On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 10:59:59 -0000, Mike Coon <
>I was going to suggest spray for exactly that reason. Maybe in
>conbination with a heat gun to increase the thermal shock.
>For poking EHT I suggest large knitting needles, even if not EHT
>certified. That's why my long-late Dad had one in his toolkit, anyway...
I have a couple of 30kV high voltage AVO probes with long spikes for
that sort of thing if necessary.
Anyway, I didn't need the spray. It looks like the problem is/was an
insufficiently snug edge connector to the motherboard. These are
pretty much identical to the ones you see in desktop computers; same
pitch etc. I took the suspect board out and cleaned it's edge
connections with IPA but noticed on re-insertion there is no
positivity about the fit whatsoever unlike the other boards I've
removed and re-fitted before. You cannot really tell whether it's
seated fully by feel. Not good. Anyway, problem's gone away -- but for
how long, who knows?