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How God executes "copyrights" for his inventions and creations (JP)

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Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak

Jul 25, 2009, 12:32:12 AM7/25/09
I wonder whether the reader ever considered why people established,
amongst others, the so-called "copyright" laws? As it turns out, a
main reason why copyright laws were introduced, and also why people
practice industrial secrecy, professional confidentiality, secret
ingredients, protected recipes, patents, reserved patterns, and
hundreds of other ways of making copying difficult, is because the
"natural principles on which the universe operates causes that
learning, copying, and utilising of accomplishments of others is much
easier than inventing something new or creating something own". This
in turn, in combination with the inherited laziness of humans, causes
that if only there is any chance to copy or to use something that
belongs to others, instead of laboriously invent, create, or build our
own, then everyone immediately copies it. Thus, if people do NOT
obstruct mutually each others copying, through, amongst others,
establishing these copyright laws, patents, secrets, etc., then all
humans would only copied and used properties of others, while no-one
would try to laboriously create something own.

The biggest creator that exists in the entire universe, is God (see
the web page "god_proof.htm"). After all, it was God who invented
first everything that we know of, and it was God who created
everything that we can see (for details see the web page
"evolution.htm"). Unfortunately, for many vital reasons God cannot
impose "copyright laws" onto products of his creation. On the other
hand, the natural laws and principles of the operation of universe
cause, that for people it is much easier to learn, copy, and use of
whatever God created, than for God is to invent it, or is to create
something completely new and next. Thus, if God allow people to easily
learn, use, and copy of whatever God laboriously created, then people
would fast learned and used everything that God created. In turn God
would cease to have the knowledge advantage over people. Also, soon
there would be nothing new to learn in the entire universe. Therefore,
in order to slightly slow-down the process of learning by people, God
introduced this not very pleasant for people "canon" (i.e. principle)
to his behaviour, namely that "the process of learning and creation
must be hold back for people in all possible ways".

The iron application by God of this canon, that "the process of
learning and creation must be obstructed to people in all possible
ways", for us, people, introduces a whole array of consequences. For
example, to the human science this canon has such a consequence, that
"amongst all existing paths to learn a new knowledge, human science
always is directed at the path which leads through the largest
possible number of errors and confusion, and which requires the
contribution of possibly the highest human effort". In other words,
the official human science discovers the truth only after all possible
untruths that could deceit people are already exhausted. Furthermore,
the human science uses such principles of action, and adopts such
traditions, that discovering the truth requires the highest possible
effort that can be squeezed from people by God. In turn for individual
creators, the iron application of this canon cases that in order a
human creator developed something, he or she must firstly break
through all possible obstacles which God is able to erect on his or
her path.

At this point it is worth to emphasize, that the actual work of this
canon can be confirmed relatively easy. This stems from the fact, that
the history of science, and also the fate of subsequent discoveries
and inventions, would be drastically different in the universe which
is NOT created nor ruled by God, and thus in which such a canon would
NOT work, when compared to the same history and fate which actually is
taking place in the universe in which God introduced this canon. For
example, in the universe without God and thus without this canon, the
discoveries and inventions would have exclusively "random" character,
while the labour of their accomplishing nor fate of their creators
would NOT display any clear trend that is characterised by suffering,
difficulties, obstacles, errors, confusion, etc. - which are so
typical for all known earthly inventions and discoveries. On the other
hand, the actual existence and action of the "canon of necessity to
obstruct the process of learning and creation", becomes clearly
visible and sure from the history of science and from situation of
official science, as well as from fate of individual inventions and
discoveries. If we look thoroughly into the history of science, then
it turns out, that practically in every area always committed is the
maximal possible number of errors and confusions. Continually also the
science is forced to change of whatever was determined earlier and
claimed officially. In turn the fate of discoveries and inventions
shows a repetitive trend, that always these are hold back, while their
creators always are spectacularly punished.

