On 3/01/2020 1:21 am,
pf...@aol.com wrote:
> Oh, good LORD, you are even more stupid than I thought.
> I am not "defending" Chinese Junque at any level or in any way, shape or form. I am defending Eric's right to choose such equipment without criticism from you or anyone else. You share the same character flaw as your fellow wanker Phil Allison: When caught in a lie (or error of any sort), all you can do is lash out.
**Here are YOUR words:
"Making you both a hypocrite and a liar."
"Pompous jackass."
"Complete asshole."
Let us discuss my alleged "lashing out".
YOU are the one resorting to name calling. Not me. I have consistently
stated facts. Nothing more.
Eric certainly has every right to choose any junk he wants to own and
use. Just as I have every right (nay, duty) to explain what a
monumentally daft idea it is to use cheap, shitty tube equipment in any
system. I do so on a regular basis, when presented with such junk for
service. The same goes for cheap (and sometimes not cheap), shitty SS
equipment. I call a spade a spade. Shitty equipment should be jettisoned
and the owner can get on with life, rather than attempting to enjoy
something that will merely cause frustration.
You should also note that I very carefully showed why tubes, in general
and cheap, shitty tube amps, specifically, are a stupid idea for a high
fidelity audio reproduction system in 2019. I did so, using published
graphs and an assumption that the readers of this group have the
technical abilities to understand those graphs and their implications
for real-world loudspeakers.
That is hardly "lashing out". Any suggestion that I have a resemblance
to one of my country-men is insulting. And wrong.
I note that you focus on ONE ad for cables on my site. Those cables were
placed there as a consignment sale for a client of some 30 years
standing. He ended up in the clutches of another dealer, who extolled
the virtues of the cables. I advised him, in no uncertain terms, that
the money would be better spent on room treatments, new speakers, or
some jewellery for his wife. He ignored me. After he realised the error
of his ways, he asked me to sell the cables for him. I agreed to do so
(reluctantly), due to our long relationship. He gave up waiting for me
to sell the cables and took them back. We have not spoken since. That
was more than a year ago. And yes, I should have removed the ad. I'll
get around to it.
Trevor Wilson