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Global Warmed to Death via moon

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Brad Guth

17 sep 2006, 15:57:4917-09-2006
Global Warmed to Death via moon = last ice age humanity will ever see

I had to fix some of my usual pesky math and unfortunate syntax, but
otherwise the same old physics and science intent of cooling off mother
Earth with Sedna remains the same.

As I'd been saying before all the usual naysay Usenet lights that pretty
much suck and blow went out; So what if our Earth gets a little extra
hot and nasty? (it's obviously not going to affect the rich and
powerful). Come to think about it, when's the last time you saw a rich
Jew on the slopes?

Clearly the rich and powerful simply don't much like snow and ice, never
have. Therefore, the hotter it gets, the better. Sorry I couldn't have
used a Muslim analogy instead of a Jewish one, but there are fewer if
any Islamic/Muslims (outside of UAE/Dubai), that are nearly as wealthy
and powerful as are so many others that seem most often of a Jewish
persuasion, though obviously wealthy Muslims haven't exactly favored any
recreational use for snow and ice either, so either way, what's the big
deal and so what's the difference if Earth keeps getting hotter and
somewhat nastier for the rest of us?

Here's more of the lowdown scoop on what our physically dark and rather
nicely anticathode plus IR reflective moon has to offer, that which
might actually represent the most significant other factor contributing
to our ongoing demise as of the last ice age, that which seems to be
continuing this extended thaw and subsequent global warming along with
our help.

Even though our moon has only somewhat recently become a bit necessary
for sustaining our grand ruse/sting of our perpetrated cold-war century,
it seems as though research by Henry Kroll and myself are coming to
believe that our moon has been a little responsible on the long haul for
a measured share of our global warming fiasco. But fortunately we've
become such good wizards and rusemasters that I do believe we can fix
that with yet another moon that's parked 1.5+e6 km from Earth (3.9~4.2
fold further away than our existing moon).

I'll have to admit that global warming influx via our local moon's IR
albedo may seem as a tad bit of a short term stretch, whereas there's
obviously not all that much of our IR reflective moon to work with as
per the fractional area of the sky that it represents, plus then having
to divide that amount in half again, but otherwise on the long haul of a
given ice age is where our moon had been closer and thereby a whole lot
more physically and gravitionally imposing in the past, and it has
certainly been nearly that of a continuous resource of IR, plus having
always caused a great deal of terrestrial friction (inside and out), and
even quite possibly responsible for a good portion of having initiated
and sustained our badly failing magnetosphere.

I'd actually taken a shine to these numbers of Roger Coppock's, on
behalf of establishing that artificial sun shade, whereas I agree with
Roger that it's technically doable though also somewhat technically iffy
to implement and sustain, not to mention damn spendy.
> Roger Coppock; Let's run some numbers on this idea . . .
> The solar constant is ~1367 Watts per Meter squared
> Global Warming is now about 3 watts per meter squared,
> which is 0.2% of the solar constant.
> (Global Warming will quadruple in a century or two.)
> The cross sectional area of the Earth is 125,000,000 km^2
> The area of sunshade in orbit needed to remove the current
> global warming is, therefore roughly .002 * 125,000,000 km squared
> or 300000 km squared.

What sort of $$$ payback upon investment is actually ever going to be
worth all the solar shade effort?

Why not instead of deploying a fairly spendy 300,000 km2, but rather go
for the gusto of 2.545e6 km2 shade potential of Sedna, whereas rather
than establishing such a wussy artificial shade of 0.3e6 km2 that
probably can't actually be accomplished within a viable budget nor
within our remaining resources, whereas instead Sedna makes for a
perfectly natural shade that's worth nearly 8.5 fold better and seems
like a fairly good bargin that's available for the taking.

I was thinking (most always a bad sign), as long as the R&D plus
deployment worth of the artificial alternative that's going to
unavoidably offer a somewhat negative environmental impact as of long
before ever getting that sucker deployed, as well as to whatever's the
real cost that's usually several fold greater than we're being informed
of, plus a great deal of elapsed time required (such as decades) and/or
various risk factors that are hardly if ever a consideration on behalf
of implementing what's typically getting proposed, such as this
artificial solar shade or for the matter of their going for establishing
those rad-hard and essentially meteorite proof habitats within our moon,
or else on behalf of accomplishing Mars that's in certain other ways
worse off, or even worse yet going for that of whatever's much further
away (such as Titan or some other godforsaken planet or moon), in that
case I was thinking, why not take an even long shot at relocating Sedna
into Earth L1 (in place of our old and badly in need of a replacement
SOHO, along with ACE not all that far behind), whereas then we'd have
ourselves a truly nifty science and exploration outpost along with
having accomplished shade to burn, and not to forget having gained lots
more accessible ice to boot.

In fact, the ice of Sedna itself could rather easily become the core
element of the reaction thrusting source (solar boosted via super-vapor
boilers for creating the horrific expansion into less than vapor thrust
impulses, thereby accomplishing extremely good h2o-->ion vapor exit
velocity) for the task of keeping Sedna within that L1 halo orbit. If
Sedna wasn't allowed to spin, just made to be sitting within that halo
worth of Earth's L1 (1.5e6 to 1.6e6 km from us), at least the side of
Sedna facing towards Earth should remain icy, and you'd also also have
yourself a little better gravity while walking about the equator of
Sedna. It should also sustain a good amount of atmosphere as long as
the sunny side gets evaporated.

BTW; if need be, we could use thermal nuclear plus laser boosted cannons
on behalf of further expanding that ice into somewhat super expanded and
extremely fast moving atoms/cm3 of h2o, and therby if need be capable of
blasting solid icebergs into space as being one of the reaction thruster
methods, or perhaps having tethered GSO thrusters for accommodating
those halo station-keeping demands of sequestering Sedna for our benefit
of somewhat selectively moderating our global warming situation.

Sedna could also perform as blocking on behalf of moderating a few of
those nasty solar/CME halo spots that so happen to be directing their
death blows at Earth's badly failing magnetosphere, whereas this could
represent yet another nifty use for Sedna, that's in addition to
regulating Earth's temperature via having that sub-frozen 1800 km orb (a
solar shade that's capable of representing 2.545e6 km2) that's
supposedly worth nearly half it's volume as being of some kind of ice,
whereas by merely sustaining that sucker within the side to side or
up/down of an efficient L-1 halo parking zone could thereby allow
unregulated burning of our fossil oil, coal and natural gas, along with
our pillaging and burning down the remainders of whatever pesky rain
forest, and for all of that to continue unchecked until there's nothing
left except people to burn, and even for that we could always start off
with burning either Muslims or Republicans (since either one of those
species must go, you get to pick).

Even when all of Sedna's ice is gone, there should still be something
better than 1.5e6 km2 worth of solar shade (that's roughly 1% the solar
constant and thus five fold the previously suggested requirement of
having to eliminate 0.2% of our solar constant), and perhaps even of
that much could be intentionally navigated so as to somehow benefit only
our best interest. I guess that'll show those Islamic/Muslim heathens
and anyone else we don't happen like, as to who's the baddest alpha-dog
and ultimate boss of this Earth (for Christ's sake on a stick, that's
just myself kidding around).

Serious rocket-science QUESTION of yet another global warming day:
What's the halo management down-side worth, of the reaction thrust
requirement per year if applied on behalf of station-keeping Sedna
within the Earth L1 zone?

Station-Keeping energy budget per year:
This latest swag may need a little rework but, with regards to parking
Sedna within Earth's L1, I don't believe it could possibly demand much
greater than a kgf/tonne/year, and I do believe there are plenty of
naysayers flatulating within this anti-think-tank of a Usenet from hell
that already outperform by at least that much. So, there shouldn't be
any problems with accepting the challenge of doing this solar shade via

L1 station keeping kgf demands/year, of sustaining Sedna as our solar
shade of 2.5e6 km2
At 1.0 kgf/tonne/year = 16.44e15 kgf
At 0.1 kgf/tonne/year = 1.644e15 kgf
At 0.1 gmf/tonne/year = 1.644e12 kgf

Using multiple solar units (meaning mirrors) and/or that of a thermal
nuclear h2o-->vapor +laser+ion cannons as our reaction thruster(s), and
merely taking advantage of the available water/ice that'll convert those
highly packed atoms/cm3 to the less than 1e3 atoms of space, or if you'd
like 0.3346e23-->335 atoms/cm3 of the near vacuum in space is merely
offering an expansion ratio of 1e20:1. So, I really don't see any
insurmountable problems in creating the necessary thrust, especially if
instead of a wussy (kgf=.5MV2) amount as based upon a conservative exit
velocity of one km/s, what if the thermal nuclear and laser boosted
steam thruster exit velocity can become an impulse valus that's worthy
of 10+ km/s?
Since Sedna is already out there (way out there), and at least as far as
we know of it's unattached to being owned by anyone other, and thereby
we obviously don't have to as for permission nor having to launch that
horrific 6.1e21 kg mass, and it's rather nicely on the move at something
better than a km/s that could be rather easily redirected and eventually
kicked up to whatever extra km/s using my Ra-->LRn-->Rn-->ion thrusters
(this should actually become rather effective since it'll be going
towards the sun), or perhaps using a tethered thermal nuclear
steam/vapor thruster that'll take each cannon load of 2 kg/s up to an
exit velocity of 10+ km/s (perhaps we'll have to subtract the surface
escape velocity), which should represent 100e6 kgf seems about right and
perfectly doable (compared to walking moonsuit butt naked on our moon),
especially if by 2050 having only 100 AU to get through, whereas soon
enough thereafter we'll have that solar shade of Sedna at our disposal
and just in the nick of time before the last few km3 of natural ice on
Earth melts.

Come to think about it, I believe there's a good chance that this task
of relocating little old icy Sedna might even get myself nominated by
the likes of ENRON, EXON, GE and GW Bush himself for receiving a Nobel
Prize, right along with a few other past due rewards for my having
discovered intelligent other life as having been existing/coexisting on
Venus, and perhaps even for that of establishing my LSE-CM/ISS that'll
soon enough be accomplished and operated by China.
Brad Guth

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Brad Guth

17 sep 2006, 16:39:4117-09-2006
Our moon offers a double IR hot environment by day, especially while
walking upon that physically dark surface, as it has always been that of
a rather nicely IR reflective orb, that once upon a relatively short
span of planetology and geological time ago was considerably closer to
Earth, of which being so nearby isn't exactly benefiting as to affording
any moderation on behalf of our ongoing global warming fiasco.

A somewhat related topic: Earth w/o Magnetosphere, w/o Moon

Going from our global warming 'as is' 'where is' (Earth w/moon)
environment, that's essentially an ongoing fiasco of summarily roasting,
flooding and otherwise blowing some of us to death;

The thought of taking away our nifty moon is nearly a death march with
no apparent end-user friendly outcome in sight, that is until after a
few thousands years of gradually becoming frozen near solid once again.

At least that's essentially what Henry Kroll and myself happen to think,
and not that such an outcome hardly matters because, we'll each be long
gone and quite summarily dead way before this presently global warming
Earth that's going postal by way of turning itself into multiple eroded
wastelands, hosting much larger desert zones (hot or cold), vast
intensity of those new and improved storms as never before seen or
otherwise recorded, nearly zero if any frozen tundra, along with 20+
extra meters worth of polluted oceans filled extensively with jellyfish,
and of somehow sustaining whatever else is trying to survive upon the
remaining dry land, along with their surviving WW-IV that's going on and
on as though every other soul on Earth is into packing persional heat
and thought to be hiding a cash of WMD.

That somewhat nicely IR reflective and rather serious touch more than
mildly radioactive, obviously sufficiently naked of atmosphere and thus
highly reactive and thereby unavoidably anticathode worthly of offers
that measurably gamma and X-ray moon of ours, is what's most likely
responsible for the gradual amounts of non-human induced global warming
ever since the last ice-age, and as such it's simply not moving itself
away from us fast enough, if at all. In fact, the elliptical orbital
aspects may be getting distorted even worse off than we've been given
notice about, thereby increasing tidal energy fluctuations and causing
an even greater or unusual influx form of geophysical/tidal trauma,
that's in part killing off our environment and many of us from the
inside out.

However, if we keep losing our magnetosphere intensity at the rate of
0.05%/year, as such we'll not likely have to worry our silly bigoted and
arrogant selves, at least not about consuming our last few spendy
barrels of bloody oil and those absolute lousy dregs of our nasty coal
that's essentially releasing the likes of Co2 plus unavoidably Nox,
mercury and radium by the tonnes/day into our badly failing environment,
nor should we have to worry about having those pesky wars over the
remaining tonnage of yellowcake, because we'll all be prematurely
affected by the increase in solar+cosmic dosage. Whereas due to this
increasing TBI dosage of cosmic and solar radiation is also why our
atmosphere is going to continually thin itself to the point where our
frail DNA that's no evolving fast enough may also have to depart the
surface existence of this Earth a bit sooner than many of us had

What we may actually need expedited the most is a serious push of
advanced Stem Cell research via our best intelligent design, on behalf
of creating those new and improved species of rad-hard human DNA. If we
could merely 100 fold improve our survivable dosage, as such our new and
improved rad-hardened species might stand a good chance at sticking
around past the next thousand or so years, but then what?

We may still need to somehow artificially induce the next highly
reflective ice-age, especially as we're getting so much closer to our
orbital destiny with the extremely bright and great worth of such an
impressive energy resource as derived from the Sirius star/solar system,
that which our solar system should be passing us right nextdoor (within
as little as .01 ly) to those bad guys come no later than 64,000
thousand years from now. At least that's been my best swag to share
with what little need-to-know and otherwise exploratory research that I
have to work with.

Too bad this nation of supposed NASA/Apollo wizards hasn't the
computational resources nor the expertise of required knowhow as to
simulate such pesky things that truly matter.

On my certain to be insignificant grave, I'll be sure to have one of
those nifty 'push to listen' personal message buttons, and perhaps I'll
even offer a pay-per-view 3D video clip, whereas I'll get to smirk
exactly like GW Bush before all of his botox injections, as I say it
over and over; "I told you so".

T Wake

17 sep 2006, 17:08:1517-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> Global Warmed to Death via moon = last ice age humanity will ever see

Do you get paid by the word?

Are you sponsored by a keyboard manufacturer?

Brad Guth

18 sep 2006, 08:45:5518-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Do you get paid by the word?
> Are you sponsored by a keyboard manufacturer?

Do you get paid as an official rusemaster that contributes nothing?

Are you asking for my endorsement of one of your products, or simply on
behalf of your Jewish boss, Hitler?

Obviously you and your kind have had no honerable intentions of ever
constructively contributing to the topic at hand. So, other than on
behalf of your ulterior motives and hidden agendas, why are you and of
your certified brown nose even here?

Brad Guth

18 sep 2006, 11:58:5418-09-2006
T Wake,
It's been a while, and lo and behold, we still seen nothing as to your
supposed wizardly expertise regarding our nearby and otherwise IR
reflective moon.

What's your best swag as to how much energy our moon contributes to the
last ice age thaw, and on behalf of our global warming fiasco?

If our moon were to be eliminated; how any global terajoules are we
talking about losing?

Besides whatever's mainstream infomercial-science; Got actual physics?
Got hard-science? Got squat for us?

Brad Guth

18 sep 2006, 13:06:4718-09-2006
T Wake,
It's been a little while, and lo and behold, we still see nothing as to

your supposed wizardly expertise regarding our nearby and otherwise
rather nicely IR reflective moon.

What's your best swag as to how much gravitational plus thermal energy
our moon contributed to the last ice age thaw, and thereby on behalf of
our global warming fiasco?

If our moon were to be eliminated; how many global warming (inside and
out) terajoules are we talking about losing?

And, doesn't our moon have a little something to do with having created
and sustained our magnetosphere that's also in the process of failing us
rather badly, at -0.05%/year?

I don't mean to suggest that anyone is actually as seriously dumb and
dumber dumbfounded as our resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush), however,
besides whatever's the all-knowing status quo of your mainstream

infomercial-science; Got actual physics? Got hard-science? Got squat
for us?

T Wake

18 sep 2006, 15:20:1418-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> Do you get paid by the word?
>> Are you sponsored by a keyboard manufacturer?
> Do you get paid as an official rusemaster that contributes nothing?

Only on Sundays.

> Are you asking for my endorsement of one of your products, or simply on
> behalf of your Jewish boss, Hitler?

Wow. Those meds must have run out recently.

Oddly, my boss is neither Jewish nor Hitler. (She isnt even male but that
would probably confuse you _way_ too much for now.)

Generally speaking, are you allowed much contact with the outside world? For
example, does your cell, sorry, room have windows?

> Obviously you and your kind have had no honerable intentions of ever
> constructively contributing to the topic at hand.

You get what you pay for.

> So, other than on
> behalf of your ulterior motives and hidden agendas, why are you and of
> your certified brown nose even here?

Well, if you have the "inalienable right" to post rambling nonsense, who
says I can not respond as I see fit?

You demand "on topic" replies when your posts are written by a six year old
with an over active imagination and a woeful lack of education.

You are a banana.

T Wake

18 sep 2006, 15:23:2618-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

>T Wake,
> It's been a little while,

Did you miss me?

> and lo and behold, we still see nothing as to
> your supposed wizardly expertise regarding our nearby and otherwise
> rather nicely IR reflective moon.

What "wizardly" expertise is that? I said EM was never my strong point.

> What's your best swag as to how much gravitational plus thermal energy
> our moon contributed to the last ice age thaw, and thereby on behalf of
> our global warming fiasco?
> If our moon were to be eliminated; how many global warming (inside and
> out) terajoules are we talking about losing?
> And, doesn't our moon have a little something to do with having created
> and sustained our magnetosphere that's also in the process of failing us
> rather badly, at -0.05%/year?

I cant reply because your posts are the product of your mental illness. As I
dont appear to be suffering from one (or at least, not the same one), I dont
know what the rules of your "game" are.

Any replies I made would be out of step with your ramblings. Still, given
how much of a fruitcake you really are, would you notice?

> I don't mean to suggest that anyone is actually as seriously dumb and
> dumber dumbfounded as our resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush), however,
> besides whatever's the all-knowing status quo of your mainstream
> infomercial-science; Got actual physics? Got hard-science? Got squat
> for us?

You want physics or squats? I can do both - you'll have to pay for video
footage of me discussing cosmological expansion while I squat though.

Brad Guth

19 sep 2006, 12:50:3919-09-2006
Not that anyone within this naysay Usenet from hell's anti-think-tank
(aka T Wake) gives an honest tinker's damn; Here's some of my old links
of information and short stories by others that's much like NASA loosing
those 700 boxes of there own Apollo data, whereas instead our
planetology and historcal archives thereof also seems to have lost track
of any records depicting an early existance of our moon, and that's
without my having involved any of Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" nor
having extracted from any other portions of his research and subsequent

Immanuel Velikovsky (banished for his being honest)

Oldest petroglyphics(pecked art) of our moon? (not actually very old,
unless you'd consider that which had transpired since 10,500 BC as being
sufficiently classified as astronomically old), and to think that
12,000~15,000 years isn't hardly a drop in the evolutionary bucket of
intelligent life as we know it.

However, where's our moon depicted as of whatever's much older than
10,500 BC, and especially of anything that's 12,000 or forbid 15,000+ BC
is entirely without moon via such early depictions that's in any way is
remotely suggestive of being moon like. Yet those were artistically
intelligent humans with terrific cognitive skills as good as if not
better then myself, that had obviously been surviving for thousands of
years prior to 15,000 BC (were they all a species of blind souls, or
were they simply afraid to go outside their caves by night or even by

Was there an early evolutionary glitch in humanity's ability that would
have prevented their depicting our moon? Or, was Earth's environment of
such a thick and dense atmosphere that was continually clouded over and
thereby masking the sun, our moon and stars as being visually unknown to
such an early species of humanity? (I don't think so)

At best we have a little better than 10,500 years BC that'll contribute
as to our global environment having shared a moon as depicted within
such ancient petroglyphics/pictographics. Otherwise, as of anything
previously recorded or otherwise recorded seems w/o moon, whereas the
likes of pre 12,000 BC Earth seems as though entirely without offering
any appreciation of that nearby and otherwise of what should have been
an extremely extra earthshine illuminated moon, whereas most certainly
not all of mother Earth had been frozen solid. At least +/- 20 degrees
(tropic of Cancer/Capricorn) near the equator remained as extensively
ice free, although winter snow coverage may have reached a bit further,
therefore the albedo of mother Earth had to have been 0.75 if not
greater, and that's a simply a substantial amount of moon illuminating

Via the Dropas/Dzopas and of those nifty CD like stone disks of their
micro inscribed format of recorded history, and of the graphics upon
their 10,000 BC cave habitats which do establish the moon as being a
part of Earth's thawing environment, which thus far according to modern
science wasn't at the time transpiring all that much differently than
the many ice age cycles before. Although there's a few thousand years
worth of somewhat unual thermal hovering rather than merely peaking
within the latest latest period of thaw, which clearly remains as an
ongoing and fairly rapid overshoot, which leaves us with a great deal to
learn of what actually transpired as of those first indications of
having Earth's new and improved environment obtaining a working moon as
of roughly 10,500 BC.
"In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archeologists and
anthropologists had learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area.
And much of the information seemed to corroborate the bizarre story
recorded on the discs."

"Legend still preserved in the area spoke of small, gaunt, yellow faced
men who 'came from the clouds, long, long ago'. The men had huge,
bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly and repellent that they
were hounded down by local tribesmen on horseback. Strangely, the
description of the 'invaders' tallied with the skeletons orginally
discovered in the caves by Professor Chi Pu Tei. On the walls of the
caves themselves archeologists had uncovered crude pictures of the
rising Sun, the Moon, unidentifiable stars and the Earth... all joined
together by lines of pea-sized dots. Along with the discs, the cave
drawings had been dated around 12,000 years old."

So, what's there to behold that's established prior to 10,500 BC, as
having depicted our environment along with such an impressive moon?

Lascaux cave paintings / 15,000 BC w/o moon
These and of so many other similar and quite possibly of older drawings
around the globe simply fail to depict nor otherwise having suggested
anything as to any such extremely nearby moon. I wonder why that is?

Was our moon so gosh darn nearby and perhaps so much more so reflective,
in that they'd considered it our second sun, or was it merely invisible?

