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VCM driver

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Aug 29, 2010, 4:32:49 PM8/29/10
I have a light engine assembly from a Samsung DLP rear projector left
over from a repair. It's the assembly that the MMD bolts to. It has a
light pipe, which I understand, a hole for the MMD which, tho it
amazes me, I understand, two lenses, and a mirror, all of which I

But what I don't get is this electronic gadget attached to the back of
the mirror. At first I thought it was a temperature sensor, but
recently when I got a chance to inspect it more closely I see that it
is marked "VCM driver - Hysonic," search terms which dig up all kinds
of interesting things. What function does this thing serve in a TV? Is
this some kind of anti-aliasing technology like the lens vibrator in a
digital camera? Just curious.

Aug 31, 2010, 10:28:55 PM8/31/10
More info.. No takers so I took it apart. It looks like there's a high-
power op amp chip connected to a voice coil, but the mirror does not
seem to move easily in the mount. Maybe just rock back and forth by
the tiniest bit.

Anybody know what purpose it serves in a tv?


Apr 18, 2020, 7:37:04 PM4/18/20
responding to ,
procersapientiae wrote:
I know this post is 10 years old, but I found somewhere that it reduces
"mechanical ringing" to help optimize the focus. I came across this chip in a
teardown and wondered similarly what it's purpose was.

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