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Re: Inverse Of Harmonic Numbers

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David W. Cantrell

Apr 3, 2006, 10:05:14 PM4/3/06
An asymptotic series for the inverse of H(x), x > 0, is given.
This (presumably new) result provides a simple and accurate way to
approximate that inverse. I also correct an old error of mine.


For background, readers may wish to look at the previous part of this
thread "Inverse Of Harmonic Numbers", started by Leroy Quet on 2001 Nov. 11,

As before, let InvH(x) denote the desired inverse and g Euler's gamma
constant. I had noted that InvH(x) can be approximated well by
e^(x - g) - 1/2 when x >> 0. At that time, however, I had not known that
that approximation had already appeared in the literature; see, for example,

R. P. Boas, Jr. and J. W. Wrench, Jr. "Partial sums of the harmonic series"
_Amer. Math. Monthly_ 78 (1971) 864-870.


The (presumably new) result:

With u = e^(x - g), an asymptotic series for InvH(x) has the form
-1/2 + Sum(j=0, oo, c_j u^(1-2j)). The list of coefficients c_j is

{1, -1/24, 3/640, -1525/580608, 615881/199065600, -3058641/504627200,
38800188510523/2191186722816000, -3213747182969063/44497945755648000,
-103986681387361620043171941/401521614736326656000000, ...},

or approximately

{1, -0.0416667, 0.0046875, -0.00262656, 0.00309386, -0.00606119,
0.0177074, -0.0722224, 0.392728, -2.74956, 24.1111, -258.982, ...},

which can be obtained by series reversion. Mathematica code for the above
list of the first twelve coefficients is

n = 12; coeffs = InverseSeries[
Exp[Series[HarmonicNumber[x - 1/2], {x, Infinity, 2n - 1}] - EulerGamma],
u][[3]]; Table[coeffs[[2i - 1]], {i, 1, n}]

I suspect that this asymptotic series for InvH(x) is new. (But if anyone
has encountered it before, a reference would be much appreciated!) One
reason I suspect that it's new is that the coefficients c_j are not
presently found in OEIS. (I plan to submit them to OEIS later.) BTW,
speaking of OEIS, readers might be interested in
<>, in particular, Dean
Hickerson's simple heuristic argument that, with probability > 97%, the
least integer k such that H(k) > n, a positive integer, is always given by
k = floor(e^(n - g) + 1/2). Of course, one can now use more terms of the
asymptotic series to get an expression for k which has an even higher
probability of always being correct. For example, using the same heuristic
argument and employing two more terms of the series, we can get
k = floor(u + 1/2 - 1/(24u) + 3/(640u^3)) where u = e^(n - g), with
probability > 99.995%.

Comments, references, etc. are welcomed.


I need to take this opportunity to correct an error I made in the old part
of the thread. On 2001 Nov. 12, I had said, in "responding" to myself

> Perhaps it's worth noting that, if one is interested in inverting just
> the _discrete_ H(n), then we can get a precise result by merely rounding
> to the nearest integer. In other words, for all positive integers n,
> Round( e^(H(n)-g) ) = n
>> But as x increases without bound, the error (not just the
>> relative error) approaches 0. As examples,
>> e^(H(25)-g) - 1/2 = 25.0016 and
>> e^(H(1000)-g) - 1/2 = 1000.000042

It is true that "inverting just the _discrete_ H(n), then we can get a
precise result by merely rounding to the nearest integer." But, as the
quoted numerical examples of mine make obvious, I _should_ then have said

| In other words, for all positive integers n,
| Round( e^(H(n)-g) - 1/2 ) = n

I must suppose that's what I had intended to say, although a correct
alternative would have been to have said that

Floor( e^(H(n)-g) ) = n for all positive integers n.


David W. Cantrell

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