I see what you mean and how it came across. Sorry about that. Now, let me tell you why I did it.
Adding additional information on my part that had nothing to do with this post makes me look silly- I get that.
I did this because few people think about how to make their home, building, workspace, dwelling, etc... a safe
place to live and work in terms of fire protection (few individuals really think of it). I went all over the map with
some other unrelated things, with the intent to jog someone's mind that to make a place safe, you really need
to work at it, instead of using some generic method of doing so in a set it and forget it way.
I mean and meant no disrespect to you, even defending myself. On your comment that I am inviting abuse, I am
not even going to get into with you at this point. I did apologize for any prior mistake, and I thought I cleaned the
slate with you (or made amends or I am at least attempting to). I apologize if anything I said anytime, anywhere
on use net posts was offensive to you. Apparently, I got into your crawl somehow (even at my own expense).The
intent was to glean more information from the OP because the post was originally unclear to begin with. I was
throwing in some things to perhaps glean clarity or more specific info. from the
original poster. Thank you for the rest of your advice and valued input.
Incidentally, I was not randomly choosing this post due to boredom (or for something to do). I work, I have other things to do. I get on
here in my spare time to offer help. Here is why the post was interesting to me and I chose to respond to it (and throw in a lot of
other options, to the point of unintentionally offending you). Why I chose this post on fire protection is because I was in a house that
caught fire at age 9 due to an electrical short in the wiring (caused by no grounds in the wiring- and ground was required in the NEC
codes the very next year) and the fire protection was inadequate. Although the fire I witnessed occurred over 40 years ago, the event
is still fresh in my mind and makes me err towards safety and caution (and is probably one of the reasons I became a tech. or certainly
influenced me to head in that direction). If the OP truly did want something else, then I missed it altogether. I was merely doing
my best to contribute something from what was a bad experience for me that someone else might benefit from. I did learn some things
over the years, so I thought I would throw those things in to see if anyone was interested in learning more. Let's just agree that you
disagree with me and have made your judgements about me. I refrain from judging you. That is not my Job. It is God's. Again, I have
intent here to do good, keep folks safe, even if it is a lot of added information not pertaining to the original post. I would rather look
silly, quite honestly, than see someone else hurt, injured, or killed. God Bless You. Thank You and Have a Great Day, Sir.
Charles Lucas