For it's apparent size and especially of having been closer in, plus
receiving an extra special amount of earthshine, and especially if that
moon had been still hosting a surface layer of it's orginal salty ice,
as such it would have been appearing as though looking nearly as bright
as the sun.

If these 15,000+BC folks of Lascaux were so good as they were at
artistically depicting such 3D depth and of proper physiological
dimentions of terrain, plants and animals, then why are there other
depictions around the globe as having offered so many images of
extremely weird looking humans, as though looking so ET and/or of
somewhat as though 50/50 human+animal ET looking?

And, why not of similar detailed images or other depictions of
themselves, or were they all Muslim?

Other much older graphics are equally without moon.
"Australian rock art may be as old as human occupation of that
continent, up to 60,000 years old and perhaps far older. Hundreds of
Australian sites may predate the cave art of Europe (Bednarik). In
Tanzania rock art sites date back about 50,000 years (Karoma). Painted
and engraved images of animals on stone slabs have been excavated and
dated to 28,000 years ago in Namibia (Feder and Park). The oldest known
example of rock art in Europe is an arrangement of eighteen cup marks on
a rock slab over a child's burial in a French cave. Radiocarbon dates
for European paintings range back to more than 32,000 years (Gould). By
this time art traditions are known to have existed in southern Africa,
the Levant, eastern Europe, India and Australia (Bednarik). A California
rock art site has been dated to about 20,000 years ago, based on
analysis of mineral varnish covering a pictograph (Bower 96a)."

"The most sophisticated techniques, shading, outlining and
representation of movement, are now known to have existed in the
earliest Paleolithic art in Europe, more than 30,000 years ago."

Now I'm further wondering as to when exacly did such rock nifty art or
other formats of petroglyphics/pictographics start to include our moon,
that you'd have to think was rather unavoidably impressive?

Of fairly modern depictions on behalf of Earth having two suns, or
perhaps most likely intended to represent that of the sun and of our
extremely nearby icy moon are those depictions as having been
contributed since the end of the last ice age era (8000~10500 BC), and
thus representing a somewhat recent planetology w/moon timeline of a
fairly modern day version of our evolutionary history.
This seems to suggest that earlier humans were either quite terribly
dumb and dumber heathens that were afraid of their own shadows, or that
perhaps they were a species of physiologically impaired sight or perhaps
that of actually being blind. Either that or perhaps they never once
stuck their proto-human heads outside of their caves for an honest
look-see at whatever had to have been rather nicely illuminating their
snowy cold and clear nighttime.

I believe this item offers a rather unusually large depiction of our
early moon:
Sedona Back Country - Sun or Moon Pictograph

I interpret this next one is just that of our moon and sun (unless that
second sun is that representing Sirius), thereby proving that as of
somewhat recent though of primitive humans could in fact draw a good
number of such items, including the capability of their having no
apparent problems with having depicted our extremely nearby moon within
somewhat proper proportion to that of our sun.

Unfortunately, I'm obviously not nearly smart enough because, I'm still
looking for those of ice age and/or of whatever's pre ice age or at
least as to appreciating whatever's the earliest versions of these
depictions that'll so happen to include our moon. Thus far we're not
seeing all that much, are we, or am I the only fool on Earth that's
thinking outside the mainstream status quo box.

Here's what's depicted as seeming very ET and otherwise depicting as a
rather unusually large moon in relationship to our human stature and
that of our sun, and otherwise of Earth as clearly having two suns.
There's also a few interesting looking aircraft/spacecraft items, and
all of this again transpiring from a time well after the peak of the
last ice age cycle, such as when Earth was nearly 50% frozen solid
and/or covered in those much longer lasting winter seasons of thick
So, once again man's artistic realm should have had no intellectual nor
apparent physiological problems in having depicted that moon of ours,
yet as of much earlier depictions of having demonstrated much greater
artistic expertise than necessary (including a good deal of 3D depth of
perspective view) failed to share or otherwise having included any such
highly illuminated moon.

This by rights interprets as though all available terrestrial evidence
by way of our own kind has more than depicted our early planetary
history as having been without moon, thereby indicating that our moon is
actually that of a fairly recent arrival, and perhaps that same analogy
might as well go for the planet Venus that should otherwise have been
unavoidably and thus easily included within such early (peak ice age or
pre ice age) notations.

Perhaps this next item is within the timeline of the arrival of our
moon, or possibly it's merely that of our having received a rather
significant multi-teratonne worth of a moon iceberg, such as having
created the arctic ocean basin as of roughly 10500~11000 BC. (11,000 B.C. - 9,000 B.C.)
"The northern regions of Alaska and Siberia appear to have been the
worst hit by the murderous upheavals between 13,000 and 11,000 years
ago. In a great swathe of death around the edge of the Artic Circle the
remains of uncountable numbers of large animals have been found -
including many carcases with the flesh still intact, and astonishing
quantities of perfectly preserved mammoth tusks. Indeed, in both
regions, mammoth carcases have been thawed to feed to sled dogs and
mammoth steaks have featured on restaurant menus in Fairbanks. One
authority has commented, 'Hundreds of thousands of individuals must have
been frozen immediately after death and remained frozen, otherwise the
meat and the ivory would have spoiled ... Some powerful general force
was certainly at work to bring the catastrophe about.' " [Graham
Hancock, Fingerprints Of The Gods, p. 212-213]

Somewhere around the timeline of 10,500 ~ 11,000 BC, Earth received
quite a substantial booty of advanced tools and intellectual expertise,
as though it all just fell out of the sky. Seemingly there were also a
variety of new species introduced, as though having somewhat God like
arrived and/or materialized out of nowhere. Older than 10,500 BC
depictions of our moon seem to be as stealth as any Iraqi WMD, although
much other and older artistic expertise seems as though quite good
enough and even somewhat impressive looking, except w/o moon.

Everything which includes our moon or Venus seems to have been depicted
as though transpiroring from the beginning of our lasrt thaw
(10000~12000 BC) away from the most recent ice age, and there's lots
more as having been telling us this very same story over and over.
Even China that was perhaps the most intellectually, technologically and
artistically advance species, whereas even their pictophonetics is
coming up a little short at merely 6500 BC, of which those little
Dropa/Dzopa ETs of China having previously arrived along with having
engraved those CD like stone disks seem to offer the most advanced
skills as of their 10,000 BC arrival, are of what's essentially
sequestered as much as possible, perhaps because of whom they were and
of where they may have come from. The only folks not telling us this
honest story are the NASA/Apollo rusemasters and of their loyal borg
like collective of apparently incest cloned Third Reich collaborating
minions that have essentially everything you can imagine to lose if they
so much as give an inch.

Obviously others and I could be wrong (certainly wouldn't be the first
time), in which case you folks that insist our moon is nearly as old as
and essentially made of Earth can easily point out all of those pre ice
age pictographics of what had to have been our extremely nearby and
extra reflective moon, that which should have been downright if not
extremely impressive, especially at colder times when considering the
mostly snow and ice covered Earth that included our icy and snowy
environment as far south as Cuba as having contributed to a nearly 75%
albedo worth of earthshine, which should have been unavoidably
illuminating upon that rather nearby and thus rather enormous looking
pre-ice-age moon of ours, that is if in fact such ever existed.

Of course with Henry Kroll's and those of my ongoing research and of
subsequent thoughts, of our previously not having such nifty worth of
tidal energy for physically causing such horrific amounts of inside and
out friction, or that of having been contributing an extra share of
secondary IR energy, and of thereby having extensively kept our
geothermal and solar influx of our terrestrial thermal energy better
distributed, chances are that the previous ice ages w/o moon would have
been much worse off (which I believe science has since proven they
were), with only the latest thaw as having been contributed and
therefore affected by way of having those lunar tidal forces and extra
IR energy influx at play, is most likely why we'll never see another
deep ice age or even a mini-freeze since having contributed so much of
our biological and industrial byproducts and waste, along with our
unmitigated arrogance is what's going to continually see to the
elimination of any significant chance in hell, of our ever obtaining
greater snow coverage along with glacial and/or sea-ice improvements.

As a direct result of humanity and via a little secondary factor of
whatever our moon contributes, snow and ice are gradually becoming yet
another thing of the past, which isn't entirely a bad thing if you can
afford the necessary time and resources in order to deal with such
changes. Of course, the poor and those indifferent the truth may
literally have to appreciate the task of outrunning vast storms,
swimming for their lives and otherwise of how to go jellyfish (meaning
ocean dead zones of mostly jellyfish will have to become their new and
improved resource of seafood).

T Wake

19 sep 2006, 16:27:0819-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> Not that anyone within this naysay Usenet from hell's anti-think-tank
> (aka T Wake) gives an honest tinker's damn;

Wow. I am an anti-think tank? Cool.

Nice response by the way. I like the way you fall back on the "if in doubt
post 17kb of nonsense" routine. Well executed.

Brad Guth

20 sep 2006, 09:47:4920-09-2006

Earth may be soon enough be w/o magnetosphere, but we also believe it
also wasn't all that long ago as being w/o Moon. Now that we've got a
nifty moon is why our environment is getting less icy and more toasty by
the century. Too bad that we're not a smart enough species to have
realize this as of a good couple of centuries ago, especially since
honest history hasn't changed, nor have the fundamental laws of physics,
such as energy in = energy out. Too bad we still don't have science
instruments reporting back from the actual surface of our moon, nor have
we anything efficiently parked within the taboo/nondisclosure moon L1

This new and improved syntax and a few pesky word improvements hasn't
change a darn thing, as otherwise it's offering the same old regular
laws of physics, of the best available replicated science and associated
old stories of Earth with sufficiently artistic and intelligent souls
from within and before our last ice age, but w/o moon.

Not that folks like "T Wake" within this typically naysay Usenet from
hell's anti-think-tank, that which seriously sucks and blows, actually
gives an honest tinker's damn, other than having made every effort as to
topic/author stalk in order to share as much of their
infomercial-science and infomercial-history as possible; In spite of
this orchestrated flak, here's some of my old links of information and
short stories by others that's much the same as our NASA loosing those

700 boxes of there own Apollo data, whereas instead our planetology and

historical archives thereof having also lost track of records depicting
the earliest existence of our moon, and that's without my having
involved Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" nor having extracted from

any other portions of his research and subsequent writings.

Oldest petroglyphics(pecked art) of our moon? (not actually very old,
unless you'd consider that which had transpired since 10,500 BC as being
sufficiently classified as astronomically old), and to think that
12,000~15,000 years isn't hardly a drop in the evolutionary bucket of

our supposed intelligent life as we know it. Even Ed Conrads's man
that's as old as coal isn't the start of our DNA. So where's our moon
been, or where the heck did it arrive from, seems like a good sort of
question that others have been asking for quite some time.

Where's our moon as of whatever's older than 10,500 BC, and especially

of anything that's 12,000 or forbid 15,000+ BC is entirely without moon
via such early depictions that's in any way is remotely suggestive of
being moon like. Yet those were artistically intelligent humans with
terrific cognitive skills as good as if not better then myself, that had
obviously been surviving for thousands of years prior to 15,000 BC (were
they all a species of blind souls, or were they simply afraid to go
outside their caves by night or even by day?)

Was there an early evolutionary glitch in humanity's ability, that would
have somehow prevented their depicting our moon? Or, was Earth's

environment of such a thick and dense atmosphere that was continually
clouded over and thereby masking the sun, our moon and stars as being
visually unknown to such an early species of humanity? (I don't think

At best we have a little better than 10,500 years BC that'll contribute
as to our global environment having shared a moon as depicted within
such ancient petroglyphics/pictographics. Otherwise, as of anything
previously recorded or otherwise recorded seems w/o moon, whereas the
likes of pre 12,000 BC Earth seems as though entirely without offering
any appreciation of that nearby and otherwise of what should have been
an extremely extra earthshine illuminated moon, whereas most certainly
not all of mother Earth had been frozen solid. At least +/- 20 degrees

(Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn) near the equator remained as extensively

ice free, although winter snow coverage may have reached a bit further,
therefore the albedo of mother Earth had to have been 0.75 if not
greater, and that's a simply a substantial amount of moon illuminating

Via the Dropas/Dzopas and of those nifty CD like stone disks of their
micro inscribed format of recorded history, and of the graphics upon
their 10,000 BC cave habitats which do establish the moon as being a
part of Earth's thawing environment, which thus far according to modern
science wasn't at the time transpiring all that much differently than
the many ice age cycles before. Although there's a few thousand years
worth of somewhat unual thermal hovering rather than merely peaking

within the latest period of thaw, which clearly remains as an ongoing

and fairly rapid overshoot, which leaves us with a great deal to learn

of what actually transpired, as of those first indications of having

Earth's new and improved environment obtaining a working moon as of
roughly 10,500 BC.
"In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archeologists and
anthropologists had learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area.
And much of the information seemed to corroborate the bizarre story
recorded on the discs."

"Legend still preserved in the area spoke of small, gaunt, yellow faced
men who 'came from the clouds, long, long ago'. The men had huge,
bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly and repellent that they
were hounded down by local tribesmen on horseback. Strangely, the
description of the 'invaders' tallied with the skeletons orginally
discovered in the caves by Professor Chi Pu Tei. On the walls of the
caves themselves archeologists had uncovered crude pictures of the
rising Sun, the Moon, unidentifiable stars and the Earth... all joined
together by lines of pea-sized dots. Along with the discs, the cave
drawings had been dated around 12,000 years old."

So, what's there to behold that's established as of prior to 10,500 BC,
as having depicted our environment along with such an impressive looking

variety of new species introduced, as though having somewhat God like or
via intelligent design having arrived and/or materialized out of

nowhere. Older than 10,500 BC depictions of our moon seem to be as

stealth as any Iraqi WMD, although, of other and much older artistic

expertise seems as though quite good enough and even somewhat impressive

looking, except oddly w/o moon.

Everything which includes our moon or Venus seems to have been depicted

as though having transpirored since our last thaw (10000~11000 BC),
meaning that only as of our most recent ice age has there been
depitstion of such, and there's lots other as having been telling us

Even China that had been perhaps the most intellectually,

technologically and artistically advance species, whereas even their

pictophonetics is coming up a little short of having included a moon
symbol at merely 6500 BC, whereas those little Dropas/Dzopas of China
having previously arrived along with their having engraved those CD like

stone disks seem to offer the most advanced skills as of their 10,000 BC

arrival are still of what's essentially sequestered as much as possible,

perhaps because of whom they were and of where they may have come from.
The only folks not telling us this honest story are the NASA/Apollo
rusemasters and of their loyal borg like collective of apparently incest

cloned Third Reich collaborating minions, that have essentially

everything you can imagine to lose if they so much as give an inch.

Unfortunate for the truth, as well as humanity and that of our failing
environment, it seems those following in the pagan faith-based footsteps
of our NASA are every bit as much at fault as are the originators of
this ongoung fiasco. So, we're talking tens of thousands of fools upon
fools and with more on the way that'll need to accept responsibility and
the consequences of their actions.

Obviously others and I could be wrong (certainly wouldn't be the first

time), in which case you folks that insist our moon is nearly as old,
essentially made of Earth and typically a passive orb that's safe to
walk upon, can easily point out all of those pre ice age pictographics

of what had to have been our extremely nearby and extra reflective moon,
that which should have been downright if not extremely impressive,
especially at colder times when considering the mostly snow and ice
covered Earth that included our icy and snowy environment as far south
as Cuba as having contributed to a nearly 75% albedo worth of
earthshine, which should have been unavoidably illuminating upon that
rather nearby and thus rather enormous looking pre-ice-age moon of ours,
that is if in fact such ever existed.

With Henry Kroll's and those of my ongoing research and of our
subsequent thoughts or best swag of the day, of our world previously not

having such nifty worth of tidal energy for physically causing such
horrific amounts of inside and out friction, or that of having been
contributing an extra share of secondary IR energy, and of thereby
having extensively kept our geothermal and solar influx of our
terrestrial thermal energy better distributed, chances are that the

previous ice ages w/o moon would have been much worse off (which I do

believe science has since proven they were), with only the latest thaw
as having been contributed and therefore affected by way of having those
lunar tidal forces and extra IR energy influx at play, is most likely

why we'll never see another deep ice age or even a mini-freeze,
especially since having contributed so much of our biological and

industrial byproducts and waste, along with our unmitigated arrogance is
what's going to continually see to the elimination of any significant

snowball's chance in hell, of our ever obtaining greater snow coverage

along with glacial and/or sea-ice improvements.

As a direct result of modern humanity's total indifference and via a

little secondary factor of whatever our moon contributes, snow and ice
are gradually becoming yet another thing of the past, which isn't
entirely a bad thing if you can afford the necessary time and resources
in order to deal with such changes. Of course, the poor and those
indifferent the truth may literally have to appreciate the task of
outrunning vast storms, swimming for their lives and otherwise of how to
go jellyfish (meaning ocean dead zones of mostly jellyfish will have to
become their new and improved resource of seafood).

T Wake

20 sep 2006, 12:12:4920-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

Not one of my own. How about you?

Brad Guth

20 sep 2006, 20:24:1320-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

You bet, I've got that spare moon of Sedna at 2.5e6 km2 worth of solar
shade to burn, that'll get itself within 76 AU by the year 2075, and
thank God it's already moving along in the right direction and at a
velocity of better than a km/s, which is quite ideal for the task of
assisting such an icy orb into becoming an Earth-->L1/Sedna merger,
don't you think?

OOPS! sorry to suggest that the all-knowing mindset of "T Wake" actually
thinks about anything, much less contributes constructively to any given
topic, especially if it has anything to do with the salvation of
humanity and that of moderating our badly failing environment.

Perhaps you can tell us how long and of how much extra applied thrust
it'll take for accomplishing this simple task of relocating Sedna into
Earth's L1 sweet spot (roughly 1.6e6 km from Earth). I'd assume some
significant amount of retro thrust on behalf of parallel parking has to
be included in this plan.

GOT SUPERCOMPUTER and fully interactive 3D simulator?

Brad Guth

20 sep 2006, 20:30:5420-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> You demand "on topic" replies when your posts are written by a six year old
> with an over active imagination and a woeful lack of education.
> You are a banana.

When's exactly was the last time a six year old banana lied to you?

You seem to have no problems with selectively picking stuff out of
context. Where did you learn to be so automatically negative, or is
that perfectly normal for a GW Bush supporter?

Brad Guth

20 sep 2006, 20:33:0020-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> What "wizardly" expertise is that? I said EM was never my strong point.

What exactly is your "strong point"?

Brad Guth

20 sep 2006, 20:36:1620-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Wow. I am an anti-think tank? Cool.
> Nice response by the way. I like the way you fall back on the "if in doubt
> post 17kb of nonsense" routine. Well executed.

Once again; besides your being a mainstream status quo minion, what
exactly is your "strong point", if any? (be very specific)

Brad Guth

21 sep 2006, 11:44:4721-09-2006
I'm obviously going to have to rewrite this entire topic of our being
"Global Warmed to Death" a few extra times, even though it'll
essentially say the same thing in fewer and better words plus improved
math, that our moon is the primary and ongoing cause of global warming,
and that's not saying we/humanity haven't accomplished more than our
fair share of making a bad situation a whole lot worse off than it ever
needed to be.

2e20 joules = moon orbital energy, and that's merely the joules/second
that's unavoidably going somewhere and thereby having been accomplishing
some form of energy transfer, with a slight percentage of which becoming
interactive tidal/friction thermal energy.

The reflected IR energy of what's mostly secondary solar IR and thus
providing an extremely thermal penetrating form of FIR heat, probably
isn't nearly the terrestrial impact factor as otherwise represented by
the continual friction that's caused by the ongoing gravity and tidal
forces that's getting reapplied inside and out as a direct result of the
moon's orbital gravity influence, whereas this gravity influence
continually pulls and subsequently pushes elsewhere upon everything
that's Earth, including the affect that's contributed on behalf of
sustaining the interior rotation of our magnetosphere generating layer.

However, I'd thought you folks might get an extra laugh out of this one;
Luna's (Earth's Moon) Thermal Environment
>The planetary infrared is of such a magnitude that the radiator
>surfaces are significantly affected in lunar orbit. In particular,
>the spacecraft attitude for "parking" or "sleep" periods should be
>picked to minimize the view to the lunar surface. Since most
>radiators surfaces have a relatively low solar absorptance, but a
>high infrared emittance, it can frequently be preferable to point
>the radiators toward the Sun to some extent in order to minimize
>its view to the lunar surface.

In other words, our physically dark moon is so freaking double/reactive
IR hot and reflective, that in order to cool off a given spacecraft
that's cruising anywhere above that hot deck of our naked moon needs to
have those thermal radiators pointed towards the sun rather than the
lunar surface. Of course, this is exactly what I'd been saying all
along, that the secondary IR/FIR energy remains as a big consideration
for any of those orbital missions, and especially of those fly-by-rocket
landings and subsequent EVA moon walking efforts, even a little tough on
robotics that'll need to get rid of surplus heat that's arriving from
most all directions, with the sun itself being one of the least of your
IR considerations since it's representing little more than a
point-source of thermal energy to deal with.

The surface area of Earth affected by lunar gravity = 5.112e14 m2
Surface area of our moon affected by Earth's gravity = 0.38e14 m2

Earth at 2e20/5.112e14 = 0.39e6 joules/m2 (rotating/active)
moon at 2e20/0.38e14 = 5.263e6 joules/m2 (non-rotating/passive)

Obviously this is all about one or the other orb causing an influence
upon the other orb's environment, whereas clearly it's not about how
extra hot Earth's gravity is making the moon, and that's because our
moon is somewhat of a passive or inactive situation, but otherwise as to
the amount of energy that's due to our moon affecting our terrestrial
environment that's rotating and thereby having fluids inside and out
that get unavoidably affected.

Even if merely 0.1% of the lunar gravity influence gets converted into
tidal friction is upon average contributing 390 joules/m2. Cut that
down to 0.05% and it's still worth 195 joules/m2, and that's not only
24/7 per each and every week but per day and night of each and every
second year round, but that's also not to mention the continual flow of
thermal transfers due to tidal currents and/or of the extra amount of
sea-ice breakage due to tidal and storm generated waves and simply ocean
elevation shifts. Therefore it is by far our moon that is still the
primary culprit, of the greater importance as to our global warming
trend as we've exited away from the last ice age which this terrestrial
environment will ever see.

