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Aiwa XR-M35EZ service manual

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Miguel Giménez

Jun 21, 2018, 12:50:31 PM6/21/18
I am looking for a free Aiwa XR-M35EZ service manual.

My device was pissed by a cat just over the main motherboard, and almost
all FPC cables and connectors got badly corroded. The rest of the board
is fine. I have changed cables and connectors, but I want to check some
things with the service manual before powering up.

Thank you.

Miguel Giménez

Jun 22, 2018, 12:51:35 PM6/22/18
There are manuals for the 34 and 36 on, they skip the 35. Perhaps one of them is close enough. Nothing on hifiengine and electrotanya didn't turn up in the results so that is about all I got.

You have to register to get it from hifi-manuals but it is easy and they do nothing, like install anything or spam you, I have had no problem like that at all. You might get just one email with an activation code or page or something and that's it.

Miguel Giménez

Jun 26, 2018, 6:51:55 AM6/26/18
El 22/06/2018 a las 18:51, escribió:
> There are manuals for the 34 and 36 on, they skip the 35. Perhaps one of them is close enough. Nothing on hifiengine and electrotanya didn't turn up in the results so that is about all I got.
> You have to register to get it from hifi-manuals but it is easy and they do nothing, like install anything or spam you, I have had no problem like that at all. You might get just one email with an activation code or page or something and that's it.

Thank you for the information. Downloading is currently disabled, I'll
check from time to time. Externally they are very similar.

Miguel Giménez

Mike S

Jun 26, 2018, 11:52:37 PM6/26/18
This site claims to offer the xr-m35 (no ez) for $4.99

Miguel Giménez

Jul 18, 2018, 12:57:18 PM7/18/18
I didn't get the manual, but the device is now fixed. The only remaining
part is changing all rubber belts from cassette and CD spindle (the tray
works OK).

Tip: a corroded FPC cable can be repaired just by cutting the damaged
end, scratching the plastic isolation with a jacknife (not a cutter)
leaving the last three millimeters untouched (so the copper tips don't
lift when scratching) and then cutting the isolated end.

Thank you all.

Miguel Giménez
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