On Friday, February 19, 2021 at 10:18:37 PM UTC-5,
hildawi...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > > > > If the voltages still stay down after disconnecting the LEDs and the main, replace the supply.
> > > > > yep, voltages remained the same. still erratic.. replacing the PS.. Thanks for your help..
> > > > I think I have a KU power supply in stock. Let me free run it and check those voltages before you buy a board. Samsung does some weird things on certain models. I'll post later today when I get to work.
> > > OK,..
> > The KU board I have puts over 300 V on the electros near the LED connector with the main and LEDs disconnected (just AC on the bench). If you're not getting voltage near the LED connector the power supply is most likely bad. I say most likely because certain versions have slightly different power up protocols, but I'd be fairly confident it's your problem from my chair.
> is the ps board you have compatible with my tv.???
Not sure, there are several screen sizes and LED arrangements that differ between models for the KU series. Some of the KUs have a plug in wire harness for the LEDs and others plug directly into the display with an edge connector. There is a "version" number on the model number label, usually four characters. Get that version number and I'll check.