Adding in the secondary IR is worth perhaps less than an a few extra
joules/m2, and even though it's FIR energy represents yet another
constant resource of global warming, I believe for the moment can be
excluded because of the rather enormous affect of what the lunar gravity
itself imposes. Of course, if Earth were a near solid there wouldn't be
all that much if any friction, nor would there be an active
magnetosphere, and subsequently Earth would soon become a larger version
of an icy cold Mars w/o life as we know it.

Obviously I'm being sufficiently right with my somewhat dyslexic
encrypted analogy, that's based upon the regular laws of physics and
supported by the best available science, whereas otherwise you folks
could have so easily impressed the living hell out of us village idiots
with all of your vast wizardly expertise, and thereby having shared
those supposed much better numbers, and that of being so kind as to
sharing in whatever's in support of such numbers that supposedly has our
moon with us from the very beginning rather than just since the last ice

Otherwise, our Usenet team which offers an orchestrated naysay mindset,
that's also into calling a continuous application of an extra 254
gigajoules per second or merely 914 tj/hr of lunar recession energy, as
supposedly being so much less impressive than a few wussy milliseconds
worth of terrestrial lightning strikes, is certainly offering us yet
another new and improved mainstream of their science weirdness. It only
gets so much more so impressive if those lightning storms are somehow
overtaking the continuous 2e20 joules/sec of what the entire lunar
orbital worth of energy has to offer, as representing the sort of
wag-thy-dogs to death of whatever your superior conditional laws of
physics has to offer, as extracted from whatever's scripted within their
NASA/Apollo koran of nifty infomercial-science, that's supposedly
representing the orbital mechanics of our moon affecting Earth as
somehow being of what's so gosh darn insignificant.

Silly me, whereas I honestly didn't realize that 2e20 joules/sec of a
continuous applied force was so gosh darn wussy by way of our NASA's "so
what's the difference" policy, of their infomercial-science standards of
supposedly such all-knowing expertise. I guess that I'll have to be
certain to past that one along, so that other Village idiots don't
mistake such big numbers as having any meaning whatsoever.

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 12:20:0721-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> You demand "on topic" replies when your posts are written by a six year
>> old
>> with an over active imagination and a woeful lack of education.
>> You are a banana.
> When's exactly was the last time a six year old banana lied to you?

Wow, you've been lying to me? Shame on you.

> You seem to have no problems with selectively picking stuff out of
> context.

I learned from you.

> Where did you learn to be so automatically negative, or is
> that perfectly normal for a GW Bush supporter?

Who is GW Bush?

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 12:20:5921-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> What "wizardly" expertise is that? I said EM was never my strong point.
> What exactly is your "strong point"?

Humour. I think.

On the other hand, you don't need a "strong point" to determine your posts
are full of [censored by GuthBot's Disinformation Team].

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 12:21:4221-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> Wow. I am an anti-think tank? Cool.
>> Nice response by the way. I like the way you fall back on the "if in
>> doubt
>> post 17kb of nonsense" routine. Well executed.
> Once again; besides your being a mainstream status quo minion, what
> exactly is your "strong point", if any? (be very specific)

How specific? Are you asking me out for a date? I still work out if that
turns you on. My wife and kids may object but you can pay them off if you

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 12:23:3321-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
>> > GOT MOON ?
>> Not one of my own. How about you?
> You bet, I've got that spare moon of Sedna

Cool. Why did you store it so far away if you "have" it?

> at 2.5e6 km2 worth of solar
> shade to burn, that'll get itself within 76 AU by the year 2075, and
> thank God it's already moving along in the right direction and at a
> velocity of better than a km/s, which is quite ideal for the task of
> assisting such an icy orb into becoming an Earth-->L1/Sedna merger,
> don't you think?
> OOPS! sorry to suggest that the all-knowing mindset of "T Wake" actually
> thinks about anything,

Certainly dont think anything about your drivel posts.

> much less contributes constructively to any given
> topic, especially if it has anything to do with the salvation of
> humanity and that of moderating our badly failing environment.
> Perhaps you can tell us how long and of how much extra applied thrust
> it'll take for accomplishing this simple task of relocating Sedna into
> Earth's L1 sweet spot (roughly 1.6e6 km from Earth). I'd assume some
> significant amount of retro thrust on behalf of parallel parking has to
> be included in this plan.

You really are heading down the weeds of crackpottery here.

> GOT SUPERCOMPUTER and fully interactive 3D simulator?

Not, but I have a more than passing command of English grammar.

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 12:39:2721-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> I'm obviously going to have to rewrite this entire topic of our being
> "Global Warmed to Death" a few extra times,

Please dont.

> even though it'll
> essentially say the same thing in fewer

Fewer words is good. Try doing it as a haiku...

> and better words plus improved
> math, that our moon is the primary and ongoing cause of global warming,
> and that's not saying we/humanity haven't accomplished more than our
> fair share of making a bad situation a whole lot worse off than it ever
> needed to be.

You need to learn how to use the full stop. Sentences are a useful tool when
writing. You don't need to put every single thought in your head into every

Do you get breathless when you talk to people?

Brad Guth

21 sep 2006, 12:41:2121-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Cool. Why did you store it so far away if you "have" it?

That's exactly what I'd expect, as coming from between the intellectual
butt-cheeks of such an infomercial space-toilet, like yourself.

> > at 2.5e6 km2 worth of solar
> > shade to burn, that'll get itself within 76 AU by the year 2075, and
> > thank God it's already moving along in the right direction and at a
> > velocity of better than a km/s, which is quite ideal for the task of
> > assisting such an icy orb into becoming an Earth-->L1/Sedna merger,
> > don't you think?
> >
> > OOPS! sorry to suggest that the all-knowing mindset of "T Wake" actually
> > thinks about anything,
> Certainly dont think anything about your drivel posts.

Yet lo and behold, here you and others of your kind are. Is it
something that I've said?

> > GOT SUPERCOMPUTER and fully interactive 3D simulator?
> Not, but I have a more than passing command of English grammar.

In other words of your "passing command of English grammar", you're
simply another brown-nosed liar and/or that of a worse possible Third
Reich butt-licking minion of a bigot to boot.

Too bad your boss doesn't allow his/her minion borgs to contribute
honestly as to much of anything. Why am I not even the least bit

Brad Guth

21 sep 2006, 12:49:5821-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> You need to learn how to use the full stop. Sentences are a useful tool when
> writing. You don't need to put every single thought in your head into every
> paragraph.
> Do you get breathless when you talk to people?

Yes I do. Of course, unlike yourself, I actually have something that's
worth saying, and my mindset is otherwise entirely open to the best
available truth and nothing but the truth.

Don't suppose you've got anything to contribute that's constructively
on-topic or even remotely sub-topic worth honestly arguing about?

Such as; GOT MOON that's prior to 10,500 BC?

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 13:47:1321-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> You need to learn how to use the full stop. Sentences are a useful tool
>> when
>> writing. You don't need to put every single thought in your head into
>> every
>> paragraph.
>> Do you get breathless when you talk to people?
> Yes I do.

Learn to construct proper sentences then. Remember, they are supposed to
"make sense" which pretty much counts out any of your posts.

> Of course, unlike yourself, I actually have something that's
> worth saying,

In reality, you don't. Your conspiracy nonsense isn't even original.

> and my mindset is otherwise entirely open to the best
> available truth and nothing but the truth.

I doubt that.

> Don't suppose you've got anything to contribute that's constructively
> on-topic or even remotely sub-topic worth honestly arguing about?

Probably not, I have difficulty interacting in a manner that nutcases like
your self view as sensible.

> Such as; GOT MOON that's prior to 10,500 BC?

Did you miss out an "a" there? Was your obsession to insure excess
capitalisation took place more important than actual grammar?

T Wake

21 sep 2006, 13:49:4821-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> Cool. Why did you store it so far away if you "have" it?
> That's exactly what I'd expect, as coming from between the intellectual
> butt-cheeks of such an infomercial space-toilet, like yourself.

Cool. I never realised you were interested in my butt cheeks.

>> > at 2.5e6 km2 worth of solar
>> > shade to burn, that'll get itself within 76 AU by the year 2075, and
>> > thank God it's already moving along in the right direction and at a
>> > velocity of better than a km/s, which is quite ideal for the task of
>> > assisting such an icy orb into becoming an Earth-->L1/Sedna merger,
>> > don't you think?
>> >
>> > OOPS! sorry to suggest that the all-knowing mindset of "T Wake"
>> > actually
>> > thinks about anything,
>> Certainly dont think anything about your drivel posts.
> Yet lo and behold, here you and others of your kind are. Is it
> something that I've said?

Probably. You never say anything interesting or informative, so to entertain
(myself), I reply. Others dont.

Notice, though, that you can count the number of people who agree with your
idiocy on the fingers of one ear.

>> > GOT SUPERCOMPUTER and fully interactive 3D simulator?
>> Not, but I have a more than passing command of English grammar.
> In other words of your "passing command of English grammar",

You missed the "more than" out there.

> you're
> simply another brown-nosed liar and/or that of a worse possible Third
> Reich butt-licking minion of a bigot to boot.

Really? How did you arrive at that logical conclusion?

> Too bad your boss doesn't allow his/her minion borgs to contribute
> honestly as to much of anything.

You know my boss? Brilliant. Can you ask for a pay rise for me please?

> Why am I not even the least bit
> surprised.

I dont know. Why are you not even the least bit surprised?

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 01:48:0722-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Did you miss out an "a" there? Was your obsession to insure excess
> capitalisation took place more important than actual grammar?

In other words, you and your Third Reich kind have absolutely nothing
the least bit topic constructive to share.

Why an I not the least bit surprised. That's not a question, but rather
a matter of fact.

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 01:50:3222-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> > Once again; besides your being a mainstream status quo minion, what
> > exactly is your "strong point", if any? (be very specific)
> How specific? Are you asking me out for a date? I still work out if that
> turns you on. My wife and kids may object but you can pay them off if you
> want.

Silly boy. Obviously I'm 100% right, as otherwise you would have so
easily nailed this one.

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 01:57:2422-09-2006
T Wake,
You offer only more of your brown nose naysayism, arrogance and status
quo bigotry, and that makes you extra special. At least that's exactly
what Hitler would have to agree upon, as to how special you are,
especially since good minions as butt-wipes like yourself are so hard to
come by.
Brad Huth

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 02:02:2922-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Humour. I think.
> On the other hand, you don't need a "strong point" to determine your posts
> are full of [censored by GuthBot's Disinformation Team].

But you're not the least bit funny, as I'm still not laughing one damn

BTW; unlike yourself and of the pagan gods you worship, I have no
"Disinformation Team".

Are those MI/NSA MIB keeping you from contributing on behalf of the
topic at hand?

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 02:06:1122-09-2006
Wow! T Wake's crapolla flows up hill, much better than I'd thought
possible. What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 08:13:0322-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> Wow! T Wake's crapolla flows up hill, much better than I'd thought
> possible.

Just shows you set your sights too low. You need to broaden your thinking a

> What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?

Not a lot. Do you still beat children?

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 08:14:1122-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> Humour. I think.
>> On the other hand, you don't need a "strong point" to determine your
>> posts
>> are full of [censored by GuthBot's Disinformation Team].
> But you're not the least bit funny, as I'm still not laughing one damn
> bit.

Oh well. I did say "I think."

Are you the final arbiter as to if I am funny or not?

> BTW; unlike yourself and of the pagan gods you worship, I have no
> "Disinformation Team".

Yes you do, denying it is part of the disinformation plan you follow.

> Are those MI/NSA MIB keeping you from contributing on behalf of the
> topic at hand?

Not at all. Your nonsense is doing that.

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 08:15:0522-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> > Once again; besides your being a mainstream status quo minion, what
>> > exactly is your "strong point", if any? (be very specific)
>> How specific? Are you asking me out for a date? I still work out if that
>> turns you on. My wife and kids may object but you can pay them off if you
>> want.
> Silly boy. Obviously I'm 100% right, as otherwise you would have so
> easily nailed this one.

What are you 100% right about? You haven't made any claims to be right or
wrong (in this post, anyway), unless you mean you are 100% right about
asking me out on a date.

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 08:15:2422-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

>T Wake,
> You offer only more of your brown nose naysayism, arrogance and status
> quo bigotry, and that makes you extra special. At least that's exactly
> what Hitler would have to agree upon, as to how special you are,
> especially since good minions as butt-wipes like yourself are so hard to
> come by.

Awww, Thanks.


22 sep 2006, 08:31:2422-09-2006

Brad Guth wrote:
> Wow! T Wake's crapolla flows up hill, much better than I'd thought
> possible. What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?
> -
> Brad Guth
please dont offend the 25 years security consultant
that cheated for his PHD
he is beating only hid wife
and only after visiting the homosexuals pub



22 sep 2006, 08:37:3022-09-2006

Brad Guth wrote:
> Wow! T Wake's crapolla flows up hill, much better than I'd thought
> possible. What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?
> -
> Brad Guth

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 11:56:4622-09-2006

"Y.Porat" <> wrote in message

> Brad Guth wrote:
>> Wow! T Wake's crapolla flows up hill, much better than I'd thought
>> possible. What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?
>> -
>> Brad Guth
> ---------------------
> please dont offend the 25 years security consultant
> that cheated for his PHD
> he is beating only hid wife
> and only after visiting the homosexuals pub

Stop following me catamite.

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 12:57:3322-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> What are you 100% right about? You haven't made any claims to be right or
> wrong (in this post, anyway), unless you mean you are 100% right about
> asking me out on a date.

You really are a truly pathetic little Third Reich minion, arnt you. No
wonder the likes of Hitler had accomplished so much with your kind.

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 13:06:1922-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> > BTW; unlike yourself and of the pagan gods you worship, I have no
> > "Disinformation Team".
> Yes you do, denying it is part of the disinformation plan you follow.
> > Are those MI/NSA MIB keeping you from contributing on behalf of the
> > topic at hand?
> Not at all. Your nonsense is doing that.

All the sudden the regular laws of physics and of anything that's of new
and improved science and sufficiently replicated to boot is
taboo/nondisclosure in your Jewish koran.

I see that you know of and/or currently sleep with Art Deco. How's the
sex? And, whow the heck are those incest cloned little brown-nosed kids
of your's doing these days?

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 13:10:2322-09-2006
"Y.Porat" <> wrote in message

> please dont offend the 25 years security consultant
> that cheated for his PHD
> he is beating only hid wife
> and only after visiting the homosexuals pub

Good point. I'll take that one into consideration on future replies to
such infomercial pervert rusemasters as "T Wake".

Brad Guth

22 sep 2006, 13:13:5822-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> > What else do you rape to death in front of the kids?
> Not a lot. Do you still beat children?

Thanks for the added proof positive of your collaborating Third Reich
mindset. BTW; is that Jewish approved, or are you a total independent
soul that sucks and blows?

T Wake

22 sep 2006, 16:04:2422-09-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> "T Wake" <> wrote in message
>> What are you 100% right about? You haven't made any claims to be right or
>> wrong (in this post, anyway), unless you mean you are 100% right about
>> asking me out on a date.
> You really are a truly pathetic little Third Reich minion, arnt you. No
> wonder the likes of Hitler had accomplished so much with your kind.

It was fantasising retards like yourself who assisted Hitler.

Brad Guth

23 sep 2006, 08:54:1923-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> What are you 100% right about? You haven't made any claims to be right or
> wrong (in this post, anyway), unless you mean you are 100% right about
> asking me out on a date.

Funny! I didn't realize that Usenet allowed worthless born-again fags
such as yourself.

I've made more claims than Einstein (and I'm not even Jewish), and for
some reason a few of my claims have actually been 100% correct.

What if anything have you discovered, or even assisted others on behalf
of their discovering and/or having created whatever?

Brad Guth

23 sep 2006, 08:56:2523-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> Awww, Thanks.

How the heck did you get the short straw?
Brad Guth

Brad Guth

23 sep 2006, 12:55:5223-09-2006
Earth w/o Magnetosphere, w/o Moon would have been worse off than merely
getting excessively thawed out.

Henry Kroll and myself are into our deductive thinking, that
intelligent/intellectual life as having evolved entirely upon this Earth
may simply have been a wee bit pre-ice-age iffy, as having been situated
a little too far away from our sun that simply wasn't quite as active
and thereby as nicely radiating as it is today, especially iffy should
Earth be having to manage this task without the enormous benefits of
such a nearby moon.

Proto-Earth obviously once upon a time offered a nearly Venus like
atmosphere, thus technically capable of having created and obviously of
having sustained such complex happenstance of large scale life, but
perhaps not offering all that much environmental quality nor of
sufficient diversity, and especially if still limited to existing within
the below-surface environment, and so much worse yet if the bulk of
mother Earth's above surface environment had otherwise been so often and
so nearly entirely sub-frozen solid for so much of the time. As clearly
indicated by way of those ice core samples, depicting each of the many
ice-ages that were consistently worse off per each proceeding ice-age
cycle, that's having represented such an extensive planetology worth of
environmental energy differential, whereas in so much difference that
such vast global thermal cycles simply can not be so easily attributed
to local orbital mechanics without involving our moon, nor likely of
sufficient solar energy fluctuation cycles without having to involve
another sun.

Unfortunately, this simple task of our asking others to contribute
constructively on what's clearly outside their cozy mainstream status
quo box, whereas obviously that's not going down without a damn good
fight, as that sort of fair and balanced open mindset simply hasn't been
transpiring as of long before we came along, at least not without
involving a few dead bodies of those mindset upon sustaining their one
and only outlook, which has been cultivated in order to suit their one
and only pagan faith-based interpretation, and that simply can't be
altered regardless of the physics and best available science that's

Something else of a stellar like significant influence has allowed Earth
to freeze so extensively, and then to have thawed on the 100,000 year
cycle. The only problem with this well established history is that by
now we should have been deep into our next freeze cycle.

It is thought by many that human activity alone has been the culprit, as
of lately having contributed so extensively to our failing environment,
in that we humans alone are the primary cause of the accellerated global
warming fiasco that's showing us no remorse. The best available science
tends to support this analogy, although if life and of orbital mechanics
were only so simple, as such I'd agree that human contributions and
otherwise direct damage to our environment has been sufficiently proven
as having an affect that's anything but beneficial to our long term
quality of life.

As further pointed by Henry Kroll's and my ongoing research, there has
been no apparent indications of sufficient lunar orbital fluctuations
that's in any way capable of itself being associated with all of those
previous ice-age cycles, in fact if there's anything that's
scientifically and being orbital physics perfectly clear, is that our
moon had been unavoidably cruising so much closer and therefore would
have been more so moderating to our environment, if not having entirely
prevented such previous deep cycles of ice-ages.

We also believe the best available evidence and science we've got
demonstrates that our moon has only been involved with that of the
latest thaw, which seems to have no apparent end in sight. This analogy
from the best available science is what's suggesting that our currently
still salty and otherwise once upon a time icy proto-moon hasn't been
orbiting around Earth for quite as long as we'd been informed, much less
having been created by way of any Mars like impactor.

Taking a little notice as to how much orbital energy that moon of ours
currently represents, and thereby affording an unavoidable inside and
out influence upon Earth's environment.

Moon's orbital (Fc)Centripetal Force = 2.00076525e20 N = 2.04021e19 kgf

Converting those terrific gravity related Newtons worth of such orbital
kgf into raw energy of joules (Newton = 0.1 kg/m/s) and (1 kg/m/s =
9.80665 joules):

The associated centrifugal energy worth of 2.000765e20 N.m. = 2e20

The 40 mm/year recession is essentially worthy of one meter/.04 = 25:1

Therefore, if leaving us at 40 mm/yr = 2.00076e20/25 = 8.00304e18

8.00304e18/8.76e3 = .91359e15 joules per hour = 913.6e12 jhr

913.6e12 jhr/3.6e3 = 253.8e9 joules/sec (recession energy = 254

A second calculation that's based upon a bit more robust assesment of
gravitation force as also converted into joules of energy gets this
amount of applied energy a little more impressive;
Is the moon really old? by "Dr Don DeYoung . . . if the earth moon
system is as old as evolutionists say, we should have lost our moon long

"There is a huge force of gravity between the earth and moon - some 70
million trillion pounds (that's 70 with another 18 zeroes after it), or
30,000 trillion tonnes (that's 30 with 15 zeroes)."

If Dr. Don DeYong's 30e18 kgf were correct; 30e18 kgf * 9.807 = 2.94e20

At the supposed ongoing recession of .04 m/yr = 2.942e20/25 = 11.768e18
The subsequent energy of recession per second:
11.77e18/31.54e6 = .3732e12 or 373.2e9 J (recession energy = 373

In either case of 254 gj or 373 gj, and trust that I've not yet taken
into account the amount of extra tidal energy that's having to
compensate for the drag coefficient, nor of have I included the
reflected IR and FIR worth of whatever else that physically dark moon
has to offer, whereas this still represents a rather terrific amount of
energy that's obviously powerful enough to have affected Earth's
platetonics and perhaps towards keeping that inner laler that's up
against our outer shell that's surrounding our molten iron core in a
sufficient tidal motion, thereby extensively pumping up and otherwise
sustaining the highly beneficial if not critically essential
magnetosphere, that's unfortunately in the process of failing us at the
rate of 0.05%/year, perhaps every bit as Global warming lethal with
10,000 deaths per year currently attributed to various skin cancers that
are directly caused by the excess amounts of cosmic, solar and lunar
derived gamma nad hard-X-ray energy that's getting through our
insignificant atmosphere, that's going to leave us in great strides as
the magnetosphere fails to fend off those solar winds.

Remember that without such a magnetosphere, surface life as we've known
it wouldn't have stood much of a chance in this otherwise sub-frozen
hell of our having evolved or otherwise having coexisted upon Earth w/o
moon. From other research and of perfectly reasonable conjectures that
fit entirely within the regular laws of planetology physics, from which
we've also been informed that early Earth and therefore most likely
prior to our having a moon, is when this environment had a 50+ bar
(Venus like) worth of a highly protective atmosphere, that obviously
represented early life upon Earth didn't require the benefits of any
moon or that of the stabilized magnetosphere.

