On 2/24/2023 9:52 AM,
vjp...@at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com wrote:
> Looking to identify the 4v battery used to backup settings on 1980 HP2621A
> CRT video display terminal. I can't find the battery type online. Seems all
> the manuals are truncated at chapter 5. It is discontinued and I just want
> the specs. seems 4.2v Hg or 3.8v Li.
Here's a _general_ answer.
A setting holding backup battery does not need to supply
a lot of current. I don't know what your device needs,
but it is likely very low, perhaps not measureable with a
dmm as it may draw current in pulses.
That said, there are plenty of lithium batteries you
can choose from, and small voltage boost converters
(look on ebay) you could use to boost to 4.2 volts.
You may not need exactly 4.2 volts - I have no idea
what your device needs, other than what you posted,
except that setting backup is almost always (always ?)
very low current.
Ok, assuming 4.2 volts, here's where we are, so far:
lithium===>boost circuit===>device
Now, you want to charge the battery. Ebay has lithium
cell charger/protector circuits. Now your circuit looks
like this: (view in fixed font)
lithium=+=>boost circuit===>device
In case the view is "scrambled" you'll connect the
charge/protect (chg/pr in the diagram) to the same
battery terminals that the boost circuit connects
Ok, that's the general idea - using lithium, lithium
charge/protection circuit and boost (or buck/boost)
converter. You need to know what you're doing with
lithium batteries, how to protect them etc, and how
to properly connect to your 2621A.
Good luck.