lots of bread, lots of carbs.
> What weight do you want to get down to?
> I have to be below 140 to really look good. I have to work my legs like
> crazy. Actually, do you want my real goal? My real goal's always too low. I
> love the way I look at, like, 128. One time on Cheers, I weighed about 148
> lbs., and they told me to lose, like, 20 lbs. Now, I'm 5'8", so at 148
> lbs., I wasn't fat. But they're saying, "You know, you need to lose 20
> lbs." So what does that put me at? 128. That's where I keep getting this
> number.
> Are you self-conscious?
> I'm totally inhibited. When I'm overweight I will not go out. With my
> closest friends, yeah. But you wouldn't see me at a premiere.
> But you seem ready to turn your life around.
> I'm ready to work. I messed up along the way, but I'm not going to
> concentrate on that. I'm gonna go, "You know what? Get back on the horse,
> lose the freakin' weight, and then just move forward!"
> For more on Kirstie's journey from slim to "schlumpy" � including her
> comments on her kids, her sex life and how she plans to lose the pounds �
> pick up the new issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday
> To keep up with Kirstie's journey, follow her on Twitter at


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 9, 2009, 1:53:02 AM5/9/09
MU wrote:

> Alley is doomed to continuing failure as long as she gets crappy advice,
> believes exercise is a predominant effort in her weight loss and refuses
> to eat under 2 pounds per day.
> Too bad. I had liked to think she would have learned from Oprah and had
> a few working brain cells.

The "hunger is starvation" delusion does rob people of their ability
to use their brains:

May GOD help Kirstie Alley become aware of the 100% efficacy of the
2PD-OMER Approach, in Jesus' awesome and most exalted name.


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist
"How GOD inspired the 2PD-OMER Approach."


May 9, 2009, 2:24:09 AM5/9/09
On Fri, 8 May 2009 22:53:02 -0700 (PDT), Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:

> MU wrote:
>> Alley is doomed to continuing failure as long as she gets crappy advice,
>> believes exercise is a predominant effort in her weight loss and refuses
>> to eat under 2 pounds per day.
>> Too bad. I had liked to think she would have learned from Oprah and had
>> a few working brain cells.
> The "hunger is starvation" delusion does rob people of their ability
> to use their brains:

Sure does. Ms. Alley reckoned on a Jenny Craig set of marleting hype and
who lnows what restraints they put on her to get her to lose weight. 24
hour supervision? She admits to the need to get back "on a trainer",
since when does Craig require a strength and weight lifting trainer?

The whole show is bogus.

> May GOD help Kirstie Alley become aware of the 100% efficacy of the
> 2PD-OMER Approach, in Jesus' awesome and most exalted name.

Couldn't agree more. I don't see it happening, at least from her


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 9, 2009, 2:32:38 AM5/9/09
MU wrote:

"... with GOD all things are possible." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Matthew


May 9, 2009, 8:59:04 AM5/9/09
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:

I agree about one thing...

Jebus sure gave her a nice pair of headlights.

I'd like to see them on "high beam" every now and then.


May 9, 2009, 1:30:25 PM5/9/09
On Thu, 7 May 2009 20:13:08 +0000, The Master wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 2009, Willow Herself wrote:
>>> Long term weight loss through dieting means a long term diet.
>> No, it means learning to deal with yourself instead of hiding behind a
>> donut. It's not that hard to do, all you have to do is ditch the excuses and
>> pay attention to yourself.
> ROTFLMAO! Soooo.... Once I pay attention to myself, I will magically not
> like donuts and instead want carrots? I actually hate carrots. Do you
> eat salad? I don't... You know why? I don't like salad. If I eat
> salad, I'll be forcing myself to do it, regulating my food intake, and
> thus I'll be dieting.

Then why do it? Unless of course you don't care about your health.

> On the contrary, you still crave that donut, don't you?

Naw, I eat it.

> It still calls
> your name, still finds it way into your dreams... MMmmmm, sugary
> goodness... Then, you get pissed, and eat a fresh veggie, insisting that
> you don't need one, trying to convince yourself that you don't want one...
> But deep down, you know you want it.