As it is (w/o drag coefficient or secondary IR/FIR), and especially if
going by the hour, it seems as though a great deal of available
recession energy either way.
Brad Guth: 254 gj * 3.6e3 = 914.4e12 j/hr
Don DeYoung: 373 gj * 3.6e3 = 1,343e12 j/hr

Even going by way of my less impressive numbers of 914 terajoules/hr,
excluding the fact that our moon was obviously once upon a time much
closer and if created via a Mars impactor would have been initially
receding at the much faster rate of 6+ km/s at it exited the physical
real of Earth's surface, whereas the more likely arrival and subsequent
glancing impact of our once upon a time icy proto-moon (that which
currently represents such an absolutely horrific amount of ongoing
applied energy), plus having ever since accommodated those extremely
beneficial tidal affects (inside and out), in that if this amount of
existing orbital energy were removed from our environment would cause a
great deal of harm in many ways other than the loss of it's nifty
moonshine and of it's reflectively good IR/FIR worthy albedo that's also
representing a contributing thermal energy factor on behalf of
sustaining our environment that's still thawing out from the last ice
age, and we believe so much so beneficial that if this moon as is were
to be removed, whereas Earth's oceans would not only become cesspools of
mostly jellyfish life, but our environment would also unavoidably and
rather extensively start to ice itself up to quite an extent.

We believe that life upon this Earth was simply situated a bit too far
away from the sun, especially if it were having to manage without the
enormous benefits of our moon, and it only gets worse yet if this life
were having to manage upon the surface without the extra benefit of a
substantial magnetosphere. Intelligent/intellectual life on Earth as we
know it simply couldn't have evolved and having matured and survived
above the surface without the enormous energy influx and physical
modualtion and thermal moderation benefits of the moon. Unfortunately,
not only is the moon still moving itself away from us, but so has the
magnetosphere been dropping off by roughly .05%/year. (we think those
two factors are somewhat related to one another)

Others having similar notions but sharing somewhat different conclusions
as to Earth w/o moon are still somewhat skewed by the supposed science
associated with our having explored our physically dark, salty and
otherwise extremely reactive/anticathode of a naked moon (Earth's
revolving mascon), as though it's no longer such a big deal.

Unfortunately, all forms of human recorded history or otherwise of
earlier proto-human depicted history are those extensively if not
entirely limited to the time since our last ice-age. It's exactly as
though we hadn't obtained a moon prior to that cycle of a badly frozen
time, and it's also as though whatever's intelligent/intellectual life
upon this Earth hadn't actually existed/coexisted to any extent prior to
the last ice-age. So, what's so entirely different as to our last ice
age and of the subsequent thaw?

I totally agree that proto-life as having formulated under a much
thicker atmosphere, below the surface and even from within salty ice was
perfectly doable without a moon, whereas the core energy of mother Earth
would have been doing it's thing of radiating and of venting geothermal
energy plus having contributed nifty loads of raw elements and thus
unavoidably having created a great deal of complex opportunities for the
random happenstance and chemistry on behalf of local and panspermia life
to have eventually gotten off to a good start (although our best efforts
thus far haven't managed to simulate nor otherwise having accomplished
such DNA formulation from scratch on behalf of even having created the
most basic forms of such intelligent proto-life). Using the soil and/or
of the available water and thereby mud certainly counts as a viable
shield against the otherwise lethal solar and cosmic radiation, as well
as for having 50+ bar worth of an early atmosphere would have
extensively if not entirely protected early life on Earth w/o moon and
w/o magnetosphere.

Earth’s atmosphere before the age of dinosaurs
by; Octave Levenspiel, Thomas J. Fitzgerald and Donald Pettit
"Our sister planet and nearest neighbor, Venus, has an atmosphere of 90
bar pressure, consisting of 96% CO2 (5). Why should Earth be so
different? Ronov measured the equivalent of at least 55 bar of CO2 tied
up as carbonates around the world (6), whereas Holland estimates that at
least 70 bar of CO2 is bound as carbonate materials (7). These
carbonates had to come from the atmosphere, by way of the oceans, so we
propose that, after the original oxidation of CH4 and CO, Earth’s early
atmosphere was at very high pressure, up to 90 bar, and that it
consisted primarily of CO2."
This extra pressure and of mostly CO2 would also have represented a
great deal of buoyancy, that should have made life for the larger
species (as well known to roam about Earth's surface as of millions of
years ago) considerably more bearable and even flyable at great bulk.
Therefore, large scale life as we know evolved, as well as having
gradually adjusted to such pressure and even as surviving within the
concentrations of CO2 and sulphurs. CO2 alone (especially of dry CO2)
is not even taboo to life as we know it, whereas even in great amounts
and under such terrific pressure is just representing a different
environment that takes a little getting used to, in much the same as
other life upon Earth that survives at great ocean depths and near to
where it's hot enough to melt certain alloys has been proven as doable.

My fundamental two part question is:
How would the purely terrestrial evolution of intelligence have been
influenced or otherwise related to our having or not having a moon,
and/or that of our not having or as per having a viable magnetosphere
that's essentially of what's defending our relatively thin remainder of
an atmosphere?

Part two of the above question: Excluding the basic intelligence worth
of a given species survival that's proven as often being a whole lot
smarter than what many humans seem to have at their disposal, what if
anything does human intellectual intelligence of rational/irrational
thoughts (including that of our learned and thus cultivated bigotry,
greed and arrogance) have to do with planetology or that of various
orbital mechanics?

Nature and ScienceWeek
Perhaps this one should have been entitled: Dare to think outside the
box is extremely lethal, whereas perhaps this report should also have
addressed the fundamental physics as to what other sorts of glancing
impactor(s) could have given enough rotational energy to have initially
started the outer surface rotating as different than our molten
interior, thus giving us our actively mascon motivated magnetosphere to
start with.

Clearly our thinking has been primarily limited or rather sequestered by
way of whatever our spendy mainstream infomercial-science plus
faith-based science has to guide us by, whereas our NASA and thereby
mostly based upon their religious faith approved Mars impactor notion
has been their all-knowing and apparently the one and only viable
alternative, that which continually gets published and otherwise
promoted at public expense, that's also sufficiently similar to the Alan
Guth accelerating expansion/BIG-BANG or "Inflationary Universe" theory
that's certainly very compatible with the pro-intelligent/creation and
thus within the pro-faith based realm of God's creation being the
general rule, that is unless you wouldn't mind losing all credibility
and most likely your job plus seeing your entire career and of
everything associated going down the nearest space-toilet, at least
that's how insecure and/or immoral most religious cults and of their
political partnerships have managed in the past, and remains as how they
would still most likely deal with such fools as outsiders that would
suggest anything that wasn't pre-approved and thus certified and
accepted by way of God's pagan replacement(NASA/Apollo). At least
that's my honest impression as based upon how this anti-think-tank of a
naysay Usenet from hell treats whatever's rocking their boat, that which
clearly has no apparent intentions of their cutting the rest of us any

Brad Guth

23 sep 2006, 15:57:4623-09-2006
GOT MOON as of pre 10,500 BC?

This new and improved topic syntax and a few pesky word improvements
hasn't changed a darn thing, as it's offering this same old argument as
based upon those regular laws of physics, of the best available
replicated science and of those associated old stories of Earth with
sufficiently artistic and intelligent souls from a time within and
before our last ice age, but oddly w/o moon.

Within another thousand, give or take a few hundred years, Earth may be
soon enough w/o a sufficient magnetosphere, but we also believe that it
also wasn't all that long ago as having been w/o Moon. Now that we've
got a nifty moon is why our environment is getting less icy and more
toasty by the century. Too bad that we're not a smart enough species to
have realize this as of a good couple of centuries ago, especially since
honest history hasn't changed, nor have the fundamental laws of physics,
such as energy in = energy out. Too bad we still don't have science
instruments reporting back from the actual surface of our moon, nor have
we anything efficiently parked within the taboo/nondisclosure moon
L1/LL-1 zone that could have been science multitasking until those
NASA/Apollo cows come home.

Not that folks like "T Wake" that'll reside indefinitely as a sick
little mole/spook within this typically naysay Usenet from hell's
anti-think-tank, that which seriously sucks and blows unless it's of
something pro Jewish, whereas there's actually damn few others that'll
dare to give an honest tinker's damn, much less their honest swag, other
than by those as having made every effort as to topic/author stalk in
order to share as much of their infomercial-science and
infomercial-history as possible. In spite of this orchestrated and
often MI/NSA scripted flak (which bu the way so happens to include a
good dosage of their PC spermware/fuckware), here's some of my old links
of information and short stories by others that's much the same as our
NASA loosing those 700 boxes of there own Apollo data, whereas instead
our planetology and historical archives thereof having also lost track
of those records depicting the earliest existence of our moon, and
that's without my having involved Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" nor
having extracted from any other portions of his research and subsequent

Immanuel Velikovsky (tormented and summarily banished for his being

Oldest petroglyphics(pecked art) of our moon? (not actually very old,
unless you'd consider that which had transpired since 10,500 BC as being
sufficiently classified as astronomically old), and to think that
12,000~15,000 years isn't hardly a drop in the evolutionary bucket of
our supposed intelligent life as we know it. Even Ed Conrads's man
that's as old as coal isn't the start of our DNA. So where's our moon
been, or where the heck did it arrive from, seems like a good sort of
question that others have been asking for quite some time;

Where's our moon as of whatever's older than 10,500 BC, and especially
of anything that's 12,000 or forbid 15,000+ BC is entirely without moon
via such early depictions, that's in any way is remotely suggestive of
being anything moon like. Yet those were artistically intelligent humans
with terrific visual and cognitive skills as good as if not better then
myself, that had obviously been surviving for thousands of years prior
to 15,000 BC (were they all a species of blind souls, or were they
simply afraid to go outside their caves by night or even by day?)

Was there an early evolutionary glitch in humanity's ability, that would
have somehow prevented their depicting our moon? Or, was Earth's early
inhabited environment of such a thick and dense atmosphere that was
continually clouded over and thereby masking the sun, our moon and stars
as being visually unknown to such an early species of humanity? (I don't
think so)

At best we have a little better than 10,500 years BC that'll contribute
as to our global environment having shared a moon, as depicted within
such ancient petroglyphics/pictographics. Otherwise, as of anything
previously recorded seems as though w/o moon, whereas the likes of pre
12,000 BC Earth seems as though entirely without having offered any
appreciation of that nearby and otherwise of what should have been an
extremely extra earthshine illuminated moon, whereas so much of though
most certainly not all of mother Earth had been frozen solid. At least
+/- 20 degrees (Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn) nearest the equator remained
as extensively ice free, although winter snow coverage may have reached
another 5 degrees further, therefore the snowy albedo of mother Earth
had to have been 0.75 if not greater, and that's a simply a substantial
amount of moon illuminating earthshine.

Via the Dropas/Dzopas and of those nifty CD like stone disks of their
micro inscribed format of recorded history, and of the graphics upon
their 10,000 BC cave habitats which do establish the moon as being a
part of Earth's thawing environment, which thus far according to the
best available science wasn't at the time transpiring all that much
differently than the many ice age cycles before. Although there's a few
thousand years worth of somewhat unual thermal hovering rather than
merely peaking within the latest period of the ongoing thaw, which
clearly remains as a fairly rapid overshoot that leaves us with a great
deal to learn of what actually transpired, as of those first indications
of having Earth's new and improved environment obtaining a working moon
as of roughly some time after 10,500 BC.
"In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archeologists and
anthropologists had learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area.
And much of the information seemed to corroborate the bizarre story
recorded on the discs."

"Legend still preserved in the area spoke of small, gaunt, yellow faced
men who 'came from the clouds, long, long ago'. The men had huge,
bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly and repellent that they
were hounded down by local tribesmen on horseback. Strangely, the
description of the 'invaders' tallied with the skeletons orginally
discovered in the caves by Professor Chi Pu Tei. On the walls of the
caves themselves archeologists had uncovered crude pictures of the
rising Sun, the Moon, unidentifiable stars and the Earth... all joined
together by lines of pea-sized dots. Along with the discs, the cave
drawings had been dated around 12,000 years old."

So, what's there to behold that's established as of anything prior to
10,500 BC, as having depicted our environment along with what had to
have been such an absolutely impressive looking moon?

Lascaux cave paintings / 15,000 BC w/o moon
These and of so many other similar and quite possibly of older drawings
around the globe simply fail to depict nor otherwise having suggested
upon anything as to any such extremely nearby moon. I wonder why that

Was our moon so gosh darn nearby and perhaps so much more so reflective
by way of it's salty ice, in that they'd considered it our second sun,
or was it merely invisible?

For it's apparent size and especially of having been closer in, plus
unavoidably receiving an extra special amount of earthshine, and
especially if that moon had been still hosting a surface layer of it's
orginal salty ice, as such it would have been appearing as though
looking nearly as vibrant as the sun, and therefore rather impressive
even by day.

If these 15,000+BC folks of Lascaux were so good as they were at
artistically depicting such terrific 3D depth and of proper
physiological dimensions of their surrounding terrain, plants and
animals, then why are there other depictions around the globe as having
offered so many images of extremely weird looking humans, as though
appearing so ET and/or of somewhat as though 50/50 human+animal ET

And, why not of similar detailed images or other depictions of
themselves, or were they all as ugly as hell or perhaps early Muslim?

Other much older graphics are equally without moon.
"Australian rock art may be as old as human occupation of that
continent, up to 60,000 years old and perhaps far older. Hundreds of
Australian sites may predate the cave art of Europe (Bednarik). In
Tanzania rock art sites date back about 50,000 years (Karoma). Painted
and engraved images of animals on stone slabs have been excavated and
dated to 28,000 years ago in Namibia (Feder and Park). The oldest known
example of rock art in Europe is an arrangement of eighteen cup marks on
a rock slab over a child's burial in a French cave. Radiocarbon dates
for European paintings range back to more than 32,000 years (Gould). By
this time art traditions are known to have existed in southern Africa,
the Levant, eastern Europe, India and Australia (Bednarik). A California
rock art site has been dated to about 20,000 years ago, based on
analysis of mineral varnish covering a pictograph (Bower 96a)."

"The most sophisticated techniques, shading, outlining and
representation of movement, are now known to have existed in the
earliest Paleolithic art in Europe, more than 30,000 years ago."

Now I'm further wondering as to when exacly did such nifty rock art or
any other formats of petroglyphics/pictographics start to include our
moon, that which you'd have to think was rather unavoidably impressive?

Of fairly modern depictions on behalf of Earth having two suns, or
perhaps most likely intended to represent that of the sun and of our
extremely nearby icy moon are those depictions as having been
contributed since the end of the last ice age era (8000~10500 BC), and
thus representing a somewhat recent planetology w/moon timeline of a
fairly modern day version of our evolutionary history.
This seems to suggest that earlier humans were either quite terribly
dumb and dumber heathens that were afraid of their own shadows, or that
perhaps they were a deformed species of physiologically impaired sight
or perhaps that of actually being blind. Either that or perhaps they
never once stuck their proto-human heads outside of their caves for an
honest look-see at whatever had to have been rather nicely illuminating
their snowy cold and clear nighttime.

I believe this item offers a rather unusually large depiction of our
early moon:
Sedona Back Country - Sun or Moon Pictograph

I interpret this next one is just that of our moon and sun (unless that
second sun is that representing Sirius), thereby proving that as of
somewhat recent though of primitive humans could in fact draw a good
number of such items, including the capability of their having no
apparent problems with having depicted our extremely nearby moon, if it
ever existed, within somewhat proper proportion to that of our sun.

Unfortunately, I'm obviously not nearly smart enough because, I'm still
looking for those of ice age and/or of whatever's that of a pre ice age
moon, or at least as to appreciating whatever's the earliest versions of
these depictions that'll so happen to include our moon. Thus far we're
not seeing all that much, are we, or am I the only fool on Earth that's
thinking outside the mainstream status quo box.

Here's what's depicted as seeming very ET and otherwise depicting as a
rather unusually large moon in relationship to our human stature and
that of our sun, and otherwise of Earth as clearly having two suns.
There's also a few interesting looking aircraft/spacecraft items, and
all of this again transpiring from a time well after the peak of the
last ice age cycle, such as when Earth had previously been nearly 50%
frozen solid and/or covered in those much longer lasting winter seasons
of thick snow...
So, once again man's artistic realm should have had no intellectual nor
apparent physiological problems in having depicted that moon of ours,
yet as of much earlier depictions of having demonstrated much greater
artistic expertise than necessary (including a good deal of 3D depth of
perspective view) failed to share or otherwise having included any such
highly illuminated moon.

This by rights interprets as though all available terrestrial evidence
by way of our own human kind has more than depicted our early planetary
history as though having been without moon, thereby indicating that our
moon is actually that of a fairly recent arrival, and perhaps that same
analogy might as well go for the arrival of the planet Venus that should
otherwise have been unavoidably and thus easily included within such
early (peak ice age or pre ice age) notations.

Perhaps this next item is within the timeline of the arrival of our
moon, or possibly it's merely that of our having received a rather
significant multi-teratonnes worth of moon icebergs, such as having
created the arctic ocean basin as of roughly 10500~11000 BC. (11,000 B.C. - 9,000 B.C.)
"The northern regions of Alaska and Siberia appear to have been the
worst hit by the murderous upheavals between 13,000 and 11,000 years
ago. In a great swathe of death around the edge of the Artic Circle the
remains of uncountable numbers of large animals have been found -
including many carcases with the flesh still intact, and astonishing
quantities of perfectly preserved mammoth tusks. Indeed, in both
regions, mammoth carcases have been thawed to feed to sled dogs and
mammoth steaks have featured on restaurant menus in Fairbanks. One
authority has commented, 'Hundreds of thousands of individuals must have
been frozen immediately after death and remained frozen, otherwise the
meat and the ivory would have spoiled ... Some powerful general force
was certainly at work to bring the catastrophe about.' " [Graham
Hancock, Fingerprints Of The Gods, p. 212-213]

Somewhere around the timeline of 10,500 ~ 11,000 BC, Earth's inhabitants
received quite a substantial booty of advanced tools and intellectual
expertise, as though it all just fell out of the sky. Seemingly there
were also a variety of new species introduced, as though having somewhat
God like or via intelligent design having arrived and/or materialized
out of nowhere. Older than 10,500 BC depictions of our moon seem to be
as stealth as any Iraqi WMD, although, of other and much older artistic
expertise seems as though quite good enough and even somewhat impressive
looking, except oddly w/o moon.

So far, everything which includes our moon or Venus seems to have been
depicted as though having transpirored since our last thaw (10000~11000
BC), meaning that only as of our most recent ice age has there been
depitstion of such, and there's lots other as having been telling us
this very same story over and over.
Even China that had been perhaps the most intellectually,
technologically and artistically advance species, whereas even their
pictophonetics is coming up a little short of having included a moon
symbol at merely 6500 BC, whereas those little Dropas/Dzopas of China
having previously arrived along with their having engraved those CD like
stone disks seem to offer the most advanced skills as of their 10,000 BC
arrival are still of what's essentially sequestered as much as possible,
perhaps because of whom they were and of where they may have come from.
The only folks not telling us this honest story are the NASA/Apollo
rusemasters and of their loyal borg like collective of apparently incest
cloned Third Reich collaborating minions, that have essentially
everything you can imagine to lose if they so much as give an inch.

Unfortunate for the truth, as well as humanity and that of our failing
environment, it seems those following in the pagan faith-based footsteps
of our MI/NSA~NASA are every bit as much at fault as are the originators
of this ongoung moon made of Earth fiasco. So, we're talking tens of
thousands of fools upon fools, and with lots more on the way that'll
need to accept responsibility and the consequences of their actions and
of the actions imposed upon us by those which previously set up the
rules and standards.

Obviously others and I could be wrong (certainly wouldn't be the first
time), in which case you folks that insist our moon is nearly as old,
essentially made of Earth and typically a passive orb that's guano
island like safe to walk upon, can easily point out all of those pre ice
age pictographics of what had to have been our extremely nearby and
extra reflective moon, that which should have been downright if not
extremely impressive, especially at colder times when considering the
mostly snow and ice covered Earth that included our icy and snowy
environment as far south as Cuba as having contributed to a nearly 75%
albedo worth of earthshine, which should have been unavoidably
illuminating upon that rather nearby and thus rather enormous looking
pre-ice-age moon of ours, that is if in fact such ever existed.

With Henry Kroll's and those of my ongoing research, and of our
subsequent thoughts or best swag of the day, of our world previously not
having such a nifty worth of tidal energy for physically causing such
horrific amounts of inside and out friction, or that of having been
contributing an extra share of secondary IR/FIR energy, and of thereby
having extensively kept our geothermal and solar influx of our
terrestrial thermal energy better distributed, chances are that the
previous ice ages w/o moon would have been much worse off (which I do
believe that good science has since proven they in fact were), with only
the latest thaw as having been contributed and therefore affected by way
of having those lunar tidal forces plus a little extra IR/FIR energy
influx at play, is most likely why we'll never see another deep ice age
or even a mini-freeze, especially since having contributed so much of
our biological and industrial byproducts plus direct waste, along with
our unmitigated arrogance is what's going to continually see to the
elimination of our seeing any significant snowball's chance in hell, of
our ever obtaining greater snow coverage along with glacial and/or
sea-ice improvements.

As a direct result of modern humanity's total indifference and that good
amount of factors by whatever our moon contributes, thereby snow and ice
are gradually becoming yet another thing of the past, which isn't
entirely a bad thing if you can afford the necessary time and resources
in order to deal with such changes. Of course, the poor and those
indifferent the truth may literally have to appreciate the task of their
having to outrun vast storms, swimming for their lives and otherwise of
how to go jellyfish (meaning ocean dead zones of mostly jellyfish
that'll have to become their new and improved resource of seafood).

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 14:46:4024-09-2006
"T Wake" <> wrote in message

> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> >

> > You really are a truly pathetic little Third Reich minion, arnt you. No
> > wonder the likes of Hitler had accomplished so much with your kind.
> It was fantasising retards like yourself who assisted Hitler.

The hell you say! You obviously meant that it was fantasising Jewish
retards like yourself who assisted Hitler. That I'd buy because, they'd
also created the hocus-pocus Saturn V ans so much other that was
engineered to exterminate humanity at the drop of a Jewish yarmulke.

Why on Earth would such an 'out of box' sort of nice guy like myself
intentionally suck up to the perverted and otherwise born-again pagan
likes of your resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush), much less Hitler?

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 14:50:5724-09-2006
I see that this topic is still being avoided like the worse possible
plague on Earth. In that case I'll have to keep contributing as best I
can. Here's a related sub-topic that should get some of that mainstream
status quo flak back in the air, and coming my way.

