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Skewe's Number

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Lee Rudolph

Jun 27, 1994, 1:46:52 PM6/27/94
pfl...@MCS.COM (Patrick J. Fleury) writes:

> According to my copy of _Fundamentals of Mathematics_ (Behnke,
>Bachmann, Fladt, Suss editors, MIT Press), Volume III, page 488,
>the approximate value is --- drum roll, please ---
> 10^(10^(10^34))
>According to the book, this is "definitely the largest number that has ever
>played a role in science."
> Nice little discussion there of what the number is, too.

Miserably outdated.

In his paper ``A reimbedding algorithm for Casson handles'' (based
on his Notre Dame thesis), \^Zarko Bi\^zaca estimates ``the number of
kinks in the core of the embedded tower $T^1_7$'' produced by
applying his algorithm to construct a ``7 level Casson tower
inside an arbitrary 6 level tower'', in terms of an integer x
determined by the input 6 level tower. His estimate, for x = 1,


--and I daresay that 4-dimensional topology, in aid of which
Bi\^zaca determined this number, is closer to ``science'' than
whatever result in number theory Skewes was interested in.

I am quoting ``Bi\^zaca's Number'' from the preprint, by the way; I
believe the paper has now appeared in the Journal of Differential
Geometry, and maybe the estimate has been improved a bit.

Lee Rudolph
Dept. of Mathematics
Clark University, Worcester, Mass.

Jarle Brinchmann

Jun 27, 1994, 5:08:26 PM6/27/94

In article <>, (Lee Rudolph) writes:
|> pfl...@MCS.COM (Patrick J. Fleury) writes:
|> > According to my copy of _Fundamentals of Mathematics_ (Behnke,
|> >Bachmann, Fladt, Suss editors, MIT Press), Volume III, page 488,
|> >the approximate value is --- drum roll, please ---
|> >
|> > 10^(10^(10^34))
|> >
|> >According to the book, this is "definitely the largest number that has ever
|> >played a role in science."
|> Miserably outdated.
|> In his paper ``A reimbedding algorithm for Casson handles'' (based
|> on his Notre Dame thesis), \^Zarko Bi\^zaca estimates ``the number of
|> kinks in the core of the embedded tower $T^1_7$'' produced by
|> applying his algorithm to construct a ``7 level Casson tower
|> inside an arbitrary 6 level tower'', in terms of an integer x
|> determined by the input 6 level tower. His estimate, for x = 1,
|> is
|> 10^(10^(10^(10^(10^7))))

Sorry for being completely ignorant on these issues, but I was under the
impression that the so-called Graham's number was the largest number to
play a role in mathematics, is this correct or am I misunderstanding
something here?


Nuke the Whales ! | Jarle Brinchmann,
| Email:
International Krill Union. | or :

Jay Shorten

Jun 27, 1994, 7:21:58 PM6/27/94
In article <> (Lee Rudolph) writes:

>In his paper ``A reimbedding algorithm for Casson handles'' (based
>on his Notre Dame thesis), \^Zarko Bi\^zaca estimates ``the number of
>kinks in the core of the embedded tower $T^1_7$'' produced by
>applying his algorithm to construct a ``7 level Casson tower
>inside an arbitrary 6 level tower'', in terms of an integer x
>determined by the input 6 level tower. His estimate, for x = 1,

> 10^(10^(10^(10^(10^7))))

I don't understand what this represents. What is a "Casson tower"?
Jay Shorten
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Western Ontario

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