Of course, God is sufficiently wise and experienced to know that
people are NOT mature enough to understand and to appreciate some
canons which He applies to his interactions with humans. Therefore the
canon discussed here God implements in such a manner, that for many
people everything looks as if the difficulties and obstacles are
introduced by forces other than God Himself. Thus God for example in
past "simulated" the existence of special "professional obstructers" -
who in old days were called "devils". At present God "simulates" other
obstructers, which we popularly call "UFOnauts". In turn to balance
somehow this highly detrimental for people situation which such God's
"simulation" introduces, for some most stubborn researchers, for
example to the author of this deduction, God sometimes grants the
privilege of getting to the truth. Only that later He creates a
situation on the Earth, that this truth is rejected or ignored by
almost all other people.

An example which perfectly illustrates for us this path of the
official science to learning through committing the maximal number of
errors and confusing statements, is the topic of "time travel". On one
hand we have empirical proofs, photographic evidence, and detailed
explanations how to travel in time. These take the form of sightings
and photographs of UFO vehicles which travel through time already now,
and also descriptions of principles of time travel provided to us by
the officially ignored and rejected scientific "theory of everything"
called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" (see the web page
"dipolar_gravity_pl.htm"). Examples of these UFO photographs, as well
as realistic descriptions of principles of time travel together with
evidence which confirms their authenticity, are provided on the
totaliztic web page named "immortality.htm". In turn logical and
philosophical arguments which document why the time travel is possible
and even accomplishable relatively easy, are presented in items #J3 to
#J6 of the totaliztic web page "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", and
complemented with additional evidence and explanations in items #C4
and #E8 of the totaliztic web page "soul_proof.htm". On the other
hand, we have this "official scientific stand" in the matter of time
travel. It is so full of all possible errors, paradoxes, mutual
contradictions, naive claims, and unrealistic expectations, as only
can be fitted into such a narrow subject area. For example, some
physicists postulate to use cosmic so-called "black holes" as "time
vehicles". But they do NOT explain how after getting into their "black
holes" they later will be able to come out from these. Others
postulate that for time travel people create kinds of tunnels made of
time-space, called "wormhole". But so-far they are unable to explain
how such tunnels should be practically created, nor from where people
should gain these huge amounts of energy which such creation would
surely require. Still others take on the faith ideas of time travel
that originate from completely fantastic creations of "science
fiction" writers - for example the idea of "hyperspace" used, amongst
others, in the fantastic serial "Star Trek". These hyperspaces are
supposedly areas in the universe where neither time nor space do
exist. Thus from them it should be possible to get into any time and
any point of space. These believers with straight faces discuss the
uses of such hyperspaces, in spite that there are NO scientific
premises suggesting that such areas exists in the universe at all, and
in spite that it is impossible to explain how after entering such a
hyperspace from the very definition of these areas people would NOT
cease to exist as well. What puzzles me most, is that all these
efforts of scratching ones left ears with right toes are being
undertaken when we have around so much evidence indicated above and
easily verifiable, which confirms the easiness of software principle
of time travel.

The above deductions lead to many interesting conclusions. Although
these conclusions are quite obvious, and although in the real life
their confirmations are encountered on every our step, typically
people have a significant difficulty to realise them and to accept
them. For example, in my own case it took me over 60 years to arrive
to these conclusions. One amongst these conclusions states that
"whatever an official institution states on any subject, including
such institutions as official human science or health organisations,
almost for sure this misses the truth". Therefore, with the elapse of
time such an institution, e.g. the official human science or medicine,
will be forced to quietly and secretly withdraw this statement or to
replace it with a different one - probably also misleading. Therefore,
if someone wishes to learn the more correct truth about a given
subject, then should seek it amongst findings and experiences of these
individual investigators which voices the official institution tries
to silence or ignore. Another conclusion states that "all scientific
discoveries or theories, which are accomplished without difficulty and
immediately gained an official recognition, hide in themselves some
serious errors which carry the potential to mislead and to block the
progress of human knowledge and science". A classical example of just
such a theory, which in the future probably is going to be
acknowledged as the biggest error and defeat of human science, is the
"theory of relativity" - e.g. see "Fig. #G2bc" from the web page named
"evil.htm". Already by now this particular theory caused abandoning
research and ceasing the thought lines in tens of directions which
probably would lead to a faster learning of truths by the humanity.
(As an example of victims of this theory consider the question of
existence of particles faster than light.) Still another conclusion
states that "for a very vital reasons, in the interest of God does NOT
lie to help human creators, discoverers, and inventors in gathering
their knowledge, in discovering, and in creating something new, but
lies the obstructing their efforts in all possible ways and
spectacularly persecuting them as hard as possible".


