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Spec USB connectors

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Jan 23, 2014, 3:23:00 PM1/23/14
The unit had a plug that looks kinda like a house (like a pentagon with the
top lopped off) and a white square thing in the center not quite sticking

Am I right that it is a USB B female and I need a USB B male cable?

I want to conntect this with a centronix (ie that has the contacts like studs
on a toungue) on the unit

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
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Michael A. Terrell

Jan 23, 2014, 9:17:10 PM1/23/14
to wrote:
> The unit had a plug that looks kinda like a house (like a pentagon with the
> top lopped off) and a white square thing in the center not quite sticking
> out.
> Am I right that it is a USB B female and I need a USB B male cable?
> I want to conntect this with a centronix (ie that has the contacts like studs
> on a toungue) on the unit

How are you going to connect the two? USB is high speed serial while
Centronics is parallel, with handshaking. You can buy a ready made
interface for a couple dollars:

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

Jan 24, 2014, 3:15:32 AM1/24/14
Yes, that's what I was planning.. but I wanted to know how to spec the USB
part. It isn't like the stuff on a flash drive. It's on the back of a

Adrian C

Jan 24, 2014, 4:26:54 AM1/24/14
On 24/01/2014 08:15, wrote:
> Yes, that's what I was planning.. but I wanted to know how to spec the USB
> part. It isn't like the stuff on a flash drive. It's on the back of a
> printer.

What color is the unit? Is it aligned vertically, at an angle or
horizontal? What's the relative humidity? Does the serial number end in Z?

Adrian C

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