If you want to have a fascination, a love affair with food, go right
ahead. Have food babies for all I care.

Mu, OTOH, doesn't spend anytime at all worrying and planning about food.
I see food, I eat food when I get hungry enough. Not really hungry,
really hungry now not just hungry, don't eat.

> It must take a lot of energy to artificially change the way you want to
> eat... Sounds like a much lower quality of life if you ask me.

Takes less energy than worrying about donuts v.s. celery or a myriad of
other things "food" floating around in your head.


May 9, 2009, 1:33:02 PM5/9/09
On Fri, 8 May 2009 11:11:34 -0400, Dee Flint wrote:

> I almost never eat the WW products and have lost 70 pounds. I eat beef,
> potatoes, ice cream and whatever else I want. I just eat them in sensible
> quantities now. I also balance my eating with the appropriate amounts of
> fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy oil. We have so
> totally lost site of proper eating that people think an 8 ounce steak is
> what you should eat when in reality it should be 3 or 4 ounces. It's even
> OK to eat candy. However a reasonable amount in a day is one piece out of
> the box not the entire box and so on.

Good for you. I noted that you used the term "quantity" instead od cal
counting, excellent.

> Weight Watchers doesn't really expect people to spend the rest of their
> lives eating the WW products. Matter of fact they don't even expect you to
> make them the basis of the program. They are merely a convenience for the
> busy people and a crutch for the new people who have so much to learn.

Well said.

> That's certainly better than the other choice. Ever increasing weight from
> unregulated and unbalanced eating will lead to discomfort at a minimum, ill
> health for the majority, and early death for many.

Spot on.


May 9, 2009, 1:37:22 PM5/9/09
On Thu, 7 May 2009 16:55:52 +0000, The Master wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 2009, Anthony Allende wrote:
>>> She looks better big. Skinny Kirstie is NOT attractive... However, her
>>> gaining the weight back only adds to the evidence that the weight lost by
>>> dieting is only temporary. Once you stop dieting, the weight comes back.
>>> And who wants to diet the rest of their life?
>> Don't be stupid. You can lose weight and keep it off by eating sensibly.
> Sensibly, eh? Always looking after what you eat,

Don't do it.

> monitoring calorie
> intake,

Useless, inaccurate, waste of time.

> making sure you eat the veggies instead of the cake, stuff like
> that? People like calling it a "lifestyle change", when it reality it's
> nothing but a glorified diet...

Eating down to 2PD for most everyone includes viewing food for what it
is, a necessity not a fanciful way of living. So, yes, a lifestyle
change for most everyone.

> The moment you STOP monitoring your calorie intake, the moment you STOP
> concentrating on exactly what you are putting into your body, the monent
> you STOP dieting, you return to your old ways, as shown by Kirstie...

> Long term weight loss through dieting means a long term diet.

Or would you call it proper consumption v.s. long term overconsumption.
The labeling should be on the abnormal lifestyle not returning to the
normal one.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 9, 2009, 6:36:31 PM5/9/09
MU wrote:

What keeps folks from readily seeing the truth about the amount they
are eating is their delusion that "hunger is starvation:"

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Author of "Be Hungry"

Only GOD can cure the "hunger is starvation" delusion:

May 9, 2009, 7:54:37 PM5/9/09

The two pound diet,aka 2pd etc. is quack science. It has flaws of both
fact and logic. It was invented to fit a preexisting agenda and does
not flow from evidence based on research. The diet inventor has many
times been appraised of his flaws but clings to them for reasons other
then science or valid medical practice

All of this nonsense of measure by weight or volume comes from the
agenda fitting, not well established research. But sadly even the
agenda is based on misunderstood and misapplied information. Even when
corrected the author of the agenda for nothing but pride and vain face
saving can not deal with that truth.

Bottom line, ignore any reference to the two pound diet,aka 2 pd etc.
and stick with established information and sources of expert authorities
which does not include the vanity of vanity distorting reality in this

God bless.

