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Generators on reversal of friction will cool the climate (JP)

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Dec 22, 2008, 8:54:28 PM12/22/08
If instead of present fossil fuels, our civilisation generates
electricity through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
of friction", than all our environmental problems to-date would simply
disappear. The reason is that "in the same way as friction
spontaneously converts motion into heat, the phenomenon which
represents an exact 'reversal of friction' spontaneously converts heat
into motion". This practically means that instead of present smoke and
glass-house gasses, the future power-stations that operate on
principles which employs just such "reversal of friction" would
generate free electricity, while simultaneously cooling the
environment and climate. I practical terms it means that by employing
the "reversal of friction" for electricity generation our civilisation
could also reverse the present undesirable climate changes and
environmental damage.

At this point the reader probably starts to doubt "but our science
does NOT know the phenomenon which represents an exact 'reversal of
friction' ". Wrong! It turns out that YES, WE DO KNOW a "reversal of
friction". The only problem is that the majority of present scientists
refuse to acknowledge and to research this phenomenon. Perhaps,
because it is called "telekinesis", and because natural manifestations
of it usually are called "psychokinesis" - while typical scientists do
NOT wish to have anything to do which "psycho...". To be more strange,
if one is interested in this matter and tries to research it,
instances of people who mastered telekinesis are very frequent not
only in New Zealand, but practically in the entire present world. For
example, a large proportion of water diviners from New Zealand bend
their diving rods with the use of telekinesis (I researched some
amongst them). Furthermore, the famous in New Zealand (secret) school
of Maori wise men, for the entry exam has the requirement that a
future student of this school must telekinetically throw a stone of a
fist size from a table (i.e. remove it from the table completely
without touching it). So amongst Maori there is a lot of instances of
people with telekinetic abilities - only that they do NOT brag about
it (especially to scientists). Also each time a motion is caused by a
ghost or by a poltergeist, it always uses principles of telekinesis.

There is a lot of well documented evidence that the telekinetic motion
really works on principles which represent a reversal of friction. For
example, research show that the phenomenon of telekinesis really does
cools down the environment while producing the telekinetic motion. We
actually can detect the temperature drop e.g. in all places where a
poltergeist operates. Furthermore, atoms from the air rapidly cooled
down due to telekinetic motion emit the ghostly white glow called the
"extraction glow" which is registerable on films and sometimes even
visible with naked eyes. Such "extraction glow" can only appear when
the electrons are rapidly shifted to lower orbits due to a rapid
extraction of thermal energy from the air. In turn this ghostly
"extraction glow" is always covering all objects that are moved due to
telekinetic motion, means on diving rods, on surfaces of ghosts and
poltergeist, on surfaces of UFOs, etc. Photographs of this "extraction
glow", as well as many other indicators which prove that "telekinesis"
is really the "reversal of friction", are shown on web pages about
telekinesis - for example see web pages
or .

There are also philosophical premises which indicate that the
"reversal of friction" must exist and that this "reversal of friction"
can also be released technically with appropriate machines. For
example, quite recently, because only in 1985, the most moral,
constructive, progressive and peaceful philosophy of modern world was
created, which is called "totalizm" (spelled with "z", not with "s').
Readers can learn more about totalizm at several web pages devoted to
this extraordinary philosophy, e.g. at
or . One amongst
accomplishments of this philosophy is that it pinpointed and even
corrected many errors of present science. For example, it is this
"totalizm" that directed our attention at the postulate that "every
phenomenon must have a corresponding counter-phenomenon". So far a
large number of phenomena and corresponding counter-phenomena has
already been discovered, which confirm the correctness of this
postulate of totalizm. For example, the existence of electrical
luminescence utilized in fluorescent bulbs and in various light-
emitting diodes to transform electricity into light, has a counter-
phenomenon in the form of the photoelectric effect that in photocells
and solar panels transforms light into electricity. The so-called
"left-hand rule", also called the "motor effect", which describes
phenomena used for the transformation of electricity into motion, has
its counter-rule in the form of "Fleming's right-hand rule", also
called the "generator effect", which works in reverse, i.e. it
transforms motion into electricity. The Seebeck Effect, which produces
a flow of electrons through a junction of two dissimilar conductors
being heated, has its counter-phenomenon in the form of the Peltier
Effect, which causes the heating and cooling of materials in a similar
junction when a current is flowed through it. The piezoelectric
effect, which converts the deformation of a crystal into electricity,
and which is utilised e.g. in piezoelectric lighters to produce an
igniting spark, has its counter-partner in a phenomenon which also is
called "piezoelectric effect", although it works in a reversed manner
- i.e. it converts the electric impulse into a deformation of a
crystal (this counter-phenomenon is utilised for example in
piezoelectric vibration generators). Thus also the phenomenon which
represents an exact "reversal of friction" must exist, only that our
official science still refuses to acknowledge its existence. This
phenomenon is "telekinesis" described before.