Now here's another honest man from Usenet's naysayville that's after at
least part my own global warming heart.
>Earl; Not "not global warming". It is "not manmade global warming"
>Earl; We have been in Global Warming ever since the Little Ice
>Age ended around 1850. Well over half the temperature rise that
>the Greens shrill about occured before WW2. Whereas the majority
>of the CO2 that is the blame was consumed after 1980.
I obviously don't entirely agree with the "not manmade global warming",
as that's been more than proven via replicated science to have been a
contributing factor, although I'm thinking it could represent as little
as 10% of the ongoing root cause.

The rather unfortunate "sun is a variable star!!" logic is only ever so
slightly correct, but not nearly sufficient nor in any way proven as
even having been nearly sufficient to have fluctuated by such an extent
unless you're talking about that sucker going absolutely postal on us,
and otherwise having been a passive bonfire as of those multi-thousand
year ice age dips.

And the infomercial infowars of our mainstream status quo that's wagging
thy dogs to death continues, as though we've got all the necessary
smarts as is, plus all time and spare energy resources in the world, and
it's also as though our physiucally dark moon that has supposedly been
with us from the very beginning has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do
with our ongoing thaw from the last ice age. However, what if our moon
had only arrived as of 10,500 BC?

"Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message
>Last year, scientists at NASA and the NSIDC reported the most
>extensive summer meltdown of Arctic sea ice on record, and an
>acceleration in the rate of its long-term decline.

>In a new study reported last week, NASA researcher Josefino Comiso
>found that the Arctic's winter ice is also in decline, and at an
>accelerating rate.
>The ice cap is crucial because it helps regulate the planet's
>temperature. Its bright surface reflects 80 percent of the solar
>energy that strikes it, sending it back into space.
>Climatologists say a smaller ice cap will reflect less solar energy
>and expose more open water, which is darker and absorbs 90 percent
>of the solar energy that falls on it. It heats up, holds more of that
>heat from year to year, and makes it harder for ice to form again in
>the fall and winter.
> So Arctic temperatures rise. From January through August 2005, they
> were 3.6 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the long-term average
> across most of the region.

I have to concur that's all very true, in that the darker Earth becomes
(especially ocean darkness as opposed to icy/snowy white), the more
solar energy gets absorbed, whereas instead of taking in as little as
10%, it goes to as great as 90% absorbson. Frozen tundra that's now
becoming extensively thawed is simply adding further insult to injury in
more ways than being of less snow and ice covered, and those ever
expanding dead zones of oceans are now limited to being populated with
jellyfish, if there's anything.

Of more cloud coverage by night and less by day is also creating a
somewhat energy collecting/storage environment, whereas by day the solar
energy obtains more unobstructed access to the darker albedo of Earth,
while at night the added moisture that gets evaporated by day into our
atmosphere becomes clouds by night, which only retains the solar influx
more effectively.

But in spite of all else, there's also the nearby orbiting mascon worth
of our physically dark moon to take into account, and at this point I'm
not even talking about whatever amounts of reflected IR and of it's
emitted FIR that's also unavoidably contributed into our warming

That nearby mascon moon of ours could be representing as great as 90% of
our continuing thaw, or perhaps as little as 75% responsible, whereas
either way it's inevitable that Earth will continue to thaw and
subsequently continues to global warm itself, along with our help of
uncontrolled pillaging, raping and polluting of mother Earth is how
it'll simply accomplish this task a whole lot sooner rather than later.

Consider 0.1% of the 2e20 joules worth of mascon force as the potential
energy resource is worth an average of 390 J/m2 upon the surface of
Earth. Do you folks really think that it's limited to merely 0.1% of
the moon's gravity force and of those subsequent tidal affects that are
getting converted via friction into thermal energy?

Do you really think that such mascon induced ocean currents and thus
terrific tides and subsequent currents are not responsible for
expediting the ongoing thermal moderation (warm energy going towards the
cold) of our global environment?

Do you really think that such a terrific gravitational applied force
that has been rotating about Earth isn't inducing the gradual
super-rotation of our molten mantle, that's situated a relatively short
distance below our feet?

Do you really think that such a terrific mascon affect isn't in any way
related to the ongoing platetonics and subsequent friction/energy
release plus having unavoidably contributed gaseous elements that emerge
to the surface, into our oceans and simply contribute to the atmosphere
from time to time?

I'm not saying that humanity is outside the loop of what's cooking our
goose. I'm simply giving you folks additional tools to appreciate the
ongoing demise that's primarily caused by our moon.

In other words, you should be 100% correct that global warming is
getting rather badly accelerated because of our own doings, and unless
we can moderate our ways and at the same time obtain greater amounts of
clean energy for our personal use without further pillaging and raping
Mother Earth, as such we're not going to get away with this fiasco
forever, and unfortunately most of us can not afford to keep finding
higher and safer ground, along with alternative resources of food and

Unfortunately, our education system is anything but. Of what we seem to
know is basically infomercial-history that's supported by way of
infomercial-science that's based extensively upon conditional physics,
and it's otherwise media driven down our throats and up our butts at the
commands of those encharge of such matters.

Such honest topics are being topic/author stalked, bashed and as much as
possible banished away from the GOOGLE/Usenet moderated groups is merely
the extra proof-positive that we're more than sufficiently right, as
otherwise why all the Usenet damage-control fuss and flak each and every
time we've posted another substantiated global warming topic, or much
less anything that's having to do with our moon or even Venus?

There's absolutely no question that Earth's continuing thaw from the
last ice age is transpiring before our mostly dumbfounded eyes, and it's
the few and far between folks like Roger Coppock that have seen the
light of how much of that thaw can be directly attributed to human
factors, though seemingly unable to translate that into practical
actions that'll make a worthy difference. Educating the public via this
mostly naysay Usenet anti-think-tank that's focused upon wagging those
poor dogs to death, is not going to happen unless the likes of Roger
Coppock and others of his kind can manage to kick a few extra butts, and
unfortunately the New York Times and of similar publications wouldn't so
much as dare print anything we've had to say because of their insider
clients and otherwise status quo or bust sponsors would either sue their
socks off and/or merely extract any future financial support, the
largest of which being our very own state and federal governments and/or
of those numerous government/public sponsored institutions, that upon
average is what pays for the most infomercial column inches.

Too bad that so much of our supposedly educated masses are those
snookered and thus dumb and dumber than merely dumbfounded beyond the
point of no return.

Bill Snyder

24 sep 2006, 15:05:1724-09-2006

What a silly question. For the same reason the original suckups did,
of course. Hoerbiger, e.g., was pretty much like you: a driveling
nutbar who couldn't face reality; the Nazis were driveling nutbars who
couldn't face reality; so they fed his lunacy while he fed theirs --
he got a big boost for his craziness, got the WeltEisLehre broadcast
all over the world as if it actually made sense, while they got to
brag about the New Aryan Science. Nazis and frothing nutcakes like
you were *made* for each other. You may call other people Nazis in
every message you write, but that's only because you aren't bright
enough to think of any original insults -- send you back 70 years or
so and you'd have your tongue so far up Adolph's ass that it would be
tickling his tonsils from behind.

Bill Snyder [This space unintentionally left blank.]

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 18:29:3124-09-2006
Not that I've seen anything as having been constructively contributed by
others thus far, though I still wanted to thank whomever had good
intentions, for whatever links to previous research and subsequent
documentation that you could have provided, whereas that's most likely
of perfectly good and useful stuff that's taking us back to roughly a
little further past the 10,000 BC (Dropas/Dzopas era) mark.

However, I'll need to keep asking; where's that big old and extremely
vibrant moon of our's depicted, or having been in any other manner
associated with humanity and that of our icy cold environment, as of
anything prior to 10,500 BC?

There's perfectly good art that's established as of existing long before
10,500 BC, all of which is without moon.

I believe that you don't have to even be all that intelligent above a
primitive heathen status in order to have sufficiently depicted our
moon, especially of such a nicely ice age boosted earthshine worth of
such an extra illuminated moon, that which had to have been closer and
therefore larger than life.

If that early moon of ours wasn't downright knock your socks off
impressive, then I don't know of what else was worthy of depicting along
with all of their local terrain, plants and animals.

What I'm saying is that our best available science that relates to our
moon has only been with us since not more than 10,500 BC, and as such it
has been the primary culprit of our global warming, and because of the
ongoing human contributions is clearly why our global warming fiasco is
only going to get worse off no matters whatever we do, and it's all
because of that physically dark, reactive and mascon worthy moon of ours
isn't leaving us any time soon, and it's entirely unlikely that the
likes of ExxonMobile are ever going to alter their intentions of sucking
out every last drop of oil at the fastest rate possible.

The best we can hope for is a moderate reduction in the accelerated rate
of climatic change, the unavoidable rise in sea level and increased
storm intensity factors, although I believe regardless of our best
intentions and efforts, Earth shall continue to thaw out. In other
words, it's somewhat too little too late in the game to make a
significant difference. Sorry about that.

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 18:36:3824-09-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> send you back 70 years or so and you'd have your tongue so far up
> Adolph's ass that it would be tickling his tonsils from behind.

Now that's being downright silly, and that's clearly because unlike
yourself, I know when I'm being snookered by the sorts of brown-nosed
folks exactly like yourself and of your incest cloned brude of Third
Reich cultivated mindset bigots.

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 19:02:3724-09-2006
Not that I've seen anything as having been all that constructively

"Jack Linthicum" <> wrote in message
> May I say bullshit, the location of the moon and its resonance with
> the earth require some longer period of propinquity.
> You seem to be off by 3800 million years, more or less.

You may say anything you like, whereas that's perfectly good news to
hear, as then you've got those links to such images that have our
extremely vibrant looking and extra unavoidably nearby moon depicted
along with the local terrain, plants and animals, as of something prior
to 10,500 BC ??????

Please share and share alike, as that's all I ask. Or perhaps do you
believe such early humans were blind as well as dumbfounded about such

Why do we suppose there's no other replicated science in support of this
GOOGLE/NOVA and MI/NSA~NASA certified infomercial < >?

Could it be that there's nothing else on their event horizon that'll
support their ongoing ruse/sting of the century?

Bill Snyder

24 sep 2006, 19:06:1824-09-2006
On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 22:36:38 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message
>> send you back 70 years or so and you'd have your tongue so far up
>> Adolph's ass that it would be tickling his tonsils from behind.
>Now that's being downright silly, and that's clearly because unlike
>yourself, I know when I'm being snookered by the sorts of brown-nosed
>folks exactly like yourself and of your incest cloned brude of Third
>Reich cultivated mindset bigots.

Really? In your insane mind there's some really big, important
difference between believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by
a government, or by the entire scientific community world-wide, versus
believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by a religion or
ethnic group? How does that work, exactly, wackjob?

Bullshit. All Hitler would have had to do was tell you that you were
absolutely right about Venus being a tropical paradise, and he was
planning to send a spaceship full of good Aryans to colonize the place
-- you'd have chapped lips from kissing his butt. Birds of a feather
flock together.

Brad Guth

24 sep 2006, 19:26:5724-09-2006
Not that I've seen anything as having been all that constructively
contributed by others thus far, though I still wanted to thank whomever
had good intentions, for whatever links to previous research and
subsequent documentation that you could have provided if it wasn't for
those MIB ready to take you out, whereas that's most likely of what's

perfectly good and useful stuff that's taking us back to roughly a
little further past the 10,000 BC (Dropas/Dzopas era) mark.

However, I'll need to keep asking; where's that big old and extremely
vibrant moon of our's depicted, or having been in any other manner

associated with humanity and that of our icy cold and highly albedo
reflective environment, as of anything that's prior to 10,500 BC?

There's perfectly good art that's established as of existing long before

10,500 BC, all of which is unfortunately without moon.

You may of course say anything you like, including "bullshit", whereas

that's perfectly good news to hear, as then you've got those links to
such images that have our extremely vibrant looking and extra

unavoidably nearby moon as depicted along with the local terrain, plants
and animals, as of something that's dated prior to 10,500 BC ??????

Please share and share alike, as that's all I ask. Or perhaps you
believe such early humans were simply blind as well as dumbfounded
heathens about such things?

How's it even remotely possible not to have noticed that big old moon?

Why do we suppose there's no other replicated science that's in factual

support of this GOOGLE/NOVA and MI/NSA~NASA certified infomercial < >?

Could it be that there's nothing else that's on their cloak and dagger
event horizon, that'll support their all or nothing ongoing ruse/sting
of the century?

It's sounding as though these good folks and/or status quo rusemasters
encharge of damage-control are into suggesting that it's impossible to
place such a moon sized satellite in orbit about an Earth like planet
(perhaps involving a glancing blow or two). I wonder why that is?

I'd thought we'd placed all sorts of nifty stuff in various orbits about
other planets and moons without involving all that much retro-thrust or
aerobreaking, just a tonne of good math that's related to basic physics
and orbital mechanics.

Brad Guth

25 sep 2006, 01:19:3625-09-2006
I see that this topic of truth in physics and of the best available
science is becoming yet another taboo/nondisclosure topic, or perhaps
it's merely becoming banished because it's suggesting a few things that
are not exactly scripted within the MI/NSA~NASA koran.

Imagine that, yet another gauntlet of government agencies that are
corrupted beyond the point of no return. So what's new?

Brad Guth

26 sep 2006, 11:57:2026-09-2006
Some folks think it's already too late, and that we're still way too
addictive to energy that's being extracted and otherwise produced via
some of the dirtiest known and otherwise soot, NOx plus many other toxin
producing methods. I think we're just downright greedy little perverted
bastards that really don't give a damn about others or that of our
failing environment, that's about to get yet another slap in the face
from our badly failing magnetosphere. Too bad our DNA isn't getting

The birth to grave cycle of global energy exploitation is basically
taking us into that same grave along with our past, current and future
ways that don't seem to be changing soon enough to make a difference.
Instead of having been honestly investing in the future of cleaner and
abundant energy, we're still investing in the dirty past that's killing

This one even has our environmental avenger Roger Coppock dumbfounded
past the point of no return, much like the matter of our somewhat
recently obtained moon having caused most of the last thaw via
gravity/tidal forces plus having contributed a little extra IR/FIR to
boot. Too bad so many folks like Roger can't think inside or much less
outside the cozy little box that has been orchestrated as though
constructed around our dumb and dumber mindsets, in that we have to
believe in anything that's GOOGLE/NOVA or MI/NSA~NASA.

"Exxon Stockholders Liable for Global Warming Damages"
<> wrote in message


: This freshwater lake of melted ice is a thermal battery. That is, it
: has absorbed 96,126,250,000 Megajoules of HEAT in the act of meting.
: In order to refreeze it must emit that heat to the atmosphere. The
: battery has been charged.
> The freshwater has a depth of 3 meters, which is too shallow not to have
> mixed with the brine beneath. Therefore the freezing temperature has been
> lowered and additional energy must be extracted from the battery before
> refreezing could occur.
> The differential is 17.7 degrees C times the volume 2.88e14 grams for an
> additional discharge of 5.0976e15 calories of heat energy must be emitted
> to the air before the lost ice is fully refrozen.
> The net total is 5.0976e15 plus 2.295936e16 calories = 2.805696e16
> calories of heat energy released to the air.
> 2.805696e16 calories = 1.175066e11 MegaJoules = 117,606,600,000 MJ.
> 2.805696e16 calories = 1.175066e17 Joules
> In terms of Nukes the Fat Man and Little Boy atomic bombs (15.08e13
> Joules)...
>... 779 pairs of atomic bombs like Hiroshima and Nagasaki going of this
> winter in the Arctic. One should reasonably prepare for some energetic
> kinetics as a result.
> A megaton of TNT is 4.184e15 joules = 4.184 petajoules (PJ).
" This is 28 million tons of TNT set to blast. "

Absolutely impressive, and I totally agree that it's all about to
explode big-time in our highly bigoted, arrogant and greedy little
fossil fuel burning and soot producing faces, not to mention the
discarded Radium from yellowcake, coal and other deep geophysical
resources that's now into our surface environment along with all of the
megatonnes/year worth of NOx from hell.

Too bad we're all too dumb and dumber, along with having been so easily
snookered and subsequently dumbfounded as to even so much as realize how
totally snookered and summarily dumfounded we all are, and how soon some
of us are going to become prematurely dead and/or seriously broke as a
direct result.

The likes of ExxonMobile should be damn proud of themselves, just like
all of those lethal tobacco drug pushers of internal soot and of
numerous carsonagenics that are currently licensed to kill, and there's
absolutely no doubt that as such they're each doing just that while
turning a hefty profit.

There's next to nothing going into R&D of He3/fusion energy, or much
less the worth of what the nearby moon L1 of energy has to offer. Even
the superior terrestrial worth of wind derived energy isn't but hardly a
prototype of what a serious wind turbine application has to offer, and
of solar PV plus the thermal dynamic Stirling alternatives that could
easily share the base/foundation of those very same wind turbine towers
is apparently taboo/nondisclosure because, apparently it's all too
squeaky clean and 100% renewable without hardly a stitch of

Basalt insulation of R-1024/m that's potentially as structural as you'd
care to make it and essentially fire-proof is apparently yet another
taboo/nondisclosure little tidbit of what humanity and that of our
failing environment is never going to see, much less of extremely
compact hybrid batteries operating on hydrogen peroxide and aluminum, or
internal combustion via h2o2/c12h26 or damn near any viable combination
(including biofuels) you'd care to mix that'll represent a near zero
soot factor as well as zilch worth if any of NOx because, the mostly
nitrogen atmosphere itself isn't getting consumed. God forbid that we
should ever have a surplus of such environmentally clean energy to put
into the makings, storage and distributions of such nifty products as
LH2 or h2o2, and of subsequently making the consumption of damn near
everything else so much more efficient and clean.

Brad Guth

29 sep 2006, 10:59:1229-09-2006
Earth's environment simply didn't have to contend with that nearby moon
of ours prior to 10,500 BC

0.1% of the associated 2e20 Joules = 390 w/m2 (plus whatever secondary

0.01% of the associated 2e20 Joules = 39 w/m2 (plus whatever secondary

Therefore, giving humanity 10% responsibility and that nasty moon of
ours the other 90% seems more than likely, especially since the energy
cycle of making warm water to ice and then ice back into warm water is
so freaking horrific, especially if we're taking the km3 volumes of said
ice into account.

At most I'd be giving humanity 25% responsibility, although either way
of being 25% or as little as 10% is still worth our doing something
about, such as cutting that artificial impact in half seems perfectly
doable, and it's way more than beneficial in other positive ways other
than moderating our fair share of this never ending cycle of global
warming, that is unless you're perfectly OK with your next 'happy meal'
being a McJellyfish sandwich.

Brad Guth

1 okt 2006, 11:35:2401-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> Really? In your insane mind there's some really big, important
> difference between believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by
> a government, or by the entire scientific community world-wide, versus
> believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by a religion or
> ethnic group? How does that work, exactly, wackjob?

I see that the regular laws of physics and of the best available science
that's replicated is nothing but a "whackjob" in your pathetically
incest cloned mindset.

I've said it many times before that religion and government are one and
the same. Where the hell have you been?

All of the sudden 2e20 joules of a mascon tidal force means absolutely
nothing. Now that's absolutely impressive infomercial crapolla on a
stick that's all the way up your infomercial spewing ass and poking
clean through your DNA mutated brain.

> Bullshit. All Hitler would have had to do was tell you that you were
> absolutely right about Venus being a tropical paradise, and he was
> planning to send a spaceship full of good Aryans to colonize the place
> -- you'd have chapped lips from kissing his butt. Birds of a feather
> flock together.

How totally proof-positive that I'm right.

How pathetic and ultra bigoted of you and your kind. I suppose you're
not going to admit to being Jewish either.

You're nothing but an incest cloned scumbag of a brown-nosed village
idiot minion if there ever was.

You're so dumb and dumber that you can't even ask a proper question
without going absolutely postal and/or off-track.

Go to hell, and then some. Have a nice day while you're there in Usenet
naysayvelle of denials upon denials.

Bill Snyder

1 okt 2006, 11:47:1901-10-2006
On Sun, 1 Oct 2006 15:35:24 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message
>> Really? In your insane mind there's some really big, important
>> difference between believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by
>> a government, or by the entire scientific community world-wide, versus
>> believing in a Vast Evil Conspiracy perpetrated by a religion or
>> ethnic group? How does that work, exactly, wackjob?

>I see that the regular laws of physics and of the best available science
>that's replicated is nothing but a "whackjob" in your pathetically
>incest cloned mindset.

Har. As opposed to the best available science that's *not*
replicated? But no, loon, science isn't the wackjob (note spelling,
if you can) -- you are.

>I've said it many times before that religion and government are one and
>the same. Where the hell have you been?

Then you're ripe for the Nazis, just as I said. Vast Evil
Conspiracies, meant to deny Adolf/Brad their just due.

>All of the sudden 2e20 joules of a mascon tidal force means absolutely
>nothing. Now that's absolutely impressive infomercial crapolla on a
>stick that's all the way up your infomercial spewing ass and poking
>clean through your DNA mutated brain.

Joules are not a measure of force, fuckwit. And you're right, your
half-witted, illiterate babble means absolutely nothing.

>> Bullshit. All Hitler would have had to do was tell you that you were
>> absolutely right about Venus being a tropical paradise, and he was
>> planning to send a spaceship full of good Aryans to colonize the place
>> -- you'd have chapped lips from kissing his butt. Birds of a feather
>> flock together.
>How totally proof-positive that I'm right.
>How pathetic and ultra bigoted of you and your kind. I suppose you're
>not going to admit to being Jewish either.

Ahhh, I must be Jewish, because I laugh at you. All your enemies must
secretly be Jewish, eh? I take it back -- you aren't just ripe for
kissing Adolf's ass -- you *are* a Nazi, aren't you?

>You're nothing but an incest cloned scumbag of a brown-nosed village
>idiot minion if there ever was.
>You're so dumb and dumber that you can't even ask a proper question
>without going absolutely postal and/or off-track.
>Go to hell, and then some. Have a nice day while you're there in Usenet
>naysayvelle of denials upon denials.
>Brad Guth

At least learn how to format a .sig, 'tardo.

Brad Guth

1 okt 2006, 14:00:0701-10-2006
Funny boy. More proof-positive. Thanks so much.