Kaz Kylheku

May 9, 2009, 10:24:01 PM5/9/09
On 2009-05-09, <> wrote:
> Truth:
> The two pound diet,aka 2pd etc. is quack science. It has flaws of both
> fact and logic.

What flaws does it have that can't be rectified by any earnest dieter
who has two brain cells to rub together?

> It was invented to fit a preexisting agenda and does


> not flow from evidence based on research.

I found a paper documenting a study according to which, two pounds of food
corresponds to a roughly good dieting amount of calories. The study followed
more than 80,000 Europeans found that the women ate, on average, at a caloric
density of 1.4 kcal/g, and men at 1.9 kcal/g. Multiply that by two pounds (907
g) and you have some reasonable caloric figures for dieting.

> The diet inventor

... is who precisely? You wouldn't be claiming anything so ridiculous as that
Chung is the originator of the idea of restricting food intake by mass?

> has many
> times been appraised of his flaws

Ad hominem fallacy: ``Food-mass-controlled diet is advocated by loonie, so it
must be a loonie diet.''

If Chung started to openly promote breathing, would you stop?

> All of this nonsense of measure by weight or volume comes from the
> agenda fitting, not well established research.

What agenda fitting?

Exactly how does he profit if someone decides to eat two pounds of food a day?

Maybe he owns stock in a corporation that makes kitchen scales?

I already have an electronic scale, though I don't use it this way.
I could go on a two pound diet without spending a cent.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 10, 2009, 2:11:02 AM5/10/09
Kaz Kylheku wrote:
> an anonymous deceiver posted:

> > Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> > >

> >
> > Truth:
> >
> > The two pound diet,aka 2pd etc. is quack science. It has flaws of both
> > fact and logic.
> What flaws does it have that can't be rectified by any earnest dieter
> who has two brain cells to rub together?

There are no flaws to the approach of addressing the root cause of the
problem behind obesity which is quite simply and undeniably

> > It was invented to fit a preexisting agenda and does
> Evidence?

If the deceiver had evidence, he would no longer have the need to be
what he is.

> > not flow from evidence based on research.
> I found a paper documenting a study according to which, two pounds of food
> corresponds to a roughly good dieting amount of calories. The study followed
> more than 80,000 Europeans found that the women ate, on average, at a caloric
> density of 1.4 kcal/g, and men at 1.9 kcal/g. Multiply that by two pounds (907
> g) and you have some reasonable caloric figures for dieting.

If the deceiver embraced the truth, he would no longer be what he is.

> > The diet inventor
> ... is who precisely? You wouldn't be claiming anything so ridiculous as that
> Chung is the originator of the idea of restricting food intake by mass?

Again, if the deceiver embraces the truth, he would no longer be what
he is.

> > has many
> > times been appraised of his flaws
> Ad hominem fallacy: ``Food-mass-controlled diet is advocated by loonie, so it
> must be a loonie diet.''

If the deceiver refrained from ad hominem attacks, he would have
nothing with which to attack.

> If Chung started to openly promote breathing, would you stop?

Indeed, the deceiver is attempting to murder folks with his deception
as evident by the following:

> > All of this nonsense of measure by weight or volume comes from the
> > agenda fitting, not well established research.
> What agenda fitting?

Promotion of the truth.

> Exactly how does he profit if someone decides to eat two pounds of food a day?

There is joy in seeing the truth promoted :-)

> Maybe he owns stock in a corporation that makes kitchen scales?


The food scale I personally recommend is available on-line under the
Salter label from and are in the stores under the Taylor
label, which is the one I use:

> I already have an electronic scale, though I don't use it this way.
> I could go on a two pound diet without spending a cent.

The 2PD-OMER Approach is not a diet.

