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Sony TCD-D3: compatibility question

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Simon Stone

Nov 3, 2022, 2:38:22 PM11/3/22
I am trying to find out if a TCD-D3 with a charger for the European market, a ACP-D30, will be compatible with a charger for the North American market, the ACP-D3U. I don't see why not, they are both 9v, 700ma, and the connection pins to the D3 are the same.

I just want to be sure before making a connection.

To put it another way: were all TCD-d3s created equal for all markets in terms of power requirements?



Peter W.

Nov 4, 2022, 11:54:42 AM11/4/22
On Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 2:38:22 PM UTC-4, Simon Stone wrote:
> I am trying to find out if a TCD-D3 with a charger for the European market, a ACP-D30, will be compatible with a charger for the North American market, the ACP-D3U. I don't see why not, they are both 9v, 700ma, and

That unit does not care where it is. It cares only for what is fed into it. So, yes, any 9V 700 MA OUTPUT supply will work.

Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
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