Bill Snyder

1 okt 2006, 14:44:4401-10-2006
On Sun, 1 Oct 2006 18:00:07 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>Funny boy. More proof-positive. Thanks so much.
>Brad Guth

You're entirely welcome, Obergruppenfuehrer Guth. But do you really
expect to fool anyone with your silly bullshit about faked moon
landings and an inhabitable Venus? Especially when even the most
credulous reader can observe that you don't know the difference
between force and energy, or even how to properly sign your posts?

It's one thing to be crazy and stupid and dishonest and nasty; that
didn't stop your idol Adolf from making it into the history books. But
it's another thing to make it so obvious at first glance that you're
crazy and stupid and dishonest and nasty. You need to at least learn
how to be a little sly, if you expect to ever be anything except the
butt of jokes.

Brad Guth

1 okt 2006, 18:12:2201-10-2006
Wow! In modern physics, 2e20 joules worth of mascon/tidal force doesn't
mean anything. I guess those silly force/energy formulas are all bogus.

I guess whatever's tidal friction of converting such mascon/tidal force
into thermal energy doesn't hardly matter. After all, Earth is so gosh
darn big and our moon is actually not all that small.

No wonder we're so dumbfounded that we're at war with those nice Muslims
that are sitting on OUR oil and upon OUR gas. Why don't they
understand, and just leave the area?

Russia has got somewhat nasty pockets of oil and gas. Why don't we just
take it by force?

Canada has good quality and volumes of coal, oil and gas, and probably
even some nifty cash of yellowcake that we should simply take as long as
we're on the energy warpath.

What's next? (down under yellowcake wars)

With China far out consuming us in the near future, perhaps we should
nuke them before they simply out bid us on the global spot oil, coal and
yellowcake markets.

Too bad we're not nearly smart enough to accomplish the moon-L1 tethered
platform or much less He3/fusion. I guess our hocus-pocus is only going
to take us so far.

Brad Guth

1 okt 2006, 18:28:2001-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> You're entirely welcome, Obergruppenfuehrer Guth. But do you really
> expect to fool anyone with your silly bullshit about faked moon
> landings and an inhabitable Venus?

What's there about our physically dark and absolutely nasty moon that
has only been with us since the last ice age, or much less that about a
somewhat newish and geothermally active Venus, to fool or fake?

On the other hand, doesn't our warm and fuzzy government fool and fake
us out all the time?

> Especially when even the most credulous reader can observe that you
> don't know the difference between force and energy, or even how to
> properly sign your posts?

Being a silly boy again, arnt you.

> It's one thing to be crazy and stupid and dishonest and nasty; that
> didn't stop your idol Adolf from making it into the history books. But
> it's another thing to make it so obvious at first glance that you're
> crazy and stupid and dishonest and nasty. You need to at least learn
> how to be a little sly, if you expect to ever be anything except the
> butt of jokes.

Now the truth and nothing but the truth is in need of my being "sly"?

BTW; I can take my fair share of jokes. Got one for the old gipper?

BTW No.2; why are the regular laws of your very own physics "crazy and
stupid and dishonest and nasty"?

Does my subjectively honest observationology fall into being "crazy and
stupid and dishonest and nasty"?

Bill Snyder

1 okt 2006, 19:44:5301-10-2006

You bet your ass.

Brad Guth

1 okt 2006, 23:52:0701-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> >Does my subjectively honest observationology fall into being "crazy and
> >stupid and dishonest and nasty"?

> You bet your ass.

You're being such an old poop, arnt you.

Just because I'm right about most things doesn't mean that I have a
naysay mindset that's stuck in such total cesspool of denial as

How can being subjectively interpreting upon a terrific 36 look/pixel
composit image of Venus be all that far outside your box?

You do realize that most of what's included within that same image are
those big old Venusian hot rocks, don't you?

Do you per chance even see the perfectly natural looking 'fluid arch'?

Show me examples of your best observationology, along with the physics
or other science that's as good or better, and I'll change my tune.

Bill Snyder

2 okt 2006, 06:55:2802-10-2006

Get lost, turkey.

Brad Guth

2 okt 2006, 11:11:1402-10-2006
I certainly wish those <> scientists and engineers
the absolute very best of luck. JFK was once upon a time a fair enough
game player on behalf of science and technology, and got summarily
rather dead for being such.

Their "National Agenda" starts off with way too much honesty and truth,
that is if that truth can ever be told. Their blogs via Michael
Stebbins are for the moment fairly empty, but lets see what happens
next. Too bad the likes of SETI/OSETI nor even Mensa doesn't even
remotely qualify.

Usenet truth certainly isn't worth squat, as lies beget lies and liars
spawn liars.

Earth truth isn't exactly possible because Mensa = Skull and Bones

Moon truth gets even so much worse yet because Mensa = Third Reich

Venus truth is entirely off their charts and still running itself

Sirius truth simply isn't allowed to exist, no matters what the

Topic/author stalking, avoidance and/or banishment has been Usenet
status quo.

Excluding whatever evidence rocks your good ship LOLLIPOP seems to have
worked thus far. Too bad that it isn't working for all that much
longer. The perpetrated cold-wars are clearly at risk of being exposed
for what they were. Our resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush) is on his way
out as oil rich Muslims are kicking our butts. China is out-consuming
us and headed for establishing the one and only LSE-CM/ISS. ESA is
uncovering further evidence as to how newish and geothermally active
Venus actually is. The regular laws of physics being applied on behalf
of our moon or that of Venus are holding there own, while the results
are being entirely different than we've been informed by way of our NASA
and the likes of GOOGLE/NOVA.

Usenet and ROM/ has been into playing with cult like fire,
and that's what makes this Earth into such an extra special planet of
liars telling us lies. Topic/author avoidance if not banishment seems
to have become their ultimate tool or save thy butt worth of a
damage-control method of e-book burning. No wonder there's such few if
any good topics within this wussy Mensa NG that's otherwise so deathly
afraid of it's own shadow.

JFK Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press
I'm sorry to say that I've totally agreed with JFK long before I'd
realized how totally snookered I'd been, and obviously this unfortunate
phase in my life was before JFK had gotten summarily nailed for being
such an honest human that actually gave a tinkers damn. No wonder
MI/NSA~NASA had to do what they did by allowing the extermination of
this rogue JFK of a lose cannon, in much the same manor as Jews allowed
one of their own kind to get put on a stick. How can we not make that

Can we hardly imagine upon discovering a more screwed up planet of
supposedly intelligent other/ET folks that are somewhat physically like
us? (I can't)... Perhaps that's exactly why Sirius had gotten rid of us
in the first place. (somewhat like a cosmic version of tossing out the
bad apples, or perhaps intentionally having established a sufficiently
remote and technologically isolated planet of their mutated rejects)

Perhaps SEFORA will appreciate the fact that our moon's mascon influence
of 2e20 joules or 2.0395e19 kgf will actually mean a little something to
the likes of honest scientists and engineers.

If you're at all interested, I still have more than my fair share of
nifty topics, plus as always a few spare lose cannons to go along for
the ride. I don't even mind sharing, and I'm otherwise perfectly good
with returning the flak with all the love and affection I can muster.

Brad Guth

2 okt 2006, 11:14:1402-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> Get lost, turkey.

Sorry, I simply can't do that. But you're welcome to stay and play

Bill Snyder

2 okt 2006, 11:32:4002-10-2006
On Mon, 2 Oct 2006 15:14:14 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message
>> Get lost, turkey.
>Sorry, I simply can't do that. But you're welcome to stay and play
>Brad Guth

Voices won't let you, huh? Maybe you need thicker tinfoil.

Brad Guth

3 okt 2006, 13:24:2303-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> Voices won't let you, huh? Maybe you need thicker tinfoil.

Don't keep being so silly. We're also more than likely talking of
something via the Sirius encounters that happens every some odd 100,000
years (perhaps close enough encounters at something less than 0.086
light year seems perfectly doable), whereas ever since the last ice age
that's still in the process and most likely never ending process of
thawing us out, as from something roughly as of 10,500 BC, there's but
no other sign of Earth's environment having that nearby, physically dark
and salty mascon of such a tidal flux causing moon of our.

Or, I suppose it certainly could have been nothing but the absolute
natural happenstance of various stuff smacking into one another, which
by the way still happens all the time.

As a matter of fact, I'll have to keep asking if you folks of such
naysay and denial upon denial have much of anything to offer that's
prior to 2000 BC, that's depicting or otherwise telling us of any moon
god, or in any way having otherwise been recorded as per Earth's pre
last ice age environment, such as from those early artistic renderings
and otherwise from those highly survival intelligent inhabitance as
having that extremely nifty and unavoidably extra vibrant amount of
moonshine to work with?

The Dropas/Dzopas seem to have depicted upon stone as to offering
something that's quite possibly moon like as of their 10,000 BC arrival,
but that depiction in stone of their's could also have merely
represented their own mother spaceplane/craft that got them smart little
ET wizards here in the first place. Of course for that to work you'd
have to have an open mindset, which obviously doesn't exist within your
anti-think-tank of a Usenet from hell, does it.

Brad Guth

4 okt 2006, 13:39:4704-10-2006
All the sudden the regular laws of physics don't count, and of
replicated science isn't worth squat.

Brad Guth

5 okt 2006, 04:00:2005-10-2006
Our moon at 7.35e22 kg is actually per ratio of it's mother planet's
mass the largest such mascon force of any such other moon in the entire
solar system, and it's been making us a little extra hot with a slight
portion of it's 2e20 joules of available energy (plus having contributed
whatever's of reflected IR and of emitted FIR energy) ever since the
last ice age.

Before the last ice age is when our global environment did not have such
a moon, much less having any moon God to speak of.

Even Titan at nearly 1.5e23 kg is essentially a wussy moon of somewhat
little if any significant tidal affect upon Jupiter.

The Earth/moon system is more or less that of a double or binary planet
system. However, because the mascon force of our moon is essentially on
the go is exactly why some of it's 2e20 joules worth of the associated
gravitational energy is unavoidably converted into tidal/friction
energy, that which creates and/or transfers heat within and upon the
surface of mother Earth (all 5.112e14 m2, plus into the depth of or
mantle that super-rotating in part because of our moon).

Jupiter at 1.9e27 kg is 318 fold that of Earth's 5.97e24 kg.

Earth/moon : 5.97e24 / 7.35e22 = 81.2:1
Jupiter/Titan : 1.9e27/1.5e23 = 12,667:1

That's Earth's moon being 156 fold more mascon/tidal worthy than Titan
is to Jupiter, and there are other extremely important factors which
makes our moon so much more so impressive than any other moon in the
entire solar system. Too bad that we still have no such interactive
science instruments reporting back with live moon and Earth science
related data.

Brad Guth

5 okt 2006, 10:37:0305-10-2006
Getting Global Warmed to Death by our moon is not a joke. It's basic
physics and good old replicated science plus recorded history that's
telling us the best available truth about our environment that's going
to keep thawing us out and losing it's highly beneficial magnetosphere
at the same time.

Planets of our size simply do not stay young and geothermally active for
ever, and nearby mascons do in fact cause a degree of global warming,
especially via our extremely hefty and nearby moon that you'd think
should have been worth at least a god or two.

Our physically dark and nasty moon at 7.35e22 kg is actually per ratio

of it's mother planet's mass the largest such mascon force of any such
other moon in the entire solar system, and it's been making us a little

extra hot with a slight portion of it's 2e20 joules (2.0395e19 kgf) of
available energy (plus having been rather nicely contributing whatever's
of reflected IR and of secondary/recoil emitted FIR energy) ever since
the last ice age.

Before the last ice age is when our global environment simply did not
have the warm and fuzzy benefit of such a nearby moon, much less having
established any moon God to speak of. In fact, until 2000 BC there's
hardly any mention or depiction of a moon, and within the last ice age
when most skies should have been crisp and otherwise crystal clear
(Earth having an albedo of 0.75) there's absolutely zilch worth of
anything related to our environment having such a nearby moon that
should have been initially a little icy/frosted itself.

Even Titan at nearly 1.5e23 kg is essentially a wussy moon of somewhat

little if any significant tidal affect upon Jupiter, whereas the

Earth/moon system is more or less that of a double or binary planet
system. However, because the mascon force of our moon is essentially on
the go is exactly why some of it's 2e20 joules worth of the associated
gravitational energy is unavoidably converted into tidal/friction
energy, that which creates and/or transfers heat within and upon the

surface of mother Earth (all 5.112e14 m2, plus into the depths of our
mantle that's super-rotating in part because of our nearby orbiting
mascon of a moon).

Jupiter at 1.9e27 kg is 318 fold that of Earth's 5.97e24 kg.

Earth/moon : 5.97e24 / 7.35e22 = 81.2:1
Jupiter/Titan : 1.9e27/1.5e23 = 12,667:1

That's Earth's moon being at least 156 fold more mascon/tidal worthy

than Titan is to Jupiter, and there are other extremely important

orbital factors of physics which only makes our moon so much more so

impressive than any other moon in the entire solar system. Too bad that
we still have no such interactive science instruments reporting back

from the lunar surface with live moon and Earth science related data.

Brad Guth

5 okt 2006, 13:42:5205-10-2006
There should be a Nobel Prize for making silly mistakes, whereas I'd be
right up there with the likes of GW Bush and Dick Cheney as puppets of
Henry Kissinger, except that my mistakes haven't as of yet caused
collateral damage and gotten anyone summarily dead, nor having made them
broke and unemployed.

Is there such a thing as a Nobel Prize for telling the truth? (I didn't
think so)

Is there a Nobel Prize for being a brown-nosed minion of a mainstream
cover-thy-butt of yet another status quo suck-up minion? (you bet, it's
typically a cosmic Jewish and/or Catholic BIG BANG sort of God thing).
I bet you folks didn't realize that the laws of physics are conditional
as based upon the religious whims and consequences of your singular big
bang peers.

Ever wonder if our existence isn't just the result of a cosmic God fart?

A binary planet system of such as our Earth/moon association is actually
quite rare, and rather global warming to boot.

Getting global warmed to death by our very own moon is not a joke. It's
entirely of basic physics and good old replicated science, plus recorded

history that's telling us the best available truth about our environment

since before and after the last ice age, that's going to keep thawing us
out and continuslly losing our highly beneficial magnetosphere at the
same time (with or w/o humanity's pollution, bigotry, greed and
arrogance that's going somewhat postal on steroids these days, whereas
we'er just expediting the unavoidable natural process along).

Planets of our size simply do not stay young and geothermally active for
ever, and nearby mascons do in fact cause a degree of global warming,
especially via our extremely hefty and nearby moon that you'd think
should have been worth at least a god or two.

Our physically dark and nasty moon at 7.35e22 kg is actually per ratio
of it's mother planet's mass the largest such mascon force of any such
other moon in the entire solar system, and it's been making us a little
extra hot with a slight portion of it's 2e20 joules (2.0395e19 kgf) of
available energy (plus having been rather nicely contributing whatever's
of reflected IR and of secondary/recoil emitted FIR energy) ever since
the last ice age.

Before the last ice age is when our global environment simply did not
have the warm and fuzzy benefit of such a nearby moon, much less having
established any moon God to speak of. In fact, until 2000 BC there's
hardly any mention or depiction of a moon, and within the last ice age
when most skies should have been crisp and otherwise crystal clear
(Earth having an albedo of 0.75) there's absolutely zilch worth of
anything related to our environment having such a nearby moon that
should have been initially a little icy/frosted itself.

Even Titan at nearly 1.5e23 kg is essentially a wussy moon of somewhat

little if any significant tidal affect upon Saturn, whereas the

Earth/moon system is more or less that of a double or binary planet
system. However, because the mascon force of our moon is essentially on
the go is exactly why some of it's 2e20 joules worth of the associated
gravitational energy is unavoidably converted into tidal/friction
energy, that which creates and/or transfers heat within and upon the
surface of mother Earth (all 5.112e14 m2, plus into the depths of our
mantle that's super-rotating in part because of our nearby orbiting
mascon of a moon).

Saturn at 5.69e26 kg is 95.3 fold that of Earth's 5.97e24 kg.

Earth/moon : 5.97e24 / 7.35e22 = 81.2:1

Saturn/Titan : 5.69e26/1.5e23 = 3,790:1

That's Earth's moon being at least 46.7 fold more mascon/tidal worthy
than Titan is to Saturn, and there are other extremely important orbital
factors of physics (such as distance and orbital velocity) which only
makes our moon so much more so mascon impressive than any other moon in
the entire solar system. Too bad that we still have not established
interactive science instruments on behalf of reporting back from the
lunar surface, with live moon and Earth science related data.

Lloyd Parker

5 okt 2006, 09:30:2005-10-2006
In article <>,
"Brad Guth" <> wrote:
>Getting Global Warmed to Death by our moon is not a joke. \

Yes it is, but it is less so than some of your other ideas.

> It's basic
>physics and good old replicated science


>plus recorded history that's


>telling us the best available truth about our environment that's going
>to keep thawing us out and losing it's highly beneficial magnetosphere
>at the same time.
>Planets of our size simply do not stay young and geothermally active for
>ever, and nearby mascons do in fact cause a degree of global warming,
>especially via our extremely hefty and nearby moon that you'd think
>should have been worth at least a god or two.

Apparently the moon does cause lunacy.

>Our physically dark and nasty moon at 7.35e22 kg is actually per ratio
>of it's mother planet's mass the largest such mascon force of any such
>other moon in the entire solar system,

Because it came off us rather than being captured by us.

>and it's been making us a little
>extra hot with a slight portion of it's 2e20 joules (2.0395e19 kgf)
>available energy (plus having been rather nicely contributing whatever's
>of reflected IR and of secondary/recoil emitted FIR energy) ever since
>the last ice age.
>Before the last ice age is when our global environment simply did not
>have the warm and fuzzy benefit of such a nearby moon,

I don't know if you're lying or crazy, but either way, I think medical science
can help you.

>much less having
>established any moon God to speak of. In fact, until 2000 BC there's
>hardly any mention or depiction of a moon,

That's a lie. The Bible, for one, has them.

>and within the last ice age
>when most skies should have been crisp and otherwise crystal clear
>(Earth having an albedo of 0.75) there's absolutely zilch worth of
>anything related to our environment having such a nearby moon that
>should have been initially a little icy/frosted itself.
>Even Titan at nearly 1.5e23 kg is essentially a wussy moon of somewhat
>little if any significant tidal affect upon Jupiter, whereas the
>Earth/moon system is more or less that of a double or binary planet
>system. However, because the mascon force of our moon is essentially on
>the go is exactly why some of it's 2e20 joules worth of the associated
>gravitational energy is unavoidably converted into tidal/friction
>energy, that which creates and/or transfers heat within and upon the
>surface of mother Earth (all 5.112e14 m2, plus into the depths of our
>mantle that's super-rotating in part because of our nearby orbiting
>mascon of a moon).

So did it just start doing this 120 years ago? Hey -- maybe the moon only
dates from 1860!

Brad Guth

6 okt 2006, 02:27:5406-10-2006
Speaking about our moon, Lloyd Parker is claiming as being more than
sufficiently all-knowing, yet oddly can't manage to deliver the actual
specifics that's worth arguing about.

> Lloyd Parker: Because it came off us rather than being
> captured by us.
We see once again there's no actual proof of such, but it's otherwise
clearly NASA/Apollo all the way until each and every one of them Apollo
cows come home.

> > much less having established any moon God to speak of.
> > In fact, until 2000 BC there's hardly any mention or
> > depiction of a moon,

> That's a lie. The Bible, for one, has them.

All the sudden that Bible is offering science that's older than 2000 BC,
yet our Lloyd Parker offers no such specifics as to which Bible/Koran or
other religious documentation we're speaking of. Must be top secret
stuff. What about as of 10,500 BC, or before then?

> So did it just start doing this 120 years ago? Hey --
> maybe the moon only dates from 1860!

All the sudden the one and only global warming trend is from 1860 AD.
Now that's rather impressive science, as to entirely discount ice core
and many other core samples taken from all over the world that tell
essentially the very same story about our environment.

Where's our moon God?
All the sudden, it's as though out of nowhere we have an established
moon God to deal with. Where the heck was that nifty moon God prior to
2100 BC. The supposed origin of Islam includes a moon God as of perhaps
going as far back as 2500 BC, but that's about it. Perhaps prior to
2500 BC is when Earth's environment was continually clouded over to such
an extent that no mention of any moon was merely because it could not be
The Mesopotamian Ziggurat: Temple of the moon God 2100 BC. "Sîn, moon
god of Semitic origin, worshiped in ancient Middle Eastern religions....
Sîn: Moon god in 2100 BC

Were we on the Moon in 2309 BC? (I really don't think so, but then what
do I know for certain)
1 - INDIA: Vehicles that could revolve around the earth (i.e.,
satellites): "Their fuel is drawn from the air in a very simple and
cheap way. The motor is something like a modern turbine: it works from
one chamber to another and does not stop or stall unless switched off.
If nothing happens it continues to function. The ship in which it is
built could revolve as long as it liked around Earth, only falling when
the parts of which it is made were burnt up.

2- INDIA: Philosophers and scientists who orbited the earth "below the
moon and above the clouds" are spoken of in the ancient Surya

Giant satellites made of shiny metal and turning about an axis are
described in detail in ancient Sanskrit texts, right down to their
dimensions and interiors, as well as smaller craft that fly between them
and the earth.

3 - CHALDEA: Two "modern" rockets emitting rays at the rear, a box like
a loudspeaker and a "copy" of a Gemini capsule—are engraved on a copper
chisel unearthed at Ur.

4 - SUMERIA: Pictographic texts describe three related objects on
display in Sippar: the golden sphere (command module?), the "GIR" (a
long arrow-shaped object, divided into several compartments) and the
"alikmahrati," meaning "advancer that makes vessel go" (i.e., a motor,
or an engine). Together they look very much like a three-part rocket

Another explicit sign is the combination of two words "DIN" and ‘GIR."
When joined together to form the word "gods," the tail of the finlike
"gir" fits perfectly into the opening of the rocketlike "din," which
exhausts fire from its tail.

5 - PERU: A clay vessel 8-1/2 inches high portrays a kind of "space
capsule" on which motor and exhaust are clearly recognizable.

6 - ITALY: A painting discovered in the niche of a room under Rome’s
Palatine Hill, in 1961, portrays what appears to be a rocket. It stands
on a launching pad. From it run guys or cables; behind is a tall wall,
resembling a counterblast wall.