The above deduction is adopted from item #K1 of the totaliztic web
page named "fe_cell.htm", update dated on 25 July 2009, or later. The
latest update of the web page "fe_cell.htm" can be viewed at following
totaliztic web sites:

The subject of "time travel" and various empirical evidence which
confirms the correctness of the "software model of time travel"
discussed in the above post, were also discussed on the forum
(in English) and
(in Polish).

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Jul 25, 2009, 1:14:49 AM7/25/09

"Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak" <> wrote in

> The biggest creator that exists in the entire universe, is
> God (see
> the web page "god_proof.htm"). After all, it was God who
> invented
> first everything that we know of, and it was God who
> created
> everything that we can see (for details see the web page
> "evolution.htm").

Actually no. The Hindu Gods staked claim for this many
thousands years before the Bible God did.
The Hindu religion was the first religion of Earth and
pre-dates even writing.
The Bible God may "say" he did various things, but no, the
Hindu Gods had already done this.
Read your history and get educated before spouting nonsense.


Jul 25, 2009, 6:16:15 AM7/25/09
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:32:12 -0700, Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak wrote:

> Unfortunately, for many vital reasons God cannot impose "copyright laws"
> onto products of his creation.

God certainly does impose what you are calling 'copyright laws'. Do you
think god wants something as silly as money in return do you?

No such silly abstractions. going directly to the heart of the matter, he
charges labor with no option but to die. You use it? OK, You loose it.


Jul 25, 2009, 6:19:38 AM7/25/09
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:16:15 +0000, ZerkonXXXX wrote:

> You use it? OK, You loose
> it.

Yes, dear friends, you set it free!

Uncle Al

Jul 25, 2009, 11:16:05 AM7/25/09
"Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak" wrote:


> I wonder whether the reader ever considered why people established,
> amongst others, the so-called "copyright" laws?

[snip crap]

Copyright an patent prevent theft of created value. No parliament
other than Hitler's Germany ever figured out a statutory ban on innate

> The biggest creator that exists in the entire universe, is God

2) Hindus have 36 crores of gods - 360 million deities. How is
India doing?
3) idiot

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak

Jul 25, 2009, 10:21:15 PM7/25/09
On Jul 25, 5:14 pm, "The BORG" <> wrote:

> Actually no.  The Hindu Gods staked claim for this many
> thousands years before the Bible God did.
> The Hindu religion was the first religion of Earth and
> pre-dates even writing.
> The Bible God may "say" he did various things, but no, the
> Hindu Gods had already done this.
> Read your history and get educated before spouting nonsense.

You actually are trying to tell us that "there is more then one God in
the universe". However, the Christian religion as well as Hindu
religion, both clearly state that there is only one God - the same for
all religions. And it is this single only God, which created
everything, including you, and including all religions. So we should
NOT seek, like yourself, excuses to divide ourselves e.g. into
different religions, but seek what is common to all of us. And the
single only God is one such common thing which should unite all


Jul 26, 2009, 5:32:10 AM7/26/09
(part #13.1)
Still sitting in Disney's "Tree of Life" in Epcot Center
when you wrote that, you crazy little coot?


Jul 26, 2009, 10:46:29 AM7/26/09
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 05:19:38 -0500, polymer wrote:

> Yes, dear friends, you set it free!

Varily, varily I say unto me, thou makest by mine own hand that that thou
knowest to be or not, depending upon that day being upon a second Tuesday
in which tiny fish doest serve themselves up to sticks with bitter sauces
and roots boiled in hellish oil no more or less than thrice one hundred,
and seven times that of ten, with even five more added also unto this.

Prof. dr inz. Jan Pajak

Jul 28, 2009, 11:14:27 PM7/28/09
On Jul 25, 5:14 pm, "The BORG" <> wrote:

> Actually no.  The Hindu Gods staked claim for this many
> thousands years before the Bible God did.
> The Hindu religion was the first religion of Earth and
> pre-dates even writing.
> The Bible God may "say" he did various things, but no, the
> Hindu Gods had already done this.
> Read your history and get educated before spouting nonsense.

