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ICETech Micromaster LV

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Feb 2, 2021, 1:41:23 PM2/2/21
I have one of these things sitting around in my workshop but so far I
have been unable to make any sense of it, so rather than chuck it in the
skip I am offering it free to anybody who might want to pay the postage.

It’s the Micromaster LV model (NOT the later LV48)

As far as I can make out its complete apart from a few missing fixing
screws. I have the (UK) AC adaptor which has some weird connector on the

There’s various bits of DOS / Old Windows software knocking around on
the internet and I would imagine it might be of some use to anybody who
already has one (or anybody who knows more about them that I do)

I am based in Essex so it’s probably only of interest to readers in the UK

Get in touch on here if you want any further details

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