On 12/30/2021 12:03 AM, The Real Bev wrote:
> Religion. Real shame those people can't separate religion from
> politics. You'd think that they'd be smarter. Once you allow a god to
> tell you what you should do all limits are off.
What I'm about to explain below is long - but it explains everything.
And I mean everything.
However, the reader must be of at least average intelligence to benefit.
The ignorance of people can be cured by reading but their stupidity can't.
The rabid {Democrats,Republicans} position on these two issues is unsound.
a. The rabid Democrats' position on the vaccine NOT being your choice.
b. The rabid Republicans' position on abortion being based on religion.
We've hashed out how asinine the Democrats' position is where only an idiot
wouldn't instantly notice how firmly they stand on the principle of your
choice of "some" medical procedures but it's no longer your choice on
Either these rabid Democrats firmly stand on the same resolute principle for
both or they instantly prove *they don't give a shit about medical choice*.
The same firm principles should stand for abortion.
The scientific facts are that abortion is a very ugly thing indeed.
In New York state, for example, you can abort at 9 months and beyond.
As longs as that innocent child hasn't been born - you can abort in NY.
They don't even make any pretext about the ability to survive on its own.
The ostensible argument is a medical necessity & privacy argument (as
enshrined in the Supreme Court so we can't realistically hash it out here).
Just as the rabid Democrats hate that people have a right to own guns (as
enshrined in the Constitution so we're not going to hash that out here), the
rabid Republicans hate that people have a right to abort their unborn child.
The problem for intelligent people to realize is _how_ they each go about
eliminating your current rights (as enshrined in the law of the land today).
What's rather interesting is my observation that both actually go about
taking away your rights the same way anyone goes about attacking a fortres.
The Germans chipped away for a while at Fortress Europe and then when they
invaded Poland everyone realized they would incessantly chip away (each time
claiming that's their _last_ attack) until nothing was left.
They'll never stop.
Only until France & Britain drew a line in the sand did they stop for pause.
But even then, they didn't attack the Fortress Maginot directly.
Nobody sane attacks the Constitution directly.
They find a way to eliminate your rights with a million little attacks.
Every law the rabid {Democrats,Republicans} make on {guns,abortion} are an
attempt to chip away at your rights until you no longer have those rights.
The only sensible protection you have is to draw a line in the sand.
It's how _all_ military attacks against anyone have ever worked.
The Japanese didn't go frontal against Washington DC in WWII.
They attacked the easier outlying islands instead.
Because they wanted to chip away slowly.
They and the Germans and Atilla the Hun and the Mongols and everyone in
history from the Mysterious Sea Peoples to Alexander to Hannibal & Scipio,
to Vercingetorix to Arminius (fast forward) to today do the same thing.
Everyone. In all human history. They all do the same thing.
It takes only an average intelligence (no more needed than that) to see it.
If you can't go frontal against the fortress, you chip away forever.
Until the walls fall down and you finally massacre everyone inside at will.
Only an _intelligent_ person can see what the rabid politicians are doing.
a. The rabid Democrats are chipping away at your right to own a gun
b. The rabid Republicans are chipping away at your right to abort a child
It doesn't matter to them any principle.
That's what any intelligent person can see.
You can easily tell principle doesn't matter if you're intelligent.
a. The rabid Democrats don't give a shit about "your body" "your choice"
b. The rabid Republicans don't give a shit about "your medical privacy"
Each wants to eliminate one of your rights.
Unfortunately, history shows clearly there is only one way to defend.
And that is to draw a line in the sand and defend against every parry.
(If you can come up with a better defense, you'll change history.)