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RCA Commercial Chassis ITC008

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Feb 21, 2011, 7:55:28 PM2/21/11
We service commercial TV's and we are hitting a brick wall with this particular model. It's an RCA J27F635YX1 using the ITC008 chassis. The symptom that has us stymied is: the power cycles on & off every 5 seconds. We have replaced EVERY component on the I2C line ( micro, EEPROM, MAV board, DSCI board, tuner, audio processor IC, replaced all tact switches, all supplies normal. The kicker is this: the Chipper Checker won't recognize this chassis. We have both CC1 & CC2, latest version of CC software. In short, we have tried everything short of replacing the chassis. Tech support couldn't explain why the chipper check doesn't work, now they avoid our calls, they don't know either. Anybody got any ideas?

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