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Searching for a good LCD display for a FLUKE 8010A DMM

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Feb 3, 2015, 2:39:25 PM2/3/15
is there someone out there who has a LCD display for a FLUKE DMM model:8010A or 8012A. Both instrument has the same kind of display. FLUKE # is: 698381.
Maybe You have a broken 8010A or 8012A, but with a good display.
If so, I can buy Your good display.

Best regards from SWEDEN
Bo-Lennart Karlsson

o.juhl snabela

Feb 4, 2015, 6:02:30 PM2/4/15
Here is a link to: how to repair the lcd display on a Fluke 8020a:

maybe you can use the description to replace your display.


"Bo-Lennart" <> skrev i en meddelelse

Feb 4, 2015, 10:43:03 PM2/4/15
I heard the "bleeding" LCDs were a problem with some Flukes. Might be hasrd to get.

I wonder just how hard it would be to adapt it to another display. Those did not have all that elaborate like a phone or a monitor. Each digit gots eight wires.

Since you'll never find where Fluke bought them or had them made you would have to deal with rewiring because the pinout is unlikely to be the same. In that case, really you could adapt it to LED. You owuld have to build a little buffer board because LEDs pull alot more current. But then again, I find them easier to read.

And beieve it or not, a friend of mine actually does have the part. The problem is tha tit is inside of a working meter. He might sell it but if you buy it, then you don't have to do anything, it works. I think he has another one but not sure of the model. That one could be made expendable because it has an offset problem. It had batteries and they leaked on the board so we beene cleaning it for the last few months. I forgot thre model so it might not fit anyway.

I'll email him if you want, see how much he wants for the one with the offset and get the model. It's too late to call right now.

Michael Black

Feb 4, 2015, 11:22:40 PM2/4/15
On Wed, 4 Feb 2015, wrote:

> I heard the "bleeding" LCDs were a problem with some Flukes. Might be
> hasrd to get.
> I wonder just how hard it would be to adapt it to another display. Those
> did not have all that elaborate like a phone or a monitor. Each digit
> gots eight wires.
> Since you'll never find where Fluke bought them or had them made you
> would have to deal with rewiring because the pinout is unlikely to be
> the same. In that case, really you could adapt it to LED. You owuld have
> to build a little buffer board because LEDs pull alot more current. But
> then again, I find them easier to read.
I don't think so. The signals coming out of the DMM IC would be different
and they'd be multiplexing the signals differently.

I thought it was Fluke that used that Intersil famous DMM IC. SOmeone wsa
talking about that recently elsewhere something about Fluke (I think it
wsa) going to Intersil, and then Intersil released the IC as a new
product, or maybe a modified version.

If that's the case, Intersil released to versions of the basic DMM IC, one
to drive LEDs, the other to drive LCDs. One might look up the
datasheets (which likely are still available) to see the differences.



Feb 6, 2015, 8:35:59 PM2/6/15
On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 8:22:40 PM UTC-8, Michael Black wrote:

> I thought it was Fluke that used that Intersil famous DMM IC. SOmeone wsa
> talking about that recently elsewhere something about Fluke (I think it
> wsa) going to Intersil, and then Intersil released the IC as a new
> product, or maybe a modified version.

The way I heard it, Fluke got Intersil to make a custom part, and Intersil
later released it

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