If you choose to use the 2PD-OMER Approach, your brain will have to
battle your heart because of the delusion within it that "hunger is
starvation" as explicated in an earlier post:

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier :-)

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD


May 10, 2009, 1:37:08 PM5/10/09
On 09 May 2009 23:54:37 GMT, wrote:

> Truth:
> The two pound diet,aka 2pd etc. is quack science. It has flaws of both
> fact and logic. It was invented to fit a preexisting agenda


It would do you well if you wish to troll Chung to at least get your
facts straight. The 2PD came after watching a movie where mountaineers
ate at or less than 2 lbs per day. They not only survived their climb of
Mt. Everest, they were in great health in spite of it.

duh is simple.


May 10, 2009, 1:39:07 PM5/10/09
On 09 May 2009 23:54:37 GMT, wrote:

> Bottom line, ignore any reference to the two pound diet,aka 2 pd etc.
> and stick with established information and sources of expert authorities
> which does not include the vanity of vanity distorting reality in this
> case.

Such as who? Jenny Craig? She has a scientific diet. Which doesn't work.
WW? Scientific failure. Atkins, heck, he most probably dies due to his
diet. his heart runneth over with disease.

So who is it that *you* listen to?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 12:18:58 AM5/11/09
MU wrote:
> an anonymous deceiver despairingly posted:

> > Bottom line, ignore any reference to the two pound diet,aka 2 pd etc.
> > and stick with established information and sources of expert authorities
> > which does not include the vanity of vanity distorting reality in this
> > case.
> Such as who? Jenny Craig? She has a scientific diet. Which doesn't work.
> WW? Scientific failure. Atkins, heck, he most probably dies due to his
> diet. his heart runneth over with disease.
> So who is it that *you* listen to?

He only listens to himself as he deceives others:

Be hungrier, which truly is healthier :-)

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Board-certified Cardiologist
and Author of "Be Hungry"

out with a bang

May 11, 2009, 12:31:57 AM5/11/09
On May 11, 12:18 am, "Andrew B. Chung" <> wrote:
> MU wrote:
> > an anonymous deceiver despairingly posted:
> > > Bottom line, ignore any reference to the two pound diet,aka 2 pd etc.
> > > and stick with established information and sources of expert authorities
> > > which does not include the vanity of vanity distorting reality in this
> > > case.
> > Such as who? Jenny Craig? She has a scientific diet. Which doesn't work.
> > WW? Scientific failure. Atkins, heck, he most probably dies due to his
> > diet. his heart runneth over with disease.
> > So who is it that *you* listen to?
> He only listens to himself as he deceives others:
> Be hungrier, which truly is healthier :-)
> Love in the truth,
> Andrew <><
> --
> Andrew B. Chung
> Board-certified Lunatic

Dr. Johnny Hunt sends his regards.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 12:39:44 AM5/11/09
an anonymous deceiver wrote:

> Board-certified Lunatic

That you are:

You will soon be out with a splash in the lake of fire being prepared
for you:

May we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile), continue to
be mindful of WDJW by rebuking you at each GOD-given opportunity as
GOD desires:


"The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the
LORD." (Proverbs 16:33)


A Spirit-guided exegesis of Proverbs 16:33 ...

Nothing happens by chance because everything happens only as GOD
allows it (Ecclesiastes 9:11):

Sign that GOD can easily unleash an H5N1 Pandemic at any time:

What we are teaching to prepare folks for the eventuality of a
catastrophic Pan-Flu:

How to not be fearful:

Trust the truth, Who is Jesus !!!

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our Messiah,
the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:

Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus
want?" (WDJW):

Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:

Hunger is the physical "hearts burning within us" feeling that unlocks
the 4 mysteries of the "Road to Emmaus" adventure described in Luke

Moreover, being hungrier is the key to being Jesus' disciples:

Being physically hungrier is how we will physically recognize Jesus
when He physically returns for us to meet Him physically in the air:

"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:

Jesus is LORD, forever !!!

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier for mind, body, and soul:

Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><
"... no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor

What does Jesus want (WDJW) ?

out with a bang

May 11, 2009, 12:52:43 AM5/11/09
On May 11, 12:39 am, "Andrew B. Chung" <> wrote:
> You will soon be out with a splash in the lake of fire being prepared
> for you:

Funny, I've been laughing at you for three years and I haven't seen
this magical lake yet.

