Well, I've been using a coax T. On one end, there's the 50 ohm dummy
load, other side is input from the URM 25 signal generator, and the
final side goes into channel 1 of the scope. I wonder if I should use
some sort of a buffer here, on the side leading to the scope, like a
voltage divider, etc, rather than direct? Or, perhaps actually check
from the "open circuit" output on the generator as the URM has that too?
Yes, I'm now compensating for PP by converting to RMS after I see the
waveform. It may be closer than it was, but will know with more
certainty after the probes arrive today.
A small 1x 10x probe arrives today at last so I can at least check the
scope's square wave output signal peg. See what happens then.
The frequency still seems to be showing higher than it actually is
though. Even with a 30 Mhz scope like this, should I be able to "zoom"
in to see just one or two waveforms? So far, I can't seem to get closer
than 4-5 waveforms at 28 Mhz even with the 10x magnifier on.