If we build a device, which triggers telekinetic motion of free
electrons in a wire, then all what is required in order to generate
"free electricity", is to subject a section of an electric wire to the
action of such an effect. In the result, all free electrons that are
contained in such a wire, are going to be put into the telekinetic
motion from one end of the wire to the other end. In turn such a mass
relocation of electrons in a wire, is nothing else but a flow of
electric current. The thermal energy that sustains this flow
originates from the environment, from which it is spontaneously
extracted by the mechanism of the reversal of friction. As the result,
such telekinetic generator is spontaneously extracting this energy
from the environment just on its own, means without burning any fossil
fuel. So no fuel nor any other form of energy needs to be supplied to
the device which generates such free electricity (i.e. hence the
expression "free energy").

Examples of such generators which employ the telekinetic motion are
discussed on my other post on the same topic, that is available from
the address

In turn another principle, which also generates pollution-free
electricity through employing e.g. the Earth's rotational movement or
"everlasting cosmic winds", is discussed at my first post to this
forum available at the address:

Furthermore, "blogs of totalizm" frequently discuss the subject of
pollution-free and eco-friendly generation of electricity. Readers can
find these blogs at addresses: , ,, or
- for example see over there posts numbered 156E, 155E, 146E, or 145E.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Dec 23, 2008, 9:37:39 AM12/23/08

<> wrote in message

> If instead of present fossil fuels, our civilisation generates
> electricity through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
> of friction"..

Apply for the prize. Use the money to develop the technology.

Uncle Al

Dec 23, 2008, 3:07:29 PM12/23/08
to wrote:
> If instead of present fossil fuels, our civilisation generates
> electricity through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
> of friction", than all our environmental problems to-date would simply
> disappear.
[snip crap]


If food were universally abundant and free to all India would still be
ankle-deep in human shit - by being knee-deep in human shit.

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)


Dec 23, 2008, 3:42:52 PM12/23/08
On Dec 23, 3:07 pm, Uncle Al <> wrote:

> wrote:
> > If instead of present fossil fuels, our civilisation generates
> > electricity through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
> > of friction", than all our environmental problems to-date would simply
> > disappear.
> [snip crap]
> idiot
> If food were universally abundant and free to all India would still be
> ankle-deep in human shit - by being knee-deep in human shit.
> --
> Uncle Al

> (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

In physics, friction is called a "dissipative force" and by definition
is irreversable. Reversal of friction would imply reversal of entropy
and reversal of the axis of time. Even in classical mechanics, it is

Dec 25, 2008, 4:18:44 PM12/25/08
> wrote:
>> If instead of present fossil fuels, our civilisation generates
>> electricity through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
>> of friction", than all our environmental problems to-date would simply
>> disappear.

