On 12/01/2015 12:09 PM,
et...@whidbey.com wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Dec 2015 15:28:43 +0000, N_Cook <
div...@tcp.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 01/12/2015 15:22,
pf...@aol.com wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 9:23:11 AM UTC-5, N_Cook wrote:
>>>> On 01/12/2015 14:00, N_Cook wrote:
>>>>> Pure tin tinning on a component which should have had derogated Pb/Sn
>>> If I were to render an opinion, pure tin as a mechanical joint is a very bad idea, nor would I think that a sophisticated manufacturer would do that as a matter of intent. Pure tin is extremely brittle, and should NEVER be depended upon in any sort of situation where mechanical stresses (expansion/contraction/flexing) will take place. Add to this the whole issue of tin whiskers (which NASA, at least now understands all too painfully). If what you suggest is accurate, this is a design flaw of significant magnitude. If it is present fleet-wide, it is time to ground these beasts until the problem is addressed specifically.
>>> I would hope that aircraft manufacturers by now would have learned that some admixture to their solders is a necessary step to reliability. And would have learned by now from the Nuclear industry if not NASA that relying on pure tin is a dangerous practice.
>>> All-and-at-the-same-time, counterfeit parts are getting into the OEM repair stream at every level. It would not be difficult to believe where such parts may get into the OEM first-install stream as well.
>>> Peter Wieck
>>> Melrose Park, PA
>> I know from someone in the medical electronics field, that is extremely
>> difficult , if not impossible, to guarantee that PbF components do not
>> get into the derogated product stream, without sample chemical testing
>> of each batch of componnts, done themselves. The supposed accredited
>> documentation is easily compromised and cannot be relied on. With all
>> the extra markup on derogated components, plenty of motive.
> In 1990 a US fastener company, Voi-Shan, admitted to supplying
> thousands of fasteners for aerospace use that were in essence
> counterfeit in that they had not been tested and were of inferior
> quality.
Interesting. AFAICT they weren't crappy fasteners--the tests were