Go play with your sword.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 5:54:56 AM5/11/09
an anonymous deceiver wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:

> > You will soon be out with a splash in the lake of fire being prepared
> > for you:
> >
> >
> Funny, I've been laughing at you for three years ...

GOD allowing you to post here on Usenet is part of His making me
infinitely stronger (hungrier):

> ... and I haven't seen this magical lake yet.

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His strickening
you with blindness:

"And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning
sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They
will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)

It is not by coincidence that 2010 is less than one year away.

> Go play with your sword.

It is with GOD's Sword, Who is the truth, that this disciple of Jesus
rebukes you in keeping with WDJW:



... by being hungrier:


Marana tha

Only GOD can cut the "hunger is starvation" delusion from our hearts:


May 11, 2009, 9:01:31 AM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 04:54:56 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article

> GOD allowing you to post here on Usenet is part of His making me
> infinitely stronger (hungrier):

So when some of Chung's usenet group accounts were terminated, that was God's

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 9:53:33 AM5/11/09
Atheno wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>So when some of Chung's usenet group accounts were terminated, that was God's


That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.

Truth is simple :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Atheno, so that you would come to trust the
truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Heart Expert

and Author of "Be Hungry"

"Don't be left behind like Cleopus and Simon were."

out with a bang

May 11, 2009, 10:23:39 AM5/11/09
On May 11, 5:54 am, "Andrew B. Chung," <> wrote:
> GOD allowing you to post here on Usenet is part of His making me
> infinitely stronger (hungrier):

Have another heaping helping of Satan's ejaculate. You already know
what it's like.


May 11, 2009, 10:27:26 AM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 08:53:33 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article <>):

> Atheno wrote:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> So when some of Chung's usenet group accounts were terminated, that was
>> God's
>> work.
> Incorrect.
> That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
> Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.

Duh. Anybody can get as many accounts as they want.

Evidently Chung needs to get multiple accounts to avoid being booted out.

This is a classic example of the way Chung "thinks."

Keep this in mind when evaluating what Chung posts

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 10:18:28 AM5/11/09
Atheno wrote:
>Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Atheno wrote:
>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> So when some of Chung's usenet group accounts were terminated, that was
>>> God's work.
>> Incorrect.
>> That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
>> Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.
>Duh. Anybody can get as many accounts as they want.

Not non-christians like either you or Bob Pastorio:

To receive an infinite number of anything necessarily requires eternal


May 11, 2009, 11:11:19 AM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 09:18:28 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article <>):

>> Duh. Anybody can get as many accounts as they want.
> Not non-christians like either you or Bob Pastorio

Anyone can get all the accounts that they want or have to have to prevent
them from being booted out.

Many newsreaders allow posting without going through creating an account.

Everyone should keep Chung's comment above in mind when you evaluate all the
other things he writes.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 11:28:23 AM5/11/09

Truth is simple :-)

"MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light." -- LORD Jesus Christ
(Matthew 11:30)



May 11, 2009, 11:55:03 AM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 10:28:23 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article <>):

> Truth is simple :-)
> "MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light." -- LORD Jesus Christ
> (Matthew 11:30)
> Amen.
> May GOD soften your heart, Atheno, so that you would come to trust the
> truth, Who is Jesus:
> Amen.
> Love in the truth,
> Andrew <><

Typical and obvious Chung non sequitur response when he cannot dispute the

The fact is that anyone can have as many usenet accounts as they want or need
to have.

One more thing for everyone keep in mind when evaluating what Chung writes.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 12:44:07 PM5/11/09
Atheno wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> >
> > Truth is simple :-)
> >
> > "MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light." -- LORD Jesus Christ
> > (Matthew 11:30)
> >
> > Amen.
> Typical and obvious Chung non sequitur response...

The quoted words belong to GOD and not to me.