7 - JAPAN: Excavations have uncovered clay figurines of people clad in
peculiar "space suits", with helmets entirely covering their heads. On
the helmets are representations of something like slit-type glasses,
breath -filters, antennae, hearing aids and even night-sight devices.

8 - INDIA: The Mahabharata describes "two storey sky chariots with many
windows, ejecting red flame, that race up into the sky until they look
like comets . . . to the regions of both the sun and the stars."4

9 - GUATEMALA: Another ancient description mentions "a circular chariot
of gold, measuring 12,000 cubits in circumference and able to reach the

10 - INDIA: Other references speak of:

Pushan sailing in golden ships across the ocean of the sky
Garuda (a celestial bird) carrying Lord Vishnu in cosmic journeys
Aerial flights "through the region of the sky firmament which is above
the region of the winds"6
The Ancients of Space Dimensions.7
11 - NEW ZEALAND: Maori legends tell of flying machines and journeys to
the moon

12 - CHINA, 3rd century B.C.: Chuang Tzu, in a work entitled Travel to
the Infinite, relates a trip he made into space to 32,500 miles from the

13 - TIBET and MONGOLIA: Ancient Buddhist books speak of "iron serpents
which devour space with fire and smoke, reaching as far as the distant

14 - TIBET: The three levels of a pyramid in the Hsing Nu capital
commemorated three historical periods in the remote past: the pre-space
travel era, the time when men were able to visit one of the heavenly
bodies, and then afterward when they came back to earth and lost the
power of space travel. It was here that there reposed on the altar a
"stone brought from the moon".

15 - BABYLON: The Epic of Etana (4,700 years old) supplies us with very
accurate descriptions of the earth’s surface from progressive
altitudes—descriptions which were not verified in our own era until the
high-altitude aerial flights of the 1950s and the first space shots of
the 1960s.

The description of this ancient space flight depicts exactly what
happens when man leaves the earth (the concept of the round earth which
becomes small, due to perspective as distance increases, and changes
into particular colors) .8

16 - BOOK OF ENOCH: The ancient Book of Enoch says that in space "it was
hot as fire and cold as ice" (where objects get hot on the side
illuminated by the sun and icy cold on the shaded side) and "a dark

17 - YUNNAN PROVINCE CHINA Engravings of cylindrical rocketlike
machines, which are shown climbing skyward, were discovered on a pyramid
which suddenly emerged from the floor of Lake Kun-Ming during an

18 - GREECE: Lucian pictured the moon as a body like the earth which
could be reached in 8 days and wrote a "fiction" (?) of a moon trip.

19 - CHINA: "Desolate, cold and glassy": In the year 2309 B.c. the
engineer of Emperor Yao decided to go to the moon. The "celestial bird"
provided him with information on his trip. He explored space by
"mounting the current of luminous air" (the exhaust of a fiery rocket?).

Hou Yih flew into space where "he did not perceive the rotary movement
of the sun."10 (This statement is of paramount importance in
corroborating the story because it is only in space that man cannot see
the sun rise or set.)

On the moon he saw the ‘frozen-looking horizon" and erected a building,
"the Palace of Cold".

His wife Chang Ngo likewise flew to the moon, which she found a
"luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very cold;
the light of the moon has its birth in the sun," she declared. (Chang
Ngo’s moon exploration report was correct. Apollo II astronauts found
the moon desolate with a glasslike soil— and parts of it even paved with
pieces of glass. Most of the moon, at any given time, is in the throes
of extreme cold. It plunges to minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit at

The ancient Greek scientist Empedocles had also declared that the moon
was made of glass. Such precise knowledge implies on-site inspection of
the moon in the remote past.

20 - CHINA: A story from this same period states that an enormous ship
appeared on the sea at night with brilliant lights which were
extinguished during the day. It could also sail to the moon and the
stars, hence its name, "a ship hanging among the stars" or "the boat to
the moon".

This giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas was seen
for 12 years.11

21- CHINA: "The Shi Ching" book says that when the Emperor saw crime and
vice rising in the world, "he commanded Chong and Li to cut off
communication between the earth and the sky—and since then there has
been no more going up or down."12

Is this not a clear indication of the cessation of space travel in the

22 - TIBET: Sanskrit documents discovered by the Chinese at Lhasa are
claimed to contain directions for building interplanetary spaceships.
Flight to the moon is mentioned (though it is not stated whether this
was undertaken or just planned). The Chinese have stated that certain of
the data were being studied for inclusion in their space program.

23 - Relics on the moon? Reports have been made concerning strange
messages on the surface of the moon.

An object shaped like a sword near the crater Birt.
Strange cross formations in the crater Eratosthenes and at Fra Mauro.
Angular lines in the crater Gassendi and seven spots in the shape of the
Greek capital Gamma on the floor of the crater Littrow.
Two giant sets of letters under Mare Serenitalis, to the left of Mare
Tranquilitatis, which read: "PYAX" and "JAW"—black letters, easily
Strange tracks running right up the wall of a crater.
If such geometric constructions were found on earth, speculation would
rage as to the men who left them.

Not every discovery has been announced by NASA—and exploration has
scarcely begun. Already NASA has run out of budget for further moon
visits. It is by no means impossible that future astronauts will
discover objects or installations showing that other human beings came
to the moon in the distant past.

Using our icy proto-moon of perhaps 4000 km diameter as providing a
perfectly viable interstellar transporter would certainly have done the
trick (say between Sirius and Sol could happen rather easily every
100,000 years). Perhaps there are others that would like to add their
moon God as of whatever year BC, to the list.

Lloyd Parker

6 okt 2006, 09:18:5506-10-2006
In article <>,

"Brad Guth" <> wrote:
>Speaking about our moon, Lloyd Parker is claiming as being more than
>sufficiently all-knowing, yet oddly can't manage to deliver the actual
>specifics that's worth arguing about.
>> Lloyd Parker: Because it came off us rather than being
>> captured by us.
>We see once again there's no actual proof of such, but it's otherwise
>clearly NASA/Apollo all the way until each and every one of them Apollo
>cows come home.
>> > much less having established any moon God to speak of.
>> > In fact, until 2000 BC there's hardly any mention or
>> > depiction of a moon,
>> That's a lie. The Bible, for one, has them.
>All the sudden that Bible is offering science that's older than 2000 BC,

You didn't say science; you said "mention." Try reading your own words.

>yet our Lloyd Parker offers no such specifics as to which Bible/Koran or
>other religious documentation we're speaking of.

Genesis: "Day 4 God created light, stars, moon and sun."

Brad Guth

7 okt 2006, 14:49:2607-10-2006
"Lloyd Parker" <> wrote in message

> You didn't say science; you said "mention." Try reading your own words.

Sorry, entirely my dyslexic fault for not playing along with such silly
word games, as demanded by your infomercial standards.

BTW; God is science and physics all rolled up into one of many big
things. Or don't you perceive that your God has such vast scope and/or

> >yet our Lloyd Parker offers no such specifics as to which Bible/Koran or
> >other religious documentation we're speaking of.
> Genesis: "Day 4 God created light, stars, moon and sun."

Very good, in that after perhaps 4 billion Godly years of absolutely
nasty stuff happening from a given mega/tera black hole of having
created all that's visible and invisible (plus having survived a few
other bangs along the way plus throughout each of our local 225 million
year galactic cycles), that which supposedly represents our one and only
universe, whereas the micro spectrum of visible light plus the other
99.9999% of light we obviously can't see that's worth a good 1e100:1
photons/atom which obviously did emerge as of Day 4, and apparently just
in the nick of time for the religious and social benefit of representing
our eye-popping candy and mind-blowing experience that's taking a larger
and larger share of our limited resources and most every available
talent, in order to explore all of perhaps 0.0000000000000001% of our
universe within the next thousand years we've got left before we manage
to run ourselves out of Muslims to kill off, fossil fuels and
yellowcake, along with the failing magnetosphere that'll begin nailing
our mostly born-again pagan butts of insufficiently rad-hard DNA to the
nearest cross.

Is there any chance that yourself and others of your kind could possibly
be more selfish and without remorse?

Brad Guth

8 okt 2006, 09:46:0708-10-2006
In order to honestly discuss the geological and thus physiological
impact of our moon having added it's mascon/tidal forces of global
warming since the last ice age, one obviously has to put up with the
continual intellectual flak of incest mutations that's offered by this
anti-think-tank of a naysay Usenet from hell.

So be it; It's a few nasty Jews and the Pope that's against all the rest
of us village idiots and infidels.

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~
"and that Humanity is a complete embarrassment to all the superior
Beings all the way to Sirius ß", and I's say then some.

Whereas I'd have to agree that it's highly unlikely there is a more dumb
and dumber nor more lethal species of systematically dumbfounded
intelligence to be found within the entire universe, than right here on
good old Earth.

If Earth is supposedly of 4.5 billion and the universe is of 14 billions
(not including whatever cosmic cycles, such as the 225 million year
galactic clock of our very own Milky Way),
"The last orbit of the observed stars in their motion around the
Galactic Centre (GC). Each orbit takes about 225 million years. The
movie shows that the stars have travelled extensively in the disk of the
Milky Way before converging into the small volume where we observe them
today. The Sun is marked by a blue dot; its orbit by the white curve."

in which case there's a good 10 billion of years for other civilizations
of higher evolved and/or of whatever ET/4H intelligently designed
species to have become more intellectually and scientifically advanced
than that of our highly bigoted pile of rocks that'll obviously believe
in anything currently perpetrated by their social/religious cultism,
rather than accepting the geological and biological truth that's been
before their own dumbfounded eyes, banishing the likes of Ed Conrad, Sir
Jean-Paul Turcaud and myself as though allowing yet another human
sacrifice to their pagan god(s) is their one and only alternative. No
wonder the likes of even a perfectly good jewboy like Jesus Christ got
put on a stick at the request of their own kind, and that similar
Cathars got exterminated at the bloody hands of a Pope. So where's the
outer limit as to whatever's next.

All I've seen within Usenet and of whatever's getting mainstream
published and thereby institutionally promoted are the boat loads of the
socially cultivated and religiously molded souls of bigotry, arrogance
and above all else is good old reliable greed and/or the power taken by
those intent upon controlling all that's possible, and that obviously
has to include a good portions of the atheistic born-again collectives
of pagan souls having made their own rules and conditional laws in order
to suit their infomercial history and infomercial science, whereas I've
seen more than my fair share of such perpetrators as liars that only
beget other lies upon lies in order to suit their naysayism and of their
ulterior motives and hidden agendas, whereas no amount of collateral
damage and carnage upon the innocent seems unworthy of accomplishing
their ultimate quest, and we talking of where remorse isn't even the
slightest part of their bible/koran.

Such intellectual fornacating as based upon whatever suits their
mainstream status quo is about all that actually matters. For others
and myself to be suggesting that the regular laws of physics and of the
best available science having anything to do with an icy proto-moon
giving Earth a sucker punch as of roughly 9,706 BC (11,700 years ago),
that's suggesting all of geological hell broke lose upon Earth shortly
thereafter, and that for a good century of most life having to recover
from that horrific trauma of such an icy moon having impacted Earth, as
would be expected is obviously asking too much from such a closed
mindset that's too dumbfounded to save their own butts and much less
their own world from their own kind.

Suggesting any notions that an icy proto-moon as having provided an
ideal interstellar transporter on behalf ET/panspermia, such as that of
having accommodated the Dropas/Dzopas, is clearly outside of Usenet's
outer limits of what can even get openly discussed as an honest what-if.

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~ isn't even
representing the tip of the intellectual incest iceberg of most
terrestrial life as we know it, especially of that within this naysay
Usenet of all that's infomercial and that otherwise sucks and blows.

Brad Guth

8 okt 2006, 11:48:3708-10-2006
In order to honestly discuss the planetology of geological and thus
physiological impact of our moon having added it's arrival trauma plus a
few spare teratonnes worth of salty ice and subsequent mascon/tidal
forces of having been global warming us ever since the last ice age, one
obviously has to put up with the continual mainstream gauntlet of
intellectual naysayism flak, as offered by the incest mutations that's
deeply invested into this anti-think-tank of a naysay Usenet from their
MI/NSA and 'Skull and Bones' infomercial hell. Of course anyone on the
side of common reason and perfectly deductive truth gets marked as being
insane, or that of a terrorist hiding the likes of WMD and Usama bin

So be it; It's a few nasty Jews that are trying their best at being
bigger than life, plus the Pope that's against all the rest of us
village idiots and infidels that are acting suspiciously Cathar like.

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~
"and that Humanity is a complete embarrassment to all the superior

Beings all the way to Sirius ß", and I'd have to say then some.

I'd have to agree with Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud that it's highly unlikely
there's a more dumb and dumber nor more lethal species of systematically

dumbfounded intelligence to be found within the entire universe, than
right here on good old Earth.

If Earth is supposedly of 4.5 billion and the universe is of 14 billions

(going in all directions and that's not even including whatever cosmic

cycles, such as the 225 million year galactic clock of our very own

Milky Way).
"The last orbit of the observed stars in their motion around the
Galactic Centre (GC). Each orbit takes about 225 million years. The
movie shows that the stars have travelled extensively in the disk of the
Milky Way before converging into the small volume where we observe them
today. The Sun is marked by a blue dot; its orbit by the white curve."

In which case there's a good 10 billion of years for other civilizations
of higher evolved and/or of whatever ET/4H intelligently designed hybrid

species to have become more intellectually and scientifically advanced

than that of our highly bigoted pile of DNA as rocks that'll obviously

believe in anything currently perpetrated by their social/religious
cultism, rather than accepting the geological and biological truth
that's been before their own dumbfounded eyes, banishing the likes of Ed
Conrad, Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud and myself as though allowing yet another

human sacrifice to their pagan god(s) is but their one and only

alternative. No wonder the likes of even a perfectly good jewboy like
Jesus Christ got put on a stick at the request of their own kind, and

that similar Cathars got exterminated at the bloody hands of a highly
bigoted Pope. So where's their outer limit as to whatever's next.

All I've seen within Usenet and of whatever's getting mainstream

published and thereby having been institutionally promoted, are the boat

loads of the socially cultivated and religiously molded souls of
bigotry, arrogance and above all else is good old reliable greed and/or
the power taken by those intent upon controlling all that's possible,

and that obviously has to include a good portion of the atheistic
born-again collectives of pagan souls having made their own rules of war
and of their conditional laws in order to suit their infomercial history

and infomercial science, whereas I've seen more than my fair share of
such perpetrators as liars that only beget other lies upon lies in order
to suit their naysayism and of their ulterior motives and hidden
agendas, whereas no amount of collateral damage and carnage upon the

innocent seems unworthy of accomplishing their ultimate quest, and I
believe we're talking of where remorse isn't even the slightest part of
their bible/koran.

Such intellectual fornacating as based upon whatever suits their
mainstream status quo is about all that actually matters. For others
and myself to be suggesting that the regular laws of physics and of the
best available science having anything to do with an icy proto-moon
giving Earth a sucker punch as of roughly 9,706 BC (11,700 years ago),
that's suggesting all of geological hell broke lose upon Earth shortly
thereafter, and that for a good century of most life having to recover
from that horrific trauma of such an icy moon having impacted Earth, as
would be expected is obviously asking too much from such a closed
mindset that's too dumbfounded to save their own butts and much less
their own world from their own kind.

Suggesting any notions that an icy proto-moon as having provided an
ideal interstellar transporter on behalf ET/panspermia, such as that of
having accommodated the Dropas/Dzopas, is clearly outside of Usenet's
outer limits of what can even get openly discussed as an honest what-if.

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~ isn't even
representing the tip of the intellectual incest iceberg of most
terrestrial life as we know it, especially of that within this naysay

Usenet of all that's infomercial and that which otherwise sucks and

Brad Guth

8 okt 2006, 17:42:3808-10-2006
Just further speculating as to exactly where the first of any such good
moon depictions are, that'll date back to something 10,000 BC or
further. So far, I've got nothing that comes even close to that mark.

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Oldest lunar calendar identified
"What could be the oldest lunar calendar ever created has been
identified on the walls of the famous, prehistoric caves at Lascaux in

Note the qualifying phrase: "What could be the oldest lunar calendar"
Whereas that moon if existed would most certainly have been a whole lot
more impressive than any wussy string of those small dots.

"The interpretation that symbolic paintings, dating back 15,000 years,
show the Moon going through its different phases comes from Dr Michael
Rappenglueck, of the University of Munich."

Note the qualifying phrase: "The interpretation that symbolic paintings"
Apparently the act of intelligent humans carving, depicting or otherwise
painting in a big old crescent moon was against their pagan religion, or
perhaps that silly moon was simply too far away, or not even there to
begin with.

Any damn fool of a halfwhit village idiot can reverse extrapolate a
lunar calendar out to the beginning of time, yet perfectly capable souls
with well established artistic and more than an acceptable level of
intelligent logic on behalf of their survival expertise, having
otherwise depicted all sorts of important items, seemed to have entirely
missed that big old moon until somewhat recent times since the last big

Why should we suppose those Chinese were being so gosh darn dumb and
dumber as to creating their lunar calendar which hadn't started until
2637 BC? (didn't they know that our moon had supposedly existed for all
those thousands of years prior?) Were these Chinese folks simply stupid
heathens, and otherwise without a clue as to the seasons and the marking
of time? (I don't think so)

Seems a little odd since those nice and extremely smart little wizards
of the Dropas/Dzopas having arrived and subsequently having to hide
themselves deep into China as of 10,000 BC, as you'd think they should
have taken notice of that big old and of what had to have been an
extremely extra vibrant earthshine illuminated moon. Were these
Drops/Dzopa of a blind species of extremely small stature humans that
somehow survived via braille?

"Calendars of Ancient Egypt - The civil calendar was introduced some
time between 2937 BC and 2821 BC" <>
Where the hell was that nifty moon of their's prior to 2937 BC? Isn't
there much older art and/or quality depictions to behold? (I think so)
Wasn't their month by month seasons worth noting as of prior to 2937 BC?
(I'd think so)

There are a few much older bones with markings that certainly could be
associated with our moon or possibly Venus, or perhaps having absolutely
nothing whatsoever to do with either.

The World: Born in 4004 BC?
This still sucks compared to the capability of folks as having depicted
all sorts of stuff in sufficient detail, except that it's all based upon
swags and reasonable conjecture because it's all represented w/o moon.
Thus even the bible can't hardly manage to pull their moon-rabbit out of
their very own hat prior to 4236 BC. (is that another heathen joke, or

No kidding folks. What's the oldest depictions or other reasonable
indications of our terrestrial environment as having to deal with that
pesky mascon/tidal generating moon of our's?

Brad Guth

9 okt 2006, 13:20:2509-10-2006
Topic/Subject: Where's our Moon as of 10,000 BC

At least physics isn't entirely dead, as it seems to have survived the
infomercial gauntlet of Usenet rusemasters doing all they possibly can
in order to banish humor, especially if it's the least bit truthful

"Sorcerer" <Headm...@hogwarts.physics_b> wrote in message
> Artist's impression of a Rocket:
> Plastic Model of a Rocket:
> Real Rocket:
> Makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with today's heathens.
> Androcles.

That's not half bad, whereas even I can tell that each of those
depictions are in fact that of a rocket. Imagine, I'm not even on drugs
and I can still deductively manage to appreciate the obvious humor if
not wise satire that's worth taking in.

Makes us village idiots wonder a bit as to why that big old moon was so
freaking impossible to have been depicted by those artistic and highly
survival intelligent heathens. What the hell else did those heathen
fools have going on that distracted them from noticing that moon of
ours? Was there a local heathen HOOTERS taking up all of their

Here's yet another good example of what we have to put up with, that
isn't even funny.

"The Ghost In The Machine" <> wrote in
> He's also on record (somewhere) as stating that 5 mile
> high engineered structures are on Venus that can extract
> power from the differences in air temperature. At least,
> that's what I remember; I'd have to find it.

Christ almighty. Talk about infomercial butt driven spooks exaggerating
the facts:
5 mile high my ass. Try at most 1.125 km structures (though even the
majority of those I identified arnt worth half that amount). Due to the
obvious limitations of imaging resolution, we're talking something
typically less than 0.5 km, that is unless you're stipulating about that
perfectly natural looking 'fluid arch' of GUTH Venus, which is damn big
and impressive.

You obviously have to be smart enough as to count those 1:1 composite
pixels of 225 meters, and to do the math, taking into account the 3D
like perspective view of roughly 43 degrees whenever possible.

No wonder you're so infomercial screwed up. Are you that far off with
whatever's depicted on Mars?

Those nifty thermal dynamics affording nearly 10 K/km and the
differentials in atmospheric pressure of 4+bar/km is just physics-101,
doing exactly what good old physics does best. The nifty 65 kg/m3
benefit of buoyancy and of the 10% less gravity factor is just icing on
the Venusian cake. If your NASA/Apollo conditional laws of physics and
of their infomercial-science that has to exclude whatever evidence
rocks-thy-boat can't make a go of it on Venus, then what's the odds of
their accomplishing Mars that hasn't squat going for it?

Lloyd Parker

9 okt 2006, 09:41:4409-10-2006
In article <>,

"Brad Guth" <> wrote:
>"Lloyd Parker" <> wrote in message
>> You didn't say science; you said "mention." Try reading your own words.
>Sorry, entirely my dyslexic fault for not playing along with such silly
>word games, as demanded by your infomercial standards.
>BTW; God is science and physics all rolled up into one of many big
>things. Or don't you perceive that your God has such vast scope and/or

Could God make a rock too heavy for God to lift?

Brad Guth

11 okt 2006, 02:15:4911-10-2006
"Lloyd Parker" <> wrote in message

> Could God make a rock too heavy for God to lift?

Of course any God worth his/her salt could do that, and then some.

I believe the God of happenstance that's running all sorts of stuff into
one another does that all the time.

Why do you feel the need to ask such a silly question?

Brad Guth

11 okt 2006, 02:48:2911-10-2006
Where's our Moon as of 10,000 BC

Sorry for the recent delay. I've had to earn an actual living and then
having to purge yet another metric tonne of the usual MI/NSA gauntlet of
their GOOGLE/NOVA Usenet spermware/fuckware out of my poor old PC
(easier said than done). Right now my somewhat limited ISP channel is
getting monitored and/or moderated to death, so that damn near
everything I need to accomplish takes next to forever.