It is very interesting that many people who "know practically nothing"
of Hindu religion are first to teach others what "Hindu Gods" did and
are. It is at least unfortunate, as if these people actually study the
Hindu religion, they would realise that practically there is only the
age and precision difference between Hindu and Christianity, while the
content of both of these religions remains the same. As it turns out,
the Hindu religion was created by God as the first religion on the
Earth - quite soon after God created the physical world. Thus, God had
NO much experience as to how He should teach people about Himself and
about the universe. Thus God make two basic mistakes during formation
of the Hindu religion, namely, (1) His holy scriptures he gave to
Hindu believers were too voluminous, and therefore impossible to be
digested by ordinary people, and (2) His selection of terminology and
the language which God used in His holy scriptures were too precise
and too abstract, thus rather difficult to understand by ordinary
people. Therefore, when around 4000 years later God created the
Christian religion, He eliminated these two basic errors. In this way
the Bible is relatively short and can be read by practically every
person, while the language of the Bible is simple - thus even ancient
shepherds could understand it. But the drawbacks of the Bible include,
amongst others, that it does NOT present the whole picture of God and
the universe - while holy scriptures of Hinduism do, and that the
simple language of the Bible is also a very ambiguous language - this
many statements from the Bible can be, and are, misinterpreted by

In order to give here an example as to what the Hindu religion
explains well, while the Bible missed almost completely in its
explanations, it is the matter of "multiple personality and the
parallel processing of reality by God". Means, the fact that God is
like a "supercomputer with multiple processors" (while people are like
small PCs with just a single microprocessor). Therefore God can do
millions of things at the same time, while people can do just a single
thing at a time. (The Hindu religion addressed this matter quite

For those readers who did NOT study Hindu religion, let us indicate
here some examples of identity between the Hindu religion and

1. Both religions teach us that there is just a single God. In the
Hindu religion this single God is called "Brahman".

2. Indicating that this single God is composed from three basic
components (i.e. from "Holy Trinity"), similarly like present
computers are composed of (1) "hardware", (2) "software", and (3)
"peripherals". In Christianity these three components are called: (1)
"God Father" or "the Ancient of Days" - which is a kind of "liquid
computer hardware" or "thinking substance" and thus corresponds to the
"hardware" from present computers (or to the "brain" from human body);
(2) "Holy Ghost" which is a kind of "natural program" which evolved in
this "liquid computer hardware", and thus which is an equivalent to
"software" from present human computers (or to the "knowledge"
contained in the human brain); and (3) "God Son" which represents
everything that was formed from this "liquid computer" by appropriate
natural programs - thus which is an equivalent of "peripherals" from
present human computers (or "hands" from the human body). In turn the
Hindu religion this "Holy Trinity" is described rather by their
function, not by their composition. Therefore the Hindu equivalent to
(1) hardware "God Father", is called "Brahma - creator"; the Hindu
equivalent to (2) software "Holy Ghost", is called "Vishnu -
preserver"; while the Hindu equivalent of (3) peripheral "God Son", is
called "Siva - destroyer".

3. The name God uses. In the Bible God names Himself with the word
"Jehovah" written in the Jewish alphabet. In Hindu scriptures God
names Himself with the word "Brahman" written in the "Sanskrit"
alphabet. When both these names are translated into English via
different paths and translation systems, we receive two names, i.e.
"Jehovah" and "Brahman". But if we listen to these two names
pronounced in the original language from which they originate, it
turns out that the sounds describing God in both these religions and
languages are the same!

4. The omnipresence of God and His ability to do millions things at
once. The Christianity does NOT explain how this is possible. The
philosophy named "totalizm" explains it by the use of the similarity
of God to a "multiprocessor supercomputer". In turn the Hindu religion
explains it extremely well with the use of the idea of "Deities" -
which can be compared to individual processors in a multiprocessor

These readers who wish to glen further information which extend the
above brief summary, are welcomed to see items #B5 and #B6 from the
totaliztic web page named "god.htm", item #C1 from the totaliztic web
page "soul_proof.htm", and item #B1 and #B5 from the web page
"evolution.htm". Both these web pages can be viewed at following
addresses (i.e. from following web sites):

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