** That will not likely work but that does not
matter. There is no global warming and the
major problem now is a marginal shortage
of CO2 to improve our growing crops and
provide more vital O2 oxygen

Michael A. Terrell

Dec 25, 2008, 4:53:45 PM12/25/08

Along with marginal intelligence in governments around the world.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Dec 26, 2008, 5:45:36 PM12/26/08

Since this is the coldest, wettest, nastiest winter on record, I'd say
that we've got global warming solved and we should put pope AL out to

After all, he's achieved his agenda of dramatically increasing
starvation in the third world, and has essentially destroyed the economy,
so he _should_ be happy, but socialists have an insatiable lust to
destroy Freedom wherever and whenever thay can; now get the fuck rid of


The Ghost In The Machine

Dec 27, 2008, 11:25:29 PM12/27/08
In sci.environment,
on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:54:28 -0800 (PST)

> If instead of present fossil fuels,

Not a bad start.

> our civilisation generates
> electricity

Why electrical energy in particular? But never mind, carry on...

> through using the phenomenon which is an exact "reversal
> of friction",

OK, now you've gone and done've contradicted thermodynamics.

> than all our environmental problems to-date would simply
> disappear. The reason is that "in the same way as friction
> spontaneously converts motion into heat,

Spontaneously? How does rubbing one's hands together
spontaneously convert motion into heat?

> the phenomenon which
> represents an exact 'reversal of friction' spontaneously converts heat
> into motion".

Right. Sorry, you're going to have to develop a mechanism
demonstrating this; your gobbledygook makes no sense otherwise.

Best I can do is a steam engine. Water boils under
pressure, pushing a sliding piston. The piston shoves
against an offset cam attached to a crankshaft. At the
end of its travel, a valve opens to let the steam out;
the steam gets cooled back to water in a condenser (which
gets hot itself, so it has to be cooled somewhere); the
hot water returns to the boiler.

Modern variants use turbines instead, with a slightly
different principle, but the general idea's the same;
high-pressure steam goes in one end, low pressure steam
comes out the other, and gets cooled back to water, which
gets re-boiled. It turns out that, even were the
bearings and such entirely frictionless, the efficiency
of this sort of thing can be no greater than

Eff = (t_H - t_C) / (t_H)

where t_C is presumably 373 degrees Kelvin (the boiling point
of water at 1 atmospheric pressure) and t_H can be
as high as pressure limitations permit -- which, as it turns
out, isn't all that high as one requires 100 megaPascal
if one wants a t_H of 746.3 K, or 473.15 degrees C, and
a theoretical Carnot efficiency of 50%, according to the formula
in Wikipedia (God knows how accurate it actually is, but
it's what Google coughed up), which can be expressed as

P = exp(25.2788 - 5132/T)

where P is in Pascal and T is in Kelvin (for some reason
the original gives P in mmHg, with a different constant).

One can easily solve for T, yielding:

T = 5132 / (25.2788 - log(P))

is mildly useful, in that it shows temperature and
pressure parameters in the diagram -- unfortunately
in Imperial units (degrees Fahrenheit, pounds-force
per square inch gauge). 1 psig = 6894.757 Pascal.
Apparently the main input is 850 psig, the output 15 psig
(which is essentially atmospheric). 850 psig is about 5.86
megaPascal, translating into t_H = 529.33 K or about 30%
efficiency. The 70% not used goes to heat the buildings of
Michigan State University (a reasonably nice application,
that) and the surrounding atmosphere, assuming no heat is
lost in the exhaust flue of the actual coal burning.

It turns out steam is employed in about 80% of the power
plants today (the rest are methods such as hydroelectric,
photovoltaic solar, tidal, or wind).

[rest snipped]

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** Posted from **


Dec 28, 2008, 2:36:42 AM12/28/08

"The Ghost In The Machine" <> wrote in message

Why use water? CFCs (or antifreeze) will do the same job in
refrigerators. I doubt the buildings of Florida State University
need much heat so 70% is wasted.

Worst I can do is better than the best you can do, but not a
bad start...

The Ghost In The Machine

Dec 28, 2008, 5:01:11 PM12/28/08
In sci.environment, Androcles
on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 07:36:42 -0000

Correct. However, I think they use an entirely different power system.

> Worst I can do is better than the best you can do, but not a
> bad start...

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