On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 1:02:06 AM UTC+1,
abaf...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have been able to boot load an TMEGA 328 arduino chip which works well on an arduino UNO board (Blink sketch on pin 13). My problem is, I tried several times to wire the 238 ic on a breadboard but does not work. I have followed all circuits connection on the Net to no avail (I tried the blink sketch on pin 19 of the ic). in fact i used the 5 volts port and ground port on the UNO board to power the breadboard. I just saw a circuit on the Net where pins 20 and 21 of the ATMEGA 328 ic were connected together. I want to Know if it is safe to do that to get the ic working will also be happy if someone can direct me to a site on the Net Thanks in advance
should also add that a 10K ohm resistor was connected to Pin 1, two 22pf capacitors were also connected to pins 9 and 10 and other end grounded, 16MHz crystal was also connected between pins 9 and 10. appropriate pins connected to power.