I think these Usenet spooks are now into big-time trying out all of
their Microsoft approved cloak and dagger bells and whistles, going
through each of the available side and back doors into my old operating
system in order to subvert or otherwise shut down my access into
MAILGATE.ORG (Gateway to media, government, and foreign language

However, since their spermware/fuckware hasn't been entirely capable of
terminating my PC, the only other option was to terminate my Usenet
access. Gee whiz, what a surprise.

Usenet banishment via our mostly Jewish MI/NSA has certainly been
getting a bit more complex and testy these days. Such as causing the
message "Cannot find server or DNS Error" of Usenet banishment that
keeps certain village idiots from signing into Usenet, such as by way of
simply trashing, absconding with or merely locking out their all
essential login page <>.

As you can see, the new and improved Usenet robotics of topic/author
stalking and MAILGATE diversion into the GOOGLEGROUPS is in fact taking
place. This is an example of what failed to function, such as when I
sometimes get the "Cannot find server" message when trying to access my
very own Usenet postings:
Therefore, once having been banished via GOOGLE is likely going to allow
via remote command the same degree of remote moderation and/or
banishment to apply as to most any other Usenet access channel.

It's almost as though GOOGLE has bought into and/or merely taken the
necessary controlling interest of the MAILGATE servers without their
having informed anyone (possibly not even informing SuperEva). In fact,
most of what I'm having to say is likely getting purged as fast as it
can be electronically accomplished.

Of what the public gets to see and of what's being automatically
filtered/moderated as to whatever you and I get to read and contribute
to is entirely different. That's how gosh darn good and infomercial
controlling powerful the likes of GOOGLE's global infomercial publishing
realm is getting these days.

Just for good measure; here's some of the ongoing efforts that may or
may not stick.

Nickname: tadchem
Location: spookland
Title: Chemist
Industry: Scientific

> Brad Guth wrote:
> > No kidding folks; Where's our moon as of prior to 10,000 BC ?

>The fossil record shows that lunar tides were present millions of
>years ago:
>The month was shorter, and the day was faster.
>Tom Davidson
>Richmond, VA (aka MI/NSA~CIA spook)

I'd have to say, so what's the difference? Besides, didn't those solar
tides exist?
Why should we bother with having to make due with dumb old fossiles when
really smart humans (a whole lot survival smarter than most folks are
today) were seriously kicking about as they carved and painted up a
storm of nifty depictions, as to sharing most everything of any
significance that mattered to their survival?

Didn't that nearby moon matter enough to warrant so much as a half-ass
depiction? (apparently not)

Was the terrestrial environment 100% clouded over so that the sun and
the moon were unavailable?

Interesting, in that what you're saying is that there's no such thing as
a solar tide. You're also saying that such early heathens were not only
a wee bit hairy on their outside but otherwise having been seriously
dumb and dumber as somewhat totally hairbrain-dead folks on their inside
that apparently didn't have a freaking clue as to their existence (past,
present nor future), but could otherwise rather nicely depict their
environment via carvings, drawings and even somewhat 3D perspective
paintings as better off than most of what modern humanity can accomplish
(certainly better off than any of my artistic accomplishments).

> Brad Guth wrote:
> > Isn't the lack of evidence, evidence? If there's no water in the
> > glass, isn't the glass empty? (obviously that glass still contains
> > air or perhaps a vacuum, and that water has to be somewhere else)
>Ross Clark wrote:
>No, merely saying that there are no pictures of the moon is not enough.
>It may be true, but it is not significant unless you can show that they
>depicted everything _else_ in their world. I'm suggesting they actually
>represented a pretty narrow range of stuff -- animals, people. I don't
>see landscape (trees, rocks, rivers) in these paintings. I don't see the
>sky or the sun. So I'm not surprised when I also don't see the moon.

All the sudden the humanly subjestive interpretations of such old
carvings and art as reviewed by "benlizross (aka Ross Clark)" gets to
conclude as to whatever's the truth without further argument, as to
promote upon whatever suits his/her objective, which I believe is
actually the same as to what I'm doing, though without my having to
exclude the regular laws of physics nor the best available evidence.

Our "John Kepler" is simply a Usenet lost cause of a status quo fool on
the hill, or perhaps that of a well assimilated borg like minion of an
insurmountable mindset of denial that's in denial (very GW Bush like),
in so much as we might as well be communicating with a space-toilet.

Not that anyone in Usenet naysay land of denial should get all worried
or anything about their not having sufficiently rad-hard DNA. However;
"The Earth's Magnetic Field is Still Losing Energy / 7.5e12 MJ

Of course, the more secondary poles the weaker the total magnetosphere
affect at keeping the solar, cosmic and moon energy at bay, especially
as more of our atmosphere gets excavated away by those nasty solar winds
that are only getting worse off.

BTW; "Along some shorelines, the solar tide is the only important tide"
Without that mascon influence of a nearby moon, it seems the weaker
solar tidal cycle of 24 hours or that of the 12 hour and some odd
seconds worth of the +/- 90 degree solar cycle of roughly half the lunar
intensity would prevail rather nicely. Of course, moving oceans along
at roughly half the velocity is also going to demand at most a forth the
>The Sun also causes tides on the Earth because even though it is so
>far away, it is very massive. These solar tides are about half as
>strong as the ones produced by the Moon, and they cause the so-called
>Spring tides and the Neap Tides. When the bulge of ocean water raised
>by the Moon is added the a similar tidal bulge raised by the Sun, you
>get a higher, high tide called the Spring Tide. When the solar low
>tide is added to the lunar low tide, you get the Neap Tide.
Thus eliminating the moon tide simply allows the solar tide to having a
free/unobstructed run of such things.

Once again; what I'm after is still the first and otherwise best
available human applied efforts, at their having without question
depicted our moon as part of their pre 10,000 BC or that from whatever
vintage of their recorded environment since or before the last ice age.

Brad Guth

12 okt 2006, 15:08:1512-10-2006
Now we get the Earth WOBBLE freaks telling us the end is near.

"Jan Panteltje" <> wrote in message
> Does not look good for man made global warming....
> 'At the moment, the Earth is at the beginning of a cycle ....'

In spite of Earth wobble that's likely to eventually go postal on us,
I'll have to stick with giving the ongoing bigotry, arrogance and
insurmountable greed of humanity at least 10%, the sun 5% and that of
our moon the other 85% responsibility. At most humanity gets 20%, that
sun gets a whopping 10%, and that absolutely nasty moon of ours is worth
all of the other 70%, however there is a little something extra (11 year
cycle) solar that's getting contributed as of lately.

Obviously the wobble idiot "Van Dam" and of his rodents from London
hasn't yet heard of those pesky ice ages. If that's not representing a
rather significant climate change, then I obviously don't know what the
hell is.

Obviously our "Van Dam" doesn't dare believe in the stellar motions of
orbital mechanics, nor in any of those other pesky laws of physics, much
less in the best available science of the past, present and future that
might rock his purely terrestrial boat.

Brad Guth

14 okt 2006, 15:41:1814-10-2006
Too bad that most anything Venus or that of ESA's VIRTIS mission is
still so topic/author worthy of being Usenet trashed and/or banished
because it's still so taboo/nondisclosure. It's almost as bad off as
for that of folks honestly discussing our moon or that of China's soon
to be owned and operated LSE-CM/ISS.

Just because our physically dark moon has nearly always been double IR
and FIR hot since having lost it's thick covering of salty ice upon
arrival, plus remaining as a touch gamma and hard-X-ray lethal to our
frail DNA, this doesn't mean that the geothermally toasty but otherwise
sufficiently end-user friendly environment afforded by Venus is
ET/biologically taboo nor otherwise technologically all that humanly

A perfectly viable other world or moon needn't have 0.001% the water of
Earth, and even that amount of h2o needn't be situated as a pure form or
even that of salty brine of a fluid, or that of whatever's sequestered
as a brine ot that of salty ice or merely packed underneath dry-ice on
the open surface of their planet isn't all that insurmountable, whereas
I do believe we're talking of a good deal less (perhaps as little as
0.0001% or a millionth that of Earth's environment) if their local
evolution of survival motivated DNA had formulated their physiology for
being accustomed and/or having become sufficiently survival intelligent
as to artificially managing upon such scant amounts of h2o. Their h2o
could even be that of a highly valuable mined substance, or perhaps
having become artificially cultivated/recycled via applied technology.

Not all such other worthy planets as capable of hosting intelligent
other life need be as badly over-populated with the sorts of dumbfounded
heathens as Earth. Such as, what if an extremely hot and dry Earth had
but a million or merely a few thousand intelligent souls to deal with.
Why the heck shouldn't any hot or cold Earth like planet or viable moon
even have to be so populated with much other than suitable plants,
diatoms, insects and various larger animals? (on Earth, didn't we come
along at the very last planetology minute, especially as for those of us
being the supposedly intelligent species, as only having existed from
the very last ice age, that which our Earth will ever see again).

"Eric Chomko" <> wrote in message
> Bleeding Scalp wrote:
>> In fact Earth is absolutely Unique there is none other like it an there
>> is nothing like a man anywhere else but on earh and decendants thereof.
> How can you state that definitively? You have no idea if something like
> man exists or does not exist all over the universe. What we do know is
> that our galaxy is not unique, that our star in that galaxy is not
> unique, nor is our planet that circles that star unique. That said, why
> do you believe that life as we know it IS unique?

Thanks once again, Eric, for having put that one through. Unlike what
team SETI/OSETI and the likes of so many others living in their
hocus-pocus past and remaining so mindset intent upon keeping the rest
of us there seem to think, our extremely wet and at previous times
having been extensively frozen near solid Earth also isn't at all the
unique unless we're speaking of our rather unusually massive moon
arriving since the last ice age, and/or that of appreciating our rather
uniquely cultivated form of our truly unique intellectual incest of
bigotry, arrogance and the sorts of insurmountable greed that has been
running most everything amuck since recorded time, and then some.

If ETs were only half as smart and otherwise not at continual war with
one another, they'd be a good thousand percent better off than us.
Meaning; if having just 10% the local resources at their disposal,
they'd still be a whole lot better off than compared to what we've long
since trashed as our environment because we're such all-knowing pagan
idiots without a stitch of remorse.

Being survival smart and otherwise extremely intelligent has absolutely
nothing to do with ETs having radio, or much less any form of space
travel capability. (sorry about that)

If ETs had ongoing space probes and the likes of having accomplished
personal space travel capability, as such they most certainly wouldn't
be so primitive and thus limited to using the inefficiencies and
soup-can like limitations of radio (at least not the sorts of funky
radio we've been using).

If having been surviving upon a fully cloud covered planet (such as
Venus), or perhaps upon that of having survived upon a thick atmospheric
moon (such as Titan or even that of our once upon a time icy proto-moon
that's still rather salty), whereas the stars and of whatever other
nearby planets simply do not exist, do they. And besides all of that,
would such other intelligent ET's of conventional evolution or
especially those of intelligent design dare to knowingly trash their one
and only frail environment? (I don't think so)

Brad Guth

15 okt 2006, 18:32:5215-10-2006
What a pathetic pack of Usenet liars and loosers, as well as extremely
snookered plus still brown-nosed none the less.

If this gets any more borg like, I'd have to say that most folks here in
this naysay ville of denial, or perhaps that of rusemasters-R-us heaven,
are ETs having a little extra fun with us.

No wonder the environment of Earth is going to hell in spite of
ourselves. If ETs ever wanted to de-populate Earth, this totally
disfunctional Usenet from hell is exactly how they would accomplish it.

Bill Snyder

15 okt 2006, 19:01:2615-10-2006
On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 22:32:52 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>What a pathetic pack of Usenet liars and loosers, as well as extremely
>snookered plus still brown-nosed none the less.

Tidalites, fucktard. Orbital mechanics. You lie about the moon.

>If this gets any more borg like, I'd have to say that most folks here in
>this naysay ville of denial, or perhaps that of rusemasters-R-us heaven,
>are ETs having a little extra fun with us.

Photos, radar reflectors, radio signals monitored by hundreds of hams,
fucktard, First person accounts, rock samples. You lie about the
Apollo landings.

>No wonder the environment of Earth is going to hell in spite of
>ourselves. If ETs ever wanted to de-populate Earth, this totally
>disfunctional Usenet from hell is exactly how they would accomplish it.

Newtons versus joules, fucktard. You run your silly mouth without
even knowing the difference between force and energy. Then you rant
and rave because everyone laughs at you, as if you seriously imagine
yourself to be good for anything but a few laughs.

Brad Guth

16 okt 2006, 01:53:1616-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> Tidalites, fucktard. Orbital mechanics. You lie about the moon.

> Photos, radar reflectors, radio signals monitored by hundreds of hams,
> fucktard, First person accounts, rock samples. You lie about the
> Apollo landings.

> Newtons versus joules, fucktard. You run your silly mouth without
> even knowing the difference between force and energy. Then you rant
> and rave because everyone laughs at you, as if you seriously imagine
> yourself to be good for anything but a few laughs.

So, you have no real evidence, just those highly conditional (aka
social/religious) laws of skewed physics and the usual brown-nosed
cultivated butt-loads of infomercial-science that simply can't be
replicated outside of your borg "O" ring collective.

No wonder we're at war again and again. It's 100% because of yourself
and of your evidence excluding borg collective mindset that's derived
from your Jewish Third Reich. I'm seriously impressed. Do you also
sleep with Art Deco?

Brad Guth

16 okt 2006, 01:56:5316-10-2006
You sound very hard core JEWISH. Is that going to be a problem?

Bill Snyder

16 okt 2006, 03:49:2416-10-2006
On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 05:53:16 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message
>> Tidalites, fucktard. Orbital mechanics. You lie about the moon.
>> Photos, radar reflectors, radio signals monitored by hundreds of hams,
>> fucktard, First person accounts, rock samples. You lie about the
>> Apollo landings.
>> Newtons versus joules, fucktard. You run your silly mouth without
>> even knowing the difference between force and energy. Then you rant
>> and rave because everyone laughs at you, as if you seriously imagine
>> yourself to be good for anything but a few laughs.
>So, you have no real evidence, just those highly conditional (aka
>social/religious) laws of skewed physics and the usual brown-nosed
>cultivated butt-loads of infomercial-science that simply can't be
>replicated outside of your borg "O" ring collective.

I cited evidence and posted references, fucktard. It's you that's
produced nothing but your own silly bullshit.

>No wonder we're at war again and again. It's 100% because of yourself
>and of your evidence excluding borg collective mindset that's derived
>from your Jewish Third Reich. I'm seriously impressed. Do you also
>sleep with Art Deco?

See a shrink, fucktard. You're not just dumb and nasty; you're

Brad Guth

16 okt 2006, 14:56:3616-10-2006
"Bill Snyder" <> wrote in message

> I cited evidence and posted references, fucktard. It's you that's

> produced nothing but your own silly bullshit.

That supposed evidence is fuzzy at best and otherwise 100% subjective
and thus argumentative. It simply is by far NOT PROOF that Earth ever
had that nearby mascon of a moon prior to the last ice age. Solar tidal
action and resulting flows and interactions of whatever is about all
that's sufficiently proven (at least we know with somewhat great
certainty that we must of had that sun or of at least one like it from
the very get go).

> >No wonder we're at war again and again. It's 100% because of yourself
> >and of your evidence excluding borg collective mindset that's derived
> >from your Jewish Third Reich. I'm seriously impressed. Do you also
> >sleep with Art Deco?
> See a shrink, fucktard. You're not just dumb and nasty; you're
> certifiable.

At least unlike your perpetrated cold-war(s) and the ruse/sting of our
NASA/Apollo fiasco, plus your ongoing incest of spawning such
intellectually skewed DNA from infomercial-science hell, none of my
certifiable whatever has directly nor indirectly caused such willful
collateral damage and carnage of the innocent, nor has it wasted
trillions upon trillions of hard earned loot while pillaging and raping
mother Earth for all she's worth in the process.


16 okt 2006, 15:36:2016-10-2006

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

You sir are a frothing KOOK.

Brad Guth

17 okt 2006, 10:45:0317-10-2006
Wy has this moon topic recently become taboo (selectively moderated so
that certain contributions can't even be replied to)? Is the moon or
rather that of any sub-topic forbidden archeology, forbidden science?

Where's our Moon as of 10,000 BC

The ancient Crystal Skulls and Jadeite Skeleton of the China/Mongolia
region that date as of somewhat recent 3500 ~ 2200 BC, and of many other
complex items dating to 10,500 BC, shows a terrific artistic range and
intellectual scope of their having understood and depicted such items of
importance, along with clearly an understanding as to their meaning
seems rather obvious, proving that such early heathens had this degree
of perfectly relevant artistic expertises and were otherwise extremely
survival intelligent folks.
Yet there's still no similar or previous depictions of a much simpler
object that had bold features and phase by phase looked a little
hocus-pocus different each night, such as that of our nearby moon which
had to have been extremely important to their survival and that of
keeping track of time, seasons and navigation while offering terrific
nighttime illumination (especially way back then when Earth's albedo was
half again if not at times worth twice of what it is today).

So, where the heck was our nearby and therefore unavoidably impressive
mascon of a moon as of during, prior to or even shortly thereafter the
last ice age?

Intelligent humans with terrific artistic skills had obviously existed
prior and during the last ice age, and obviously thereafter as having
demonstrated their survival and reasonably complex creative skills over
and over, yet the simplest of an interesting and highly important object
to depict being that of our moon is nowhere to be found until long after
the last ice age. Moon gods weren't even invented until more recent
than 2500 BC.

How can such an intelligent species of humanity, as taken from all over
this world, have lost and/or having entirely disregarded our moon?

Brad Guth

17 okt 2006, 12:41:1817-10-2006
Did that pesky sub-topic of Venus kill off "The Ghost In The Machine"?
(apparently so)

Why has this moon topic recently become taboo (selectively moderated so

that certain contributions can't even be replied to)? Is the moon or

rather that of any sub-topic forbidden archeology, forbidden science and
forbidden physics to boot. Are all such forms of ancient history also
representing the forbidden fruit of this GOIOGLE/Usenet from hell?

Where's our Moon as of 10,000 BC

The ancient Crystal Skulls and Jadeite Skeleton of the China/Mongolia

region that have been dated as of the somewhat recent 3500 ~ 2200 BC,
and of many other complex items dating to 10,500 BC, along with terrific
depictions going back to something pre 15,000 BC, shows a terrific

artistic range and intellectual scope of their having understood and
depicted such items of importance, along with clearly an understanding
as to their meaning seems rather obvious, proving that such early

heathens had this degree of perfectly relevant artistic expertises, and

were otherwise extremely survival intelligent folks.
Yet there's still no similar or previous depictions of a much simpler
object that had bold features and phase by phase looked a little
hocus-pocus different each night, such as that of our nearby moon which
had to have been extremely important to their survival and that of
keeping track of time, seasons and navigation while offering terrific
nighttime illumination (especially way back then when Earth's albedo was
half again if not at times worth twice of what it is today).

So, where the heck was our nearby and therefore unavoidably impressive
mascon of a moon as of during, prior to or even shortly thereafter the
last ice age?

Intelligent humans with terrific artistic skills had obviously existed
prior and during the last ice age, and obviously thereafter as having
demonstrated their survival and reasonably complex creative skills over

and over, yet one of the simplest of an interesting and highly important

object to depict being that of our moon is nowhere to be found until
long after the last ice age. Moon gods weren't even invented until more

recent than 2500 BC, while many other gods of much less importance had
existed long before.

How can such an intelligent species of our survival savvy early humanity
(as taken from examples all over this world) have lost track of and/or

having entirely disregarded our moon?

Or rather, where's the irrefutable objective worth of hard-scientific
replicated matter of facts proving that we even had that moon as of
prior to our last ice age, and not just a solar tidal influence to deal

Brad Guth

17 okt 2006, 22:33:5917-10-2006
"HR" <> wrote in message

> You sir are a frothing KOOK.

It comes right along with the responsibility of sharing the truth. You
should try it.

Bill Snyder

17 okt 2006, 23:39:4417-10-2006
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:33:59 +0000 (UTC), "Brad Guth"
<> wrote:

>"HR" <> wrote in message
>> You sir are a frothing KOOK.
>It comes right along with the responsibility of sharing the truth. You
>should try it.

That's one way to recognize a nutbar. He knows the truth, and has the
responsibility of sharing it with all us ignorant fools who make up
the other 99.999999% of the human race. It doesn't matter that some
of us know far more about the subjects he blathers about than he does;
it doesn't matter how silly and deluded and willfully ignorant we know
him to be, it doesn't matter how much we all wish he'd shut the fuck
up -- he'll keep telling us about the flying pigs, because that's the
Truth, and it's his Responsibility to share it.

The Ghost In The Machine

17 okt 2006, 23:37:4417-10-2006
In sci.environment, Brad Guth
on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:41:18 +0000 (UTC)

> Did that pesky sub-topic of Venus kill off "The Ghost In The Machine"?
> (apparently so)

Miss me? :-)

> Why has this moon topic recently become taboo (selectively moderated so
> that certain contributions can't even be replied to)? Is the moon or
> rather that of any sub-topic forbidden archeology, forbidden science and
> forbidden physics to boot. Are all such forms of ancient history also
> representing the forbidden fruit of this GOIOGLE/Usenet from hell?
> Where's our Moon as of 10,000 BC

Where did you expect it to be? The Chinese were probably
tracking the Moon when we were being flooded (well, so
some say) by the Almighty as a punishment in 4000 BC.

The Chinese calendar was allegedly invented in 2637 BCE by Emperor
Huangdi (黃帝). The Kaliyuga calendar is even older than that.
Both are partially lunar-based.

Whether there are older calendars than that, I do not know. The
earliest known calendar is an Egyptian one, and was essentially
solar-based, though it tended to slip because leap years hadn't been
invented yet.

> How can such an intelligent species of our survival savvy early humanity
> (as taken from examples all over this world) have lost track of and/or
> having entirely disregarded our moon?
> Or rather, where's the irrefutable objective worth of hard-scientific
> replicated matter of facts proving that we even had that moon as of
> prior to our last ice age, and not just a solar tidal influence to deal
> with.

If the Moon wasn't here, where was it? Current theory is that a
Mars-sized rock slammed into the Earth early in its formation. The
resulting debris formed a ring which coalesced into Luna. We've had the
Moon ever since.

To suggest otherwise is to require explanation of the Moon's
near-circular orbit, among other things.

> -
> Brad Guth

Murphy was an optimist.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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