Truth is simple :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Atheno, so that you would come to trust the
truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Heart Expert
and Author of "Be Hungry"

"Learn how to physically recognize Jesus Christ...
... when HE returns."


May 11, 2009, 12:50:50 PM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 11:44:07 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article

> Atheno wrote:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> Truth is simple :-)
>>> "MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light." -- LORD Jesus Christ
>>> (Matthew 11:30)
>>> Amen.
>> Typical and obvious Chung non sequitur response...
> The quoted words belong to GOD and not to me.

Interesting that you are blaming God for what you wrongly wrote

The "simple truth" is that anyone can get as many usenet accounts as they


May 11, 2009, 1:02:48 PM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 08:53:33 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article <>):

> That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
> Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.

Wow, then how come some of your accounts closed. Maybe Google is the real
God Who overrode your God as this group is part of Google and Google
cancelled some of your previous accounts.

WWGD - What Would Google Do


May 11, 2009, 1:04:40 PM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 09:18:28 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
(in article <>):

>> Duh. Anybody can get as many accounts as they want.
> Not non-christians like either you or Bob Pastorio:

So are all the sockpuppets able to fool God and get all the accounts they
want or does God want all these sockpuppets to have all those accounts.

out with a bang

May 11, 2009, 1:24:13 PM5/11/09
On May 11, 1:02 pm, MM <> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2009 08:53:33 -0500, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
> (in article <>):

> > That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
> > Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.
> Wow, then how come some of your accounts closed.  Maybe Google is the real
> God Who overrode your God as this group is part of Google and Google
> cancelled some of your previous accounts.
> WWGD - What Would Google Do

Interesting that he was trying to amass "evidence" for a lawsuit
against Google not so long ago:

If "god" controls Google, why would he sue "god" for his TOS


May 11, 2009, 1:52:45 PM5/11/09
On Mon, 11 May 2009 12:24:13 -0500, out with a bang wrote

> Interesting that he was trying to amass "evidence" for a lawsuit
> against Google not so long ago:

Do you mean a mass instead of amass?

For those who quote the Scriptures, in Matthew Jesus is quoted:

"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My
church ..." Matthew 16:18

out with a bang

May 11, 2009, 2:12:06 PM5/11/09

Amass. As in 'collect'.

May 11, 2009, 2:24:48 PM5/11/09
>>> So when some of Chung's usenet group accounts were terminated, that
>>> God's work.
>> Incorrect.
>> That this disciple of Jesus has been given an infinite number of
>> Usenet NNTP accounts is GOD's work.
>Duh. Anybody can get as many accounts as they want.

"Not non-christians like either you or Bob Pastorio:"

Smile, she nailed you, failure, shame, frank loss of profound face to

But sad, really sad, a great pity to see what this unraveling signifies
in the life of a person.

God protect and keep from all harm.

May 11, 2009, 2:39:38 PM5/11/09
""And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning
sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They
will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)

It is not by coincidence that 2010 is less than one year away."

Sure 'nuff, it's because there remains less then a full year on the

Now the reader should consider genesis 16:16. Now that is a real
weighty matter, or is that volume?

This is what results
when a lone ranger bible reader refuses to accept the guidance of
others in spiritual matters and are deceived by the "vanity of their own
mind, as scripture notes.

Sadly we are here also dealing with more then mere vanity, refusing
external to oneself references makes one fully subject to delusions.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

May 11, 2009, 10:17:25 PM5/11/09
Atheno wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > Atheno wrote:
> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Truth is simple :-)
> >>>
> >>> "MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light." -- LORD Jesus Christ
> >>> (Matthew 11:30)
> >>>
> >>> Amen.
> >>
> >> Typical and obvious Chung non sequitur response...
> >
> > The quoted words belong to GOD and not to me.
> Interesting that you are blaming God for what you wrongly wrote

Attribution is not blame.

Correcting you, as Jesus wants (WDJW), is easy :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Atheno, so that you would come to trust the
truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Board-certified Heart Doctor

and Author of "Be Hungry"

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